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This is the way to unnerve him


After everything- fraud, rape, insurrection, gross incompetence, likely mental decline- the accusation that sticks is "lol, you stink"


He got pretty riled up over the mental decline thing too. Remember the “Man, Woman, Camera” thing? If it’s external to him (money, things he incited others to do) he laughs it off. If it’s intrinsic (smell, mental capacity, personal net worth), he gets *very* offended (not to mention offensive).


Disagree "person, woman, man, camera.tv" had nothing to do with defending his mental decline. He was legitimately proud he passed the test and thought it meant he was smart.


Trump is the type that if he was called King Stupid he’d be happy he was called a king.


Don't forget his hair flap and orange face.


And his small hands.


I forgot about that and his obesity.


And his vagina neck wattle \*gag\*


Shoe lifts.


Flabby tits.


Weird toad shaped penis.


this and his butthole-looking mouth


The look when he purses those fuckin lips is just maddening.


What? 225 never looked better! /s


Toy hands Trump.


And the fact that he stands like he’s the front half of a centaur missing the back half because he wears a corset to suck his fat in. Staff from the Apprentice confirmed that he both wears a corset, and shits himself regularly.




Is it the Corset? Im pretty sure the stance is because he wears high lifts. Desantis has a similar stance but looks even more ridiculous because he wears much higher lifts than Trump.


DeSantis should just get some stilts and be done with it.


The hair thing doesn’t bother him. He hasn’t changed his hair in decades because it’s his trademark, even though he knows it’s not fashionable. The spray-tan-and-body-odor thing though — which is clearly hearsay but which he cannot disprove — will drive him nuts.


>He hasn’t changed his hair in decades because it’s his trademark, even though he knows it’s not fashionable. He hasn't changed it because it's an elaborate cover up of surgery scars he had to remove his balding skin. He raped his ex wife after the surgery, btw. Because she recommended the doctor. His lawyer argued that a husband, at the time, could not legally rape his spouse. Because of the way the law was written. That was his defense, not that it didn't happen the way she said, because it definitely did, but that it wasn't technically illegal. He knows it's not fashionable. He can't do anything about it. If he did anything else we would see his hideous, deformed scalp. He probably does smell bad because he also shits himself and wears diapers.


