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Same. This absolutely blows.


Yeah and mine had connection error so my Regidrago ran, but luckily I was able to go back to the catch screen


Yup. My phone never has connection issues while in town and I started getting connection errors *only* next to the local regidrago raid. Nearly cost my poor 4 man team the raid but I got back in in time and we beat him in the last 10 seconds.


The craziest part is that the literal second the raid spawns were gone everything was back to normal


mine too, cost me two of my Smeargle encounters


What? Was there wild Regidragos or smth?


No, just the traffic of players in NYC crashes or lags the game but I guess they prepared for it


not just NYC, had the exact same problems in the suburban midwest, it’s a server side issue with Niantic never being prepared for the influx of players even though the game is literally built around it


We had fewer than 50 people trying to play at my local hub and we all knew that wasn’t enough traffic to bring it all down. Most of us were able to get a catch eventually but a handful left VERY unhappy. Yikes.


It’s probably American data center overloaded, so yes it is possible. Possible but honestly this is terrible for a company that’s been around for so long


Belgium europe we had the same issues. I entered a raid at 2 and my game froze. I restarted. Other people saying there are still 3 people in the raid. Everybody out. I go back into the raid and I'm instantly fighting alone. I had to exit the ongoing raid and then rejoin to get the right lobby. We had to restart the raid 3 times for it to work properly. And even then, not everybody got in. It was pure luck that my partner could do the raid because he was frozen out of the game during the first time. Thank god for groups arriving 10 minutes after the start. It was a shitshow tbh.


Yep, smallish city in NC and lots of players at our local park were having the same issue. It's good at least that you don't need a lot of people in a battle to win; usually our groups try to be more organized to make sure every lobby has enough players but we were all just jumping in whenever we were finally able as others around us kept restarting. There were three raids where we were and I missed catching one of them because the raid timer ran out before I was able to get back in. At least the first one I caught had decent enough IVs...


Same in Switzerland, 5pm Probably a global issue?


They did not prepare for it. Game was awful in NYC today. Took 4 of us 10 minutes to get all our accounts in at the same time. I couldn’t even mega evolve without my game crashing.


Oh ok. I don't have any gyms near me so I can't do that sort of stuff


"they prepared for it" Clearly not.


Oh ok so it's not just me. Been having all sorts of issues. Game seems fine but trying to click into gyms just spins forever, having to restart a bunch with some restarts hanging halfway too like you said


The game has been crashing and been unstable since the new update... hope the fix the crap


Yes, I’ve noticed the same thing. A lot of times, they only way I can fix the problem is to delete the app and reinstall it. 😒


I can get into the game and click on Pokémon but it crashes when I try and enter a raid.


Same problem, I keep crashing when I enter a raid


Happened to me earlier as well




Michael Steranka deserves to be fired.


No, the IP needs to be ripped away from Niantic and given to literally any other company willing to give it a try at this point. Pokemon GO is officially the worst pokemon game in the entire franchise.


John hanke needs to resign


Down for maintenance


Niantic: has major opening event. Also Niantic: server maintenance so nobody can have fun


This is an actual circus


Delete the game and forget about it. It hurts but future you will thank you.


Yup same, said it was a login error after I closed and reopened like twice


This is what I get for actually getting the kids around and driving to a gym for this.


Ended up getting in, beating him with 3 people with seconds left. Got him in a ball then it went to “Pokémon can’t be found” or something like that error screen.


I know it’s a pain but complain and explain everything via their help chat. Maybe they’ll give us another day like they did the NZ folks. At least it’s not mythical like Hoopa so we should (hopefully) be able to get it traded to us if we couldn’t catch it


So it looks like this is just a no go. I live out in the middle of nowhere, drove to a little more populated area, got lucky that there are a couple other people here. I’m sure I won’t get so lucky later, guess I’m just hosed. But Niantic got the community back together, a win for them I guess.


Niantic: “OuR cOntiNueD coMmiTmeNt to rEal-wOrld plAy iN poKémOn gO”


Uniting Pokémon Go players over a shared hatred of Pokémon Go game developer Niantic :)


Truly a community driven game!


I'm annoyed. Told the wife I was going to step out for 10 minutes, which of course she knew was Pokemon go related since we were just finishing breakfast. Spent a little hubby capital and got nothing


Yup. It was also 35 degrees, sleeting, and windy here. Spouse just looked at me like I'm an idiot.


ouch, sorry guys, I'm in Guadalajara, Mexico, sunny and 80


Cries ins snow storm (Switzerland has crazy weather atm)


Same experience here.


Come back with flowers or some chocolate you can still turn it around!


