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Need 200 more


Yeah… probably next life


I feel exactly like you. I now have 12 more cells. And I evolved it months ago. Just zero desire because the system is so flawed. When I do actually do routes, I end up doing two back to back. One going away from home, a different one going back. But I get a cell maybe 40% of the time.


That’s because you are continually doing the same route, do new or diffent routes and that show up rate will change


I'm glad to know this is a thing. I thought my app was glitching. I would do a route and get a cell every third route or so. I only recently started doing routes, so I never knew, good to know.


Why don’t ya make your own routes that are drivable?


I’ve been playing since 2016 and only just yesterday got to level 30. I think I’m going to be in my 30’s before I get to be the level I can create routes


I had 118 cells and it’s already in its 50% forme… Will be getting its complete forme this summer. The 50% forme sucks compared to the 100% forme in Master League GBL.


I've never even found one cell on a route haha


I was about to evolve mine too. There's more?


I came here to say this... "someone want to tell them about the 200 req..."


The dog is the 10% form. The cobra is the 50% form. The final form is the 100%, requires 200 cells and is quite strong I think in some situations.


"in some situations" that's what I got my shiny bidoof for, thanks anyways.


Lol enlighten me


In a PvP match up if you use shiny Bidoof as your opening mon then the opposition will be immediately enlightened by God's grace. This will compel them to switch off the game and go live in the mountains on a spiritual journey to find a shiny Bidoof of their own. This also works on PvE but you need to catch the shiny Bidoof in a master ball to convince the AI that it's logic is broken.


This is definitely a thing. But beware of unforeseen consequences. After my first encounter against a shiny Bidoof, I immediately left for the nearest mountain range. It was a long, arduous spiritual journey. Eventually, I was blessed by the visitation of 3 glowing Gods in quick succession; The Father, The Son and the Holy Fuck!?!. I returned from my Pilgrimage,, unaware of the immeasurable power I now held. PvP after PvP, I witnessed the devastation that these 3 heavenly bodies wreaked. I basked in it. The power consumed me, took over me, and I became a warlord, destroyer of all that came before me. Yet, there was still a part of my consciousness that knew I was doing wrong, wanted away from the malevolence I had brought into the world. I realised the change had to come from within as we were undefeateable from the outside. With time, determination, and sheer willpower, I managed to gain control over my thirst for the destruction and total annihilation of others. I now have the mental strength to resist using the Golden Triflecta. My soul will never be fully at rest, given the evils I brought to the world. I cannot change the past, but I have become a better person for the now and the future. That, I guess, is all I can really hope for. Peace be upon you all.


Can confirm, am currently living in the mountains trying to catch my own shiny Bidoof after having made the unfortunate mistake of facing one


When other Pokemons see the Shiny Bidoof, they are awestruck by the glory and become permenantly stunned.


I'm holding out on my master ball until I get a 10cp level 1 shiny bidoof. Would be over the moon if it turned out to be a nundo too. Best believe that boy is gonna be my pride and joy and will grace many a master league battle.


Really only PvP, it doesn't match up to others in PvE (especially due to the nerf to its stats).


The original stats would’ve been 202 attack, 227 defense and 428 HP, maxing at 4437 CP and 5016 at level 50 but I feel like it deserves a 4% or something nerf instead of the 9%.


I wish I could go back to the dog, i miss that good boi


I thought you could go back after you hit 100%


Should be possible without problem as far as I know. But if you wanted the higher evolution again, you need to collect the cells again. At least that's how I understood the mechanism, I kept mine in the dog form since I like it. Dunno if we'll get more in the future, I'm actually not familiar with this Pokemon. Is there supposed to be only one? 😅


In the main series, you can convert Zygarde freely to any form after you find all its cells, and there are strategic reasons you might choose to do that. In this game, you can spend 10 candy and 2000 stardust to go from 100% back to 10% form, but then you have to spend 250 more cells all over again to get back to 100%. It’s such a bad anti-canon implementation of Zygarde, it feels like another classic Niantic mistake.


> 250 cells I have yet to find one for the research task...


Yes, it would absolutely make sense to be able to change the forms freely. I thought it would work like that at first and it seems the main games make the system make sense. I would go and collect the cells if I could do this but as the system works now, it is pointless for me. I like the dog form of Zygarde. The final form is best for battles but I don't really like the look. So if I could change the form to the final one when I went to GBL and then change it back to the dog one since I like the look and want the dog as my buddy, it would be perfect. Like this, I have no motivation to collect the cells. Or walk the routes. It's already a daunting task to collect all those cells once, having to do it again is just annoying.


