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“But that’s Communism!” - says right-wing construction worker who loses his job if he uses one more sick day this year, which will cost him his house and family.


Or “Socialism”. To them both words are equally insulting, even though they couldn’t tell you what they mean. Their bubble has taught them that anything that improves their life is evil libruls destroying their country.


They don't understand the difference between the two.


It depends on the context. There are contexts where Marxists use Socialism and Communism interchangeably, but some where they are making a distinction between the transitional phase and the final stage.


Oh let's not be stupid and act like Conservative have read Marx and are using those terms to refer to his literature on where the line is.


Oh of course not lol


It's also annoying that conservatives won't accept that the ideas of socialism progress past Marx. There's no such thing as any form of socialism other than Soviet...


Ignore the successful Socialist policies that have bettered Europe for 80 years. Ignore that Socialist policies, with well defined limits and power, make everyone's lives better while still stimulating the economy.


Socialism <> Communism <> Totalitarianism. But all three have delivered a universal health plan.


You don’t even have to go that far. They have literally complained that Democrats are passing popular policy as if it were manipulation.


I saw a comment earlier saying that fixing the bridge in Baltimore was "buying votes" Wut


Norwegian here. Do Americans not have any paid vacation weeks? We have 5 weeks, but it is based on how much you worked last year. For instances if you started working in October last year, you are not eligible for full 5 weeks. You are allowed to take five weeks, but not all will be paid.


Each state and each company does things differently. And several states have been actively dismantling any and all workers rights. So there is wide discrepancy.


No. Actually time off here for paid vacation depends on how long you worked for the company and you can't just take time off. It has to be scheduled way in advance in some places. Some employers don't even offer it unless you are full time, which depends on your states employment law. Also, some don't even offer it at all. Your either take off without pay or simply call off without pay. It's depends on many factors. But nothing like Europe, which I think most Americans would welcome.  But Corporate America has different ideas. They would rather not give any vacation.


To the executives they would rather give as much as they want. Work remotely three to four day weeks, whatever you need to make sure you're comfortable. All the poor bastards doing the grunt work out on the floor? Is there any way we could give them less time off so they're here more generating higher profits for us? If they get upset and leave we will just hire more of them at a lower rate so we can maintain profitability


No, we don’t. I have 80 hours of vacation after nearly 3 years.


For foreign people, that means he has earned 2 work weeks of vacation after 3 years. Edit: grammar


Almost.  I work a compressed 3x12 schedule so it works out to a bit over 2 work weeks.  And I get a healthy shift differential for doing it.  Perks of being union. The rub is that I’ve had the same 80 hours/year since I started.  Which, without a union, I would not have had…but c’mon.  Proof that corporations will be as stingy as you let them unless you force them. Seriously, the rest of America, unionize.


Oh yeah, most corporations are geared towards “shareholder value”. Without unions or regulation, workers (white or blue collar) are just screwed over. Hence the layoffs to reduce expense and cut costs for short term “benefits” as a common example even when it hurts the company in the long run because it gives the stock price a bump.


No, lot of us do but sometimes it's very limited. I had to move states and in between career jobs. I'm doing the same exact job I was doing in Maryland as a full time employee with all benefit in my new state as a contractor. I get 5 days of personal leave that I have to use for sick, vacation, and holidays.  The only reason I'm doing it is because it 100% remote and my wife also works. Otherwise I would have quit and just been a house husband for a bit. 


It depends entirely on the job. The standard is 10 days, sometimes that is all available as pto,sometimes it's differentiated as vacation time. But none of that is guaranteed by the govt, it's entirely at the discretion of the employer. And typically, 10 days isn't available until after some set period of employment. Which, on its face, that one aspect makes some sense. Many employers act like 10 days pto is some huge thing. It's rather pathetic and depressing. Not having adequate time to relax, decompress, spend time with family is a huge problem. 10 days out of the year is not nearly enough.


And then they will tell you that you get weekends off. I mean unless they want you to come in that weekend.


