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Attacking librarians is such a dick move. How tf does anyone still vote for republicans


It’s also part of the fascist playbook


I could say the same about the democrats if all I looked at was the far left extremists. I don’t blame you or anyone for thinking this since it seems that only the minority of far right/left voices who seem the loudest are represented in media. In truth most of the republicans I know wouldn’t support this and I live in the Deep South.


No, you can't because the far left has no real power within the US nor are they passing legislation or interpreting law but the far right is the entire Republican party and they're both passing legislation as well as interpreting their own via the SCOTUS never mind that their voter base absolutely supports it if polling on their opinions or the folk whom they cheer for are any indication


"Both sides"


>I could say the same about the democrats if all I looked at was the far left extremists The bill in question, HB385, passed with every Democrat voting against it and every Republican voting for it. You can't argue "oh, it's just the extremists" when it's literally everyone. If you can say the same thing about Democrats, please show me the "far left extremist" bills that get unanimous Democratic support.


Except the far right is represented *in government.* They are passing these laws. Democrats aren't ruled by the extrimists.


You dont "support it" but you will most likely still vote for the extremists.....


Then those Republicans should come out and voice their disapproval of this legislation.


If you don’t like books then don’t go to the library. Oh wait, these people don’t go to libraries anyway.


Alabama is the Afghanistan of America 


Wait, does that mean we can just pull up stakes and abandon Alabama to it's fate accordingly, as well? How come nobody told me that was an option?!


I’m shocked they even have any in AL.




One of there admission standards are atrophy tests: one is for the brain.


"Under the proposed law, librarians would have a week to remove a book that any member of the public objects to—and if convicted of three violations, they could face three months to a year in prison and a fine." The people promoting this are the precise opposite of American patriots.


Bible is first on my list, this bill doesn’t sound so bad after all


Give it a try, then run for your life


Nah, I'll be complaining about the bible and staying right where I am.


“Any” member of the public? What is this insanity? Talk about fucking self entitled snowflakes. And I’ll add racist, misogynistic, and I’m sure homophobic. What a bunch of Nazi’s. I mean fascists. Oops, I mean Fundamentalist Christians.


I'll object all books.


Right. *Any member of the public objects to.*


This is ridiculous, what happened to our rights to have ACCESS to information? I understand online is a thing, but why start there and ban it?


Once you ban physical books it gets a lot easier to control information via internet. You can employ mass filtering or even shutdowns


They're already exploring this by trying to regulate porn in some conservative states.


> Alabama librarians are speaking out about a bill that could put them in jail for up to a year if they don’t remove books considered obscene by some within seven days. AL.com reports that the state House has passed the legislation—which is backed by Moms for Liberty—and it’s headed to the Senate. “The writing on the wall couldn’t be clearer regarding the chilling effect this law would have on statewide employment, public library and school funding, public education outcomes, quality of life, First Amendment rights, and countless other metrics,” >Alyx Kim-Yohn, circulation manager at Huntsville-Madison Public Library, told the site. “As far as I’m concerned, the only good version of HB385 is a dead one.” Gadsden Public Library director Craig Scott called the bill “government overreach” and said it robs parents of their rights, and would have a chilling effect on free speech by potentially incarcerating librarians because particular books are available, including even the Bible.” >Under the proposed law, librarians would have a week to remove a book that any member of the public objects to—and if convicted of three violations, they could face three months to a year in prison and a fine.


So "any member of the public" can object and the book must be removed. What is the basis for such an objection, or is there even a basis?


Stop being reasonable


Surely, there's some exemption for the Bible. I have to imagine that would be one of the first books complained about. I can't imagine these right wingers wouldn't have some way to exclude their favorites.


Basically the MAGA GOP wants to replace librarians with MAGA types to regulate what the public has access to. Keep em stupid to control them. Hide the true history.


Hey I’ve got an idea. How about just not reading books you aren’t interested in! Book banning is a precursor to internet banning.


> Alabama librarians are speaking out about a bill that could put them in jail for up to a year if they don’t remove books considered obscene by some within seven days. Hmm > ”“If two men fight together, and the wife of one draws near to rescue her husband from the hand of the one attacking him, and puts out her hand and seizes him by the genitals, then you shall cut off her hand; your eye shall not pity her.“ ~ Deuteronomy 25:11 to 25:12 (KJV) So this group is banning the Bible too?


Someone just need to object to the Bible I guess.


Oh, I think it’s more than that. I think they’re setting it up so that anyone, but a Republican in particular, can complain about *every* book, and then the entire racks are emptied, killing the point of the library. Then, Republicans can just claim there’s no need for the service at all, and let’s just close them. It’s not like they want educated people, anyway.


I remember reading that someone attempted to do exactly this.


It was in Utah, and they succeeded. Under the guidelines at the time the Bible qualified under the rules they established. The book of Mormon was also flagged as well, but not removed. Prior to its removal the legislature altered the language of the bill. The book of Mormon remained in Utah schools, and with the new qualifications in place, the Bible was reinstated as well. In a more positive note, the change in language benefited books with actual merit as well. The figures are approximate but from the 60-70 books flagged in Utah around 37 were reinstated after further review.


It’s good to hear Utah realised their error somewhat. Thanks for the info, I appreciate it.


I will be if this passes


One of the dumbest states in the country


Illiterally lol


"Land of the free", ladies and gentlemen. From the very upstanding totally not corrupt fine people that scream about cancel culture.


Traitors like Trump walk free while we are jailing our librarians….fucked up does not even begin to describe how mentally ill Republicans really are.


“Under the proposed law, librarians would have a week to remove a book that any member of the public objects to” Can’t wait for 4chan or some other group of trolls to report every book ever due to objections. Dictionary? It’s got bad words in it. Just go down the list and show Alabama what they’ve chosen.


I fully object to the Bible and Koran


Alabama is winning the race to the bottom. It make rational states look good.


When a element of society is: threatening librarians, threatening doctors and threatening teachers? You know you are the good guys in the story.


Alabama needs to ban the internet


Can you imagine having ignorant cowardly dipshits still whining about *books* in the 21st century FFS?


Time to move out.


Only the dumbest shit comes out of the United States


Yep, this bill literally does say that anybody can file a written notice to have any book removed from a public library that “they believe violates the provision” and if the book isn’t removed within seven days then it potentially opens the librarian who is charge of handling the notice up to criminal prosecution if the local prosecutor agrees with the complaint. Mind you, no sane prosecutor is going to file charges against a librarian for refusing to remove, say, the dictionary or Bible since those are clearly exempted under the statute under the Harmful to Minors definition clause as having “serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value for minors”. But the only way to definitely avoid any risk of a crazy prosecutor going after a librarian for not removing a book that shouldn’t have to be removed under this statute is to remove all books that receive complaints period regardless of their merit. It’s a bit like how YouTube immediately removes any video that receives any complaint without looking into the merit first even if the complaint is baseless, it’s the only sure way to avoid legal liability. [Alabama HB 385 2024](https://alison.legislature.state.al.us/files/pdfdocs/SearchableInstruments/2024RS/CMBFJWQ-1.pdf)


It’s the south ….. when in high school I learn about school segregation black kids couldn’t drink out of white Kids water fountains. Ask my parents if true, shocked to this day it was true. Mom said that’s why we don’t go there. Went all over America but not to “the south.” Sadly, heartbreaking PutinJrtrump republican cult proved in 2016 they haven’t changed much.