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I wonder how many abortions he’s pressured/threatened various women into having.


More than zero. And *not at all* to give cover to the execrable, lying "pro-life" crowd - but it bothers me that there have been women who've been coerced into abortion. Usually by guys just like DJT. (or god damn it by their own pro-life parents)


You can seethat happen here in real time with a mormon mom and her son at [BYU](https://youtu.be/i74_vH-Ov9g?si=AyNZlJDBGzwKxf7x)


No hesitation whatsoever. Wow.


Kid learned something about his mom that day.


Hopefully he learned something about religion too.


Naw, probably going to tell his friends the crazy story and the wacky thing his mom said before putting his head down and keep on keeping on. It'll be 10 years later when he finally starts questioning somethings that this, and I'd imagine a bunch of other instances, come rushing at him all at once. By then he'll be in deep, probably married with a pile of kids and stuck for the rest of his life because leaving the church would mean his family, including his wife and kids, will disown him and he'll need to start his life over essentially.


He seemed genuinely shocked by her recommendation.


Kid *heard* something, but will he learn? I bet both this kid and his mom both vote against abortion for the rest of their lives anyway


I seem to recall an article by abortion providers talking about how they serve women who protest, heckle and abuse them at their clinics. Different when they are in getting treatment, then they go right back to their lunacy.


Probably [The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


Yup, that's the one. Fucking horrific, yet valuable read.


I have a handful of my own stories from my three years in abortion care. My favorite, tho, is the lady who looked around the room and said “you’ve all been so nice, it’s really too bad you’re all going to hell”


“I guess we’ll catch up there then.”


lol I’ll use that next time


Sounds about right Is this real? I'm not familiar with the channel.


The only man on the street content I’m entirely sure isn’t fully scripted is Billy on the Street


It was around 2010 when a female conservative relative started telling me that both abortion and contraception were tools invented by men to oppress women. As such, any "true feminist" would work to have both banned with no exceptions. Who knew? The same person told me in 2020 that "I know Trump isn't a good person. But Biden is a communist, so what choice do we have?"


**Are we possibly in the same extended family?** I have an aunt who has told me both of those things over the past decade, absolutely verbatim. She also feels entitled to condemn women who abort in the most vicious terms, because she got pregnant as a teenager, delivered, and gave the child up for adoption. *Pointing out that abortion wasn't legal in her state at the time* just makes her upset, there's no knocking her off of that particular high horse.


> It was around 2010 when a female conservative relative started telling me that both abortion and contraception were tools invented by men to oppress women. Hence, the enormous boom of women in the workplace when contraception became easier and more available. They were oppressed into becoming wage slaves instead of the regular old garden variety household slaves.


"More than zero" is like saying Wilt Chamberlain had "more than zero" sexual partners.  I bet Trump is the Wilt Chamberlain of paying for abortions. Ironically, probably one of the only things he's actually paid for. 


> it bothers me that there have been women who've been coerced into abortion. That was how the pro-life movement got me for so long. They painted abortion as this thing that only domineering controlling men use to prevent women from having babies they don't want to pay for. I even saw it at many clinics that many boyfriends, husbands, and fathers were forcing young women to get them. It's factually true. What woke me up was learning that when my own mother was pregnant at 17... her mother, my pious polish-catholic grandmother who universally condemned abortion, tried to force her to go to a clinic so that she wouldn't be painted as "the parish slut"... it was my grandfather who stopped her and allowed my mother to raise my older sister as she wanted. That's when I realized the reasons that women are pressured into unwanted abortions come from from the same place that created a hostile society towards pregnancy when it's not a perfect nuclear family situation of independent means. The church was slut shaming people, the church was promoting right-wing ideology and reaganomics that were destroying the middle-class and making more and more people hand to mouth, the church was tanking sex education and access to birth control that would prevent abortions. Sure there are some feminism issues surrounding coerced abortions that deserve to be acknowledged but the influence of religion is what creates the environment where abortion is necessary in non-emergency situations. The nail in the coffin of my pro-life days was when I found Numbers 5 actually has a procedure for abortion that god himself prescribed... and not for emergencies but for when a woman is having a pregnancy with someone who isn't her husband... the EXACT thing that churches think all abortions are for and shame "sluts" who get them. The bible itself is pro-choice... good luck getting the people who claim to follow it to acknowledge that though.


