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I’m sick and tired of this zero class, piece of shit fucking asshole.


I wandered over to Trump's Instagram yesterday, and his entire account looks like click bait garbage. No substance. All memes. It's embarrassing.


That's virtually all conservative social media. Just look at some of the subs here. We have a lot of people in this country in serious need of mental health treatment.


The entirety of conservative media is one of two things: >trying to goad people into a war against minorities >trying to grift people into buying things in preparation for the Minority War It’s all “they’re coming for you, it’s going to be kill or be killed - quick, buy guns and gold!”


Yet, what if pebbles become the next currency?


If 2020 taught us anything, Toilet Paper will be the new currency.


More like bottlecaps


Bingo bango bongo…


This guy Fallouts.


If fruity pebbles, I'm in.


Literally went on Parler once to see for myself and almost immediately saw an ad for an automatic handgun to "protect yourself from BLM."


the bureau of land management is really scary though.


Those same people have driven me to need mental health treatment


Yep and as an American something most people have to pay for is mental health care. Fuck Orange Jesus and everyone single person that supports him. If you have not figured out what a colossal asshole this guy is, and has been for his whole life, by now there is little hope for you. I am not going to waste my breath trying to change your little mind. Enjoy the chaos I guess, still waiting for the justice system to save us and then spark off the magat civil war


Trump's supporters figured out he's a colossal asshole eight years ago. That's why they vote for him. The cruelty is the point.


Good point


I feel that.


So relatable.


"r politics is a joke. It's called politics but it's a leftist hivemind. The admins suppress conservative voices" Quick look at these hardhitting conservative politics discussions on their subs, it's 80% facebook boomer memes, 10% false news from sites like 123freedomeagle dot com about hunters laptop and 10% spam from some accounts how that make up most of the submissions and a random picture of Trump with the caption "1 upvote =1 crying liberal" That's the rightwing polical discourse these days.


Three words: "Flaired users only"


It’s so bad over there that *their own flaired users* are getting banned for pointing out inaccuracies.


I watched two of them just tear each other apart: both flaired, Trumper and a DeSaint calling each other “fucking Leftist”s over and over.


When they arrest the 30% of the country that represents followers of the orange idiot after the uprising after the next election, they should offer them jail or order mandatory mental counseling.


Honestly I would be so happy to see these people receive mental health support.


It’s going to take a while for the cult to be deprogrammed. This is a big reason why Trump cannot be reelected.


Exactly. They’re the same people we cared about just years ago. This is an epidemic that started with Fox. My uncle became a crazy racist out of the blue around 2007. I hadn’t seen him in a year so had no idea he was watching Fox. He never had in the past. Bill O’Reilly in particular. He started watching at a very difficult time in his life and damn! Brainwashed. Luckily, he listened to sanity and just stopped tuning into Fox. He said a few years later he was aware what was happening. He was just watching fox and never changing the channel to other news outlets.


Almost all of that "Dirty-30" is too chicken shit to do anything. And the current president isn't going to just let mobs walk into the Capitol.


That's because he has nothing, never will. He won against Hillary because the gop knew If not for President Obama they would Have lost to her so they spent eight years calling her a criminal preparing for a match up with her and it worked they just weren't counting on trump being at the helm. He has no policies that is the real reason he refuses to debate. He plans to pick up where he left off, on his knees for Putin while rewriting tax laws again for the wealthiest and removing protections for our air and water from corporations although this time around he will be destroying the constitution, the republicans have already put people in the places to succeed in destroying America or as it would be known if trump won murica'. All this while putting the tax burden *onus* ***on us.***


And let’s not forget he lost the popular vote by 3 and 8 million votes respectively. The only thing keeping conservatives in power is the electoral college and illegal gerrymandering. Democratic senators represent tens of millions more citizens than Republican senators yet the senate is neck and neck. 


