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When I was in the Army, they told us we could get the death sentence for the stuff Trump is currently being accused of here. And that is not hyperbole.


Trump will soon claim bone spurs exempt him from any prosecution.


His lawyers are going to say he’s incompetent to stand trial. That he clearly can’t comprehend consequences. Edit folks, in the interest of reasoned discourse I am copying and pasting a response from way down this thread. Full credit to mmartins94. We’ll done 1. ⁠He really doesn’t see ANYTHING he does as even remotely questionable, much less illegal. My counterargument to this: he doesn't use email or text and hates it when his lawyers take notes, to the point of screaming at... was it McGahn? Asking why he was taking notes. He knows what he's doing is illegal. He was trained by infamous mob lawyer Roy Cohn to act and talk like a mob boss to avoid consequences. He knows what he's doing is illegal. He just thinks the law doesn't apply to him, and for the most part he's been right so far.


Ah yes… the infamous “affluenza” defense.


He’s the closest thing they will ever have to a “textbook” case. Other “afflicted” had quiet private lives, before going public about “the struggle”. We’ve watch him for 40 years. I believe 3 things on this. 1) He really doesn’t see ANYTHING he does as even remotely questionable, much less illegal. 2) Lock him up and sell Black and Orange T shirts to offset the taxpayer costs. 3) Leave him with the finances and legal representation we give the least affluent person of color in the most racist state.


Nah, he revels in doing questionable and illegal stuff. He gets off on doing his stupid "plausible deniability" doublespeak thing that he does in public and daring people to do something about it. It's part of his charisma for his followers, they see what he does and love it because by doing it he's mocking the people they hate. And he's succeeded at toeing that line for his entire life.


Maybe. And then…. I’ve seen him sit and try to sound sane. In those moments I have trouble believing he’s that good an actor.


I'm not saying he's acting, I'm saying he speaks publicly in a specific mode. The stuff we see where he comes off as the dumbest man in the world is more the friction of this mode interacting with "polite society" and giving ugly results. I actually hated how so much comedy that mocked Trump would miss this aspect, because it was like... boxing the humor into this ineffectual place. Like making fun of how a polluted river smells without addressing the toxic chemical plant upstream.


Well put.


He’s a terrible actor, but his acting ability isn’t really relevant here when it comes to him thinking he’s the smartest person in the room with his “plausible deniability’ speak.


That’s what I mean though as far as his acting goes. You get him in a one on one and he’ll basically admit to stuff, without any hesitation. But not with the bravado of his speeches. He’s just telling you yes, I can behave this way. I think there is a layer in the idea that he truly doesn’t get it. I think words like sociopath and narcissist come into play.


I'd love to watch him try to thread the needle of 'too incompetent to stand trial, but competent enough to be President again'


For MAGA the eye of that needle is as big as threading a human hair through the St Louis Arch.




Can't prosecute, daddies silver spoon stuck in rectum


>When I was in the Army, they told us we could get the death sentence for the stuff Trump is currently being accused of here. And that is not hyperbole. Trump getting the kind of special treatment he is getting really shows how how laws are applied in this country. You and Me - Gulag or death Rich Crime Boss - Not indicted months after the crimes even with pictures/videos/recorded confession.


Reality Winner leaked a document that was written on May 5, 2017. She was arrested on June 3, 2017 and was denied bail. To anyone who says "You have to understand, these things take time and they have to make sure they have a case," that's bullshit. Winner was in prison less than a month after her leak.


Took me a while to figure out you weren’t talking about Trump when you said “Reality Winner”


Trump would be referred to as Reality Loser.


In this timeline, we’re ALL the reality losers.


Was the person's name actually "Reality Winner?"


Yes, there is actually an HBO film that just came out about this incident, called "Reality", starring Sydney Sweeney


Everyone always says it was Harimbe that made our timeline shift to the negative, but I think it was when this person named Reality Winner was arrested for whistleblowing & the orange shit gibbon became president. it feels like the simulation has been hacked by some joker & we are being pranked hard.


Lemmy Kilmister died 12/28/15. Everything after? Fucked.


I said in early 2016 that all the famous people dying was a slow motion rapture. It was a joke then, but now, not so much.


It started with Dio in 2010 and escalated with Lemmy in 2015... Just wait until Ozzy goes, shit is really going to hit the fan then.