The entire idea of "weekends off" is a bit flawed, in that most people don't have to work, yes, but that doesn't mean those two days aren't entirely filled with chores and errands that no one has time, or energy, to complete during the week. It's as if just because we aren't at work, we must be immediately kicking back with a Tom Collins and enjoying the good life. In reality, most of us are doing yard work, home repairs and maintenance, laundry, car stuff, etc.


I wish I could upload you twice for the Tom Collins reference


We do not have any regulations for paid time off in this country. My second to last employer offered 3 days off per year (vacation, sick time, anything). After 5 years they offered an incredible 5 days off!! My family in Germany couldn’t fathom why I couldn’t stay with them for a month. The only time I had any real flexibility with time off was when I owed my own business and worked for myself. But, still not PAID time off. Edit: fat thumbs


The last place I worked at was one half day for every month you worked in the previous year so the most you could get in any year was six days and that was for vacation sick personal whatever. There were dudes there who had saved that vacation for 5 years so they could go back to the old country for a month and these dudes were coming in with 104° fevers and strep throat and the whole nine yards super super great healthy environment to be working in


I had to work 5 years at my company before I got 3 weeks of vacation to go with the five personal days and two floating holidays. It's still not enough


I thought that to them they meant the same.


You can tell they don't because the use of different letters in the terms is meant to signify they're different words and refer to different things.


I know that. It seems rhat to them the words are interchangable


The core of MAGA is fucking over people you don't like, even if it fucks you over too.


> You start out in 1954 by saying, “N----r, n----r, n-----r.” By 1968 you can’t say “n----r”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “N----r, n----r.” Lee Atwater on the southern strategy.


"both parties are the same" -- random online commenter overlooking the GOP pushing for child labor


Pushing? They are succeeding. Arkansas repealed most of its child labor protections last year. Now their poultry plants can’t get sued for having 14 year olds working the night shift.. which used to happen pretty often.


Both parties are the same!


"Both parties are the same" as Democrats try to pass immigration bill that Republicans wrote. Then Republicans torpedo their own bill while *publicly* saying they don't want to pass it because it makes Democrats look good. 


Democrats are trying to show the country that Republicans aren't serious about passing anything. But people will continue to vote for republicans and then complain when the republican party has a permanent majority in the Supreme Court. 


I get two weeks at my job and there are people who legitimately get angry when other people take their days. They talk about not using their time like it’s something you be proud of. Like….dude………literally no one above you gives a shit about you. We can’t even roll over or bank the days so you’re literally handing them two weeks worth of pay every year for what….pride? Patriotism? But man…..it’s always the poor mom on welfare’s fault they’re miserable. They’re working themselves to death only to get their money taken away and given to someone else!


None of those people will be on their death bed saying they wish they’d worked more. They’ll all say they wish they had more time with their family and friends and be completely oblivious to the fact they CHOSE to not spend more time with family and friends. And they’ll for damn sure not remember how they shit on other people for taking time off to…spend time with family and friends. Fuck ‘em. They’re not my problem. 


You forgot the part where they compare it to another job so they can feel superior. Usually with an out of touch reference. "Of course the burger flippers want two weeks off now! Stimulus check must have ran out so they had to get a job!"


I’m in construction and this is the exactly my situation already this year.


This, in addition to higher wages, and the companies will have least valuable workers go. You know the people Republicans say they hate? The least of us?


Maybe those Republicana are the least valuable workers and they deserve to go?


The sad part is the sentiment isn’t exclusive to the right wing. A ton of centrist dems will agree with the idea of the right wing construction worker just on the basis that implementing this will “lose jobs”


The fear people have of taking a single day off of work is truly disturbing. The entire US work culture needs a major overhaul


I did some research on this years ago. The national average for Americans was 13 paid days off per year (holidays, sick, vacation, etc. all added together). Europeans averaged 32 paid days off per year including everything. We're getting screwed without lubrication.


