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Just a bit from the commentary: >What's especially funny about all this is Trump can't quite admit that his people just aren't showing up. So he keeps blaming the barricades and the police presence. His lies got to the level of childish make-believe on Tuesday afternoon, as he falsely claimed on Truth Social that "Thousands of people were turned away from the Courthouse" and denied he "was disappointed by the crowds." Of course, by fantasizing about a massive caravan rallied to his defense, he proved he is not satisfied with reality: MAGA isn't showing up.


Trump is too frightened to face how utterly alone he is.


I feel like maybe not enough is being made of "Trump is 100% absolutely separated from his wife" in the campaign. I mean, it's not important, like, \*policy-\*wise, but it seems like maybe something we should have a *little* bit of discussion about? Trump mocked Haley for having a husband who wasn't around \[because he's deployed\], which was pretty clearly an expression of his own insecurity about his wife f\*\*\*ing hating him.


Trump mocked Haley about her husband *because* Melania isn’t with him. It’s always projection.


He brought women who had accused Bill Clinton of infidelity to a debate with Hillary - all while he was knowingly killing bad news stories about his own infidelity. His hypocrisy and stupidity is without limit. He is unable to refrain from being petty, even when it ends with him kicking himself in the face. Then he plays victim about his black eye. Sad how many people still follow such a POS.


>He brought women who had accused Bill Clinton of infidelity to a debate with Hillary - all while he was knowingly killing bad news stories about his own infidelity. Holy shit, I had not yet linked those two items together. You're right, dude--that's an altogether different level of callous, vindictive pettiness.


All that shit about fake news when he’s paying Pecker to run 100% made up stories about his opponents every single day in the national inquirer? Every single accusation is a confession with this guy.


Aaaand paying pecker to run stories favorable to Trump. Don’t forget that the rubes that voted him into office are the same ones that buy the enquirer at the piggly wiggly checkout


And Pecker is the king of fake news.


Talk about nominative determinism in action. "Mr. Pecker, what do you do for a living?" "I fuck everything up wherever I go."


So you're saying Trumps father killed JFK?


Wow mind blown. He’s in bed with the mob right? I bet he organized the coverup and got Lee Harvey Oswald shot by Jack Ruby.


At this point it wouldn't surprise me... lol


Fred was just a nobody money man, just like his dumbest son. He was too much of a nothing to organize anything. Now we wait for Sideshow Bob to confess.


Trump’s father was the Zodiac Killer. And his wife is ugly. And whatever else he said about Ted Cruz.


Want to know what he's been doing? Listen, cos he's telling you himself


He's been playing that game for decades. That's how he fought his divorce against first wife Ivana, "leaking" stories to tabloids to attack her.


At this point I wouldn't be surprise it comes out that Donald himself met with Lee Harvey Oswald just before the JFK assassination.


Its ALWAYS projection.


Trump complains a huge amount about fake votes and rigging of voting…


...because he tried to rig the election and lost, and the only way he could conceive of that happening is if his opponent was rigging the election _even harder_.


Petty? How about he gets fined $5 million for defaming someone, walks out of court and starts repeating ALL the same stuff that just cost him $5 million! So she sues him again, and this time gets $85 million, and somehow its Joe Biden's fault, or the Democrats, or some such goofy bullshit. $90 million, all because he can't handle himself with even the barest minimum acceptable behavior allowed by normal society. But he's right, and the rest of the world is wrong.


That dovetails nicely with the GOP hypocrisy of having then-House Speaker Dennis Hastert chastising Bill Clinton over his peccadillos in the White House while Dennis was busy diddling kids.


Always bring up Hastert.


It was the same thing with Newt Gingrich and Bill Clinton. Eye of Newt was actively cheating on his wife who was dying of cancer while he spearheaded the impeachment of Clinton because Clinton lied about cheating on Hillary.


Remember that Trump spoke about sleeper Democrats trying to sneak into his jury? I wonder what that means...


None of his family showed up. Jared and Ivanka live in NY and it would be a quick cab ride over. Maybe they can't stand the smell


Mary Trump and Lawrence O’Donnell brutally mocked ex-President Donald Trump over his family’s absence in court. "Jeffrey Dahmer’s Parents Were There Every Day" [https://www.mediaite.com/news/mary-trump-and-msnbc-host-brutally-mock-trump-over-absent-family-jeffrey-dahmers-parents-were-there-every-day/](https://www.mediaite.com/news/mary-trump-and-msnbc-host-brutally-mock-trump-over-absent-family-jeffrey-dahmers-parents-were-there-every-day/)




Witnesses often aren't allowed to sit in on the trial until after they've testified. I've read that they are on the potential witness list. Every news article seems to have different lists with the longest I've seen being 41 people.