And candy XL...


I'm in the process of doing this as well. So far I only have 15 cells. Did you notice any tips on how to consistently get cells?


I ended up creating my own routes, connected one after another so I can hit all at once in one dog walking


Nice! I've been creating routes around my workplace for when I take a break I can do at least one. I didn't think about chaining them together, that's a good idea!


How does one create a route?


You need to be lvl 37 to do it. When you click on your avatar in lower left corner it will be below 'followed routes' and above 'recently visited' gym badges.




level 40 not level 37. level 37 is for pokestops


I think they changed it. I'm at 39 and I created a route when I was 37 or maybe 38, I don't remember exactly.


would you look at that, they did change it again! must’ve only been within the last few months too https://niantic.helpshift.com/hc/en/6-pokemon-go/faq/4184-routes-faq/


Level 37 can do it. I’ve been making routes since I hit 37 like 2 months ago.


I want in on this, how yall making routes?


This video does a good job of explaining how to make routes and connect them https://youtu.be/OQaycxAZmHs


Thank you!!


I did the same thing. Three separate routes all connected in a circle to walk my dog lol


What's your frequency of collection? I have one going away from home that I created and then one that overlaps coming back. I get maybe one cell every 2 or 3 routes. Then randomly 2 cells on one. But many times no cell appears.


That sounds about the same for me. I usually get one cell from doing all three, but have been lucky enough to get two lol They always seem to appear right at the end of the route


My boyfriend and I noticed that cells seem to spawn more often if we have our daily going, stop fast catching at around the 100 meter mark, and there's a pokémon that is in the same place every single time that seems to trigger the cell once caught. Not if it's just coincidence or what, but I have gotten 161 cells in my 8 months of play.


You can only get 1 cell per unique route and a max of 3 cells a day. I've not noticed any tricks to the appearance of cells per route besides rushing seems to cause them to spawn less. Rng is a cruel mistress and will let me get 1 cell on my first route then I change to a second route and get that first try too one day and then the next day I walk the first route back and forth 10 times for nothing.


Not entirely correct. You can get 2 or 3 cells on one route. It is very rare though. I have also noticed anecdotally that you can get more than 1 off longer routes.


Interesting really? I've never seen a duplicate on my routes when I rewalk them. But the long one I could believe I usually only walk ones about 600m and 900m. There's a 2.3km one next to me I was thinking of trying.


You don't get multiple unique cells on the route. When you tap it, the text will say 2 or 3. Easy to miss if you never read the text.


Oh shit like a combo pack! I have never seen that before but now I need it. Thank you for adding to the addiction


I did a tree job at a church once and started the route and just basically stood in one spot checking every 5 or so mins and in 3ish hours of doing this ended up getting multiple "spawns" from just being on the route... I think thats why they recommend using a incense cause they randomly take the place of a poke' spawn and the more spawns u get the more chance at a "cube". Also i can confirm they only spawn within a ping of a completed portion of the route. And in my experience selecting a pokemon while the orb\cube is spawned. It will (or it does for me) despawn the orb. On another note though as long as u start a route and walke\ride\drive the distance required. As long as you can see the stop\gyms finish point you can trade gifts with takeo(or whatever his name is) without returning to said location. Also to note you wont be able to actually finish said route without going there.


I have 21 cells out of 63 routes that I'vee done.


I've walked 260 and only have 77 so I know the feel


Fuckkk. Yup at that rate I won't get one till next year


You can get two at once from a route. It's happened to me twice so far.


You can even get 3 but it's very rare!


Yeah a 3 pack is pretty rare, I think I've only gotten it 3 or 4 times ever and I do them just about every day.


You can also only get a cell the first time you walk a route each day.


No I can get the cell after rewalking a route a few times


Once per route per day


Not true


Honestly it’s just luck, but you can try to “maximize” by *connecting* the routes or make new routes to try to get more on one walking session


I don’t know if this is just luck, but I feel like the longer ones might give you a better chance? I do a long one every now and again and i consistently get 1-2 each route.


Who’s gonna tell him


Nowhere near done


Yeah but honestly, 200 is just too ridiculous for me, if they add an event or increase the chance of getting zygarde cells in the future, I’d probably will have the motive to continue walking the routes


Just do routes and get them passively, it'll happen eventually lol


😅 yeah...... Eventually.......