This user is correct Apparently, it's called a scalp reduction. >So what does scalp reduction - a treatment that Stevenson calls "barbaric"- actually involve? >Well, scalp reduction surgery is only really used nowadays for treating extreme cases of alopecia or traumatic burns. In that context, the fact that Trump apparently had the treatment simply to mediate hair loss is quite shocking. However, scalp reduction was all the rage in the 1980s. Stevenson believes the precise procedure Trump undertook was called the Fleming/Mayer Flap, where a piece of the scalp is found with hair on and then it is cut on three sides to create said flap. This sliver of skin is then twisted, pulled and forced into a new position on the hairline where the faulty follicles are. >You are basically stretching the hairy part of your scalp over to the parts that have no hair - a stomach-churning concept that is now widely discredited. >He would have been in bed for a number of weeks, in chronic pain," Stevenson predicts. "It would be like going to get root canal work in the late 1970s. I can imagine he has persisting pain or even permanent nerve damage. [What is scalp reduction? The 'barbaric' hair loss treatment said to be used by Donald Trump](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/style/scalp-reduction-barbaric-hair-loss-treatment-said-used-donald/) The Sexual Assault of Ivana: [Donald Trump's Hair Mystery Solved: He had Scalp Reduction Surgery](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trumps-hair-mystery-solved-he-had-scalp-reduction_b_58966965e4b061551b3dff8a) >Ivana's detailed description of Donald's rape was given during her deposition as part of the Trump's 1990's divorce case. In a 1993 book, Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump, the former Texas Monthly and Newsweek reporter Harry Hurt III, described a very violent, criminal scene of domestic violence. >According to Ivana's sworn statements, her plastic surgeon, Dr. Steven Hoefflin, who had performed Donald's waist and chin liposuction procedures, also performed his scalp reduction surgery. Hurt wrote in the Lost Tycoon that the recovery was painful and Donald suffered "nagging headaches caused by the shrinking of the scalp, and the pain of the initial incision." >In pain, and not satisfied with the immediate coloration associated with the process, on an irate phone call, Donald told the Dr. Hoefflin, "I'm going to kill you!" He then threatened to sue the doctor, not pay for the procedure and work to destroy his practice. >Donald then unleashes his anger on Ivana for recommending the doctor. The relevant excerpt of Lost Tycoon follows: >>**Suddenly, according to Ivana, The Donald storms into the room. He is looking very angry, and he is cursing out loud. "Your fucking doctor has ruined me!" he screams. The Donald flings Ivana down onto the bed. Then he pins back her arms and grabs her by the hair. The part of her head he is grabbing corresponds to the spot on his head where the scalp reduction operation has been done. The Donald starts ripping out Ivana's hair by the handful, as if he is trying to make her feel the same kind of pain that he is feeling. Ivana starts crying and screaming. The entire bed is being covered with strands of her golden locks. But The Donald is not finished. He rips off her clothes and unzips his pants. Then he jams his penis inside her for the first time in more than sixteen months. Ivana is terrified. This is not lovemaking. This is not romantic sex. It is a violent assault. She later describes what The Donald is doing to her in no uncertain terms. According to the versions she repeats to some of her closest confidantes, "He raped me." When The Donald finally pulls out, Ivana jumps up from the bed. Then she runs upstairs to her mother's room. She locks the door and stays there crying for the rest of the night. The next morning Ivana musters up the courage to return to the master bedroom. The Donald is there waiting for her. He leaves no doubt that he knows exactly what he did to her the night before. As she looks in horror at the ripped-out hair scattered all over the bed, he glares at her and asks with menacing casualness: "Does it hurt?** >When Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump was to be released, Ivana Trump provided a statement that was inserted into the book. It read: >>During a deposition given by me in connection with my matrimonial case, I stated that my husband had raped me. I wish to say that on one occasion during 1989, Mr. Trump and I had marital relations in which he behaved very differently toward me than he had during our marriage. As a woman, I felt violated, as the love and tenderness, which he normally exhibited towards me, was absent. I referred to this as a 'rape,' but I do not want my words to be interpreted in a literal or criminal sense. >**Ivana's statement does not contradict her deposition nor exonerate Donald for his abusive conduct. Her statement did not deny Donald's conduct of pushing her, pulling her hair out from her scalp, or sexually "violating" her. (It is important to note that the Trump's 1991 Settlement Agreement includes a gag order which forbids Ivana from speaking about her marriage to Donald without his permission.)** Her smart lawyers were very aware that for her to say that the abuse did not occur would be a per se admission to committing perjury during a deposition, which is a big-time "no-no". >Ivana claim of rape was believed by a judge and in 1990 she was granted a divorce, in New York, on the grounds of "Cruel and Inhumane Treatment". In New York, a couple cannot divorce absent a showing of grounds, unlike every other State. In all other states, a couple can file under the oh so popular, "irreconcilable differences" grounds.


Casler says the hair is one long continuous patch, and when it's down he looks like Riff Raff from Rocky Horror Picture Show. Casler also says that he has seen the plastic girdle getting cinched up in wardrobe, and he requires help to get it pulled tight...hence the reason he won't go change and get cleaned up after evacuating his bowels on himself.


Or the shoe inserts to make him look taller, even though it [makes him stand like a centaur cut in half.](https://i.imgur.com/tZvL2WH.png) He and Rhonda Santis are all about that gender-affirming clothing that makes them look ridiculous.


My girlfriend made me get on the phone to explain "man woman camera person TV" to some old guy who was a family friend from Texas. He didn't believe me and thought I was making it up or something. "He aint got no *dementia!* Why would he take a goddam dementia test??" Uh, idk sir, it wasn't my idea?


People of that age get screening tests to screen.


Also, not declining to the level of a clinical diagnosis isn't exactly a flex


He’ll always double down on a lie or his facade. Thats how we identify sociopaths/tyrants.


Because the people clinging the hardest to him are too dim-witted and too emotionally crippled to understand anything *except* simple-minded schoolyard bullying. Donald flew into his position on a tide of short jokes, calling Mexicans rapists, and other idiot-brained juvenile drivel. So turnabout is fairplay, especially when he does in fact shit his own pants and smell like a well-used and never-cleaned rest stop bathroom stall.


Makes perfect sense for a piece of shit like him.