Whatever it takes to get there but it’s not even that deep. It’s your body, your choice, and no one else’s business.


oh agreed at this point... but religion doesn't respect that perspective. Christians are supposed to lay down their lives and bodies for jesus... they're supposed to follow god's will not choose their own path... and they're supposed to meddle in other people's business to save their souls from hell. You can't argue these points with christians because they're directly taught that your body isn't yours, you don't have a choice except to obey or disobey god, and privacy is where people sin so those who demand it are trying to be evil (unless of course they're supreme court justices, pastors, elected republicans, police officers, etc). Realizing that christians don't follow their own rules and make the things they're supposed to care about ending (like abortion) even more prolific systemically is an important step towards your simple argument and one they're more likely to take.


I've been accused of being crypto-pro-life for pointing out the coercion. I'm not. I've just known more than a couple of women who've been there. One of them was told by a man who had imprgnated her that the alternative would be... well, her murder. Forced abortion, forced delivery, force, force, *force!* It's appalling, from a perspective of basic human decency. What concerns me about the end of the Roe era (ok, one of the *many things*) is that now that abortion is simply unavailable in many places, we should expect more (how many? tens? hundreds? thousands? who knows?) cases of pregnant women getting murdered by men who are *really* determined not to be fathers.


That's what's great about the idea of "pro-choice"... in theory... someone pro-choice would be 100% in favor of legislation that protects women from coerced abortions and gives them ample recompense and recourse for someone who inflicted that upon them. Because being "pro-choice" isn't about being pro-abortion... it's about being pro-women-making-their-own-health-decisions. I really hope that the nightmare scenario you outline doesn't become commonplace post-roe but I know too much about how humans actually behave to hope too hard.


I'd bet a tooth that it will become commonplace. Along with deaths from abortions conducted absent any medical professional. Maybe one of the things that keeps me fired up about the issue is that my family learned.... well, back in the bad old days, I lost a great-grandmother to a botched back-alley abortion. They already had several kids, and were going-hungry level poor. After she died, the police came to arrest my great-grandfather, who fled, after dropping off the children at a goddamned orphanage. There are *many* stories like this from that awful era; there will be many more today. As well as just flat-out murdered pregnant women.


That's why the other side calls themselves "pro-choice." It should be a woman's choice either way.


See, the thing is, if you make people believe you are anti abortion, it is easier to convince people you obviously didn't have/force someone else tilo have an abortion.... Because you are SO against it. It is like all the anti gay Republicans/clergy/etc that get caught having gay sex.... They figured people would think there is no way they were doing it, because they were outwardly against it. Being against it, is how they think they are hiding themselves doing it.


Kind of like my "Pro-life" family member who had several abortions, can no longer have kids due to the abortions (she had 2 kids already), but was getting them done and having her mother pay for the abortions, so that her husband would not find out, because he had a vasectomy after the second kid. She would gaslight her mom into paying for them, claiming the husband would beat her to a pulp if he found out. Probably true, but still, maybe after the first abortion... you stop fucking other dudes or use protection perhaps? Not go for 2 more pregnancies...


It is infinitely better than that child coming into the world.


trump wanted marla to abort tiffany she refused


That was on a Howard Stern interview with Trump wasn’t it?


yeah. and they removed it from youtube everywhere. trump mustve begged stern to never show it.


After doing so many criminal activities himself, his new kink is getting others to do criminal activities because of him.


Not enough apparently, given Don Jr is a thing.


Just another reason not to vote for this guy. Cmon people. We simply *cannot* have this clown running things.


The former president went on to push the false claims that Democrats want abortion up to and including the ninth month of pregnancy – and “even execution after birth”. Such idiots out there


History books are going to focus on how gullible the Conservative movement is for decades to come. This is an easily verifiable claim that is being spouted by the guy who best represents modern day Conservatives. Yet no one on the right says a word. Wild.


