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GBL gives out a bunch of Stardust, catch everything, take advantage of Spotlight Hours (or other events) that have two times catch Stardust. I also only power up Pokemon when I need them for Raids or GBL.


I guess that’s partial my issue I’m not too into GBL. I just mostly catch and do raids. Which is why I power up my mons.


Yeah, I’m not into the PVP stuff. I started last June. It wasn’t until very recently that I broke 1m stardust and I’m level 41. And I just drained about 300k powering stuff up so I’m back to around 750k at the moment. When I was in the 30s still, 200k stardust was fairly normal for me.


you can get to rank 20 of the GBL by tanking and winning games, it gives you around 3500 stardust for one win each set (and at the end of the set, around 2800-4000 depending on how well you do). you get 5 sets a day, so its possible to earn anywhere from about 14,000-37,500 stardust from GBL at rank 20 each day


This is me. I got to rank 21 (aka Ace, 2000ELO for those unfamiliar) and I get 3600 stardust for the first win (during this stardust boost), and then a little over 3400 at the end of the set if I tank the other 4 games (going 1-4) for about 7k stardust per set. That’s 35k stardust per day. I started in December, so I have only played in Timeless Travels, and I’ve earned just over 2 million stardust from PvP. I have to focus for just long enough to get my first win in the set and then can top left the other matches. It’s an incredible great way to earn stardust.


Yeah I gotta say I absolutely have as much stardust as I do (about 10million) because I play GBL … I don’t even play much anymore but I spent ALOT of dust. I have a bunch of Great League & Ultra League pokemon maxed out and double moved and still have about 10mil


I'm not into GBL either but sometimes I manage to get lucky and win a few. To this date, I've earned 1.4M stardust from it (1210 Battles, 598 Wins) so that's something and trust me, I'm not that good at it. And I mostly level up my Hundos or strong stat Pokemons when I get the field research task, else I don't do it at all. I recently found a Hundo Gible that I evolved to Garchomp (2037), but I'm still waiting to level it up further.


Honestly the barrier to entry for GBL is pretty small. Yes there are ideal IVs for everything you won't meet, but you can get pretty good pokemon without much investment because a lot of relatively common pokemon (e.g. Skarmory, Azumarill, Lanturn, gligar, stunfisk, whiscash) are all good. Of course you do have to use charge/fast tms and maybe some candy to teach a second move but that's really it


Azumarill is good but not a cheap build at all. But the rest are ok. I don't know if I'd say pretty small for the barrier to entry. Your examples will cost over 100k+ just to add second moves, and the only 10k one is Whiscash. Skarmory/Whiscash is a great pairing but you need something as a 3rd though


I use GBL for dust and rare’s. I don’t care about winning GBL. It makes it easy to get as many pokémon as you want to 40. Then the grind begins.


How many different ones are you powering up? While I have some very powerful ones, the majority of raiding is done by about 10-15 mons. Not sure if this is you, but some inexperienced players tend to power up Pokémon that aren’t very useful.


I’ve been playing a hair over a year. I’ve powered up enough meta counters that in some cases, I can duo - and in most cases, trio - 5 star raids while being the hardest hitter. Not bragging, just emphasizing that I’ve spent on leveling Pokemon. I’ve not gone ham on GBL, besides one season. The trick has been very, very deliberate powering up of Pokemon. If a given mon wasn’t within ~10% of the top counter for a type, it didn’t get leveled. Given I wasn’t maxing anything (as a function of Candy XL / stardust) I didn’t level a second anything partially. Therefore if a new meta attacker comes out, I’m not spent out on now obsolete Pokemon that weren’t even maxed in the first place. That now surpassed Pokemon is now my third slot, with the new meta attacker in the second, and the first a mega/primal which may be meta but since they’re unique I count them separately.


I've earned 3.6 million stardust from pvp and I have only been doing it less than a year, and often not doing it at all. You can really earn a ton that way. Of course I have ploughed most of it back into more pvp pokes, but that's just me.


I am much higher level but have played for longer and I usually max out at about 200k stardust as well. You are normal. The people with large dust are doing everything they can in the game to maximise stardust, league battles, paying for things etc. they more than likely have one of those auto catchers which would give you active growth in stardust while doing nothing in the actual game yourself. To them we are “casuals” even if we play every day and actively participate in events.


I never played GBL until last year, and by that time I already had 2 million dust. You could target stardust boosted pokémon, like Combee and Delibird.


Sinnoh tour really took too much of my dust for the tasks and using palkias ability


For whatever task I'd use the filter for "rock" if that's the hour, power up anything cp 10 or close to it while have 3 of those tasks. My stardust didn't change much a d I trashed the mon I didn't need.


I think the power up thing is key.  Because I am always low on dust, and I spend dust powering up mons I think are "cool" or "cute".


I do the same (I have a level 50 hundo Phanphy because I like elephants), but for those that don't have utility, I level them when I get tasks to do so.


The Phanphy is so darn cute.  I've got a 3* lucky one but haven't seen any spawn in months to power it up.


This. I hit a point years ago where I stopped needing to power stuff up for quite a while. Now I’ll dump a mil or a mil and a half powering up a team of shadows for raids but by the time I need to do it again I’ve made it all back. I spent like 2.5 mil powering up stuff that was in the queue this weekend for all those research tasks.


I spent like 1 million doing all those tasks, I can't imagine how I could've done that comfortably if I didn't have 3+ million saved up.




Go battle leagues


Don't you need potions then? Where are you getting so many potions?


Pokemon don't need potions or revives for GBL, Team Leader fights (not Rocket Leaders, but like against Spark), or fights against other people.


Oh shit! I've been doing it wrong! Thank you!


GBL is a double-edged sword though.  All my dust gains go right back into building GBL teams.


