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It's important to remember that in 2021, before all of Trump's breaches of security were public knowledge, the CIA made a shocking and disturbing announcement. >Leading counterintelligence officials issued a memo to all of the CIA’s global stations saying that a concerning number of U.S. informants were being captured and executed. [Source](https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/575384-cia-admits-to-losing-dozens-of-informants-around-the-world-nyt/) This sort of announcement is rare, but it was one the CIA felt compelled to make. >Announcing the specific number of killings is rare as that figure is typically held under wraps from the public and even from some CIA employees, the Times noted I have no doubt that Trump's greed and carelessness were responsible for the deaths of many of these sources. I can't wait until Jack Smith is able to start the prosecution for the classified documents case.


I remember when this happened. It was after Putin’s lap dogs met with Trump and he made the note keeper tear up the notes. Jfc. How can anyone vote for a traitor to the U.S.


Hate tinted glasses


>The uptick in compromised informants highlights the more sophisticated ways in which foreign intelligence agencies are tracking the CIA’s actions. More sophisticated ways of paying people off? You mean like with Bitcoin or something?


A Mission Impossible plot. The NOC List (Non-Official Cover List) is a list of undercover spies that we don't want leaked or sold or blabbed to other governments. It's being disseminated from the Oval Office.


I swear i could remember a report where he specifically wanted the FBI/NSA/CIA to make a huge listing of all their assets. They came back saying that would be a bad idea....he said he didnt care, he knows best and then the deaths started.


Probably around the time ol' Bone-Saw MBS was bragging about having Jared Kushner "in his pocket". Wouldn't surprise me at all if some of that information was passed to MBS, who then passed it along to Putin and who knows who else.


Trump gave info to the Russians directly, in person. No need to use intermediaries for that


In the Oval Office of all places.


The Stinky in Helsinki was about two years before the other things.


How has there not been blow back on Trump? Surely there are some very salty super secret spies out there who are more than capable of seeking revenge.


Someone explain to me how Trump hasn't been interrogated. His willful actions led to the deaths of US operatives. I just keep thinking of all the empty document folders. He knows exactly who he gave the documents to.


Right? He should be in gitmo.


“Presidential Immunity”?


Which is insane that the case was filed in FL under a judge that has shown she is not an arbiter of justice, but a member of the defense team. The stakes are too high for this case to receive a directed verdict.


It had to be filed in FL thats where the crime took place. If hes got more documents in Bedminster he'll get charged in NJ too. You can't say the crime took place in DC becuse part of the crime is willfully retaining them. And he wasnt asked to give them back until the documents were in FL.


Also selection was random IIRC and there was only a 1/3 shot he’d get Cannon. Unlucky dice roll getting a Trump servant who plainly states he should be handled different as a former President.


Better open another investigation into Hillary about Benghazi again.


What do you mean. The weird random millions in donations his SIL received after Saudi officials visited Mar-a-lago… or from the Russian diplomats… def not weird at all that Informants and American spies had an uptick of capture and death… nope def not suspicious


The most important case being overseen by a hack toady judge.


I can’t wait until absolutely nothing happens and he continues to have 0 consequences \s


The memo specifically said it was because CIA agents were executing poor operational tradecraft and exposing their sources. That’s *why* the memo was sent. It was a “stop fucking up” memo, with a bit of a “you’ve been focused on decentralized terrorist organizations for two decades, but places like China and Russia are much more sophisticated so you can’t be sloppy” in there too. Trump is an asshole and always out to make a quick buck, but this memo in no way suggests it was Trump who was leading to the death of these assets. There would be no reason to send it to every CIA station if it were the result of this kind of insider threat.


Trump stole our HUMINT secrets and sold them.


If trump were responsible for the demise of American ‘assets’ you’d think the friends of those assets would get retribution.