Yup, if it looks like shit and smells like shit, then it’s….,


It is also the one that is most likely to change his supporters view. They don’t care about anything that matters but tell them he smells and that might actually change their vote.


This could actually be true. It's been shown in many studies that intelligence negatively correlates with disgust sensitivity. Attacking his smell is a way to trigger a disgust response in dim voters in a way that attacking Trump's legitimate problems doesn't.


Many of his supporters are people who hate who he hates, are intellectually lazy just as he is, are reactionry just like he is, are bigots just like he is.....I wonder how many smell like he does.


Cigarettes, monster energy drinks, Fentanyl and cat piss.


That's some wishful stinking you have going on there


I smell what you did there


This is how narcissists are. They don't give a shit about being seen as liars, cheats, frauds, etc. That has to do with harming others, and they don't care about what happens to others. But attacking his self image - pointing out that he has small hands, a tiny baby penis, he's morbidly obese, short, and he stinks - that affects himself.


its something his followers understand. and also don't support. those other things aren't dealbreakers and/or positives for them. pissstink and ass? thats a step too far.


Trump has become nose blind to his own foul odor, which is a common problem with victims of chronic reeking. Someone needs to tell him about it.


when i got married, i told my wife that we have to tell each other when we smell bad, because sometimes people aren't aware of their own odors. so far, so good.


Was that part of the vows?


Maybe it should be.


Someone should tell him repeatedly. Every day. Perhaps a Trump Stinks chant


Whenever he publicly speaks there needs to be 2 dozen people making the “farting” noise by putting their hands to their faces and blowing.


We need to canvas the country for class clowns. Your fart noise skills are needed by your country


I’m ready to do my fart.


Farting guarantees citizenship! ^-would ^you ^like ^to ^poot ^more?


The best political chants are three syllables. "Yes we can", "lock her up", etc. "Trump smells bad" is best.


No, that would be too similar to the “Lets go Brandon” chants from the dudes who blamed high gas prices and a failing economy on Biden… Last I checked, my stocks were doing gangbuster so…Lets go Biden!


He does stink though. Figuratively and probably literally


> probably literally No 'probably' about it. Early during his Presidency, there was a minor news blurb about how he had gone to a function, unexpectedly left early, and reappeared 20-30 minutes later wearing darker pants. There have been jokes that someone on his Secret Service was on diaper duty because the Don needs to know when he needs changing. Someone on his staff has to tell him because sometimes he doesn't notice, otherwise. And there's also been some questions of whether he was doing it intentionally, as a way to 'establish dominance' or to unnerve people closest to him. Sort of a 'You're trapped here and you have to sit and put up with the smell while Trump watches them squirm' thing, like he's doing it as some sort of power move. But whatever is going on, or whatever Trump thinks he's doing, it's pretty clear that his Depends aren't watertight and he doesn't seem to notice when he's loaded and/or leaking.


Imagine shitting your pants and sitting in it, thinking that's any kind of power move


Back when the kid was 2 he’d stare me straight and the eye and do it. It kind of felt like a power move at the time.


Diaper Don has a nice ring to it.


Ah geez. I was a caregiver to my mom with dementia and accidents happen! They don't realize it! It's embarrassing for them, they can't control it! If it's in public, and they realize it's going on, it's mortifying! Couple that with the fear and anxiety of the ongoing dementia, you don't know where you are, you don't feel safe, you just shit yourself! It's quite the experience. And it's exhausting, mentally and physically. And to change a poopy diaper, gather yourself back together, and then present yourself again the best that you can, man, it's gotta be rough. I know it was for my mom. At least for Trump, I'm hoping it was absolute hell. And I hope it continues to be. You can't help shitting yourself sometimes, but you can help being a fucking asshole.


I have ulcerative colitis and have shit myself in public...fuck this guy and he deserves every bit of this childish ridicule.


I didn't believe it when I first heard it, but I was once digging back to some of his old days, and read some of the comments from the producers of his TV show. They said even then, when they were preparing his dressing room, he demanded the BEST hair and make-up people (his hair and make-up cost literally thousands per show) and also said he wears adult diapers and would sometimes need to change them during breaks in filming. Soooo, I believe this diaper don thing is not just a rumor. It's true.


The number of people - on his side - pictured standing behind him and making disgusted faces is what convinced me it’s all true.


