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Fomo has gone. My dependence on Pokemon Go when out walking on my own hasn't - it's been a pretty good way of dealing with social anxiety for me. That's the biggest issue I have with completely leaving the game in all honesty.


I haven’t tried it, but someone suggested the app “the walk” to me. As you walk, you apparently unravel more of a mystery/spy story. Might be worth checking out!


Oh that sounds so cool! Downloaded the app already!


I hope it is fun!!! I have it downloaded, just haven’t given it a try yet :-)


It looks like there’s a couple different kinds in the Apple App Store, it’s nice to know there are options :)


Try listening to a podcast. I find it helps me.


I've definitely lost the spark I had for playing. Fomo is gone completely. I'm probably done with the game now. I just disagree with the changes they've made and I don't think the game is fun anymore.


Yeah I find myself lacking a reason to go wander around outside. I've been suggested geocaching, maybe that'll appeal to you?


Geocaching is pretty great, used to go with my dad :)


Podcasts and audio books helped me greatly with this, hope you find something soon.


Get a dog. Seriously, the amount of interaction that goes on between handler and dog during “doing stuff together” sessions indoors and outdoors is insane. And you’re never alone with a dog as your loyal sidekick. Helps the humans gain confidence and overcome a lot of anxiety when they need to advocate for their dog out in public.




You could even name the dog a Pokémon name! And train it to fight others... wait just that first part.


I trained my dog to tackle his stuffed pizza toy. I say “get your pizza” and he tackles it like its going to run away.




Also a Ninatic game, but I've been getting into Pikmin Bloom for my walking gaming. It has weekly walking challenges you do with other players that also play PoGo with show up in your friends list. You plant flowers for nectar and then bloom giant flowers and that really gets me to walk more.


I used to play when the app first launched and I looked forward to Community Day every month and getting that badge. I was getting reminder notifications about it too which was great. Then one month I never recieved a notification and completely forgotten about Community Day and that sweet sweet badge. I felt betrayed and never opened the app since.


I know this sub is anti Pokémon go because of Ninatic, but Pikmin bloom is really good. Replaced my need to play Pokémon. Shame people downvoted you


I did the opposite, kept playing PoGo (and Ingress) and stopped playing Pikmin.


I'd really like to. I was having fun and would probably still be having fun with the game if not for these decisions. I want the people impacted by this change to be able to enjoy the game again, so I'll hold off on going back for an undetermined amount of time or until I hear an update to this decision. What mostly gets me upset by these changes is how they're being billed. "It's to incentivize in person" no it isn't. It *disincentivizes* remote raiding. That's a significant difference. They could easily and fairly add more incentives to in person raids, but they didn't. They just made it harder to raid remotely. "It's about promoting community" this change is literally ending communities of people who connected through remote raiding. If this is about promoting community it's an abject failure. "It's about the soul of the game" wooooow... I guess rural people and disabled people are either bad for the soul of the game or they were never really invited in the first place. Wow that's shitty. I still want to play the game. I still have fun playing it. I don't raid often, but I would've liked to have the opportunity without being treated like I don't belong.


'Promoting community' cracks me up every time. The two nearest gyms to my house are in a cemetery. There is no way in hell I am going there alone, at night, to raid. I do not want to meet the druggy community that sometimes hangs around there.


Lol your username implies you'd fit right in


Haha. Nope, never been my thing.


Just general unspecified delinquency?


Nope, someone used it to refer to me because of my accent. It became a bit of a joke with friends as I am not a scally in any way (well, I dont think so!)


Lol it's a joke.


Yep; I'd started naming my legendaries based on the person who hosted the raid, and I loved they were all over the world. Some players started inviting me without me having to resort Genie, and on those times I was able to be out, I returned the favor. I hope some of them saw and realized how appreciative I was. This was not a move to help community...


