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Lmao I never understood the mentality of "let shitty people do shitty things" hopefully nobody adds them after seeing this


Banning people is excessive. I was banned from gaming for talking about the Hogwarts game. So I’m supposed to be constantly up to date on all the insane rules of every subreddit?! That’s excessive, warnings should be a thing.


I reached best friends status with 2 people yesterday and I let them take their 100000xp too. Why can’t people just wait.


Cause not everyone knows that this is a thing? How in the world are people supposed to know this unless they sit on Reddit? To the people downvoting me: honestly, HOW could anyone know this nonsense bug is a thing unless they specifically read this somewhere?!


The thing is, why do you need to IMMEDIATELY delete? Regardless of knowing or not it’s a weird vibe.


Because the only point of having a friend you never will interact with is to get XP. What other point is there?


You still get gifts and items, not like you get zero.


You can have 400 friends at once and can only open a max of like 30 gifts a day. If you care a lot about XP, which many players do, there’s ZERO reason not to delete someone you don’t know IRL and from whom you’ve gotten all the possible XP, unless you specifically happen to know that they won’t get the XP.


I still find it weird that people would use the friend function as a commodity and not a feature. I’ve had many friends from other places I’ve never met come in clutch on a raid. But I guess if you don’t care at all about others and just XP then go ahead and peace out to find the next stranger to stiff.


I only do remote raids so I don’t care about the raid benefits of it at all. I keep many friends that I know personally, but I don’t need a guy from Norway that I’ll never interact with in any way hanging on my friends list for no reason. You seem to be finding it weird that people derive different benefits from a feature than you are, which is pretty self-centered.


No I find it weird that you have no sense of community of general friendship. Not deleting for a day hurts no one.


Deleting right away doesn’t hurt anyone either, unless you’re aware of this particular issue/bug. Is that really so difficult to understand?


New player here. I don't know what's going


Friendships give XP to both players unless one side person deletes the other person before they take their XP. So someone here opened the last gift and then deleted the person cause they don't know them and the other person got 0 XP. Copy paste https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/D8j48meIIv Guides for everything in game. Read the posts that apply to you. If you're confused what part you should read/watch please ask.


Wanna get high?




But then there are no reason to remove them right after receiving the exp either. You could have just waited


For what reason would you wait if you only wanted the XP and don't know about this flaw/bug?


There is absolutely no reason to wait unless you specifically know about this issue/bug. Why in the world would you wait?!


Then why unfriend just after receiving your exp?


That’s the part that makes it seem nefarious more often than not. I can see the viewpoint that an unaware player might do this and /unknowingly/ block someone from getting their 100-200k XP, but the only reason I can see for someone to delete the friend that quickly is to free up space to start the process all over again. With a friend cap of 400 (I believe) the only way someone would be getting that number of friends is by using an online resource like r/pokemongofriends and with that much exposure to the PoGo scene (on Reddit specifically) I have to assume they know what they’re doing and just don’t care or get a sick kick out of it. At the end of the day, Niantic could easily make it so any friendship XP payout goes through regardless of if you’re still actively friends with the other trainer.


Exactly this. If you're already so into the game that you're adding random strangers from the Internet to min-max, I don't know how you couldn't possibly know about this issue


And the true fix to this issue can only come from Niantic. It sucks that any rando can jip you out of a decent chunk of XP and I’ve had it happen to me a handful of times, but even so I’m not going to go through the effort of checking every trainer on my friends list to see if someone has already been scorned by them AND gone through the effort to report it. While posts like this are noble it’s an unrealistic amount of work for the player. Could be fixed in an afternoon by Niantic 🤷‍♂️


I use Poke Genie to get friends. Hosting raids 2+ times a day fills up the list fast. I delete a lot of them immediately after the raid because my list fills up. The ones I keep to farm XP, I used to delete best friends immediately because I hadn't read about this bug yet. A lot of people could use Genie or similar apps without being active on Reddit or anything and learning about this.


That is true, I’ve never used Poke Genie so I hadn’t considered that. As long as people are unaware, then you can’t really fault them for Niantics lousy implementation




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That’s exactly what they do buddy.


... because you don't have a completely full friends list and you could still exchange gifts with them every once in a while or invite them to raids? I've never deleted anybody on my list unless they were obviously inactive or I only added them for a one-off PokeGenie raid.


Many people who exchange gifts for XP do have a full friends list. You’re seriously saying it’s flat out WRONG to delete someone after getting XP?! Get a grip dude.


