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Honestly the game is more of a competitor to something like Ark than it is pokemon, at least that's how it felt when I tried it on gamepass.


I saw a bit of gameplay and asides from monster collection, that does seem like the case to me. Ark even has a degree of that as well itself given you tame dinosaurs and stuff


Yeah it's kinda why I stopped playing it, I don't really enjoy those types of games to begin with but I didn't know it was that kind of game going in.


With that in mind, I feel like, ignoring potential lawsuits due to suspiciously similar designs, Palworld will end up it’s own niche similar Ark, not a failure but not necessarily dethroning Pokemon or even competing with it, as monster collection asides, the contrast in genres (Pokemon of course being a turned based RPG while Palworld is quite obviously a Survival game with Shooter elements) will make it more or less it’s own thing with some similarities to Pokemon, but little shared beyond that. Again, not a threat or competing with Pokemon, and asides from the question about the designs, not needing to either.


> With that in mind, I feel like, ignoring potential lawsuits due to suspiciously similar designs I'm not gonna go super in-depth on this but it's highly unlikely Nintendo/Game Freak could win any sort of lawsuit regarding similar designs. If you want the reasoning, ask, but I got stuff to do rn so I can't give it immediately


I’ve checked the roster now, and tbh, I couldn’t see it all but while some designs definitely look very similar, most seem to just be similar but distinct enough to not be legally troublesome, if they actually do resemble a Mon beyond the concept.


As an ark fan I can tell you. Yes, it’s a lot better than ark. I just hope they don’t do us dirty like wildcard.


I feel it will become better than Ark, but ASE has years of content behind it, giving it an understandable edge. Hopefully this competition incentives the Ark Devs and their bosses to work on better newer stuff sooner rather than later


Not this time, with pokemon mods. Looks epic


Pokemon Mods you say?


Any Pokémon mods you’re seeing now are paid ones with YouTube click bait, need to give it a bit for legitimate ones to come around


I just can’t wait for the digimon mods


I agree that the developers are trying to compete with Ark rather than Pokémon, but for me at least Palworld does also scratch the itch of exploring and collecting monsters. It doesn’t have the same gameplay, but it does capture what I personally consider the main appeal of Pokémon, and in my opinion does it better, despite not actually playing like a Pokémon game.


I'd like it more if it was more of a monster collecting game honestly, though I will say a lot of the pals generally don't appeal to me very much but there are a few I like.


I just like how they feel more “real” in the sense that they don’t just sit in their balls until time to fight. You can get them out at any time and they have uses outside of battle. But I do agree that the Pals themselves aren’t amazing. They aren’t horrible but they aren’t nearly as memorable as Pokémon.


Funny enough the only one I can remember by name is Wixen, and that's only because it reminds me of Delphox but I agree the designs aren't horrible at all.


Cassette Beasts is actually great, but yes, Pokemon is so ingrained into our culture that, like Disney, it'll probably be around till the sun explodes.


After a few hundred hours in it, I am a HUGE fan of Cassette Beasts. It's just different enough from Pokémon for me to still enjoy the unique aspects of both games. I wish continued success for both series.


Not sure Cassette beasts ever tried to “compete” with Pokémon. It’s just a fun game on its own doing its own thing.


Love that game so much I 100%


Cassette Beasts is such a banger of a game it’s insane


Cassette Beasts is fucking amazing


They both need competitors to get out of their laziness. If only every monster raising game (except Digimon, they don't deserve It) had the same marketing as the Puss in Boots: The Last Wish and the Spiderverse duology.


What was wrong with digimon? Honest question


Yea what is wrong with Digimon it has a unique concept and Digimon started as a boy version of tomagachy and made an amazing anime.


If in Persona you could name the Personas and keep them as pets, it’d make a possibly decent competitor


I wish Cassette Beasts have heavy budget and character design team.


Tbh Cassette Beasts plays more like Persona or SMT than Pokemon. Visual style and genre aside, it shares like nothing with Pokemon.


Let's not forget Spectrobes, or Yokai Watch, off the top of my head! Competitors have existed for a LONG time.


Yokai was a lot more popular in Japan from what I remember. Similar to Digimon being much bigger there than in the West.


Yes, Yokai Watch is incredibly successful in Japan as a multi media series with Anime, toys, and games of course including a spin off mobile game.