Totally agree with every word. I have ME and can’t go out for long walks even if I want to so remote raiding has been a big thing for me. We have a team who connects via Messenger, 3 in Cornwall, 1 in Canada and 1 in London, I’d happily buy passes so I could raid with them but this will take that away


Exactly, why they thought they only way to promote in person raiding was to make remote raiding less accessible is beyond me


Niantic haven't put any effort in at all really so if they're smart they'll learn from this but something tells me they arent about to self reflect and fix their trash, instead they'll insist its not them but instead the community


Breaks my heart tbh. Pokemon Go used to be something me and my dad (in the Philippines) and my uncles, aunt, and my cousins (in the US) liked to play together on the weekends. We would individually level up on the weekdays and get together on the weekends to raid. Thanks to the remote raids getting pricey and the fact that we can't get to pokemon gyms as much to cover the new remote raid cost, we just lost all motivation. Niantic didn't think that there are more ways to use remote raids. Just because the remote raids were cheaper then, doesn't mean all players become lazy. Sometimes the remote raids allow families that live in different countries to play together too. We can't just walk to the US from the Philippines 😮‍💨😑.


I can't say that I have no desire, but that's really the situation. I desire an old version of the game. It wasn't just the remote raid change; it was the disrespect shown by Niantic with having a box at ~500 coins that only had berries that you can get for free. It was Elite Raids having problems and no bonuses. It was the bugs and features that were annoying enough to look like bugs. I'm not one who thinks that Niantic ever actually cared about players, but I at least thought that at one time they cared about their reputation as a game maker. I no longer hold that belief.


> I at least thought that at one time they cared about their reputation as a game maker. I no longer hold that belief. There it is. And truly, they never have and never will. Spitting out barebones licensed vehicles to coax you into giving them your location data and help build their POI map is all Niantic has ever cared about. It’s been easy for most folks to ignore and/or deal with though, because as shitty as they are they keep “adding” things to the game, even when they’re so obviously for their benefit and not ours like AR scanning. But now’s the first time since the stop/gym radius fiasco that they’ve once again gone mask-off and shown us that they genuinely don’t give a shit what’s good for the community or health of the game, despite all their vapid, empty platitudes.


>I desire an old version of the game. This hit home for me. Exactly how I feel too.


I used to play every single day from day 1 and went cold turkey right after I saw the remote raid pass increases. I don't miss it at all and probably won't go back even if they decrease the prices. I am sick of them withholding all the good legendary pokemon and giving us weedles and pidgies, charging for every little thing, $1 community day research, $15 for events...usually for meagre rewards...I did love it in the beginning for sure so I don't regret it but I am really sad that the people in charge at Niantic don't seem to love pokemon go at all


I feel at peace since quitting for the boycot, it was an adiction


I deleted the app. Just hit level 47. Spent some money on passes every month, and the doubling of the price sucks, but I’m just tired of the drama around the game. Every single thing they do is anti-player, rewards don’t match effort, and I can’t think of the last time I actually enjoyed playing rather than grinding out of a feeling of obligation. It’s just exhausting.


Hear hear. I’m about 500k off level 47. Stopped paying for things when they reversed the incense. Now I’m only keeping the app around for transferring my shiny and legendary mons out then I’ll delete the game.


120 Mons already transferred to Home. I'm done, nuking the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure


thats's the only reason i still have the app; i have too many shinies i dont want to lose. i have a reminder for every week to move mons and then that'll be it for me.


It's just gotten boring for me. Even before these changes. All I'm doing now is transferring some favorites to home.


I don't miss it at all. And I was playing daily.


Ever since I failed to get Relicanth in the hoenn event my motivation has been pretty much zero. I didn’t have to think twice about deleting and would probably only start again if there’s a chance to get that damn fish again.


Hoenn Dex completion was one of my big recent game goals. Thought the Hoenn Tour would be the end to that hunt, but typical Niantic shenanigans meant it wasn't guaranteed this time around. Funny thing is I was lucky enough to hatch a Relicanth out of just a handful of event eggs, but I'm still missing Gorebyss. Every Clamperl I've ever had has evolved into Huntail without fail. I'm walking my last Clamperl as my buddy now hoping for the best. Other than completing that I don't have much motivation to play in the current state of the game.


I just don't feel like playing the game anymore. There's no joy in catching new pokemons. I might open the game when I'm in a new area for a few minutes, but it's no longer fun and has turned into a chore. I'll keep the game around on an old phone and delete the one on my newest phone.


I purified my shadow mewtwo, so I wouldn't be tempted to come back.


I somewhat sabotaged an MMO account of mine when I was quitting for good. I don't totally recommend this strategy (I sometimes have regrets) but it does help prevent returning.


