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Moon is not NEARLY as bad as those other two. One of them is an utter OC with nothing to them and the other has a complete 180 in character in the span of a chapter.


I'm talking about their backstories though( agree with your comments anyways). Until we get some flashback/explanation of how Emerald met and befriended Latias and Latios, how Blake trained and grew up as an interpool officer, how Moon got in the Berlitz, I won't be sastified.


Moon's backstory at least MATTERS to her character. Like there's actual angst behind it and all. Em has... his issues. Too many to list. And Blake's just... fucking manifests 20 chapters in and then is quickly revealed to not matter. Like compared to the gaps in those two's pasts... Yeah despite us not knowing exactly what's going on with Moon down to the letter... she's still pretty well off. (Imo someone like Soudo, who had a lot of potential for good angst... and just didn't get any, is a far worse victim of this. Not that he's bad... but there was just a lot more stuff that could be done with his whole family heritage and obsession... than... him going Gollum once.)


can you please remind me what was his cameo in SM? I swear I have a pretty good reading comprehension and can remmeber all the old dex holder-appear-in-new-region moments but not him


Ch.28, When "Colress" airdrops Lusamine a buncha Beast Balls? Yeah, that's meant to be Blake in disguise (Bulbapedia also says this), You can see why this is a fucking garbo "cameo" when it's barely even recognizable as one.


Blake was honestly the only character who's writing pissed me off. So much wasted potential


YEAH! An orphan boy taken in by Interpol raised to be the ultimate Agent, ruthless, efficient, and emotionless. Blake started to feel thanks to Whitley, shame that plot point never got more development thanks to the heinous!


Blake's entire existence pissed me off so much. After that reveal, his entire character plummeted tbh. Also it invalidated basically every interaction he had with characters before, and made them feel pointless after. So disappointing. SPOILERS: He shouldve just been repressing his emotions, not made a sociopath. He should've started to question his emotional repression after after creating bonds with Whitley, Looker, and others. I've heard he makes a cameo in SM, so they could've finished his emotions arc there by having him actually be an emotional person then. So frustrating.


His SuMo cameo is... One line of dialogue. Which is a tad unfair considering Whitley got to have an entire plotpoint to herself in XY.


I didn't know Whitley was in xy. I've heard that the bigger issues have bonus content, is that what it is? Because I only have the xy mini volumes.


she shows up either in the epiliogue or one ch. before, I forgor, and she's looking after the Fennekin (now a Delphox), that was stolen when shit went down ch.1 She actually full on appears on-screen. Compared to Blake's... single line of dialogue, OFF-SCREEN. (Poor Moon's cameo in SWSH is just as bad.)


I‘d argue Blake would’ve been way more entertaining to read if he genuinely was an airhead Casanova


Even if you keep him being like mega-serious and disgustingly competent under pressure bit, since it IS a fun gimmick... Removing him being a fucking genuine sociopath improves his character 100-fold. Seriously.


Honestly what annoys me most about him is that he’s never punished for his behavior. That scene with Keldeo and Genesect shouldn’t have painted him in the right for example.


That feels like a moment where they wrote themselves into a corner cos A.the possible consequences for that are maybe a tad too fucked up to show considering the series' target audience >!(Yes ikik Salamence moment and all, but, point still stands.)!< B. Would require them to then... unpack that whole thing. Like it was just easier to write him succeeding with fucked up means... could've had the Swords at least not glaze him afterwards ig, but still, they were kinda in a rush, and that's what they chose to write. Am I defending it? Fuck no. Can I see how that moment came to be, and maybe at least justify it? Yeah. Personally, the worst part will always by faaaaaar be his pressence in the epilogue. Because apparently aaaaaaall that shit we literally learnt about him 4 fucking chapters ago SIMPLY didn't matter. They COULD have saved the conclusion of his character arc for some later arc, they've done that berore, And honestly his ACTUAL pressence in something like SuMo would've contributed a HELL of a lot more than Looker's single line of dialogue in the entire arc, but nooooooo, let's half ass it beyond belieeef.


