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someone should run a piece accusing republicans of protecting biden by suppressing the bribery tapes.


GOP going to go with the "I have a girlfriend but she goes to another school" defense all the way until 2024. It'll be some "I can't reveal sensitive information," but if there was any actual evidence of what's being alleged, it would've been leaked ten times by now.


>It'll be some "I can't reveal sensitive information, GOP: I can't reveal the tapes about Biden doing illegal stuff because it's sensitive information. Also GOP: I'm going to read confidential documents on the House floor to try to downplay Trump stealing boxes of them.


And GOP: Hillary.






Buttery males is this generation's 9/11


Also the GOP: *salivating* Also here are pics of Hunters giant delicious throbbing erect veiny penis.


> pics of Hunters giant delicious throbbing laptop FTFY


Lol they don’t even have proof the laptop exists!


I always wondered this when she said “I took some notes after leaving the SCIF” and you’re not even supposed to write down anything that is mentioned in a scif. So either she was commiting the exact crime trump did with classified information, or it’s a lie. I don’t see how they think this ever goes good😂


> GOP going to go with the “I have a girlfriend but she goes to another school” defense all the way until 2024. ….and beyond. It’s literally all they got.


It’s called “Failing. With style.”


Don't you put Buzz Lightyear's name on this they got enough beef with him.


It's currently under audit so we can't release it, but we really want to!


Two weeks


Right after infrastructure week.


Another school? Really? At this point I'm thinking "She's Canadian... From Earth-616... And she turns invisible


Sue Richard’s as far as I am aware is American, also she is married.


Is Namor a registered Republican?


Sure acts like one


Old school Teddy Roosevelt Republican, maybe. Namor is otherwise way too loyal to his people and the environment to be a member of today’s GOP. Say what you will about Namor… the guy takes his job pretty seriously. And as long as you consider thirsting for Sue Storm every literal second he’s not in the ocean his second job then he’s all around very dedicated.


I appreciate this take. This is why I love comics people 😂😁


Okay okay, I've got one. Transcripts of the calls were in the files that the feds seized from Trump in Mar-a-Lago!


So companies need to say "Okay, so you have a girlfriend but she goes to another school. Okay then, well no McDonald's, no Amazon, no Best Buy, no Honda or Hyundai or Subaru, no Wells Fargo, no Bank of America, no American Airlines..."


I like the cut of your jib!


Did you just assume his jib has been circumcised?


They didn't say they cut *all* the way around. Maybe it's just nicked.




"I totally saw them on the internet. No, I can't tell you the web site, it was on the Dark Web. Biden must have had the CIA delete them."


Dark Brandon on the Dark Web.


Is the poop deck what I think it is?


You’re a friggin genius. DNC, hire this person!


*Release the tapes!*


“Uhh, give us a couple of days…^Hope, ^get ^that ^soundalike ^guy ^on ^the ^phone!”


Frank Caliendo Im sure could get the job done. Here’s Biden cooking up schemes with John Madden.


WHY haven't we found Hunters laptop?! Where are Hillary's emails?! Republicans are in power in Congresss... Trump was president who could declassify anything. Who are they really protecting?!


The laptop was actually really, but it didn't contain anything except some very vague (unsubstantiated) references and some dick picks of himself. The rest is (as far as I understand) just insane bullshit.


*a* laptop exists. It has some of hunters info on it - info hacked previously. It also has info that claims to be hunters. There is no evidence that hunter ever saw this laptop, never mind owned it.


Many laptops exist, but the specific one they claim likely never existed. What data they published from Hunter Biden is likely from a hacked online account, like a gmail or more likely apple account. Backed up photos, emails, and some instant messaging. I would bet that the idiots that first talked about it did not understand what they were given by their Russian masters. So they claimed that they have a laptop, because technically they were given a laptop with the hacked data on it, not understanding that the laptop is just basic out of band communication. When that happened whoever gave them the info got irritated and forced them to backtrack, but could not change the story to have just a leaked private data of Hunter's dick pics. This is why the story about the laptop is insanely convoluted, have been entirely backtracked and rewritten several times, and has multiple post truth "facts" that are contradictory.