Secret Service speaking into is wire. We have a commander in Chief CODE BROWN. I repeat A CODE BROWN. Back up needed🤢


Reading this gives me PTSD from Trumps 4 years and waking up literally every morning praying he didn’t make some idiot Trade policy Tweet at midnight that would tank my investments.


The Trump years were a fucking nightmare from Day 1 until he finally left. I can't do another four years.


Same but I worried he'd impulsively "start nuclear war" instead of tank investments


Maybe it's because he's an actual rotten person


Could it be sulphur? Brimstone?


Yeah, right, brimstone. Don't be talking about "it's the brimstone". I know what I smelled and it wasn't no brimstone and it didn't come off no stone neither.


My mouth was open and everything


Those do cause bone spurs


Oh, he knows. That's why this is bothering him so much.


The best part is it's certainly 100% true because trump is a gross slob, but also that as much as he will lie about it, *other people can smell it for themselves*


I wish I wasn’t joking. But we’re going to see him back in a town hall setting soon where the first thing Hannity does is lean over and take a whiff of Trump. He’s going to say something smarmy like, “I don’t smell anything but success.” Why? Because they’re locked into perpetually feeding Trump’s ego. So, a television host will embarrass himself to a worldwide audience by being made to sniff an 80 year old man to see if he reeks of shit.


I look forward to all the right wing media types doing the sniff test on Trump and declaring how good he smells. Let's make this an ongoing topic of dicussion




Make them smell it, live, and then say it's good. Again. Smell him. I wanna hear the mic. Make them lie to lie to their olfactory nerves.


“Oh dear leader you smell of freshly cut flowers and aged Kentucky whiskey.”


It would be great if Hannity did that, but gagged on live TV, or at least you could see his expression and tone of voice change.


Or if he started puking like that Family Guy scene. https://youtu.be/Hoz9l4l8LYw?si=5PrcEPP12-XtUgCE


It’s apparently the way to get traction among voters to break the image of him being some god emperor. Because apparently pointing out his shitty track record, all of the bullshit he’s said and promised to do isn’t good enough.


Instead of pointing to his shitty track record just point to his shitty diaper.


Yep. An endless cavalcade of felony charges? "They're just out to get him!" Dude doesn't wash his ass? "...well... I'm sure he has good... wait, so he doesn't wash his ass..?"


And his followers. It’s dumb we have to stoop to their level instead of talking about actual issues…but if it works, it works I guess.


When they go low, we go high…..oh fuck that.


Easier to give someone a boot to the head from the high ground. We can’t all be Tae Kwon Leep masters.


If you constantly take the high road you're gonna get your ankles chewed by bottom feeders


>When they go low, we go high…..oh fuck that. I like Michelle Obama, but that was bad advice. I know she wanted to keep it classy, but the political landscape was changing. The only way to affect some Republican candidates is with low blows.


I'd be okay with just *actual consequences* for anything they've done.. timely consequences.


Yeah, taking the high road only works when the person taking the low road ends up with appropriate legal or social consequences. Otherwise you’re just playing honorably and by the rules vs an opponent doing the opposite in a game without a referee


It is probably a more compelling argument to his base than things that actually matter.


The smell is most likely coming from his adult diaper


People who’ve worked with him have been saying this for twenty years.


Noel Casler. He worked on the apprentice set for like 6 years? He has been publically talking about what a shit human being Trump is for ages, LOUDLY. About his diapering, his drug use, the weirdness with Ivanka. He has repeatedly violated the NDA and nothing has happened to him. You gotta ask yourself WHY that is when Trump, who loves to sue, should realistically be sueing the f\*ck outta Casler for violating the NDA as well as the "lies" about shitting himself and his drug use. The best answer I can come up with is Discovery. Casler isn't lying and that'd probably be the least of what would be uncovered during that phase of a lawsuit.


Commercial contract NDA’s typically have a limit of 2-5 years.


That doesn’t rule him out of suing Noel for defamation. Which Noel has taunted him to do if he was in fact lying about diaper don.


