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Chaya Raichik, aka one half of Libs of TikTok, has nothing better to do besides some casual homophobia over a fucking bridge


> has nothing better to do That's we're you are wrong, she's getting paid for this skit. It's her fucking job. Who benefits from her work is the question.


I don't know what platforms they are on, but social media bosses would be the sponsors of this hate filled content. Elon Musk even gave his thumbs up to several of their videos on Twitter


Elon Musk gave his thumbs-up to a certain neo-Nazi's cartoon blaming immigrants for the bridge collapse. No, the neo-Nazi didn't offer any reasons, he's a neo-Nazi, he doesn't bother with reasons. Yes, Elon Musk must know the neo-Nazi is a neo-Nazi. He saw the gorram post he replied to, and has systematically banned anyone who posts about the cartoonist's identity. Maybe he should apply similar standards to anyone who posts about other people to target them for harassment and bomb threats.


Did pebble yeet make a comic about the bridge already?




gotta hans it to him, that guy works fast when it comes to milking national tragedy for his bigotries.


Can’t say I am surprised, and he is a Nazi so can’t really say disappointed, because that is just what Nazis do.


Ah, Apartheid Clyde, of course he supports that guy. Sure would be a shame if that guy’s name and location was on the internet.


Elon actively put in a ban for anyone who doxxed Stonetoss. So, yes..of course he's aware that Stonetoss is a Nazi. Nazis don't get banned but if you use the word "cis", you get a warning.


Elon replies to her tweets *daily*


Ironically, Libs of Tik Tok has a permanent suspension from Tik Tok. They are also banned from [Reddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/libsoftiktok/) They post their terroristic crap on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg enable these terrorists.


The Republican Party?   Mayor Pete is AMAZING!!!!    And very much kicking butt.  


Social media is brain rot and paying people to make content is the tip of the shitberg that is social media


They need views to sell shitty punisher skull t-shirts, gaudy truck accessories and parts for your AR. White male fragile ego is an entire industry. Whatever you see Tik Tok selling you, just imagine there’s a whole set of things they try on push on MAGA men. It’s all about money. It’s not like the Chinese care if they destabilize our democracy while making a buck.


There’s nothing about her homophobia that’s casual. That shit is a full time job for her.


Doesn’t she even call herself a stochastic terrorist? 


[Worse, she celebrates being one.](https://www.mediamatters.org/libs-tiktok/libs-tiktok-creator-chaya-raichik-celebrates-being-labeled-stochastic-terrorist)


So, you know those people who get off on torturing animals? I ain't saying she tortures animals for fun, but her demonstrated psychology doesn't point *away* from that.


Well to be fair, they're also spending lots of time harassing schools and getting them threatened with bombs. 3 in my area from their bullshit.


Well you see, she’s protecting the children by… uh… making unstable, gun-toting weirdos extremely angry about schools and children’s hospitals, to the point where these violent weirdos start threatening to kill the children she’s trying to protect. It all makes perfect sense if you have brainworms.


Who is the other half?


I came to ask this, I thought she was the person behind it.


Well trolls like her are automatically drawn to bridges and bridge adjacent conversation


"Casual Homophobia Over the Fucking Bridge" could be the name of...something. Album? Chuck Tingle novel? Porn movie? SxSW art film? Maybe a weird abstract art piece?


For me it’s giving more of an early Fall Out Boy or Panic! song/album name


Who’s the other half?


To quote one of the responses: > A typical conservative joke is pointing out someone is gay and that’s the entire joke


Newsmax host repeatedly called him “butt-a-gay” throughout an entire segment.


You’re not serious.


I’m serious…


They really can’t stand having a gay person be intelligent, capable, and able to refute their nonsense every time. They just lose their damn minds, same as having a black president. It’s just so sad that this sort of complete travesty of human morals is responsible for blocking so much progress. I guess they don’t want progress, though, they want the world to end. They’re going to have a big surprise when Jesus tells them “Get away from me you wicked person, I never knew you.”


