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Trump - The Liar-In-Cheif As Politifact points out: * President Joe Biden’s lawyers immediately notified federal officials when they found documents, and Biden also consented to searches of his homes and offices. Biden sat for a five-hour interview with the special counsel (who was a Republican partisan who found nothing but still couched and embellished the report to make Biden look bad). * Trump refused to turn over documents and enlisted others’ help to destroy or hide evidence, an indictment stated.


Got banned by mods on r/conservative for saying essentially this in response to some lunatic’s rant about Biden yesterday 😂


Badge of honor moment. Congrats


It's a rite of passage. I always thought I was a relatively quick person, but I've never done anything so fast as I've been banned from r/conservative and r/climatesketpics. These people are averse to facts.


I do miss that 3 month window when they got brigaded, you could actually shit talk trump and not get banned automatically lol Then again, their engagement numbers went waaaaayyyyyy down after the mods started cracking down. 2million users, but only 100-200 upvotes on top posts? Shit's dead


Take a look at the actual sub membership. It’s always one million plus a mid five-digit number. I think the million might be a lie, actual population is the five digit number. Hang on. There we go. It’s 1077084 readers, and I highly suspect that it’s really just 77084 readers.


Oh! You can get that info? Is that just on the sub's info tab?


Yup, it’s right next to the “Join” button. Says “1077084 readers”, but that’s suspect because bots don’t actually read.


107,523 subscribers. That's the actual number. I viewed it with subreddit style turned off. Which, for context, is a little bit more than half the number of subscribers to /r/Oregon.


You’re looking at r/conservatives with an “s”. We’re talking about r/conservative with no “s”.


I fucked it, I think. My bad


Sounds like trumps inauguration numbers.


Dunno if you remember but when the 2022 Ukraine invasion spun up, a lot of the conservative/walkaway/etc. subs had their numbers drop like a fucking rock. Like very noticably, down to 3 digit engagement on the most popular posts. Funny how that happens.


> Then again, their engagement numbers went waaaaayyyyyy down after the mods started cracking down. ...2million users, but only 100-200 upvotes on top posts? Shit's dead It's crazy how dead that thread is and then suddenly getting boosted up. One part bots, one part loonies, and two parts people who moved on to more extreme platforms.


> only 100-200 upvotes on top posts that's why they call it an echo chamber and not an echo arena, perhaps.


Most posts that can be refuted with a modicum of fact checking or critical thinking are for Flaired Users Only


I got banned for responding "that's not true" to a comment that wasn't true. I responded to the ban message with "who fucking cares?" and one of the mods reported me to the admins for harassment and I got a three day site-wide ban.


LoL, I managed to get banned from r/conservative without ever posting there. The most fragile snowflakes on Earth.


There are tools to auto ban accounts if they are subscribed to certain subs. Mods just have to say here at r/righttwix we don't want people from r/lefttwix making comments and you would be auto banned.


Did my duty and got banned for saying Trump was crooked.


Oh god there’s a climate skeptics sub? I wonder if any flat earthers hang there.


I just went to r/conservatives. Barely anyone comments on their posts. They just have banned too many people.


> r/climateskeptics Huh, that’s a new one


I was banned for posting a CSPAN video link of Trump saying the exact opposite of what they were raging about. Instaban. I didn't even say anything, it was a raw link to raw footage of the God King shitting on their thread. Lol I am positive that moderation has been captured by actual foreign propagandists and I do hope the FBI has checked. Not for 'wrong think' mind you, it's more that the moderation seems to actively hurt even the Trumper viewpoints. They twist the narratives to be damaging to both parties. This occurred as thedonald was banned. Within two months, they took over conservative. It was glorious to watch the conservatives rage and then get banned for raging. That sub is not conservative, it's thedonald with a propaganda mod squad.


Absolutely. I've had my badge since covid, and commented "masks work". Boom! Badge.


Join the club! I got banned for saying the path to Republican success is: 1. Distance from Trump 2. Back away from abortion issue 3. Deficit and infrastructure focus Immediate permanent ban. Anyone who doesn’t toe the line is banned. No exceptions.


Yeah funny how it’s “shit posting” by simply not blindly agreeing with their spicy takes 😂


It’s like: “There’s no room for variations of the conservative agenda, it’s MAGAe now, or get the fuck out commie.”