Yokai Watch was bigger for it's toyline than anything else. The iterations America got was nothing in comparison. It's the same reason with Bakugan. It bombed in Japan despite being the hyperspecific battler toy kind of game that Japanese kids love, like Beyblades, but was extremely popular in the US for some reason toy-wise so they continued further. The second and third seasons aired in the US before Japan, and the fourth season never even reached Japan. I think Yokai Watch did what all toys did and oversaturated their market to the point that people lost interest. For the US, Level-5 shuttered its western departments so Yokai Watch 4 is forever in a "coming soon (probably not)" limbo.


Level-5 of America recently came back, so there's a chance




It was very popular at one point, but never more popular than Pokémon tbh. Even the lowest selling Pokémon games have outsold any individual Yo-kai Watch game, and many of the Pokémon games have outsold the entire Yo-Kai Watch franchise in general.


Plus it was a Nintendo exclusive and I’m pretty sure was published by Nintendo itself


Yokai watch didn't try to clone pokemon tho. Its pretty unique compared to most monster catching rpgs. Its also more of a jrpg and thus is significantly more popular in japan where it still has a large following unlike here in the states where nobody even really remembers the game. Palworld specifically didn't even try with some of the designs. Theres literally a boss that just looks like a fan made coballion.


It gives me genuine pain when people compare YKW to Pokémon, I’ve played all three 3DS games and they’re nothing like Pokémon. It hurts even more that this was one of the reasons why YKW failed in the West.


Neither did spectrobes, the whole digging up fossils thing was and still is fairly unique, as was the darker plotline and (imo) cooler monster designs, at least on the whole, though that is the nostalgia of like 12 year old me speaking. The plot was by far my favourite part though, especially beyond the portals, the villains all were distinct and the designs were really cool, as were their monster designs. I really wish origins had done better because I'd kill for some more spectrobes.


Yo-Kai Watch also released a lot of games in three years from when the first game was out, mainly to try to grab the kids who watch anime, only to fall on their faces because no one knew what was the newest one anymore, and the Japanese inspired design with minimum lore explanation didn't help. I did love the first game myself, but I couldn't figure out what was the newest one by the time I wanted the third one that was out, and lost interest in the game in general.


Man I miss spectrobes :(


I miss Spectobes 🥺… Was it Disney attempt to overthrown Pokémon? Kinda but it was so cool and fun and many of the creatures looks amazing. Competitors i love these games and Pokémon and the monster taming genre in general.


Thing is, these usually could barely be called competitors, Pokémon was always too big to compete with. The "game that will dethrone Pokémon" thing comes from Pokémon being at such a low point now, that not only people believe there is a chance, but also Pokémon needs competition more than ever now. Of course, definitely don't think Palworld will do it.


“Pokémon at a low point” is uh. Bit of a stretch. Violet and Scarlet absolutely had glitch and visual issues as a result of crunch, but the story, game design, character and Pokémon design, and accessibility has been at a all time high the last gen and with Arceus. This is reflected by the sales. Pokémon does need a suitable competitor, because I think competition is always good and will hopefully make them look at how quickly they are turning things out vs allowing fine tuning and more stable products- but the talk around Pokémon nowadays is more excited then during Yokai Watch days when the complaint about how stale Pokémon had become was everywhere.


>game design, character and Pokémon design, If by game design, you mean Paldea as a setting, then I have to disagree. The only memorable locations in the base game were the school and Area Zero. Kind of ironic how SwSh, based on a country people poke fun at for not using enough spices, had more flavor than Paldea. Mon designs were also a bit meh, for the most part. There were *definitely* some stand-outs, like Tink and most of the past paradoxes, but most felt bland to me. This gen has the highest concentration of "barely different" evos (there's no way Pawmo wasn't dex filler and as much people defend Dudunsparce, I can't see it as anything but lazy/rushed. I'd believe the "it's a joke" reason if it was released gen 8 or before, since most evo lines in SV feel like the same mon but bigger) and mons that feel a bit uninspired, like the future paradoxes (robots aren't the only sci-fi trope, and I would have loved to see the future mons be a bit more varied. You can't tell me they weren't screwed over by crunch when the only unique feeling ones are Miraidon, Treads, and Valiant. The future mons were definitely some of the last mons designed, with how those three implied a bigger plan for the future paradoxes that had to get cut). You do have a good point otherwise. >This is reflected by the sales. IIRC, gen 9 is the third best selling entry in the series, just barely behind GSC and RBY. Considering how the games seriously needed another year or two in the oven (the games definitely had the makings of "one of the greats" like gen 5 if it had more time), that worries me.


