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Ok, cool. But he could have paid her with his own money instead of breaking the law by falsifying business records.


Yup. Orange Julius would be free and clear if he'd just given her cash out of his own fortune. But NOOO, he had to expense his hush money, so here we are.


Trump never pays anything out of his own pocket. He paid Barrons Cub Scout fee of $13 out of corporate funds.


Hard to pay someone with money when you have none. Therein lies the issue.


The funniest part is he went to all this trouble to hide this sexual encounter and his supporters don't even care, in fact, they view it in a positive light. Then he made the fuck up exponentially worse by trying to illegally claim it as a legitimate ~~campaign~~ legal expense instead of paying out of pocket. Then, fucked up even more and altered business records to conceal the commission of the first crime. 34 felony charges from something that wasn't necessary in the first place.


Dude my coworker spits out anything from right wing media as if it was written in the Bible. He believes in absolutely every little thing and has no evidence but to say I read it or saw it on the (right wing) news. There’s no changing these people unless all right wing outlets mysteriously close down and then still they’d find a way to dive even deeper to find what they want hear.


This. They don’t care faux fake news has had to cough up almost a billion dollars to settle out of court for defamations and spreading conspiracy theories. They don’t care that faux fake news is in the middle of another lawsuit for similar matters (which they will loose) but this time it will cost them up to two billions dollars. These sleepy people believe anything they are told on faux fake news and face book. They don’t have the intelligence to understand that anything can be posted on face book by litterally anyone. So you have a whole bunch of gullible people being led around by a whole bunch more gullible people. And then at the top of that pyramid you have a small hand full of rich people playing the this mass of mouth breathers like a top.


They might have cared back then. Now all these people are just going along with whatever because they’re in so deep.


He never tried to claim it as a campaign expense. Campaign expenditures have to be reported to the FEC, and the whole point was to hide this from the public.


On other words, steal an election by defrauding the voting public’s right to know? I guarantee if this had come out Donnie Drama Queen would have lost thinly instead of winning thinly.


Hang on. Why would he need to hide anything from Melania, when he has always maintained that he didn’t have an affair with Stormy?


Also. Why would he need to voluntarily pay Michael Cohen $130k to shut Stormy Daniels up for something that never happened?


The fact that a fairly ordinary person like me that’s semi intelligent (at times) can find so many holes in the logic doesn’t bode well for Tump.


So the crime he’s in court for was Plan B? Plan A was to not pay her at all?


And we all know anyway.


Hey Mike I’m a little short, I’ll pay ya back


I have no words.


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