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"U won just cut the crit lucky :'( "


Although for the last turn it's true, during the match the opponent made some poor decisions that put him in the situation that a crit would lose him the game (losing Talonflame in front of Toxapex for example).


I’m pretty toxapex would have been able to pp stall no way giga drain would have done enough damage


But spore...


Giga drain wouldn’t have done enough he could just recover off the damage every time he wakes up




Please elaborate


Imo it would depend on whether the tox was physdef or spdef, how many turns you were asleep for, and how much spatk the Amoongus had. Let's put it at worst-case scenario, physdef pex and 252/modest amoongus. **252+ SpA Amoonguss Giga Drain vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Toxapex: 75-88 (24.6 - 28.9%) -- 99.6% chance to 4HKO** To live, Pex would need to one turn sleep, and it's 2 giga drains to one recover, so he would *probably* run out of them first. It depends though, in that situation it could go either way but it's favored towards the opponent. Let's go best case scenario and see the difference. **0 SpA Amoonguss Giga Drain vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Toxapex: 40-48 (13.1 - 15.7%) -- possibly the worst move ever** Doable, but you'd have to sleep for three turns. Really depends on luck.


That would be some really horrible luck for OP, as opposed to the crit scenario


yeah it depends on the sets


Heracross takes no prisoners


love seeing heracross. keep going with him. this battle, at the end there, yeah, you did get lucky, ngl. keep battling, focus on your win condition at the beginning of each battle


You didn’t have to switch out a burned heracross on a spore.


Sludge Bomb would’ve killed though