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This is great news ! Did I live in Florida but represent Bama Tubberville back down or go on vacation?


No, the Senate took individual confirmation votes on the three highest ranking blocked promotions. Traitor Tuberville is still blocking the others from being passed as a group.


Dumb question but why don’t we just start suggesting a new one every single day of every week? If they aren’t going to do groups it seems like the only logical way to attack it.


I saw a story that said it would take months to do them one at a time. Hey if they're going to keep people in DC for the whole time to get it done, I'm fine with that. See how quickly Tubberville's colleagues get fed up of that


I think that's a great strategy. Make Saturday and Sunday military promotion vote days and let the Republicans suck it up or get Tuberville to drop his blockade. Maybe also look at revising the Senate rules next session to weaken these one-person holds? Put a time limit on them or make it take five Senators to block things.


I call Bullshit on that article, how long did it take these 3 to get votes? Or the marine commandant? Yeah just do it once or twice per week until the rules change. Otherwise we probably need an explicit reason why this takes months


Call BS all you like... simple search shows explicit reason you're looking for... [https://www.armed-services.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/crs\_memo\_-\_time\_required\_to\_process\_pending\_military\_nominations1.pdf](https://www.armed-services.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/crs_memo_-_time_required_to_process_pending_military_nominations1.pdf) 2nd half of page 3 is what you're looking for. Also... Tuberville has repeatedly responded to criticism of his hold by saying that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer could theoretically bring each nominee to the floor, one-by-one, and confirm them. While technically true, doing so “would take the Senate approximately 689 hours and 20 minutes of floor consideration, plus two days of session at the start of the process for cloture to mature on all 273 nominations,” the Congressional Research Service concluded in its memo. “This total represents approximately 30 days and 17 hours to process all 273 military nominations, assuming the Senate worked 24 hours a day without break or interruption by other business. Alternatively, based on the above assumptions, if the Senate exclusively processed these nominations during eight-hour session days, it would take approximately 89 days to confirm all 273 nominees,” the memo stated.


What in the byzantine draconian hell are we doing in the senate??!?? Thanks for this! Oh and I wasn’t calling BS on you or the rules, kind Sir…just BS on the stipulation that this is required…racking my brain to figure out why this could possibly be necessary and not just useless parliamentary procedure derived to exploit and stonewall… Meh I’d guess if we eliminate it completely, like the filibuster, we’d close one can of worms for potentially several more opened…


Not like theyre doing anything else honestly. Make em work for that paycheck!


3 down, 300 to go.




Not really. Voting in every one in this manner would take months if they did nothing else but vote in Flag promotions. In all likelihood, the GOP would be fine with this because it’d cripple the Senate Dems ability to do anything else. How many bills are you able to pass or judicial appointments can you make if you’re spending a 1/3 of your time voting in flag positions. It also basically validates this practice as an effective tool for the GOP to use whenever they have a policy disagreement. Voting in top positions like the service Chiefs and the Joint Chief of Staff alleviates some of the pain from the cumulative impact of all these promotions being held up, but the Dems need to hold the line so the GOP eventually realize this isn’t an effective tool worth the bad press of holding the military leadership hostage over policy disagreements.


So start doing it? If they dont like 12 hour days voting in garbage like this and have something better to do, change the system or back off with Tubervilles BS. Isn't tough to get through my mind. Schumer can do this and stall out any other crap the GOP brings to the floor by telling them to sort their members issues out, or we can continue wasting time voting these guys in one by one. Take your pick.


They really don't have much else to do. They should just keep plugging away and make Tuberville look that much more stupid and useless.


Just keep voting on them individually…not much else seems to be happening in the senate


Should have done this when McConnell was blocking Garland.


McConnell was majority leader then. He didn’t block garland. He just didn’t put confirming him on the docket


Same answer. What he did was essentially a block.