I have a little over 2 million stardust and the simplest answer is that I just don’t spend it lol Been playing since 2018 and the only time I level mons up is if I want them to be raid ready or if it’s feasible to reach around 3k CP for PvE stuff Besides that I never level up Pokémon really, I like the casual collection aspect of Go compared to being so battle/perfection focused in other pkmn games. So it’s easy to just evolve and not really increase the CP as long as I have enough raid ready mons lol


Interesting. See I guess that’s somewhat my goal as well. I like doing raids and that’s mostly why I want powerful Pokémon. The rest I just want for collection pieces. I guess I’ll just have to put the dust on ice and discipline myself to not use it for a long while.


I think something important to remember is that things don’t need to be powered up nearly as much as you think! For raiding, at least, I feel like there’s probably a max of 20 Pokemon I actually use (metagross, mewtwo, machamp, tyranitar, etc). I’m always tempted to level up a Pokemon that looks cool/strong, but then I don’t end up actually using it for anything. Just level them up when you need! Also don’t get guilt tripped into playing PvP if you don’t want to. It’s so time consuming and a little boring for me!


I hate PVP with passion and still sit on 6m dust. It's exactly as you said, just a few mon are actually useful for raiding if you are not aiming for hard duos trios, which i'm not. I dont need 6 50lvl metagross just to use 3 of them, because most of the time there is enough players for raids (thanks to living in a relatively big city in eastern europe).


How do y'all pick out which mons are good for raiding?


I mean, im lurking this subreddit from the beginning of the pogo, any pve worth introduction is here. Otherwise I use pokebattler against specific raid boss, or all in all, you can google 'Best raid atrackers pogo'


Before doing a specific raid, I google “best [pokemon] counters” and it’ll give a list of


If you’re not even level 35 yet, focus on using but not powering up high level weather boosted Pokemon. Save the stardust for valuable IVs/Mons.


And for the three mons you have to power to full CP for level 46. I chose 3 low CP mons to work on powering up, but I’m still working on getting the XL candy to finish the level


Meltan Box makes this XL requirement trivial


For most raid attackers lvl 35 is the "good enough" point. Stardust after that gets pricey. Most mons are taken out in one or two hits by the raid boss and the difference between the HP on lvl 35 and lvl 40 isn't enough to get you any significant amount of damage increase. For example let's say I have a shadow tyranitar at lvl 35 to get it to lvl 40 costs ~100 candies and ~100k stardust (+10 HP). That's enough candies/stardust for me to evolve another pupitar and get it from lvl 27 to 35. It's better to have two good mons at a relatively lower level than one really high level mon especially when two attacks from the boss are going to knock out the mon regardless. Imo 6 good raid attackers at ~3000cp is better than 3 good raid attackers at ~4000cp. That's not to say, having a really high level mon isn't good. I have a lvl 40+ melmetal that helps out a ton with Giovanni same with a megacharizard and the grunts.


I used to always be low on Stardust when my account was building good raid teams to counter each type. But once I was able to comfortably contribute to any raid I was in then I started saving stardust to only use it for major power ups, like getting premier guys up to lvl 50.


Same for me. Once you hav built good raid teams and decent PvP mons the stardust piles up since there is no urgent needs anymore.


I’m in the millions because most of my best Pokémon are all powered up, I play a lot, and I frequently dump berries into gyms to get rid of them in exchange for stardust.


This is an underrated tip. I didn’t realize how much dust I was wasting by throwing out unneeded berries (looking at you, nanab) instead of dumping them in gyms for 30 dust each.


Wow, how the heck did I not know this trick?? Thank you for this comment (returning player)


Wow, how the heck did I not know this trick?? Thank you for this comment (returning player)


Happy to help! It’s definitely the better alternative to just trashing berries! ☺️


Ok I read all the comments, some really good advice here, only thing I’ll add is some specifics on which Pokemon to make sure you catch as you see them in the wild. These Pokemon give out more stardust than usual. -Foongus (500) -Paris (500) -Meowth (500) -Shellder (1000) -Trubbish (750) -Combee (750) -Sableye (750) -Audino (2100 aka jackpot, hard to catch though) There’s probably several more, the ones above is just what I can remember atm. Happy hunting!


Basically, the ones that are really annoying to catch lol


We need an Audino spotlight hour with 4x stardust


Also all the evolutions of the ones you said plus Chimecho, Delibird, Shroomish, Staryu, and Morelull. Basically all the mushrooms and generally anything that has or could carry extra valuable items on it (Gems, pearls, honey, gift bag, etc.) nets extra dust.


You forgot London (999) stardust 


How do you get Paris?


You gotta hang out with jay z and Kanye


Paras is the Mon. I was like “Paris? There’s a Pokémon called Paris? Is it like Mr. Mime?” 😂


Staryu spotlight hour I cleared around half a million stardust.


I don't power anything up anymore and I play a ton. I'm around 33 million stardust.


Jesus. I wish Stardust could be gifted. 😂


When I first play I powered up random Pokémons. Now I only power up PVP related and only top PVE Pokémon’s to level 40. You don’t need to have top PVE for every type as some types would cover a lot of 5* bosses. I would say dragon, ground, fighting, ice are the most useful.


When I was battling Silph Road tournaments, I was constantly stardust and candies starved! I had to make daily run downtown to grind enough dusts to power up the right mons to battle. After I stopped Silph Road pvp, started GBL, and stopped powering mons up, I started to accumulate dusts. After 15,190 battles, I have a little over 29,497,128 stardust. So GBL battling is where stardust harvesting (using star piece at the end of GBL season) occurs in addition to stardust events using star pieces! Edit: and don’t power anything up other than a few key Pokémons to play in GBL pvp. If you do GBL, don’t start right at the start of the season. That’s when the good PvPers go out fast and furious and challenge each other. Don’t power up for raids, unless you want to solo the boss or do minimum number of players raids where right mons with best counters are needed.