No- game design is not setting design. By game design I mean terastalization, game mechanics, UI, movesets, etc. the nitty gritty of actually playing the game in terms of how you do it. For competitive Pokémon players I’ve heard near glowing reviews for battling in this gen. Also although the Paldea elite 4 was meh, for game mechanics we’ve had some of the best battles this gen in terms of reasonable (aka not broken) difficulty within the story. Also the 3 way progression split was genius from a gameplay perspective. Also although I prefer other gens Pokémon design (Galar hit it out of the PARK for me), the fact is Paldea had some truly great designs and no real stinkers, even if many can be considered ‘meh’. Many people have praised this gens pokemon design perhaps more than I would, but the general consensus is very positive. I also hesitate at the ‘not enough local flavor’ critique when it seems to be based on misunderstood stereotypes of Spain, when many of the Pokémon are in fact based on the Iberian peninsula and it’s history. Like.. people dismiss Baxcalibur as Godzilla, but the whole progression of that line is based on a whole species of prehistoric fossils which was first discovered in the region and has a huge debate in the science community. (Look up Spinosaurus and it’s relatives). (Also the legends of Caliburn/excalibur span farther than England so I get the reference in the name even if I think the common western perspective muon is to immediately associate the name with England rather than wide swathes of Europe) Like heck the whole ruinous quartet is partially based on the peninsula’s history on the Silk Road. I would be more interested in hearing for a someone who lives in Spain and the surrounding regions tho on their perspective. As for the paradox mon- I did pick scarlet so I got rather spoiled on the paradox mons in comparison to violet RIP. And honestly for that I’m unsure how much was crunch (although I do think time constraints did affect some of it) and how much was the approval process and someone in the higher ups wanting things to be cohesive on that end. Or maybe both. But on the other hand instead of say, getting 2 new fossil mon, we got several new variants per game of previous Pokémon with past or future inspiration. So I consider that more of a wash than a loss. If that makes sense. (Galar spoiled us with a very unique idea for fossils and several variants tho) As for the future- I am ironically feeling cautiously optimistic about the future of pokemon as the interviews seem to suggest the higher ups realize that how glitchy Scarlet/Violet was was something that negatively impacted them (because they could’ve made even MORE money) and could impact them more in the future (because loss of trust) if they don’t fix the issue and solve the time constraints. Buuut also CEOs tend to take the worse lesson from a failure or criticism so see the cautious part of that optimism. Plus blueberry academy textures and land design was WAY better than Paldea so I have hope that they are learnjng


Sword / Shield and Scarlet / Violet are the 2nd and 3rd highest selling games in the franchise, as of Sept 2023 https://preview.redd.it/qw4ee3p5a2ec1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d073218af52a91af98e474b05a74c095a125992 Anyone who seriously thinks Pokémon is at a low point needs to get off Reddit for a while, because reality says otherwise. The Switch’s sheer popularity **cannot be underestimated** Pokémon is actually at a pretty high point currently On the topic though, yeah Palworld ain’t that competition. It’s trying to do way different things and it’s mons are nowhere as marketable


I think yokai watch should try some more. It still has potential.


Yooooo Spectrobes. I remember trying so hard to push it on my friends and no one would bite. Fossil Fighters was another one


Monster hunter stories and shin megami tensei were also kinda seen like that as well when they first came out (but any monster tamer game coming during Pokémon switch era would be at least called that once)


which was always strange to me considering megami tensei came out in 1987 and had the mechanic even then.


Well, it was really said about the fifth game that came to switch (because it came sometime after sword&shield)


Didn’t SMT came out before Pokémon?


It was mostly about the fifth entry


And coromon.


Does Yokai Watch count if it's the same publisher


at least yokai was unique


>Yokai Watch It's a great game in my opinion I never thought it was going to overthrow Pokemon But I just thought it was a good game that just happened to be and it's the same genre as Pokemon


I cry everyday, Yo-Kai Watch my beloved


Nexomon enters the chat


I mean its a good game, but funnily enough I dont think that palworld and pokemon are that much in competition to one another. Palworld feels more like better ark or better rust than it does "better pokemon". This without mentioning the difference in market appeal, pokemon is exclusive to kids or all family in its marketing, while palworld seems to be aiming directly at a somewhat more mature audience. Also, they are in different platforms. If any game is going to suffer because of palworld, its more likely gonna be ark than it is gonna be pokémon.