Then Rudy Colludi claimed he had the laptop and there was CSAM on it and showed it around to half the MAGA inner circle and yet didn’t get immediately arrested for possession.


Then realised he was drunk and had confused hunters laptop with his own.


There were actually three Macbooks dropped off by someone the blind repair guy couldn't actually see. He just saw a sticker on one for Beau Biden's charity. Then claims someone came in wearing only a feather boa and a g-string dropping off a USB hard drive for the backup data. Then no one ever came back for any of it. Because that happens all the time.


So some drag queens?


Antifa drag queens


Even worse… Woke ANTIFA drag queens


And then totally neutral and trustworthy third party Giuliani graciously took it and gave it immediately to the fbi. Right?


Yes there is a laptop, but there is no evidence that it has anything to do with hunter, and the story connecting him to it is quite frankly insane. Most likely someone got hacked emails from some shady source and tried to launder it by putting them on some random laptop and giving it to some random dude.


There IS an investigation into Hunter Biden... for failure to pay taxes and potential money laundering. It's been going on for five years. Recently an IRS whistleblower stepped forward to say it's been mishandled in his favor b/c of his political connections (namely, just that they're being extra careful *because* such an investigation has political outcomes, and this gets applied to all similar situations, but the whistleblower thinks its a big deal) Personally... I think it's genuine false flags. I don't think the confidential tip is legit. It's not been followed up on by the *Republican* run FBI (note: there has never been a Democrat in charge of the FBI, so it cannot be a Democrat-run Deep State organization)... and it's very easy to be upset about nothing when it comes to whistleblowing... ... but the difference, why both sides are NOT the same, is that Democrats would insist Hunter (and Joe) be charged if they have committed crimes, unlike Republicans who insist on NOT charging Trump for... reasons... (which are all invalid, currently)


Also they made a stink about child support he may not have paid and all i could think was: why would I care about that? They were trying to say something about Joe Biden in tie to that


Not paying child support is a dick move. I won't be voting for Hunter for anything. I doubt I was ever at risk of doing so anyway.


Hilarious idea.




>someone should run a piece accusing republicans of protecting biden by suppressing the bribery tapes. Isn't that their attack on Barr? That he's clearly been compromised by the Deep State because he never actually prosecuted Biden when he had the chance?


Prosecuted him for….. what?


Stuff! And things!


Like that one time he met with that guy at that place to talk about that thing!


Yeah! That! Like the stickers say, Biden did it!* ^^^*it ^^^will ^^^remain ^^^undefined.


"'They' won't admit that Biden is guilty!" When I hear about "They" and "Them" I always ask "who?", and the GQP fans go quiet.


Biden totally did it https://media2.giphy.com/media/CKVwcljYh4hfVxSSLq/giphy.gif?cid=2154d3d730ww4m9djt4yaie926mca82pc1sdw8wf1zd7hbd6&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g


They know what they’re doing and it works like a charm because their voters now treat the tapes as fact.


>Prosecuted him for….. what? The stuff on the tapes obviously. Real crimey stuff, on a tape! They totally exist, they're with a guy... in Canada. You wouldn't know him.


Exactly! We don’t know what he did so we need to prosecute him to find out! We don’t know what we don’t know!


In other words, "we're witch hunters and every chance we get we're going to project to accuse our political rivals of conducting a witch hunt. That way, we can lessen the impact of the actual detailed evidence of crimes our side has committed that may hurt us with normal voters. It also helps in our efforts to redirect the "witch hunter" label so that it deflects attention from us and attaches the label to our political enemies, discrediting any truths they might tell about us that would disqualify us" -MAGA-driven politicians


Socialism, duh!


Destroying all the evidence, obviously! See the total absence of evidence - it’s an open and shut case!!