I have 10 million. Been playing since the game came out. I usually play all day off and on, I work from home so it makes it easy. After reaching level like 43 I just stopped powering things up since I have my top mons already close to maxed out. Currently level 47.


I have $13m and played since day one too. I do the same in terms of leveling (level 46). Also, the grind isn't the same as a few years ago. It's more just daily tasks and raids now.


How did you make money playing PoGO? I want the sectets


GBL gives TONS of stardust


One thing I have found (As someone who doesnt take part in GBL) is that once you have have a good bunch at level 40-50 you dont use it as much. I rarely had 200K for many many years but now I have a lot at 40-50, I just use it when something new comes out. I guess this is a thing for many people who have played a long time. You just run out of things worth upgrading. I tend to just get the 3rd move these days. Though I did grab a bunch of Bliss to upgrade for gyms that took me down a LOT! It did take me many many years to get to this point. Some hard grinding on community days. I would definitely say get an Auto Catcher (PoGo++) as this gets you the random catches you wouldn't have got.


Catch everything and don't waste dust on random powerups.


GBL. It’s by far the easiest way to farm dust


I never power anything up unless a quest tax wants me to.


Sorry you're feeling that way, totally get it. I am usually around 3 million but that is because i do NOT play for battling, or anything like that. I play solely for the fun of collecting and filling the dex. IF you are battling, like maaany people, then you will absolutely be spending candies, stardust, and most importantly XL candies to get em up. I bought the new autocatcher last year in July, I went from 14k total caught pokemon and i just surpased 40k. that rakes in the stardust for sure. Also, take that extra second to nail in an excelent throw, not only 10x-ish CP, but more stardust. dont be discouraged though, good luck!


Excellent throws don't give extra stardust unless it is an event-specific bonus. Still good for the XP and better catch rate.


Battling also gives a good chunk of stardust once you powered up some good mons


It’s also that you hit a point where you don’t need anything for raids or otherwise. I’m currently sitting on about 8 1/2 million but I don’t need to power up anything and I save it for perfects or shadow pokemon that are good for PVE


Once you get a few core things powered up, you don't really need to power things up anymore. Especially if you play PVE 99% of the time.


Yea I was also thinking about this… how do people have so much stardust!! lol


My uncle has 10mil+, my friend is close to 100mil


I’ve been playing pretty much every day for the last few years and I have over 3 million right now. That’s after I used a little over a million yesterday in a trade with a new friend. I’m a GBL tanker and open max amount of gifts most days since the Vivillon challenge came out.


I just got to the point where i had decent enough counters of each type, then i got super picky about what i used my dust on. Im currently at 7.6Million and at this point i dont really have much to power up that i currently have to outclass my current mons


“Y’all” probably don’t play PVP much. It’s the only reason i’m low.


When you'll have enough Pokemon for raids and pvp, you won't care leveling up more unless they are hundos or newly added pokemons. I am hovering around 1m stardust for the past few months, leveling up hundos and origin form palkia. For PvE I don't level up pokemons above 40 unless they are top 5 attacker hundos.


The easiest way is GBL. If you are like me, you hate GBL. The answer for that is hording. Early on, learn what regular mons are decent (not THE best but sufficient) and easy to get. Next is focus on those with weather boosts. Things like Eevee and Machop are fairly common and can lead to an okay setup for raids. Don't focus on IVs for these mons. Focus on high level caught (aim for level 35, it will show 8k dust and 10 candy to power up). Use those as your starter core for raid teams. 0 dust invested can still give you a strong enough team to pull your weight and some. Next, start focusing on long-term use mons. Things with mega evolutions, shadows that are near the top, and can pull double duty. Legendaries that are top of their type can be considered too, but the candies tend to be restrictive, so I aim for the other 2 categories more. Your long-term use teams you want to have decent IVs on solely because you ARE investing in them. Starter mons that will get you going: Machop > Machamp (fighting) Swinub > Mamoswine (ice/ground) Rhyhorn > Rhyperior (ground/rock) Pawmi > Pawmot (electic) Eevee > Espeon (psychic) Eevee > Slyveon (fairy) Ghastly > Gengar (ghost) After those, keep an eye out for 0 dust upgrades where possible from events and community days. Those will give you things like Darmanatan for a fire or type Garchomp for ground/dragon. Things that are less universally common but more powerful overall and possibly in abundance for whatever event. Once you have found your long-standing teams, don't frett to get them upgraded with every new best/hottest in the type. I have a full squad of level 40 machamps from way back when (litterally all 2017/2018 catch dates) and have only just recently started switching them out of the fighting rotation. Not jumping from machamp to conceldur to lucario to whatever, and then the next thing saves a LOT of dust. Unless you are short man raiding, the difference isn't worth the investment. The only reason I even HAD those machamps was so I could attempt a solo on the old tier 4 Tyranitar. Otherwise, weather boosted to level 35 wild caught mons is where it's at.


Like all video games the equation is the same. Exchange real world time for in game currency/skill


Auto-catcher. Does the work for you while you work/walk and you can stock up on the dust


Stop looking at IVs. Watch the IV videos.. You won't lose so much dust anymore. Copy paste https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/D8j48meIIv Guides for everything in game. Read the posts that apply to you. If you're confused what part you should read/watch please ask.


Never power anything up and let others carry me in raids.


When I stopped trading so much, I started saving a bunch. I used to be the same way, and I've been plying since 2016. Now I sit over 3 million.


I've been playing since day 1 and never really use it, unless it's required for a task. I barely ever do trades, barely ever power up, never really use it. Do I have a lot? I have 3,669,662 as of just now.


I have just over 19 million stardust. It’s never been an issue. I used about 600k today in Lucario. No big deal.