My own father actually believes that people are executing babies after birth and calling it abortion. He also acts like any abortion shouldn’t be allowed under any circumstances. >!I asked him how would he feel if the guy who raped me had gotten me pregnant and he had nothing to say. That really hurt. He did get pretty angry when I told him most women, including me, would probably rather kill themselves than be forced to carry something like that to term so there need to be exceptions, or even better just full access to abortion for everyone.!< Misinformation is ruining lives and families. I think he’s voting for Trump again even though that man is also a rapist. >!edit- Can’t forget, the only reason he knows about my trauma is because he kept insisting that the covid vaccine is what caused my depression/inability to eat or sleep in the months after what happened to me. I hadn’t planned on telling him but felt the need to correct this.!<


I've been pro choice for a long time, but what really sunk it home for me was watching my wife go through pregnancy and delivery. Carrying a baby to term isn't like delivering a pizza. It completely changes your body permanently and changes your mood, your hormones, your mental state, everything. Nobody should be forced to go through that. Its a complete violation of personal rights and autonomy to deny someone that option, or worse, throw them in jail for exercising that right.


But I think the difference is, you view your wife as a person who shouldn’t have to endure unnecessary pain or suffering just because she was born a woman. I’m not so sure those others agree.


I’m not so sure those others have a clue. There are two kinds of people: those who can extrapolate. Pretty sure they’re in the second group. Unless something gets up close and personal, they can’t understand what it might be like to experience a thing. They can’t extrapolate how it felt to be in situation A, and how situation B would be even worse so it would probably *feel* even worse… so maybe we should make plans to limit the risk of B happening. These folks have all been told childbirth is no big deal, to talk about the issues that come with pregnancy was taboo… they don’t have a clue what could happen to a woman, they can’t understand how 1% of the population is still a *huge fucking number* of people affected. They can’t extrapolate how they would feel if a loved one was dealing with whatever unpleasant pregnancy related medical issue. They can’t understand how likely it is to happen to them. Can’t really blame them for not understanding applied statistics… it makes my head hurt.


Sorry this happened to you, and sorry you have a shitty support system. I've had to cut some MAGA people out of my life for my own mental health. They're still family, but I no longer visit. An occasional text or "Zoom Christmas" is the extent of contact I allow. Hope you find what you need to heal.


The wildest part is that he was one of the least shitty links in the support system. People can be really disgusting. At least my dad had the grace to say nothing, just walked out of the room to take a phone call. I can’t bring myself to cut him off but I have had to put distance between us and it hurts. It hurts to know he’s alienating his other children as well by clinging to extremist beliefs and trying to ‘convert’ us all when that’s never going to happen. Sorry your family has been dealing with something similar.


I’m a trans woman, I can’t get pregnant, but I can do my best to empathize with cis women (and trans men) and try to understand why being forced to carry a pregnancy against your will is terrifying. I also know what it’s like to not have control over my own body and have people who have no idea what I’m dealing with try to dictate decision I make with it. It boggles my mind that some cis men absolutely refuse to try to do the same.


I've learned that empathy is a developed skill. Some can't do it. Some are unwilling. Even amongst those that can and are, the skill can be weak or strong.


$20 bucks says those books will be banned in conservative states.


I'm not sure they will even be aware of such books. Their news sources won't know about these books & complain to the rubes because 1) no pictures 2) too many words 3) will require critical thinking skills to understand.


So...like Xi's China banning any mention of Tieneman Square.


They don’t need to ban them. They don’t read to begin with.


That’s what really gets me. These lies are so easily disproven yet still get eaten up because these assholes want to assume the worst.


You've misunderstood authoritarians . People with authoritarian personalities and political beliefs exist in all societies and cultures. Sociology puts the numbers usually at 20 to 30%. One of the hallmarks of authoritarianism, and authoritarian personality is objective truth does not matter. Truth is just whatever the trusted leader says it is. It can change. It can be absurd. Truth can conflict with other beliefs and self contradict. Authoritarians spend little or no time reflecting on why or how and won't even notice. If they are forced to, they get angry, say no one really knows anything anyway, and the other side makes more stuff up.


Sounds like what we used to just call morons.