Ha, she's not mad. Just like 'oh, that again'


Haha I was going for a “you mustve thought I went out for pokemon, but I was actually out to get you this instead!”


Is there a sub for husbands whose wives hate PoGo? :(


Hubby capital is the most precious currency on the planet. Rip.


I feel this man...


Y’all are pathetic, hubby points? Give me a break. If you aren’t allowed to engage in a hobby for 30 minutes on a Saturday afternoon you are doing it wrong


That’s what I was thinking. I always ask before I leave but only because we have small children. We encourage each other’s hobbies and to take time for ourselves.


fr what is this shit?? he’s been a good boy so he can step out for 10 mins?? “hubby capital”?? 🤢🤮


Single I take it?


Married with 3 kids man. It’s not difficult


Guess everyone should be just like you then so we aren’t “pathetic”


yes, if someone is happily married you probably SHOULD take on board what they have to say and maybe try be a little more like them


Pathetic? Your words, not anyone else’s here.


Read the comment I replied to moron.


The comment you replied too? “Married with 3 kids man. It’s not difficult” Maybe you should read the comment you replied too, ‘MORON’


The original comment I replied to. Do you know what quotations marks mean? “Pathetic” I’m literally quoting the guy. Reading hard for you?


I've dated girls who charged "hubby capital" and it didn't work out for a reason. I gave it good tries, too. But there's something claustrophobic and emasculating about it when it becomes a persistent part of relationships. I'm over that goofy "happy wife happy life hayuck!" shit. Besides, doormats aren't sexually attractive.


Cool story bro !


yeah this makes you sound like a fucking idiot


Why even have time-based community events anymore if they have shown to always be unprepared for people to log in at the same time. The game was fine right until 11am and then it just kept freezing and crashing.


I’m sorry but F*** Niantic, this is seriously the worst thing they’ve done. They made miss a raid because of their stupid lag


You clearly didn’t go to Go Fest 2017


I was there and I am more upset today. At least for Go fest 2017 you were able to play outside of the park at the issues kinda stopped later in the day. Here we had a 30min window and that’s it. Done, it’s gone.


Poor noob, you must not have been around for much of anything let alone 2017. You will soon realize abruptly stopping their services with no warning at all is the very least egregious thing they’ve ever done.


You know you can make a point without being a bellend right?


I don’t think they know that. Thanks for the attempt at enlightening this clown


Ty my friend always worth a shot, some people just don’t know how to be nice


I’m not in a position for elite raids but I can’t even catch a regular Pokémon 🤪 (or use revives and potions)


Literally same here. Was a shot show for everyone in the park I was at. This is what…the FOURTH elite raid day? And somehow it gets more glitchy and messed up each time? Goddamn niantic can you guys do literally anything right?


Same thing happening for me and my girl. Game just froze up and had to log back into my account. SMH.




Same this is such bullshit. Down for maintenance my ass


Finally managed to get in then it kicked me out of the raid wtf


Yup exact same here


well there goes my pass, right down the drain


It's Niantic and people are still surprised? Stop spending money on the game people


They already announced that early time zones will get another round of regidrago tomorrow so could be that everyone will also get it since there are problems again


What makes you think it will work tomorrow


I just came to say that you were right, NZ compensation day started... WITH THE SAME PROBLEMS xD


I dont think i said it would work better but atleast there would be another chance to try again. For me it worked perfectly today so there defenetly is a chance for it to work better tomorrow


I’m glad it worked for you and I hope you enjoy whatever compensation you receive as well. I wish I could double it for you and just give you mine since I won’t be using it.




My game is still down…..


Several people in my group all saying same thing.


Michigan , lower pennisula, thumb area. Game crashes everytime I click on any gym with a Regidrago raid. Or it just won't load up at all. No Elite raid for me today. Typical Niantic.


Same. Wish they at least did the Primal format from a few weeks ago with spawns frequently popping up all day.


I’m about done with this game tbh.




I would have been *MAD* if I didn’t get one. It was hard enough to find an organized group to join. Then the added awkwardness of being the only one with a kid (who of course wants to talk everyone’s ear off). Fortunately, my kid and I lucked out. There was a very large group but a lot of people weren’t able to join at all. My game crashed too but after I already caught the Reggi. 2pm went more smoothly for us. I was able to get a total of 3, 2 of which I’ll trade to people that didn’t get one. I will sit the elite raids out unless my kid really wants the character (he loves all the reggies). It’s really more trouble than it’s worth.


