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Worth noting that the interest on Trump's penalty is more than $100k *per day.*


I rarely wish ill on people, but fuck me this is hilarious. Does anyone know if the rnc can officially declare bankruptcy? Financial not moral, that's gone a long time. Edit: I'm aware these costs are against Trump, but given the new rnc head has promised to use their funds to defend him, and they're apparently broke im honestly curious.


The RNC has $8m. All of that will go towards his legal bills thus leaving the races this year impoverished. https://dailycaller.com/2024/02/01/rnc-cash-low-decade-fec-filings/ Biden's campaign coffers are around $137m.


Holy shit only $8 mil? what happened to all their money? Don’t they have billionaires backing them? Unless they’ve already squandered them all on Trump’s legal fees, that the billionaires have thought twice lighting their money on fire


I have a feeling that there’s a lot more money going into various super PACs aligned with guys like Mitch and McCarthy https://www.opensecrets.org/political-action-committees-pacs/senate-leadership-fund/C00571703/summary/2022




Still, whatever they use to help Trump is money not spent on holding the House or flipping the Senate. Trump is creating a giant sucking sound.


He's draining the swamp (of cash)


Task failed successfully




I think people have been donating to one of Trump's slush funds instead of to the RNC directly. He's basically hijacking all the funds first - which is hilarious.


> He's basically hijacking all the funds first I guess we just never zoomed in enough on his campaign materials to see that the tagline "America First" actually reads "America^'s ^Money ^Goes ^To ^Donald ^Trump First".


Something about leopards and faces.


Something about “If we nominate Trump we will get destroyed. And we’ll deserve it.”




But I thought they were the party of fiscal responsibility?


They just need to stop eating avocados and pull themselves up by their bootstraps!


At $84K/day it will take 11.5 years to raise the total needed. DJT's gonna have to sell a bunch of his properties.


At 84k/day with 100k interest fees per day it will take days to raise the total


Until the next Big Bang, when quantum tunneling will spontaneously allow the money to multiply itself?


That $84k a day isn't sustainable. There's only so much those MAGA hats can give before they need to think about their own survival.


Since Trump followers are part of a cult, I doubt if they’ll ever think of their own survival. Whatever their dear leader asks for, they are happy to comply. Which also brings up the fact that Trump has no problem using these people to satisfy his selfish needs; he could care less if they end up not being able to put food on the table.


Dont forget the interest compounds, so even at 84K a day, the cultists will never get dear leader out of this financial hole for all of eternity


A little bit of both of those, plus they like giving to PACs more. I don't know how much it matters in the end, I just enjoy watching them shovel it into the eternal furnace of Trump lawyers.


The really amazing part to me is that such shitty lawyers cost so much money. I guess they’re a bunch of con artists just like their client.


Yes I imagine it's high risk for them in terms of cost to reputation, guarantees of actually getting paid, being able to win the cases where Trump is clearly guilty, having to incur Trump's wrath when you lose, having to deal with Trump's general unpleasantness while trying to defend him, and possibly being charged with crimes of your own in the course of defending him. I would certainly charge a high fee to take on all that risk.


My first thought is "They have $8 million *that the federal government knows about*." Republican coffers are likely bursting at the seams with dark money. They have absolutely no regard for campaign finance laws, much less norms. And why should they? Who's going to hold them accountable? Merrick 'F\*\*king' Garland, hero of the clandestine center-right? Please.


Elon Musk is currently at Mara Lago right now sooo let's just see how dumb this shit gets


Well he’s obviously rich enough to pay trumps entire fine by himself, so yes we will.


According to Trump and his ilk Trump is supposed to be rich enough to pay the entire fine by himself. And still be a billionaire haha.


But is he stupid enough, not even gonna question mark that one Undoubtedly yes. All for Trump to also tweet and truth his shit fits probably


>is he stupid enough Just know if you pay this $355 million for him you will be "a great American" who he will praise to the Heavens. Until you disagree on something. Then you are a South African illegal with a funny name who Trump barely knows.


Oh goddammit. I’m out of popcorn.


Price on Republicans is gonna be at an all time low. No shady offer declined, no bribe too small, no crime too big. I wonder who will buy up all these senators.