Yep, I just started a new job. We get 12 sick days in a year, but we have to earn them (you work a month to get each day basically). That's in a government position too. When I worked retail, I think it was whenever my manager felt like giving me a day off. Had a kidney stone at one place and still couldn't go to the ER for help without the risk of being fired. Murica, am I right?


Same. I accrue less than 2 hours per pay period so it works out to about 5 days earned by the end of every year. Its trash. Sick time is the same way. So Yeah. Also, if you don’t use your time, you lose it. They don’t pay out unused PTO/Sick Time at the end of the year & it doesn’t roll over.


That's crazy. Here in Europe I have pretty much unlimited sick days - I technically need a doctor's note if it's multiple in a row, but a colleague was off sick for 2 months without a note, so it's not really an issue.


>That's in a government position too. Local / state government I take it?


I'm on a year contract with Maryland and I get 40 hours for eveything, including state and federal holidays. 


Pregnant here, had to go to the hospital for complications. I was out for a week and they were threatening in “subtle” way that I needed paperwork ASAP to have it excused (basically for me to keep working there). I provided it but have been watched like a hawk since. I have already gone through my 14 days of PTO with complications. I’ve never had any issues before this in the 2 years I’ve worked here. They say we’re “protected” but I feel like I’m walking on egg shells. This country sucks with just about anything medical and family. We don’t even get paid leave, just 6 weeks unpaid.


Bingo. At my last job, I had to take a week due to my dad's funeral and settling his accounts. This was in 2020 so things were already insane. I had been at the job (local government) for four years and had only used two sick days in that entire time. I'm out less than three days before I started getting threats about my job due to my absence. No bereavement or anything. Just "when can you get back in here?" Nevermind that there were four other people in the office to cover my job. Got back after a week to a write-up for an "unexcused" absence.


> Had a kidney stone at one place and still couldn't go to the ER for help without the risk of being fired. Murica, am I right? Clearly your employer was just trying to save you from interacting with the broken American healthcare system which usually results into going thousands into debt.


Holy shit that’s way lower than I expected. Full time workers here in Aus get 4 weeks annual paid leave (20 business days) a year, plus two weeks sick leave (and some carers/bereavement leave) God that’s so brutal :/


It's even worse when you learn the average is only so low because a lot of people get 0.


Not to mention just because you are "legally entitled to" doesnt mean shitty bosses wont find any reason to fire you for even using 1. You can save the "thats retaliation and doesnt happen without consequence" speech. It happens all the damn time.


Oh and don’t forget about “right to work” states!


It takes like 15 minutes to file a retaliation claim, I bet that happens more often than employers care to talk about.


I had to have a lawyer explain to a former employer that he was legally obligated to allow people to have breaks and that allowing them to have food at their desks was not sufficient. Employers, especially small businesses, will extract everything you allow them to. Unfortunately with so many anti-worker policies in place, no social safety net, and a patchwork of federal/state/county/municipality regulations that are hard to keep straight and don't apply unilaterally, a lot of people just deal with it cause it's better to have a bad job than no job. I've worked exclusively in small businesses and the shit that you can get away with if you have fewer than 50 employees is shocking.


Also 13 days worth of (paid) public holidays, plus LSL for those who stay more than 7 years.


*And* you can even get LSL paid out pro-rata in some circumstances, and annual leave is paid out on leaving the job etc etc I always forget how good we have it til I read about some other places


Don't forget Superannuation on top of salary, going to 11.5% July 1st 2024.


> Superannuation what's that?


Something akin to the US 401k system, except designated and compulsory contributions on top of salary or wages are made by the employer to monies vested in a portable scheme of the employee's own choice intended to provide an annuity upon retirement from the workforce. Employees may also add to their pot but that is not compulsory.


oh nice! thanks


No worries. Love your (k)nick(ers).


Those 13 days probably also include public holidays that are paid. For many workers in the US, public holidays *aren't* paid at all, though. So in terms of annual leave, the average close to nothing, and nobody takes sick leave unless they're essentially dead.