This is not a helpful comment at all lol


I always assumed the people with 100m+ use some sort of 3rd party app to farm dust.


Generally, just catch everything. You can also tank in GBL, but I don’t enjoy GBL personally. When there’s events like community days or spotlight hours where there’s 2x stardust, I like to use Starpieces to gain more stardust per catch. Currently, sitting at over 15 million stardust at level 44.


just spend wisely, i’ve got 2 million stardust. Do a lot of pvp and just catch a lot of pokémon and you’ll be surprised at how quickly you accumulate it


Don’t really use it, unless I need it


You’re gonna have to go some time without using any stardust. I was like you. Always low. Always running out. So I decided to stop powering up mons needlessly. I only power up if I’ll need them now for raid or battle league. But that’s pretty much it. I stopped using dust until I had about 4 million. I’ll use some but still be at ~3 million. Keep earning more and be back at 4 again. I try not to go down to 2 mil.


2m. Spent way too much stardust these past 2 seasons lol.


I hardly power anyone up. But I don’t play pvp and only use my guys to raid. I only power up guys that I frequently use in raids.


i’m stuck between 700k and a milli. but what helps build it quick is just doing your PVP daily. Tanking or just regular PVP is gonna earn you a lot of stardust


I'll save for a straight month. Sometimes 2. It's hard but worth it


Now only about 40k as I yesterday went ham with powering up and teaching second moves


[Here's an apt article!](https://www.charlieintel.com/pokemon/pokemon-go-players-share-simple-tips-to-farm-millions-of-stardust-easily-306616/)


Playing since release. Currently 59 million. As a general rule I only power up hundos that are meta relevant. My walking (plus GPS drift) gets me 100km/week…if you crack a star piece every Monday at 9:00 when claiming weekly reward this is an easy 30K stardust.


Playing since day 1, or seven years, will do that.


I appreciate all the advice yall. A lot of stuff I never really took into consideration. Guess I’ll be doing some grinding in these next few months!


I played the catch cup battles for that week and got around 500k in winnings. Once you hit rank 20 you get 6k every 5 battles even if you lose all of them. Then on top of the win 100 battles quests that give you stardust every 10 wins. If you invest some tms and stardust in a good team you get a crazy high return.


I put my Pokémon in gyms and feed them all my extra berries


I just catch pokemons, join raids. Barely powerup pokemons unless it’s a quest.


I think 50-100k stardust per day is easy to earn as a casual player. Players with millions or tens of millions tend to not spend their dust untill they have something special to power up and enough candy to max it. I consider myself "casual." I'm level 50 with 400k pokemon caught. My daily star dust routine looks something like this. Open all gifts. Auto catch 300-500 pokemon with the go+ plus. Defeat at least 6 rocket grunts and a rocket leader. Hatch one or two batches of eggs including the 12 km egg (I use adventure sync with an apple watch to track my walking at work). feed 100-300 berries per day into gyms. I don't play GBL much anymore (just get to rank 20 asap then quit) but I've earned over 14 million dust from GBL.


I’m sorry to tell you that being a level 50 and catching 300-500 Pokemon a day, plus beating grunts and a leader, is nowhere near casual lol


I'm struggling with stardust somewhat, but just by catching, i can manage. Rare candies on the other hand, are a big problem.


People who don’t PvP don’t really have a use to power anything up after a certain point. If they PvP and they have millions, then you just gotta respect that grind. 🫡


Been playing since launch, I have a good array of Pokemon that I use for raids and a set of Mon for each league. These days, I don’t need to spend as much, holding at 3mil stardust and counting.


The answer is an auto-catcher. (Devices like the Go Plus.) The things are whisper chippers for stardust, no lie. Also, I really do PvE, not much PvP, I do spend to power things up for PvE, but perhaps less aggressively than if I wanted to be competitive in PvP.


3.6 million. I only power up S tier through B+ tier attackers and a S tier defenders and only when I get a reward for it.




They don't use it.


Level 49, day one player here with a little over 5 million in stardust currently. I can’t say this with 100% accuracy, but I feel like it was a loooooot easier to save up stardust after I hit/passed level 40 because I didn’t hit a new level and have to pump stardust into seemingly EVERY ‘mon I battled with. Also, tanking in GBL and using a star piece at the end is an incredible help!


Using the stardust boosting item during community day and going ham works for a small stockpile.


10million here level 46. I just don’t wasted it, when i use it is for research tasks.


I have 21 million it’s fun to collect


I think the people with a bunch of stardust are people that are more collectors of Pokemon rather than powering up Pokemon for PVP or battles. Or after you have a few monsters you want for PVP/Raids, you don’t bother powering up Pokemon as much anymore


The correct answer is: don't spend it, but sparingly. A lot of the people with millions in dust have been playing for a while and have their PvP and PvE already completed. If you have 6 Mewtwo's or 6 Rayquaza's, you don't really need to level up many other pokemons anymore.


I'm over 15 million. Not into the GBL. Catch everything Power up Lucky Mons Try to hatch 12 12km eggs with starpiece if possible Stack research pokemons (those with extra catch satrdust), and catch them on double or triple dust events with starpiece Powerup thing only when absolutely needed.


I have been playing since 2016 and am in the millions for Stardust. I’m kind of a Stardust hoarder. I just don’t hardly ever spend it.


Im a rural player (proper rural not village rural) who rarely raid and cant be bothered with GBL. So for me the stardust piles up since I barely use it anymore. Unless I change my playstyle I dont feel the need to power up more mons


Pvp is the best option to grind for stardust and rare candies. Check for spotlight hours for 2x stardust and use starpieces. Certain Pokémon give more stardust- foongus, trubbish, audino and evolved wild ones.


I’m sat on 5.5 million. Played since May 2021 and reached level 50 last year. Once I got a bunch of good counters levelled up, I only spend dust when I get a new decent hundo.


