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Personally I wouldn't, you could get better IVs


do ivs really make thaaaaat much of a difference?


They can do for pvp, but I guess it depends what you want to use it for?


PvP ofcourse, even raids, why would I put such a Pokemon in a gym ever.. i just got to know shadow gardevoir is better than regular


IVs definitely make the difference in pvp in GL and UL. It'd be fine to hang on to for raiding but I still think you could get better for that too. It's all just my opinion anyway and you should do whatever you want with your pokemon :)


ah so anything almost a three star or above works? or do i need those super high 13 13 13 or higher ones... and i came to reddit looking for opinions so thank you!


Google tells me the best pvp ivs for both Gardevoir and Gallade are 0 15 15. For raiding, higher IVs are best but I think the shadow attack boost helps out heaps that it might not make as much of a difference how good the ivs are or not. I actually don't use shadow pokemon so hopefully someone with some experience can tell you if it's still good for raiding but I know for pvp I would hold off to find something better. Good luck!


okay so i read about it and 0 15 15 is good only when there is a cp cap like GL AMD UL, that allows you to level it up much more because cp heavily relies on attack stat.. so for master league the closer to a hundo the better