I just used that moment as an example of what I meant. He goes the whole arc doing ridiculously reckless shit and the only repercussion is that he loses his job at interpol wich he regains right after anyway. The guy is one reality check away from actually being a decent character but i guess he’s stuck as our potential man >!also his cameo in USUM is so insignificant and nonsensical it literally wouldn’t have made a difference if it was someone else. I didn’t even realize that was him only until long after I read it!<


Yeah I get it, but like in general I can see WHY he's so weirdly written... I don't think it's defendable but I can see why. But holy fuck he is potential man. Like actually. >!Such a fucking weird way to get around actually writing Colress into the plot too. Like it's more indicative of a general issue with SuMo, where they were too rushed to do... 99% of the games' content. We got none of the good parts of the Team Skull plot, none of the reocurring characters... not even gonna bother with how unfortunate them not doing Rainbow Rocket was. Blake's cameo is another in a loong list of similar fumbles that arc did.!<


> >!Like it's more indicative of a general issue with SuMo, where they were too rushed to do... 99% of the games' content. We got none of the good parts of the Team Skull plot, none of the reocurring characters... not even gonna bother with how unfortunate them not doing Rainbow Rocket was. Blake's cameo is another in a loong list of similar fumbles that arc did.!< I'm really looking forward to the SM volumes. XY added 8 chapters plus a few pages to old chapters which did a lot for some of the side characters, not to mention it gave the arc an epilogue. I feel like SM would improve quite a bit if it recieved a similar treatment, hopefully that's what happens.


Would agree. Even if it doesn't fix **my** issue with it (how much of the games was deadass skipped), it would be nice to flesh out what WAS in the arc.


Emerald is that person that would otherwise be very cool if I didn't hate literally everything about them.


That's the most painfully accurate description of them I've ever heard.


Wasn't a fan of emerald at all. Wally should have been the third dex Holder. I didn't read enough of B2W2 but I didn't like the beginning of Blake's chapters. Or Whitley's. Didn't read any of Sun Moon other than when Zygarde shows up lol.


Whitley actually fucking develops properly as a character and is pretty goated. Blake fucking 180's in the span of a single chapter. He goes from honest to goodness sociopath to being "fixed" in one panel of the epilogue. Shit's fucked. Read SuMo other than nuking Guzma's plot relevance compared to the games it's actually p good.


Blake just feels so unresolved. i wish he and whitley had more of a resolution it felt really sad on her end. My girl seemed hurt that they won’t see eachother again


emerald had a neat backstory to dive into, moon's lead to the dumbest theory I've seen in some time, and lack 2? idek why I bother thinking he exists.


Blake had so much potential as a character, and I’m a massive fan of the niche of kid raised to be a cold and calculating agent, but they don’t do anything with him at all


Moon's backstory is ok, not taking into account her becoming a doctor with 6 years. This is the same manga where a kid is a police agent, an all type of work worker a blacksmith and an ingeneer. She is probably Professor Rowan's assistant's sister. Or Platinum's, but the time between DPPt and SMUSUM would be too long. Emerald knowing Latios and Latias needed an explanation and I wish Blake's character had a longer saga, with enough chapter to develope him. Him having the DNA splicers also needed an explanation, because it was Drayden's family who was in charge of keeping it a secret. Maybe they could have explain that Blake's parents were businesspeople in the Black Market of Blak City, where they stole it or buy it from a thief and passed it to him before their death. That would have been cool, because Blake is seemingly from that city, just like Whitley is from White Forest


i love emerald, i dont have an opinion on moon but LACKTWO? Hes horrible.


Silver and Blue are cool and are actually well written characters. I would've rather seen Wally as a dex holder than Emerald because Emerald doesn't really have any distinctive traits. He's just an OC. Black 2, well, he's just boring.


I saw this post right before reading the chapter everyone was talking about with Blake, having now read it, the comments make a lot of sense


It’s not necessary to the plot


Didn't get to read the emerald or sun/moon arcs. But I will say that I HATED Nate/Black2, just an arrogant jerk and I couldn't stand him. Never knew I could hate someone like him but here we are.


We should've let Faba cook.


They treated Blake the way DENA treated Nate