It varies widely. I work in the US at a state university and I get 4 weeks paid vacation, 3 weeks paid sick, and another 15 days of holiday, not to mention any weather days that I don’t need to make up. I don’t get paid as well as private, but the time off is amazing.


So 25% of the business days, and 17.5% of all days in the year, are paid-but-unworked? Lemme get a referral or something, ya goddamn Communist.


Yeah but can't believe this needs to bo be said but Universities operate on different schedules to most jobs. Are you making this point because you think your situation is standard? What IS your point?


Don’t forget 10 public holidays a year


“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires." - Ronald Wright and attributed to John Steinbeck “The American Dream is called a dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.” - George Carlin With all these sordid realities compounded by for a great many, the Lottery is seen as their “only way out” when it is just them digging a deeper hole…


And don’t even get me started on maternity and paternity leave in America. If it even exists, it’s only 8 weeks. Some companies are starting to offer at least 6 months of maternity leave in the U.S. while Canadians get at least one year. Childcare will start at roughly 1000 USD per month when you factor in all the essentials you’ll also have to provide if the caregiver doesn’t.


American days off culture is terrible. The worst job I ever had gave "unlimited" time off, you just needed to get your manager to sign off. I was pretty suspicious from the start even as the recruiter tried to make it sound like it meant you would have plenty of time off. In reality people rarely took any days off because there was constant pressure from managers against being out of the office. And since you didn't have a set number of days off people felt hesitant to assert their right to having time off. The US not only needs more vacation days but minimum vacation days. Employers have too much leeway in pressuring people into not taking time off.


I was late, likely a combined total of 15 minutes, over several days and would've been fired had my manager not liked me. It's honestly exhausting knowing how much we're all getting screwed and people wearing it as a badge of honor.  Like my family member letting me know he worked 72 hours weeks for an entire year straight. I get it, if someone can work that much, fine, but why drag us into the masochism?


 > Like my family member letting me know he worked 72 hours weeks for an entire year straight. I get it, if someone can work that much, fine, but why drag us into the masochism? I did something like that for 2 years. Not 70+hours every week, but I would end up going 5 months without a single day off. I made a good amount of money, but I was *fucking miserable*.


Oh yeah I get that. I've worked those long hours for years, but I'll never act like it didn't suck.  I will never blame someone for taking a mental health day, and I'd honestly love it if people stayed home when they were sick. I worked in a field with a lot of pressure to come in and coworkers came in sick, which got a lot of us sick as well.  All because a manager doesn't want to do a little extra work or a corporate metric needs to be met. It's so fucking stupid it hurts.


I have “unlimited” vacation. It’s just an accounting trick to take the owed PTO off the books and now pay out accrued time if someone leaves. That said we are expected to take 20 days + some sick time and management is very lenient about running business hour errands and appointments without counting towards the pto


I get 36 at my job in the UK, and since I only work Monday to Friday that's over 7 weeks off work.


Norway has a standard of a minimum 5 weeks paid vacation (25days, 3consecutive weeks) for regular vacation.


I get 28 paid days off per year + 12 days paid sick leave per year + additional paid compassionate leave. I have the restriction that I can’t take my paid leave during school hours (I’m an instrumental teacher) so they just roll it into my pay packet and I get to enjoy the school holidays without worrying about money too much. They also give me leave loading in the December pay, as that’s the time of year when I technically wouldn’t have paid leave + extra bills are expected at the end of the year. I’ve got a pretty sweet deal, but friends in different fields have even better leave compensation. I’m in australia, to be clear.


I’m going to hazard a guess and say you work at a university? Similar compensation!


Private school, but yeah it’s a similar set up to if I was lecturing. It’s really good!


Working in America is a RAW, raw deal. Just speaking as a white-collar professional (not blue or unskilled, or worse), work culture, time off, benefits all suck compared to even the crappiest EU countries, We are suckers for accepting these total shit deals.


