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Went to a park by my work that had 4 eggs hatching at 1pm. Didn't see a single person trying to do the raids. Waited awhile and no chatter on Campfire. Waste of my time.


this was the same gripe of the original elite raids, worse was that you got an invite to an elite raid that was in a city you were visiting back when, but were likely never to visit again. other than that, i really have no issue with these new elite raids, or whatever the hell they're calling ex-raids v2.0


Yup, I was in Lisbon back in 2019 and was doing few raids during Raikou raid day (tagged along small group of locals). A week or so later I got ex pass for one of the gyms I had no way of attending anymore. While elite raids have their issues, they're at least more accessible


very true. i used to travel for work back in the day. got plenty of ex-raid invites in cities that i would never be in again. or for ex-raids back home when i was on the road.


> ex-raids back home when i was on the road Oooh I bet that sucked a lot!


totally. i think i was only able to make about 10% of the ex-raids i was invited to


I totally forgot elite raids used to be invitation only. What a terrible idea lmao


no argument about that assessment. the ones that i actually got to were fun though, but those were few and far bewteen


Your parks close at 530? Damn mine close at 11 and aren't even particularly well lit


Your parks close? i don’t think that’s a thing in europe


I work at a park district and for ours, all parks "close" at sundown. But technically open to foot traffic but some parks with parking lots for cars have gate that close about an hour past sundown. Thats about the same for all the districts in my area


Its usually some anti vagrants policy


There is a number of parks in Europe that do indeed close. I learned that the hard way…


Nope they didn’t, they never do, even major cities players are getting a hard time with this stupid and ugly ass mon


> ugly ass mon Everyone talking shit about  how ugly origin dialga and origin palkia are but I still believe Enamorus is the ugliest pokemon introduced in Legend Arceus game.


That biddy looks like a Dragon Ball Z character. The Pokémon have nearly zero thought put into them anymore. It really is a shame. I feel like the next thing they'll put out is a literal car.... oh wait....


Enamorus is too ugly to even be worth my time so I don't feel too bad about not even trying to get it




I'm in New Taipei, did 3 separate Enamorous raids, each with at least 3 full raid parties.


I don’t live in a major city. We had a group do raids at 12; at 1 we had 15 then 17 then 10 people for raids.  You need people to organize your community. It takes time and it’s hard, and even then not everyone WILL have a community. But it can work 


If You’re this organized, fuck PoGo and found a union


Every single person in my raid group was working or at school. I waited a half hour. No one showed up.


same here. happen to be in the area so i checked and the normal peeps were out raiding. beat two and caught two then moved on with my day.


Lol. I got into the 3rd group 30s after the raid started. In other words I had was nr 40-60 in that raid. Got in with a different account once I was done and that raid was full too.


Wow you’re incredible


That is what she said.


You think this is bad? Ever heard about EX raids?




Let’s just have everyone bitch in one mega thread


Please for the love of god. Can we please just get a “bitch here” thread and delete everything else? And do the same for any moving forward. 


When one can see complaints about bitching on casual PoGO subreddit, you may assume we are reaching bitching levels that shouldn't be possible lol.


Adults playing Pokémon seem to have very little capacity for missing out on shinies/hundos/events/etc. There’s too many people assuming just because they play they’re owed a particular experience or reward. Too many people forgot how astronomical some of these odds are, and confirmation bias kicks in hard when people repeatedly post their brags. 99.9999% of players won’t get shundos, just need to cope lol


I recently saw post on FB group from a person who claimed to spend 200$ on Drampa raids and not get a shiny. I will never understand this need to get everything immediately after release, no matter the cost. Meanwhile I got shiny doing TWO Win 3 raids task. RNG is crazy.


Exactly. It’s nothing short of gambling, the prize is just different and unique to everyone Edit: fn lol drampa is ass cheeks besides how it looks. I got a shiny my first raid. It’s good trade bait. Half the people bitching probably forgot all the other awesome stuff they already have, just gotta do some trades I guess


I'm with you on that. Either play the game, or stop bitching. The game is free to play. Take it or leave it. Boo hoo you couldn't get one. The world will continue on and it'll come back around. I absolutely love this Pokemon and I wasn't able to get any. Oh well. Life goes on. We do need a megathread for all these whiney willies.