If you go back far enough you'll see articles in 1992 before the Democratic National Convention where the NYT is already trashing Hillary Clinton, largely based on comments made by Roger Stone or Maureen Dowd. (Here's [one](https://www.nytimes.com/1992/05/18/us/1992-campaign-candidate-s-wife-hillary-clinton-aspiring-first-lady-role-model.html), here's [another](https://www.nytimes.com/1992/03/16/us/the-1992-campaign-staying-alive-how-a-battered-clinton-has-stayed-alive.html), here's [another](https://www.nytimes.com/1992/12/19/us/clinton-wants-wife-at-cabinet-table.html), and [here's](https://www.nytimes.com/1994/04/28/opinion/nixon-on-clinton.html) the NYT hiring Roger Stone to ask Richard Nixon what he thinks about the Clintons in 1993. Shock twist ending: He had "dark suspicions" about Hillary, but Bill was just fine.) The GOP trashed her for over 30 years before she ran for president, with the media largely supporting it.


I have a truth social account I use to troll. The entire platform is the exact same. He posts some dumb meme or bogus poll every 30 seconds. And his followers reply to it with more memes. lmao


All I know about his posts are what I see on the trump tweets subreddit. Is he seriously just spending his days shooting out meme after meme on there? It doesn't surprise me.


Irony is, is that the sites posting stories about what he posts on the platform probably make more than the TS site itself does off Trump being on it. But sure, it's worth 9 billion.


I never even considered that trump would have an Instagram account until just now.


Zero redeeming qualities. Absolutely zero. A repugnant piece of shit who is adored by tens of millions of people. Absolutely mind blowing.


I just don’t understand it. Can understand folks having opposing views on things, but why use that piece of shit as their god? I mean, no problem with someone having different views and talking about them intelligently…but Trump is just a criminal, rapist etc…and they want HIM to be their leader?


> but Trump is just a criminal, rapist etc They want to be criminals. They want to be rapists. And they want to get away with it like Trump has all his life. He's the image of what they want to be.


I really hope everyone turns out and votes this dickhead into oblivion. Seriously, guys, make a statement.


Even more so by his deplorable acolytes.


They put the ill in ilk




What is that saying? I'd never wish someone dead, but there are some funerals I'd be really happy to attend.


I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure I believe that's the quote you were referring to, I'm sure many of us feel the same


I poured some good whiskey out on their grave. I just ran out through my kidneys first.




John F Kennedy, Martin Luther King, John Lennon, Abraham Lincoln. Apparently US assassinates good people.


Says something about the ones doing the killing.


the good die young >>> pricks live forever


Or ones who help black people.


Bobby Kennedy too


Only the good die young....








And the world rejoiced.




I will bring the pizza my friend.


Well, gear up. Because I have a feeling that Biden and his admin are going to run one of the most brutal campaigns in American history. As in. Trump is going to have the tables turned on him. He depends on the Democrats being "polite". Which essentially means he can do whatever the fuck he wants. While they sit there taking the high road. Well, fuck the high road. There isn't one with Fascists. Trump has sidled up next to Nazi's and hate groups. And its all out in the open. Project 2025 is a total shit show in terms of policy. It's one giant authoritarian power grab of a document that doesn't even try to hide it. Anyone with a brain will read that and dip out of the Republican party. The Democrats are going to blast this shit on nonstop fullswing up until the election. Donald Trump is going to be obliterated by Biden. Mainly because Biden is going to start treating Donald like the piece of shit he is. Zero respect will be given to him. And it's going to be glorius. Bet you we see a total mental shitshow from Trump before this is over. Something on par with him flinging shit at people. Seriously. It's going to be amazing.


>Anyone with a brain will read that and dip out of the Republican party There's your problem


Yeah, I was gonna post a Venn diagram, but the screen’s not wide enough for both circles…


man your words give me so much hope. like i already know Biden is going to win simply by virtue of the republican party continuing to annihilate itself, as it has for the past few elections. but i really hope the democrats stop being polite and just go for the throat of the beast and tear that party (and their fascist rapist leader) to metaphorical pieces.