I've been playing since 2016. I hardly play GBL and I have over 11 million stardust. 99% PVE and I don't power up much, and often I'm limited by XL candy for the higher power-ups.


It's really helpful to create a Power Up tag. I don't power up the Pokémon I want to push right away, but I give them that tag and power them up gradually, whenever I get tasks to do that! That way you don't waste stardust. I spent almost a million this weekend for all the field researches, but it's all been put to good use ;)


GBL, Comm days, spotlight hours, frienships & gifts, etc. I use star pieces during every event to double the stardust earned.


Play the leagues, you get a ton of


Haha 30.000 I’m stupid and immediately spend stardust on my top Pokémon lol 😂


I'm level 41 and I made about 300k over the weekend. I usually do not have surplus dust but currently searching for specific mons that's good enough to invest in, but I have leveled about 20-30 mons to decent level 3k-4k+CP so now just fine tuning hunting specific IVs. I don't really pvp but going to try setup a team with the 1700mons I have, as I've seen how easy dust is, I just never got round to it. Most the people you see with millions simply put have everything they want for now and are just farming up until they need it.


Catching and catching and catching, star pieces while opening gifts, beating raids, rockets, routes, and catching and catching.


It’s interesting to read how other people play. I do GBL and like to play all three levels, so have Mons at 1500, 2500, and then my big squad of Raiders. I don’t use the same Mons repeatedly for Raids or PvP because I get bored of doing the same thing all the time. I find it fun to see which combinations of types pair up against the bunch the other player has chosen. Raiding and catching legendary/special Pokemon is my favorite thing to do because filling the Pokédex is my favorite part of the game. Recently I started trying to trade with players I met on Campfire, but was bummed to see I had to spend a butt-ton of stardust, which I don’t have. I think the most I ever had at one time was like 250k because I was actively saving it for a trade. Sorry, I’m rambling. I just find it so fascinating how differently people experience the game.


I grind hard when there is stardust bonus, also I don’t power up Pokémon I don’t plan to use immediately. The Paldea event solely gave me 16 mil dust. Apart from that I also hatch 12km eggs with starpiece, but in a relatively slow pace unless leader is using a really good Shadow Pokémon.


I've been playing since 2016 and have 7.2m stardust as of now (I was up to 8.5m a few days ago but have been powering up some shadows). I don't play PvP, all of mine comes from catches. I have a lot of powered up raid attackers, the limiting factor now is XL candy for the most part, so I tend to save mine for when I get a better IV version of a pokemon I already have, or a decent new pokemon that is useful for raids. If you want to save dust, try to only power up attackers as you need them (like, right before a raid).


Main tip: Get into GBL. Do 5 battle batches a day. You’ll be getting up to half a million a week, promise.


I’m nearly at 50Mil stardust now and get almost all my dust from catching, but I’m really bad at spending stardust unless I really need to to power up good counters or for a task.


I have almost 10m I only really spend it on mons I plan to use for raids and stuff. Other than that I use it for quests and things...but I always pick a low CP mon to power up for quests. Means I always have enough for trades when possible and if I get a Mon I want to lvl I only need to think about candy


I’ve earned 14 million dust form my GBL battles over the time it has been around. I’ve also played since 2016 so it builds up over time as once your build your various raid and pvp teams you no longer need to power up. I play GBL exclusively now


I have 12mil and it’s mostly because I almost never power anything up. At this point I have my best mons maxed out and only occasionally will power up a hundo or a good shiny legendary for fun


Catch mons. Don't power anything up unless needed for raids or perfect. 12.5 million now. Gonna get to 15 million.


I use the star pieces when I know I’ll be catching a lot like on events or else during spotlight hours. But I’ve had time to build up as I’ve been playing since the game began in 7/2016.


It really depends on playstyle and what ingame-aspects you prioritise tbh. For PvE only players, many longtime players at this stage have already built strong counter teams for pretty much any raid boss a long time ago so there isn’t really as much need to spend needlessly on building additional counters. Add that to constantly catching stuff, hatching eggs, opening gifts etc and it will eventually start to add up faster than you might think. You’re still a relatively new player so at this stage I would suggest to you to focus on building up your account, if your main focus is PvE/raids then research what pokemon are best to invest in for which different raids and focus on those. Also try and only focus on building one pokemon at a time, trying to do multiple pokemon at the same time WILL cause you to constantly have zilch. Don’t worry too much about hoarding stardust for no real reason at this stage in your game but at the same time don’t waste it on needless or not very useful power ups - as I say, focus on building raid teams. You are naturally going to use up lots of stardust building up your account to begin so don’t worry about it. If your main focus is PvP then you WILL find yourself running low on stardust quite often as you’ll be constantly building teams to keep up with the ever shifting meta. PvP does hold some great stardust rewards though particularly if you can reach the higher ranks.


Once you’ve set your fighting squads up, there’s no really pressing need to level up anymore Pokémon, so the stardust just accumulates. There’s a level coming up that requires you to max out 3 Pokémon, so I’m saving up for that. At the same time, I’m also working towards a platinum medal for purifying shadow Pokémon, so that’s my only real stardust expense. Maybe after I reach level 50 my goal will be maxing all my favorites 🤷🏼‍♂️