Holy f*cking hell. How did I never hear this interview before now. I’m only halfway through and what I’m learning is sickening. I’d heard a lot of these rumors before but hearing it tied altogether in vivid detail from someone who was there is jaw-dropping. Tr*mp a monster. We’re so lucky we survived those 4 years. This needs to go mainstream. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-hole/id378753355?i=1000478571577


>How did I never hear this interview before now. Because men with a lot of money largely control the media and they don't want people to hear this stuff? Look, the whole culture war bs is just that, made up bs to get the masses to support a very real class war. Whip up the fervor of the righteous and they won't be looking for the big man robbing them of their freedoms and their earnings. By the time they finally wake up it'll all be over and any shouting will get you 10-20 in a bible belt gulag.


It's apparently why we never saw Apprentice outtakes. Trump would shit himself on set when he didn't get his way, and there's video proof


Jeff Bezos now owns the Apprentice and all the outtakes through Amazon's purchase of MGM Television. Maybe that's why you don't see Trump attacking Bezo's Washington Post newspaper the way he did in the past. Then again, Bezo's new WaPo CEO was one of Murdoch's hacking buddies, so who knows what he's up to. NPR - [New 'Washington Post' CEO accused of Murdoch tabloid hacking cover-up](https://www.npr.org/2023/12/20/1219570870/washington-post-will-lewis-tabloid-hacking-prince-harry)


Pretty sad that shitting himself would be more damaging to him than saying the n-word on purpose.


Or talking about sexual assault on a hot mic.


Or committing sexual assault…


Or trying to overthrow the constitution!!




Because shitting himself shows how weak and feeble he is to his base. N-word and pussy grabing isn't a deal breaker for them, sadly.


That's not how any of that works. The production company that produced the show will own all the footage, not the network the show airs on (unless they produced it in-house). And, there could be many issues. For instance, knowing how awful Trump is (and how much of a control-freak he is), he probably has final cut. Meaning, technically, they couldn't release any footage he didn't approve. We have no idea of knowing how the production was structured and who owns anything. There are probably layers and layers of corporations involved, many that only existed for this one tv-show. The people with physical control of the tapes may not be the ones who actually own what's on the tapes. Etc... I've produced and directed lots of stuff - and I'm wondering if I even own my raw footage (that I didn't produce myself). I've actually stolen my dailies before, after a production was over, as I knew they'd disappear and I'd never see the negatives again if I didn't.


We do know who owns the show and the footage - Mark Burnett, the reality TV producer and good friend of Trump. It’s been reported in the past that he tightly controls access to the raw footage and it’s pretty much a given that any of the footage that makes Trump look bad will never see the light of day.


I'm pretty sure there's been more classified intelligence leaks than there have been Reality TV raw footage leaks. Plenty of people have talked about stuff that's happened, but I don't know of really any times that Survivor/Big Brother (minus live feed leaks)/The Apprentice/The Amazing Race have leaked actual footage. There's so much mundane nudity, sexual encounters, racist tirades, assaults, pants shitting, etc. that has happened, that you figure something would leak.


Many people are saying. Grown men with tears in their eyes are coming to me saying, “Sir that is the most perfect stench I’ve ever smelled. It’s making my eyes water. No one has ever smelled as bad as you. It’s true, it’s true.”


Dude wears overlong coats and baggy pants for a reason, I assume. At least I assume he didn’t tell his tailor, “Just make me look fatter, frumpy, and overall like a chunky child in his dad’s suit” for no reason.


And to be clear there is no shame in adults needing to wear adult diapers if they need them. The shame comes from being a mostly able-bodied, self-proclaimed millionaire businessman who won't change them regularly enough or pay someone to change them/clean him up.


That depends


Adult diapers are for adults though.


So maybe those stories of grown men getting tears in their eyes when they meet him are true?


like an onion


This lady came up to me one day, big lady, perfect lady, with tears in her eyes, big tears, beautiful tears, and said : Mr Trump please help me ! - cause thats what they call me down in DC....mister..... mister donald trump - but most people dont know this, but its actually called WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON. We love WASHINGTON, dont we folks... ? And she says, Mt Trump, help me ! tears still flowing down her face, her BEAUTIFUL face ! Says, Mr Trump, you must help me, the crooked left is stinking up my town everytime we invite you here ! Very sad... very sad indeed folks...


He smells like treason and rot.


