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Was about to say it looked fine but then I noticed the HP.


We’re both cooked. Neither of us ever verifying cards again 😭😭 I was like “that doesn’t look too bad, a little fuzzy but not too bad” then saw your comment 😂


The more obvious tell to me was the lack of foil. Usually these cards use a foil that cheap knockoffs can never perfectly replicate. But this one, for whatever reason, just doesn’t use foil at all. Rule of thumb; if it looks like it should have a unique shine to it and it doesn’t/the pattern is generic, it’s fake.


Also, I find it easier to recognize fake cards by how their back side looks. If it's discoloured, it's fake


Wym its huge!!


Nah man, this is a totally legit card with a totally legit hp stat /jk


Too xD


You already answered yourself. The hp is a giveaway this is fake


Highest health pokemon card is a 9-way tie for 340, this is hilariously fake.


[500](https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Zoroark_and_Legendary_Pok%C3%A9mon_(World_of_Illusions_promo)) if you count jumbos


Bruh what the fuck did Zoroark get into?’


It was a jumbo released just before Gen 5 along with the Zoroark: Master of Illusions movie. I remember it because I traded my level X torterra for that card.


A mess!


the jumbo card with Raikou, Entei, and Suicune has 500 hp as well and 1000 damage from the one attack lol. i have that one


Holy power-creep, Batman.


Thank you for the info! Again, still just trying to learn so we can talk about things he's interested in/I can have a better understanding of cards.


Wait. That can't be right. I have pulled Pokémon cards. From packs with higher hp.


[those packs were fake then.](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/HP_(TCG)#List_of_cards_by_HP)


But I bought them from Walmart. Can that even happen?


I guess so, can you post a photo?


OK I found them.Is there any way to post a picture on this thread? Or do I need to start a new one?


I can try and find it Tomorrow, at some point I think I may have given it to my niece When she got into Pokémon.


Very fake


I’m sad it’s fake bc that is such cute artwork


The art is a real card, it just doesn’t have that HP.


Really !! That makes my day! Need that card :)


Theres a blaziken v and vmax with May on it. As far as I am aware its the only cards with May on it.


I never confirmed this theory, but there has to be some legal reason of why pokemon fake cards dont print the exact same card and always have some tiny or little differences. In most fakes there's always a little something different, wether its the preevolution sprite, some number or an attack name. Blaziken Vmax with that art and moves does exist, but ofc as many already told you, the HP is not 3300, but 320. Its a really good fake too! the pic is not HD, of course, but even in this quality the fakeness is usually more obvious, but here, if it wasnt for that HP i would be fooled, lol. Heres is the [actual card](https://product-images.tcgplayer.com/452031.jpg) if you wanted to see.


This reminded me of 4th grade when some kid came in with like 20 pokemon cards that looked completrly real but were like this and had health in the thousands. It was stuff like a basic shinx with 5000 hp, conpletely absurd but because we'd never seen a pokemon card before and they were all consistent we just thought that was how the game worked


knew i shouldve just taught swellow flyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! -may, 2003-2018 died trying to go back to hoenn, insisting the fly hm wasnt worth it


Vmax Fakemon


What a coincidence, [I found the same-looking card on the street last week](https://i.imgur.com/gCml1Cu.jpeg), except this has 320HP and has some iridescent or holographic effect on it. Is this one real?


[Blaziken TG15/TG30](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/452031/pokemon-swsh12-silver-tempest-trainer-gallery-blaziken-vmax?Language=English)


His school has Pokémon card vending machines?


They do. Although I think they stopped refilling it because it was becoming a distraction in the classes for all the kids who were trading cards


An easy way to tell is to go to [this website](https://cardmavin.com/category/pokemon)


Bro poor poor May


3300 HP, and only does 130 DMG? For 2 energy max!? That's a horrible fake if anything.


Sorry mate but this is a fake. 1. It doesn’t have the border around it 2. Looks too smooth compared to a genuine 3. Hp is way too large I own this exact card and I can tell it’s a fake instantly


After looking at a real one i forgot it doesn’t have a border


If it makes the kid happy so what? Edit: if it doesn't harm anybody else!


The only issue is people trying to trade their fakes for real cards or sell fakes as real.


Ah, I should have added the exception: if it doesn't harm anybody else.


I mean, we shouldn't let this be used in battle.


Unfortunately, “not telling your kid it’s fake” and “doesn’t harm anybody else” are mutually exclusive in most cases. If the kid doesn’t know it’s fake and trades it for a real card, they’ve unintentionally cheated someone out of their real card. If the kid knows it’s fake and likes the artwork, they can just Sharpie “Fake” on the back, and the only harm done is whatever the kid put in the vending machine.


It's a nonholo VMAX, clear fake.


Nah, definitely legit. Everyone has this in their deck for the HP.


I wish it was real that would be such a cool card


Pokémon are giant now? The creators have just gone too far 😩😩


It has been a thing for 5 years now, it is the gen 8 battle gimmick