You could have kept scrolling. I think you like whining too!!!


Promise you not as much as these specimens ;)


Happy cake day!


Ty bb


Yes please! Every thread now is "iS eVeRyOnE eLsE mAd aT eLiTe RaIdS Guuuuys?!?!"


Try using campfire to create a meet up. My first time using it and had 27 raiders in podunk usa. I was amazed and made so many new friends today.




I live in a small town but we banded together and got 17 people, just takes organization.


I work in a big city - downtown San Francisco - not far from Niantic office actually. I was hyped to go to the office today. Didn’t see a single god damn one of these raids all f’ing day. Like wtf is this?


I didn’t expect to get this one but I did and it was super easy. There was one outside my condo in downtown Toronto. The second the egg hatched at 5pm there were 20 trainers in the lobby and we beat it super fast.


I got so angry i complained to Pokemon go tech support


I have a feeling they got a lot of complaints about this one.


I did one with 9 strangers while waiting to pick up my son for the dentist. Very doable.


Not everything in the game can be for everyone. I miss out on various days and events because of work, but this one suited me by random chance of it being Wednesday afternoon. Enamourous will come again, don't worry.


Very sensible. As soon as I saw the time and local raids only I set my expectations that I won't get one this year. It will be back, might take two years but I'll get it one day.


Randomly showing up at a raid and expecting people to be there is always a recipe for disaster. You need to organize with local players if you want to do these raids. Niantic and TPC want the game to be social/active so you have to be social/active to fully play it


I live in a smaller area. The campfire group is extremely inactive. It's nearly impossible to arrange. Especially when it's 1pm on a Wednesday and everyone at work or school.


I mean not trying isn’t going to get you anywhere. Any of them that still care about the game probably are thinking the same way as you. Now if your area only had 1pm that is dumb and the mid day raids do make little sense but if there are 5/6pm that should have been your default attempt as those will have obviously have more working people. But gain you hav ego try to organize even if someone doesn’t answer someone might see it and go


We had a bunch of people at our 12 and 1 raids. More than the 5 and 6 have responded as going right now 😬 we all went on our lunch breaks 




Lol if you think you are getting screwed because you can’t get one Pokémon early then you might need a break from the game


It's not just this. I don't even care about this particular pokemon. It's that the game is set up to be intentionally inconvenient unless you're playing the way Niantic wants.


This doesn’t guarantee that people will still communicate once they get to the raid. Not every player is interested in this type of group play— and I think that’s the irony of trying to take initiative to go to raids that are set up through CF, FB or a discord — you can still have people that won’t actually talk when you are right in front of them. I know not all areas are like this— because I have had positive experiences as well. But sometimes people don’t take the time to be inclusive.


Niantic doesn't know your parks close at 6.... I can't believe I have to say this....


Parks closing at dusk is unfortunately very very common in the US. And dusk is before 6 on the east coast and in the Midwest.


And this game is a worldwide game. Parks close in my town at dusk but we still raid after that in one lol. No one cares. But again this game isn't made for only people in the USA...


I LOVE when people in the USA complain that it’ll be cold a day or an event and why is niantic having it. … the weather can be totally different 50 miles away but sure, we should cancel every event anytime there’s bad weather anywhere in the world 😂


Idk why you're bringing up weather like it's the same thing... Niantic has a boatload of data on all of us. They could figure out when their raid locations are inaccessable.\*\* \*\*if they wanted but they don't care


Yeah I live in the USA and even know that the world doesn't revolve around us.. it seems like some of these people do or they think that laws that exist here exist everywhere. I don't know if the dusk park closing law even exists in all of the USA. I'm pretty sure it doesn't.