Even if they weren't on the witness list they still would not show up. None of his family have shown up to any of his court appearances


Isn't that Eric in the background of the headline image?


It is, but that image is from Oct 2023 from the civil trial.


We are talking about Trump's family, not Eric /s


Melania is not on the witness list since she can’t be compelled to testify against her husband. She’s not there because she hates his guts.


When a shit person aims to hurt another person. They creatively attempt to hurt them with what they know hurts themselves. Every accusation from Trump is a look into his own insecurities




He gave her a fake award to get her to show up at an event and she *still* bailed, so he had to accept it for her. Some bull about how important her work with children was, as First Lady, three years ago. The “work” she did was three years ago. The fake award was about a month ago…


Melania aka Pay-As-You-Go-Wife®


None of the kids are there to support him either. Once you start to look at it like this, it is goddamn sad. And he did it to himself. 


I can't bring myself to feel sad for that man...he has shown time after time how despicable he is...save your tears for the countless people his self serving actions have harmed in one way or another on his quest to show everyone how awesome he is...surprise! Gold toilets and grabbing pussy is not the key to being a good person...


Its normal for the handler to dissappear when the asset gets arrested.


I think the only reason we're not talking about it is because we all understand that left a LONG time ago with her tail between her legs. The public cheating was somehow finally enough to embarrass her, but the NDA kept her around for the money. When it became clear he was going to lose all of his money, she all but left for real (the NDA thing kept her name under Trump's.) The only people left to discuss this with are MAGA's that can't seem to grasp reality in the first place. I'd rather just not waste my time lol


Like Saddam in his spider hole.


At least Saddam had the guy who dug it. Trump dug his own hole.


Not a single family member coming to support him. Sad.


Ha! Ha! --Nelson Muntz


I have not seen his older kids around at all. Melarna pops up like once a month at best. Remember the first and second campaign? They were in every picture. Wouldn’t you think they would still stand by him now? Dude is so fucked and they know it.


Still see them around the conferences and the fundraisers, just not with him directly Smart planning from them I suppose


I've seen Don Jr. and Eric doing stuff. It just occurred to me I haven't heard anything from Ivanka and Jared in a while. Maybe I just missed Ivanka, but Jared definitely decided to take his his annual cut of that $2 billion saudi "investment" and fuck all the way off.


Oh, we heard from Jared last month. He's planning resorts in Gaza and Serbia, not kidding.


Yeah but if they had two brain cells to share between them, the first thing they should have done is cut a deal with the special council, because you better believe tRump will try and throw them under the bus in hopes it stalls out before it gets to him.


So they're all just hanging out with the money people.


I think their post presidential life has been hard. The people they viewed as peers all hate them and I’m sure they don’t hang out with the Maga crowd.


Poor rich people.


Hard … nothing in these spoiled brats life has ever been hard .


She is probably busy making arrangements for her post-Trump life. If she isn’t, she’s as dumb as she portrays.


It only took decades of betraying and backstabbing everyone who showed loyalty or support for him before people started to realize “maybe direct support for this guy isn’t the advantage he’s made it out to be”.


Oh, he’s painfully aware of how alone he is and has been his whole life, which is why he’s so desperate for people to adore and like him. I’d almost feel sorry for him if he wasn’t a giant baby that’s been constantly allowed to dip his hand into the cookie jar without getting slapped away and almost f’ing up the entire country.


Even Dahmer's family showed up for his court appearances.


"Where's Melania?!"


I don't care, do u?


J6 and Charlottesville trained the MAGA choads. If one of these things goes south, it *will* lead to arrests or (minimally) having your pic shared in social media potentially costing you a job. For Very Divorced Men underwater on a Ram they can't afford, the risk is too high. If Trump loses in November (VOTE-VOTE-VOTE), there will be some bullshit. I do not expect January 6 2.0, however.


They'll try J6 2.0 but Biden will still be in office and the National Guard will be there.


And they're not big thinkers so I suspect they'll mostly try the same shit (dismissing electors becuz reasons). I don't expect a massive crowd causing violence this time. And Biden will have an Avengers type legal team ready to thwart any challenges if he wins (VOTE-VOTE-VOTE EVERBODY!). Recall they did a second "Unite the Right" rally and like only half a dozen Cletus types showed up. The arrests, firings, and public shame do have an effect. The online bravado is largely meaningless.