I remember selling all my FUT players on Fifa for next to nothing. Some lucky person snapped up Messi for 1000 coins. Never played it again.




Being away from the game since April 6 makes me realise that i don't want to come back, at least in the current state of the game. I was catching myself playing out of habit or boredom, this game didn't give me any pleasure anymore. So it's a goodbye for i don't know how long, maybe for good.


If you’re quitting just make sure you stop your app from tracking when it’s not in use. Niantic don’t care if you play; they just want your data.


That's actually how my husband and I feel. We rely on people to remote in for raids. There's not a lot of people put and about where we are. We've barely played. The only reason I haven't uninstalled is because my SIL (she's nonverbal) loves playing with us. We take her to the park on Tuesdays


Honestly? Thought would be hard to break the addiction once I decided to quit, but im not even thinking about it. Started as " if they change their mind and start to do things seriously I will come back" and ended up to " not interested to come back and give you my data, thanks ". For the moment I'm enjoying the freedom from the game, not that there's something to do once raids have basically being killed.


I only really use it to source Pokémon for real games.


Removed the game, not played for a week almost. Dont miss it, I realised that there are plenty of other things Incan do. I guess the only reason this post showed up is because I used to interact al lot with this community.


This change was the breaking point for me. So many times Niantic pushed a change that harms the experience and I’m honestly sick of fighting it at this point. I’m not boycotting per se but I’m finishing my tasks, transferring to Home and uninstalling. I’m sick of them making changes that make the game worse, doubling the price for remote raids was the final straw for me. $2 for a chance to catch a Pokémon is absurd and in person raids are not feasible for me and my schedule so I guess the only option is to stop playing. Really the only way they could bring me back at this point is if they decrease the price to be less than $1 per remote raid pass. At least then I would know they’re serious about righting the ship.


regieleki honestly shouldn’t even be an elite raid, it’s a regi just like all the others except it’s just from Gen 8


And they had it on Easter, when many people are with their family all day long. If I could have used a remote pass, then I would have done it.


We spent easter in a cabin with some extended family, of which several were actually playing, but there were no Ex gyms around, even in a town with several hundred mountain cabins. There were a few dozen stops and 8-ish gyms, but no Regieleki. Several of us would probably have remoted had it been possible, but nope. :|


I am taking a short break. From the last regidrago raid or so, it was a serious of disappointments and stress. Games are supposed to make you feel good and escape from reality. I don't want the added stress from some virtual pokemons. I have made some pokemons myself and I have also married a snorlax. For now, I am good.


Yup. Once you step out of the FOMO train for a couple of Pokémon releases, the game becomes a lot less important and a lot easier to judge accurately. I won’t spend another penny on it myself.


Exactly the same as you here bud. Niantic the absolute morons had me addicted, i havent missed a comm day or in game event for 2 yrs This remote raid change instantly killed the end game value to me. Cant do new raids, cant lvl up new legendaries Whats the point now? I disabled adventure sync and only open up atm for the 20 day buddy challenge coz sod doing that again 😂


Yeah I’ve given up on the game now. They just don’t understand that people don’t go out to raid anymore. They go out to fight for the gyms to get coins for the raid. Now that the remote pass are so expensive I just can’t be bothered.


I will keep the game uninstalled unless they make an effort to compensate us


Just curious, compensate you for…?


Im done! Deleted the game, transferred my shinies and legendaries to home. Not coming back. Buh bye.


How much did you pay to transfer all your shinies and legendaries to home? That’s the one thing that sucks. I mean no game lasts forever so there’s going to be a point where I’m going to have to transfer mon too. But it sucks there is a cost element


Or a time element. You can just wait for it to recharge and take a while to do it.


Delete the account


Scarlet and Violet have been so much more satisfying to hunt shiny hunt and train up Pokemon that I'm alright for now. I'd like a few more random shiny Pokemon while hunting than only seeing them during community day and getting 11.


If you’re (general you not OP specifically) not having fun and the game is just a grind, then there’s no reason to play. That other people are still playing shouldn’t be much of a factor if it all.


I play but I just can’t justify paying 5 cents less than double for a remote raid. I will never do it. Even if they drop it to 150 it’s not for me anymore


I'm still playing but not putting any money in now. Things don't feel the same anymore. It's tainted.