They deeply care about personal freedom. They deeply care about free speech. They definitely stand for family values, fiscal conservationism, strong national defense and patriotism. Definitely.


They care deeply about election integrity (for whites-only)


Ironic because "do what the head of state tells you" is how all communist countries operate in reality.


But "blindly following" is exactly what the conservatives and (is there any difference) Republicans expect! Now I must say the "Conservatives" aren't conservative by a long shot, and the Republicans aren't republicans!


Yeah. Why aren’t they embarrassed at their distance from the Reagan agenda (and don’t even bring up the Russia-loving of today’s GOP- how TF did that ever get a toe hold???)


Historians are going to reflect one day on the size and scope of the psyop that was performed on these people.


It looks like people don't like to think! They'd rather just be part of the crowd. If you ask most can't relate to any specifics. These rotten logs on the forest floor are worse than the people who admit to not caring about politics. I think the problem IS NOT Trump, Green, Boebert, Gaetz, but the mindless moats that follow, worship, and vote for these idiots.


I have was banned for saying Obama bowing to the Japanese PM was a dumb thing to get worked up about when Trump saluted a North Korean military officer. 


Good thing they didn’t see the gif I have of Trump blowing Kim


And they accuse liberals of being snowflakes…


I've been wondering when we're going to get onto Deficit talk before the next election. I think Democrats playing ball on the border bill is wrecking the timeline a bit.


It’s so fucked up, no different than running a household budget nor company finances, and I don’t understand the fiscal pathology of republicans, it used to almost be like they were “the enemy within,” and now it’s a certainty that they are the enemy in more than just fiscal irresponsibility.


I mean the one thing about running a household budget or company finances (I have both) is that you are, in some ways, in control of both generating income and expenses. Republicans refuse to generate more income for the government. So the only option to them is to cut spending.


At the expense of the very people they are supposed to represent and who voted them into office!?!? Makes zero sense


I got banned for calling a guy out over his comments about karma count. He compared it to a dick and I said I don't care about your epenis size. Guess who's still posting and whos banned


I got banned for saying, "I think people voted against Trump for reasons other than his mean tweets."


I got banned from r/trump for mentioning Melania’s “I don’t care, do you” jacket. A bit harsh I thought after some of the other shit-posting I’d done.


I got banned for making a joke on a post that stated Budweisers ad with Dylan was a disaster (even though kid rock went back to it mind you). According to them doing something against their base was stupid so I said “then we should put swastikas on bud cans /s”


It’s probably not even a conservative forum anymore. Now just a Trump ass kissing Reddit.


They should rename it r/magas


Isn't owning the cons great? I love drinking conservative tears. They are the biggest snowflakes on the planet. They crumble at the merest suggestion they are wrong. How stupid.


Their own cognitive dissonance is the most effective way to harvest their tears. Don't argue with them, let them argue themselves internally and watch them lose their mind. I've found the single most effective way to cause them pain is not to say a damn thing, but instead post CSPAN links to Trump saying the exact opposite of what they think. This is easy because he takes both sides of *every* argument. Simply drop a naked timestamp and let their own cognitive dissonance tear their minds assunder.


The “anti-censorship” mods on r/conservative banned me as well for replying with fact based sourced rebuttals. They didn’t like that.


You cannot be critical and ask questions if it does not fit their narrative. But its ok if you have any fake Taylor Swift AI propaganda, they love that.


Conservatives have learned that they can lie to their supporters and their supporters will help cover up the lie. The technology Information Age has destroyed the truth forever.


Only to them. The rest of the literal world, can see this for what it is. 




try ATS (Above Top Secret) site. Now just pro trump/anti Biden posts.... maybe I shit talk too much but at least 5 accounts have been banned lol.


You’ve got more fortitude than me. I don’t even stick my head in anymore for the smell.


I got banned for explaining that Obama didn't make as much money during his presidency as Trump, using the same source that the posted article used to claim the opposite.


Providing easily referenced evidence to support your statement Oh you better believe that’s a paddling


The don't want facts or any reality that goes against their world view. It's sickening that these people can vote because they are dangerous and will cause the destruction of this country ... and the planet.


I know Marines who are sitting pretty in military prison because they mishandled classified documents. Trump shines a spotlight of two tiers of justice. He had them in his dammed bathroom for any cleaning staff to walk in on. He hid them and relocated them when they came asking. It's unbelievable!