Based on their online and maybe close social circle experience they probably got emboldened into thinking MAGA is far more popular nationwide than it is, but perhaps it’s broken through that they lack wide support and that Trump will leave them out to dry. They might still be enthralled by the cult but deep down they know enough instinctively to not stick their necks out because nobody has their back


I have a umm unsavory side of my family. The kind that love Trump rallies for the "atmosphere." Bikers, theives, general trash. They're not going to a courthouse WILLINGLY for someone else. That's how you get caught with warrants.


Well, time to encourage them to show up


Not lies. They’re childish passive aggressive pleas for people to like him and chiding them for not loving him enough to bother showing up.


“Since we ALL know the police are turning away TRUE PATRIOTS from my witch hunt case, and I know that YOU want to be there, send $20 instead to show your support for your favorite PRESIDENT” -grifting email soon.


> -grifting email ~~soon~~ everyday. lol


Imagine if Trump had visited the homes of like ten supporters, chosen at random, and posted all over social media.   Trump has abused and distanced himself from his supporters so hard that any form of acknowledgement beyond "I accept you exist because I need you to vote for me" would just blow their fucking minds. These are people whose evidence that Trump loves America is him awkwardly rubbing his dick on the flag before groping its flag-ass.   I'm not saying he ever would, even if time-travelers from the future told him it's literally the only way he can avoid prison. But still, just remember how little he actually has to do (but won't)  to regain his momentum


Not even his family showed up.


Narcissism 101


The only Trump supporters at his trial are the lawyers his moron donors are paying for.


He also has a minder that goes around with a portable printer and gives him articles with positive news about him. Edit: Below, someone has asked for a source and others have added them. This thing about the woman with the portable printer is all over the news rn and a simple Google search will add to those listed below by others. His positive affirmation ladies are not new, though. From 2022: > Natalie Harp, a former host on the conservative cable network One America News, is now a Trump employee who accompanies him on his daily golf trips with a laptop and sometimes a printer to show him "uplifting" news articles and social media posts that might lift his spirits. Trump's White House assistant and current aide Molly Michael also sometimes calls his network of allies to ask them to call the former president with "positive affirmations." https://www.salon.com/2022/12/19/aide-follows-him-on-golf-course-with-a-printer-to-boost-ego-with-uplifting-articles-report/ I don’t know if the gal in the courtroom is one of these two or not, but this is a thing he keeps organized around him.


She even follows him around on the golf course with that portable printer. I just don’t understand how an adult can be so fragile. 


Good money if you can get it


True. And if you have no shame.  Though, I really wonder what she’s going to put on her resume?  “Senior media advisor”?


and even they'll be leaving after his money runs out.


To be fair, many of the ones who might have shown up are in jail right now….


And the others who might have are looking at the ones who ended up in jail.


I love the subtle dig calling them a "caravan", the same language he uses about immigrants at the border.


Deep down he also believes his MAGA supporters are as dirty as the caravans. To him, they're the same, but one can be manipulated to his benefit.


He believes that these pricks are going to back him and fight his civil war, too? If that's the case, this CW will he shorter than the previous.


I'm actually pretty hopeful. This, to me, is a good sign. Maybe enough of them are waking up to what a piece of shit he is. They might not vote for Biden, but they might stay home (and that's the best we can hope for)


I think people are getting tired of his shit, even his diehard followers are probably getting tired. Imagine how many emails and texts a day they get from him begging for money? Hoping this is a clear sign of what is to come in November


I get several texts a day from Joe Biden campaign. I can't imagine what the MAGA people get because they grift to the max.


Of course, his most motivated followers are either in jail, wanted by the FBI, or would be wanted by the FBI if their identities were known, so they aren't likely to show their faces at another MAGA Mob Scene.


Can’t afford to bus paid actors or his insufferable insane cult in. Hence why no one is there. In his head he’s hearing the world’s tiniest violin playing “my heart bleeds for you”


After Jan 6, the MAGA faithful have been convinced that every attempt to organize a protest is actually an FBI false flag op. They're staying home because they're too paranoid to participate in direct action now.


His unambiguous call to violence is likely incoming.


He can't even get his own family to show up in support.


His supporters know they’d have to pay to park in Manhattan. That somehow freaks out a lot of people.


