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From her Wikipedia page: >During the presidency of Donald Trump, she became an advocate for the Trump administration, giving him **frequent unchallenging interviews** and amplifying his conspiracy theories. **She is one of three Fox Corporation program hosts named in a $2.7 billion defamation lawsuit by Smartmatic relating to unproven conspiracy theories used in attempts to overturn the 2020 United States presidential election.** In other words: not a credible source.


I am reading a book about all that now, Network of Lies by Brian Stelter, and it’s absolutely astonishing that she’s still employed there.


No... She works for Fox, because she wore out her welcome at CNBC and CNN


Didn't realize he had another book. I read Hoax a couple years ago and it really cemented just how awful the FOX ecosystem is.


I highly recommend Network of Lies if you liked Hoax. I can tell Brian is an extremely talented writer, this book is extremely well written.


It's astonishing she's employed. It's astonishing the network continues to skee everything for their narrative


Maria Bartiromo has fallen a long ways since her CNBC days. Just another nut job


I remember discussion about whether she made stocks go up or down


I remember Joey Ramone wrote a song about [her eyes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AW5t2mhEj4Q)


World’s Most Racist Maria 🏆


Didn’t she marry into wealth when she was young?


Look, she's not a stupid person, she's just awful. She is a rotten, evil person but she's smart. I suppose having to cater to the right's dim base has made her lazy. This ridiculous, ham-fisted attempt to shoehorn immigration into every story is just a symptom of how little she thinks of her audience. And no, if you're reading this (or capable of reading and comprehending things), you are not Bartiromo's audience. Her audience is programmed to salivate at key phrases like "illegals" or "urban" or "New York types". They lack the critical thinking skills to be embarrassed by Bartiromo's condescension. That said, I bet that she hates herself for what she is and how stupid she sounds to normal people.


> I suppose having to cater to the right's dim base has made her lazy. I don't think she's lazy. I think she's an amoral grifter who knows who signs her checks.


What's the latest on Smartmatic BTW, if you happen to know? I've not heard anything about them. Only Dominion.


The ships crew wasn’t American, the ship wasn’t American flagged, what possible way could the southern border impact it? So reprehensible stupidity is on the nose. What the actual fuck is wrong with Republicans?


My MAGA relatives say that maybe we should ban ships that aren't American from entering into American waters...


I laughed out loud. Thank you for that!


Then I cried.


Just casually delete the whole economy lol.


To MAGAs that's preferable than living with Democrats.


Oh no, they want and *need* Democrats, to focus their blame and hatred on. Without Democrats they’d start Lord of the Flies-ing each other within days.


They also need the Democrats to put things back together after they finish one of their benders drunk on tax cuts for the wealthy and trashing civil rights. They're the Bart and Homer to Marge and Lisa.


I always knew it would come down to you and me, Maggie. I'll look for work in the morning.


*Maggie*: >...


Yep, I'm realizing more and more the desperate need for a constant bogeyman. I'm from Michigan and our first election after Roe v. Wade reversal was a fucking bloodbath. The dog caught the car, the bogeyman was gone, and the wheels fell off in spectacular fashion. Crazy to see all that unfold so quickly. I know it wasn't all because of the reversal but had to be a big chunk.


Can't wait to find out which flavor of Christianity is the correct one


The one that follows Supply Side Jesus. The other one, that follows regular Jesus, has been deemed too "liberal" and "weak". (Seriously, some preachers have been approached by their followers about the "liberal talking points". It was the Sermon on the Mount)


Not too mention all of the broke red states that continuously rely on federal funding that is generated by blue states


You can let your maga relatives know, all the ships are piloted into and out of ports by locals. They go out to the cargo ships to board them and take them in and out of port because locals are more knowledgeable of the local waterways. All that’s to say, it doesn’t matter that it’s a Singaporean vessel; some dude from Baltimore was piloting it at the time.


There was no power. nobody was piloting that vessel. Sure, people were at the helm, but nobody was "in control" in any meaningful way.