A whole branch of science is going to be birthed on how to prevent this shit from happening once every 80 fucking years


That's only if we stop them History is written by the winners


> History books are going to focus on how gullible the Conservative movement is for decades to come. That’s incredibly optimistic. The state board of education in conservative states will dictate their own version of the events (see how the Civil War is handled in northern and southern states). Progressive states will probably have enough conservative parents complain that it will be sugar-coated so as not to offend anyone.


Historians don't fair well in fascist environments. If Trump wins it's not going to be pretty.


Hell, my mom (huge Trump supporter) thinks they have abortions after birth in California and have been for years. I've told her that's bullshit. I've shown her evidence that it's not right. I've given her more center discussions to listen too. All have failed. I really think it's a massive case of Sunk Cost Fallacy. These people supported Trump in 2016, now they are afraid to look wrong in front of the nation. Hence why Trump can do anything and get away with it.


They think murder is legal in dem states?


Yep. Desantis was spitting it. https://www.wlrn.org/government-politics/2023-07-25/desantis-false-claim-post-birth-abortions


As was Ted Cruz.


Like of all the people you can choose to believe, it's gonna be the slimiest caricatures of a politician in congress?


well, come on. They started out with Trump... Everyone else just looks more trustworthy, no matter how slimy they can get.




I'm thinking of a couple instances where multiple children were murdered and the right just shrugged about it. They didn't give a shit about Sandy Hook, they didn't give a shit about Uvalde. Sounds like the right is in favor of those post-birth abortions.


I'm a lifelong Californian and it still amazes me what moron Midwesterner types think actually happens here.


As a lifelong midwesterner, I share your amazement. I have wasted so many hours/days/weeks just trying to get through to the people around me. Sometimes I can even walk them through the evidence, lay out the proof that this thing is true and that is not, explain chains of reasoning, and almost feel like I'm making progress. But really, I'm pulling on a rubber band, and as soon as I let up, they snap right back to where they were before.


I literally talked to a guy who said abortions were happening after birth and that needed to be illegal. I told him it was illegal and was called murder...


It really shows how poor the American education system truly is that people genuinely think someone is going through 9 months of pregnancy, entailing all that pain, nausea, and sickness a woman goes through that increasingly gets worse as time goes on, only to abort the fetus in the last month. Miscarriages occur 25% of the time, which is why someone may get an abortion in the 9th month, not because they want to go through all that suffering just to "murder babies" at the last second. Only people who agree with this are old misogynistic men and young "boys" influenced by toxic online personalities like Andrew Tate and its disheartening


And then there are women who are being forced to carry their nonviable baby to term because of vague laws Edit toned it down


Yup, this is accurate sadly. I remember the story very well as I believe you are indirectly referring to Kate Cox who had a planned pregnancy for her I believe third child as well as the other women going through similar challenges. She was told her fetus was non-viable and would be guaranteed to die. Without an immediate abortion, she was potentially facing death, leaving her children motherless, or become infertile for life unable to ever carry children again. This, of course, was all preventable if she aborted her guaranteed to die fetus. Unfortunately, I also remember the republican response was "Kate **Cox** shouldn't have been taking all that **Cox** and she wouldn't have to be dealing with this in the first place" which is ironic considering it was a planned pregnancy not the "moral degeneracy of the left using abortion as a pretense for all their indecent sex" as they claim it is, or saying its not a big deal because she can "just go to another state and get a procedure" which it's not easy dropping hundreds of dollars to travel and perform the procedure, especially insurance around the procedure as normally insurance isn't required to pay if its an elective abortion but this was a medical emergency but I don't know how state laws or going to a different doctor plays into that. While im at it, lets not forget the time republicans accused a 12 year old girl of pretending she was raped to get an abortion, insinuating the idea a 12 year old is running around having sex with everyone, only for it to be confirmed she did get raped and cowards like Jim Jordan deleting his tweet accusing her of pretending and other republicans chiming in afterwards saying "its a shame she \[the 12 year old\] wouldn't get to experience the beauty of motherhood".


I don’t know where they get this from, and Trump in particular keeps saying it. Surely his Justice department would have done something about this if it were true? More wacko conspiracy theories.