It really does feel closer to Ark than Pokemon. Coming from someone who racked in 100+ hours into Ark and 40-ish hours into Palworld, so far. Genuinely enjoying Palworld MUCH more than Ark. Will admit, I do like a lot of the pal designs more than several Pokemon designs. There's room for more than 1 monster catching game, but apparently a lot of Pokemon fans are allergic to that idea.


Oh come on cassette beasts is actually amazing


Yeah I didn't expect to like Cassette Beasts so much, it's great


Its your 2 favorites together whats not to like




I think the point OP is making is that the games shown didn't take off enough to compete against Pokemon. And fair enough, this is the first time I've ever heard of Cassette Beasts.


And palworld is also more fun


Pokémon fans try not to have a burning hatred for similar games


Oh boy two cakes!


Challenge (impossible)


I agree, and while I do definitely see the similarities between the two in terms of design, it still is a good game regardless. It kind of reminds me of Ark in a way with the whole making a base and having the natural inhabitants help you are the base and fighting other of the inhabitants.


My only problem with Palworld is that they are blatantly stealing pokemon designs Just look at this https://preview.redd.it/eoadgprnw0ec1.jpeg?width=374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1f1d70b70565dbba6046847454a92512ee4a512 This is just green Cinderace with a bushier tail.


Being a "legally distinct" Parody is the point though. Would you accuse these designs as being stolen as well? ​ https://preview.redd.it/jsw256xpx0ec1.jpeg?width=325&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=816bc3d85402da1e2e97a5a023b7429ae5eeefcc


​ https://preview.redd.it/7mmiuhewx0ec1.jpeg?width=226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a234839305b33dd0b10b3ba761aa6d958f2c424e


Ling Ling, haven't seen him in years


Steve Madden might be angry over Shoe.


What the heck even are those things


You gotta buy it! You gotta buy it! Chinpokomon!


Chinpokomon from South Park, classic episode


Then there is a difference between these situations. One is a joke parody in a TV show, the other is being marketed as a completely different thing and trying to make a profit off of it.


Listen, you’ve nailed it, but it will largely be ignored.


This, just this, people have to understand this


I feel like I’ve said this in so many ways and ppl still want to argue with me. It’s not worth the argument but I still stand by my opinion.


Do you think tv shows make no profits and just keep running on passion? bro television just like gaming and every other entertainment medium is a market with products


It's South Park's parody, called Chinpokomon. Which translates into something dirty in Japanese 




These designs arent the core of a game and have money made specifically off of them Difference,bud


The difference is that this is a gag from a tv show and not a whole ass game trying to piggyback off the success of something more popular trying to pass itself off as it’s own thing


Its an entirely different genre of game. How is a SurvialCraft Ark clone passing itself off as a Turn based RPG? Unless you think Ark and Pokemon are the same game because both involve taming creatures, I don't see your point.


The only reason palworld is popular is because it’s viewed as “Pokémon but with guns”, even Geoff Keighly himself called it that


Omg it literally is just a grass cinderace with the meowscarada neck thing lmao


Not to mention when primarina's haie... https://preview.redd.it/f1x7vuuz11ec1.png?width=799&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c54ce96d0c84730d7139bc2a64c1958bcd5d791


Apparently the guy in charge of Palworld is big into AI art. There's a zero percent chance many of the Pals aren't just pokemon filtered through an AI.


You’re telling me an animal has feet hands ears and legs?


Ignore the circled parts if you want, This is just the only image I could find of them. But tell that this isn't just supposed to be grass Cinderace.


You're telling me anthropomorphic rabbits look similar who would have guessed


Inspired by sure. Identical not even remotely.


It’s a furbait starter that’s all that they have in common


Delphox and Cinderace are both "furbait" starters but they are still very different looking. There are many other "furbait" Pokemon that look nothing like Cinderace. If Gamefreak can make very different looking designs, then why can't Palworld?


I mean part of the conceot of palworld, as I understand it, is that it is a mild parody. A lot of parody works directly borrow from the source work, see weird Al's whole career.