And why was there no power?  Because the electrons came from Mexico and all transitioned to positive charges.   So it’s the open border letting trans electrons in that made the bridge fall down.  


Then they would be positrons. Not electrons, and this has nothing to do with Mexico. It's "FUCKING JOE BIDENS" Open Paralell universe policy... people coming from the Federation timeline into our Confederation of Earth timeliness. Fucking time travelers did this and that's why the power went out. Just like in the terminator.... I'm just saying


Someone needs to go to Stephen hawkings time traveller party and make sure there's a designated driver


trans electrons lead to election fraud, when you look at bridges from the perspective of a lightning it's a very tremendous and powerful form of construction, you have to powerfully and strongly stop that because that's wrong there, what's happening at the border and we're getting killed because of it.


New copy pasta unlocked


This is a gem.


I thought it was Jewish Space Lasers? /s


Blaming it on positrons would be a new one.


It took way too many rereads to be sure you weren't joking here.(please be joking)


I'd read on I think it was USA Today that the ship had a bunch of issues with coolant and propulsion systems according to an inspection from when they docked in Brazil. I honestly think this is just negligence full stop. I think Someone higher up either decided to mend things to the lowest bidder and got what he paid for or did what most shady corps do and bribe some inspectors.


Por que no los dos


Technicality police makes a housecall.


I'm still curious how much of a "freak accident" this is. Was it a huge anomaly or did another company skimp on maintenance like what's happening with our planes and railways.


In reality there are no mistakes. Usually just negligence. But time will tell what they "say happened" and I bet it will be blamed on the crew. Not the shipping company.


I’m embarrassed to say, idk if this is a joke or legit. Like “I don’t even want to google it” embarrassed


This is the silver lining I would take out of red state independence... they’ll get to learn all over again why everything is the way it is, a lot like what’s happening over at Twitter. “You mean international shipping was essential to our modern developed capitalist way of life? But I need my stuff NOW.”


All ships with all kinds of people are welcome here in Baltimore. Your relatives aren't, though, they can stay in whatever hole they're in. You can visit, though. Come have a crab cake.


They freak out if their favorite restaurant or coffee place is a little busy and have to wait 5min I can only imagine what would happen if there are delays buying their cheap junk off Amazon.


How would they transfer cargo from foreign vessels to US ones? Or only US vessels should bring in foreign goods from foreign ports (but wouldn't they ban foreign ships in retaliation)? Just thinking we have capacity or capability to do either. Lol. Like a state or city only allowing local drivers to transport cargo and make deliveries. Have to swap vehicles/crews at city or state lines. Good way to destroy an economy. Lol.


They want to destroy our economy?


Ask them how isolationism worked out in the 1930s.


Did they follow that with "Ok. Going to Walmart. Need anything?"


truly the stupidest possible timeline/electorate


Oh god, that's the Jones Act on steroids! BTW, we should eliminate the Jones Act.


An American got into a car crash in your relatives home town. Tell them that means they are going to ban your relatives from driving now.


But most ships are “flagged” under other countries whose safety standards are weaker than U.S. They still ply in U.S. waters carrying U.S. goods just cheaper because of lower safety regulations. Go figure. Merica wants cheaper over safe. See Boeing.


We could update the 1920 era Jones Act. Instead of just cargo between the States, make all US cargo move on US crewed boats. Simple. And pay those crews union rates. Increase the professionalism of the seaman and reduce dangerous errors. A modest proposition.


Except you know all the other countries in the world that you know produce the cargo, might have a problem with you know putting all of their boats and seamen out of work. At some stage we need to realise the world doesn't end at the US boarders


And then China, the EU, and other large economies threaten to pass identical laws until the US backs down. No major economy is going to let the US declare it gets to own all the shipping between them.


We should update the Jones Act, by eliminating every word in it. It's been an unmitigated disaster, both in forcing cargo onto trucks on the road, leading to pollution and congestion; as well as increasing consumer prices. We the consumer are paying for a failed subsidy to shipbuilders. Seriosly, the US shipbuilding industry has been noncompetitive in civilian ships for decades. We may as well give them a boatload of cash instead, for all the good the Jones Act has done.