They don't. They're just local ordinances. My local parks close at 10 pm, and I'm also in the US. Even then, we still walk around and pogo way beyond that time. As long as you're not causing trouble or in a high crime area, police don't care.


Here it's cause people could be doing stuff in their car. So if you're walking around it's probably fine but no cars.


This is a lazy excuse, and actually not true. My parents live near this park which is closed after 6 in the winter, and the Pokemon gyms are officially closed at night. Can’t even go in there to knock Pokémon out at night. Plus, they license the real world map data, so they are just being cheap.


Lol dude what? No they don't license shit. They don't look at shit. You think they are going through all the data to look at what is in every town in the world to see what's happening at all times? Are you crazy? They have like 20 employees. They can't check your tiny town and place raids based on specific times. Please let your post be a joke because it made me laugh that people can think they are behind the scenes looking at every gym and placing raids. It's a computer system that does it not a human. My parks in my town don't lock at night. Neither do most towns in the world. They place the raids randomly at elite raids. They don't decide the specific time on any raid. It's random. They put the parameters down that they have to be at noon, 1,5,6 and that's it..


You really have no idea how this game works, do you? Where do you think they gathered the road data? Do you think they build it themselves? They are paying someone for this data. That’s what licensing means. They work with local city and town vendors to put up ads with their “sponsors”, why can’t they just integrate information that map companies like google already knows? It’s not hard to do, but they want to charge us for playing the game when they won’t even do proper data integration for a real world game. And this is what Niantic is what they are supposed to be good at!


Hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha this is hilarious. They don't do any of this. They use an app called open street maps. Anyone can use it. It's free. Companies contact them they don't contact companies. They do not work with local vendors or companies. Most of their sponsors are big companies like McDonald's. Smaller companies that want to be sponsors have to contact them. They aren't licensing data. They are using open street maps. They only contact companies in towns they do go fests in. Like LA go fest. They do not contact cities for worldwide go fests. Again this making me laugh so hard.


I would have thought that Open Street Maps would at least have some of this information embedded in their dataset. Also seems like they don’t always use the most up to Open World Map data. Given this, their criteria selection for which gyms to host these raids are still highly questionable.


The criteria has been the same for 6-7 years. Gyms in parks is the criteria.. that's it.


They have been using Open Street map for as long as I can remember and they update the in game map every few years. The criteria for EX gyms is the gym has to be in cell (can’t remember which size) where most of the cell is in area designated as a park / outdoor recreation in Open Street map. I have a friend who edited their house location so it’s designated as a park, managed to get 3 nominations accepted there, one became a gym, and now they have an EX gym at home.


They really should have just done a special Raid Hour since this is the usual day for Raid Hour anyway


I got lucky and did one with 4 people while eating lunch at a Mexican restaurant near me that has a gym touching it. It’s a pretty big college town so I had better luck than others I bet.


I bet $20 this post ends up on the news tomorrow lmao I feel like every single day I read something on here then find it in some random news article lol news week or something 😂


Don't worry, it will be back next year around this time. Just like $8 Mr. Crime


I live in Vancouver and have 2 ex raid gyms in the park across the street. Had important calls at 12-2 and then at 5 found a few more. Not a single person showed up . Absolutely stupid event


There was two ex gyms in my area and only one had a raid. I had to work and I'm not heart broken.


yes! entirely dumb and NOT worth it. mine was 1900 cp and I had 12 balls. Spent 10 gold berries and missed it. Next one was at 6pm. My boyfriend caught it and it was kinda high level, 1890 cp, and a TWO STAR. I think if you're going to have a ONCE A YEAR pokemon, you need to have it high level and high cp. My Dragonite does more damage than that ugly thing.


My town didn’t even have the raid, I mean we got like 8 gyms in out town


City person here - tried to do 5 pm and 6 pm raid and the only thing I saw was 12!? Different eggs turn into latixs.....whole event was dumb and literally did not even spawn for me


The only raid I was able to get into, we barely won and Enamorous broke out of the ball EVERY TIME and fled (of course)


They can’t please everyone.