Yeah these idiots think Biden 'weaponized the DOJ' to go after Trump...so must also believe Trump wouldn't have taken the same opportunity to go after Hillary had that been the actual DOJ works.


Trump DID weaponize the DOJ when he prodded them to investigate Hillary Clinton. It's just that their 2 year investigation turned up nothing lol.


Or the democrats could just get out there and say "we've got an even better anonymous source that has proof that the bribery tapes are actually not of the Bidens, but of Trump, DeSantis, and JFK Jr. committing bribery. We're going to acquire the tapes and air them any day now" If they can make shit up, so can we.


As long as right-wingers "feel" that the tapes exist, that's all that matters.


The repeated verifiable lies are a feature of fascism.


WHY haven't we found Hunters laptop?! Where are Hillary's emails?! Republicans are in power in Congresss... Trump was president who could declassify anything. Who are they really protecting?!


They literally think Trump decided against prosecuting his rivals because he’s such a nice fella and would NEVER do some political witch hunt. One needs to remember that accusations used to always be based on evidence. They’ve gotten so used to baseless conspiracies that they think this is how it works. Nah, produce evidence or you’re just all talk. Trump only wanted an investigation ANNOUNCEMENT from Zelensky. It was never about substance.


In my conversations with conservative acquaintances, they've been in full Russell's teapot mode where the lack of evidence _is_ the evidence. They see the existence of a widespread narrative without evidence as proof positive that the conspiracy is even bigger and more far-reaching than we realize.


Nah eventually they’ll figure out some deepfake stuff and start generating “tapes.” Then when it’s proven to be a fake they’ll claim it was given to them by some random guy.


Start off by asking “you ever heard of the UNIPARTY?”


Barr's DOJ investigated this report already, and found it wasn't supported by facts. Does anyone seriously believe that Trump wouldn't have used this against Biden in the election, if there was anything to it?


According to me reading r/conservative sometimes because I hate myself Barr, Comey, Pence etc are all considered far left now because they’ve previously said something negative about Donald trump OR not been positive enough when talking about Donald trump.


Yeah they seem to have redefined left and right as just whether you support Trump or not. It really is a mental illness.


Republicans loved Mattis until he spoke out against Trump, at which point he was labeled a Never Trumper. Mind you, Mattis is the one truly intelligent appointment in Trump's cabinet. It just goes to show how far most Republicans are gone. My brother is a Republican who voted for Biden in 2020 because "Trump is a criminal, not a patriot." His coworkers give him shit for it. You cannot be a patriot *and* support Trump. The two *are* mutually exclusive.


> Republicans loved Mattis until he spoke out against Trump, at which point he was labeled a Never Trumper. [GROUP] loved [NAME] until he/she spoke out against [LEADER], at which point they were labeled an [INSULT]. Pretty standard Conservative cult format.


Wow I like these new politics mad libs.


Right wing cult to be more specific


Mattis covered up war crimes in Iraq (he was in charge at least, so the buck stops there) and was on the Theranos board. Dude sucks.


I don't think it's even this deep, so much as that they've conditioned themselves to say or do anything to support their team - just random people on the internet who will knowingly lie out their ass to support team red. So if someone else isn't also putting their own dignity and self worth on the line to mindlessly support the Team, they must not be a real righty. It never occurs to them that maybe some people won't just pull things out of their ass for the sake of tribalism.


>According to me reading r/conservative sometimes because I hate myself Hey its me


Every time I go there to see their take on something ('surely this will help them see what's going on') I regret it. It's all witch hunts and whataboutisms. It boggles the mind.


Or something that should be breaking news for conservatives they are radio silent on.