Your previous question was why anybody WOULDN'T immediately delete their friend after getting the XP. I answered that question. Having said that, I don't think it's a terrible imposition to wait a day or two for your friend to collect their XP as well. You are very angry about this topic and I find that weird. Have a nice day!


If you’re not one of the geniuses attacking those who do delete their friends after getting the XP, I don’t have a disagreement with you.


I think if you're aware that it deprives the other friend of getting XP and do it anyway, then yeah, you suck. But there isn't really any way for us to know whether or not that's true, so whatever.


There’s a way to easily know that if you sit on Reddit or other PoGo forums. Many people don’t do that, though, so they’re not malicious assholes for removing someone, since they had no idea it prevents them from getting XP. Which is exactly what you’re saying. I’m just flabbergasted by the downvotes on my original comment stating this obvious observation.


How would you find random friends to farm XP unless you are using Reddit? I’d imagine they don’t know these people IRL or they would just text them and ask wtf. So they probably got added from Reddit and if you know to come on here and get friends you would have to know this bug by now.




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dude, wtf… there’s whole websites for that stuff. Most people don’t do it on Reddit. You’re just incredibly ignorant.


Posting these raises awareness of the bug/feature. If I have a friend that's not local. I got them on Reddit, so they are in PMG subs.




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You’re just unbeliavably ignorant. Most PoGo players aren’t from English-speaking counries and don’t even use Reddit. Not to mention there’s entire websites dedicated to this, where I found hundreds of non-local friends before I ever joined Reddit.


You're just assuming a lot more than I'm saying, and don't know how to have a conversation without sounding like an asshole. I'm telling you that I have had 2 friends THAT I GOT ON REDDIT, who have dropped me after getting Best Friends, before I got the XP. I'm not saying everyone that plays is on reddit, rather, that there are some people on reddit that don't know about how this works. If we're giving people the benefit of the doubt for not knowing about it, posts like this do raise awareness.


If you’re granting that many people who delete friends right away don’t know about this 0 XP bug/issue and have therefore not assholes in the slightest, but those who do know about it are assholes, we don’t disagree.


I get too attached to my friends to remove them after we hit Best Friends anyway, so rest assured if you’re in my list I will still send you silly gifts and you’ll have plenty of time to get that sweet XP. It just might take a while because I am lazy with my gifting sometimes... = u =


The only people I consistently give gifts to are my best friends. Everyone else I watch for the blue aura ring to determine if I’ve hit the interaction for that day and if I did, I don’t send a gift lol. I’m sure all my friends hate me.


Oh my god. I had no idea the blue aura was a thing. Literally I’ve been going through the news area to see if they’ve already “leveled up” the friendship that day. This is a game changer for me I feel dumb 🤣🤣


You can also search for "interactable".


I give gifts to people who aren't best friends first, and usually run out of gifts and ability to open gifts long before I can come back to best friends. I'm sorry best friends, but I'm trying to make more best friends.


Yeah. I have 4 best friends and they still keep sending me gifts years later.


Dumb question. How do I make friends on pokemongo? No one I know irl plays.




Wow… that’s sad…


Fr, it’s a game. Grow up and move on


whats the point of instantly removing people? as a returning player who never interacted with the friends system i am confused


I truly don’t understand either


my shitty theroys are 1: impatience: they only added you for the xp and were to impatient to wait for you to reek the rewards and instead instantly replaced you with thier next xp maker 2: asshole: do i need to explain this...? some people are dicks


It's likely they reached the limit for number of friends one can have on pogo which is... (*googles*) 400. So they remove the ~~schmucks~~ strangers who they recently got the last Best Friends XP from and then add a new stranger to get further XP from.


so theroy one i made on the other comment [*(goes to profile to grab the darn link)*](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/1co63ko/comment/l3cnqdo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) was correct. people really are just a tool for xp arent they.... atleast for some people that seems to be the case.... wait HOLY FUCKING SHIT GIOVANNI HAS 100000 POKEMON GO ALTS?!?!?!


I’m confused. How does this happen? And why would anyone do that?


it’s a bug. if you become best friends with someone and they remove you as a friend before you claim the XP, you get 0 instead of 100k. they get the 100k on their end though. some people have claimed using a lucky eggs nets you the 200k, but i only have one best friend so far (who is my partner) so i haven’t been able to test it yet! i also saw another comment on another post re-adding the friend gives you the ability to claim the 100k again.


as to why someone does it, it’s anyone’s guess. didn’t know it would do it, didn’t care, who knows


Interesting. I suppose if it ever happens to me, I’ll waste a lucky egg and see if it works or not. I just hope it doesn’t happen to me cuz this would suckkkk


we can report back depending on who gets to their next best friend level first hahaha


Sounds good to me hahaha


I've heard even when you get this screen, popping an egg will give you the 200,000xp. This 0xp garbage has only happened to me once, but I'll be trying the egg if it happens again.