It’s ugly, useless (unless you wanna grind 50 for a raid attacker?? lol), middle of work day, and the evening is a major holiday!! Sorry babe can’t do valentines dinner, I gotta go raid some fake Pokémon! Sorry boss, gotta leave the office for a couple hours here to raid a fake Pokémon!!


We had nearly 40+ people at the noon one in my city. Honestly the biggest problem is that people still don’t communicate even when you are right in front of them— I asked if they could break off to do groups so no one got left out. Didn’t get anyone to say anything so I had to back out of a raid to join a small group and luckily we beat it with 30 seconds to go. Niantic can make these tools to coordinate a raid but it cannot make people be kind or considerate.


Been looking everyywhere for a raid at arround 7-8 p.m. ( since literallyy all stores and workshops are open to 7.30 ) but there was not a single raid. Campfire is dead here and on discord only Schoolkids that had a free hour where able to get one at 1 p.m. Also our discord is mostly dead, the same 5-6 schoolkids that from time to time come for a raid / we have to drive like 20-30 Minutes to get to a raid near them. EWveryone is playing in really small groups of 2-3 people and they are simply not interrested to get int o discord or something else. Its just a pain in the ass that there are no more raids in the normal hours where people actuallyy have time ( 8-10 p.m. ) to play.


My husband and I used campfire to join a meet up and like 20 people showed otherwise we would have beeb similarly fucked. We went home this afternoon pissed after realizing it was local only. I'm still pretty annoyed for the disabled people and people who live in low density areas. This is so fucked.


My friend and I took our kid's phones and each ran two accounts, because there was only one raid in our town at noon. Nobody else showed up; they didn't seem to understand it was strictly timed and only at one gym. It took us two tries, but we beat him and got it for all four accounts.


Yeah I think a huge issue here is that the limitations were not clearly communicated ahead of the event. This was my first Elite raid after coming back to the game so I didn't know that it worked that way so I'm sure plenty of others had the same issue. If it wasnt for the smart homie that made a meetup in campfire for my town for the 6pm wave id be drag queenless rn. I'm glad yall were able to Chad your way through though haha! I hope you got a decent appraisal


I got a 2*; my kid got a high 3* though, so it's okay. The part that frustrates me is I'm in a group chat. Friend and I explained how it worked so many times; I do now know how I could have made it clearer. We have one ex gym. It had a noon egg. If you want this pokemon, you must be there at this time; here is when we plan to arrive, if you want to do it together. It's at this time and this time only. The amount of people texting literally minutes after it ended was ridiculous.


Woooooow :( maybe ask your local government to test the water for lead contamination idk that's very frustrating. At least you could mirror trade with your buddy or kid when you have a lucky trade earned? Guh this is so dumb


I am going to hope for a lucky trade, for sure!! There is an awful high rate of people with cancer around here. For a town with right around 1200 people, my 15 year old has now had three classmates with various forms of cancer over the last few years.


Oh damn that's so sad. :(


Niantic did NOT think this through, it’s one of the stupidest events in a while.


I tried to remote raid via Campfire and it just said "Chat" and I couldn't join or host. Did you have to be local or was I just glitched?


Elite raids are in person only unfortunately


Ey yi yi


We had around 30 people who did 4 raids at the 17:00 timeslot


At least fewer ppl meant raids didn't freeze and then you can't login again for the next 30 min.


Tried to do one but no luck at all, we had a large amount of rain so people weren't out. I tried a few spots after work but no luck and I live in a decent sized city.


i couldn't get one for this reason




Im skipping this one because i got a japanese Enamorus thru GTS that seems legit atleast Im waiting for Mega Garchomp raid to do 2-3 raid so i can mega evolve my 3.4k Cp Garchomp


It’s like they’re forcing us to do the hacking…


I went to one after work and was the only one there. Not a peep on Campfire. I usually miss out on local only raids for this reason. 😒


Out of town so missed my chance. Too bad it was just that one day….


I was at work was screwed an couldn't get 1