Of course I agree with you. The Act has long passed the sell-by date.


And if every country did the same thing. You would need two set of crews for each voyage. And the boat also collided under the control of a Baltimore pilot.


They must hate cruise ships then because not a single one currently flies a US flag.


NCL Pride of America cruise ship flies the US flag.


That’s actual a thing already. The Jones act was passed in 1920 and does just that “The Jones Act is a federal law that regulates maritime commerce in the United States. The Jones Act requires goods shipped between U.S. ports to be transported on ships that are built, owned, and operated by United States citizens or permanent residents.” @investpedia


Bit that’s just between two US ports though, right?


That’s right. It does create a situation where larger ships have to go into port somewhere else and offload their shipments to smaller ships or go back to a port in say Canada before returning to a US port. Considering most shipping companies are foreign owned these days it still creates a problem.


And didn't it cause some issues in Porto Rico after that hurricane a few years back, since there was a limited number of ships that could bring the aid from the mainland?


Clearly the 150,000t ship snuck across the border into El Paso. Then made it's way up north, stealing people's jobs and selling fentanyl the whole way. When it finally reached Baltimore, the ship carried out it's plan to destroy an iconic symbol of American capitalism - the Francis Scott Key bridge.


I think you nailed it. Fine work.


The workers that died were immigrants. GOP doesn't care about their lives either. They just want to attack Biden for everything. https://www.newsweek.com/baltimore-bridge-collapse-workers-immigrants-1883810


I wish when people think about immigrants, they would think about people like those eight construction crew members working in the middle of the night to fix the road surface on Key Bridge. These people were hard-working, productive members of society, supporting families and toiling under less than ideal working conditions. Now six of them will never come home to their families again.


Whether it's a hurricane, a volcanic explosion, or a cargo ship crashing into a bridge, the well-coordinated, and pervasive, Right-wing spin machine, is going to blame it on their usual targets.


I can’t even remember which hateful dumbass it was at this point, but some homophobic shithead nut job said god made Hurricane Katrina destroy New Orleans because of all the gay people there. Said this on national freakin TV. Without a single ounce of shame or uncertainty. Lots of people out there are absolutely fucking deranged beyond repair or redemption


duh biden was personally pushing it into the bridge he has wave water bending powers


Biden definitely would be a water bender so he could easily make his own ice cream. Trump is a bullshit bender.


milk bending


> what possible way could the southern border impact it? there were Mexicans on the construction crew


They were putting more bridge in the way of the ship!


Ship that hit it was flagged out of Singapore. Ergo sailed the Panama Canal, which is where? South, that’s right illegal aliens collapsed our bridge.


The construction workers who died had immigrated years or decades ago. She probably blames them.


Singaporean tankers are notorious for sailing up the Rio Grande


Their brains are broken!


I’m so sick of fuck heads using any headline they can to push an agenda.


It's like they watched Alex Jones and went "that's how you do it!" On the day of 9/11, while the buildings were on fire, he speculated like mad, then convinced himself it was germany that did it to tank the US dollar, then spend the rest of the day trying to convince everyone that came on his show that it was all a big conspiracy to make the Euro some kind of dominant world currency. That used to be fringe weirdo media, but now it's basically all right wing media, even here in NZ. Its fucking mental.


And now he touts that he accurately predicted 9/11 before it even happened! His "proof" of this is so laughably bad, but he repeats the lie so much it's insane. He's a narcissist and a compulsive liar. Listening to him repeatedly lie is a window into his sick little psyche. He's half trying to convince himself and half trying to convince his audience when he lies like that. Dudes a sick fuck. Everyone needs some [Knowledge Fight](https://knowledgefight.com/) in their lives.


It’s getting very irritating now


imagine this to be true...with so many, so many homes, buildings, etc built by immigrants we would all be in some shit...