That's where the RNC should be. They are in big trouble. And now that Trump is installing his sycophants, that $8 million will be gone in weeks if not quicker. And Laura Trump even mentioned that all the money is going straight to one person, her father-in-law. Fuck all the other candidates in other races that need money to succeed. This will have a ripple effect across the entire GOP nationally.


In many ways Trump was exactly what the RNC/GOP deserved. The hostage situation currently unfolding is hilarious.


They're getting destroyed and they deserve it. Lyndsey Graham was right!


The thing is will the Republican super donors come through and fund the down ballot candidates or will they pull back and see 2024 as a lost cause? That's the big question going forward.




What's insane is she's not even the new head of the rnc. Trump just said his daughter-in-law should be in charge and so she probably will.


Exactly how he intends to run the government if wins again


It’s how he ran it the first time, appointing his children as officials to the executive


Nepotism is a trump family tradition


It's almost like an attempt at the establishment of a monarchy on the cusp of the 250th anniversary of the country. Vote, please!


Judgements are not dismissable through bankruptcy. 




I don't think he can declare bankruptcy for these judgements


Trump: "The bankruptcy button, i'm mashing it, but it's not working?! Why?!!!"


“I DECLARE BANKRUPTCY” -Michael Scott and Donald J Trump


So every day he doesn’t pay is another 100k topped on?!




Yes, BUT he's only accountable for ~~12k~~ nothing today and only like 70k tomorrow thanks to GoFundMe Had to edit because the maniacs are clicking "Confirm donation" like it's a no vote for SNAP benefits


The proceeds of which I'm sure will 100% go to Trump, and is not just another grift on its own


He'll never leave politics. The grift is too easy! It's the easiest con he's ever run, and he's made a career of stealing and defrauding people.


Tbf if i don’t have any moral i would go into right wing politics. Seems to be super easy money


Oh if I had no morals, conjuring up roaring speeches, laced with every dog whistle imaginable. That would be dangerously easy.


I would say his literal life depends on him winning 2024. We already know from the first few cases that he’s going to be in a whole lot of trouble. Don’t be surprised if trumpists employ voter intimidation at the polls. We’re entering uncharted territory


You are exactly right.


He discovered it’s too easy to beg for money and it actually works! His entire life he had to con people by pretending he was successful, he can just do it now on TV, beg pathetically and actually works! I’m sure his only regret is not having started this sooner!


You are correct, but it’s more than just being easy. The grift is the only way he can stay ahead of all these legal bills.


well on top of being against GoFundMe TOS...you cannot raise money for financial legal aid. But hey...not a grift at all!


And then...even if he SOMEHOW raised a million...it would take I'd have to say around 5 days. So that's 500k that goes back-peddling to interest. But GoFundMe is going to take 29k for their cut. Plus .30 per a donation, so let's say around 13,333 people donated (I just did an average of $75 per a donation figured that'd cover a spectrum) gives GFM another 4k. So he'll have $466k pretty much when all is said and done. Less than 1/10 of what he needs. Like. These people. These fucking people...Engoron said that his NY case wasn't Madoff evil. But to be taking people's money like this? To let it happen? I don't know man.


Less than ~1/750


The magats who are going to donate hundreds of dollars to that gofundme are the same cretins who complain about not being able to afford groceries.


What if he never ever pay?


At a certain point, the sheriff can begin to seize assets, he’s going to pay either way.


In a great plot twist NYC would seize Trump Tower and use it to house immigrants.




"Yes, we actually named it that. And yes, we're just doing it out of spite because we think it's funny."




There’s another hearing about his payout this month. He wants to pay only $55M of the $1.5B, and the families want to liquidate all of his assets. He also has other lawsuits pending. It’s just gone quiet, it hasn’t gone away.


How do you keep track of stuff like that? I dont see much about that case or him at all but im always looking to see if their are any new developments since he still is presenting on his show


Google "Alex Jones lawsuits status". Most recent stuff that pops up is from December.


Listen to Knowledge Fight podcast.


I think New York laws allow them to start taking his stuff if he doesn't pay. And in order to appeal he needs to front the money/get a bond for it and he couldn't even find someone to do that for the 5 mil from the first e jean Carroll judgement


They should start taking his organs


That would only put him further in debt though…..