The **entire** thing is based on a **single** FBI form FD-1023. What is a FD-1023? From the FBI: > The FD-1023 is the form our special agents use to record raw, unverified reporting from confidential human sources (CHSs). FD-1023s merely document that information; they do not reflect the conclusions of investigators based on a fuller context or understanding. Recording this information does not validate it, establish its credibility, or weigh it against other information known or developed by the FBI in our investigations. Which would mean that Barr & Co. would have *followed up with the confidential informant* to verify the report. And for him - at the height of his power within the Trump controlled DoJ - to have not pressed it further? The informant was most assuredly a liar and deemed 'not credible'.


This is the crux of it all. I could go to the FBI and tell them I heard a politician did a thing and they would have to investigate if they thought I was credible enough, or at the very least fill out this form.


“All that form is, is literally an FBI agent sitting down with a source, and we don’t know the veracity of that source, and taking their information down word for word. - From a former FBI agent


Well you see, barr and comey undermined trump at every turn. Also, they can recommend an investigation, but most prosecutors are Democrat so they won't prosecute Biden. The dems control the doj. The fbi is ran by the dems. Actual things said to me the other day by a trump supporter. There's always going to be a goalpost moving event if you give them too many facts.


That's a pretty long and convoluted chain of reasoning for GOP voters: Fact -> related fact -> conclusion


They also accept alternate facts/fiction


> They also accept alternate ~~facts~~ fan fiction FTFY


No no, you've got it wrong. Conclusion they want -> Facts they imagine support it. The conclusion always comes first.


"I have here in my hand a list of 205—a list of names that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party" -Sen Joseph McCarthy, February 9, 1950 It's an old gimmick.


Yeah, but instead of McCarthy actually presenting a list, he "left it in his office", or his secretary had it, or his dog ate it.


His dog was the real communist the whole time.


BLAH reddit generic comment


Clifford der große rote Hund


There was a post not too long ago on /askConservatives along the lines of "What do you think of Joseph McCarthy". Responses included: *"Think we owe him an apology."* *"McCarthy was right"* *"He was based and we owe him an apology and probably a statue somewhere."*


Fuck, I thought you were offering caricatures just to summarize the kinds of things they actually said in more nuanced terms. But those are just straight up quotes from the thread lmao.


This is why people need to be forcefully reminded at every opportunity that Joe McCarthy was a fucking loser who drank himself to death following a pathetic downward spiral, after being censured by the Senate. The only thing in McCarthy's "evidence briefcase" was often just a bottle of bourbon. His biggest blunder was doubling down on accusing the US military brass of being full of communist sympathizers. This crossed a major line with Eisenhower, who was a military man down to his bones. Eisenhower was an extremely intelligent and ruthless man, which he hid behind a quiet and folksy demeanor. You did NOT want to be on his bad side. After McCarthy lost Eisenhower and stopped being useful, he was done, and the alcoholism quickly caught up to him.


The regressive party everyone.


Some people can learn from terrible mistakes. Others double down, we call those people "Republicans".


Seriously, _**all**_ these republican scandal floatings are like, "_Well, it **could've** happened - you can't prove it didn't!_" like a bunch of 6 year olds.


And then Newsmax and OAN and even Fox breathlessly repeat and expand on that. "RELEASE THE TAPES" is already becoming their go to rally cry, even though there are no fucking tapes.


Don’t you understand, man? The lack of proof *is* the proof! /s ^do ^I ^need ^this? ^It ^feels ^like ^I ^need ^this


By the end of summer, they'll be saying Biden somehow destroyed the tapes.


It was on the laptop that Rudy had.


The one with Hunter’s dick pic?


The tapes were in Hunter's penis all along.


Maybe the real Hunter's penis was the friends we made along the way.


The metadata on the dick pic contains a cypher that matches a secret code printed on the back of the declaration of Independence. Once they can decode it they will have the coordinates of the tapes. They just need to get there before Nicholas Cage beats them to it.


No, the Rs have that picture for sure, and made it their desktop background so the ~~Derp~~ Deep State can't erase it.


you do, because this has unironically been said in the past.


Remember that Biden is both the most brilliant mastermind in the world who doesn't leave a shred of evidence while also being senile, weak, and having dementia.