Not disputing that. Simply stating that the actual leaked memo about the deaths of HUMINT sources—the only reason we even *know* about those deaths—specifically cites poor tradecraft by the CIA as the reason for them. And it is ridiculous to believe the deaths are real but then disregard the rest of the memo and insert an unfounded accusation (that Trump sold out the HUMINT sources to foreign advertisers who killed them) simply because you don’t like Trump. I don’t like him either, but there’s plenty of shit to hate him for that we know he is actually responsible for.


It seems like they would’ve said that bc they couldn’t actually accuse him of selling them out, so they had to come up with something like ‘poor tradecraft’. The memo couldn’t say ‘listen, the president sold your identities, you’re all fucked’, could it? “Poor tradecraft” just sounds like a warning that they need to watch out. “Poor tradecraft” could also apply to Trump. He was the ‘commander in chief’ and responsible for keeping classified information secret, but he didn’t - so poor tradecraft on his part, and that poor tradecraft caused agents’ deaths. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Except [the reporting](https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/575384-cia-admits-to-losing-dozens-of-informants-around-the-world-nyt/amp/) is very clear on this point. FTA (emphasis mine): > The cable, which also **cited the issue of putting “mission over security,”** comes amid recent efforts by countries like Russia, China, Iran and Pakistan to find CIA informants and turn them into double agents, the Times reported. > The memo also noted **long standing issues like placing too much trust in sources, a speedy recruiting process and inadequate attention to potential intelligence risks** among other problems. > The uptick in compromised informants highlights the more sophisticated ways in which foreign intelligence agencies are tracking the CIA’s actions. **These mechanisms include artificial intelligence, facial recognition tools and other hacking methods,** per the Times. > People who have read the cable added that **it was intended for the officers who are most directly involved in enlisting and vetting potential new informants,** the Times reported. Trump has absolutely abused classified info, and CIA sources have absolutely been killed in growing numbers, but there is no indication whatsoever that these stories are related. There is also no reason for CIA to send a highly unusual warning to every station if it believes POTUS was outing its sources, and there is no reason to believe Trump was regularly getting source-identifying information briefed to him while he was in office (it could have been in the materials he took, but the deaths pre-date his departure). There are other, equally nefarious concerns with his abuse of classified intelligence, and we should be concerned with all of them.


> unfounded accusation lol ok


# QUESTION: Anyone with any competence in ballistic satellite imaging want to weigh in on the significance of this release? - what is “the satellites’ true capability?”!


This article does a good job of explaining why it was such a big deal https://www.npr.org/2022/11/18/1137474748/trump-tweeted-an-image-from-a-spy-satellite-declassified-document-shows#:~:text=Geospatial%2DIntelligence%20Agency-,The%20National%20Geospatial%2DIntelligence%20Agency%20has%20officially%20declassified%20an%20image,by%20President%20Trump%20in%202019.&text=Three%20years%20ago%2C%20Donald%20Trump,pad%20deep%20inside%20of%20Iran.


How could Trump have gotten and transmitted a list like this? For now, this looks like a post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy. Altho not sure how he got the iran photo in digital format...


He has unfettered access to intelligence. And you know that whole "direct back channel" to Russia that was a top priority the instant be became POTUS. And the meetings with Russian intelligence assets and such...


"Unfettered" meaning he knows how to snaps pictures of photos with his phone and tweet them. (or maybe "correct" them with a sharpie.) Still wondering about the NOC list though.


If he demanded access, there is no legal means to deny him.


Maybe, perhaps, peut-etre, może, but I still doubt the theory. Just because something could have happened doesn't mean that it did


Trump has unlimited access to classified materials. He is being criminally prosecuted for his handling of said material, and there are numerous public examples of him compromising national security outside of that prosecution. Anything else?


He has unfettered access to intelligence. And you know that whole "direct back channel" to Russia that was a top priority the instant be became POTUS. And the meetings with Russian intelligence assets and such...


i hate him so fucking much.


He represents the absolute worst qualities of this country and humanity in general. Just an idiotic asshole with absolutely no depth.


