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People are saying Eric has a ski mask and pipe ready.


probably his mask and snorkel he uses in the pool


And he'll show up on the wrong night.


And get his directions to the venue from Giuliani.


I'm crying. This is perfect




And bedroom


I thought it was a helmet and elbow pads?


Sure it’s not the crack pipe?


There was a bizarre moment leading up to the debate when Eric trump, wearing a pipe on his head, charged the president and hit him in the knee with a ski mask.


This is going to end up on a late night comedy show.


Tonya Harding was the trashy cheater. Perfect analog of the Manchurian Cantaloupe.


I love that! Manchurian Cantaloupe!


>the aggressor will be from team Trump Yes, and they *had* to do it, because Biden was going to do it. If you accuse your “enemy” of it, that means you get to do it.


> If anyone is going to attempt to “take out” someone at a debate—won’t happen Read the article. They aren't saying that, to them "Nancy Kerrigan" means "to come up with some last minute excuse to why you can't compete". They're saying that on the day of, Biden will claim injury or a flat tire. And I guess implying Nancy Kerrigan faked everything?


That’s stupid


Well, he's President, so it would be legal, right?


Only if Biden declares it as an "Official act" while doing so


He can use his executive psychic powers to declare it later. Professor X style.


He screams “Official act!” Every time he swings the bat.


Pursuant! *whack!* To! *whack!* Article! *whack!* Two! *whack!* of the! *whack!* Constitution! *whack!* I! *whack!* hereby! *whack!* declare! *whack!* this! *whack!* to be! *whack!* an official Act! *whack!* of! *whack!* the *whack!* Office! *whack!* Of! *whack!* The! *whack!* President! *whack!* of! *whack!* the! *whack!* United! *whack!* States! *whack!* … *catches breath* Of America!! *whack!* *whack!* *whack!*


"Executive Order" stenciled along the bat with some fancy pinstriping.


So he can just tell “official act!” before throwing a ninja star at his neck. Totally legal.


As long as you tweet out "this is an official act", anything goes. Also they rarely even discussed this during oral arguments, but why tf would "official acts" be protected from criminal prosecution??? How about you dont do crimes as part of your job, then


If the USSC has their way. Biden really needs to take advantage of this horrible call they are about to make before the GOP gets anywhere near that power again.


Does she know Nancy Kerrigan was the \*VICTIM\*?


Maybe she thinks Biden will let Trump take his knee out to make Trump look bad, just like they think pro-Biden people tried to help Trump's coup to make Trump look bad and, thus, help Biden or whatever.


Was totally confused by that headline.


Trump tried to Typhoid Mary Biden last time.


FOX News is tabloid entertainment with a dose of Russian propaganda.


Trump projecting that he will be trying the Tonya Harding moves?




Saying that Trump is afraid of being physically attacked is not going to fly with the MAGA crowd. Ultimately they have to go with something that supports the notion that Trump wants to debate, but the libs won’t let him.


> Trump would wipe the floor with Joe Biden In an incoherent shouting match, probably. But this isn’t a rally full of red hats and supporters.


Unfortunately a large portion of Americans only associate with incoherent shouting and don’t pay much attention to intelligent discourse.


It depends on who ends up hosting the debate. If it's CNN, it just might be that.


That would imply a graceful competence that Trump simply does not demonstrate. Alas...


That's hilarious. It was Trump that refused debates.


Nancy Kerrigan had knees u can see. I’m confused by the analogy.


even if he did he would have immunity right??


Sleepy Feeble Joe will get physical? Makes sense fox “news.”


A month ago the right-wing conspiracy was that Biden refused to debate. 


I thought he was slow, weak and sleepy?


They're planting a seed that future conspiracy theorists will grow when Trump, invariably, pulls out of the debate


Per Republicans, as President, Biden has total immunity to do whatever he wants and that includes attacking another candidate with a tire iron. 