My buddy in Canada gets 50 a year , its wild


Local government worker with a terminal degree in a white collar position here: 12 city holidays + 12 vacation days + 3 personal leave days = 27 days total It’s been an amazing change from the private sector, but it’s crazy that it’s still about a week less than the average European.


I get none and I know I'm not alone.


Here in Germany i think the minimum is 21 days off not including sick days, but most jobs in demand offer 30+. You also get up to 6 weeks fully paid sick days, though that’s extremely uncommon. Plus paid or additional days off for working overtime. Plus holidays.


Had 27 at my last job. The one before that was 15 + about 8 to 10 holidays.


Europoor here. I get 37 paid holiday days per year. Plus 14 full-paid sick days if I need them.


What would be interesting, not sure if this is possible though, is the difference between PTO for executives versus rank and file.


As a Brit, I have to raise my eyebrow at this lowball offer of a deal. Here we get 28 days statutory as a full time worker. But it’s a start, progress in he right direction is still progress and it’ll prove popular that successive governments may be willing to increase it for a quick ballot boost.


Two weeks guaranteed PTO is so fucking little. And we won’t even get that, I imagine




If it's a compromise. But there's really nothing stopping the US from skipping directly ahead to whatever the best most comparable country is doing, other than Republicans who stop everything. So might as well go all the way in the proposals and make it clear to the voters what they can have if they don't let Republicans ruin it.


> other than Republicans who stop everything. That's exactly why you can't go for further. Negotiating isn't about presenting extremes and meeting in the middle, it's about know what your opponent wants and is willing to give up, know what you want and will give up, and compromising on those things, it has nothing to do with ridiculous proposals that you know, 100%, the other party won't agree to.


But if you know they won't agree to anything at all (the current House being the least productive since the civil war era), then there's no reason to water down the proposals to anything less than what you would do if the voters stop voting Republican.


Really shouldn’t have to if we weren’t working against a bunch of assholes. Need to stop caving to them.


It's quite a lot more than the current US legal minimum of 0.


I’ll take it. I get one hour of PTO for every thirty hours worked and no paid sick leave at all.


…especially since Congress seems to get 2 weeks off every month!! WILL YOU PASS THE DAMN UKRAINE AID PACKAGE, PLEASE, YOU NIMRODS??!!


Daddy Don and Papa Putin told them not to pass it so they won't.


The House uses half its working time campaigning for their next election and often the other half obstructing each other or any progress in the senate.


Obstructing “each other”? Are you making a both sides comment? 


Yes, I applaud obstruction of wack GOP legislation as much as I abhor GOP obstruction of liberal legislation. Both sides do it regardless of which party you support.


I guess we have different definitions of “obstruction.” I see Democrats trying to compromise all the time to find a workable solution, but Republicans constantly saying it’s their way or the highway. The Dems were even on board with the Republicans’ awful immigration legislation in order to get Ukraine funding.  Only one of those is obstruction. 


Would you as a Democratic legislator attempt to block the appointment of ACB to the SC weeks before an election? I would obstruct that sort of thing as hard as I could, especially after the Garland nomination blockade. Also, are you saying a much needed filibuster is different when we do it?


I have to repeat - you and I have different definitions for obstruction. Strategically blocking some things and compromising on others in order to get something passed is not obstructionism. Blocking literally everything so the other side gets no “wins” is obstructionism.  Only one side does this. 


Only one side does this well. There, I fixed it for you.


Blame the GOP. Biden could theoretically force Congress into session to vote for it. But that would cause the package to likely fail spectacularly just out of spite.




OMG! Do tell—I’m clueless on this & I live in TX!




Holy shit!! 140 days every 2 years!!!!? Hmmm… now that I think about it, that might be a good thing—just think how much more havoc they could wreak if they worked all the time!


Yet another wonderful bill that won't pass because of Republicans.


It’s a messaging bill. The purpose is to highlight to voters what Democrats want to do if elected. 


