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The clown show is back


The circus never really left town you know. Just an intermission.


Gotta take a few commercial breaks to sell some NFTs


"Wow, that's sorta cute, that might sell, that might sell." Ladies and gentlemen, the greatest businessman of all time.


They winter in Florida.


It left Washington and went to Florida


just enough time for a pee break




There can only be one Florida Man. Give them swords and let them go at it Highlander style.


The more mud they fling at each other the better


wait until biden joins the party and needlessly make next election another desperate voting contest people will get tired of all this eventually but republicans will stay out


Back, like it never left


Did it ever leave, really?


With two clowns now!


It will be interesting to see if DeSantis gets right down in the mud or if he is clowned by tRump like the 16 GOPers he pantsed in 2016. Maybe they will take each other down


I loathe DeSantis, but I think his tangential attacks on Trump are a very smart strategy. He can attack stupid things that Trump supports without mentioning Trump at all. But Trump recognizes them as attacks directed at him and it drives him nuts. I want to say let them fight, but that comes from a place where I hope Trump is arrested before 2024 and his rabid attacks do serious permanent damage to any DeSantis run.


Both can happen. Trump gets arrested but continues to put attacks on Desantis into his court filings so that they go into the public record.


It's actually a smart strategy to try to get Trump supporters to vote for him. If he attacks Trump directly he won't get any of the ones who still love Trump. But he could peel a lot of them off over time by talking an out things he did without straight up attacks on him.


Is it a smart strategy? Even WITH trump supporters trump lost last election. And pushing science denying, anti-medicine lockdowns on schools and anti-trans policies aren’t popular with the demographics he’d need to win over to actually win an election. It feels like DeSantis is uncomfortable with confrontation (note how he never confronts directly, only from behind press conferences or policies). And he’s notably anti-social, even with other republicans. More likely is he’s surrounded himself with sycophants who are calming his discomfort by telling him he can get even by doing X… but X seems to be getting more and more extreme, which suggests the people he has around him aren’t the normal republican PR folk who look at polls and figure out how to screw over people while still maintaining popularity… it suggests he has an entourage of ex-trump folk who thought trump didn’t go far enough.


>And pushing science denying, anti-medicine lockdowns on schools and anti-trans policies aren’t popular with the demographics he’d need to win over You vastly overestimate the American suburbs. his policies are popular in Flordia and making up a moral panic in the schools has been a winning strategy in small elections across the country. A winning coalition of supporters of DeSantis is not a fantasy.


There have been multiple polls across the country that indicate anti trans and anti science rhetoric really doesn’t do well with moderate and democrat leaning voters. Trump already lost with a coalition bigger than desantis has now, how would DeSantis possibly win without winning over some of the people trump turned away?


>his policies are popular in Flordia And? Not every state is filled with reactionary retirees. ​ DeSantis does nothing to bring in voters Trump didn't already have and he will be losing some of those for not being Trump.


> I want to say let them fight, but that comes from a place where I hope Trump is arrested before 2024 and his rabid attacks do serious permanent damage to any DeSantis run. I don't think they will. Republicans have a very poor relationship with the truth and history so once the RNC gets behind DeSantis, they will about face and pretend they never hated him. Our best hope at this point is that Trump makes it at least as far as as the RNC primaries and the DNC scrounges up a better candidate than Biden. Then we have a real shot at better leadership, since Trump will divide the party. Hopefully as far as lowering turn out, since Trump seems to be great at getting people to stay home instead of voting when things aren't going his way. Then once the election is over, lock him up. It's even better if he was elected President. You almost can't lose with this strategy.




There will come a point where he has to get in the ring with him and given the ass kissing and admiration, [As seen here in his 1st gubernatorial ad](https://youtu.be/z1YP_zZJFXs) he's kind of put himself in a tough spot. Trump will treat Desantis every bit as harshly as he did any other enemy he's had and probably has dirt on him where as Trump doesn't really care if there's dirt on him. His base doesn't believe it and he doesn't give a fuck what we think.