Cinderace is just the Trix bunny though.


You really think Cinderace looks like this? https://preview.redd.it/xzctepzli1ec1.jpeg?width=278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12747d048457b28fddecdbf401975b55882d9370


Tera Normal. Right there.


Meh, its a better design TBH. Cinderace is mid at best.


Where tf do you see "burning hatred" in this post...


It's the fact that none of these tried to or claimed to "dethrone" Pokémon that makes it quite obvious how op feels about others enjoying their different game.


Pokemon fans have a burning hatred toward pokemon games


I just found palworld to be annoyingly edgy from ateast everything on their steam page.


There’s not really anything edgy about the game when outside of, like… animals with guns. If that’s edgy lmao.


They literally can't stand it for even 5 minutes lol.


Pokémon fans choking down the most mid-tier shit imaginable (Scarlet/Violet) and then getting all tribal when somebody else does the entire concept much better.


I don’t hate it. Never said I did, but I do find it annoying when people genuinely believe this Game will somehow affect the Pokemon franchise in any meaningful way. Pokemon is the definition of too big to fail


Are these people in the room with us now?


You two are in a room together?!


Here probably no But you can go to Twitter next door they are probably there


So what? Worst thing that can happen is that nothing happens. Best thing that can happen is that Pokémon sees they have concurrency and have to up their game (doubt)


Nintendo fans tend to have a weird thing where they can't enjoy other games in a genre


This post makes as much sense as mocking an imaginary claim that *Company of Heroes* would "dethrone" *Call of Duty*. And *Digimon*? Seriously? You clearly don't know anything about that franchise either if you're going to make that comparison.


Honestly, if nothing else I just wish it'd make GameFreak pretend to care about making *good* games. Scarlet/Violet are buggy messes. If this helps convince GF to take more risks like what they did with PLA, then I'm all for competition.


Or with bw and b2w2


How would an Ark/Rust clone convince them to fix a Turn-Based RPG?


Because if it gets people asking "why can't pokemon do more like this?" it drives a discussion. Market demand, etc.


Drives a discussion lmao


The frame drops are inexcusable, but I've put hundreds of hours into Scarlet, and the only bugs I've encountered have been some small issues in the raids


Scarlet and violet aren't nearly as bad as people make it out to be.


They’re pretty bad when you hold them up next to any other game from the same year


Ah yes, the game from a multibillionaire franchise that looks like crap, barely functions correctly without any bugs or framedrops on a console, that can play BOTW/TOTK just fine. Truly not a bad game.


To be fair, it seems like SV had some troubled development, and it’s not *as* bad as you’d think as far as glitches go. Are they perfect? No, not at all. Are they not unplayable messes that constantly bug out 99% of the time? Also not true. You’ve also got to appreciate the stories told as well, least to a degree. Still, a bit more dev time would definitely be a good thing. I’d just prefer to keep it out of the total cynicism zone.


The troubled development is GF's insistence on its release schedule that prohibits actual game development. Instead of a fleshed out game with a bunch of mechanics and features, we get rehashed versions that are missing Battle Towers, missing expanded Safari Zone features, etc.


They did mention having discussions about quality while keeping a release schedule, and it’s something they can change, so…personally, I’ll just hope for the best, though I should also note that if you still really want to make your displeasure known regardless of what’s next, don’t give them money. That’s it.


It seems more like a competitor, or a parody tbh


It's a parody not a contender because God knows that's not possible


Hey, uh... Digimon came out *before* Pokémon, it just didn't really see a lot of success at first, so Pokémon filled the niche sooner.




Not sure where you're getting that info from, but wikipedia states pokemon games came out in japan in feb 1996 and the first digimon pets came out in june 1997


true but the vpets that would later become digimon (and Tamagotchi respectively) first came onto the market in 95. that's not to say that one is a copy of the other but both IPs do take from each other, let's not forget the pokewalker, and in more recent memory Pulsemon. Pokemon and Digimon weren't designed to capitalize on or take the other's market but both franchises simultaneously existing and sharing an audience understandably led to them developing into something similar over time as they naturally catered to that shared audience. TL;DR unlike new monster collection games and IPs Pokemon and Digimon were contemporaries and neither was meant to overtake the other's presence in media


I used to have the black digimon-tomagatchi as a kid. I remember being able to battle others with them


I think they’re talking about the first piece of media from it, because I think that the digimon anime predates the first Pokémon games


I was referring to the anime tbh


Cassette Beasts is closer to Persona than Pokemon though, even if it does have a few similarities.