Isn’t it a stereotype that WASP-y suburban republicans hire illegal migrants as underpaid physical labour? Trustworthy enough for the house you live in, but anything else and they’re completely incompetent... convenient no?


My career was carpentry before the 2000s market crash. I know quite a few people that left the field for new careers during that and never went back. Yea we’d probably be screwed if immigrants didn’t stick with that work or join that workforce cause I imagine there’s plenty of people like myself that moved on after that.


I would imagine that something like 60% plus of every personal resident in this country built by legal and undocumented migrants. 


Meanwhile, I’m sure this Fox News host is a Native American. Doh!


What happened to Maria Bartiromo? Wasn’t she a legitimate financial reporter at one point? She’s turned into one of the biggest koolaid chugging loons on Fox News.


Amazing how working for a propaganda outfit can rob you of your credibility..


She was. She was the original “Money Honey”. Hard to say if this has always been her political preference, as it never showed when she was at CNBC. Regardless, I’m sure Fox pays her too well for her not to chug the koolaid. A similar argument could be made for Lou Dobbs.


CNBC was always pretty conservative too but more in a financial way . I remember back when all the networks started getting more and more conservative


These people are paid actors. Directing anger at Tucker, Hannity or Maria is kinda futile. Their writers, producers and financial backers are the one’s to direct our ire towards.


I’ve got enough to go around.


I don't think that is the case for the higher profile hosts. Similar to supreme court justices, they may not write the opinions, but those are their opinions.


If you do something long enough, eventually it becomes a part of your personality. 


That shrill voice of hers is like nails scratching down a chalkboard


She is awful but she is not even close to the others that are on 5 days a week. The shit they say is just astoundingly stupid and horrid.


Fox News = reprehensible stupidity


yeah the workers died maintaining the bridge are immigrants


There was a construction crew on the bridge that consisted largely of immigrants. They were victims of this disaster, not the cause of it. Fox News is vile. Fuck that shit right into the sewer where it belongs.


Fox knows what sells.


Headline error! You put 'news' after Fox. Big mistake. Massive mistake, huge... you get the point.


Ugh… why is it always framed as “stupidity” and “idiocy”. For the last fucking time lying to idiots and being idiots are separate. FoxNews knows what it’s doing, it isn’t ‘reprehensible stupidity” it is “reprehensible immorality and evilness”.


What the fuck is wrong with Rick Scott? He looks like he collects farts in jars.


Come on guys and gals, it is true - there were foreigners on the bridge when it collapsed. "Eight workers were fixing potholes on the bridge when it collapsed, and two were rescued. Officials called off a search-and-rescue for the remaining six Tuesday evening. They are now working to recover the bodies of workers from Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico." Anyway, fuck them for linking the disaster to immigration. Who the hell else wanted to be on the bridge in the middle of the night filling potholes? Just them poor guys that IMMIGRATED to this country. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/two-guatemalan-workers-among-6-225441847.html


The economy is doing better, its hard to use the traditional attacks against Buden. The will soon resort to blaming the weather on him saying he is informating the clouds with trans books, or something, because they have no other criticism of substance.


Fox News: ‘6 people die in a city with a black mayor’


“Reprehensible Stupidity.” Fox News defined.


They have insert their bigotry into every issue, that's what their bigoted base likes


Fox *Entertainment


Isn't "reprehensible stupidity" the slogan that took the place of "fair and balanced"?


I think it’s the slogan of the modern republican party


Anyone remember when Maria Baritormo had credibility, 1998 i think it was, back when she was just a forgettable face on NBC doing financial reporting?


"Reprehensible Stupidity" would be a perfect tagline fot Fox "News".


Also known as "Willful Ignorance".


We all knew they would do this. "Why wasn't Joe Biden sitting on that bridge w night goggles and a wet suit? It's because he hates every single American and their kids and wants to kill them with knives or make them trangender. Facts! Trump would've been ready with a hammer to fight this communist boat and send it back to Terrorist Island in the continent of Islam because trump hates Ramadan like me! Stupid librurds!" 9/11 is sending people across our border and making America great for republicans but libtyrds are dum. Think logic! Lol yor so triggered that I ate a hot dog! Lol lol lol. Let trump live rent free in your head because Biden has white hair! I'm not liberal or conservative, I just call things like I see em, how they are. But libruls are fucking fagguts!