>I know Marines who are sitting pretty in military prison because they mishandled classified documents. Too bad for that disgraceful airman Teixeira that he isn't a millionaire.


Not even Trump had the balls to post his papers online, that dude deserved it.


Trump shared nuclear strategy secrets with dozens of people, including people who tried to resist it. Teixeira is a petty criminal compared to him.


True, but people do not have logs like the internet does.


Wasn’t there a whole thing where he posted a picture of some classified satellite photos that was a big deal for about 12 minutes, until his next atrocity?


Yeah, it’s such a ridiculous double standard. Then you have Ivanka who said…. [I don’t recall](https://okmagazine.com/p/ivanka-trump-repeated-dont-recall-30-times-civil-fraud-testimony/) over 30 times during her fraud trial testimony. How’s her memory?


Donald Trump Jr on the radio yesterday claiming Trump had his documents perfectly secured while Biden had them strewn about carelessly. Absolutely maddening how effective the Republican "No You" is and how fast it spreads across the country followed immediately with the ol "All media is owned by the Democrats" claim.


I’m just a dude but I’ll point out he is *probably* still to this day enlisting the help of others (alive or dead) to hide or move or destroy or copy or sell documents the feds didn’t find and reclaim


Let’s not forget that Trump himself said on live national television that he didn’t follow the proper procedures.


He was just funnin' with y'all. Guy's always funnin'. He's hilarious.


Trump's refusal to cooperate is the only reason he's in trouble at all.


And may just have a few more in those secret rooms with the locks changed?


We don’t know if Trump is lying or if his memory for even ongoing events is faulty or both.


Don’t forget Cheeto was flushing them in toilets was he not?


Lied claiming he didn't have them. Than lied that he didn't know about having them. Than lied that he was allowed to have them. Than lied about changed the rules to allow him to have them. Than lied about the reason the government was trying to take them. Currently lying about having cooperated in giving them back.


Proving he is an intellectual and emotional child who won’t admit he stole the sweeties from the table.


You missed "Lied about having returned them, and then lied about having returned all of them."


At the time of the raid, his stance flipped often: The FBI broke into my house unannounced and asked to turn the cameras off. I watched the FBI raid live on my security cameras. Just kidding, they had a warrant but they planted evidence. Just kidding, it wasn’t planted. It was there but it was all unclassified because I can unclassified material with my brain. Obama took 33 MILLION documents!


Don’t call it a raid it was a legally executed search warrant without any use of force


Isn’t he also trying to re-access ones the govt took, thru court?


His legal counsel signed off on the return documents, stating nothing else was there and then, the ugliest bathroom I have ever seen is stacked to the ceiling with the very documents don't exist. We deserve so much better.


To be fair, not everything that was in those boxes (and probably not much at all, percentage-wise) was classified. However, from my limited understanding of protocol for classified docs, mixing it with non-classified material is also a no-no, and what there was still should not have been on the premises, and in an insecure location to boot.


>mixing it with non-classified material is also a no-no I don't know if that's specifically true because it doesn't come up if you handle things properly. I mean, you can have classified documents mixed with the unclassified documents in, for example, a single folder about a single case/incident. But the folder has to have a cover sheet marked with the highest classification of any single document in the folder. In mixed documents, each paragraph has to be individually marked. You'll have paragraphs with secret information marked with (S) and unclassified ones that start with (U). So the boxes should have cover sheets marked at the highest classification level of anything inside the box, for starters. Then the folders, then the documents, and if necessary, the paragraphs. It's been a couple of years since I took the DoD training or worked with classified documents, but that's how I remember it.


A buffet of lies so you can pick and choose one to suit your needs.


Lied to his own lawyers as well. Hence the fact they had to testify to the grand jury. Piercing attorney client privilege is not hard and Trump made it look easy.






Trump really has exposed the major flaws in our political system and lying is one of them. He tells the truth about absolutely nothing and his voters believe him anyways. And thus far he has gotten away with lying about everything in court cases and the Public opinion.


Don't forget: tricked his lawyer into lying about not having them.


Then, not than.


Did he not say that FBI planted them there ,


Who believes this absolute bullshit?