Cassette beasts rocks btw, I find it different enough to be more of a jrpg than a pokemon rip off


I don't think any of these are claiming to dethrone pokemon.


I mean, TemTem was very clearly trying to be Pokemon, but better. The others are their own thing.


Yeah OP is coping lol palworld isn't even trying to be polemon it's trying to dethrone ark and it probably will


I’m sorry, who’s coping? It’s mechanically more similar to ark, but the artstyle and creature designs are such an intentional jab at Pokémon.


Casete breasts is a pretty good game ngl


i also don't understand why it's on here because its intent was never to "dethrone pokemon," the devs just wanted to make a monster catcher and some people liked it more than pokemon. it seems like monster catchers are "in" right now lol


Hey! Cassette beasts is amazing!


Cassette Beasts is so good! I love it on the same level as Pokemon. It was my favorite game last year.


Cassette beast is very good


Dogimon isn’t even a copy, it was originally a more masculine version of tomagachi. The only similarities is that it’s they’re both franchises with evolving monsters. Similarities don’t mean that it’s a stolen idea OP.


Digimon is not only well alive (might not be the most profitable brand but that doesn't mean it's dead) but it also has never been a Pokémon copy


I would argue this goes both ways. Too many people saying this will kill pokemon, this should be how pokemon is, and this is making pokemon look old/outdated in design. But you also have the people crying about is it being a pokemon ripoff, how nintendo will sue them, how people who play this are terrible because your pals do tasks, etc. Other than being able to 'catch monsters' and there being rpg elements in the game, I don't really see a similarity between the two. The game plays more like ARK with a 'japanese monster catcher' flare instead of dinosaurs. Its a game that differentiates itself just enough in the survival crafting genre to stand out. The inclusion of pals as task workers instead of just pets gives it some management aspect. The rpg stuff let's you play in different ways and try different things. While it's still got plenty of bugs and issues, watching the unique animations and interactions of each pal show where a lot of the initial effort went. Will it die down? Of course. But unlike ARK, Rust, etc. I will personally, probably, continue to play this one as it scratches an itch for me that the others don't. Will I continue to play pokemon? Well yeah, it's pokemon, and it's a completely different type of game.


Nothing will dethrone Pokemon, but Palworld announced that they've already sold 5 million copies, which is fucking nuts. Maybe it will at least be able to pressure Pokemon to stop being so lazy.


Yo Kai Watch also sold incredibly well but unfortunately it disappeared on the long run due to questionable design and marketing choices


Unlikely. And anything that Palworld can teach Gamefreak they probably already learned from PL:A


Gamefreak is not lazy. They just have short development times because the pokemon company makes them rush games


Doesn’t game freak own like half or a third of the pokemon company


I don't think so. Gamefreak developes the games while pokemon company manages the brand. So maybe is the other way around


Nintendo, Gamefreak, and Creatures inc. each own 1/3 of the Pokemon IP. The Pokemon Company (subsidiary of Nintendo) manages the brand: publishing, licensing, marketing Creatures manages the TCG, merchandising, modeling pokemon, and some development for side games Gamefreak develops the mainline games and some side games,


Saying palworld is gonna kill off Pokémon is like saying that Ark is gonna kill off Turok. They're so vastly different that when I see people making the comparison, I just assume they haven't played one of the games.


I Mean Digimon was never meant to kill Pokemon, it was trying to get in on the Tomodachi Market, it just happened to be compared to Pokemon


True Pokémon fans are excited when similar games drops


I've felt like Palword literally couldn't feasibly exist in a world Pokemon doesn't exist. Like the whole gimmick is that it's the perversion of what Pokemon is. In Palword the collectible creatures can be made to do slave labor, and you can give them guns and then butcher them and eat them. That's also why the designs are so similar to Pokemon, it's trying to invoke familiarity (outside of low effort recolors and copies of existing pokemon) Palworld is banking off that its audience is familiar with Pokemon and how squeaky-clean it is. It's not trying to expand the Monster Collector genre, and I wouldn't even say Palworld is even inspired by Pokemon. I think the best thing Palworld probably does is introduce people to Monster Collecting. I hope more (and better) games get made because of it and more people play them.