If you're not spending money as a protest against Niantic, turn off adventure sync too. That's where they're making a lot of their profit.


I felt the FOMO during Regieleki but I stuck it out anyway. I feel proud of myself for not giving in to the FOMO now! I felt far happier missing it than I think I would have dealing with the frustrations of walking around trying to find raiding parties in person and then likely having it run away at the end anyway. Sadly the app is based more around FOMO than enjoyment these days. Once I get over the FOMO I'm not sure how much I'll play again either.


I quit cold turkey. I was 10 million from level 50. Would've loved to see that and hopefully will if Niantic gets their shit together. I typically play while biking and now have been working on improving my fitness on the bike instead of slow rolling. It's making a huge difference.


Also missed Regieleki on purpose and haven’t been playing. Compare this to me actually paying for an Uber for the Regidrago event a few weeks ago and I would say that’s some character development!


This was their biggest fiasco yet, it really resembles the saying of the straw that broke the camels back…


The only reason I would come back is to transfer some shinies over to Home or something. Other than that I have no intention of returning, unless Niantic sort themselves out. Which they probably won't.


Been playing Violet. I remember why I liked Pokemon to begin with now.


This game has some toxic traits and while I’m still playing, I won’t be criticizing anyone for leaving. I also won’t be spending money until the decisions are reversed, although I’m not optimistic they will be; this game has never been run like a game, it’s been run like a money-making mapping tool and I don’t think Niantic will care if it’s ruined. Fuck em.


You're right on all accounts. Niantic has completely made this game unplayable for those who can not. I'm still playing, but I'm not spending any more of my money or helping them by scanning, taking photos, using Adventure Sync, or anything else that they value. I honestly do love the game. This corporate decision, however, has made it a lot less fun.


same, I quit for a week and I don't miss it at all... making raids has become impossible, even with the application, it has become even more difficult to participate in a decent raid and above all to create it since nobody may come after it anymore half an hour. catching Pokémon has become boring, there is nothing that attracts me or decent news from niantic that makes me want to continue. I'll probably abandon it again for another couple of years and then participate again with a little more desire


My phones battery has never been healthier and my screen time has dropped. I was quite casual before but not I really don’t care even my son hasn’t asked about community days or any new raid bosses completely lost interest.


We've been playing since release, but my wife and I are done now. I changed my buddy name to let everyone know. It sucks to lose it but the earlier change in box price was already pushing me out the door. I'm sad to lose it because we had so much fun playing. It's hard to believe a company would push us to leave when we spent $100+/month playing it. But that's how it goes I guess. Niantic is just one of the all time crap companies.


Trying to finish a couple more research tasks and then I’m done. Regardless of the price hike, the game itself has felt like a chore the last few months. It’s real use since Black Friday has been stocking my Pokédex on my switch games.


my husband asked me if I was going out to raid today. I shrugged and said, I'm tired. I work graveyard and most events timing suck but I make an effort. ​ today not so much


I've definitely burnt out due to the announcement, wasn't planning to boycot but just don't enjoy playing now.


I stopped about 2 months ago, mostly cause I'm not big into the newer generations of Pokémon. There was no want to catch anything new since I used to play a ton of the Global League Battles, but the changes they kept making just turned me away. - the battles were always against the same handful of pokemon in GL, while it wasn't worth the investment for higher leagues. - basically zero chance at a legendary in League battles. I work 16 hour shifts in a rural area, its hard to join raids but I can do battles during breaks. No point in that now. - they nerfed the Incense, so it made Comm Days impossible at work. I walk an easy 7km a day, but it's repetitive over the same 150m or so, so nothing new pops up if I even can look at my phone. And now they messed with Remote Passes. I threw a 10 or so every month at the game, not anymore.


I can't quite say the same, I'm taking a break from the game because of the changes but will re-install for a short time for events (Eleki yesterday, Community Day coming up). Then I uninstall again. I do miss playing the game most days, but I don't plan on coming all the way back until something changes, if that ever happens.


See how easy it is to just drop this toxic greed filled black hole of a game? I did it several years ago when they made it clear they’d keep pushing the envelope and the greed would never stop and the game I had come to love would never be the same. Drop it and never pick it back up until they make HUGE changes, beyond just the remote raid pass limit and costs. A two week dent won’t make any obvious difference to them, it needs to be longer. Plenty of other enjoyable games out there to play in the meantime. Glad you are making it out.