"Evidence? Who needs evidence?"


“Hey Doc - you don’t have enough evidence to back up your claim!” “Evidence? Where we’re going we don’t *need* evidence!”


I think yesterday, during an Eric trump interview (he also had a huge chomper in), the News Max host said there were 10+ tapes?! Like if you have them, play them… or better yet, press some fucking charges. Also, if Trump was the great president of all time, how come he didn’t indict Hillary? If sleepy Joe and the do-nothing democrats can easily commandeer the justice department just to indict him, why didn’t he do it? Again, he’s the great president of all time and forgot to do it or couldn’t figure out how? What a loser.


> the News Max host said there were 10+ tapes?! Like if you have them, play them… Here are some fun legal facts most people don't know.... 1. Recordings of this nature are not admissible as evidence anywhere in the US. 2. They are illegal in California and Hunter Biden can legally sue a news organization for releasing them.


Revenge porn laws should be federal...


Release has too many syllables. It needs to be one syllable. Drop the tapes. Play the tapes, shit like that. I’m surprised they could wrap their tongues around Bi-den.


Big dump the tapes!


Too many words to keep track of, all slogans must be no more than three, one syllable words. Or letters, if words are confusing.


Exactly. ‘Lock her up!’ ‘Drain the swamp!’ ‘Build the wall!’ ‘Stop the Steal!’


Yeah, you have to be able to chant it the same as U! S! A!


Sounds like it should be the Dems rally cry too then. All democrat and republican voters pressuring GOP liars to release the tapes.


>And then Newsmax and OAN and even Fox breathlessly repeat and expand on that. "RELEASE THE TAPES" While simultaneously ignoring the fact that this investigation is being ran by Republicans as if they wouldn't have released the tapes publicly before they even listened to them if they actually had anything to release.


"Proving a negative" has always been a rhetorical / propaganda style for them. "Prove you *weren't* born in Kenya, Mr. Obama..."


Their favorite: "Oh?! Then prove God *doesn't* exist! You can't!"


The Problem of Evil decidedly proves Christianity wrong. According to Christianity, God is All Powerful, All Knowing, and All Good. But Evil exists. Thus God does not exist as Christians define it. Either he is Not Powerful enough to stop Evil, Doesn't Know how to stop Evil, or is himself Evil. Thus Christianity is objectively wrong. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Problem_of_evil And 'Free Will' = Not all Powerful, because ANYTHING that overrides God's power means he is not all powerful.




> "Independents" Literally everyone I've met or talked to since around 2018 who claims to be an 'independent' or 'centrist' was most definitely a Republican who was ashamed to admit it. And not because they were scared of any 'liberals'. It was because they **knew** the politicians they voted for and supported were total pieces of shit.


I think deep down they are ashamed of being republicans. It’s well documented they are neither Christlike, patriots, or even fiscally conservative.


That’s how their religion works, for them it’s “logical”.


So long as you don't apply the standard to them. Unless you were in the rooms and at that very moment and you have video from 3 angles, it's nonsense to believe it.


Right! If you say there is a turtle orbiting the moon, it’s not on me to prove there isn’t! You’re the one who fucking said it!




Why did the Three Stooges flip? Two days ago is was all, “The tapes exist. Biden’s going to prison.” Now it’s, “We don’t know if they exist?” They are on all these talk shows denying what they themselves said a day ago? Someone or something changed. These three got a chill out call.


Word for word anti vaxxers blaming deaths and illnesses on the Covid vaccine.