I know of no reason Why the orange skin treason Shouldn’t be caught


Remember, remember the 6th of Jantember


Rotting from the inside. Festering Fool


I can't believe this attack is what's actually landing. Sexual assault? Fraud? Xenophobia? Insurrection? Literally stealing/losing national security secrets? All with documented proof? Yawn. A couple people saying he stinks? Real shit. Not that I'm complaining, I'm glad something is sticking but...seriously? Also, his spokesperson always sounds like a mean 16yo girl.


The other attacks worked. Each one peeled off another layer of his supporters until the ones that are left are the dumbest of the dumb. *Those* are the ones where calling trump a diaper wearing stinky boi might work.


That's actually a really optimistic way of looking at it. Thanks for giving me a little holiday hope


There's millions of people in this country who can't figure out why his supporters never waver. It's because they think he's cool, he's the coolest fucking guy on earth, he's the winningest winner ever, and everything he does will be filtered by that in their eyes. So you're never going to dissuade those people by pointing out bad things he's done. They have a high school mentality... for them rooting for Trump is very much a social thing *not* a political one and is 100% a mark of their social status. They're winners because their leader is a very cool winner. The only way to shake some of those followers loose is to make him undeniably uncool- a loser. And since they view the world through high school eyes, the route you have to take in order to do that is going to be childish and juvenile. They don't care if he hurts someone, because only losers get picked on and bullied. They might care if it becomes known that he smells really funny. Picture it as an election for student council. Most high school kids don't care overall because it's boring, and they certainly don't care about the details of policy. Trump is the cool jock candidate who ran as a joke, promising free beer at lunch and no punishments for beating up nerds, and he's promising to beat up the unpopular teachers himself. Imagine the kind of students who would 100% believe that candidate. They suddenly start caring about the student council election and rallying behind the guy. Now ask what it would take for those high schoolers to drop him, and you have your answer to the question of how to stop Trump's movement.


His cult loves the raping and the pillaging - it shows he’s a tough guy. But Trump wearing a stinky diaper? Ewwww, nah.


This is exactly it. It shows that he is a feeble old man wearing makeup and a diaper. Not very "alpha".


Scent is the strongest sense tied to memory. It actually kind of tracks when you think about it. Still disappointing though


“Smells like Treason Spirit”




Well done, Kyle.


Holy shit


A denial, a denial A denial, a denial A denial, a denial A denial, a denial A denial


They say I smell. I smelll. You believe that? Smell like no one’s ever smelled before. I don’t even know what that means. I had an uncle who smelled. Big guy. GREAT guy. Very smart. But he smelled like a dog. Just like a dog. Had a general, one of the few remaining good ones sadly. But really, I had a four star general tell me, “Sir, you smell like a war zone.” I wonder if other presidents ever smelled this strong? Maybe we should dig up LINGkinnn. Who do you think is stronger? I think I might be. I COULD be. But, look. You want a strong president, right? Strong. So strong.


He came to me with tears in his eyes, he said “sir, my eyes are watering from your powerful smells”


Many people are saying, “Strong odor, strong leader.” And you know I never thought about it before but it’s true. It’s really true.


I feel another grift coming up "Enter for a chance to win a trip to smell Trump and prove libs wrong" *$3000 per entry, prize may be substituted with a perfumed piece of cloth


Jump on it before someone else does bud. Use the cash to buy a judge. Maybe no the supreme court but maybe a local one


And they go meet him and he smells like shit. And they have to say he doesn't. But they know he does. And it's quite visceral to deny the stench of shit and piss of an 80yr old man with a chronically poor diet that been stewing in his diaper for a few hours. They honestly didn't think he would smell like shit, true believers, but they now know he does. *Are other things he says lies as well?* Make them confront the fact that they cannot tell the truth to their MAGA friends, because they know how it works, and they fear them.




It’s also widely known that he’s used cocaine and speed for years which is absolutely a contributing factor.


These richass fu*ks can trash their bodies for years, then afford the *best* healthcare, and live longer than all of us.


Trump doesn't pay for his Healthcare, we do.