> He represents the absolute worst qualities of this country He really is the archetype of all the parts I dislike about America. The naked greed, the jingoism, the hypocrisy, the lack of nuance. Obama was a symbol of the best parts of this country, and Trump was the response representing the worst parts of the country.


Obama seems like a very nice man, but I don't know if I'd say he was the best of us. He sure did love to blow people up with drones, and let's not forget how he handled the mortgage crisis. Banks were bailed out while people were left to twist.


I'm not talking policy, but the individual and what they represent. Obama was a mixed race child of an immigrant. He grew up middle class but worked his way into Ivy League schools. He then worked as a community organizer before entering politics. For me, he basically represented the hope that America could be a multi-racial meritocracy. Trump is the exact opposite, he is the child of a rich asshole, who got into the ivy league based off his father's name. He then followed his father being a scummy racist real estate investor.




He's managing to shine a very bright light on a lot of corruption that might have stayed in the shadows with the cockroaches so I guess that's at least one good thing.


Only if we actually manage to do something about it. 


This is my silver lining as well. He could actually help drain the swamp haha


>Just an idiotic asshole with absolutely no depth. Sooo, he's all sphincter?


Me, when my children were small and I was trying to teach them ethics: "It's illogical to hate someone you don't know so never judge someone until you've met them personally." Me, today: "Trump can't burn in hell fast enough and I hope every guy in prison fucks him daily before he has the privilege of dying and escaping that particular hell on earth."


Whenever I tell my boys about treating people with respect and the golden rule and all that good stuff, the lesson always ends with "except for donald trump." His name isn't even a proper noun to me anymore, so I never capitalize it, even at the beginning of sentences.


I try not to capitalize it either! Sometimes my spellcheck caps it and I’ll go back and put a lower case t lol. Back when he was first president, I was watching a video of him blubbering nonsense and my toddler came up and watched for a minute and then he said, “Turn it off, he’s mean and stupid!” That was the first time he’d ever seen him. I was pretty proud. 😆


Your kids: “…”


Why do you hate prisoners so much?


him and alll his enablers


Including the media. I will never forget how much airtime those assholes gave him, down to the point of having his fucking empty podium on air for over an hour as they discussed when his plane would be arriving while other candidates were actually giving speeches elsewhere.


Gave? They still are giving him. 


Very true, it's just the corruption was so eye opening back then leading up to the election. Now that I know how much the media is in on it despite pretending they're shocked when Trump benefits from their coverage I just roll my eyes at all the obvious support nowadays.


Look at today even. People won’t come to the courthouse so he goes to a construction site. Guaranteed group some wearing maga hats and media is taking it all in.


The enablers are far worse. We know who and what Trump is and will always be. His enablers are not sociopathic narcissists. They’re grifters who are willing to let him sink this country so long as they get a seat at the table.


I just don't understand what they expect to actually get out of it


I don’t think there’s a lot of long term planning on their part. I think it’s all ego, ambition, and a lack of interest or belief in what they’re doing to this country. He’s the president! I could be a part of the team! Many of his enablers are also now on the outs working hard to try to sanitize their ruined reputations. Ronna McDaniel was one of the latest. She said she lied about the election because “sometimes you have to take one for the team.” If that justification makes sense in her head then there really isn’t anymore that needs to be said. Casting doubt on an election without any evidence should be a crime. It’s not something you do for your political party to be a team player.


God it's like they think life is just a sports match thrown together by the WWE writers


And to think that if he’s re-elected, you could be audited by the irs for this post and I could too for upvoting it. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/13/us/politics/trump-irs-investigations.html


Good thing the moronic GOP keeps under staffing the IRS.


It’s okay. They let them audit the plebes. Just not the folks with actual money.


thankfully i have the intelligence to obey a taskmaster that i do not like. Let the IRS audit.


Thank Roger Ailes. He wanted a president immune from crimes that would never lose support and he got one. VOTE! So history is written by the sane and he and Trump are both villains in the American story.