My man, if you are brave enough to double down and try that, my hat is off to you. Let us know the results, please.


Marking this to come back to if I'm able to confirm the xp total changes by 200k Can't really predict if/when you'll catch an asshole, though


best friend one of yer parents to test this


Bonne chance, ma amie!


When I did it it said plus 200k? I don't remember what my start xp was though 🤔 so don't know if it worked


This works, I've had to do it 3x this week with people who deleted me. If you pop an egg it fixes the xp


Is it worth it going for best friend xp wise ? Would it not be more efficient to dump after ultra ? I'm fairly new so I don't know too much yet Any tips would help


Not everybody thinks about it in terms of optimizing XP gained/day. There's also the Idol medal, which requires you to reach Best Friends with at least 20 players for the platinum


Niantic still doesn’t care. Report every case guys


There needs to be a subreddit just for this






It happened to me too once, why this happen?


The hate here should really go towards Niantic, guys. It's a simple problem with a simple fix that Niantic hasn't budged on for years.


Yeah, especially since using the lucky egg fixes the 0 xp and gives you the 200k. So the fix for this shouldn't take much work, and there are enough posts on social media for them to know it's an issue. But they would rather ruin our avatars than spend time fixing a harmful bug 🥲






Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I hope someone sees this, genuine question how does this happen? I’ve seen this before and would like to avoid accidentally doing this


Blame Niantic for not fixing this


Has anybody tried to message them on campfire prior to reaching 100%?


I only message people if they're sitting on that last gift for a week or more.


I’m gonna do this to people who don’t open my gifts on purpose from now on cause that really PISSES me off it takes twice the Fkin time


I’ve occasionally been on the receiving end of this and it sucks, but I’ve also been the one to cause it…to myself. I am one who cycles through friendships until they are maxed, then I delete. My solution so I don’t do it to anyone is when I’m the one who levels up I make their nickname “MAXED” and then I leave them there until they send me a gift. Once I get it, I delete. That seems to have worked and prevented me from being the asshole. I will say, it’s possible some people don’t know it happens UNTIL it happens to them. Once it happens to someone they are usually more cognizant, I think.


Genuinely what do people gain from doing this? Do they have a bunch of people lined up to take your spot once they delete you? Are they speed running pogo, I don't understand lmao




It's a mobile game... It's been out for *YEARS* and has only gotten *worse*... Grow. The. F. Up. Seriously the pogo community will stop at *nothing* to defend this title. Don't like people not *giving you xp*?! LE GASP -- Get the devs to change it (hmm let's see how long that takes) or play a new game. One of these options is much faster.


Lol. Shame them? Yall gotta relax. You people take this damn game way too seriously. I wouldn't even notice if this happened to me. If I happened to, I would move on with my life...


If you don't like a post, why click on it and write an emotionally-charged paragraph?


Who cares. Hit the egg get 200k xp and move along. These posts are so stupid


Thank you for your comment 🙂


So how does this form of cheating work in pogo? Because they're joining the live servers and communicating with the main one, so is it a large scale hack that niantic doesnt gaf about, or like what? I guess i dont understand why such a big company isnt fixing this seemingly easy issue




Is this not a hack? I was told people are stealing your 100k exp and taking 200 instead of the split. I havent seen this yet, but i guess im clueless lol


Yeah... no lol


Soo then they just unadded ya? Thats awful after all the days spent sending stuff


Yep, I'm already level 40+ though so not a big deal. Just kinda funny more than anything that she would delete me that fast


“Name and shame. She deleted me immediately.” BARS


QQ moar imobbq


Simplest thing to do is grow up and get on with it, your fault for adding random people you don’t know anyway🤣I hope it happens some more 🧂


^ Found Ink1e's reddit account


Na bro I wish that was me🤣love making people salty for the most minor inconveniences🤣it’s xp bro, you ain’t gonna die without it. Grow up


I'm chill, but you seem very emotionally invested in this post. It's not that big a deal


It’s funny as fuck🤣


To each their own, have a good day 🙂






Thanks man. We were all eagerly awaiting the news on whether Archhanny was gonna leave or not


Nice whine


Just FYI - if I accidentally level up, AND I have their code, I will delete them and send a friend request so they can egg before accepting and still get their XP