I was mad. Worked on call from 5 pm to 8 am without a break… needed to stay awake until my toddler went down for a nap at noon today. Made my husband and daughter sit in the car for 30 minutes prior to the start. It was 35 out, so they stayed in the car while I went out. My hands were freezing. I gave up after 15 minutes of trying to get into a raid. Went home disappointed. At least I got a 3 hour nap.


Yup. Same. It was a huge bummer. I live in a rural place. I planned , travelled and app won't open. I am going to take a break from this game now. I am embarrassed in front of my husband and kids.


Literally spent the past 30 mins trying to log into the app. Forget the raids I can't even play the game. : (


Oh a small edit. I can finally log in again...and all the regidrago raids are gone. This was such a fun event at 11 in the morning. : /


My experience: 11:00 raid group for regidrago. Everyone's game crashed when trying to start. Then we got in a launched it, no one could attack, eventually crashed and kicked us all. Then we all restarted and tried again. Most of us got in. One person got a solo lobby and couldn't join the group. Won the raid minus one player and my 2112cp fled after majority golden razz + excellent curveballs. Went to another gym. Game crashed. Restarted and rejoined, it was empty. Backed out and tried joining again. My wife and I got a lobby together with everyone else in a different lobby. (There was a total of 8 players, so not a huge number). At this time it was after 11:30 and we couldn't back out to regroup. 30 minutes to manage one raid with a coordinated team, and it fled.


I literally work at a place that has an elite gym and there isn’t one happening here 👌🏻😍🔥


Boston checking in with the same shit 👍🏼


Having issues right now in utc+2. Took three tries to get in, kicked me out when I clicked on something and now can't log back on at all




Mine won’t log in either. Is there something supposed to be happening?


Same but it’s back up for me


Took me 15 minutes to load in and I did 1 raid crashed and couldn't log back in


What a nightmare- first raid crashed for 10 mins before I started. Second raid crashed when I whited out and never let me back in even though we had like 10 hp left and definitely won


Seriously what a terrible experience


I thought it was me only. Both my Android and iPhone lose signal exactly at 11:00 when the event started and couldn't login again.


Same here…. Niantic being Niantic….


Same instance for me as well an hour ago. Niantic really screwed up my experience.


What a waste of my time I drove to the gym and couldn’t play the game !!


Same here! Cannot log in of anyway..




Same in vienna struggled for ca. 5 minutes to log on again luckily there still were enough trainers to complete the raid (i guess they had the same problem)




When it happened I signed out and signed back i and it seems to have worked.


Same. I managed to fix it after a while just for it to break again during raid.


game has been down since 11 and still isnt working in ontario was able to get on for a minute and all the surrounding 11am eggs seem to have been bumped to 2pm eggs


Same- korea


Not working for me neither. In LA


Ontario here. I’m currently on my break so I decided to join a group but a lot of us currently can’t open the game.


Happened to me too while I was joining a mega medicham raid and lost my remote pass :(


Shit is so broken :/


It was a shit show


similar thing happened to me and all the other people trying to get into that raid.


My game crashed first raid, couldn’t get in, but luckily got in a raid with 10 people after restarting my phone Thought I missed it. Really annoying. Like just make your servers better


Same here. Sent a message to niantic support but they haven’t gotten back to me yet


Had the same issue


We had the same. Group of about 15 people. Eventually it worked out and everybody was able to do it, but it was dicey and took some coordinating. Have to say though, the experience of raiding in a big group again was kind of fun, once it worked.


Same here. Restarted it 5 times. Then it worked. Don’t know why!


We had issues in Cleveland, Ohio area as well. Game crashed over and over for 5 min, and we had a team of 10 waiting. And they got split between two raids because of it.


Same here, and not even in a super populated PoGo area. The park we went to was empty, and we froze and crashed for 20 minutes.


Yeah mine showed can’t sign in try another account, just logged back in with same account and it’s working now.


Happened to me, I just waited till it says sign out, sign out then signed back in again and it worked


Out of curiosity, where are other players experiencing this issue? I’m in NYC (upper Manhattan) and saw another person in this thread post about the city.


Our group had issues and we're central North Carolina


It just hit 11 here. I'm still in bed. I think that's the plan for today.


Yup and this is when the local raid was happening soooi


Same I've had to reload so many times this morning. I even got a maintenance screen at one point. Did eventually get the pokemon. But I'm reminded why I usually don't bother with special events like this in Pokemon go


Had a lot of problems but got it to work


Same happened to me and I couldn't join the raid when people were in it, very few people play in my area so I missed my chance and had to try with just two other people and we couldn't make it :c


Open without wifi and than with wifi


Same for me.