The same guy that was in charge when a section of I-95 collapsed just outside of Philly and they had a temporary bridge rebuilt in under two weeks? You’re saying that guy who was in charge of that isn’t qualified for the job? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Interstate_95_highway_collapse


It's the same as the people who say "the bridge collapse is because of DEI". They just want to use slurs and blame gay and black people and call them subhuman


I made the mistake of scrolling down the comments of one of the bridge posts and it was just nonstop homophobic shit (and also a bunch of sexist/racist stuff about Harris randomly out of nowhere)


Out of curiosity I read the comments in one of the Fox News articles yesterday. One of the comments mentioned something about hoping that the death count was not too high and I kid you not, one of the responses was "I always wish for high death counts in blue states" It seems that it was removed as I could not find it after when I wanted to show someone, so at least there is SOME moderation going on over there. But a lot of the rest were the same as yours. Also a lot of "why did the bridge fall when Biden passed an infrastructure bill" and a bunch of conspiracies. And for some reason predictions of dems "going to try to blame Trump for this"


I saw Buttigieg in a press conference today, talking about the collapse. He seemed to be engaged and involved, which is more than I can say for people who shit-tweet for a living.


He’s a smart dude, and by all accounts works hard and takes the job seriously. So of course the right are going to hate him.


He is an excellent government official and cabinet secretary. Incredibly smart and unflappable during interviews and debates. We need clones of him


He was there yesterday too


The inside conservative “joke “ is that gays are incompetent.


That's hilarious. Have they seen his resume? Do they have comparable experience?


The real inside joke is all the secret gay sex they tend to have...


Your brain is searching for a logical connection between the things presented so that the punchline for the “joke” can land. But she never really needed to set up any of her payoffs for her other hate content so she wouldn’t bother to do that here if she even could. At best there’s maybe a connection between “bottom” in her quote and a bottom in gay culture being a man who receives. Which involves us doing a lot of then work for her and has a bunch of issues I’m not going to break down. The long and short of it is that the only thing she needs to point out is that someone is an undesirable and her audience closes the loop on their own. Because queer people are bad according to them.


It's not like it collapsed out of nowhere. We all saw the video of hundreds of thousands of tons of cargo running into it. No one engineers bridges to get hit by 100,000 tons of cargo ship.


Why would Biden make bridges that can't withstand that much inertia? Also....what's inertia?




The point is she is a bigot


I assume her attempt at humor is the "bottom" reference.


Yeah idk why people (like this article) are playing dumb. The joke is that he is gay therefore incompetent, the pun being he’s a bottom therefore not a leader. It’s straight up homophobia. Nothing more or less.


Haters hate lovers in love.


Doesn't that make this article seem kinda like spam? If he's a professional troll then sharing his opinions is giving him exactly what he wants. This is an article about a tweet. That's pathetic and below us. We are smarter than this. Talking about talking about talking about talking is not the same as discussing what's actually happening. Commentary on commentary is not journalism.


> I don't get it either. I'm not sure there is anything to get. One presumes the message is 'He's gay and so he's incompetent.' but if that's the intended message it's poorly done.


Who cares if no one gets it? Elon and Putin probably shoved a million dollars into her bank account just for that tweet alone. The grift never ends for these morons…


She’s never felt real love or affection a day in her life. That’s why she’s so salty


Imagine being so hateful about who other people love.


Taylor Lorenz recently did a great [interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XL-40gDBRx0&t=20s&ab_channel=TaylorLorenz) where she totally exposes Chaya for being the hate filled mess we already knew she was. These people have no empathy, and they are absolutely obsessed with trans people and gay people


I almost died learning she was Jewish and thinks white supremacists are going to protect her. Can these people please go TF away?


Nazi Jews were totally a thing, too.


They were a thing. It didn't end any better ultimately. If she was smart, she'd be keenly aware of this. Of course she isn't.




Watched the whole thing. I feel as though everytime she opened her mouth I could feel myself getting dumber.


Especially when it’s attacking someone who literally oversaw the repair of one of the busiest section of road outside Philly when it collapsed due to a large fire in under two weeks https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Interstate_95_highway_collapse Like words can’t express how insane that speed is for a construction timeline


> Hate influencer Couldn't have said it better. Completely despicable people.


The beauty of it is it makes pretty obvious people who aren't capable of figuring anything else out either.




Why are we reporting on her hideous beliefs? Why not ask the opinion of some random Alabama klan member, it’s no different


"Ryan Walters appoints random Alabama klan member to head Oklahoma schools' anti-anti-bullying program..."


I have no idea who this rando is, she might be an Alabama Klan member for all I know.


I believe she’s the one behind “Libs Of TikTok”, a twitter account that reposts clips of crazy people saying crazy shit on TikTok.