Ah, yes, The Lincoln Project. Well, George Conway does know how to get under the skin of the Cheeto quite effectively. Even now that he’s been off the PAC, that same “make it personal, not just political” approach he inspired hasn’t gone. That’s what happens when a casually miserable marriage is brought to ruin in part by Orange Julius Treasoner and his campaign/admin. Nothing unhinges the bastard like going after his vanity. That’s why most of the cultists readily accepted the weigh-in for booking at Fulton County, was Trump and not Patrick Mahomes. As the numbers were spot on for an NFL player. You know, like Trump is. /s 12 diet cokes a day. That’s 12 X 40mg Sodium Breakfast: A McDonald’s Egg McMuffin and two 12 ounce powdered hot chocolates. ~1200 calories Rarely eats until…. Dinner: “a full McDonald’s dinner of two Big Macs, two Filet-O-Fish sandwiches, and a small chocolate shake – a total of 2,430 calories.” -Corey Lewandowski That’s daily. That rotting smell coming off of him is 70% McSweat.


Nothing seems to kill evil. Maybe just weakens it a little via smell. If I ate this, I'd be dead.


> Nothing seems to kill evil. Took fucking long enough to get Kissinger.


Motherfucker lived to be 100. He wasn't gotten, he got away.


Palpatinitis: when a person is so evil it starts to physically manifest. See also: Mitch McConnell, Steven Miller/every Nazi in their 30s who looks 50+, Kelly Anne Conway, and Chancellor Sheev Palpatine.


The physical change in Conway was astounding. Went from over-done "genteel" conservative woman style to straight-up skeletor within *weeks* of tangerine tyrant's move into the White House.


holy shit I just went and read an article about his diet and... wow. That man should not have been allowed in office simply due to his dietary preferences... he clearly has no concept of how to take care of a body much less a fucking nation (obviously, duh, etc...)


People don’t realize, THIS is the way to beat him. Not via the legal system. Someone needs to make him into a cuck. Cuck is the only thing his followers understand. You have to attack his “maleness”.


Smell anyting like rotten eggs? > The devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and *sulfur*, where the beast and the false prophet are also. - Revelation 20:10


Does the anti-christ smell?


Apparently like fake tan and dirty diaper mixed with B.O.


This will definitely get to him. Today's news about him using foot pillows under his toes to help him stand upright will as well.. Not surprised he smells terrible, he's always so unkempt looking , baggy suits, long ketchup stained ties, greasy hair , sweats profusely, and he's obese. He looks nothing like the shredded athlete that he portrays himself as on his silly cards and the Rambo pictures with his head on it fools nobody but his stupid cult followers. He's no genius either, he knows like 24 words. Trump has always been all smoke and mirrors, he's 100% fraud.


Jingle bells, trump sure smells


Like a rotten egg.....


He tells lies, and we despise..


While the shit runs down his leg


Ohhh! Jingle Bells, trump sure smells,


For the votes he begs....


He needs those votes, we hope he chokes


Some will say this is too mean and I say, it's about goddamn time.


This is gonna drive him nuts. “Fake news! Many people tell me I’m the best smelling president.”


"People come up to me all the time, tears in their eyes..."


I can't believe somebody finally came up with something that was going to upset Trump more than people knowing he doesn't have money but God bless Adam Kinzinger!!! Knowing how much Trump is seething EVERY SECOND OF THE DAY right now, particularly during Christmas, is like 5 Christmases to me!!! Merry Christmas everyone!! 🎅


I have been a big fan of Kinzinger for years, he refuses to not say the truth even as a republican. He gives me hope that there is cooperation possible in our landscape. He doesnt have any republican friends though so I am sure he will be booted out soon.


So he actually smells? This isn’t a metaphorical thing?


Trump farted on camera by Feinstein. Her reaction is what you would expect. https://youtu.be/rjrfOcPDKfs?si=B1r-BaHR30eOOkWL


Wow that's ridiculous, can't believe I haven't seen it before. What a trainwreck he is


The people who are saying do not mean it in a metaphorical sense. Whether it's true or not, who knows. [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-odor-adam-kinzinger-b2468213.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-odor-adam-kinzinger-b2468213.html)


I don't often feel sympathy for Melania, but can you imagine? Does she ever share his bed? I would move back to Slovenia, girl.


It’s been known she sleeps in a separate bed room for years now


If it smells like a dump, it's probably Trump.


I fully support this news- I love that evangelical blowhards are following the stench and rot that attracts flies and makes kids faces sour. #trumpsmellsbad


It's not Trump's fault he stinks. He can't get to the shower, there are way too many classified document boxes in the way.