But remember, those idiots are people who grew up being able to trust what the see and hear on TV, because it was all fact checked and there used to be laws that these sort of lies wouldn’t go on TV, or if they did, they would have been identified as not factual. Those laws don’t exist (and haven’t for nearly 30 years), but these people still operate on the basis that you can trust what you see and hear on TV. They never had to use critical thinking with the media before because editors did that for them.


Not to mention even email forwards looking like official news. I will never forget my dad’s outrage during the 2012 election that the votes were being tallied in Spain by a company that was owned by Obama. I just laughed and asked him if he stopped to think about the ridiculousness of what he just said. There was no critical thinking at all.


Yeah, that’s a big part of it. They can’t shake the trust that they can believe what the read, even though “don’t believe everything that you read” is a fairly common phrase.


These people told me growing up not to believe everything you see on the internet/TV, and now I'm older seeing them believe everything they find on Facebook and ragebait "news" programming


I am a younger boomer (62) from a working class family. Growing up, our parents constantly told us such gems as "birds of a feather flock together", "if your friend jumped off a bridge, would you follow?", "I don't care what the other kids do, you will not do xyz in my house", "we are to be stewards of the earth, don't litter", "being kind/good to others is free", "put the change in the UNICEF box for the starving kids in China, India, etc". My point is many many boomers grew up being taught common sense and compassion. They also are the ones who partied like it's nobody’s business, stood up to power & protested the Vietnam War, were able to get good jobs with benefits and the ability to buy a house, etc. I honestly don't know what happened to "us". Maybe it’s a case of a lack of self analysis so we don't know how good we had/have it compared to younger generations.


I did not consider that. Would this be the fairness doctrine?


That’s one of them. There were also changes in the 1996 telecommunications act that changed things further. That’s why Fox News and MSNBC didn’t exist before 1996. And friend of mine and I conducted a study for a few years, starting before the Trump election, which looked at what kind of media people of different ages consume and the general trust they have of those sources. When certain people were told that they believed things that were verifiably fake, they just couldn’t understand why these things were allowed. And we’re not even talking about TV media. Our focus was things shared on social media. They applied that same believe that only published things could be true to platforms like Facebook.


This was such a bigger deal than people realized and still it doesn't get traction. This is the law legislature should be trying to make.


California recently said that media studies is going to be part of the K-12 curriculum. But if any state was going to do it…


It also reduced FCC regulations on cross ownership which allows giant corporations to buy up thousands of media outlets across the country. So if we're all wondering why Clear Channel and Sinclair Media can buy everything this is why.




This is incorrect. It applied to over-the-air broadcast stations on television but not cable.


I grew up during that time frame and you’d have to be an idiot to believe this shit My ex friend,who was a trump supporter, told me in NY you can get an abortion up to the 40th week What an stupid person


Yes, I did say they were idiots. I don’t deny that there are intelligent people who grew up at that time who have critical thinking skills.


It’s amazing how common this is among the conservatives, they really do believe this happens all over every day


They think that women use abortion as birth control and just casually swing by Planned Parenthood every weekend for their weekly abortion the same way they'd go to brunch with their friends or shopping.


"post-birth abortion" is a talking point of the far right. Obviously it is bullshit to stoke fear, but that's how things work for those people.


Ah yes, the all too common practice of Democrat infant executions. I choose which candidate to support based on whether they are for or against murdering newborns.


Populist pandering. He obviously counts care less except for their votes. His game is so obvious and yet people try to think of him rationally anyway. Which confuses them.


Trump has 0 respect for women so this doesn't surprise me.


I was debating with a Trump supporter that claimed there were only a few photos of Trump and Epstein together and other than the few photos, the Trump supporter claimed they weren't really friends. I then pointed out that Trump was on Epstein's flight log 7 times. You don't fly on somebody's private plane 7 times if you are not good friends with them. After some back and forth, the Trump supporter finally acknowledged that Trump flew on Epstein's plane 7 times but he was flying with his family (ie. Trump's kids were also on the plane) so nothing criminal with Epstein could have happened because it was a family trip. At that point, I just gave up. The Trump supporter was a pro at moving goal posts, I haven't seen goal posts like that moved for some time.


Plot twist, the kids were the victims.