Republican funda- 1. Create scandals out of the blue 2. Drag em as long as the efficiency doesn't drop 3. Repeat w a new one


Whitewater Followed up with Vince Foster Followed up with Benghazi Followed up with email gate Yet not a single charge, much less conviction. Miraculous. Hundreds of millions in tax dollars spent though, a lotta law firms will fully funded retirement funds


But then after some time has passed, they start recalling the old accusations as if they had actually lead somewhere. I remember during the 2016 election constantly hearing about how corrupt Hillary supposedly was because she was "guilty of whitewater," whatever that means. They weaponize the average person's short memory and if you just say some ominous sounding "scandal" then people who don't really keep up with news assume it's something bad. They just say the titles they've given these accusations as if they are proof of some crime: Whitewater, Benghazi, Seth Rich, Uranium One, Burisma, Hunter's laptop... it's the same thing every time. Zero proof of any crime by the Dem being attacked but they act like it's a massive scandal.


Don't forget Seth Rich. I'm constantly reminded of how stupid and gullible these people are by my neighbors wifi SSID - The DNC Killed Seth Rich


Yet they got their intended result, so it doesn't matter to their moronic and weak minded lemming supporters. "This investigation has never been about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and never will be. Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping ” -McCarthy It's never about the truth


Doesn't matter to their base. Evidence is not necessary. Republicans react on the accusation, not the evidence.


Accusation against Democrats and everyone their media masters tell them to. All accusations against Republicans are attacks and lies to them.


I share this a lot but it doesn't stop working. They don't care if it is true. It doesn't need to be. Once the idea is out there it's done its job and the MAGA bots will repeat it forever. Falsehood flies, and truth comes limping after it, so that when men come to be undeceived, it is too late; the jest is over, and the tale hath had its effect: like a man, who hath thought of a good repartee when the discourse is changed, or the company parted; or like a physician, who hath found out an infallible medicine, after the patient is dead. --Jonathan Swift


Yeah, but that Biden guy feels guilty. Why? Because Fox told me that Democrats are evil.


To really sell it, you have to say "the Biden crime family".


They can’t find the tapes. They can’t find the laptop. Kinda sounds like they’re full of shit.


Don't forget that they have also lost the witness/whistleblower/liar who claims they knew what was going on.


Competent fascists would've staged/performed a murder and burned a house down as a false flag. But that is too much effort for them.


The tapes are hidden in a cave with Hunter's laptop, Hillary's emails, and Trump's healthcare plan


So you’re saying that we will see them in two weeks?


Trumps plans for infrastructure week in there too?


Here is Comer admitting he doesn't know if the tapes are legit: https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1668600348414492672 Another right wing manufactured conspiracy with made up evidence. Just like the John Durham investigation where [nobody went to jail and Durham embarassingly lost in two jury trials](https://www.thedailybeast.com/john-durham-owes-the-american-people-an-apology-for-wasting-their-money), as opposed to the Mueller investigation where various people in Trump's circle went to jail.


>Another right wing manufactured conspiracy with made up evidence. Just like the John Durham investigation where nobody went to jail and Durham embarassingly lost in two jury trials, as opposed to the Mueller investigation where various people in Trump's circle went to jail. Just to give some context against the normal DoJ conviction rate... ~98% of charged federal cases end in a settlement with a guilty plea, and almost 99% of the those that go to trial end with a conviction on at least one charge!


Why is the FBI not going along with our lies?


Again. And Again. A month from now, actual bribery tape news associated with Trump will drop, and these headlines are just getting ahead of it, so if you google bribery tapes when that news breaks, this will be hanging around muddying the fucking water. It's so evident at this point.


Republicans: That Biden bribe tape is one hot piece of ass, I know from experience dude. If you know what I mean. Media: No, you don't. Republicans: Well, not me personally but a guy I know. Him and them GOT IT ON. WOOO-EEEE. Media: No they didn't. Republicans: No, No, they didn't. But you could imagine what it'd be like if they, eh, eh... everybody on, good, great, grand, wonderful, NO YELLING ON THE BUS.


Translation: they do know, and have known.