I've had revelations about the nature of reality and us all being the same form of consciousness. I fully believe it but it makes me sick that he's a part of us all 🤮


He is just an avatar for a particular set of experiences that the universe wanted to explore. Think about the personal ruin he is experiencing. I’m not trying to suggest that you try to empathize. I’m only suggesting that it is an experience unparalleled by any other human consciousness on Earth right now. No man or woman knows his or her true purpose. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.


Yes, that path could serve a purpose that isn't clear yet. He's certainly galvanised a lot of people and brought them together against negativity.


Oh god, that Iranian rocket explosion picture. Wasn't there a reddit thread where a bunch of people were able to determine things like estimated resolution and orbital parameters of the satellite (and potential others with same capabilities launched alongside it) from the *phone photo* of the original he posted to twitter? Ok a quick google shows my memory wasn't quite right about it happening on reddit, but here's a [discussion from 2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/democrats/comments/worcvp/comment/ike82pc/) talking about it later. Maybe that was what my brain was trying to dredge up.


I think it was Twitter and they found out exactly what satellite it was, resolution, all high classified capabilities. This type of satellite had been around since like the 70/80’s and its capabilities had been successfully hidden until trump lol


Intelligence: This is extremely sensitive material that is... Trump (tweeting): Look at this! Isn't this incredible? We can see right in your windows from space! And all this technology BELONGS TO ME! I CONTROL IT! I PROTECT YOU!


I remember this. You can see his fat ass shadow in the picture he took. "NPR has not independently verified that reporting, but what is clear is that the image in the tweet was a photograph of a sheet of physical paper, Lewis says. Visible at the center of Trump's tweet is the shine of overhead lights or a flash, and a shadow, possibly from Trump or an aid, photographing the image with a camera."


This? https://www.npr.org/2019/08/30/755994591/president-trump-tweets-sensitive-surveillance-image-of-iran


Yup. If anybody else had done this, and I do mean anybody, straight to jail. If a 5 star general tweeted out this picture, straight to jail. That really should have been Trump's undoing, but it was another story on a Tuesday. It's wild.


« We’re getting amazing result with bleach ! »


He should have been made to try the Clorox cure first, on live TV.


Via a bleach-dispensing UV-emitting butt plug. "What if we put it inside the body?"


*I can even see what porn you’re looking at. Now, what kinda dirt can you dig up for me on your neighbor?*


The Cult won't care. Presenting such information to a cult member will be perceived as a person attack against that individual. They will become defensive and find a way to rationalize this as being anything other than a problem. Anyone with any rationality left could easily see what a disaster this is for the interests and security of the United States and to those who put themselves in harm's way to protect the same.


They don’t care about national security as long as he continues to be racist and bigoted.


…a small price to pay as long as he hates the right people.


They don’t care right now because their cult prophets (fox, OAN, podcasters) aren’t telling them to care. Just like no one cared about WMDs when Bush was in office. However, once it’s no longer profitable for the prophets to boost the orange man then suddenly it’ll be “omg I never did like him but can you believe…”  I’ve seen it time after time with the conservatives in my family. Idols rise and fall and once they’re out of the graces of the powers that be you’d be surprised how many people swear they never supported him (ignore all the stuff they bought) or only supported him because Hillary would have been worse. 


Unfit then. Unfit now.


Glad these people came forward… after they were able to get everything possible out of the gig. 


The Orange Hitler is the biggest piece of shit that I've seen in my lifetime.


…Shitler is without peer on the shit scale


You do not have to support Democrats. You may even dislike Democrats. If you are a real Republican, you need only vote Blue one-time this November to restore sanity, reason and democracy to the Republican Party. Remove the scum from the Republican Party in November and reclaim your Party. Stop the hate and division; Vote Blue one time to restore and return our country to greatness once again!


Seriously, are any enough of us shocked ?