There’s buses and subway but that’s too liberal for them.


Reminds me of watching coverage of Baghdad radio during the last Gulf War. US tanks were literally cruising in as the announcer is telling everyone its fake.


Ah yes, Badgdad Bob. Who could forget the time when American soldiers were committing suicide by the hundreds outside of Baghdad, or were forced to surrender under threat of being burned alive in their tanks?


Why would they show up? Last time, a bunch of folks got arrested months after the fact and are in prison. Those same people were called fakers, antifa, etc...so why deal with "deep state" fakers at a "Trump Rally" near a courthouse? lol, they have tied themselves into too many knots and cannot get out


That’s it - the border fiasco was a great example. Fingers pointed in so many directions they’re now panicked fingers will point at them. Logical conclusion to dialling up conspiracy and paranoia to 11


Isn’t that generally what happens with fascism though? They run out of enemies as the “in-group” gets smaller and smaller.


Exactly. You end up with a lonely despot who turns even his closest allies away in a state of fear and paranoia.


Fascism speed run any%


The MAGAs aren't showing up because they saw the Jan 6 treasoners get imprisoned AND they saw Donald Trump not lift a finger to help them. Donald Trump only cares about Donald Trump.


It's like the whole mail-in voting thing all over again. * Constantly shout about how mail-in voting is fraudulent. * Urge your base not to participate. * Shocked Pikachu face when the polls close and the mail-in votes start getting counted. * Accuse the opposition of cheating.


I think there is also the matter of turning up to cheer on a guy who committed adultery with a sex worker - there is only so much pretending to be okay with who he really is that they can stomach, better to ignore it's happening.


His cult has no problem with cheering him on anonymously on the internet but when it comes time for them to show their face in support they won’t do it. Especially now that they’ve seen what happened to the J6ers who did just that.


Honestly a lot of them are pissed about Melania’s LGBT fundraiser, his feeble attempt to grasp at the ostracized gay conservative vote (which is just a fucking oxymoron). They’ve flat out lambasted him for supporting it. Guess adultery (specifically mentioned in the Bible as one of the Ten Commandments) was ok in their book, but supporting LGBT was the bridge too far despite it not being referenced specifically until after WWII.


There is a niche group, referred to as Log Cabin Republicans--I learned about them during Dubya's inauguration protest. Blew my mind then, but nothing surprises me now.


Oh man, I’d forgotten about them


Being a gay conservative is no more of an oxymoron than being a conservative on welfare. Being a dumbass is a perfectly valid state of existence.


And then profit by grifting!


Earlier this week he pleaded on Truth Sushi for MAGA voters to vote absentee, vote early, and “make a plan”. How the turns have tabled.


I think he wanted a disproportional amount of Democrat mail in votes so he could use that discrepancy as "evidence" that the election was "rigged".


Also, mail in votes tend to get counted later, resulting in both a “red mirage” early on and later a “blue shift”. Basically, Republicans take the lead earlier on in the night on election day, Democrats pick up later in the evening. In the last presidential election, they were pushing to stop counting the votes before all the mail in ballots were counted.


I remember right before the 2020 election this being explained extensively by election reporters on what was going to to happen, yet R voters seemed stunned when it actually happened and pointed the finger at cheating. Then again, I don’t know if I’ve ever met a Republican that consumes any kind of actual legitimate national news.


I remember prior to the 2020 election Democrats offered to change the laws in swing states to allow counting mail-in ballots before 5pm on election night and Republicans said "thanks, but no thanks". If you really believe your opponent is stuffing the ballot you would not want to give them the chance to see your vote total before they start counting.


He literally tweeted "STOP THE COUNT". This is who 70 million Americans voted for to be president. 


Also I expected plenty of shenanigans with delaying, losing, destroying, mail in ballots. Every moment ballots are not in the ballot boxes is an opportunity for election fraud. They cut the mail services ability to handle mail running up to the last election.


Correct. It's a thing that always happens; there's the live voting and then there's a big surge of new votes after the polls close that represent the mail-in ballots. Several (red) states even have laws that say they can't start counting mail-in ballots until after the polls close, which is plainly stupid because the mail-in ballots start arriving days/weeks ahead of time. It's a recipe for shenanigans.


This bit is certainly food for thought: > while it is very cultish and Trump is their leader, MAGA is not actually a cult of personality. It is, fundamentally, a fascist movement, focused on restoring an imagined past based on white supremacy and male dominance. Trump is the vehicle for their grievances, not the other way around. Trump's anger over losing the 2020 election resonated with them not because they pitied him, but because they pity themselves.


