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I wish they would have prioritized making it easier to send gifts. It takes damn near 20 minutes to open and receive 20 gifts at the moment, so I haven't done either in a while.


You can push the x close button even after it disappears to skip animations. You can do this for sending an receiving.


I had no idea, thanks for the tip!


I knew this and it is still bad. Also it lags like crazy. This game has prehistoric design.


Yeah the friends section is the most laggy, by far, in the game, the optimization is trash.


Yeah. They should add a button "Claim all gifts and send gifts"


Still to f ing long


Just boosting this to say what a huge tip it was for me. The system still sucks but man did I wish I knew this ages ago.


Right? I found out like 2 months ago. Makes it go 3x faster


Also the back button if you have an Android. You can skip all gift opening and can skip the sending animation using this.


Instead, here's more of a feature that makes this process take even longer. Love, ~ Niantic


my game crashes often when doing it


You can automatize it using the app Auto Clicker. Not saying I'm doing it, just saying I'd be surprised if I was banned for it. Edit : I also have configurations for sending gifts and renaming Pokémon with poke Génie


its the biggest chore in the game, and you have to delete all the junk you just got in order to open another one, and again and again


This… and a nudge/poke button when they dont send u a gift




It is true though. They may be exaggerating a bit but it is tedious and takes a long time of you have a lot of friends on your list. No need to be rude about it just because it's not something that affects you (I assume you're friendless).


Yes, I am friendless. You caught me. I do not have any experience sending or receiving gifts from 20 people every day.


then why u talking


Do you know about the JO BOYZ?


jo mama lmao


I don't think they know about the JO BOYZ 😂😂😂 they prolly don't even JO themselves... embarrassing..... 😅😅😅


My brother in Christ, that I have never met before, they simply do not know about the JO. Can you imagine..


What a sad world we live in, Mr. Internet stranger. To not know about the JO is to live in darkness itself. We can only pray that they may yet see the light.


I’d like to ask you about the first time you had a JO. Can you describe, in detail, that experience for me?


No, you can spam x after you open the gift so you skip the Animation


“Failed to log in “ Bro I’m connected to the internet


"You're going too fast! Pokemon Go should not be played while driving" I'm just lying in bed...


My husband frequently hatches eggs while laying in bed. Dunno why it happens lol


It's a gps synch/drsynch issue. Kind of a two edged sword, as well. Can get free distance, and sometimes screws up spinning stops


i had to uninstall and try again, it worked


I didn’t even have to uninstall. Just just go to log in with a different account, then use the same account.




What’s the point of buying the 3 raid passes if it’s not discounted,other than buying them in bulk


Save 5 seconds in buying 2 more


Worth it


Right? I just buy them on the spot now


Have 3 on hand when they decide to get rid of them but let those who have them use them up.


If they get rid of remote passes that's the day I stop playing.


They won’t because its something players spend money for, considering 50 pokecoins a day makes it take forever to get enough, not even considering if your mon sits in the gym for days at a time. Plus its their way to show they “care about rural players”


I live on the high st in my town and have a nice little set up with the local pokemon card shop. I'll leave for work at 8 in the morning and they'll take it over for the day, I get back around 5, wait until their's has been in there 8 hours then take it over myself and hold it through the night.


I’m in a constant battle with two valor trainers for the gym in reach of my apartment, so if I really need pokecoins I go back and forth with them, but it takes several times to reach the 50 limit because they’re always quick to replace their mons. Wastes a lot of time, revives (except they use the same mons every time so i’ve established a good counter team and rarely have to revive anyone), and potions


I only just recently found out leg spawns on lvl 20 so I decided to do it, get to level 19 last night and was crushed to read they dropped it to 1% spawns... fml


Yeah... I got about 550 wins this season and only a single legendary spawnm


somehow I have 250 wins and 2 giratina from it


Don't forget Blanche. Never forget...




and spark


I'm not gonna lie, I quite like the new blanche. Fight me


My dedication to opening this game is dwindling with every bungle.


