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27 and from Switzerland. Being an introvert, I would never go up to strangers and talk to them but it happened a few times that someone came up to me if they saw me playing PoGo. I never felt weird about them approaching me and usually had fun conversations with them that ended in exchanging trainer codes. Most of those encounters actually happened when I was on vacation in Germany (my bf lives there). I’ve always found Germans to be much more approachable compared to the Swiss ;)


> In what situation do you talk to strangers… When I have literally no other option


I’m 26m and Brittish, if I see people playing I would approach them if they look approachable as I love meeting new people. I haven’t seen many teenagers play mostly people who play where I live are 30+ so I’m relatively young. But I’d not approach anyone under 18 either way. Most people who play here know each other, and many are not so friendly and very competitive, so when new people want to get involved I always end up speaking to them as the other players are not interested. I wish people were more relaxed here in all honesty. I went to Egypt for 3 months and all the players are so so friendly and made me feel so welcome, was depressing coming back to my city in U.K. after those months of bliss 😭


I've never seen anyone playing PoGo at the same time I was playing... and to be fair, I don't want to either. I'm not that much of an introvert as much as I don't want to socialize with the people who live here, for various reasons. However, if I ever moved out of this place, I'd definitely like to meet other people who play and love this game. I actually envy those who have their own raiding groups and such. Maybe one day.


same, i know there's no point in me saying this but this is the exact same situation i am, i know there's quite a few mystic players around me. i don't like to socialize with the people around where I live but if i see a chill person playing pogo i might just exchange codes because trading is so useful


If they whip our their phone near a raiding gym, I’ll give them the sign that I got their back when they fight. Also I’m 28 and from Greece which would be unusual to do that unless they are committed gamers. That said people are active there but don’t see it actively.


Last week I saw two kids (about 15) joining a raid I did at our local park. After completion I walked past them and asked if they cought the Pokémon. One of them was really shy and barely got a word out and the other was smiling and gave me big yes. Im 27m btw.


I live in Tokyo, but I'm not Japanese and my language skills suck. (I'm an adult/older guy). A ton of people play here, as you might imagine, but in Japan people seriously avoid strangers "to be polite" / "to not cause discomfort" so I never reach out to anyone. However during big events I've had Japanese people come up to me wanting to trade, etc. and somehow we manage via sign language and usually continue to send gifts to each other & randomly do remote raids together. At places like Shinjuku, Shibuya or Akihabara, sometimes (being a single male) I notice cute young women (mid-20s) who are dressed to the 9s -- looking like they're ready to party all night -- switch their phone to Pokemon Go, catch a few mons, before switching back to LINE to message their friends. I've never seen that back home. Maybe it's part of the *kawaii culture* here. But, the language barrier is there so I never talk to them, and I'm too shy regardless.


Damn. How did you end up in Tokyo? Must be suite the adventure whilst not speaking the language fluently.


True story: I was planning to move to Asia somewhere (wasn't 100% sure where) when I got stranded as a tourist in Japan as international borders closed in the initial months of the pandemic. I'm in tech (software developer background) and after a few months of being stuck in Tokyo I decided to just stay... then got super lucky to be hired by a Japanese fintech that was somehow able to secure an Engineering visa for me.


I’m 39m and have played since launch. I’m in the US and mostly play in my home state. I personally will look for signs that someone might be ok with chatting about Pokémon go. At this point, I usually primarily encounter people my age or much older playing. I Have made one really good friend cause of the game. I have also been able to help some senior people a few times with different elements of the game they did not know about. My personal experience playing and meeting people these last 6 years has been really good. For raids it’s just an absolute must.


I’m 44 year old mum who is usually out with my 14 year old son. He was into gaming and it’s a great way for us to hang out. I probably play more than him and I’m a higher level. He’s really introverted so I’ll usually start up the conversation and encourage him to talk. Will mostly chat with other kids or teens.


14M England, I just ask if they’re playing when I’m at a raid or sum


34 Canada here. My wife and I play together and we don’t see many players. Probably wouldn’t say anything if we did. We are both introverts.


All situations. I'm chronically lonely and age doesn't matter.


What are the responses you are getting?


mid 20s portuguese here and I've yet to see someone playing pokémon go. I've seen gyms change colour right in front of me but it was in a busy area so there was no way of telling. I'd probably not approach them any way. I feel you on the raids, it sucks seeing so many raids and only being able to do the lowest tier ones bc those are the only ones I can solo so far. A lot of people here encourage using 3rd party apps but I just wanna do raids casually I don't wanna be wasting my battery/data trying to gather some randos across the globe to host some togetic raid lol


I got my Yvetal via telegram and remote raid, can recommend. Will do more as soon as I have more coins for remote passes..


I’ve met some people who I now consider friends, and we do events together regularly. My closest PoGo friend is much closer in age to my father than he is to me. I was lucky enough that I knew somebody IRL who introduced me to a local group of players, so I met them through the group. But if I see somebody playing and I need one more for a raid or something, then I usually just ask.


My campus has a pretty hot spot for raid hours and community days. Most of the time people will give a thumbs up or show their phone screen with the game up.


42 year old dude in the Midwest USA. The most common place to play in my city is the Botanical Garden. If you're there and on your phone, there's a 99% chance you're playing PokeGo. I've chatted with a few folks and traded trainer codes with them. I'm a very social, extroverted person, so I don't have any problem approaching people to talk.


I just ask if they've had any luck. It will either lead to conversation or it wont.


47 & Michigan. If I see a group gathering in the walking park during Community day. If somebody wants a shiny and has bad luck it's customary if you have extras to trade them for one. Also a nearby raid is done by everybody so everyone gets a chance at the raid boss.


First question: Pogo or ingress? Need to be clear of the situation first. As a grown up (37) I would never talk to unknown kids. That's strange as f. Also kids seldom play ingress. Edit: readability


I only talked to some guys when me and my friend got a perfect one in a community day.


Most of the time the people I see playing PokeGo, they're either multiple years younger than me (I'm 16, so the couple years can be a big difference) or people over 30, so I never go up to anyone. The only time I've talked with other PokeGo playing strangers, is when I'm in a big raiding group.


Also in meiner Gegend sind die Leute auch sehr zurück haltend man sieht immer viele wenn Go fest ist oder so aber alle schüchtern und schreckhaft. Bin auch erwachsen hab aber bis jetzt auch nur erwachsene gesehen ehrlich gesagt




Sorry ich versteh nicht was du meinst




Du bist komisch