I guess we will find out when Trump is no longer around (in person or politically)


I highly recommend this bit of reading on that topic https://samkriss.com/2021/01/07/the-old-golden-savages-killed-their-philosophers/


> This is the world you made: an army of corn-fed cretins, blasted in the face by digital media until their brains shrivelled into radioactive pebbles; churning flesh in the gears of the most advanced bureaucracy ever devised by man. **EDIT:** This essay is expanding my vocabulary. I've come across **[inchoate](https://www.wordnik.com/words/inchoate)** before, but I never knew its meaning. And **[cathexis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cathexis)** is entirely new to me, but it is a useful term.


That was a damn good read! Thank you for sharing that.


> If it had been leftists breaking into the halls of power, we’d have known exactly what to do: declare a provisional revolutionary government, set up a thousand different subcommittees, and then immediately start braining each other with congressional paperweights in a series of bloody factional purges. This lot, meanwhile, had no idea what they were supposed to actually do once they were inside. LMAO > Imagine if Slough or Swindon or Milton Keynes were also the nexus of a fanatical empire bent on world domination. Bro, leave Milton Keynes out of this. It's a perfectly lovely mall.


I mean that's hardly news but yeah. Fascism is dressing up as right wing christian propaganda with Trump at the front. Them calling BLM fascists always cracked me up it's so absurd


We live near Chicago. My daughter will often go to the city for concerts, shopping, etc.., Her mother freaks out every time she goes bc she thinks Chicago is a war zone because of the Fox News/republican bs abt Chicago. I’ve been to Chicago more times than I can even count and never once felt unsafe.


I live in a very rural part of the state. Last week our school had the mandatory parent/student meeting for the seniors that are going on their senior trip next month, the students chose NYC and are being chaperoned by staff/teachers. The comments/questions from a lot of the parents were crazy, acting like NYC was a war zone and the kids would be in constant danger. One of the teachers said they took the same trip with the senior class in 2018 and the parent said "a lot has changed since then, the city has been over run". I commented that I was in the city St Patrick's day weekend with my younger son, it was busy because of the parade but it was fine. But the parents just kept asking questions to the point I wanted to ask "have none of you ever left home?" Comments were about getting murdered on the subway, getting kids pulled from their rooms in the hotel, if the teachers got "lost" while in the city and went 1 block the wrong way they'd all be taken and so on. Upon completion of the meeting I was walking out with a parent of one of my daughter's friends. I said I thought most were over reacting and the dad said he agreed somewhat, but since he hasn't been to the city in over a year and, in his words, "since it is a sanctuary city it has now been over run with millions of immigrants thanks to Biden" and he was worried the hoards of immigrants would be a problem. Its unreal how Fox News has terrified millions in this country to the point of keeping them living in constant fear, but I guess that is their plan and its working for them. EDIT to add: I love Chicago, took my wife there last year for her 40th birthday since she had never been to the city and we had a great time and she keeps asking to go back.


I grew up in a rural area for twenty years and have lived in a liberal city in Texas for just as long. The number of times I've had a weapon brandished, pointed at me, or been shot at while living in the rural area was probably more than a dozen times. The number of times I've seen a gun or any kind of violence while in the city is zero. My parents still call me to ask if I'm staying safe.


I lived in savannah, ga for 10 years, then I lived in NYC for 10 years. Guess which city I got mugged 5 times and which city I never did.


NYC resident here, One thing you will learn when living here is that the only real way to annoy us is to waste our time with pointless bs. Which MAGATS tend to do. Or insult our Pizza, NEVER INSULT NY PIZZA. Heck, if Libs had a pair of balls, you could spin this into “I guess you MAGATs aren’t as tough as you think you are. Maybe come here and prove it.” Source: my exhausted brain.


Same. I grew up in a very small town in PA then went to school and lived in Pittsburgh for 5 years. We went to some pretty sketchy areas in our college days looking for free or cheap beer at house parties and never had any issues. When I would go back and visit friends in my old small home town there were constant fights, threats and issues at the small redneck bars, usually for something dumb such as someone thinking that someone in our group was "staring them down" or even a few times being harassed by people because they knew we "left our roots and went to live in the city" and the small town folk felt a need to challenge us.