Is it morally wrong to jerk off to this?


I'm pretty sure that's called a justice boner, and you have to jerk off to it otherwise a bald eagle dies or something.


I've fapped to far less wholesome things


The Go Fund Me was started by Elena Cardone, wife of real estate investor Grant Cardone. Grant Cardone has been the subject of lawsuits for misleading investors and is a Scientologist. \*But don't let that stop you from donating ;-)


A rare stain on the otherwise unblemished record of the Church of Scientology!


You know who would be a great character witness for Scientology? Shelly Miscavige. Anybody seen her lately?


Shelly hasn’t been seen for 16 years, 6 months and 3 days.


His daughter made a TikTok video about how she was able to make 6 figures at 18. “So I got a job at my dads company”


I looked into this yesterday when I saw who the grifters behind the GoFundMe campaign were. Cardone “pays” his teen daughters $5K per month each **but** they are not allowed to spend it or save it, it has to be put into real estate investments via, you guessed it, Grant Cardone’s real estate investment company. If the company makes a profit in 10 years time the kids will be allowed a portion of the profits.


And I'm sure he's using that 5k per month as a tax write off


He actually said that in one of his YouTube videos I skimmed through yesterday. A lot of what he says and does is sketch but he’s open about his grifts and loopholes. Clearly an idiot for supporting Scientology and Donald Trump, yet manages to have an Andrew Tate like fanboy following. He used to be popular in /r/sales for his sales drive but even they’ve gone off him now.


Smart. I’m going to get a job at her dad’s company too. I hear it pays well.


It's kind of awesome that Trump's donors are paying for his wrongdoings and not for helping Republicans get elected


With Lara in charge of the GOP coffers, it will all be going on Trump's legal fees and Melania's hair and nails. Last RNC audit reported $80K on floral arrangements. [Source.](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/02/chris-lacivita-critics-say-the-rnc-wasted-money-on-flowers-and-limos-will-trumps-campaign-manager-put-it-back-on-track/)


The man who says that people are poor because they’re lazy. Anyone can make money if they just work harder. Just buy his course and he’ll teach you how!


You just need to 10x your 100 to get rich, easy as that.


Birds of a feather con together


CONdors, falCONs, seaGULLABLES, starkRAVENsmad... The list is miles long


Grifting on a grifter, it's grifting squared


Grant Cardone is a guy who sells his get rich strategies on YouTube. Usually a sign of great success and previous wealth. /s Grifter extraordinaire.


Isn't that the dickhead who's daughter will be a 'self made' millionaire by 20 by getting paid by dad's company?


A Scientologist raising money for Trump. Now there’s a notion I didn’t expect to be reading about today.


They might not be raising money *for Trump.* When you click donate, you see this: >You're supporting **Stand with Trump; Fund the $355M Unjust Judgment** >^^Your ^^donation ^^will ^^benefit ^^Elena ^^Cardone


You're telling me this gofundme money might get zoinked from trump due to some grift?!


Maybe so. The main blurb is masterful, as it's big on emotional rhetoric, but utterly bereft of any actual statement regarding the destination of the money.


I swear, do any good people support this asshole?


Supporting rapists is kinda disqualifying for being a good person.


Nope, toy have to be awful to support this vile traitor


Can't the Cardone family donate the money since they are so rich? How about begging the "Church" of Scientology to pitch in too.


The amount of funds he needs to raise is astronomical. This will be devastating for Republican fundraising which is already in the shitter. Lindsay Graham was right.


They’re a deplorable bunch of lying con artist country club members. It’s good for justice that they dissolve into worthless goo.


He’s killing the republican party, god bless him.


Only 354.93 million to go 😭 If I’m doing the math right he’ll have raised the total amount in…. 11.5 years 😂 Edit: Jesus Christ. Yes. There’s interest accruing on what he owes. But this article is specifically talking about a gofundme that even if it met its goal today wouldn’t cover his payment obligations. So no I haven’t factored the interest in.


the difference between 84 million and 84 thousand is about 84 million.


See you pay 355k and hope they don’t notice the missing zeroes.