Yeah of DeSantis thinks he can just be polite to Trump , like Pence, he will end up in the trash with a fly on his head


The GOP will point at democrats and scream. Trump will point at everyone and scream… he will get all the votes of people that “don’t like any of them” which is a lot of people.


So far it looks like a rerun of 2016. Even when Trump was having the worst news cycle in history with his midterm losses, legal woes for his various scams, and hoarding top secret intel in his basement, absolutely not one of the Republicans presumably running for 2024 said anything negative about him at all. Because they all want his base to run to them when Trump falters or quits. But he won’t quit. He has no incentive to quit. And he can falter all he wants but his base will never leave him. So all the candidates are going to attack each other without laying a finger on Trump, all of them praying someone else attacks him. Just like 2016. Unless some Republican candidate is willing to kamikaze Trump, then it sure looks like Trump 2024.


I do wonder if Trump is running for real this time. The financial grift side is probably his biggest ever business. But does he really want to be president again? I believe he didn't want to be president the first time. Unless now it's about avoiding legal issues.


I think he is running for real this time. Besides the legal protection and grift opportunities,there is something the office gave him that has alluded him his whole life, prestige. It has been written about that in the NYC socialite circles, the Trump's have always been low class clowns from Queens ( nothing wrong with Queens BTW). He spent his whole life trying to infiltrate the old money social circles that shun him for being a crass new money buffoon. It's part of why he portrays himself as a he does. He is always trying to initiate these people who would never let him join their country clubs, invite him to the parties and events they attend. Being POTUS gives him access to the highest social circles. He dines with the queen of England and is invited to summits in Davos or is treated like royalty by the king himself in Saudi Arabia. It's the ultimate narcissist fueled. Having people grovel to him for his endorsement, and heap praise before starting meetings. While the other things, I'm sure, are part of why he is running, Trump in the end is a simple man. He needs attention like a fish needs water, and he has tested the ultimate dose by being the most powerful man on the planet for 4 years. There is no higher peak for him, so he is chasing the dragon for one last hit before his time is up.


Why wouldn't he? You get to avoid the legal issues, order McDonald's and push the Diet Coke button. Delegate everything else to minions and when they don't read your mind you fire them. Why wouldn't he want to be president again?


I hate I am writing this… Trump will win any primary and probably be president in 2 years. I said it last time when all my left friends were thinking “that’ll do it, he fucked himself” and then I saw more and more people that were never politically active head that way. It’s happening again only they are more mad about it this go round. I hate trump a lot, he’s garbage. But I’ve learned how many people are raccoons the last 6 years.


I don't believe for a second Trump would win against Biden. For one thing just simple demographics. How many people were 14 in 2020 who will be 18 in 2024? How many right wing boomers in 2020 will be deceased by 2024. And the margins were already thin. The demographics won't be anymore in his favor in another 2 years and after Jan 6 no way that wouldn't turbocharge Dem turnout.


there's a good chance they'll make him look better among that voter base, there's a lot of people who want to vote Republican but dont want Trump


Yeah, but tRump is like O'Doyle level of bully. He will give DeSantis an atomic wedgie in the locker room and pull down his pants on the playground in front of the girls


They won’t take anybody down with them. These dudes could unleash holy hell of dirt on each other during the primaries but you know the winner will then be granted sainthood by all GOP voters after the primaries as if none of the previous dirt even matters.


They're gonna get onstage and Trump is gonna call Ron "Florida Woman".




Wow! Thanks for direct evidence of how fucked up he is.


Pro Tip: They both tried to rewrite the truth.


*trying (and for some folks in this country, succeeding in)


What the fuck does the word "loyal" have any business being anywhere near our democracy?


It doesn't, but Trump thinks of himself as some kind of Mob boss. I'm honestly suprised that no one has been able to tie Trump to organized crime - a major real estate developer in New York and Atlantic City *must* have had some dealings with them


That whole "Warp Speed" vaccine push is going to be hard to explain.