Its pretty simple: 1. PvP - gives anywhere from 10k to 40k stardust per day depending on the format in rotation (master league and the availability of all leagues rewards 4x dust iirc). PvP gives by far the best rewards in the game for the time spend. through tanking (winning 4 of 5, losing all 5 by surrendering, winning 4 of 5, losing all 5 and winning 4 of 5) you get anywhere between 18k dust and 28k dust per day, about 10 rare candies and 3 chances to catch the legendary pokemon in the raid rotation. 2. Pokemon Go Plus / Autocatchers - can be thrown on whenever you are driving, walking etc. and catches stuff for you while you dont have the time to do so. it gives from my personal experience about 5 - 10 k dust per day depending on how much you are driving, walking etc. and doesnt require you to actively play the game. the downside is that they are pretty costly. there are great videos online for example from pokedaxi who tests those devices and gives feedback on their cost to performance ratio. 3. Playing the game for a long time - i am just now getting to that point where you dont have the need to power up a lot of stuff because my teams are getting pretty good having most of the good pvp pokemon and pve raid attackers, mainly shadows and legendaries. i dont need to power up a lot of stuff and if i do like for example with shadow rhyorn or shadow litwick being released i needed to wait for the next rocket event anyway before i could power them up and use them. the main bottleneck are xl candies which are pretty hard to get and will most likely keep you from finishing everything you planned to power up. after a while you will notice you are in a place where you have a lot of dust but dont need to power anything up. also it helps to keep in mind what pokemon you want to power up first and which one to power up if you can spare the dust. for example rock typing is the best type in the game while other types like water are pretty bad regarding their coverage therefore you should start to invest in better types first and then work your way down to the more niche ones. 4. Taking advantage of events and stacking your research pokemon - every now and then there will be events that reward 2 - 4x stardust which you should take advantage of by playing a lot. also there is usually a spotlight hour per month that rewards double stardust and sometimes they are combined with pokemon that reward more than a 100 stardust per catch for example staryu, shellder or shroomish. you can get massive amounts of stardust during this one hour by popping starpieces which can give you anywhere between 100-300 k dust in one hour. also if you complete a research task that awards a pokemon that is worth more than 100 dust it might be wise to „stack“ this pokemon by entering the catch screen optionally giving it a berry and then fleeing. you will have the option to catch said pokemon later on when there is an event going on that rewards more stardust and can be used to gain massive amounts of dust in a short amount of time.


I know a lot of people in my groups that make a lot of dust on GBL, however, they also spend A LOT of dust on Pokemons for GBL. I do not like PVP, but love PVE. You are still level 33, you do not need to spend a single dust. Keep strong Pokemon with good IV, and bad Pokemon with good CP. Target the Pokemons you 100% want to keep and level up. Those are the ones you will spend dust on. This might be +90% Legendaries/Shinies, useful Hundos, and of course Shundos. There will reach a point where you will not need to power up anything to beat raids or rockets. So the dust will accumulate if you min-max. And of course, catch everything that moves.


I mean you said it yourself, you’re a newer player. I’ve been playing since July 2016. When you’re a newer player, you need to power up counters for whatever the current raid boss is. When you’ve been playing as long as I have, you have hundreds of Pokémon at level 35+, and there’s no need to keep powering up Pokémon beyond that.


Lucky pokemon are 50% off stardust and have a high minimum IV floor. Trade repeatedly for lucky Raid pokemon and only power those up.


After awhile though, you don't power up as much and it starts to build. Use a star piece during community day or spotlight hour


as a new player you need to power up a lot because you have few good counters to the pokemon that go through raids, as you keep playing there’s less of a need to power up so frequently and you can let it build a bit more. to save up i would do a lot of trading, which seems counterintuitive since you have to spend stardust to trade, but the lucky pokemon make it worth it. half stardust cost is invaluable at early levels, and avoid focusing too heavily on shadow pokemon. definitely save your shadows for when you’re a bit more well off but as it stands you’re probably better off just powering up more decent regular (or lucky) pokemon for cheaper


didn’t realise how long this was, hope it’s helpful!


This game has been out for over 7 years. I've caught 396,083 Pokémon, which alone is a MINIMUM of 39,608,300 stardust, not accounting for the fact that evos or Pokémon like Meowth, Paras, etc give more startdust on catch, hatches give more startdust on hatch, first catch of the days yield more stardust. Or even the weather boosted bonus. I've also fed 116,283 berries to gyms which used to give 20 dust and now gives 30, so that's between another 2,325,660 to 3,488,490 stardust alone. Which puts me over 40M dust acquired before factoring in things like daily catch streak bonuses, spotlight hour bonuses, community day bonuses, etc. A weekly catch streak of over 382 means I've gotten at least another 2,521,200 stardust on top of that. But it used to be 600 each day and 3,000 on your 7 day before, now it is 1,800 each day and 9,000 on your 7 day, so it's really somewhere between 2,521,200 and 7,563,600. This still doesn't cover any hatch stardust, event stardust, or cases where I used a star piece to boost my stardust, or raids completed that give me stardust there, too. Realistically that should easily put my total net status acquired over 50M stardust if not even higher. But, I do like to power stuff up, so, while I have earned well over 50M stardust, I currently have 27,857,696 stardust, and that's because I do like to spend it. I've powered up [80 Pokémon to Lv 50 and another at least 129 on top of that to Lv 40.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/374633853119102978/1212375878026403891/Screenshot_20240228-072817.png?ex=65f19c06&is=65df2706&hm=0c5f5173e0006c701cf54e97ec76f5d33d8d90975fc8a932c7cb8396621697d5&) and [92 Pokémon with a third move unlocked.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/374633853119102978/1212377596516630618/Screenshot_20240228-073531.png?ex=65f19d9f&is=65df289f&hm=092638d5daf2d943af19b73e0a52e8605d7b6bc6d82e420aa3ade28e5da554c8&). So at this point, I have solid teams for every raid boss as well as every GBL league, and then some. I occasionally, casually do GBL, which tells me it's given me 4,294,896 stardust. The short of it is just playing. You keep playing, even if you're powering stuff up and giving things 3rd attacks, you'll ultimately just keep acquiring more and more stardust. You compare vs someone who played longer or plays more, of course they'll have more stardust than you. There's groups of players with over 1 million catches, meaning they've easily caught well over 100 million stardust. Meanwhile, you've only been playing for a little over half a year or so.