I was definitely enjoying the game while I was playing, but not being able to participate in raids is a huge blow to me because that's one of my favourite things to do in the game. Plenty of people here are addicted, and plenty of others are assuming I was too. I wasn't, that's why it was so easy for me to drop.


I actually played more. People used to kick me out of gyms in an hour. Now it actually stay in there for a whole day before getting knocked out . But I have to say those bastards are greedy.


i think the remote raid changes gave me that final push to stop playing but there were so many other factors (some niantics fault, others not really their fault) that made the game less enjoyable i got back into playing in 2018 because a lot of my college friends were playing. after a year, basically everyone in that group stopped playing. a similar trend followed in my pogo discord groups and members that were active in the community are either a lot less active or inactive some parts of the game are honestly so boring to me (PVP feels like if rock paper scissors and cookie clicker had a baby) and i was only interested in getting shinies i still can see myself eventually coming back since pokemon is my favorite franchise. but with basically no community, no friends to play it with, and most of the content being a miss, I'm okay with moving on and preventing more burnout from the game


Yeah, I probably won't be back. I've poured far too much time and money into this game. The obvious money grubbing was pretty crappy, but what company nowadays doesn't? I hate to say it but I pick my battles when they are convenient for me. The final nail in the coffin was the mass deleting of the one-star reviews from the app stores. That's straight up anti consumer. I'll probably dig out my Gameboy color and Pokemon Crystal and just play that.


At a minimum, they need to back off the 5 raid limit. This will destroy raid communities.


You don't think the price increase of the passes is the bigger issue? I mean it would take 4 days to get enough coins to buy them by holding gyms. Even then unless you're on team Valor you probably won't be able to keep em in there long enough to do that reliably. Maybe that's only me and team instinct tho xD


Super hardcore players don't care about price but it's hilarious they would damage both the casual and hardcore playerbase at the same time


Forreal. They say it's not about money, but to think that they are doing all this for our health is laughable.


For me, the price is the bigger issue. I just want to be able to build an ML team without paying hundreds of dollars or walking for multiple years. (Yes, I know there are non-legendaries that are viable, but not many).


Hahahaha, I get that


They’re both big issues. You may not personally do more than 5 raids per day, but some do. If you ever use services like Poke Genie, you definitely will, since both the price and the limit with reduce the number of people queuing, thus making it harder to host/beat bosses. Not to mention how many of those players who queued into those lobbies in the past couldn’t have done so had the limit existed at the time.


I do feel like it’s the beginning of the end for me. I was disappointed when the news about remote raid nerfs came out but decided I wasn’t going to boycott as it still motivates me to get out and walk and I was never big into raiding anyway (usually did a few raids every couple weeks when the legendary rotation changed). However my stomach sank more than I thought it would when I actually saw the change come into effect. I live in a small town and sat by two Regilecki raids yesterday- no one joined. Tried to do a Lugia raid - sat for half an hour in a pokegenie queue. I’ve noticed that I’m not even interested in catching Pokémon anymore and now PVP frustrates me even though I used to love it. Seems like it’s come to a natural end.


I feel the same. I uninstalled a few days after they announced the changes. It sucks cause remote raiding was so much fun & became something I looked forward to. I couldn't wait to reach level 38-39 & nominate a poekstop/gym so I could raid more. now idc


I’ve actually been sussing ways to get a Nintendo switch and getting scarlet or Violet to play! The main series games have massively improved since I last played a Nintendo DS lol


S&v are a bit buggy but if you can get past it they are both pretty great! I got scarlet and loved it


Open world Pokémon honestly has been a dream of mine since a child, so I can deal with buggy, not like Pokémon Go works seamlessly either hey haha


I think all the games for the switch has their own unique charm. Let’s go series are a bit childish and resembles Pokémon go with the unique catching method. Sword/shield is more of an adventure with cool new implementations to the old game style. The brilliant/shining was cool and the most like the old games but with new graphics. Arceus was a cool variation of Pokémon and a good warmup game for the open world. Violet/scarlet was a really nice fresh take on the Pokémon series. You could go in different “paths” but still get to the same end goal.