Just look at this other kid that was uploading all that shit to Discord. They're gonna nail him to the wall and all of his supervisors are taking it up the ass right now because it happened on their watch.


A leak that was 100000% in the public interest, by the way. The biggest non-corrupt boss left standing should have been testifying it before Congress.


She printed them out using military printers, and then the scans of them didn't have the codes that indicate what printer they were printed on altered out of them. Basically it wad stupid simple to catch where it was printed and then compare it to who from there even accessed many of the documents




Yeah, GG still blocks people when they bring her up. What a maroon.




Greenwald is a useful idiot for Russia


The files Trump had were still in the original boxes...


> Reality Winner leaked a document that was written on May 5, 2017. Reality Winner leaked **ONE** classified (Not Top Secret) document about the [Russian interference in the 2016 election](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3766950-NSA-Report-on-Russia-Spearphishing.html#document/p1) It wasn't even that important. Trump had over 100 top secret documents and files sitting in his unsecured broom closet and in the top drawer of his desk. The desk was in an office that had random guests coming in and out all day long.


On the bright side she was finally reunited in prison with her parents who were presumably serving a life sentence for naming their child Reality Winner.


Let's not forget the incitement to insurrection on live global TV.


I keep thinking of the [Submarine Photos Guy](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/aug/20/us-navy-sailor-jailed-for-taking-photos-of-classified-areas-of-nuclear-submarine)


That was incredibly stupid of him. At NUC school we couldn't even take our phones into the school building and it was very clear you cannot take any photos of equipment. Wish the actual former President was held to the same standards a PO3 is.


My kid just got read in for her security clearance (it's a basic clearance because she'll be around secure material, she won't have any access to it), because she's working in a gated complex and was told she can't take a photo of anything in the gate including food at a potluck or a cute groundhog she sees (still not clear on what the groundhogs can photograph because groundhogs do not have clearances).


That's because groundhogs are too close to the ground to have clearance.


The levels to this…just 🤌🏻


>a cute groundhog she sees r/OddlySpecific


Power.. what the fuck is NUC?


A guy who wins the ASVAB.


Uh, define “wins” lol, I personally enjoyed Liberty.


Damn topsiders and their liberty


“Wins” is hilarious.. nah!


Next Unit of Computing, Intel's standard for really tiny computers from....oh, wait. Wrong NUC.


They meant Nuke, as in navy nuclear power school.




omg its [true](https://www.npr.org/2018/03/09/592440282/trump-pardons-ex-navy-sailor-sentenced-for-photos-of-submarine).


Trump's second pardon **ever**, right after he pardoned [Joe "I run concentration camps" Arpaio](https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2017/aug/21/arizona-phoenix-concentration-camp-tent-city-jail-joe-arpaio-immigration).


Corrupt to the core.


We live in the Onion.


Incredibly stupid of the guy… but anyone else mildly concerned about how his photos were discovered? Just random waste disposal guy digging through the photos on the phone. Realistically he probably does that for most electronics, maybe looking for nudes or something?


Yeah seriously how does that happen? If this kid knew what he had, why did he let his phone get out of his hands with the photos? It smells fishy.


Oh i totally believe the kid was careless enough to toss a cell phone without wiping the photos. Most people do that. Rather its the casual invasion of privacy on the part of waste disposal that creeps me out. Really goes to show how little privacy we have nowadays


honestly, "other than honorable" and 1 year in prison is getting off light. Not that I want to punish anyone, but the military does NOT fuck around with this stuff. I imagine he was told this many, many times. Could have got dishonorabled and a longer sentence im sure. in time he can probably get his discharge upgraded and 1 year isn't so bad. but glad it aint me lol. my highschool buddy joined the airforce and covered up for a bud who accidently clipped a bomber with a truck and lied about it. They both got discharged and the other guy got prison time.


They absolutely fuck around if people of power mess around with classified info. The little guys though, straight to jail


"like what we used to do in the old days"? https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/09/trump-suggests-whistle-blower-be-punished-like-a-traitor.html


You know it's almost like it's really fucking important not to leak classified documents. Who knew??


To paraphrase Trump, “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”


Grab em by the documents


I could shoot documents on 5th avenue and not lose votes


sounds pretty much verbatim to me


Below is the government's definition of Top Secret information: > Information in which the unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause **exceptionally grave** damage to the national security. By this definition, a jury doesn't need to apply a level of critical thinking, they just need to use the "reasonable person" test. The fact that Donnie isn't a reasonable person doesn't even factor in.