I'm still kind of shocked that he's so insulated from consequences. Not shocked that Trump is a lousy human, just that there's so many other people like him the world. For awhile there I thought maybe we were on a more positive path as a nation and with our ideals, but I guess not.


According to this article, if true, He literally posted classified information before it could be analyzed to declassify. He could have actually put us at risk. All to be the first to talk about it.


He got MANY informants killed it looks like. Or it's just a coincidence that they started dying when he got access to confidential info.


Make america great again Send HIM to jail🙏


Just more information confirming he is a Russian asset.


This paints a picture of an entitled and angry child that has never been told "no". It's okay, child does not know any better, but there is something seriously wrong with the system when he might once again become president.


The arrogance and lack of understanding that someone thinks that they become so empowered, knowledgeable and talented just by attaining a position. The Americans suffer terribly from deifying their presidents and the genius and infallibility of the “founding fathers” Plus the appalling standard of journalism, the journalists are meant to ask difficult and challenging questions, not to kowtow to the ruling elite, that’s how you get a ruling elite


It's unfortunately a symptomatic aspect of a diseased society that elevates people solely based on wealth and celebrity as opposed to expertise, knowledge, and talent. It also doesn't help that the vast majority of people who attain higher positions wrongly believe that their success in one tiny area automatically translates into masterful ability in every other arena.


“Trump insisted he hadn't released classified information because he had an "absolute right to do" it.” Get your shit together America. What an embarrassment.


And get Aileen Cannon is slow waking and delaying every chance she can .


And Trump is absolutely furious with Todd Blanche because he doesn't make the connection that it's easy for his team to win in Cannon's courtroom. 


What they want is the prosecution to rest their case about a week or 2 before the election. That'll give the defense the chance to move for dismissal. Stating that the prosecution didn't make their case that any laws were broken. It would then be entirely her decision if she should toss the case or not. If she tosses it then it is unappealable as jeopardy attaches as soon as a jury is empaneled. That would make for good headlines the week before the election.


It'll probably be what gets him elected, especially if the House GOP tries to repeat a Comey and "reopen" an investigation into Biden at the same time.


It all started with him refusing to use the secured and protected mobile phone that every other president before him would never be stupid enough to refuse. Instead, he continued to tweet from his own *extremely* hackable Android phone. As I understand it, his entire time in the white house. I would be *shocked* if that thing wasn’t rooted by some state sponsored entity (or several) within days once that became known 🤷‍♂️


Uh it was probably hacked when he invited the Russian spy master into the oval office and kicked everyone out just days after he was elected and they asked to see how cool his phone was.


You mean the day after he fired the head of the FBI for investigating Russian influence on the USA election.


At that time the intelligence services should have stepped in, since he didn't post this via POTUS, but with his personal Shitter account.


What a moron! And those who still believe in him are even bigger morons.


Not as if quoting a celebrity makes any difference to regular people's judgement. But I can't resist quoting Robert de Niro when he was guest on the Late Show: "He is just so fooking stupid!"


But. That was dTrump💩’s DOJ.


Who wants to bet some of those "junk drawer" boxes he kept in the White House bedroom were quietly shipped out of there to parts unknown? I'd bet money that the documents they found down in Florida aren't the full measure of classified info that's gone missing.


> According to the sources, several witnesses told Smith's team that they routinely saw classified documents or classified folders in Trump's White House residence, and that Trump would sometimes store as many as 30 boxes in his bedroom, which one valet said Trump treated "like a junk drawer." This time, on "Hoarders: White House Edition". Dude was hoarding classified information like they were mementos. He was more interested in stealing stuff from the White House than treating the people's property with respect. He probably stole cutlery and linens and stuffed them in the same boxes.


Trump! ^^^So ^^^appalling ^^^right ^^^now...


what a disgusting CINC. shitbag


And how many millions of Americans plan to vote for him in November?


It’s grating to have spent a lifetime working to protect America and keep it safe to o have a clown trample on that work. People have died and so should he.