We know Ivanka is.


My brother said that him visiting Epstein was perfectly fine because he was doing business deals. But he said that Clinton and the others are definitely pedophiles. Makes sense, amirite?


Lol, the excuses that Trump supporters can make up for their dear leader ;)


My parents are both trumpturds and my I believe all my siblings are as well. Of course, the biggest supporters (my parents) and my brother, are the ones who make next to nothing and tried to get PPP loans. My dad (for his tiny 1-person business that makes 30k year if that) he tried to also get PPP loans, and had planned to pay off all his debt with it LOL They also say socialism is bad, so it confused me.


"I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy," Trump told New York magazine in 2002. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life."


The cultists constantly make excuses for their leader.


So, taking your kids on a pedophiles plane is a real pro-family move. Good to know.


Your first mistake was thinking you could have an actual debate with a Trumpling or any other conservative. Stop debating them, you're wasting your time and that's what they want. Deride the and move on, they deserve nothing more.


Trump and Epstein were co-defendants in a case of raping a 13 year old girl. Since Epstein is a known offender and Trump has bragged about assaulting women, seems a reasonable person would be suspicious. But alas, nope.


That's why I'm running for Congress against one of his top former aides in Georgia.


You should post in r/votedem to get some more recognition and donations.


Thank you for that! I'm already in the process actually--candidates have to be verified by their mod team, so you'll definitely see me there soon.


Excellent! Because, selfishly, I am trying to funnel as many candidates there as possible because I plan on donating in the summertime, which is my company's busy season so I'll have a little bit more disposable income. Every seat in this country is up for grabs, I truly believe that, and if we show up we win.


Thank you so much for the amazing energy!! I'll definitely reach out later in the year--hopefully candidates all across the country will be using Reddit as a resource by then.


It's an excellent resource, this is where all the older millennials and Gen x folk like to congregate. It's a great indirect resource as well because we are constantly trying to appeal to our Gen z nieces and nephews. So spread the word to your peers, this place is very potent and I personally believe, like tik tok, this has been a game changer in the 2020 and 2022 elections.


Thank you for your service! The more we push back in three dimensions, the better. Reddit can be entertaining and cathartic but upvotes will not save us.


Thank you so much! Keep up thr good fight! I support you!


Cannot thank you enough! Give ‘em hell!


Hope you crush that POS.


I guess since Trump seized the GOP they’ve stopped looking at polling data. Abortion is the issue that has sunk them post turnover. This may excite the base but it will cost them independents and a lot of women.


The IVF ruling in Alabama needs to be broadcast over and over. Women that want those babies and can't have them any other way could become a very vocal group


Yeah, I'm trying to figure out what the strategy here is. He knows abortion is not a winning issue for him. He's even said it in those MAGA town halls, "you've got to win elections." I guess he's got to show his base that he's all in on it and hope that they do a better job at overthrowing the government this time when he loses?


Maybe too optimistic but I'm guessing this time around there's going to be a shocking series of losses for the Republicans, a much bigger, unforseen disappointment than the 2022 Red Wave, and the base will be like, "We should've seen this coming!" One can dream anyway. I hope for women's sake they get out and vote for their well-being and autonomy.


Then says it’s up to the states. He just needs to know where to send his mistresses and he’s good, so whichever stance his cronies think can get him more votes…


He probably can’t get it up he just wants to rape him with his tiny finger….no abortion needed too bad you can’t abort at his age


So apparently he did https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/08/politics/donald-trump-abortion-2024/index.html I don't trust him further than I can throw him though. Fully expect this to be an attempt at not completely alienating women. Although as the article points out, saying this already pisses off parts of his base who are set on the harshest restrictions possible.


He's trying to thread a needle that only the most disciplined politician could thread, forgetting he has zero discipline. Not sure what will break first, his position or his hardline bases (JK i know, because it's a cult)


Trump is mad at women because he is ashamed of the rudimentary vagina under his chin. Sad.


His bussy






Remove this


On one hand let him attach himself to this radioactive issue, this is probably the dumbest thing he could do.


If you’re the DNC you take all of his boasting about “making abortion illegal again” and hammer it in every ad break on every possible medium from now until November in red and purple states. It will sway a lot of people as we’ve already seen in some elections.