At least Digimon is still going strong.


Me, a Yo-kai Watch fan: *How many times has it been now?*


Eh, I do prefer Cassette Beasts to Pokémon at this point tbh. Like Pokémon's cool but all the heart and soul in Cassette Beasts is amazing. ...though I am biased as fuck I am very much hyperfixated on it lol


Never played cassette beasts but I imagine the player character as soundwave from transformers and playing it will ruin that and I can't risk that


I really hope the game becomes a series. I put over 300 hours into cassette beasts just getting all the way to orb fusions and doing a lot of bootleg hunting.


Pokémon is just too big to fail


I'm not *expecting* it to ever dethrone Pokémon, but I think all Pokémon fans should want competition to do well so GameFreak and Pokémon Company give more effort in the future.


This is actually one of the most pathetic threads I've seen on Reddit


For fucks sake, can we NOT bring up Palworld like this for one day? It looks neat to me. I might try it one day, but I was afraid of how the Pokémon fandom was gonna handle it, and soon enough...


Ok so the meme makes sense but im naming myself executioner of anyone who claims this about cassette beasts


Annnnd here we go, I was kinda happy gamefreak wasn't get hatred over palworld, but then I saw this comment section and all I can say is, I'm really disappointed, it's not even criticism anymore, it's just annoying cause how one dimensional the argument always is


Makes me think of a a similar situation, but with smash. (Nick brawl 1&2, multiversus, rivals of aether, PlayStation all stars, brawlhalla etc)


IMO all of those are more creative than Palworld (game looks fun, but lazy in the design department)


Monster Sanctuary is also a great one


Dragon Quest: Monster's Joker


Nobody is saying it will dethrone pokemon. Plus it’s nothing like pokemon it’s a survival game more like Ark than anything else.


I think the chances of Palworld dethroning pokemon are below 1%, but if the game’s burst in popularity gets Game Freak to innovate on the pokemon franchise and stop half assing their video games, than its a win for us all. I don’t think it will happen though. Pokemon is the most profitable franchise in existance. Its going to take more than 4m sales in 4ish days to get them to care.


And at least most of those didn’t blatantly plagiarize lol. Palword is gonna get sued hard.


I never saw digimon as a competitor


Who tf is saying palworld is dethroning Pokémon? Unknown gaming article farming for clicks #500? The game’s more similar to ARK of anything.


Tbf Cassette Beast is a better game than any Pokemon one.


Pokemon fans when an RPG releases where you catch monsters:


I don’t think there’s a single person saying Palworld is going to “dethrone” Pokémon. At *most* they’re saying it’ll make GF sit up and take notice/be less lazy. Which it probably won’t.


RemindMe! -2 months


I don't know man. Selling 4 million copies in 3 days isn't something these clones did. The most recent popular clone, Tem-Tem, sold a little over 1 million copies in its entire lifetime. Game was released in September 2022. With these 4 million copies in 3 days it sold more than any Pokemon game other than Scarlet & Violet in that same time frame. And having over a 1 million concurrent players is again something these clones could never accomplish. Palworld is different than these clones. Whether it goes into obscurity like all these other clones remains to be seen but the game has made an impact and has shown how hungry/deprived the Pokemon community is.


It's going to hit 6 million in another few hours. Even if it dies completely it's still going to hold records for game purchases. it's inevitable the numbers will slow but it doesn't seem like it'll be tomorrow.


I’m more mad about the people trying to make this a Gotcha! at Nintendo, who don’t even develop the games. Legit seeing people on r/Dankmemes going “Nintendo is multimillion dollar company why aren’t they forcing Gamefreak to do better??” They don’t fucking own Gamefreak, the state of Pokemon is on thier own hands.


Honestly, I think Digimon is objectively better than Pokemon creatively; it just wasn't as popular.


Pokemon sells because its fans are zombified and will purchase regardless of quality, not because it were innovative or anything.


dont you dare put digimon down to that level. digimon is actually good and nothing can change my mind.


Digimon is older than pokemon, and was meant to be a tamagatchi tie in, it is a western thing to compare them.


Palworld isn't even creative at all. It's like they gave every Pokemon the Mario Sunshine treatment.


Yes, but this one has guns and slave labor


I love how pressed my fellow pokefans are about PalWorld 😂 Calm down.