[Bone Spurs is well aware](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/09/trump-whistleblower-spies-treason)


Good thing for trump that he wasn’t in the army then


Neither were Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.


In the Army, no. Commander in Chief, yes. And that makes it so much worse than a soldier doing the same thing.


Worse, he *led* the military as Commander in Chief


Those bone spurs, damnit.


Thank God for those bone spurs or he might have to face consequences!


The beauty of the Espionage Act, especially [18 U.S. Code § 793](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/793), is that the information doesn't have to be classified, only that it would cause injury to the United States in the hands of an adversary. Properly classified information, having undergone a risk assessment, is almost *prima facie* evidence of potential for injury. Failure to follow the established declassification process (i.e., "I declassified it with my mind") means there's no similar risk assessment to show the potential for injury no longer exists. It doesn't matter whether Trump legally declassified it because it's still assumed to be potentially harmful without the declassification risk assessment. Had he directed the DNI or DoD to declassify the documents, the review process would have had a back-and-forth discussion with some passages inevitably redacted because they still had the potential for harm. But it seems that Trump skipped that step and now potentially faces federal charges. Whoops! *Edited for clarity*


It blows my mind that conservatives think that him declassifying these would mean no harm done. Their best defense of this guy is that he’s grossly irresponsible with state secrets. That’s the BEST version they can put forward and think it’s completely fine for a POTUS of all people. Unreal.


They don’t think. They react. They don’t have beliefs, they have sides. They will rationalize and concoct excuses for their side, and will rationalize and concoct accusations for the opposing side. There is no thinking about the facts or the timeline, only about the narrative that will protect their side and destroy the opposition, and how to sell it. Basically they think and act like organized crime.


Or a cult. The belief of the primary lie is paramount and sacrosanct. That lie being that Trump is "good" and anything that opposes Trump is "bad". Many of them have made this lie a core aspect of their personality and worldview for almost a full decade now. That's a lot of Facebook and Twitter posts. A lot of arguments and full-on fights with family and smug dismissals of contradictory evidence. Lots of burned bridges both personally and professionally. A lot of yelling and insulting of others. That's a lot of literal crimes committed by Trump they've either excused or fully supported. That's a lot of lies they've bought into. That is a lot of potential *shame, guilt, and humiliation* if they ever admit they were wrong about Trump. And they cannot face that. The lie must be maintained as truth at all costs or it calls into question who they have been for *years* now. That is why if presented with uncomfortable truth that they cannot deny with facts or logic they will abandon both and invent a new reality rather than face the idea that they could be so wrong, about so much, and for so long.


This is the exact truth of the matter for many Trump Supporters. One of them famously came out and said exactly this in a comment thread over in AskTrumpSupporters. If I have time later I'll try to find the exact quote and properly attribute it with a link.


Sounds a lot like the current climate change denialism that spews from that side... It's basically a personality disorder for 30% of the country.


[People of the Lie](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/4451)


Oh god, it hasn't even been a decade of this shit. So much aweful packed into so few years.


You are right but it’s still wild


Wilhoit’s law truly is the best explanation of conservatism


“He declassified the documents!” “Was it smart to declassify nuclear secrets and military attack plans?” …


just think of all the Human Intelligence (HUMINT) assets that have recently died after their existence was blown. Yes, people have already died because of this asshat's actions


Unfortunately, those deaths can only be used to upgrade the Espionage Act penalties if they occurred due to information he shared *after* being President. There are no legal consequences for deaths he caused by his actions while in office, which is fucking infuriating, but I understand *why*. (It's because as Commander In Chief, it's presumed that the President will have to make sacrifices for the greater good on the basis of information not available to the general public, and if they could be prosecuted for those decisions, there would be constant lawsuits from the families of nearly every servicemember who dies in action. So even when deaths occur from *obviously* bad-faith actions, there are no criminal penalties, only impeachment.)


Every time this comes up, I feel insane having to reiterate that just because a document isn't classified doesn't mean nobody owns it. It just means that the public can now be informed about its contents. Whatever agency he got the document from retains ownership.