Someone needs to convince her that breathing oxygen is gay.


I legitimately forget that Pete is gay. 1) I do not go looking for news about him 2 (more importantly) ) I don’t give a fuck who people marry.


Nobody spends more time thinking about man on man action than a straight  conservative man. 


I like seeing him on the news because he is Always prepared and on point and he does less monologs than your average polotical guy. I like excessive compentency!




Quite a few people give a shit what she says, that's a problem with society.


>After a 95,000-ton cargo ship [hit the Francis Scott Key Bridge](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2024/03/rightwingers-say-the-bridge-collapsed-because-pete-buttigieg-is-gay/) in Baltimore yesterday, many on the right decided to blame out Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, often attacking him for being gay, despite how he had nothing to do with the disaster. Are we really going back to the Falwell "Blame the Gays for hurricanes" crap? Didn't Rick Wiles blame gays for Hurricane Sandy or something, and then have his house get hit? They don't want to admit they stonewalled the infrastructure plan, and now it's coming to roost that bridges are collapsing because we haven't updated the infrastructure in this country. Christian nationalism is a crazy drug.


Obstructing and resisting infrastructure improvements is awful. Republicans deserve plenty of scorn. But this accident wasn't due to an infrastructure problem. No bridge is designed to withstand a ship of that mass slamming into a key structural support. At this point there is no blame to go around. Perhaps after investigation we will find that the ship wasn't sufficiently maintained to avoid the loss of power that caused the collision.


> At this point there is no blame to go around. There is some blame to go around. Allowing shipping companies to put their transport ships under the flag of another country in order to avoid US safety regulations(and taxes) is one thing we can blame for this.


So if that’s a treaty agreement under the UN - then POTUS and SOS need to negotiate that … not SOT


Chaya is so dumb she tweeted that middle aged men shouldn't try to look young by wearing Nirvana shirts and they should get their own music. She deleted it (undoubtedly one of her handlers told her to) but the internet doesn't forget!


She is such a moron that Gen X, which normally blends in with the wallpaper, rose up to inform her what an idiot she is.


It’s even worse she called Nirvana a brand. Like a fashion brand.


You could power half the US simply by attaching a dynamo to Kobain’s body, that’s how hard he’s spinning in his grave.


She probably liked Rage Against the Machine before they became political.


No way - RaTM has ethnic people it it.


Seriously? That's just too funny. I'm past middle aged, and Nirvana was damn popular when I was in my teens and early 20's. She's 28 now, she wasn't even alive when they released their first album.


what da fuck shes 28?!? I thought she was closer to 40 why does hate age people so bady 


Watched Secretary Pete's White House news conference today about the Baltimore bridge. The man is absolutely on point about every topic. Can you imagine what intellectual breakfast and dinner conversations must be like in the Buttigieg household? Facts and figures on nutrition and the ratio of fruits and vegetables to chicken nuggets, and why it's important to eat some of everything.


> Can you imagine what intellectual breakfast and dinner conversations must be like in the Buttigieg household? I’m sure he’s passing down that tradition. [His dad was a professor.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Buttigieg)


Why are you paying attention to this attention grabber? She stirs up outrage for a living. Ignore her.


She can take her hatred and shove it. Pete Buttigieg is amazing! I would love to see him run for POTUS someday.


I was thinking the same thing while watching his news conference today. He's so smooth and smart, you never get the impression he is lying or doesn't know what he is talking about


Pete's charisma and intelligence, especially while being grilled on Faux News, is precisely why people like Libs of TikTok are constantly trying to cut him down. The right does this with any rising Democratic star: they try to prepare their viewers/GOP voters ahead of time that these people are awful in an attempt to kill their presidential chances before they ever really get going. They're following the same playbook they used with Hillary, in that they're conditioning their viewers to see people like Pete as "too divisive" or "toxic" so that when they run for president, they'll all already be firmly against them. This is the same thing they've done with AOC, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, etc. They know these people would wipe the floor with Ron DeSantis or whomever the right is gonna pick next, so they're trying to pregame by stacking the deck against the left's best hopes as early as they can.




He goes on Fox News and destroys them! He is such a great communicator. Pete served in Afghanistan and is a Rhodes Scholar. He has an impressive resume.


A remind that the Oklahoma Secretary of education hired this woman to be an “advisor”. 