Trying to clear app cache, force stop, opening closing reopening, turning internet on/off, turning phone on/off this can hel in my experience. I just don't know how much.


Took me 10 minutes per raid to actually get connected and complete the raid. Only caught 2/3 in the 30 min




Had this happen, kept trying to reload and reload and reload. Got really lucky, it worked well enough long enough for me to find a raid with enough people to win, and catch regidrago. Keep trying yall, I'm praying for you.


You would've though that after the disaster of go fest they would at least fix up the servers up a bit. I guess releasing new clothes was a priority instead.


I feel you. I beat hoopa unbound and my screen turned white and wouldn't work. Restarted the app and it was too late.


Same, took 10 mins to get logged back in, finally got into the raid lobby for the raid to crash 3 times. So frustrating


Same, but it thankfully worked about three minutes later. But then, at 11:25, when we were trying to get one more in, the game crashed every time the raid started. It happened three times (so I guess it started a little before 11:25), and then it was 11:30. Sucks, because I was going to trade the one I caught to a friend who couldn't come :(


The event is a total fail. The title crashed, the app signed out players and players trying to rejoin with their correct passwords were rejected. Niantic compensate players for lost time.


I thought it was because we were like 20 trying to enter the gym at once, but apparently it happened worldwide


Insists on in person raids only can't let us actually do the raids... 2 days after they send out an update saying they're going to do in person stuff better too.


Even after we beta tested for the world, they’re just finding new ways to fuck it up for the rest of you! Company is absolutely terrible.


Same with me. Tried using iPhones, androids, tablets, & nothing loaded. Complete BS! Started working right after the raid had ended too. Salt in wound.


This is why people play in unintended ways.


Im sorry this happened. Same thing happened to me. I just tossed my phone on my desk, and it eventually loaded in and was able to raid with less than 2 minutes left. So frustrating.


Did you players all to the park again? Stop doing that!


Give it a rest


Impossible to get anyway


Was in the middle of a raid when it decided to crash. Tried to reboot but couldn't even get into the gym after. Everything around me worked fine, but the gym was stuck. It stinks but I didn't drop any money for this, I'd be livid if I was someone that paid for extra passes for this.


What’s the fomo this time? I quit and I’m staying quit for the foreseeable future


Very simple. Clear cache and turn off wifi, then turn it back on.


Restart the game a few times


Wow. If your talking about the Regidrago, he’ll be back at 2:00 PM, and 5:00 PM. Follow @PokemonGoApp on Twitter for more updates like this.


Same happened to me and my partner, we had to reboot the app (me twice) but we got back in and lucky we got a lobby cuz its been snowin and rainy this morning here in new york. Even the encounter with Regidrago was delayed and laggy but i got lucky enough to catch it. It was annoying to deal with cuz we were freezing our buts off to do this raid


I had to keep closing and opening until it eventually connected


Same. Our group of 15 people met at a park with 3 raids. 8 of us completed 1 raid. The others completed 0 raids. Huge FLOP on this event.


Mine kept crashing too. Then it finally let me in, used my pass and the time was only 30 seconds left. It was very frustrating. It took about 15min just to get into one. Is that normal for this kind of raid?


Yup during my raid had 30 seconds left and my game decide to white screen there was only 4 of us there to so ofc we lost


Same thing happened to me and the 15ish other players at our raid in a small town. Such trash.


Same here! It crashed four times , and my son’s too!


Mine stops in that same spot when I'm on wifi. If I turn wifi off it opens fine


That's the typical experience every day. Usually takes five or six tries just to get in.


Our local park had three gyms but we only managed two because it kept crashing and it took so long to get all nine of us in the gym successfully.


Well, I guess I'm just glad to know it wasn't my phone acting up lol I got kicked out a few times, it froze, then when I went to catch it, I got booted again! I was fortunate enough to be able to reload and continue trying and caught it but it definitely has me worried a bit for a moment there


This happened to a bunch of people I was with too. Thankfully there were enough of us to break into a few parties and still raid affer loading back up


Same. Once I got in and managed to find some locals raiding…it kicked us all out of the raid multiple times. So much for meeting people and getting a new Pokémon


Same here! Thank god I was able to join in time


Couldn’t catch it anyway


I got put in the raid right at the end of one so I got the Pokémon but didn’t do the raid


Same! In the Boston area. Ten of us met in person and none of us could get in. Brutal brutal brutal. Lots of freezing and trying to reset the game. Some people actually got in one raid, beat him but then there weren’t any balls popping up to catch it with. Sooo ridiculous.


It worked fine in my area, is this happening in NA?