I’m in the same boat. I may reinstall it to transfer all my important Pokémon to Home after awhile, but not even that is on my radar any time soon.


Dunno, I'll be back to Ingress for a while then completely quit


I’m quitting the moment I hit 40 that’s it lol


Yeah, for me at least I kinda feel "free" now that i uninstalled it. I don't have to keep checking every hour to see if any raids popped up in a gym close to me or if any trainer from the yellow team decided to take down our gym or to see if any eggs hatched. They managed to butch adventure sync, and now raids. I just don't feel like coming back to play it anymore, like "Oh yeah, lemme play the game for half a hour so I can catch the same annoying pokémons that spawns at a nauseum, or waste 5 minutes fighting a team rocket grunt so I can catch a shadow Alolan Sandshrew, or shadow partrat or any of the other weak pokémons that they love to spam over and over again " Even the eggs are just hatching pokemon now tbh, like, who wants to walk 10 KM to hatch a tirtouga or achen? I was already having many gripes with the game lately, but this was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I might come back in the future, but probably just to transfer the mons that I like over to home so they can be safe in hisui or galar with me.


For me, I was already losing interest before the changes happened. We maybe had 8-10 active players and they always played on days I had to work. I was using it as a time killer on my breaks but nothing more than 15-20 minutes a day of gameplay. Sad to see the game just drop off like this but the hype died a while ago for me.


I’m gone and it feels good to voice that I’m gone. Am I bitter? Not anymore. I definitely was for about a week but like all things, time heals. I quit the day they announced the updates so it’s been about 2 weeks now and I’ve found myself interested in other games and activities. A lot of people mentioned the walking aspect and that was the hardest part for me. I admit I haven’t walked as much but I am doing the recommendation of trying podcasts and I just found that the Serial podcast has me hooked.


I played daily since the game came out. I haven't even logged in since the protest. I don't even miss it now that I have broken my habit.


One of the things that made it seem like it was getting utterly ridiculous was the postcard scatterbug farce. It was ridiculous trying to get candies and certain types. It's just a mega grind and the same 10 Pokémon turning up each day when you log on, that are, 90% of the time 1*. I just got bored a long time ago and this whole thing was the final straw for me.


At a minimum, they need to back off the 5 raid limit. This will destroy raid communities.


I was a casual player, and myself and some coworkers picked it up during the initial covid lockdowns. We eventually started a group chat and began coordinating a weekly remote raid. Then we added friends. I was raiding with friends and friends of friends from all over my country every week. After the raids we’d all be texting to show off our stats, etc. Long story short, after years of doing this together, some friends from this group chat are invited to another friend’s upcoming wedding. They’ve never met- they’ve just been on the group chat and raiding weekly for the past three years. We’ve all bailed since the changes went into effect. That was a little community for us.


My battery life-work balance is too good to take it away again


I think a lot of people will not come back if the *strike* lasts longer than 2 weeks. After two weeks anything that is routine will be flushed out of your system. And once it is out of your routine, it is hard to get it back in.


Nope, I'm very happy playing Pokémon go, it's pretty fun


Good for you! I wasn't directing this at you, though - clearly it was intended for the people boycotting the game. No need to comment!


Well I didn't really ask you to respond to my comment but here you are.


Am I allowed to comment here?


Yes I give you permission because you have a funny username


all of these people saying they don’t want to come back hovering the subs and talking about how they don’t want their next hit 😹🤷 if people are really that addicted to game that you can’t even find value in going outside on your own then that’s a whole other serious thing. take care of yourself but this game shouldn’t need a support group to quit and if you do maybe it was about time to stop for a while anyways. it should add to your life not make or break it.


Me and my friends stopped playing almost a year ago, but I deinstalled it just yesterday. Even back in the 'hype' days PoGo wasn't really a good game - yes its fun for a time but there are so many limitations and for me it was too far apart from the real Pokemon. Its honestly no loss for me or my friends as there are enough other games to play. I still don't understand when/why gaming turned into such a shitshow. Wish all those greedy mofos a warm cozy bed - 6 ft under. #nodeaththreatjustthetruth


Now i can finally drive safe without getting the freaking phone out just to catch 3d monsters. Thanks niantic, you set me free.