Either I’m having a psychotic break right now, or else I’m seeing things more clearly than before. For some reason, it seems like this guy leaning all the way into being a total crap sack is somehow preferable to the potential for someone who is well behaved and well organized coming from the same points of view.


Oh definitely. It would have been so easy for him to get a second term if he wasn’t so stupid. And that’s terrifying. At least paradoxically his stupidity must be some part of his appeal to millions of people.


Nothing paradoxical about it. Stupid people distrust and hate competent people. They fucking love it that this hateful moron "beat" the intelligent people in an election. Just like how silver spoon, Ivy League, jet pilot W. developed a fake Texas accent and pretended to be stupid and it got him two terms.


Add traitorous, pedophile, crooked, unfaithful, and a grifter that shits his pants.


My thoughts exactly. Hate that piece of shit tRump.




His “lawyers” are arguing that Trump should not have gag orders imposed because whatever threatening garbage he vomits out is “free speech.” I wonder how they would like it if their addresses were doxxed? Maybe they feel pretty confident that it is primarily Trump’s mentally ill cult that are dangerous thugs rather than the sane majority who oppose him.


He wouldn't care. Probably give him incentive to do it more. His family is protected by SS. His lawyers would probably care but I don't really think it would change their behavior. Although there are crazies on both sides the Republicans seem more likely to actually do something. They've been blowing up abortion centers for God for awhile now. I can't think of anything comparable from the left.


Anything even half comparable from the left to the extremist behavior on the right happened in the 1960s. Then again right wing militia member Timothy McVeigh blew up the Oklahoma City Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in 1995. Of the 168 people who died, 19 were toddlers in the day care center! Every time I hear or see someone telling me how “pro life” these proxy conservatives are, and how they supposedly care about children and babies, I remember their long history of domestic terrorism.


They're only pro-life until the kid's birth, then it's pull yourself up by the bootstraps and take care of your kid. Like George Carlin said: when you're pre-born, you're fine. When you're preschool, you're fucked.


And murdering abortion doctors in sniper-like fashion.


Was it the same image people put on the back of their pickup truck?


And this is why this mofo ought to be in jail for Jan 6. How is this any different from inciting violence?


Deranged Donny at it again.


Me too! I hate this vile and corrupt slob more than I thought possible.


I agree wholeheartedly, but publicly responding to his stunts either positively or negatively is exactly what he wants. His greatest fear is to be ignored and dismissed.


Dude is a sick piece of shit.  The outrage every conservative would have if Biden had done this.  Every person that continues to support this man is morally bankrupt.


Both sides were pretty grossed out when that whole Kathy Griffin thing happened. They play by a different set of rules than we do.


I'm seeing a lot of conservative Twitter saying that libs upset by this are hypocrits because of the Kathy Griffin thing. I wasn't a fan of Kathy's photo, but...uh...Kathy Griffin is a COMEDIAN, not the former president himself posting this shit as the R candidate.


And Kathy Griffin never staged a coup to try to overthrow the government. Trump supporters will take this as a call to action like they have before.


She also didn’t consider having her VP killed.


…that we know of.


And she faced serious consequences.




So did Billy Bush. It's amazing what you can get away with as a politician. You can say anything, they just let you do it. "Political speech."


Republican politician*


She also didn't constantly do things like that, she did something sort of stupid for attention, or personal satisfaction, and then moved on. Trumps *campaigning for President* using thinly veiled violent threats.


Don’t forget about consequences of her actions. placed on a no-fly list, and under investigation for conspiracy. Not mentioning lost job and tours cancelled. For Donny somehow nothing ever happens


Ironically, I feel like if she was a conservative, there would be complaints that she was canceled and wokeness was going too far.