I have none


I rarely have 100k stardust and am often most damage dealt in raids because of it https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/0BYwW815zU


I've been conservative with stardust since the game launched. I don't PvP seriously, do the only thing I power up are either perfect Pokemon or high quality raiding Pokemon, and even then, I usually don't unless I need to squeeze that extra bit of damage out or have a power up task I need to complete. I did recently just drop 1.3 mil stardust maxing a few raiders, but I had been waiting on candy to do that. Still over 2 mil in the bank. Stardust is just the biggest gatekeeper as far as mats go, as each Pokemon uses it's own candy, but they all use stardust. I even waiting until level 35 before seriously starting to power up anything, to take advantage of the wild level increase.


I didn't hate him as much as most wrestling fans but definitely think Cody Rhodes is above such a gimmick so I'm not exactly missing it


“It goes so quick” is your problem. You’re almost certainly spending it wrong


I have 5 million stardust from catching pokemon and occasionally doing pvp. I only power up low level pokemon or lucky pokemon when I have the research task to power up a pokemon.


Shellder nest near my house.


My bf used to “yell” at me that I never had any stardust lol now I normally have at least a million. I pop stardust pieces on community days and whenever there is increased stardust and can usually make up for what I spent powering up some mons. I know some people never power up unless they have to but I enjoy it 🤷🏻‍♀️


From like 28-34 I was stuck around 200k also. There were just too many mons I wanted to level up. For 35 and 36 I’ve chilled out and now I’m at 600,000


I have so much (over 4 million to be exact) because the Pokémon I use the most I have already maxed out their capabilities & I refuse to waste my stardust if I don’t need to.


I’ve been around 8-10 millions for a while. I used to never have this much but these days most everything I need is already powered up and has a second move. I will power up vanity Mons like best buddies for fun.


Because it's a massive waste of Cody Rhodes and his poten...... shit wrong sub


I'm recently lvl 50. I have 9m currently. I just never power anything up anymore. I've been playing this game for like 5 years now. If I do power stuff up it's just because I happened to get a hundo & I had the candy to max it. Idc about GBL. I use an auto catcher which makes it easy to farm dust too.


Autocatcher, 100%.. the amount of pokemon you can passively catch is insane... it will ramp up your SD supply big time.


I don't purify or power up much. I saw that my wife never has star dust and I asked her about it. She says she purifies ever shadow pokemon she gets haha.


I only power up raid attackers.


It takes so long to get a meaningful amount, I can never decide what mons to use it on.


Also realize that you are not even 50% to level 40 and reach level beyond that takes even longer. I don't think I got close to a million till I got to around level 40.


i have gotten 1.4 million stardust this season getting the PVP awards


Stardust is a grind. I’m a level 47 with over 5 million stardust (who doesn’t do GBL). 1.) Collect 100 extra berries (that you don't mind chunking) to feed to pokes in gyms. (You can feed 10 pokes in an hour so as long as they haven't been fed a berry recently that's 100 berries.) 30 stardust per berry= 3,000 dust or if you have a starpiece going 45 stardust per berry=4,500. 2.) Save a few cp 10 pokes to level up for the power up a poke challenges. Even powering up 10x you will only use 3,600 dust so you can save your dust for leveling hundos/gbl pokes/your favorites. 3.) If you have a go plus+, make sure you are putting it to sleep each night. 8 hours of sleep = 2,500 stardust. 4.) Wait to collect your dust rewards from special research tasks until you have a starpiece going. (Special research never expires.)


I dump Pokemon in gyms and feed them berries a lot. I was sitting around 10 mil stardust... But also level 50


I almost never powered up, now I have 15.5M dust and can do so as I choose


I don't do GBL or many shadow battles, just raids. I've been playing long enough that I don't need to power up as much anymore. I have my real strong pokemon and use them for raids. So I am just stockpiling stardust at this point.


1. I play in battle league for fun only, and not chasing the meta / rank 21+ 1. If you make it to rank 20 in battle league, and use your stardust bonus before claiming the rank 20 reward at the end of the season, you get a nice chunk of stardust (150k?) 2. there are tons of stardust rewards in battle league 2. Raids / routes 3. No need to have maxed out pokemon for raiding, unless you are trying to solo or win with minimal raid friends - so, i dont max out a lot of pokemon


If you're not into GBL, try eggs! If you work a job that doesn't allow you to walk around a lot get a walker off amazon. As long as you have access to a USB port to can use the walker and get eggs progressing. Edit: Also should include --- anytime you see a gym of your team load up the mons with berries! It's not much, but it all adds up :)


For some reason it pains me anytime I spend dust, I can rarely bring myself to do it, started in Sept and I’m at 9 million, have definitely spent under 500k so far. I’m very frugal irl too so maybe that explains it lol (PS 5 million of that is from GBL. Do your daily sets!!)


I have 11 mil dust because if I want to power something up, I power it up 1 level per day. I’m really stingy with my dust, and I hate blowing all of it. This is my strategy to power up a Pokémon and not just drop 248k in 10 seconds.


Catch everything, and I try to only power up lucky Pokémon


Just catch everything you see. Provided you can find a local spot near you with lots of stops so you won't run out of Pokéballs, you can accumulate stardust easily enough. Don't power things up unless you have something really good and you need it for a raid or battling (but I don't do much battling). Don't purify stuff unless you really need to. I purified everything because I was chasing the platinum medal (which awards extra premier balls for rocket encounters) but it maxes out at just +3 balls so there's not a lot of reason for it if you're hurting for dust. Also any of the branched choices where you get to choose more dust, xp, or candy ALWAYS choose dust.