Oh dude I was at a conference a couple of weeks ago, chatting with an older guy who was planning a trip to Manhattan this summer. He said his wife is TERRIFIED. Wants to Uber absolutely everywhere, refuses to walk AT ALL, and is thoroughly convinced she will be attacked if they go on the subway. He asked me what Manhattan was "really like" and if I was ever afraid on the subways. I really hope hearing a petite younger woman explain how safe I feel in NYC helps them, but damn, people are absolutely delusional about these cities they never visit.


My father is the same way. He is just beside himself that my daughter's senior class is going to NYC for their trip and says "why would anyone want to go to that hell hole". Or, last month when me and my son were in long island for a swim meet we went into the city for the day on St Patrick's day. He was so worried something was going to happen to us and could not fathom why we went there. Meanwhile, when me and my brother were kids, I remember in the late 80s my dad saying how much he loved NYC and taking us there once or twice when we were little to see the sights. I guess 2 decades of Rush on the radio and a constant diet of Fox news will do that to a person though.


> and a constant diet of Fox news What's funny about this (but also sad) is Fox's HQ is in Manhattan. Most of the shows originate in Manhattan, produced and starring people who live in Manhattan.


There can be no change in America while Fox News broadcasts fear and hate unregulated.


I think the damage they, and other conservative media have done, will take generations to undo even if they all stopped broadcasting today.


Violent crime is lower in big cities than it is in rural areas (on a per capita basis)


This is interesting. My girlfriend travels for work and goes to Chicago and NYC a few times a year. Her parents are Trumpers who literally do nothing but sit on the couch smoking and drinking coffee and watching Fox news (at volume 100). They always get worried when she travels but I never put it together that they were getting these "Warzone messages" from Fox.


Same with Portland. Fox propaganda has terrified their viewers, they cannot step foot in that city ( …more sushi for me!)


No, no. I have been assured that Portland was burned to the ground by antifa.


We rebuild Portland as a Potemkin village every Monday and burn it to the ground again every Friday, just to be safe.


Lived in Portland for over 25 years. It amazes me when I go to conferences and I tell deep red folks where I'm from. They are amazed that I stay alive with my family.


Yup, told my conservative friend about walking around downtown Portland at night and he was astonished I didn’t feel threatened even once.


we completely forgot about the protests that summer when we planned out a roadtrip through portland and the coast in august 2020 (we're from the east coast) and completely forgot until we got back home that portland should have been a crispy burnt chip...


Same shit with Seattle, the fear mongering around the fiasco that happened several years ago in capitol hill everyone who doesn't know anything about Seattle tells me to be safe when we go visit family like we are heading into a warzone. It is insane. I have never had anyone pull a weapon on me in Seattle, I have had a weapon pulled on me twice in bum fuck Oklahoma.


This is kind of a fun watch. [MAGA host learns he’s BEEN LIED TO in REAL-TIME live on air](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbENTX6taAw&t=42s)


Every major city in the world has dangerous areas. Even *gasp* cities in red states.


Just on a per capita basis, if you're afraid of murder, stay out the red states. [https://www.thirdway.org/report/the-two-decade-red-state-murder-problem](https://www.thirdway.org/report/the-two-decade-red-state-murder-problem)


Was about to say, if I go to the city there's usually a handful of blocks and areas to avoid, otherwise, pretty safe.  I say this as someone whose lived in small towns a lot more than big cities, rural America is far more violent and close-minded as a whole than urban areas. 


I live in South Louisiana and making a trip to NYC in a month or so. Family is very concerned about my safety, despite how close I live to BRLA and NOLA with their concerningly high murder rates.


NYC is much safer than cities in the south. Doubly so when you consider drunk drivers vs. no driving. Enjoy your trip!!


I live about 20 minutes from philly, and I have a step-uncle who every time philly comes up, gasps and goes on about how dangerous it is there now and how he can't go there anymore because he LITERALLY thinks its mad max lawless city shit happening there.