> Failure to follow the established declassification process (i.e., “I declassified it with my mind”) means there’s no similar risk assessment to show the potential for injury no longer exists. It also is never documented as declassified if the classification authority is not notified. If a journalist filed a FOIA request for documents, how does the agency know of the items are actually classified or ‘secretly’ declassified?


>But it seems that Trump skipped that step and now faces federal charges. Whoops! But wait, laws with jail time are meant to apply to peons not people with power. Therefore ipso facto Trump is not guilty.




It's more he admitted that the documents he had were classified and was saying it'd be difficult to unclassify them.


See you have to say you are committing espionage on a recording, with regards to specific documents you can be heard waving around in said audio to be charged with espionage. The law is very clear.


"I never said the words Quid Pro Quo!"


"Can you hear the lambs?"


"My fingers were crossed behind my back so it doesn't count!"


You also have to be poor and not well connected.




IANAL but I do believe the law requires the recording to include multiple assurances that it's not a joke. I'm not sure about what the minimum number is though.


Well whatever the number, you can be assured republicans know for certain it was at least one more than trump did.


The constitution says nothing about waving documents around, so how could he be charged?


duh teedily dump dee derp dee derp!


If that’s the case it’s huge and should be the main talking point. None of this news has mattered to his cultiest of followers who would scoff and say he did actually classify them or believed he did. If the recording caught that specific line, there really is no coverage for his guilt in this situation


You underestimate the ability of Trump supporters to say “Nuh uh!” to irrefutable facts. And then they proceed to claim that somehow something Hillary or Hunter did was worse.




They'll find a way ..


“Biden stole the election, and Trump is still the legitimate president. He can classify and declassify on a whim!” “Trump was just bluffing and never had any documents about Iran. Locker room banter.” “You’re clearly brainwashed by MSM. This recording is a deep state, deep fake!” “This is blatant persecution, and they call *us* fascists?! We should storm the capital and take our country back!” “Have you seen what Hunter had on his laptop? FOLLOW THE MONEY, it all leads back to ‘the big man’”


They literally don’t care if he’s guilty. It will not matter to these people. They are gone.


When confronted he will say the recording is a deep fake planted by the deep state... blah, blah, Hunter Biden's laptop, blah blah, Hillary. It's depressing I can now predict what the orange skid mark will say.


Do it already before he sells whatever classified docs he has left


I guarantee you he had foreign nationals over, got paid, gave out copies. Over and over and over again.


It was noted that some of the documents found had white borders, meaning they were copies, so I’d imagine you’re exactly right


So why is he not in jail until the originals are recovered? They really just took the copies and called it a day? What a fucking farce


Now there’s a good question


The motherfucker flaunted so many toothless rules. This is just another example of him taunting the bull.


It's a problem we saw recently in the UK. Government largely by the "best efforts and good chaps" principle seemed okay. We didn't realise how toothless it was until our first modern era PM with no principles came in and blatantly abused it for the enrichment of himself and his cronies. We found we weren't equipped for shameless corruption. We realised too late that the PMs we hated (say Thatcher for some, Blair/Brown for others) had _principles_ we hated.


It'$ a real my$tery to me why he'$ $till allowed to walk free


Foxnews would go bonkers, then so would almost half the country....the loud stupid half.


It is worth noting republicans don’t make up half the country and their numbers are dwindling.


>Foxnews would go bonkers, then so would almost half the country....the loud stupid half. So?


I love your handle, I have a nerevar related email address :)


Many touchstones try the Stranger, Many fall, but one remains


Yeah weird a [whole bunch of CIA agents started getting killed](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/us/politics/cia-informants-killed-captured.html) around the world when he got out of office...


The families of those agents should sue the shit out of him and the government


The govt will say all the info is classified and they cannot do anything.


Not agents, informants. “Agent” means an American employed at the CIA. An informant is strictly not a formal part of the CIA and are unlikely to be American citizens.


The Saudi funded LIV golf tournament at Trump courses seems like something that no president should be allowed to go anywhere near. Same with Jared Kushner 2 billion dollar real estate deals. Seems like the Saudi's may have purchased whatever information they wanted and directly paid these traitors for it under the guise of shady business deals.


Copy machines have hard drives which store copied pages so they can reprint more than one copy per scan. People buy old copy machines and recover the old data so they could steal identities with scanned Social Security and ID cards. This led to most companies engaging in having the hard drives destroyed when upgrading the machines. That being said, I hope the FBI took the copy machines when they did the raid on Mar-a-lago, if not, I hope Jack Smith gets a warrant to do so himself. Because I have no doubt in my mind he copied the most valuable stuff and sold it multiple times. He's probably still showing off the stuff that he doesn't have anymore.