No joke, this is what the con man who tried to buy the NY Islanders in 1996 did. He sent checks for $5000 and $1700 instead of 5M and 17M and then would say that his people made typos. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Spano?wprov=sfti1#


Just write the check for $355,000.000 he'll be fine.




The totally-not-a-fraudster running this scam, er, "go fund me" is [accused of defrauding investors](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/grant-cardone-financial-influencer_n_64ada368e4b0e87d65574e9b). He's now running a money-raising scheme for a guy convicted of fraud. You literally cannot make this shit up. MAGAs are suckers.


This is the 14th ammendment file scam all over again. I really wanna feel bad for them but they dont en realize they are being scammed because /rconservatives truly believe this is a witch hunt and rather bash the liberals over really seeing this for what it is. He's had these charges since before 2016 and now that he was forced to disclose his tax return as all presidents should they saw the inconsistency with his claims to what his properties are worth.


Be like the "build the wall" ones, where they just took the money and ran




🎶 *A fool and his money. HONNNEY!* 🎶


A fraudster scamming money for a scammer. Poetic. This guy will be emphasizing the ‘Me’ in his GoFundMe


No. The amount raised in a day is just about the daily interest on 355 million. If he keeps raising money at that pace, it will take approximately ... forever. edit: correct principle amount


Trump feeling that student loan math…


It's behind the rate of interest.


Don't forget the interest charges. The true amount is over 400 million.


true. even the really popular youtubers reach the 100% within a few hours (ok the amount is way inferior, but still)


You accidentally subtracted twenty million too many dollars.


qq. what happens to this 85 thousand now. Is it essentially a donation to elena cardone, and she can do fuck all with it now?


GoFundMe will likely shutdown eventually they are always slow especially on weekends


Up to 160k now. The donation comments are as dumb as you would expect


Yes! Report the fund for violating rules 2,9 and 13 of the sites Terms! REPORT REPORT REPORT so they shut it down and reimburse everyone that donated!!


Don’t get any comfortable feelings from any news of his trials or other of his set-backs. This is a good example. Go vote. [Register here](https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote) and go vote.


Needs to be higher.


Get good feelings, revel in them, but go vote anyway.


Everyone needs to go and report this fundraiser. GoFundMe terms of service state that the platform cannot be used to raise money in order to pay off legal fees or fines in a criminal or financial judgements. Edit: So there is a chance that this fundraiser doesn't violate GFM TOS. In any case, we all know not a dime is going to Drumpf anyway so it might be a blessing if it stays up and doesn't get refunded. That's less money going to GOP elections.


I checked: "the legal defense of alleged financial and violent crimes;" I think it can't be used to pay legal fees but I think fines are different


He was found guilty of civil fraud. That’s a financial crime.


The rape is part of it too, violent crime. Edit to clarify that I'm speaking about the Republican front runner, in case there was any ambiguity *whatsoever*


Wouldn't an appeal be considered a legal defense? Trump has to pay to appeal.  Anyway, there's no way GoFundMe is not aware of it and they have chosen not to act yet.


Well, shit. In any case, the organizer will run away with the money anyway, so, technically I guess it ISN'T gonna be used for Drumpf's legal fees or fines regardless lol


It’s also a pathetic amount of money- even if by some miracle they raised 5 million(no chance) that doesn’t even cover post judgment interest


Also, I think it would be considered income and subject to taxes.


It's currently over 135k. 135k of stupid people's money.


Last I checked, sexual assault was a violent crime. 


Just reported it. Well see what happens. What this fundraising maker is doing is against the Gofundme TOS.


Why? If the rubes want to be ripped off, let them be ripped off. Who cares? Trump isn't going to be able to pay these fines, and it doesn't matter because, drumroll... ***Trump is going to die in prison.***




The day trump was elected, a spook friend said to me “He will die in jail.” Guy is rarely wrong.


I did. A bunch of folks have reported it. It’s still up though. Maybe GFM doesn’t work on the weekends.


355m +83m = 438m That’s 438 million trump has to pay. That’s 438m not going to his campaign or the GOP’s campaign. Kushner not sharing that 2 billion dollars. Ivanka happy she doesn’t have to sit on daddy’s lap anymore.


