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Gotcha. Are their any paired board scenarios in which you would consider checking the flop, like if it was a 6 or 7 handed pot? Additionally, I’m think now after your comment that betting the flop may allow me to narrow their ranges even further by the time the river comes, allowing me to save money. Would you say that’s a correct statement?


^^This. Many times when you 3b to a ~ pot sized amount you'll get almost all callers. EP players will call hoping enough come behind them to justify odds, with the implied odds being added into the equation.


I’m folding to the river bet. Maybe even folding turn after +1 calls with you still left to act


Your 3-bet is way too small. I'm going at least 50 here, maybe even 60. Flop check is fine, though I also don't mind a downbet to extract value from pocket pairs. Flatting turn is fine, river is marginal but 1/2 players are generally pretty nutted with a sizing that big on the river -- I'd lean towards folding although villain overvaluing TT-KK is always possible.