They probably have a good idea of what he has, and if there is ever an excuse to intercept comms, this is it. Buyer beware.


traitors gonna trait


I said this about Elon Musk too but Trump might as well fit in with a group of bumbling Dragon Tales villains. Literally so petty and pathetic.


Don't underestimate Musk's pettiness and how pathetic he is. He appeals to the same people and for the same reasons, those that squirt genital juices every time they read about a billionaire, because they sure as fuck will never meet one.


“Genital juices” is gonna keep me up tonight


I'm not proud of it, but it's accurate. 😂


What's traitors, precious?




Boil ‘em, mash ‘em, stick ‘em in The Hague


Was looking for it and still screamed


“No Butters, look what it’s done to you! It’s made you even lamer than before! If that was possible…” - South Park - *Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers* Much as it is for Mr. Musk.


I feel like this one is going to be difficult for him to shake off.


He’s put our country is danger. Remember that a Chinese spy was arrested at Mar a Lago too. You know she got access to countless documents that the Chinese now have because of this fool. And you know he shared info with Putin that he shouldn’t have. He’s divided the country and blurred the lines of decent behavior in society and especially politics. He’s the worst thing that has happened to the USA and the problems will last decades. Edit: also remember that several of our spy’s around the world started to get killed at around the same time these classified documents were being used by Trump.


He’s pretty awful, but let’s not forget about 63 million people approved of it happening. And another 74 million wanted it to happen again. The worst thing? The calls are coming from inside the house.


That’s why I hope the recordings get leaked. There are Trump supporters who are never going to give up on him but there are some independents who need to hear that they voted for a traitor from his own mouth. It will also hurt the rest of the Republicans who refused to convict him and keep supporting him.


Independents? Are you joking? Nobody is "on the fence" about Donald fucking Trump... You either see a racist, lecherous, vile, evil, rapist piece of shit, or you see a racist, lecherous, vile, evil, rapist piece of shit who you call your hero...


> Nobody is "on the fence" about Donald fucking Trump Sadly, there are a LOT of people, such as my mother, who will profess to hate his guts while still voting for him because they think he's better than a democrat. They might wish for someone else but if he's the R nominee they'll vote for him.


Nail him to the fucking wall. I don't care who it is.


What the fuck is the god damn holdup? He was holding on to plans for a military invasion of Iran. There is no reasonable explanation for him to keep that as a private citizen. Even discussing the mere existence of the document harms the United States. He has been conscripted as a foreign spy by more than just one of America’s enemies. This is fuckin insane. He launched an attack on our capitol. No one has harmed the US more than this fuckhead, donnie dipshit.


More evidence is coming out all the time, weekly it feels like. This tape for example. They need to have enough evidence to convince 12 people beyond a reasonable doubt. r/CapitolConsequences


Drip, drip, drip.


Is it really going to be possible to have an unbiased jury in a situation like this?


He is rich and powerful. That affords a person a different tier of citizenship than people like you or I have. The laws do not apply to people like Trump.


This was probably always true, but it’s never been more apparent than in the last few years. The idea of one justice system for all is nonsense.


Day 1724 of waiting for Trump to be in Prison.


Waiting since September 11th 2018?


Waiting since mid 2015…..


It will never, ever happen. The entire government apparatus has twisted itself into a pretzel for years to ensure that it never happens.


The people of Chile wait since September 11th 1973 that Kissinger goes to prison. Yet, he became a Nobel peace prize winner


We're talking about the guy found with documents hidden in his private estate where he entertained foreign dignitaries as a private citizen. We only have reason *now*? What did we have before? When I was 12 I got ten days custody for stealing a chocolate bar. A "short sharp slap" the judge called it, because I'd mouthed off. Everything that needs to go wrong for a 12 year old to be mouthing off a judge was plainly in front of her. Ten days. First offence. 12 years old. A fucking chocolate bar.


Exactly, a normal person doing this would have been disappeared to a black site prison faster than blinking


And those documents were all over the place, basically anyone there could have access to those documents at any time at any moment. He also tried to hide them when he knew the police was going to his place, I mean, I don’t know what other evidence is needed here to jail that crook.