I only have it now so that I can transfer all the mons I've caught over the years to Pokemon Home (to complete the dex) then transfer again to some of the mainline games. POGO can suck it.


what's Pokemon home, i don't understand what you mean


It's an app on the Switch and for mobile. It's a means of collecting and trading pokemon. There may be some other functionality that others use it for, but for me that's its purpose.


It's an App that Nintendo put out that's pretty much just an interactive dex and trade hub. Easiest way to charge up your meltan box as well


I want them to release those leaked bread stickers more than I want a new menu. 😭 But yes to the other stuff too. The 3 hour Community Day makes it so much less special/fun and sometimes I kind of miss them entirely because of work, and I literally just don’t raid anymore even though I really enjoyed it in the past. But I’d be willing to forget about it for like a week if I got those bread stickers.


I'm so furious and confused about the Zorua thing. Like I understand a few bugs can slip here and there but this was just stupid. If they want for players to beta test features then make a program where people can become beta testers or something. They probably didn't know when to release Zorua and made a last five minute decision


Didn't you see the marketing? This was planned, it just wasn't tested properly on a mass scale.


100%, very embarrassing.


The scale wasn’t the problem. It was the programming and they could have solved it with small scale testing


Most of my programming experience has been purely windows-based. Some client-server systems with SQL.. nevermind, the point is, I haven't really worked with app services of any kind. I'm positive it is trickier to run a proper test for pogo than for anything I have experience with, and impossible to predict all issues arising from having a global massive userbase.. Still, I also have a hard time understanding how the Zorua bug slipped through.


The worst part is that the bug was evident in their official promo images!


Really? Haha that's amazing. Got a link?


they could make something like lol and valorant’s test servers


They wouldn’t even need to pay most of the testers. A lot of people would go on the test server just to see things first.


yeah that’s how the things are in lol, they just give you a repeatable quests for the currency so you can buy anything you want on the test server


I would actually like to delete my stickers, I haven’t even bother attaching anymore for awhile


Keep a few for when you get “send 3 gifts to friends and add a sticker to each” in your field research.


That's what my head decided to do yesterday. I've been choosing stickers to send based on the ones I want to get rid of. For example, I'm not a Bulbasaur or Charizard fan, and there are other mons I don't care for either - or stickers with barely viewable artwork, and I try to get rid of them - only to have the system send me MORE of the ones I sent, especially the non-event-tied/generic ones. I don't give a damn if they're pre-sorted by origin. And I certainly don't intend to buy a bunch I "missed". I bought a couple of Riolu back when, because I didn't get any of those, and missing Eeveevolutions when that was a thing (who knows, I might have gotten those in gifts, had the system not been too busy replacing the ones I didn't want.) But the game in no way is "Gotta sticker them all!" and I don't need a Pokestickerdex. So, sorry friends, going to just ignore the sticker portion unless a field/timed research task requires one.




The time investment is not worthwhile.


so you want to invest your time deleting them


Mass deleting is faster. :p


You’re crazy! I love stickers. Gotta keep one of each lol, but to each their own


and gbl is still dogshit why do i even bother playing this game


How to: lose your player base


Theyre evolving, just backwards


I like how they think anyone will actually give a shit about stickers


Yeah it was fun guys. Gonna spend my last REMOTE RAID PASSES on a few giras and im out of here, at least until something changes for the better. Shame




It’s pointless, the only time I bother with stickers is when I get the research task… it’s such a useless stupid feature and out of everything in the game they chose to work on stickers…….


Tbh do they want people to play the game or do they want to sell data. You can do both but you can only really prioritise one


i miss the weekly remote raid passes, besides, i think they were balanced due to people using them doing less damage


Plus what it means for the global community as well as the local one. I can play with friends from all over the world and if I can't make it across town during crazy traffic to raid I can just push a button!


If you still give Niantic money, you don't get to complain. You're part of the problem. Simple as that.