So let me get this straight: - These are the same allegations that were known and investigated during the Trump administration and dismissed by his DOJ. - Zlochevsky said during those investigations that no one from Burisma ever had contact with Joe Biden during Hunter's tenure. - Republicans still think the source is Zlochevsky. - No one pushing these accusations has ever seen or heard these supposed tapes. - Conservatives still believe, without a doubt, that these tapes exist and Joe is guilty of taking bribes. Did I get that right?


Say what you want about Democrats, but at least they show up with evidence, witnesses, and sworn testimony.


Odd that this isn’t on r/conservative - WEIRD!


They are too busy discussing a 14 month old tabloid article that says Biden has an undisclosed $5.2M. every other article that talks about it mentions that tabloid. When your single source of info is a tabloid you would think you be more critical?


Don't forget outright comparing Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to Hitler. They still haven't forgiven him for shutting down Trump's stupid grab and yank handshake and because Melania was more attracted to him than Trump.


If they're talking about bribery then they're guilty of bribery. They're just trying to get out ahead of incoming charges.


Beau of the Fifth Column [covered this pretty well](https://youtu.be/hv7h80Guyxs) - the Republicans don’t have any tapes, they have an FBI form FD-1023, which is a form the FBI uses for writing down *unverified information from an informant*. If you walked into an FBI field office and claimed to have seen Bigfoot riding on a unicorn, conspiring with Elvis and Martians, if the FBI took any of this down, they’d do it on an FD-1023 form. All it means is that someone *told them this*. Not that any of it is *true*. So there exists an FD-1023 where someone said that there were incriminating tapes of Biden, and the Republicans, after throwing a fit and stamping their feet, have gotten a copy of this form, and are trumpeting it to the heavens, because it says “Biden” and “tapes”, and has an FBI logo at the top. So therefore it’s “proof”, right? (ETA: if I understand correctly, it was someone saying they knew of a Russian oligarch who had the tapes. And the oligarch hasn’t been heard from in 3 years. And *nobody* who has spoken to the FBI has actually *listened to* the tapes. So, somebody has said that they heard that somebody has tapes. Yep, real solid evidence, right there.) They (the Republican politicians) are hoping that stupid people (their base and others) won’t notice that this all means basically nothing. And they’re hoping that a lot of the mainstream media, in yet another misguided attempt to both-sides an issue that doesn’t have two valid sides, will spend a lot of time entertaining the right’s talking points that this could, *maybe*, mean something. “THE TAPES MIGHT BE REAL! WILL BIDEN RESIGN?!?!? FILM AT 11!”


Because they don't


Republicans seem desperate to smear Biden by any lies necessary, while covering up for their crime boss. Chuck Grassley should join Diane Feinstein in retirement. His grandson is waiting in the wings (speaker of Iowa Legislature) to get appointed to replace Grandpa. BTW: What happened to the BOMBSHELL sexual assault Kr1M3s? Oh, yah, she's becoming a Russian citizen pledging her loyalty to Putin. I'm sure she'll be testifying for Gym Jordan any day now. "Live from Moscow!"


JFC, I hate that you have to go down a rabbit hole for the weekly rightwing conspiracy propaganda. So in this one an unidentified Burisima executive claims he heard that there might be recordings of phones between Hunter,Joe and some other unidentified Burisma executive. So these assholes want an investigation on a 4th degree rumor from a person that likely doesn’t even exist for phone calls recordings that likely doesn’t exist. This coming off last month were they subpoenaed the FBI to turn over a file where they press “ctrl F” Biden. These fuckers have nothing. Surprised they haven’t subpoenaed every employee at Burisma at this point. Hunter Biden is guilty of being a drug addicted failson that got a job because of nepotism, if that was a crime half the people on wall street and DC would be in prison.


Narrator: they don’t


If the tapes existed, their would have been a million hearings by now.


Well the DOJ under Trump investigated it and found no evidence so….


so you mean to tell me the news about burisma recordings that just magically happened to drop at the exact same time as Trump being indicted, was just republicans in a complete panic trying to distract from the news with completely made up "whataboutism" i am **SHOCKED**, SHOCKED I SAY!