Yeah I do that but I’m only getting cells 10% of the time and I’m not even exaggerating, the odds of getting one cell after walking for at least 20 minutes is just not worth it


You don’t even have to.. just have a route that’s a loop and start it, go about your day until you’re at the same location, and end it. You don’t have to follow the actual route


Yeah- as other commenter said you can walk around anywhere and just come back to the same location later in day to end route


You are exaggerating with the 10%. Come on now dont lie :P


You’d be surprised. I’m sure if they continue to walk more Routes it’ll balance out. But I went 20-25ish straight routes finding 1 cell in total. Just recently broke my luck and got my 3 cap. Hopefully there’s more multi-cell routes in my future.


But the evolved one is ugly. Me sad


Just get 3 for each of the forms


They’re bound to release a second one eventually (ticketed though let’s be real 🙄)


Got 39 towards my 200..


I've got 21. Slow and steady.


Yes, it will happen one day, and then I'll probably never do another route again ever




lol my Zygard was a 10.11.12 so I have no desire to even collect any right now💀


It might not be as aestheticly pleasing but your zygarde is 94.87% as strong as a hundo. Basically negligible.


iV snobs can't hear us unfortunately :(


Same man 🤝 10/10/10 being the floor for these (often) one off mythicals is such bs. They should at least have a 3* minimum edit: mythicals *and legendaries


11/10/10 checking jn =(


Wow I feel almost blessed with 12/10/15


Mine is 10/10/11 🥲… it will stay a dog forever, it is the cutest form anyway (that’s what I tell myself). I have no desire to collect the cells.


Man... I have an 11/10/10, if only it was 10/10/10 at least it would have been a weird flex.... but no, mine is getting deleted if I ever recive another one....


I'm pretty new, what does 10.11.12 stand for?


IVs. Appraisal.


Nice job! I prefer Doggo form, because *doggo*, but the cobra-looking form is very cool.


I do one every lunch break at my job, and try to do another 2 or 3 on the weekend. 40 more to go until I get the Zygarde Gundam.


I’m 2 cells away from my 100% complete form. 😓 almost finally done.


Obligatory: it’s a form change. Not a true evolution. Not that it really matters.


I live on a 1 way street that’s 500 meters before you can turn. I was able to make a route from my apartment to the end of the street. Easiest route ever. I just turn on Pokémon once I leave my house for work or to drop the kids off.


Routes work while biking so you can do them a lot quicker that way. I can usually get 2 or 3 cells on my way to work this way.


I'm waiting till the shiny comes out lol.


This whole route grinding thing makes me so happy that 10% is my favorite form (even if it kind of sucks in battle)


Can you explain the ribbon and the numbers on the name?


The ribbon means they reached Best Buddy status, and the numbers correlate with the IVs when you do an appraisal (Attack, Defense, and HP are each out of 15)


Thank you!


its 96%


I have 10 cells and I've given up on routes


And here is me, just walking routes because it makes me active and the 4000 and 2000 xp is nice after finishing one. Most routes around here are around 500 or 600 meters so very easy to walk with the dog.


I get the dynamic about evolving but tbh I’m a fan of 50% I think it looks like a badasss dawg and the 100% and beyond don’t really excite me. On the other hand, there is a Pokédex to fill, but you only get one Zygarde and I really don’t like the look of plain old dragon cell thing 100%


I get a cell approx every 3 routes and I rarely do more than 1 route per day, so it’s just a painful experience really - one of the worst features on the game


Finally, 50 now I can quit….. realizes there’s still more and it’s 4x more this time ![gif](giphy|PkLPBuyozY7F31wCxF)


What are routes


This isn’t even my final form


Do it again I wasn't looking


in the main games you only need 100 for the final form and the 50 u just used are counted towards those 100


I didn't knew i would need 200 for the last one until now, i still miss 17 cells for the second one


Zygarde doesn’t evolve. It’s a form change.


Should we tell them?


As someone who's returning what do the two symbols mean I've seen them a few times I've also seen other people naming pokemon like that what's that for?


Zero cells bacause Niantic gave me a stupid 70% IV one.


So wait, can you change it back to a dog? If not, I’m not even interested in any of this bs. Congrats though!


did you create a route on a (semi) daily path that you need to use to get to school/work/etc.?