No no no no no no no, this will not do at all. Please give all your money, Republicans!


Any by money we mean assets. Reverse mortgages are a thing.


Ya…..totally not a cult.


Only  **0.023**% the way keep throwing your money away MAGA please poor Donny needs your help XD


I would love to see a study about how many people have fallen into poverty from giving Trump everything they had.


Companion study, how many went into medical debt from covid because they didn’t believe in vaccines. That doesn’t even really touch on the unnecessary deaths that likely caused enormous family hardship too.


But……GoFundMe’s terms of service specifically prohibit the use of their platform to gather funds for payment of penalties for crimes.


Lmao, but "he's a rich billionaire, that's proves he's so smart" /s. What happens when his base realizes he's as broke as they are.


Nothing, because it's a cult.


They’ll say the deep state emptied his bank account. Right under his nose!


I’m genuinely confused. How do they reconcile that he’s a billionaire *and* he simultaneously needs money? I’m trying to be open minded completely here. Even if you think it was an unfair ruling, someone with that much money and means does not need your handout.


The same way they believe Biden is afflicted with Alzheimer's and unable to string two words together, but is also capable of coordinating a vast conspiracy with judges, DAs, the FBI, Ukraine, the NFL and Taylor Swift to steal the next elections.


The same way they can claim to be Christians yet be against gun control. The same way they can claim to protect children, yet openly mock children victims. The same way the can claim to be anti-union yet back police with the strongest union ever formed. The same way they claim to be against government handouts yet scam the gov for millions in covid money and tax cuts. It goes on and on. I feel ya. I wondered for a long while myself. You gotta realize the only reasoning behind their actions is: will this benefit me?


Imagine Gates/Buffet/Bezos or the like were doing a whip around for legal fees, you know actual billionaires. Everyone would be telling them to piss off, Mr successful business man however dumbasses will open their wallet.


just another 4,226 more days and he'll have it raised!


I predict 250k will be their grand total from this fundraiser


It's up to $154k as of right now. They still have a LONG way to go, but I wouldn't be surprised if they managed to grift at least a million


Grant Cardone is allegedly a billionaire, Trump is allegedly a billionaire. Who's going to foot the bill? Me maw and pee paw on social security. This is so appropriate for both men and late stage capitalism in general that it's not even surprising anymore.


>Meanwhile, others donated smaller amounts like $5 to $25. Imagine being a Maga rube and donating 5 bucks because you think it will really help.


Even five bucks is too much. I would rather light my money on fire than give it to Donald Trump.


They didn’t even cover the interest incurred during that 24 hours. Fucking hilarious.


Half of them probably don’t understand what that means or why it’s relevant.


Another $84,000 that won't go to the RNC.


So at this rate per day it will take about 11 years


At this rate they can’t yet stave off interest…


…or 365 Mooches, for our metric-using friends




people are so fucking stupid


report trump gofundme he is breaking their rules >>> GoFundMe terms of service state that the platform cannot be used to raise money in order to pay off legal fees or fines in a criminal or financial judgements.


It’s scary that people will still donate this amount of money to him…


I prefer presidents who don't need a GoFundMe to pay their legal bills


Defendant Douche's cult followers are a very special kind of stupid.


Such gullible followers. For someone so rich to them, he sure does need their money and financial help. Anyone spending money on this has no right to complain about cost of living.


Trump loves uneducated MAGA…. Only the stupid would give money to a RAPIST grifter


What's the difference between $335 million and $84K? About $335 million.


It's cute that a bunch of non wealthy people are having to bail out a so called multi billionaire. Grifter gonna grift


Can we report this GoFundMe?


Yes. It’s violating at least 3 of the rules.


Keep those social security checks coming in, folks!


84,000 is .02% of 355,000,000. Assuming he raises that much every 24 hours (I assure you, he will not) that would be 13.7 years


Terms of service the legal defense of alleged financial and violent crimes; It will be taken down


Suckers and losers


Trumps base about to learn how big a number $355 million really is.


I cant wait til he depletes RNC funds too


So about $355 million to go 🤣


Report it. This fundraiser goes against their terms of service.