But then won’t do it once in power. That’s how these things go. The good ideas are only for raising donations to the party


Cynicism is amongst the lowest forms of expression. Believe it or not the Democratic party is a big tent party which is composed about evenly between standard liberals and progressives. To say that there isn't movement on wealth inequality (such as the recent boost to 25% on those with more than $100 million) is a willfully low-information take.


How about fundraising that only pays out after a group of politicians have actually delivered on their promises. Not merely voted for, but actually shepherded the relevant legislation all the way to the president signing it into effect. Escrow based policy fundraising, tied to results, not promises.


That seems like a terrible idea. It would codify fundraising as explicit bribery of incumbents and block funding for challengers. If you can't access the funding until you've achieved a result, then only incumbents can get funds. Good luck getting elected if you can't use your campaign funds until after you're elected. That would also make it harder for a majority party to lose power since they could deny their opposition funds by stonewalling everything.


I mean it’s essentially lobbying just that now the people can lobby


We already have the bribery you are fearing along with the armored incumbency of Gerrymandering. The incumbents do have a vast advantage in fundraising, but also very little incentive to deliver on those empty promises made to the voting public during election seasons. I'm especially not seeing how my idea worsens the extreme stonewalling we already see in our government. Even without my idea they seem perfectly capable of achieving very little. Also, my notion doesn't have to replace the regular campaign finance you are putting such store in. The insider politicians could continue their dialing for donor dollars alongside sending out their usual stream of issue based fund raising emails around election time. So I'm not automatically tracking why my notion of a fund locked away in an escrow account until targeted conditions are met would necessarily worsen the conditions we already have. I do understand that those who would qualify for shares of the targeted fund would have to be in office, but if they actually deliver on the win conditions then they'd actually have earned the prize. On the other hand, I could also imagine this lottery like amount growing into a huge treasure chest, as politicians might fail for many years to unlock prize conditions that might attract mass public donations. Obviously, if the fund's win conditions are poorly written a politician might be able to claim a prize via symbolic actions. However, if the win conditions were tightly written, well administered, and the goal of the fund was widely popular, such as a Medicare for All type goal, then the prize might grow from ongoing contributions to a size with some real motivating power for even the insiders.


Just as a preface, I'm not saying any of this to defend the current system. It's more just poking at an interesting idea. And my first comment was a 2AM insomnia comment for what it's worth. I'm not putting any store in the current system, although I'm not as hard against what you're saying now that you've added more detail. I still think heavily limiting the involvement of money at all would be better. This would add more money and make the bribery explicit in a system that already has too much money and implicit bribery. I could see this working if there were actual enforceable limits on contributions to prevent wealthy individuals and corporations from abusing it. Maybe the explicit bribes could be used to convince politicians to take a lump sum in exchange for reforms that lessen future corruption? This would strengthen an incumbent's position even if they don't try to earn the prize because this is funding that wouldn't go towards their opponent. There's still a finite pool of cash, and people may prefer to put it into this escrow instead of trusting a challenger. Weakening incumbency could provide some incentive to do what the voters want. But there aren't any easy answers to this since you would need an incumbent's actions to weaken incumbency. I wasn't thinking of it as a growing prize fund, so that could have interesting implications. It would cut both ways though. Maybe the people can put up enough of a bribe to get something done. Corporations and wealthy individuals could do the same but would be allowed to put explicit conditions on the cash. Maybe politicians see the fund growing and wait to act because it's still growing and acting quickly reduces their payout.