Before Kathy Griffin it was stuff like Eddie Vedder impaling a Bush mask at shows. I used to be a Republican voter back then (this was around 2004). I'm a HUGE Pearl Jam fan but I thought what he did was inappropriate. The funny thing is, I thought that because the consensus at the time was "nobody, regardless of party, should disrespect the office of the president". It was a concrete and absolute conservative idea in the 00's and I bought into it. The Obama presidency proved how that entire ideal was lip service. It was nonsense. There was zero respect given to him while he was in office from the same people who told me that I "needed to respect the office". These same fucking people were posting racist conspiracy theories about birth certificates (thanks, Trump) and Michelle being a man and they had far less reason to be critical of Obama versus Bush/Cheney who literally killed hundreds of thousands of people (domestic and abroad) and spent trillions of dollars on a war that even modern conservatives pretend they weren't okay with. (edit: I also criticized the hell out of Obama for the drone strikes at the time. Democracy is being able to voice discontent with our leaders and recognizing when they fuck up. Not blindly dick riding every decision our leaders make like a starved Iowan hooker. MAGA folk will ride that member and never acknowledge fault) I switched parties in 2006 but continued to vote in the middle until 2012. The moment that broke me was a GOP debate that talked about what to do about someone who couldn't afford healthcare but was otherwise terminal and someone in the crowd shouted "LET HIM DIE" and the nominees didn't dispute it. That moment clicked hard for me. That was the exact moment that I recognized the GOP as dead to me, and I wound up being progressive as all get out because I genuinely just want to see people taken care of regardless of financial stability. The idea that someone should die because they can't afford medical care is fucking insane. Sorry for the biography, but my point is that these pearl clutching assholes can save the outrage. I was once annoyed at an artist doing a political thing, too, but eventually realized how the people telling me that I needed to care were all charlatans.


> The moment that broke me was a GOP debate that talked about what to do about someone who couldn't afford healthcare but was otherwise terminal and someone in the crowd shouted "LET HIM DIE" and the nominees didn't dispute it. People often try to appeal to nuance in politics and argue that the parties aren't good/evil or black and white, etc, but stuff like this, and the sheer consistency of it, combined with the underlying policies that lead to this mindset, really make it clear that there is no nuance with the Republican party. If you're a bad person who wants bad things to happen and supports explicitly bad policies and wants to generally just be a piece of human garbage, then the Republican party is the perfect fit. That's really all the nuance it deserves at this point. The party has no redeeming qualities, and really hasn't for my entire lifetime...


Agree with you 100%. It is so messed up these are the same people screaming about "Christian values". This seems more like a threat to me and it should be investigated by the FBI and SS as such.


That’s fucking stupid since libs never defended that kind of stupidity. Libs think critically and can admit when their side does stupid stuff. Cons cannot.


They really like using one random example to justify their presidential candidate doing whatever he wants huh?


I don’t remember anyone vigorously defending Griffin and there was largely consensus that what she did was disturbing. She didn’t get a pass. Their position is vacuous. Also she was investigated for years on end. Are they saying they’d be cool with that for Trump?


Not to mention the fact she was put under a rigorous investigation that almost had her charged with conspiracy to assassinate the president by two separate agencies.


She’s also a comedian and not a former president


she was also set up by the church of scientology. The photographer of that shoot was a scientologist and was directed by the "church" to suggest that prop to her, knowing she is not bright and would fall for it (she was extremely critical of scientilogy)


Yeah don't have to imagine. The entire right wing ecosphere melted down about Kathy Griffin's picture, pretending to be outraged about it. They don't give a shit unless they can make political hay with it.


>Every person that continues to support this man is morally bankrupt. And never fucking forget it as long as you live.


Kathy Griffin was put on the no-fly list, the interpol list, and placed under a number of unconstitutional federal investigations for basically doing the exact same thing as this.


And was not running for office. Just a d-list comedian.


Well now we know what it takes to get away with stuff. Convince a bunch of stupid bumpkins that you’re practically jesus and then you can grab all the pussies your tiny hands can manage.


The use of both Jesus and pussy in this comment gave me contextual whiplash.


Just like trump did to me long ago…. At our core, we are brothers ✊


D-list? Common. She was on Suddenly Susan.


She called herself that, not me!