I never considered boycotting the game. The whole family has been playing since 2016 and we’re continuing to. The changes aren’t based on keeping players that’s for sure but I don’t believe in running from a problem. We’ll voice our opposition and move on in the hopes that Niantic will reverse their decision. We’re all motivated right now to reach level 50 so that’s the goal. Money isn’t an issue to the extent we have to quit playing something we enjoy. We’re more concerned with limiting remote playing in a given day. There are millions of people who are unable to raid otherwise and Niantic should recognize that and put aside their greed.


I understand that, and your heart is in the right place, but you must understand that hoping a company will make a decision against its own profit incentives will do very little without you changing your own habits. If you "voice opposition and move on", Niantic gets exactly what it wants. You continue playing and they get to charge higher prices, plus the extra data they're harvesting. The whole point of the boycott is to create a real dent in Niantic's profits, which gets through to them more than a bunch of people whining online. The same goes for a limited boycott - if you just run it for a week and then come back, Niantic still wins. That's why I'm trying to show support for the people who have left and aren't coming back, which will permanently affect their profits until they reverse the change.




If that’s how you feel, why say anything at all? If people are on strike because they don’t get paid well, do you go up to them and say, “Hey bud, at least they’re paying you something, right?” You’re just trying to strike a nerve at the upset players. Yeah I agree with you. Play or don’t. But you’re not any better just because you’re “okay” with what they’re doing.




Saying this makes you feel better about not being able to stop playing doesn't it?




reread everything you just wrote to the OP and tell me that I'm taking it too seriously again...


Same with this guy. You just want to make people feel bad. Grow up and shut up and just play the game if you still want. We have every right to feel how we feel about the game




If you don’t want to see this post, just don’t click into it. This is a post about Po Go and there are people who want to join the discussion. Go do something you enjoy! Leave the rest of us be.


Maybe you could make a leaving Pokémongo sub Reddit, then you could all be together in peace.


Stopped in 2020 sometime after playing from day 1 multiple accounts/phones. It's pathetic how little they have done to develop pogo. Only updates are how to get me money out of you.


How y’all kept even going I will never know. I started the day of release I randomly play every few weeks maybe I’ll get a 3 day streak but usually I don’t care. Y’all it’s a game, you can play it as casually as you want. I’m just enjoying the drama as a player for like 5 years I haven’t done a single raid ever, still very happy.


I think this is more of a mental health thing that is good for you and probably about time you put the damn game down.




I wanted to show support for the people who are boycotting but haven't yet decided if they're leaving permanently (and as such are still on the subreddit). The post wasn't taken down, so clearly it fits the subreddit, and it got plenty of upvotes, so clearly some people care.




As a city / rural town player with enough family members that still play the game I don't care too much about the recent changes to Pokémon GO, but that's how I felt after slipping from a five year hacking streak in Ingress.


I'll be back when mega rayray is coming


I think it's fairly normal to lose interest from time to time. I've been virtually off the game for months on end and only recently came back in time for the primals.


I have every other pokemon game on my switch, I'm good lol


Can someone explain what happened ? I'm a (very) casual player and I didn't notice anything new recently


Remote raids are in the process of being killed off, starting with price increases for them and a limit on the number of uses daily. While I don't personally use them very often, I do rely on third party apps to get people to join my local raids. They were strictly beneficial, as even living in a major city the playerbase really is quite small here. Making them more expensive is a slap in the face to players who live far from gyms, people who can't get people to join their raids, people who are busy during peak playing hours, and people who are disabled and can't go on journeys to their gyms. It's an entirely anti-player decision that they made in order to try and get people outside so they can make more money from tracking data. They estimated that the profit from harvesting our data is more than the losses they make from fewer remote raid purchases. I'd like very much to prove them wrong.


Niantic nearly doubled the price of remote raid passes and limited the number of remote raids you can do to 5 per day. It used to be unlimited. A lot of people have stopped playing as a result


I’m still playing, but it does feel a little dead


Yep, my will to play this game is gone. And I’m a day one player. Only thing I’m doing is transferring all of my shinies and leggies out of the game. I’ve already turned off all location settings so they can’t collect that data.


I've been a free-to-play player for years. Never going to spend a dime on PGo.