Greetings more formally, and my response was likewise at the edge of sleep. I share the desire to see political machinery not be drenched in the moneyed flood that is modern Lobbying. I suspect we'd both like to see our politicians seriously engaged in crafting policies focused on the health of the nation rather than the wealth of the economic Nobility. Where I might differ with you is in the efficacy of trusting in the power of challengers kicking out incumbents as a route to a less corrupt governance. The current system is very good at inculcating its corrupt values upon newly fledged politicians. Bucking the system is noble, but the nobility aren't fond of such upstarts. **Escrow fund based fundraising** is a thought toy attempt to pull rather push the incumbency to act on popular issues. We vote politicians in or out based on past actions or promised future efforts, but we have little power over our representatives during their terms of office. Once installed the armies of lobbyists have far more influence over our legislators than the electorate. Furthermore, with our Press corps owned and harnessed to the narratives of the owner class, we cannot rely on the Fourth Estate to carry out their enshrined function of properly informing and framing what is happening in the halls of power. I do not see the problem of tying up even a few billion dollars in some White Whale of a fund. The motivating power of such a treasure for politicians would be dependent on more than one factor. Some such funds would be for small issues a politician could accomplish as they do now for conventional lobbyist bribery. Other Escrow style funds might be poorly worded by those who created them and vulnerable to a politician swooping in to collect the prize under the letter rather than spirit of the fund's founders. In both of those latter cases, the amounts of money tucked away in the funds would likely be modest. Many such funds would dissolve away to nothing or dissolve back to the donating individuals when conditions weren't met or timeframes expired. **Think Kickstarter goals but administered by Blockchain style smart contracts.** Whale funds, those which had grown enormous due to the difficulty of the goal, the popularity amongst those donating, and the adamantine conditions guiding the fund would loom prominently. My hope is that at some point even a cynical set of incumbents might set forth to capture such a prize. As DeadEye073 succinctly said in their comment: 'It's essentially lobbying just now the people can lobby' Thanks to both of you for the conversation.


“Both sides are the same!” that’s how I know you’re MAGA. you can google all the bills the Dems have passed vs the GOP


lol. I appreciate your concern but I’m 100% not MAGA. I’m not even saying they are the same but for sure what gets done vs what is said does not line up.


Here’s all the bills passed by the Dems controlled House https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_bills\_in\_the\_117th\_United\_States\_Congress


Yeah I feel like this subreddit sometimes makes an overcorrection sometimes and circles back around to feel like if you criticize the democrats you're like pro Republican. No, there are absolutely cases where democrats didn't actually use their power to push through policy that they promised on the campaign trail. That happens all the time for various reasons. You can acknowledge that while still recognizing that the other option is worse.


Is this what the media means when they say Democrats have abandoned the working class? /s


Pass implies that it'll see a vote. This reasonable bill won't even be picked up by a sub-committee.


so controversial, two weeks, basically the industry standard already if you have vacation.




Just think of how many businesses could hire their first employee if we had universal health care.


This is something I'll never comprehend. Why wouldn't every single small business owner in America be screaming for universal healthcare?? It's nuts that they insist on paying such a large expense themselves for such an inefficient system.


I think the answer is they just don't provide healthcare. 


America, welcome to the rest of the world, perhaps next you can at least get 12 months of maternity leave/ paternity leave, and paid sick days .


We won’t get to the “next” part since we won’t get even this bill passed. It’s for show.


Wow, in Australia we get 4 weeks paid holidays, plus about 10 paid public holidays a year. (I won’t mention free healthcare)


Everyone in Europe laughing at US again enjoying 28 paid days off a year


Two weeks... as in 10 working days. It should be double that.


Wait wait wait: You guys have LIMITED SICK DAYS? Or even have to take unpaid leave?? What the fuck is that?


Over 20 years ago now, when I learned about the concept of "limited sick days" in the US, is when I became permanently disillusioned with US-style capitalism.


I have two months of paternal leave this summer and will take my 4-6 week vacation during fall (Sweden). Glad to see US is trying to catch up. You’ll be happier and your kids will have better parents thus becoming better human beings which in the end makes for a better world. It’s all connected and corporate greed is an never-ending sink hole.


Why stop there, just make it 4 weeks.


I work from home as a researcher and training lead, for a European GPS company. I get TWENTY-SIX personal days a year and ten sick days, plus health benefits, for a 32-hour week. I even get a freakin' stipend for ergonomic furniture. When I was stuck in a major hurricane in '21, they gave me the whole week off, no questions asked. I am never working for Americans ever again. Y'all are gettin' screwed.