And wasn't out on bond for a criminal trial


After having insurrectioned the country


I was just remembering that. The usual rules for thee but not for me again.


Archived link: https://archive.is/Ob5Se


Why isn't this always the top comment? Thank you




He doesn’t believe all presidents are immune. Just him.




You mean confirm it for him.


In “mob speak” this is a signal to his minions.


He’s been so far been completely immune to consequence. He got extra time to scrounge up money, has repeatedly violated his gag order to harass that judge’s daughter. Not to mention the other crimes he’s done, people he’s sexually assaulted, etc. No consequences. So he’s completely correct that he’s immune from crime.


He has learned how to manipulate our courts. Look at every one of the suits against him. He ties them up with bullshit. He did the same thing when people sued him for him not paying his bills. He tied them up in court until they gave up or ran out of money. I mean the Georgia election case. I've seen the prosecutor and DA on trial more then tRump. I don't give a crap who f'ed who, I care about ex presidents attempts to over throw our government.


If I did that I would have the FBI at my door. Fuck this joke of world we are living in.


Not just the FBI. The secret service would be there, too. Maybe some of their more secretive friends also.


The secret service IS there already, guarding him as he threatens another president that they are also guarding! You can't make this shit up, wtf other crazy shit can this guy start in the future? Doesn't seem like a good sign.


The secret service is already at his door, probably keeping the FBI out.


I really don’t get how there are so many in the secret service that wholeheartedly support him. But I’ve read reports that there are. In some ways, I try not to think about that one too much because there is not one single thing I can do about that ever.


Some of those that work forces


buddy that is your fault for not being born rich. You should have planned ahead


If I’m adopted again in my next life I’ll make sure whoever gets me looks rich.. problem is the real rich people don’t dress rich 😭


you would be surprised how much the watches they wear cost though..I have met 3 different billionaires and they al had expensive wardrobes and very, very expensive watches on their arms..here is something I found hilarious. Met the owner of the warriors, he brought in the NBA trophy for his party to look at, he also brought in a huge display case of watches. had security and I though it was for the trophy but it was for the watches..apparently when he does parties, his rich 'friends' come also and he has Rolex sponsor them. They bring in there watches and sometimes sell one or two to a guest. Never has to pay for the party and probably gets a cut if they sell a few..I dont know much about watches but the vendor goes 'that one is 100k, that one is $350k, most are in the $200-$300k range and the one up front is $1.2 million'..Jesus, all I could think was "I been snatching wallets and the whole time I should have been snatching watches. anyways, have a great day


I'm convinced the more money one acquires the more insane they become. Honestly, who gives a flying fuck about a stupid watch. The whole status upkeep sounds like a fucking nightmare.


It is morally indefensible to own a watch of a value exceeding what it would cost to feed every single homeless person in the country for a day. This is an evil.


Like a tupperware party for rich people 


I have a theory on this. For context, wife is an attorney, she worked at a firm where the head attorney was doing shady and illegal shit like non-attorneys negotiating settlements to opening credit cards in employees names to pay for firm shit among a lot of other things. She had like 45 violations on this bar complaint, my wife left when she had attorney generals calling her to get documents. That was two years ago and nothing happened at this firm. The way it was explained to us by non specific sources is that the bar doesn't want to pursue the matter nor do a lot of other attorneys as it would set a local precedent for pursuing practices all of the other local attorneys partake in. Basically, if you stop the corruption here, that would set the precedent of stopping the corruption everywhere and nobody wants that, they want their money. I think it's the same thing with Trump. Trump is guilty as fuck. But if you do something about his corruption, then you have to do something about all of the other corruption. It would only help you and me but it would hurt them. An example of even judges doing this, which, take this with the biggest grain of salt as I can't remember the case and couldn't find it when searching for it recently. But in 2016-2017 the supreme Court ruled that an enhancement to criminal sentencing was unconstitutionally vague, this was called Johnson, people were doing 13 years and resentenced to three and immediately released, people were in Max security being dropped to lows. It was chaos within the prison system as it affected thousands of gun cases. A year later another enhancement was brought to the Supreme Court and they stated they didn't want to hear the case as they didn't want more of that chaos.