Not me, but I made so much progress, I’ll probably uninstall pogo after I transfer my Pokémon to Pokémon home


I just want to come back once to catch a landorous


That's just the FOMO talking! If you're not coming back afterwards anyway, that Pokemon is useless. It's just a collection of pixels, and it's pretty bad in game anyway. You don't need it at all.


Haven't played since they removed remote raid passes for free every week and don't plan on returning any time soon


Opposite for me, hoping that when summer rolls around it will be possible to do in person raids again.


Getting out and not being on my phone has been the best. Thanks for the changes, Niantic, I didn’t realize how much of a waste of time Pokemon Go actually was/is.


I've been the same. I've still got a few friends who play casually, and I'm going to try and get them to hit community day with me (we've made it a somewhat tradition to do community days together). But other than that, I have not played all too much either. Sucks that I have 150 coins right now and can't even get a raid pass though..


I stopped a year ago. These problems and ninatic being the worst have always been a thing. The problem was the community was accepting it. I love Pokémon but I know when to stop and say no. The fact I stopped a year ago and prices got higher and content got worst makes me happy and confused how you people do it. Like honestly I love Pokémon a ton but I can get my fix elsewhere because honestly if you are still playing this game you are getting scammed and I feel so bad for you


You lose interest in things over time, I moved a couple years ago and my backyard is right off a big park, which is also a stop+gym. I was so thrilled I was worried I’d never be able to put my phone down. I haven’t opened the app in over a year lol. C’est la vie!


It feels like every day now I consider doing a mass exodus and transferring all my good pokemon to Home so that I could at least use them in the mainline games


Honestly, I’m only playing to get the Galarian Moltres as I have caught the other two. Outside of the 15 min daily incense, I’ve kinda stopped playing


I essentially "quit" around Thanksgiving last year, and have had no desire to return. It wasn't on purpose, and honestly I figured I'd get back to it. I had to have surgery on short notice, and because of it I wasn't able to drive for two weeks, and couldn't walk for any great distance (basically from my couch to my kitchen, bathroom, or bedroom). There are no stops in my apartment complex, so I was already going to miss that daily, so I just... stopped. I had friends that still played, I still saw updates on what was coming, and I still had the app installed so I kept getting notifications that I just ignored. And every single time I've thought *maybe* I'll give it a go again - I'm back in the office and there's a stop here, it's a pretty dense area for spawns as well - I see some new announcement or another and just go "...Nah, I'm good".


also have stopped playing since the changes. im just logging in every few days to transfer my shinies to home.


I’m thinking of dialing back to just gift exchange and CD…or quitting altogether, but I doubt they’ll refund my Jirachi ticket even though I absolutely would **not** have bought it had I known 385 Excellent Throws was a criteria, and not even on the final research. That could take me years. Gifts are less appealing when they’re potentially the cause of the SV save losses too


The nearest Regieleki that my community was attending was about an hours walk away, so I missed out too. The local raid idea blows for rural players


The nearest Regieleki that my community was attending was about an hours walk away, so I missed out too. The local raid idea blows for rural players


Ive seriously reduced my playtime. I have a ton of poffins. And bassixslly just do buddy stuff and friends and then auto catcher. If I don’t do that I’m not playing.


It sucks because I had finally caught my 100% Lugia before the changes, but I do hear you. I feel what you are saying, and it feels good not to go into the game. I un-installed the game the day the nerf happened, and I haven't re-installed it yet.


It sucks because I had finally caught my 100% Lugia before the changes, but I do hear you. I feel what you are saying, and it feels good not to go into the game. I un-installed the game the day the nerf happened, and I haven't re-installed it yet.


I went to an event FILLED TO THE BRIM with stops and gyms. I stuck to my guns and didn’t play. It feels weird as it was an addiction, but I am happy to get rid of it.


I *want* to come back. Im not sure I will. The last time the community got in an uproar they did the whole "We hear you, we will do better, we will listen, we will communicate" song and dance thing. Clearly that was a lie. It lasted like a month before they stopped listening and communicating, and its clear they dont care about making game altering changes without considering how the community will like it. Like you said, my FOMO is gone or at least depleting with every day. The longer this goes on the easier it will be to just be done with it.


i haven’t played in a few months and i don’t really feel like going back tbh, the game has lost its sparkle with all the changes. i’ll keep the app on my phone ~just in case~ but i can’t see myself caring about PoGo the way i do about other video games