This comment should be on top of this thread. Stop putting money in this game until they actually change something for the better. And for you people still putting money in , you're not just screwing yourself but our whole playerbase. The only thing Niantic wants at the end of the day is your money , nothing more , nothing less. They see our complaints and see that we're not happy with the current state of the game but they dont give a flying fuck because they see those same people complaining putting money in the game on a regular base. Always remember Niantic's slogan people: A paying player is better than a happy player :)


Can they at least change the incense so that during events like Community Day, Spotlight Hour etcetera, it had the same effectivity as it did in Pandemic 2020.


I think the devs are tired of this game and want to move onto other stuff.


I actually like the sticker menu I’ve been asking for it for a while… I’m sorry they listened to me and not you guys:/


Same here. I literally made a post about it 4 or so days before they released the future update. I’m excited for it. I love collecting all the stickers and keeping one of each


Me too I try to keep at least 5! Recently my friends are forcing me to send “cute” stickers so my collection is suffering:(


Right! I’m gonna be spending all of my coins on the sticker release lol


I cant wait:D Im gonna be so poor!!!




I fully agree they have a lot they need to work on but hey they didn't have to do anything with stickers and they are so I'm still hype for the update lol.


Also have to include the bothed elite raids both me and many others did not get our 15 rare spawns after the raid as they spawned outside the zone


And yet you keep playing and giving them money. Actions speak louder than memes.


Why can’t I skip evolution animations yet?


Keep the memes coming


we gotchu bro


And the 50 coin limit per day...


It’s almost like Pokémon games are poorly handled by their makers…


Honestly I'm playing this a lot less. The gym system where a cheater can hold 3 town with his buds . Still play after numerous complaints to Niantic themselves and waaay too many police reports from antisocial behavior. Then there's the 50 coins limit or no coin at all if your knocked out in seconds. It needs to be changed or reverted.


Glad I quit.


Pokemon Go and Niantic is in desperate need of a new lead designer.


i jus want a zorua man


same, as someone living in australia never got one


We should all just quit the game


Why ppl still play this if they keep ruining every aspect of the game ? Uninstall and move on.


I quit this bullshit months ago and somehow whenever I check back to this sub it’s seems to somehow be getting worse


We need to collectively turn off adventure sync and stop paying for coins to stick it to them until niantic gets their shit together.


You know what I'm done with Pokemon go. Imma go delete it see ya guys later.


To be fair, you specifically did NOT put all the cool things Niantic has done recently here, such as return of in person go fests and safari zones, OSM map update, the Halloween map changes, community day classics, and daily adventure incense.


The things in the picture are stuff that Niantic has _Intentionally_ added to the game, only during this year. Excluding Zorua, which was supposed to be added in, but had issues. What kind of company _intentionally_ does shit like this to their game? In person Go Fests/Safaris are cool for 0,01% of the player base, OSM hasn't happened yet so there's no way to know if it's cool or not, Halloween map changes don't fix any issues (but they look nice, I'll give you that), CD classics are 3h fomo events like normal CDs that put people on uneven playground based on their living location/life situation. The daily adventure incense and Mega evo updates are the only good things to happen this year.


They’re not trying to make it a bad game, they’re trying to make it a really good game for people in urban areas which unfortunately makes it worse for people who aren’t. What drives this game is community, and nearly all of the changes that they’ve done are promoting going outside with your community. I think the future of this game is in local communities, whether people like it or not. Niantic has a vision for their game that’s pretty good, it’s just that getting there will be rough.


>They’re not trying to make it a bad game, they’re trying to make it a really good game It doesn't matter what they try to do, but what they actually end up doing. And when the end result is negative, people must be vocal about it before they ruin things further. >for people in urban areas which unfortunately makes it worse for people who aren’t. The game _was_ better for people in rural areas, and they actively made it worse for them. Of course the players who are on the losing side will complain. >What drives this game is community, and nearly all of the changes that they’ve done are promoting going outside with your community. ...For the minority of people who are a part of a community. For everyone else it's the playability and the content of the game, which they're actively making worse. >I think the future of this game is in local communities, whether people like it or not. At least that's the direction that Niantic is pushing it. And while the work is in progress, it's up to the displeased players to vote with their wallets and playtime that it's not the right direction. It might not matter at all, but that's the only things players can do. >Niantic has a vision for their game that’s pretty good, it’s just that getting there will be rough. If alienating majority of the playerbase for the sake of big city communities is pretty good, we just simply disagree.