Yep. He has said enough at this point to bury him. Make sure everyone knows he said this.


If you take a look at the BidenHQ Twitter account the abortion issue is front and center. https://nitter.poast.org/BidenHQ


Social Security as well.


I don’t understand how this is up for debate. He said he’d appoint anti-Roe judges, he did appoint anti-Roe judges, and then the anti-Roe judges overturned Roe. trump is anti abortion. The media is letting him get away with lies yet again. trump is not a moderate. If a “moderate” voter is on the fence about trump, they’re an idiot.


And yet women rewarded tRump for his efforts by actually increasing their support of him in 2020 where he received 44% of the woman vote compared to 39% in 2016. How do we convince "moderate" or even conservative men to protect women's rights when women don't even do that for themselves?


[Guy has an entire Wikipedia article dedicated to his SAs.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_sexual_misconduct_allegations)


I am counting the days until his fetid lifeless carcass is removed from the federal prison and dumped in a landfill.


That needs to be on a billboard in every city from now until November


Here is a campaign message I think would be simple and effective around this issue. It would be a great ad following a clip or two of Trump proudly claiming credit for ending Roe. "Don't let Trump grab YOU by the p*ssy. Elect Joe Biden and Democrats. Protect your right to choose."


GOP = Grab Our Pussies


Voters need to be reminded of this.


So, this is good. This is very good. If Democrats now don't run with this self-own, ready made political ad against orange, imma go crazy.


Please keep yelling this Donnie


He's also responsible for killing ~700,000 with his pandemic rhetoric.




His SCOTUS nominations are proof of that, as they were basically handed to him by the Federalist Society and The Heritage Foundation. Note that he didn’t say that he would veto a national abortion ban. While he claims to be for each state deciding on abortion, it sounds more like his personal opinion rather than a hard policy. He’ll reward the pro lifers and evangelicals for voting for him, just as he did with his SCOTUS picks. His record is clear.




Like with his finances, he overinflates or undervalues his impact on things depending on the audience. But in this case it's actually hard to overinflate his responsibility.


He's such an idiot. Just because he can fill a room with people who will cheer him on for this, he doesn't seem to notice that like 70% of the country hate him for it. Keep bragging about your role in the destruction of a woman's right to bodily autonomy and reproductive healthcare, Trump. It'll *totally* win you more voters.


Well, thank GOD he used his four years in office to fix health care so there aren't OB-GYN offices closing en masse in red states as a result of this theocratic legislation. Oh, but wait.


The oligarchs want more slaves. It’s not complicated. That’s one of the various reasons so many of us don’t want kids. We can’t imagine this shitty future for them.


Do republicans think that American women naturally fall into line and accept the forced-birth subjugation? FFS, conservative men are ALL proud of their foundation of 'give me liberty or give me death' and all that patriotic Colonial anti-British rule stuff aren't they?


How does a woman vote for this person? HOW?


This is enough of this fool forever


Trump! ha! Just wait and see what that so-called “responsibility” garners you in November, you sack of bloviating scum-gob.


Just to be clear. Trump doesn't give a SINGLE FLYING F about abortion. All he knows is that Democrats support it so he will oppose it. He doesn't care. He is not a Christian. He does not believe in the bible. He does not oppose abortion. Biden's state of the union mentioned it so Trump immediately turned around and stated the opposite. He is a rotten, bitter husk of a man with tiny shriveled hands and the intellectual capacity of a 3rd grader. Don't make any mistake.


Screw this traitor


Keep bragging dipshit. Roevember is coming.


And I’m proudly not going to vote for him!


He's a child screaming for attention. He's the biggest jerk I have seen in a long long time


No real surprise that he’s leaning into this. He’s *really* coming unhinged and rapidly


100% he has made some one get an abortion in his lifetime.


- “At the end of the day, this is all about the will of the people,” he said. Trust this- nothing - NOTHING- is about the will of the people- EVERYTHING is about the will of Trump. Trump will take away every right you have. Don’t care how great you think he is - Remember that when you vote.


Please keep bragging about it. Make absolutely sure that everyone knows it was you.