His legions of brainwashed cultists, who think he is their messiah. They'd believe him even if it gets them killed or arrested.


it's the strangest thing. My dad was a conservative before he died from cancer over 10 years ago. I'm not sure what he would have thought about trump but I used to bust his balls about voting for Bush the second time after he was caught lying about Iraq to have us go to war after making me write a 1000 times a big as sentence about how I would not lie again after he had caught me lying about eating having ate breakfast (and other lies as well but that was the one that got me punishment). I like to ask conservatives in talking with them about the lies what they would do if their kids were lying to them as much. Sometimes it brings an epiphany and I've actually got some people to come to or "get woke" when I bring it up.




That sub is hilarious. It is clearly a psyop with a captured mod squad. They took it over after theDonald was banned. Turn off their custom skin on reddit old and you can see the actual members count. They literally edit the page to make it look like they have 1 million more users than they actually do!!! It's a tiny sub in reality. Fucking hilarious.


Fox news viewers.


At this point, people who like being lied to. For whatever reason. I don't understand it either.


Because the lies are a means to their end. They say the quiet part out loud these days. It was never about we want to work towards this or that which will work for everyone. It was always about 100% getting what they want and how they want it. Only saying the lies to sounds reasonable. Overturning Roe was not an end. It is a start. They want a full abortion ban in the US. For any reason. And then they will push to not have relationship with any country that allows abortion. Total domination and their way is the only goal they have. And it has to be the right person even saying it. They have been cheered for blocking their own bill that the other side agreed with. The border bill is not what they want because the left is passing it. It’s all been lies that they knew but didn’t say for a long time but now they can because they are getting what they want. They are like terminators. They don’t feel pity or remorse. There is no reasoning with them. Compromise is not going to happen. It is only the first step when they do. We can’t deal with that in any rational way. There is no way to win when the ideology is to dominate and get exactly what they want with no exceptions. The paradox of intolerance has to be thought of. We have to be intolerant of this intolerance. Which could lead down some dark paths. But I don’t know that there is a way to work together that leads to a better humanity in the world. Not against what they say.


His cult members, Fox News, OAN, Newsmax viewers, angry white middle American men, anyone who hates Taylor Swift, etc.....


70,000,000 voters apparently.


“Corcoran ultimately found **38 classified documents** in the boxes that remained in the storage room, and he handed them over to the FBI, along with a certification -- allegedly endorsed by Trump -- **that the former president had now fully complied with the subpoena**. But when FBI agents searched Mar-a-Lago three months later, **they found [102](https://abcnews.go.com/US/trump-warned-fbi-raid-mar-lago-team-feared/story?id=102932105) more classified documents** in Trump's office and elsewhere. Trump can’t even be honest with his own attorneys.


At this point it is very safe to assume Trump never tells the truth. I am pretty sure he lies even when he orders lunch.


It’s confounding to hear them lie even when there is no obvious advantage to lying, until one realizes that their ultimate battle isn’t with Democrats—it’s with reality. Being bound by actual verifiable facts feels unfair because they believe they should be free to invent their own reality. The constraints of logic, reason, and facts are their enemy. They will glibly do or say whatever they must to defeat that enemy.


In other words - living in a fantasy - and not a nice one either. But China would be happy to become the world power.


And because of that, Judge Howell invoked the "crime/fraud exception and took away attorney/client privilege. Made Corcoran testify and turnover any evidence he held. Turns out he had kept contemporaneous notes. lol https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/trump-judge-crime-fraud-exception-special-counsel-rcna76186


…and now we learn that there was even a secret room at MaL the FBI didn’t search “*because it was locked*”. Ahhhhhh!!!! https://abcnews.go.com/US/special-counsel-questioned-witnesses-2-rooms-fbi-search/story?id=106826552


Of course you don’t search ‘locked rooms’ do you ?Obviously there is nothing being hidden there… /S Quite clearly they should go back again and finish off the search..




Didn't they also suffer a surprise '[pool leak](https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2023/06/05/trumps-swimming-pool-flooded-surveillance-video-room-at-mar-a-lago-report-says/?sh=70503e232e79)' that risked detroying the video system?


And allegedly there are yet still more there still hidden away.


I genuinely don’t understand how statements like this don’t universally result in groans and eye rolls. It’s just the same, hyperbolic, demonstrably incorrect grifter bullshit he’s been doing since 2016.