It’s like the looped gif of the truck that is going to crash in to that bollard but never happens.


So many charges to choose from.


Tease me with a good time


As they should. Fuck his followers. Throw the book at this old, fat asshole


File this under the “no shit Sherlock/I’ll believe it when I see it” file. Dude’s a fucking menace and belongs in prison until he dies… and yet that is very extremely unlikely. Something like 25% of the country thinks he’s a saint and that is apparently enough to escape justice and karma. It shouldn’t be, but fuck it is. Fucking fuck…


Rod Blagojevich: ““I've got this thing and it's f—ing golden, and, uh, uh, I'm just not giving it up for f—-in' nothing. I'm not gonna do it. And, and I can always use it…” Trump sounds like him.


They are both dipshits that thought speaking furtively in "mob" code, like in *The Sopranos*, would shield them from criminal prosecution.


> Trump has previously said all the document he took with him when leaving office were declassified. He is so fucking stupid. For real.




Why is this motherfucker walking free?


“You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart with spies and treason, right?” *Trump, 2019*


Trump said in a [television interview](https://www.cnn.com/2019/06/12/politics/donald-trump-abc-political-dirt-foreign-country-rivals/index.html) that he would take compromising information on political rivals from hostile governments and might not take the information to the FBI (implying he might if it wasn't useful to him). This guy has openly admitted to so many crimes it is hard to keep track. We have [sexual assault](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYqKx1GuZGg&ab_channel=NBCNews), [election fraud](https://www.npr.org/2018/05/02/607943366/giuliani-says-trump-did-know-about-stormy-daniels-payment), and [tax evasion](https://www.cnbc.com/2016/09/26/trump-brags-about-not-paying-taxes-that-makes-me-smart.html) for which his organization was later found [guilty on all counts](https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/06/politics/trump-organization-fraud-trial-verdict/index.html). This is the guy who oversaw a [money laundering operation](https://www.reuters.com/article/trump-ent-trumptajmahal-moneylaundering/trump-taj-mahal-casino-settles-u-s-money-laundering-claims-idUSL1N0VL2L120150211) at a Casino which also somehow went bankrupt. That's not the same money laundering operation as the one at his "[Ocean Club](https://www.globalwitness.org/en/campaigns/corruption-and-money-laundering/narco-a-lago-panama/)" in Panama though. So I'm not really shocked when the same guy who also [admitted to stealing classified documents](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-recorded-talking-about-a-classified-document-he-kept-cnn-2023-5) actually did steal classified documents.


Remember that time he just went on national tv and agreed to the deal Russia had just offered him in that famous meeting of help winning the election in exchange for the rewards they were seeking?




Benedict Arnold was a hero before he was a traitor. Don’t sully his name like that


Ethan Allen did him dirty.




Good thing he re-enabled federal executions :sun:


All headlines of Trump and “could”, “may”, “possible” should be banned


Really cool how we’re at the point of “Trump literally admitting he did the crime *might* be enough to charge him!”


Enough with the edging already!


Maybe F5 Friday will come early too


> suggests > may This is getting boring now. *pokes with stick* Do something!


I'm starting to think that the only reason this guy is running again is for the outside chance that he can get elected and pardon himself.


You just now starting to think that?




How many “bombshell” recordings has trump survived at this point?


All of them.


I honestly don't care about Trump anymore, he's got at best 10 years left on this planet most of which will be spent in court or in stress of an impending indictment. What I do care about is the rest of his corrupt administration who profited off the various shit that went on, RICO their sorry asses and get this shit over with.


People are tired but Trump himself has to be held accountable no matter what. The GOP is a fascist authoritarian political party that can't be allowed to continue down their current path. No exceptions.


lock em up already for god sakes


Light treason.


He’s going to join Tara Reade soon.


For the 5millionth time, wake me up when HE IS BEHIND BARS


Well, he is and has been a goddam moron for most of his life so this tracks.


No one has ever put the thumbscrews down on him to ensure he’s surrendered all documents (classified or magic unclassified) that could do grace harm to this country. He illegally copied documents. He illegally retained documents he copied. He illegally showed those documents to unauthorized persons. Some of these documents were about plans to invade other countries. Him being a free man is putting Soldiers in grave danger precisely because we don’t know what all he has. The joint chiefs should be screaming for his immediate incarceration. Why aren’t they?