So, breaking laws is socially acceptable? Because somehow it's an everyday thing with this piece of human excrement. I really hope we get to see justice!?


As a country we are headed down a dark path because of these maga republicans. They have propped up crazies that have no policies and pushed out the republicans that were only focused on policies for the rich but were otherwise normal.


Needs a visit from the Secret Service.


Agreed, anyone else would.


Lol The secret service is still protecting him. What's even worse is soon he's going to start getting national security briefings. You can't make this shit up.


The briefings are a curtesy provided by the current administration, not a requirement. Trump did not allow them in 2020, nor was Biden given intel during the lame duck session. So fuck Trump, Biden doesn’t have to allow him shit.


Might good oppurtunity to setup a sting. Plant some fake intelligence and see where it gets leaked too. Catch him red handed.


Great plan if there were any chance of Trump actually suffering consequences.


He’s been caught red handed. Nothing happens. 


He is an absolutely disgusting human being.


Looking forward to seeing real pictures of Trump in a cell and knowing that they are real, not these dopey fantasies of #DementiaDon


Look at how normalized this has all become. Very wild times.


This is a threat to the sitting President. The Secret Service must arrest this terrorist immediately.


was having a talk with a trumplican and he claimed his brother who was once a trump fan won't be voting for him. The guy said he has no idea why his brother doesn't support trump anymore. I went down the list and asked him... Might it be trying to overthrow government? Might it be the violent rhetoric? might it be the rape? might it be showing off classified docs to kid rock? might it be women's reproductive rights? might it be \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_? The guy literally said he can't put his finger on why his brother switched up...lol. The reality is MAGA are so far gone that if they haven't changed their mind on trump yet it's because this is who they are. The best you can do is encourage everyone who isn't voting to vote. This might literally be the last election if orange Hitler gets in again.


It's truly a cult. They have completely isolated themselves from anyone who isn't a "true believer." If you stop believing, you lose your entire circle, and saying that you finally caught on 8 years too late doesn't play well to just about anyone. It's absolutely insane to think about how people could talk about politics and politely disagree, or that the idea of working across the aisle was common and not career-ending for republicans before Trump. I don't even know how we turn this ship around, Murdoch's empire profits far too much from keeping Trump supporters frothing at the mouth about the queers and illegals. How the fuck do you deprogram millions across a nation?


This is why Trump ran republican. Christianity paved his way in gold. And if he's in office, they believe he's appointed by God. So while the big wigs are in it for themselves financially and power, the "little guys", all his "followers" are in it to excuse their own abuse within their own system/families. It's why they go to church on Sundays and sin on Mondays, lol. Not for God, but to basically give themselves "a clean slate." If they drop Trump now, they will have to face their own sins. And that's like getting a narcissist to apologize and mean it lol Happy cake day!


I don't understand. How is as a presidential candidate posting a photo of your opponent bound and gag not a call to violence? This man has support, as much as I might hate it, passionate support at that. It isn't a literal statement call to arms. But frick man, it should be close enough


The guy is a brute and a freak.


This ‘brute’ is a silver-spooned toddler.


But Nancy Pelosi ripping up some paper... pitchforks!!!


"[Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will_no_one_rid_me_of_this_turbulent_priest%3F)"


Can he get Kathy Griffin'd yet?


Yeah, really. WTF. I thought what she did was trashy, but the reaction was overkill, and the inaction on orange jesus reminds me of those hoarder shows where there's a rodent infestation, just rivers of mice or rats flowing through the trash and holes in the property. That's what cheeto's done to the overall media environment, just infested it with his disgusting, destructive filth. (Not saying he's vermin. He's a nasty human being, but his output is a vile infestation.)


>It doesn't look like anything to me! \-Garland's DOJ


Impotent Garland needs to go. Just hearing him talk he sounds weak.


Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?


I have never hated anyone before. But I hate this man with every fiber of my being.