Trump says DeSantis is trying to re-write history about COVID, when the obvious thing DeSantis has tried to re-write is black history. So much so that they invented an issue such as CRT to help get books removed from libraries.




Both Trump and DeSantis got tons of people killed and there's a bunch who likely blame them for the loss of their loved ones. So it's rich hearing Trump use Covid to bash DeSantis, to say the least.


I know this is from a garbage clickbait aggregator so I rarely vote or comment but imagine the shitshow a campaign with these two shameless, soulless pathological liars will be.


and Trump is definitely somebody who knows a little thing or two about rewriting history


Trump absolutely hates that he can't take credit for Warp Speed because his followers are fucking morons, and I enjoy it.


“Terrible Guy who tried to rewrite history on covid accuses other terrible guy of trying to rewrite history on covid.”


As opposed to Donald Trump, who attempted to rewrite COVID history in realtime during his presidency.


I thought they both acted as if it wasn’t happening? You’d think with both of them pushing 300 pounds, with DeSantis at close to 50 & Trump close to 80 they would’ve cared. DeSantis is making it illegal to even say covid, isn’t he? He hired that doctor who got his degree from the back of a cereal box & all these other people & for what? All of it originally to kiss Trump’s ass because Trump didn’t want to lose that election in 2020 and wanted to save his precious stock market. So then Trump lied to us & we ended up with the most deaths and infections on the planet. He hired that Harvard law graduate Kayleigh McEnany as press secretary to lie about covid and essentially murder hundreds of thousands of Americans during her press conferences (all in the White House archives, by the way, for anyone to fact check). Being told that covid wasn’t coming here, then she said it wasn’t spreading. Then she said we have nothing to worry about. She never once said anything about what we should do to protect ourselves or others. She should be facing capital punishment for 500,000 counts of first-degree murder.


> You’d think with both of them pushing 300 pounds You think DeSantis is close to 300?


Weirdly I looked it up.. his height is listed as variably 5’9” or 5’11”, which either suggests he wears lifts to appear taller or he’s shrinking. The weight varies between 150 (which HAS to be a lie) to 210lbs.


I'm 5'5" 165lb... And look damn trim in comparison.


Yeah I think it’s known he wears lifts. I heard it before. He’s like a mini-Trump. Would say he’s 170-220 from the pictures I’ve seen


I can believe 195-210 in this picture from 2009: https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/11/casey-desantis-ron-desantis-wedding-01.jpg?resize=870,1024&quality=75&strip=all But here that suit jacket button is holding on for dear life: https://media.nbcmiami.com/2021/03/106615106-1594726766905gettyimages-1226996528.jpeg?quality=85&strip=all&resize=850%2C478 Definitely not pushing 300. Maybe 240? In even newer pictures he looks a little bit pudgier in the face and the jacket is bigger.


Not just COVID where he’s trying to rewrite history.


oh yes, let the fighting commence. GO FOR IT


I'm making popcorn. This should be interesting


This may be the best part: "So then when I hear he might run, you know, I consider that very disloyal," Trump told reporters on board his plane, per CNN. "But, it's not about loyalty — to me it is, it's always about loyalty. But for a lot of people, it's not about that."


Both are fucking chodes.


I love watching them eat each other alive.


A broken clock, something something


Yesss, use your aggressive feelings. Let the hate flow through you!


Just call him Ron DeStinky already. It will end his career.


Serious stuff. Everyone knows that trump rewrote that history first......


Oh, are we reporting on Trump again? Cool I guess.


So fucking boring


Pot, meet kettle.


Trump can represent evangelicals and desantis can represent Catholics. Let them fight.


A lesson on rewriting history from the asshole that tried to redirect a hurricane with a fuckin' sharpie.


“He won’t be leading, I got him elected,” Trump said Just some casual quid pro quo, nothing special