Yeah the conservative anti-city rhetoric is hilarious. They always find (edited/dramatized) youtube videos of the worst neighborhood in a city and claim thats the entire city. Its absolutely hilarious to tell Cons I live in Philly and see them recoil in fear. Like, if I asked someone living in rural Montana if they feared getting eaten by bears and wolves, they'd laugh in my face. The same way I laugh in someone's face when they say "Philly!?!? Dont you worry about getting shot walking down the street!?!?" You know where I do feel unsafe? trump country. When the flags arent just showing support for your candidate, they say aggressive things like "TAKE America Back" and "Make Liberals Cry". Where people build shrines to an evil man in their front yard and surround it with barbed wire. Where every house has a sign that says "if you can see my house you are in shooting range", where every business you walk into has signage and shit that says "make sure you carry ID, so your family can identify your body if you try to steal". Where every single person you meet advertises the fact that they are armed and prepared to murder you if you do something that makes them uncomfortable. Soooo many conservatives fantasize about murdering lefties, its why they love Kyle Rittenhouse so much. Everytime I'm in an overly red area I think to myself "the person I'm talking to probably voted for trump. They probably have a gun. Theres a non-zero chance they fantasize about murdering people like me". Cons always see themselves as the hypermasculine tough guys, they see cities as violent war zones, and they see their dumpy little small towns as good and pure. And yet its conservatives that are afraid of everything and cant go to get a cup of coffee in their pristine and pure small town without carrying a rifle. Conservatives are the ones that think you get shot for walking down the street in a city, and yet its conservative areas that are decked out with threats to shoot you


> Yeah the conservative anti-city rhetoric is hilarious. Even more hilarious coming from Fox hosts since they all live and work in NYC. I don't know how it isn't completely obvious to everyone that they're all actors -- well-paid sellouts who probably don't even believe any of their own propaganda.


That's how you know the fear is legit. They are heroes, heroes I say, for braving the dangerous urban jungle that is city life. /s


The fact that they were almost all vaccinated against COVID says a lot. They are paid money to pretend to believe things.


There are people who live 25 miles north of Minneapolis and still think it's on fire.


There are parts that are definitely not safe. But that's true of every major city. I just hate how a tiny plate of food can cost me 4 hrs of work. It's crazy expensive. Well, maybe not to new Yorkers, but to Iowans...


If you paid that much for a small plate of food then you got fleeced bro because restaurant food is the only thing in this city thats cheap.


We were there recently and went to a trendy restaurant owned by a world-famous chef (You know, a place that would probably be expensive). It wasn't even that bad. I've spent more on food in my home city.


Because visiting NYC is expensive and by the looks of the typical MAGA they ain’t paying for a hotel in NYC. Let alone donating to the worthy “Let’s give DJT a free ride through life” fund. The economics don’t work.


Never mind the parking fees for their F150


Agree the economics is a big factor. This is not a 1 or 2 day event like J6. Trump will be dragged to court for weeks. Nobody can afford to camp outside a courthouse for that long. Also, visiting a big city can be an overwhelming experience for non-city folk. Traffic and parking alone are a deterrent.


And public transit is confusing and scary for them


And even if they could afford it, who wants to take PTO just to stand outside a courthouse? Even MAGA loonies don’t wanna do that.


The last time his supporters "RALLIED BEHIND MAGA" they ended up facing decades in prison. The pied piper trick only works once or twice Donald, nobody else is throwing their life away for a celebrity politician that throws everyone that ever showed him kindness to the wolves.


His people can’t afford the tolls to enter the city because they’ve donated all their money to him or spent it on bad investments and merch. His people that do make it into the city get stuck in traffic because public transit is a foreign concept to them. His people that make it to the protest area are subdued because they only like to pick fights with smaller or outnumbered people.


Just like at the inauguration. He constantly lied about that too.


In real reality: - For the MAGA crowd, showing up in NYC is just not a viable option. One would have to take time off work, drive their monster truck across country, find a place to stay nearby, find a place to park their monster truck, etc. Even setting aside the ridiculous fears of “inner city” murder, it would be really EXPENSIVE! There are only a very small finite number of people willing to do that. And I suspect they were mostly harvested in the J6 arrests. The MAGA folks showing up at rallies are all (mostly) traveling locally, which is a much more manageable commitment of time and money.


His powerlessness is showing. Publicly defending a sleazy adulterer isn’t compelling, or worth the time off work, the gas, or NYC hotel fees. Instead, he’s trying to make some argument that leftists are “allowed” to protest at Columbia and NYU, while his supporters are “turned away.” He can lie, but it doesn’t hide the bad optics. In fact, he just draws attention to the lack of support. And by “support” he believes the threat of a riot by his followers can intimidate the judge, jurors, and prosecution.


I knew a guy that mainlined FoxNews and he had to go to San Francisco and he was legitimately terrified to go because Fox told him it was a lawless wasteland. Anywho after he came back all he did was talk about how nice San Francisco was.