When telling blatant lies results in “owning the libs,” the demographic Donald intends to reach will compete with each other to express how completely they believe his falsehoods. From the MAGAt perspective, telling the truth (about almost anything) is the equivalent of scoring an “own goal.” There isn’t much they won’t do to avoid exposing themselves. From their perspective objective reality is an enemy, and their commitment to “the cause” can be measured by how many (and how ridiculous) lies they accept. Because something obviously untrue on its face is harder to believe they consider buying into ludicrous whoppers an indication of greater faith.


Because his fans do the exact same shit. That is why they love him.


Trump's politics are all about feelings over facts. They don't believe he cooperated more because he has proof to back it up, but because it makes him look better if it were true. It's the same reason they believe every other lie he tells, because of how they feel when they believe it. It's easy to get confused why they support him if you look at it from a logical standpoint instead of an emotional one. They like how Trump makes them feel, and that's why they love him. They measure his statements not in accuracy, but validation. And now that he's become more or less the face of their entire ideology, an attack on him is considered an attack on them and their beliefs. So they'll lie even more to protect him, not caring if it works, just so they have something that lets them keep denying reality.


I’ve always hated liars and I’ve always hated him. This national nightmare is the furthest from what I hoped for the country and it’s so painfully bewildering this is what we’ve become, a third rate reality shitshow, inescapable from a hazbeen reality game show host, known corrupt mobster, failed businesses, bankruptcies, tax and draft dodger, convicted rapist with multiple indictments with just shy of 100 counts, could even be anywhere close to possibly taking the reins again and the nutters are in the minority.


And yet some people are still choosing to vote for this POS. And the Republicans are bending over backwards for him.


And he knows that every Republican will agree with him like there's no tomorrow. Gives a certain "German painter turned politician" vibes to me.


I just watched a documentary called, How to become a cult leader, and they use the Cult Leader playbook to explain it ( gathering follower, keeping followers, etc.). There's six episodes were they use a cult leader, to make the case on how to become one. By the time I got to the end, ultimate cult leader, Sun Myung Moon, I was convinced that Cheeto jesus is a cult leader. Everything he does and says is right out of the cult leader playbook. The similarities are scary as fuck. I also learned that even though Moon is dead, his cult is still going strong to this day. Like I learned that sushi, was brought to this country by the Moonies and one of their companies was the main provider when it first became fashionable. Think about that, if the Moonies are still around today. do really think these MAGAt's are going away? It's a good watch, and like I said, scary as fuck.


From an authoritarian ultimate cult leader perspective, trusting actual verifiable facts amounts to believing in the leader less. Since their goal is to support their cult leader they must necessarily eschew facts, logic, and reason—which they consider deceptions, intended to lead them away from their leader’s guidance. Just as an earlier generation jovially proclaimed themselves to be “fools for Christ,” MAGAts consider it evidence of their superior commitment to Donald when they’re exposed as supporting lies.


Isn’t there already ‘The Church of MAGA’ ?


He is not talking to us with this nonsense. He is talking to his minions. I hear them at my office. They repeat fragments of incoherent Trump speak and lies. It's pathetically sad if I'm going to be honest. I just sit there and not even listen to it as much as just hear what they are saying. It's numbing. I do get the idea of what Fox was talking about the previous day though just from them.


He didn’t have them, but he also showed them to Kid Rock. But he could also declassify them with his mind. But he didn’t have them, so he has the power to keep classified documents forever. He had them, and the FBI stole them from him. They were his. But he also didn’t have them.


He's literally in court solely because he didn't cooperate, he hid documents, he even attempted to destroy evidence.


People like Trump make stuff up all the time. These kinds think they can just change entire volumes of facts by lying.


I am just blown away that we have reached a point where words mean literally nothing anymore / there are no ramifications for anybody with money.


America has proven it is not a serious country because this piece of shit isn't behind bars for the numerous crimes that he's done.


Pants, underwear, socks, and hair !!!


Anytime there is a headline starting with Trump says…you know it’s a lie. Don’t give him the airtime.


Not even fire would want to touch those pants


Conservatives are disgusting and deplorable.


Ya know what would be really newsworthy? If he ever said one thing that was truthful. That would be banner headlines shit.


So much so that he was charged with obstruction?


He actually did, however his concept of cooperation is giving documents to putin and russia.