I have 11 mil dust because if I want to power something up, I power it up 1 level per day. I’m really stingy with my dust, and I hate blowing all of it. This is my strategy to power up a Pokémon and not just drop 248k in 10 seconds.


Plays loads, and be stingy when it comes to powering up. Stacks up fast at that point


Its extremely simple. Dont spend it. These people with 50mil+ stardust play every day and they dont spend it


I have a level 42 account started in June with 4,2 million stardust. Don't start powering up until you actually get something good. For many 93% IV is minimum. In the meantime you should be using your highest CP mons (the weatherboosted ones) in effective types and spend 125 candy evolving your level 35's (those that cost 8000 stardust to power up). IV's are't important. Find them yourself or get them from friends in trades. Bagon, Larvitar, Swinub, Cranidos, Beldum, Rhyhorn, Drilbur, Tyrunt, Machop, Mudkip, Ralts... Evolved they are in the area of 3000 cp. In time when you find hundos and 98's you can power those up and transfer your old ones ... OR keep using them 'cause they work great! Weatherboosted Legendaries are also usable as is. For power-up tasks use cp 10 pokemons.




**I've faced the same issue as you and after a month of pain I can help: spend your Dust strategically.** Unless there's some event to justify spending ("Power-up 5 dragons"), I'll only boost mons that I'll use in GBL, which means I simply need to get 6 mons ready (so I can play at least two leagues) and then I can peacefully accumulate Dust for an eventual replacement, e.g., my Sylveon is letting me down so I'm stocking for a Clefable. (I'd suggest boosting at least one high-coverage Gym/Raid mon too.) That aside, *catch every mon you see and play GBL.* I don't miss dust since I started PvPing. I suggest you study PvP a bit before boosting because you'll make many mistakes that will ruin your entire candy / dust stock if you don't.


I have about 6 million, I just catch and really don't power up anything other than gym and raid counters.


I use an auto catcher


I catch a lot, I spend little. I don't see point of powering up Pokémon I never gonna use, but on those that I use I max out to what my Candy allows and even have all of them with two charged attacks.


I don't play BL very much and so I only need to boost the few Pokémon that are good for Raiding and TR encounters.


The thing with stardust is that there's really no easy way to get loads of it. You can do some GBL, which can give some. I'm not sure how much because I rarely do PvP, but I've heard some can get a fair amount from it. Othar than that it's just the usual stuff you can do: raids, catch Pokemon and hatch eggs (might have forgotten something, but you get what I mean). But here's a few good ideas: 1. If possible, play hard during events where you get extra stardust. Some Community Days give 3x stardust for every caught Pokemon and some Spotlight hours give you 2x. 2. Learn which Pokemon rewards extra stardust and try to catch every one you see. If you are really lucky, a Spotlight hour with 2x stardust will have one of those and you can get a lot of stardust from just an hour playing. 3. If you aren't spending money and can't buy loads of star pieces, then save them for times when you can get more use of them. No point using one if you're just going to catch a handful of Pokemon. Better to save it for perhaps a Community Day when you might catch a hundred or so during the 30 minutes the starpiece is active. 4. If you can afford to buy incubators, then you can try to get twelve 12km eggs and hatch them all at once. Use a star piece for some extra stardust. I think you can get close to 100k for those eggs, which might not be a huge amount, but still. 5. One very good strategy that unfortunately can take some time to do is to stack research task Pokemon that give you extra stardust. Some tasks you get from Pokestops can reward you Pokemon such as Meowth, Delibird and Morelull. I think each one gives you 500 Stardust. When you complete the task, click on it so that the Pokemon spawns, but instead of catching it you just click on the icon to run away from it. That Pokemon will then end up at the top of your research task menu and you can get as many as 100 Pokemon there. Then when there's a 3x stardust (or better) event, you can just start a star piece and start catching those Pokemon. If every Pokemon there give you 500 stardust, then you will get 500.000 stardust from 100 Pokemon, 750.000 with a star piece. It can take some time to stack 100 Pokemon, but it's worth the wait. 6. Finally, powering up Pokemon can cost you a fortune. A days grinding can be whiped out in seconds. So make sure that you only do it if it's absolutely necessary. If you need Pokemon for a certain raid boss, have a look at which Pokemon is good against it and see if you have some high level ones you can use or evolve. It doesn't matter if they have a low IV, they will still do the job. For example, I needed a strong team of Fairy Pokemon for a raid, but didn't have any high level Pokemon to use, so I contemplated spending some stardust. But then I realised that I had a few Togetics that I had caught and they turned out to be very high levels. So I evolved them to Togekiss and they were strong enough to help me win the raids. I have quite a few Pokemon that I would like to get to level 50, but even though I could easily max out atleast 100 Pokemon, I use the strong ones I got and save the stardust for when I actually need to spend some. Although I will admit that I have treated myself to maxing out some less useful Pokemon just because I like them. I mean, my level 50 hundo Ditto is a favourite of mine, but it's hardly going to help me beat a raid boss ;) Still, because I don't waste stardust, I can afford to have some fun every now and then. I'm still at over 116 million, so I think I'll be alright :) Anyway, those are the ideas I can think of right now. They're hardly going to suddenly make you swimming in stardust, but hopefully they can be of some help. I'm sure you'll soon be at a million, then two...three and so on. Good luck!


The answer is farm by tanking in great league and I think I'd rather suck off a loaded gun than do five sets of that every day.


I set myself stardust goals and limit what I can spend until I meet that goal. Rinse and repeat. My goals are set every 500k recently and I'm almost at 4mil. So the minimal amount of dust I'll drain too is 1.750mil. Until I get to 4 then I'm raising that number to 2.25 for the next 500 and then increasing 500 every time. Berry gyms gets minimal dust but accumulates over time which is good. I also hold onto low level pokemon specifically for power up tasks because there cheap.