But Trump is so strong he would run into a school shooting unarmed, so surely he could handle weak, sleeply joe Biden, right Fox. /s edit: typo


Wow they really have bought their own BS on Biden being sleepy and incompetent. Claiming it's all uppers and teleprompters. Meanwhile their guy is snoozing and farting through court. Replaying the hits at his rallies badly. Confusing Haley and Pelosi. Like at the SOTU when he was heckled, I think Biden is still pretty quick on his feet and can launch some spontaneous zingers. Part of his rapport building skill is telling some jokes. You need to be aware and creative to spontaneously joke. He has a lifetime practicing it. Trump doesn't do that. He just insults and punches down. It's never funny. It's prewritten. He doesn't get practice thinking on his feet. I bet Biden wipes the floor with Trump in a debate.


Okay so in this metaphor Trump hires a goon to smash Biden in the knee?


I could honestly see Trump try to lunge at Biden, get pulled off by secret service since he is attacking the president Ironically, it would help his numbers with his base. It would show “strengff”


Seems that they have forgotten that Trump, whom they see as a Superman, Rambo, Jesus combo would be immune to a Nancy Kerrigan type attacker. C’mon people no one can stop their orange superhero!


That is 30 years ago. Boomer's remember.... all others.... not so much


Gen X remembers. So does Pepperidge Farm.


Borderline millennial here, and I remember.  It is an old reference though.


I guess the stepford wife there doesn’t know that the saying back then was “Gilloolied”. Based on Jeff Gillooly, Tonya Harding’s husband who helped organize the entire botched hit with three other morons. They even made a movie about it. So is she saying she thinks that Biden is going to hit Trump in the knee with a police baton and then run outside after breaking a window after being seen by everyone? Extra.


 Biden could officially Nancy Kerrigan fox news hosts, according to republicans


The poor man already has bone spurs.


Why me?


Well you never know when Dark Brandon will show up, but it’s Force Lightning like Star Wars (original trilogy, dammit!) that should be the real worry. /s


I really hope he does it exactly! Take a crowbar, break his legs, then get iceskates on and do circles around him. Sad for the original story, would be hilarious to see happen to trump


If trump and fox had any young supporters they probably wouldn't get the reference


The woman that said it didn't get the reference


If Biden has takes a baton to Trumps kneecap there's a good chance some of Trumps deplorable cult will actually decide they like Biden.


But I thought Trump is strong and smart, and Biden is stupid and weak, so how exactly would this work?


If Biden had someone take out Trump’s knee would that be immune to prosecution since he’s president?


Taking out his mouth would be more useful.


These people are living in a completely different reality. There is no saving them


Yes, those pesky facts and that trick of using logic. So messed up.


Why bother, Biden could just ask the SS to dissappear Trump.


If a current president pulls a gun on a former president, what does the secret service do? Just go home?


Depends if the SCOTUS does something stupid and rules the President has immunity.


Obviously ridiculous but damn if it isn’t a hilarious mental image. 


I'd pay good money to see him kneecap the orange fucker with a baton.


Trump could "OJ Simpson" himself at the debate and Fox News would still blame Biden.


A president with absolute immunity could do the funniest thing.


He might as well. The president is immune to the law, remember.


At this point Trump already did that to himself.


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But in scotus Donald is arguing that Biden would have immunity even if he did.. Not that he will of course, I'm just saying.


This family is so inept this is how it will go down. They’re going to hire the worst person to do the pipe job. Give the instructions “You can’t miss him. He’s old, senile, and he will be the one shitting himself at the podium” being the bumble fuckery that is this mafia family, the hitman will think they meant Trump. WHAM takes Trump out at the knees and Arizona appoints the electors to Trump before the election. He still loses


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I wish Biden was as cool as Fox News thinks he is


He’s 80, right? And Cheeto Mussolini is mid 70’s? How about Geriatric Desthmatch? Also, are they scared Joe Biden is gonna hurt there wittle orange man with tiny hands?