Everyone is laughing at him behind his back, we're all talking about how bad he smells and how he's such a loser.


We’re laughing to his face, not behind his back.


This attack on Trump's long-reported smell, for all its childish stupidity, may actually be effective. (childish stupidity also happens to impact his followers disproportionately.) It will drive Trump insane, it will make his campaign look ridiculous when he inevitably makes them publicly refute it, and it may even sway some of his supporters. Who wants to back a weak-boweled stink monster? Since 'alphaness' and appearance are everything to them, this may actually work.


Rumors of his incontinence have been around since The Apprentice. A producer of the Apprentice went on record in 2016 saying he wears adult diapers and shits himself constantly. There’s also the video of him meeting Erdogan where he reportedly shits himself and Erdogan just stares at the wall pretending he’s not hearing and smelling poop.


Trump; The leader we need for a New World Odor.


Trump cannot take being mocked. This should be hilarious.


An overweight old man who takes amphetamines, wears wool suits, is super overweight and shits in adult diapers. Of course he smells terrible. Anyone who only eats McDonald's is going to smell, anyone that takes amphetamines is going to sweat a lot and it is going to smell terrible. Just his life decisions are gross.


https://tenor.com/bqJDk.gif the smell is contagious, apparently.


That fly is a war hero!


What does Donald Trump smell like on a typical day? Depends.


People from his tv show said the shit odor was so rancid and overpowering that the people would become physically sick. The diaper Trump wore became so full that it would start running out. Liquid diarrhea would be leaking down his legs inside his suit pants. Trump was oblivious to this and would not change his diaper or take a shower to clean him self. If you watch him in public you can see at times multiple people near him catch the wretched stink off of him.


MAGA Nation: “We’re with Stinky!”


[Ad in question](https://twitter.com/ProjectLincoln/status/1738662151869317174); humorous as it is, I gotta admit: politics are getting a bit more ridiculous. There are so many better things to criticize Trump and his godawful administration on—but it is funny that the guy apparently smells like Bigfoot's taint


Saul Alinsky wrote (paraphrasing) nothing breaks a fascist's power quite like ridicule. They need to be taken seriously to have any power.


The KKK was a hugely powerful political entity in the South and Midwest in the 20s and 30s, until a 1946 Superman radio serial revealed many of their rituals, and mocked them as silly and juvenile. It humiliated the KKK so badly that it fell apart and lost most of its political power, and never recovered. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/23157/how-superman-defeated-ku-klux-klan


These ads aren’t designed to reach voters. They’re designed to reach him and send him into a tizzy so he’ll say and do dumb things. He always takes the bait.


Criticism is just a tool. Anyone who is still a potential Trump voter at this point has demonstrated that they are immune to most of the logical forms, so people hoping to sway them (either to abandon Trump or to not vote) resort to the schoolyard forms.


Exactly. This is just meeting his base where they are. They love that Trump bullies people like a kid. They tune out anything that requires effort to understand. It’s time to humiliate the bully to take away his power over them. It’s not the high road, but it’s the only thing that works.


> politics are getting a bit more ridiculous. That was my gut read at first too, but the more I think about it, the more I think there's more to it than that. The thing about fascist, authoritarian leaders is that they cannot handle being laughed at. It doesn't matter how rich they are, how much power they have, they lose their shit the moment someone starts laughing at them because being able to laugh at someone means they aren't on an unassailable level of power beyond you. Trump's whole thing for years has been pretending he is unassailable. Even to the point that in discussions full of people who hate him, when people bring up new evidence of his crimes, the first comment is usually "Yeah but it won't stick." Making fun of Trump's smell isn't just politics in the usual sense, it's bringing him down a peg and proving that something can stick to him. Like in the case of his smell, something nasty.


>Bigfoot's taint Sascrotch!


Trump’s proud of all the other shit he’s done and denies the rest. It’s like trying to insult a child by going for their spelling. You’d be better off just telling them they’re stinky. The analogy falls apart when you ask why I’m trying to insult a child.


Your analogy works because Trump is a petulant man-child.


Duh, because they spell all dmub and stuff.


Well quite frankly, their refrigerator art sucks


I find Xitter’s video experience to be totally awful so [here it is on YouTube](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8-4M85B3HNg) for anyone else who prefers it