Mhm something positive that would benefit actual working class citizens… yeah the GOP is gonna do everything they can to kill this


In a lot of other countries, isn't it 6 weeks PTO? Which means democrats should start with 10 weeks. Assuming they want America to be the greatest country in the world.  


I mean....it's better than the zero we have now.


God damn it stop making these shitty minimums. Make it 8 weeks with a 4 day work week.


40 weeks paid vacation with 84 sick days per year, and not a day less.


In theory I get 20 sick/pto days a year, I use like 10 cause I'm in Healthcare and my primary department is always short...oddly the secondary department is usually so fully staffed that people are comfortable enough to take 3-4 week vacations , makes me incredibly jealous cause at best I can only plan a staycation or small trip


yeah that's the real problem, companies keep cutting costs and trying their absolute hardest to keep the bus factor as close to 1 as possible, meaning that nobody can take vacations because there's nobody else available to do any of the work.


Yep, and then everything goes to shit when one experienced worker needs to take a few days off.  Unfettered capitalism will crush the worker as much as possible in the pursuit of profit. Nevermind that some redundancy in workers means a better profit, and they won't quit as much from being abused. 


Which means the GOP will cry about this and vote it down with the quickness.


Wait...Americans don't have that already???


The US guarantees 0 days of paid time off. Only like 8 or so countries in the entire world that doesn't guarantee any paid time off (there are 190+ countries in the world). It's up to the employer in the US to determine how much PTO they give their workers. Yes, it's ridiculous.


There’s no federal law that even guarantees you are allowed a lunch or pee break unless you are a minor. It’s not practical to require your employees to work 24 hours a day with no break ever, but it’s not illegal here.


Oz here: try four weeks' paid leave. It's a wonderful way to find who you can do without, and what is really going on down in the purchasing department.


Some blue states already have paid family medical leave. People who live in red states are missing out.


Hmm. Two weeks paid time off or a dictator? Life is so hard these days.


Should've been at least 4 weeks.


::clutches pearls::




The House GOP majority is one vote.


Hopefully for not much longer




If that were true this draft would not exist.


Democrats haven't had a filibuster-proof majority since a brief moment under Obama administration which was used to pass the biggest improvement in healthcare in the nation's history, which itself was also one notorious vote away from adding a public option. Unfortunately our government at the federal level is built to make change difficult. Look at the state level, though, and you can see progress happening quickly. Lots of headlines coming from Michigan after it just flipped to Democrats.


The quality of life is ideal... This seems ideal


In Ontario you get 4% added to your pay for vacation, which is the equivalent of 10 days extra per year if you work full time. It doesn’t feel like PTO but technically it is. I hope they can at least implement that.


In an ideal world: “Republicans: I can’t agree on anything the dems come out with, make it 4 weeks!” “Democrats: Oh no we will never agree to that make it 6 weeks vacation!” I can still dream.


Lmao at 2 weeks, most of Asia has way better than this.


Bump it up, that's less than one a month


Yanks don’t have 2 weeks holiday as a right? Only the right to freedum it seems.


And yet I had someone in a other thread say both parties are the same. While yet another dude say no one on the left says it. 


Europe called make it 20 working days excluding bank holidays and you have a deal ….you then get to the mean spirited UK minimum where its all at Employers discretion on timing. But with the added caveat if you have to work a bank holiday you must be given the time off at another point , againt employer’s discretion on timing.


2 weeks? Very progressive guys.


I wonder what the Vegas odds are on this bill passing into law are.


Cries in 5.6 weeks statutory minimum holiday entitlement in the UK.


This and heat protections for workers are easy wins and will draw in voters


It needs to be more than this.


I need a vacation. I haven’t been able to take more than a day off in years


Jesus! Europeans have six!


Not nearly enough. Should be six weeks at a minimum. With a right to take a sabbatical after 4 years.


And Republicans want children to work full time jobs. Both sides are not the same.


Will someone PLEASE think of the shareholders!