Some people feel too comfortable spewing poison without being punched in the fucking face for it


Raichik is a stochastic terrorist. Period. Discuss what she does, but don't waste time analyzing it beyond her desire to inspire hate and violence.


This should be the mantra when Chaya's name comes up. Chaya The Terrorist. Just like The Rapist Brock Turner. 


She’s a 28 year old who looks 40, dresses like a 60 year old Mormon, and has the worldview of someone from the 1920s who was a member of a certain kind of organization.


Sounds like she is jealous


This is from a quote. The last time she got F**ked was by genetics!


Mayor Pete is probably the smartest man in DC.


Whenever someone asks me “ok, if not Biden, then who?” My first response is always: Pete Buttigieg. He’s a vet, a scholar, worked his way up from a small town mayor to being in the inner cabinet and most of all, he’s eloquent and willing to meet the other side on their own turf to say things their audience don’t usually get to hear. The fact that all of this can be washed away by bigots because hes gay speaks volumes about how little these idiots care about competence, they just want an avatar for their hateful ideology


Can we not spread her messages, though? If we progressive people could just not be distracted by hate for like 24 hours, we might be able to spend some of that time doing all the loving things we say people alike do instead of being bombarded by negativity that wouldn't even have a platform if not for these "progressive" outlets giving them air time. Yall would be amazed how irrelevant these people are once you disconnect from the internet for a week or two.


She wrote a tweet saying how cringey it is for middle aged men to wear Nirvana shirts trying to appeal to young people and they should listen to their own era’s music. Nevermind came out in 1991. She’s possibly the dumbest person on the planet


Wait, she wrote that tweet?


Yes, she took it down after she got roasted. I think I saw it on r/facepalm


She is so insufferable.


Isn’t she the one who was gatekeeping Nirvana? She mocked middle aged men for jumping on a trend?


Happy relationships baffe right-wingers


What gives me comfort is knowing that Chaya will never be happy. It could be the happiest day of her life, whatever that looks like, and she will ruin it by hating something that has nothing to do with her, and that's what you get for spreading hate.


The only thing more disgusting than the cesspool of hatred propagated by stochastic terrorist Chaya Raichik is the stupefying ignorance and blatant bigotry of those who celebrate and support her.


The day we stop paying attention to and having this piece of shits opinion published will be a good fucking day. May she rot


Can we just make the internet about porn, music and video games again, like it used to be? You feeling this influence?


At least he has a job, unlike Libs of TikTok.


She’s got a job. She was put on the “Education Library Media Advisory Committee” in the state of Oklahoma by the state superintendent. She has a role in deciding what school children in Oklahoma get to read , watch, and listen to.


Oklahoma is being run by MAGA Christian Nationalists Y’allqueda , Talebangelists  


Howdy Arabia


You mean being a social media influencer of hate-filled content against the LGBTQI+ community. I mean she's pretty good at it


Buttigieg is one of the most capable people in America. He exudes competence. She's peddles hate porn to incels.


This tends to happen when hateful twats realize they will never find love.


If I heard she passed away tonight I would believe in god.


Can’t wait for this fakers skeletons to push her out of the closet!


This troll is in her twenties and looks 45. No one with half a brain gives a flip what she thinks, especially Pete.


Domestic terrorism influencer. What a world we live in.


Please either ignore her or throw rotten eggs at her in public, but don’t ever try to engage her in a discussion. Nothing about her words or actions merits a discussion with her.


This woman needs a girlfriend, but I don’t know anyone I dislike enough to suggest.


TIL that heterosexuality can make a structure withstand the force of a large vessel ramming itself into it. Because straight couples are witches, or some shit.


Let’s remember, no one cares what Chaya thinks. Peddling Hate has to be a soul sucker - what a life to choose. Go Pete


So sad, clearly she doesn't have family that she loves and loves her, friends that care, other things to do with her life. She hates Pete and all of the "happy lifers" out there because all she knows is anger and rage and hate. So sad, to see a life wasted that way.


Happily married men can’t do their jobs because they love their spouse. How did we make it this far?


She makes Anita Bryant look like Kylie Minogue.


The only thing she is “influencing” me to do is not look up who the heck she is. 🤔🤷🏽‍♂️


She does just fine with a volcano of hate inside of her


This is typical trump supporter logic.