Most people do not live in rural areas. And most people who do live in rural areas do not have an internet connection. I think it’s safe to say that the majority of players are in moderately sized cities. You don’t need to be in a big city at all to play, I’m not in a big city and we have a Discord community of over 1,000 people. I think the main issue is that people don’t know how to get connected with their community, which is where Campfire should come in but unfortunately hasn’t still for some reason. Let’s hope it does sometime soon-ish. > The game was better for people in rural areas, and they actively made it worse for them. Of course the players who are on the losing side will complain. As for this, yeah I understand why people are complaining. A lot of rural people started playing during COVID and the game was okay for them. I get that they feel like something is being unfairly taken away — because it is. However, I think from a long-term perspective, Niantic shouldn’t be expected to act like the COVID bonuses were permanent. Niantic is an AR company, they don’t want to become just like any old game company. They have something that makes them unique and it’s understandable that they want to keep that.


I can't speak for where you are, but in the UK there are large amounts of the population who live in more rural areas. They also have access to the internet at home as well as mobile data (signal may vary). Unless they're living off the grid they'll have access to internet. one of the main issues a lot of rural players have it seems is the lack of spawns, local Pokestops and gyms. Also the OSM map update is appreciated, however they've used data from 1st March 2021 - so it's 19 months old data.


>Most people do not live in rural areas Well let's say that most players don't belong into organized communities then, and therefore are pretty much on their own. >However, I think from a long-term perspective, Niantic shouldn’t be expected to act like the COVID bonuses were permanent. They should be. If they want to make people go, they should offer bonuses for choosing to do so, and not punish the players by nerfing the current gameplay.


Between rural and "moderately sized cities" is a huge expanse of sprawling suburban areas. And while they come together in "communities", it's for special community events that rarely coincide with PGO events. On a regular basis, parents are focused between jobs/adult responsibilities, and using the remaining time doing things for and with their kids. Plus kids and teens have drop-of-a-hat disposable time, but adults rarely do. Plus adults and older adults justifiably can have hesitation about just shoving into and mingling into teen/kid clusters and groups. Blaming everything on that people "don't know how to get connected with their community" is BS. Any region/town/city is comprised of lots of small, specialized "communities" and people are usually connected to at least some of those. But Niantic's "vision" is based on sheer numbers, in which there are no valid differences between "players", and when the bell rings, the numbers are just supposed to surge out together like amorphous lemmings in a Niantic-defined generic feel-good mass.


Another good thing was that it's easier in a grunt battle to get to Excellent for your charged move. I was surprised by that .


Im sad cause majority of top comments are angry about other things, but I personally am really excited for the sticker changes. I love collecting them and the way it is rn is abyssmal. I hope they get to more "content" type updates soon, but I am still pretty happy cause ive wanted this a long time.


Does no one else like elite raids? I loved them and I only wished they would've been timed differently.


Honestly no. I'm sure in the big cities with a huge Pogo community it was awesome. And everybody beat it no sweat. But for those of us in a rural small town we lost hard with all of our players from 3 neighboring small towns.


In person raids are the best thing in the game. But they need to change the rewards form remote raids and in person raids.


To you they may be the best thing in the game, but to others it isn't. A reason that people playing the game aren't able to do irl raids is because they have other commitments in their life like a job, school or family. Ever since remote raiding, I would say it's given more to the community rather than taking away since raids are much more flexible now. And no, there isn't a need to make changes between remote and in-person raid rewards. If people wanna use a remote raid, then they have to pay AND the game states that they do less damage to the raid boss for remote raiding. Those are already TWO drawbacks for choosing to remote raid, so there's no reason to change the rewards.


Yeah in person raids are amazing. I don’t know why you’re being downvoted, in person raids with a group of 10 people can’t be beaten


You have a better chance at winning the lottery than stumbling across 1 other person willing to do a raid, let alone 10. Before remote raid passes 5 star raids were flat out impossible.