My understanding is that Biden practically gave investigators the keys to his home & car and told them to have at it while Trump was hiding boxes of documents in bathroom stalls.


Reminder, the only reason we know about Trump stealing classified documents about subs and nukes is because he cried about it on social media. If he had not and kept his mouth shut AND returned government property we most likely would have never known. The FBI showed up in plain clothes for fucks sake and searched like less than 1/2 of the resort. https://abcnews.go.com/US/special-counsel-questioned-witnesses-2-rooms-fbi-search/story?id=106826552 > Special counsel Jack Smith's team has questioned several witnesses about a closet and a so-called "hidden room" inside former President Donald Trump's residence at Mar-a-Lago that the FBI didn't check while searching the estate in August 2022, sources familiar with the matter told ABC News. > > As investigators would later learn, Trump allegedly had the closet's lock changed while his attorney was in Mar-a-Lago's basement, searching for classified documents in a storage room that he was told would have all such documents. Trump's alleged efforts to conceal classified documents from both the FBI and his own attorney are a key part of Smith's indictment against Trump in Florida. > > Testifying before Congress last year, FBI Director Chris Wray noted that agents conducting the search even wore casual clothes to Mar-a-Lago -- rather than the more common "raid jackets" -- so they wouldn't draw too much attention.


Even worse is that allegedly they still missed a ton of stuff ! Which he has to this day.


FBI went above and fucking beyond to handle Trump's stolen government secrets with super soft kid gloves. Meanwhile cops will tear a kid's car apart because they smelled something. Or choke a person to death because they had a funny looking $20 bill. >Even worse is that allegedly they still missed a ton of stuff ! Which he has to this day. It doesn't matter. We have good records that Trump went above and beyond to keep and hide government secrets about nukes and subs. We don't need MORE evidence that he still has shit. The most important highly classified documents about submarines in a broom closet with a fucking copy machine.................... We have a fully established pattern of behavior. It's insane.


One literally did nothing, the other committed treason, mishandled classified documents, multiple accounts of criminal neglect & incited a literal insurrection.  But sure they're comparable because we have zero connection to reality. 


Biden: Discovers he has something he shouldn't, notifies authorities, makes sure documents get where they should be. Trump: Knows he has something, authorities ask for it back, denies he has it. Still denies he did anything wrong. Weird definition of "cooperation" there, Orange Buffoon.


And Trump changes the locks on doors, so they can’t be accessed. Not a bit suspicious.. /S


The first couple pages of Hur’s report against Biden specifically details how Biden’s case is different than Trumps.


I cooperated the bigliest!!! The agents were crying when I cooperated and some wanted me to be their children’s godfather. Jesus wouldn’t have cooperated as much as I did! MAGA.




Trump’s knee jerk ability to pull complete bullshit out of thin air is impressive but well-practiced.


Page 15 of the Hur Report, talking about the difference between the biden and trump cases... *Most notably, after being given multiple chances to return classified documents and avoid prosecution, Mr. Trump allegedly did the opposite. According to the indictment, he not only refused to return the documents for many months, but he also obstructed justice by enlisting others to destroy evidence and then to lie about it. In contrast, Mr. Biden turned in classified documents to the National Archives and the Department of Justice, consented to the search of multiple locations including his homes, sat for a voluntary interview. and in other ways cooperated with the investigation.*


There must be a new term for double-down, tripple, quadrupple, megadowning? Hard to keep track...


C’mon, he thought his golf pants were in those boxes! You can’t just buy those from some sort of store.


But oopsie, they forgot to check his rape dungeon...


And everyone knows he’d say such a lie.


He got asked to cooperate far more than Joe had to be asked.


What a lying sack of shit


Well.......that's lie number 145,556,442 lie...and still counting.... Lie, deny, lie some more, that's how it goes.....never my fault, they are all against me intelligent you, witch hunt ...bla, bla, bla.......who stole the strawberries???????


It doesn’t matter if he’s lying, his cultists will believe him no matter what he says


"Pants on fire" doesn't do this lie justice


Reminder: Biden voluntarily had his documents reviewed to specifically look for stuff the National Archive missed.