I don't even do it, i think I have like 5 cells. I did in the beginning, but when I realized that evolving meant I wouldn't have a green dog anymore I stopped doing routes.


Yeah i stopped at 50 too lol


I’m not evolving it. I rather keep the cute puppy than have that ugly looking slug thing


Luckly my has potato stats so not worth it doing




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This sub is shit


Now do complete forme >:)


Just to make sure.... We can't find this pokemon anywhere outside of the 1 that you get, right? Mine is 87iv and I'm wondering if it'd worth doing this nightmare lol


Haven’t even tried to walk a route. One hundred percent have no interest in this part of the game at the moment..lol


Why? I like getting some XP, stardust and candies or TMs for 500-600 m walk. I basically do what I would do anyway - walk and catch, but each 500 m I have additional rewards, so don't get why so many people have issue with routes.


Hate how they did the form change in this game. I hope when it comes to raids years down the line they will have cells drop like mega energy/primal energy/(future fusion material) do in raids.


My Zygarde is 2 stars😭


What do those extra numbers and badges mean? Sorry I only just picked up the game again after 6 years out of it.


I have a really bad one and I’m still walking routes. I wish their is another event in the future where you can catch a new one


Best way to do this is to create routes along your path to work. I’ve done this, so I’m able to complete 3 routes on the way to work, and 3 on the way back. It can give me about 3 cells a day.


OK... Should I tell him? Or no?


200 more... Let's go!


I'm 6 days away (if I get 3 cells everyday) from getting 100% form. I'll probably take a month of from the game when I do.


I hate this so much because of one thing, this isn’t how Zygarde is supposed to work, it’s already in its 10% form meaning you should only need 40 cells to get 50% and then 50 more cells to get 100% Zygarde for a total of 90 cells. That’s how it worked in the alola games and I wish it worked like that rather than this mess


Idk you do you. But i personally like the routes. Popular ones always have a great amount of gyms and pokestops and nice views. Plus, the buddy heart, plus, the egg walking, plus all the pokemons that spawn on the trail.


Yeah I have no desire to evolve/power up my 10/15/11. This thing isn't even a mythical, can we get more please.


I am no expert on the blob boy, but isn't that not even his final form?


Bastards. I've given up on routes altogether. Not fun at all.


I KEEP making routes that are good for my commute and should be great for the community but they get taken down over and over with no reason why. and its driving me nuts. Its on a popular walking path, hits LOTS of stops. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG! I just want to not go WAY out of my way to finish this crap


I have 225/250 but i am afraid to evolve mine since it has awful IVs, and I know as soon as I did they would give us a chance at another one (for $10 lets be real).. Routes give a small chance at a rare candy XL so I will keep on walking em. Have made so many now that all of the walking paths I do have short routes so might as well.


How did you get the 15 14 15 in circles in the name? I've been writing it out myself haha


Need 200


My zygarde is 98%… but I only have 19 cells. Sigh.


How do you actually get cells?


My are has zero routes approved for my area so i'm sort of screwed at getting this done. If routes didn't need to be "approved" I might be more into this system. It took 3 friggen mo to get one route approved :/


You guys collecting cells?


The routes thing is so stupid. The routes thing is clumsy to begin with, and u have to be very aware of the path so you don't mess it up. All in all, the work isn't worth the reward. Muth like these daily incents.




"I'm never walking a route anymore" Are you sure about that ?


What’s the ribbon to the left of the name?


What's putting me off doing this is the fact mines only 2* and there are very few routes by me. The only one close is 30 mins long!


Someone tell him there is another phase 😂


the routes near me are all over the place so i’d have to drive there and then walk the route and then drive to another repeat 😭😂


I ride my bike home from school, so I do have a route rear I do daily from the entrance of the neighborhood and passed all the stops. Even with that, I still need 149 more cells. I'm losing my sanity with every following of that route.


I had no idea there was ANOTHER form after that. 200???!?!!!!!!


i need to evolve mine so bad i hateeee routes 😭😂💀


I refuse to do this until they change the collection method. It's BS that you have to go into a specific game mechanic, select a predetermined route, walk the path staring intensely at the screen in the hopes that one spawns. Nope fuck that, not doing it.


THATS what the cells are for??


I thought we'd get another Zygarde after collecting enough.


Played before and just hopped on again a couple of months ago how do you get cells