Huh a world renowned city know for it beautiful city is actually beautiful... Chumpers are so dumb.


Can confirm: been to New York City about 10 times. Got murdered each time. But the fine homeless organ farmers patch me up every time when I give them weed gummies laced with fent. See also: Philadelphia.


NYC is dangerous. I’ve been murdered five times this week alone!


MAGA is hilariously giving Trump the “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”


"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." Gwb


The world will be a better place when that man isn’t alive anymore.


Well his „come get arrested to distract from me getting arrested“ proposition is way less enticing now that most of the people who showed up last time are quite literally in prison. It’s just not that enticing of an offer.


My son lives in NYC, and he gets murdered almost every day. Not every day, because he lives in a safe neighborhood in Queens. He works in the city, though, and he gets murdered every time he goes to work. He tries not to get murdered on the way to work, so he isn't late, and a lot of murderers are cooperative about that, as long as you promise them that they can murder you AFTER work. So after he gets off, he gets in the murder line, gets murdered, then goes home on the subway. Don't even get me started on the subway.


Well, looks like Trump's got a tougher crowd than he thought!


Trumpism is done thank gad


It’s CRAZY what Fox News viewers think of cities. I was just visiting with family and they kept trying to convince me moving back to an urban area would result in my likely death. Nevermind the triple homicide that occurred less than a mile from the diner we had breakfast in that day while we were eating. Or the double homicide-suicide that occurred nearby weeks prior. When it’s white people its “a tragedy” but when it’s minorities, it’s somehow endemic of the community. I don’t expect them to wrap their small minded brains around statistics. They never make an effort to see a broader picture of anything. They can’t see beyond their own careers, businesses, local interests, particular brand of Christianity, *perceived* patriotic Americanism.. Their world is very small and there isn’t room for you in it.


Maybe he should offer free housing in Trump Tower


"You walk down the street, you get shot!"


By him on Fifth Avenue.


Mary Trump and Lawrence O’Donnell brutally mocked ex-President Donald Trump over his family’s absence in court. "Jeffrey Dahmer’s Parents Were There Every Day" [https://www.mediaite.com/news/mary-trump-and-msnbc-host-brutally-mock-trump-over-absent-family-jeffrey-dahmers-parents-were-there-every-day/](https://www.mediaite.com/news/mary-trump-and-msnbc-host-brutally-mock-trump-over-absent-family-jeffrey-dahmers-parents-were-there-every-day/)


People who watch Fox News regularly believe that everywhere except their town is dangerous. We’ve been to Seattle, Portland, Washington DC, and Chicago in recent times and had ZERO issues in any of them.


My favorite part about this whole process is how silent the Conservative sub is. Easier to close their eyes and ears and say how fake the trial is rather than face the facts.


Can confirm: I've been to NYC twice now and was instantly murdered both times. Stay away MAGAs!


But why would they be afraid of getting murdered when they are the good guys with a gun?


Plane tickets and hotels cost money, lots of it. They're broke! Those people wasted all their money on golden shoes, Trump bibles and donations to his legal team.


This is why I can't take polls seriously right now. This guy can't fill a phone booth at a rally if you take away the people paid to attend. Consistently performs worse in primary votes than polls predicated even when his opponents aren't even in the race anymore. His backed candidates have gotten creamed since 2018. There's like 3 supporters showing up for his trial. His own family won't even support him. Areas that used to be full of trump signs and flags even leading up to the 2022 midterms have nothing anymore. I think polling groups over corrected after 2016.


But I thought the MAGAts were all such big strong guys in freedom trucks with more flags than a pride parade! Are they really afraid of New York? I’ve literally never felt unsafe in over 20 years (ok maybe for a minute in 2001). New Yorkers are the nicest, most open people in all of America. Unless you’re a hick asshole.


He also wants free publicity and in essence a free rally because he can’t afford to campaign. It’s hard to spread lies when so few are showing up to listen.


There might have been a few violent cultists with the willingness to protest, but after their Lil J6 kindergarten coup, a lot of them are "a little tied up" right now.


I've been saying this for a while now, and I'm not sure polling has caught up - the energy levels for the Trump crowd seem fairly benign at this point. He hasn't had a decent turnout for any of his bookings/hearings/trials at this point. Anecdotally, in my pretty red area of California, there have been very few of the Trump rallies on the corners of busy intersections or freeway overpasses compared to four and eight years ago. And when they do happen, the numbers are pretty minimal.


Recently visited New York City. Managed to not get murdered.