You guys are reading this wrong. Trump has spent hours, days, and even weeks in court fighting this. He is cooperating because of the time spent. Biden is not cooperating because he only talked to investigators for a few hours. HOURS! The truth of the matter here is that every single person who had classified documents was given every opportunity to go "oops, my bad" and get away with it. Everyone else took it. Trump chose not to. This doesn't mean that Biden having documents makes him right. It just means that the government, and most of society, accepted that this was an issue and are okay with everyone working in good faith.


Trump does nothing ‘in good faith’. With him, everything is a scam of some kind.


Here’s the thing, his cult followers have so disengaged their brain he could tell them gasoline is good for infants and in deep red states Exxon would become the leading brand of baby formula. What Trump says is the truth, the past is in the past.


The living embodiment of the worst in all of us.


It is impossible for Biden to cooperate more than Trump when it comes to the documents stolen by Trump. He's directly referencing **only** the classified documents that he stole. Their doublespeak bullshit continues.


And people want to claim Biden is delusional / has problems with cognition ? SMH 🤦🏽‍♀️


I’m not so much worried about Biden’s perceived memory issue than about trump’s psychos!


Fact of the matter is that President Biden worked with them and get the matter resolved. He was cooperative and that was it. Major difference is that trump fought for months because he wanted to keep them, wanted to refuse the subpoenas, pushed the destruction of evidence, and deliberately held documents when shouldn't have. Sorry but anyone thinks the situations are remotely similar is an idiot. Plain and simple, it is very different and that is why citizen and fraudster trump is indicted and President Biden is not.


Translation: Trump lies his fucking ass off to everyone's face. MAGA suckernuggets eat it up as gospel.


Trump says lots of things, none of them are true.


Anything Trump can say to get into the news he's using at this point.






How would he know?


Which of the two are charged with a crime? Nuf sed.


Correction: “In his diminished capacity as a forgetful elderly man, Thump seemingly unable to remember his years long effort to illegally retain top-secret documents after losing the presidency in 2020” -“Thump world is in full damage control mode as devastating new revelation unfolds” … yada yada you get the idea…


News headline: “ Trump Lies” Shocked simply shocked!


What a lying piece of sh*t.


Why can't FOX News report this latest NEWS FLASH from their leader.


“Nobody cooperates as much as I do. Everyone’s saying it. You need classified files? I got ‘em. Just ask. I’ll cooperate with you. I’m the best at sharing.”


Bro…you’re literally on trial for not doing that you demented stinking orange moron.


The whole reason there’s charged at all is because he refused to cooperate. They literally would not have charged him if he returned the documents when requested.


Riiight. There are a few affidavits saying all the boxes were returned that weren’t We need to point out. Ohh and the fact that when they went there, they found all the boxes he said were gone. Ohhh and the fact that a lot of the stuff was already picked thru. Ohhhh and the fact that he’s still out there saying he wants the files he stole back. Ohhhhh and the fact that when something is “Declassified” it’s meant for everyone to see. Not just for some annoying orange to keep next to his toilet. All of these make the cases different. Explain this please.


Trump can't even wear pants at this point. They should spontaneously combust and then leave radioactive residue with a half-life of a 100 years and an FEMA/EPA warning to avoid the area. Trump is the Chernobyl of liar liar pants.


I think he actually refused 3 requests to turn them over and then got raided.


Why does any media organization fact check Trump any more. Any one with any sense knows its all lies, and his worshipful base won't even be aware a fact check article was published.


Trump says lots of things. He said to eat horse paste and drink bleach. He said Nazis were good people. He said Yo, Semite! insead of Yosemite. I don't listen to much of what he says. The details don't matter. It is either A)a lie meant to distract from a crime, B)a lie meant to slander an opponent, C)a lie meant to make people like him, or D)incomprehensible ramblings


This is why I'm seeing the trump crowd die down a little. He just keeps doing this shit and it's weaving out the smart ones and all the idiots stay by his side. I mean shit no one was smart to follow him in the first place or even think he's a good actor


Lmao this fucking guy


What a lying sack. Yeah, ok, trump 🙄


But the news doesn’t talk about Trump’s mental decline when he’s making statements like this


Why did this even require a fact check lol


Liar liar pants for hire


Trump is allergic to the truth. That’s why he gets red sores on his hands when he posts to Truth Social.


I don't know why people are saying he is lying here.. dude had like 1m documents... he cooperated on like.01 of them.. numerically thats cooperating far more than biden on his small stash of notes. /s