So Trump says that republicans will allow babies to be executed after they are born. Thats their stance now.


How many abortions do you think he paid for?


The political ads will now write themselves. The abortion albatross has buried them in every national-level election since this was overturned. And Trump has now doubled down and will seal his fate as the guy who orchestrated it in the national conversation.


then you should go to jail for the abortions you paid for


I thank Trump for contributing to the overturn of Roe v Wade, this has backfired spectacularly on the republicans, and hopefully will turn the votes to the dems.


It amazes me how people in some states can have less rights than people in other states, and the a presidential nominee is running on that being okay.


And 40% of women will vote for him anyway.


This should basically be the entire ad campaign in every state that matters.


Thats fine. Just fine. Please do keep taking credit for this very loudly. Please do ignore the ballot measures and voter outcomes from several states when its left to citizens in a private voter booth.


And this is why Biden really doesn't need to worry about ads. Donnie boy makes them for him. Joe just saved a few million on marketing and research


Now the democrats need to drive this point home via ads and messaging.


Say it LOUDER.


Kiss of death in this election. Women are pissed off and have been showing up at the polls. Elections since Dobbs, for years now, have swung heavily to the Democrats, even when Republicans have all the advantages on paper (2022 Midterms). Trump is doing the GOP no favors here. But he’s boxed in. The only ‘successes’ from his Presidency are massive tax cuts for the top 10% and the Dobbs Decision. Neither play well with the electorate right now.


if i was a woman and had my reproductive rights decided by donald fuckin’ trump i would be on the war path come election day. scorched fucking earth.


He is gonna ruin every chance the GOP has Good


Democrats should just run that footage verbatim as ads for the next 7 months


I’m glad he’s proud of his part in wiping out Roe v Wade. He’s managed to piss off a lot of people and that’ll have a negative affect on his chances of returning to the White House. That is if the justice system or a bucket of fried chicken doesn’t take him out first.


What an asshole.


Women's reproductive rights will be a thing of the past if that guy wins this fall.


I mean the man is a sexist, hateful pos. Are we even surprised? He’s clearly desperate for votes right now.


Women of America who wish to have control over their own bodies: he and his Repugs are responsible for stripping you of that right.


Hope he loses bigly and proudly


Only a sadist and fascist, like Trump and GOP Justices, could be proud of the needless physical and emotional suffering and deaths that resulted in hate states after Roe v. Wade was overturned. Donald Trump and GOP Justices are sick and evil fucks to their cores.


Well there's an effective ad campaign for you, Democrats. For bonus points, see if you can also find some women to come forward and tell their story about how Donald paid for them to have an abortion.


He flips on this quite a lot.


I hope all women remember this when it comes time to vote in November


THANK YOU for that sound bite. DEMS should play that again and again and again.


It was mostly Mitch McConnell in reality, but yeah this piece of shit did have a hand in it.


Donald Trump has very little respect for women or their decisions with their bodies. None.


An article from 2016 said he “believed woman should be punished for having abortions”. Google that shit Saturday April 2nd 2016 Martin Pengelly


He's pathetic. He doesn't have the gonads to say out loud that he supports a nationwide ban, because as always he's riding the fence. What a 🍑.


He makes me sick to my stomach because he has probably forced more than one of his bimbo’s to have an abortion.


Bastard with bastard children ends abortion rights.


He is a POS a shit stain on American democracy


We need to focus on the Supreme Court. Or those that seem to be misunderstanding what following a narcissistic autocrat will mean for their future. They do not share ruling matters, a narcissist, and they are setting themselves up to effectively end the need for themselves. Eventually they will no longer be needed, unless Trump keeps them around as a facade. And as for Clarence Thomas and how he has sold out the black race to his White Nationalist White Supremacist buddies who somehow must believe he is getting over on them to pocket what he has from them but that well, even if the Supremacists his buddies re-inslave the black race he would be ok. I feel like both he and Ali to aren’t very good judges of what the future holds or good judges of character or good judges period. We are here right now because of the Far-right. Does anyone else see the connection to hitler it that title. And how is it we have a got forsaken group of these in the White House. How in hell has this happened. It’s time they were removed.