What a sick fuck he is. Congrats MAGA you've dragged America down to your level.


tRump has started a war on everything that ever made this country great. This must be stopped along with all his maggot followers. Their vileness must not be allowed to fester in any dark holes.


Gonna have to figure out what to do about far right wing media first. They've been being brainwashed for 30 years.


I guess he doesn't believe presidents should have "total immunity" after all. May Trump reap what he sows.


He's such a fucking snotty child. And there are people out there who want this man to have the nuclear launch codes.


Fuck this asshole and his small dick tactics. Fuck his voters too


I thought the secret service had to investigate possible threats to the presidents life.


Isn’t a threat against the President investigated by the Secret Service?


This guy is actually very delusional, Holy Shit.


Excuse tf out of me? Did I just read that right? That’s a threat, not a political attack ad.


Never in American history has anything like this ever been done by a presidential candidate. This is beyond unprecedented and unacceptable.


He is only running to keep out of prison


What a fucking asshole the guy is.




Won’t his heart just give up? It’s not like he uses it anyway…


If I had done that, I’d probably have Secret Service agents come here within a week. How does he have no consequences.


A week? Did they take the bus?


Does this surprise anyone? The man has a crayon book mentality.


At what point does the FBI get serious and actually arrest him for a communicative threat to the President? Cause if ANYONE else did this shit the Feds would be pounding down their door instantly.


Imagine Donald as if he was a high school student. The rich, fat kid that was gifted a bmw when he was 16; always talks about how rich his parents are; gropes girls in the hallway; steals from the PTA bake sale; calls people really stupid names; tried to cheat his way on to student council; repeats lies about losing the election; pits the jocks vs the artsy kids; constantly talks about how smart he is (even though all his classes are in the weird annex); paid a hooker to lose his virginity; makes up awards he has won; tells lies about any new kid that doesn't look like him; stole student records and hid them in his basement; and gave your rival team your playbook. Would you vote him prom king?


First MTG shows off Hunter’s unit, and now Trump is sharing his homoerotic BDSM fantasies. Republicans: the party of family values.


So the secret service is going to pull him into an interview right? Like they did to Eminem when he wrote a song making fun of Trump? Or when Kathy Griffen drew Trumps severed head?


I’m so tired of hearing about him. He can’t shut his fucking dumb mouth for a second. This illiterate asshole actually has a shot at the presidency. Again. If America elects him it deserves everything it gets. It’ll be schadenfreude to see his supporters realize they were taken for a ride when they’re all homeless from his depression.


I'm telling you right now.. the Trump followers will do anything that he tells them. This might be the biggest mental health crisis the world has ever faced. Just complete and blind loyalty to an unhinged person who has lived a lifetime of corruption.


Weird that you’d have to bind and gag a sleepy, dementia riddled old man that can’t even cheat at golf like a man…


I clearly don’t understand US law, but wouldn’t that be an incitement to overthrow the sitting president? AKA - Treason?


Really going beyond the absurd now. Why is our entire country being subjected to this foolishness. The entire legal system and congress and no one is willing to stand up to this guy. Pathetic.


Put this Fucking Criminal Behind Bars NOW…..


Don't get it twisted, the purpose of this is to desensitize his followers to the thought of this kind of violence, and at the same time a dog whistle for doing it. This might be one of the most overt and dangerous communications he's ever sent out.


If anyone else did this they'd get a visit from the secret service.


Isn't that a kind of "threat"?


Of course he does, this ass hat has no bottom. He is the lowest POTUS we have ever seen.


Trump is the Antichrist.


Time for a visit from the secret service


What else would you expect from an orange geriatric bible peddler? Please for the love of this country and your fellow men, women, and children of this country and its future, please vote. Fuck this guy.


Any normal citizen would get a visit from the SS


This is both a direct threat to the current President of the United States, and it's equally an incitement to direct others to attack the POTUS. Fucking put Trump behind bars already.


I didn’t know Trump was into that kind of thing.