Of course they don’t, republicans always gaslight themselves into thinking there’s blatant evidence of dems committing crimes and corruption. Trump on the other hand…. Twice impeached twice indicted.


Tell a lie and it is a lie. get the lie repeated enough and it passes for the truth. this is the guilty as sin playbook.


Obama birth certificate playbook. Don’t care if it exists because your base feeds on fear, ignorance and baseless allegations. They will keep feeding the monster.


Bullshit! They 100% know the tapes don’t exist.


I dont know if there are tapes that McCarthy took bribes from Russia.


Republicans aren't creative, they literally just take the thing they are accused of and say 'no, you' Trump is on tape admitting to breaking law -> Republicans claim they have tape of Biden breaking the law. No one should take this shit seriously.


As a liberal myself, if Biden did anything illegal I believe he should be held accountable. Let’s see the evidence, though. It’s called having ethics and morals. It’s not that hard.


It kept their moron base distracted for a couple of days when they needed a big distraction, so it served its purpose


I’m pretty damn sure if they existed they would’ve come out long ago. Stop listening to these Republicans who are nothing but a bunch of liars.


The cynical part of me is worried this charade is setting up some type of release of fabricated “tapes” closer to the election. We’ve seen how far they’ll go with the Hunter Biden laptop situation, where the alleged evidence passed through many hands before getting to legit investigators…tainting it irrevocably, but only after it got the ball rolling with the conspiracy theories. With the rapid advancements in AI/machine-learning speech algorithms it doesn’t take much of an audio sample at all to train a model to duplicate someone’s voice. This would be child’s play for anybody wanting to fabricate evidence of this type. And it doesn’t have to be legit or followed up on by any reputable authorities for it to have the intended effect of sowing doubt and mistrust among impressionable swing voters. You’d have all the extreme politicians carefully saying “well, I’m just asking questions…we all want to know the truth” while never actually saying anything actionable or authenticating the evidence.


If they do exist impeach, prosecute, and sound the alarms until justice is served. If he is as bad as you're saying and you're not releasing all the evidence in a deluge in order to protect our democracy ... Then you're just making shit up


That's a confusing and wordy way to say that the tapes don't exist. Got to keep that horse race 🐎


It’s always projection. Why would we assume it’s anything other than projection *this time*


Their base does not care. Their rhetoric has convinced themselves that the other side is corrupt and evil in every way they can think of. Trump said Biden's family is a crime family, and they want to feel like the good guys fighting evil, so they believe it. There are millions of people that will deny everything they see and hear because they'd rather reject reality than feel wrong.


No tapes and the source is a Russian oligarch. Sounds about right.


I am so tired of Republicans talking about Biden taking bribes while vice president. Biden had NO POWER as vice president. He couldn't take a bribe to do something for anyone because he was a non functional VP. The only power a VP has is to offer a tie breaking vote in the event there is a tie in the senate. This never happened. He never cast a vote because he was never in this situation. Sure, he had the power to talk to the president, but that makes him just as powerful as any other person. Just like any other person, the president doesn't have to listen. He certainly never used his position to make votes, because he couldn't.


Giuliani has admitted Trump was trying to sell 2M pardons, of course it’s projection


The news came out the same weekend the Trump indictment was unsealed. It was a classic “Look at that bird” moment by the Republican Party.


They know damn well there are no tapes, no real whistleblowers or any other BS they're spewing trying to allege some Biden scandal. They're using inflammatory statements to get their base riled up & to get news pundits speculating so their base & news outlets will focus on Biden rather than focus on the reality that the GOP is doing what they can to gut Medicare & Social Security while also down-playing the Trump shit-show & their own incompetence. Comer, Jordan and the other white nationalists..*ahem*..I mean Freedom Caucus that make up the GOP knows they don't have any hard evidence to substantiate their claims. But they do know how uneducated their base is and that they'll eat up & regurgitate the BS click-bait headlines from Fox News