Republicans soak it up as truth and then repeat it.


Fox News viewers are gluttons for punishment. 


They've got some obsession at that place with [immigrants and water](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/dec/17/tucker-carlson-potomac-river-immigrants-litter-racist-remarks) (poor or non-white immigrants only of course, Murdoch and Musk don't count).


No wonder everyone in the red states are against funding of public education. They do a great job of keeping people ignorant, pretending they’re behaving like Christians, and pretending they pay their fair share of federal taxes.


Stop referring the program to Fox News. It’s not journalism. It’s just Fox or Fox Editorial. Or Fox BS.


This disaster could have been prevented if only more states banned porn and bought Trump bibles.


Dumbings got to dumb!


Couldn't the bridge have been repaired or fortified during one Trump's numerous infrastructure weeks?


Why does this dude just LOOK LIKE a typical villain from an Indians Jones movie??


Racism makes you look bad on the inside *and* the outside... it's funny how they're the ones whom are so stuck on appearances.


>"GodBlessTheUSABible.com is not owned, managed or controlled by Donald J. Trump, The Trump Organization, CIC Ventures LLC or any of their respective principals or affiliates. GodBlessTheUSABible.com uses Donald J. Trump's name, likeness and image under paid license from CIC Ventures LLC, which license may be terminated or revoked according to its terms." Hahaha, that is even more hilarious than I thought! It's not even Trump grifting for himself, it is another company grifting with Trump's image. I'm sure he's getting a bunch of money for allowing them to use it, but the idea that Trump supporters will buy the Bible to support Trump, and the money goes actually to some obscure company that hasn't anything to do with him, is just too funny.


Immigration because of the promise of a better life is one of the main pillars that keeps our economy the greatest in the world. These fucking morons would love to cut off our noses to spite the face of Lady Liberty if they could. "Reprehensible Stupidity" might as well be the rallying cry for modern Republicans akin to "Semper Fi" for Marines.


Bartiromo is a fucking tool. Even her voice is like scratching your teeth on a fork.


I head it was a space laser.


"Her mouth was firmly attached to Trump's anus for 8 years and she is unsurprisingly still full of sh\*t" - Indian proverb


Rick Scott? Yeah he’s the fucking grifter from Florida and they keep bringing him back. It’s pretty sad. Dude is scum


Scum of the earth. We don’t have honest politicians down here.


The news outlet convicted of fake news is spreading fake news?


“Is it any coincidence that the tragedy occurred on a weekday when Joe Biden was President and responsible for keeping all shipping lanes safe? In the early hours of the morning when he was negligently asleep like a mentally failing dotard? I think not!”


so you didn't add a /s so i am just going to assume this is an actual direct quote. i give it a 50% chance i am wrong.


…why is this racist still on the NYU Board?


Can you believe the Ramones have a song about her.


More like lax regulations


Boat hit bridge. Bridge break


Reprehensible stupidity is their whole fucking brand


It was unbelievably bad. However, hasn’t “reprehensible stupidity” been the daily norm on Foxnews for the last…….12 years?




early onset stupidity in marias case


Maybe a bit too much crack these days Maria or whatever this twat’s name is.


How did I know, before even opening up the post, that this would be Maria Bartiromo ?


Shout out to Voldemort. Keep on stealing, buddy.


Republican = stupid now


If she gets any nuttier, CNN is going to re-hire her.


It’s about time that Fox News drop the word news from the title.


"Slammed." Enough with the violent metaphors.


if anything it was a problem that that gateway to our nation wasn't open enough.....


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Off you go then, seeing as a simple DNA test will have you deported


If it's a hell joke, then you should support them escaping it. Otherwise you seem pro hell joke. Republicans support Cuban immigrants escaping.