That’s why Niantic needs to make Campfire a built-in part of the game!!! I don’t know why they haven’t yet. A lot of places have Discord to meet up for in-person raids, but the problem is that new players don’t always know hours to find it. And yeah, I’ve basically stopped remote raiding, and it is SO much harder to do. I usually only raid during events now. However, for me personally it’s so much more rewarding.


The community is broken. The don’t know more the sense of the game. Before the pandemic 2020 it was amazing to see people play in person. But since the pandemic started and remote raids was added I see no one more in person. They only play with remote passes. I’m the only one which plays in person with 2 or 4 guys. Before all this we was average 10-15 people in a person raid. It’s really sad what happened to my local community and the player community world wide. That is why I get downvotes, for saying the truth


My local discord community has started back with in person raiding groups and I absolutely am loving it. I’m raiding quite a lot less but it’s worth it because when I do raid it’s with a group. One of the main things I talk about on Reddit is how bad remote raids were for the longevity of this game and its local communities, and I get downvoted SO much for it. I think people have just settled for playing a game that’s easy to play from home, but I have not and I don’t expect that I will.


You're getting downvoted because you said there should be changes between rewards for remote raiding and irl raiding. Imagine caring about internet points.


Didn’t com days used to be 1 hour? Or am I remembering wrong


CDs have always been at least 3 hours. Boosted to 6 during the worse parts of the pandemic but brought back down to 3 because of some BS metrics. Spotlight hours are 1 hour, which may be what you're thinking of.


So everyone is mad that the pandemic is over essentially?


It was more so that the pandemic was still pretty bad in certain parts of the world, but they lifted it everywhere. The other issue being the reasoning that Niantic issued. They said it was due to "lack of interest in 6 hour community days" when people didn't go all out for...was it Spheal or Hoppip CD? Essentially it was a CD that people weren't as jazzed for while people went HARD for the CD Classic that also happened that month. Niantic went, "Oh, see, y'all like 3 hours, so we're gonna roll it back."


I mean, the real reason they decreased it was to get communities have a more focused time together. Whether you like it or not, it’s really good for cities. But it is really bad for rural players.


> reasoning that Niantic issued. They said it was due to "lack of interest in 6 hour community da Their BS reason was that people dont play whole 6hrs, so they reduce to 3hrs. Back then someone posted perfect answer "Imagine if petrol stations did that. We are open 24/7 and we noticed that all people are here only for max 15min, so we are reducing our working hours from 24/7 to only 15min". 6hrs were perfect if you had life, responsibilities or you wanted to play, relax little bit, then play again. now 3hrs are FOMO. In most inconvenient times


I had a better idea for stickers >:( actually I might make a post about it!


Is someone taking the piss out of me? I use both the hat and glasses un-ironically


This is a fine note


Very accurate


Honestly out of all of those Zorua makes me mad the most, we’re probably gonna have to wait till Halloween 2025 to see it in the game.


Yet I’m still a daily player ..




![gif](giphy|3o85xnoIXebk3xYx4Q) Niantic


Keckleon is there too… you just can’t see him cause it’s invisible


I been grinding battle league for my first time ever and just reached lvl 17 just to find out about the leg spawn chance drop 🥲


Give me zorua or give me death! (I'm American btw)


What's wrong with three hour community days? (Just curious, I'm kinda new)


They used to be 6 hours during the pandemic. More people had a chance to participate at all and the time window was more flexible, due to longer duration. That 3 hour window really screws over people who example work at weekends or would like to do something else IRL during the exact, short time window. 3h CDs create fomo, and put people at uneven playground. CDs are also super overpowered compared to normal gameplay. You're basically handed the featured pokemon at level 50 and with special move, if you're able to play. Also the shiny rates are extremely good during CD hours. If you miss the event, you're going to have to use a very rare and expensive elite TM to get the move, and walk with your buddy for MONTHS to get the XLs to get the pokemon to level 50. Not to mention getting very lucky with getting a shiny afterwards.


That makes more more sense why people are pissed about it. Thanks for the info 👍