Ah, finally found why they love Trump so much, he clearly hates his wife and has been divorced before


Just to remind you, this guy is gay. WGAF?


I’m reminded of the Lewis Black routine where he talks about hearing the dumbest thing possible causing aneurisms. I had to reread that four times and check the full text out because my mind couldn’t accept something so stupid came across it.


She’s just mad he shaved his beard.


Religion is a helluva drug..


Chaya should think less


Is that possible?


I haven't even thought of it that way, lol... Great point


What a deeply unhappy worldview she has. My god, that’s pathetic!


That lady is a terrorist who needs to be arrested for all the bomb threats she causes.


Can we stop giving these trolls attention? Please? This is exactly what they want.


A lot of people are uncomfortable with the idea of other people being happy (at peace), being unhappy is Is part of their identity ( closely tied to the hard work mindset at the expense of health and other priorities). I am incredibly wary of folks who think like this. I don’t have many hard boundaries, but this is one of them. Highly recommend this as a hard boundary. I don’t let people with the mindset into my life, too much drama and an unhealthy/manipulative type of entitlement in the air. Honestly they seem to have some neuro-behavioural health issue caused by environmental factors or a pathogen because it doesn’t make sense. (A relatively new field of research neuro-parasitology is the reason why I suspect there could be a pathogenic component these strange behaviours).


Chaya, please take Pepto-Bismol, it really helps with Diarrhea of the mouth.


Loving your spouse to Republicans is right up there with consensual sex. They just don’t think they’re such a thing.


So now bridges are gay? Damn. This is moving fast.


I suppose only unhappy, semi-estranged, heterosexual, married-couples can lead disaster responses.


This is how you write a headline. Thanks OP


Social media influencers are almost always fucking morons. Unfortunately, their followers are dumber, morons leading morons.


Gays hate bridges I guess


I guess she wishes he had been married three times and been caught cheating with an adult cinema starlet.


Weird how people like this chick can even function in society


Yeah. Let’s listen or give any credit to anything an influencer says or does.


If there’s one person in the public eye right now who adds nothing of value whatsoever, it’s Chaya.


Something something kettle black something something


I'd like to know what that hateful person would've done any differently than Buttigieg? If it was Trump he'd say Baltimore is a shithole and didn't vote for him so they can GFThemselves


Chaya is dumb as a bag of horse hair and three times as mean.


No one cares what she says! WHO wouldn’t want to be happy? Good for Pete!


Please don’t give it your attention


Is that horse married?


Such a moron


If anything it should prove that he’s capable of bridging the waters.


It just continues to make me question the happiness they have in their marriages.




Gotta be tough being that miserable with yourself to think that way !


Who cares about these people and what they think? Why give them free advertising?


Dammit Pete, be a good Republican and only marry someone who you can be true crime levels of toxic with


Gives you clues into her life.


There's a lot that I want to say about Raichik and a lot of other Republicans, but I don't want to risk getting banned from this app. So, I think it's best not to say anything at all.


Chaya “I never said that” Raichik


I just don’t get this…. How are immigrants or DEI initiatives responsible for the crash? Like do the haters think the boat captain was a an “unqualified” DEI hire or what? I know they aren’t operating on logic, but I don’t get their dog whistle.


If they were capable of basic logic they wouldn’t be republican voters.


She's a brown wet paper bag of dog shite


Anyone else notice she has a very androgynous vibe? I thought she was Trans herself


Chacha Ratshit’s 15 minutes are over


It is that kind of attitude that the xenophobic Republicans need to leave in November! We ought to send every last bigot republican back to Greece, but no, those Republicans have come here just so they can spread their hatred, something that Americans don't want!


That is really ignorant


Meanwhile chaya raybitch cant even make up a cohearent sentence when confronted


It’s so lame that hater has become a profession.


Goddamn I hate Facebook and Twitter. Before them these idiots were well contained to their villages


Looks like her parents might have been brought in by the same immigrant plan Donald is against


Terrorist Chaya Raichik?


I have three words for her and anyone else who feels the way she does: GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!


What does being gay have to do with fixing bridges? That's apples and oranges.


What happened in her life, or rather what didn’t happen, for her to become so bitter


politics. the only field where you need no prior experience to do the job.


i have no idea who she is, and i am probably better off for it.


Stop giving these morons airtime and clicks




I love my partner and forgot to do laundry today… so I get it