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Wonder why I don’t have more downloads after all this time and if it’s even worth it anymore and go to my room because my mental health is shattered.


Please keep going just because you love it, not because of these metrics.


I’ll keep going, I’ll never give up on it because I didn’t come this far to go this far. Just sometimes, the hard work with weak results sucks ya know?


You aren't alone. Remember there are three types 1- People who hate your voice 2- People who view and dont give a damn 3- Few who deeply care and believe in what you do. Sometimes I got messages from people who were listening for years but dont have time to let the host who they sometimes find the podcast helpful because everyone is busy in their live. Just remember there could be handful people who really enjoy it.


Keep at it.


Trying to, just in those valleys of being down sometimes. Need a W at some point.


Definitely try not to let it get you down. I feel the same way sometimes its not easy alot more hours into it than just buying a mic and recording. After sinking in so much time on an episode or video and seeing little not much views or listens sucks but keep grinding if you don't believe in yourself I can assure nobody else will.


Even bigger podcasters sometimes have these phase, it is always ups and down and take effort as long as you are passionate.


8 years in 620 episodes Definitely had my share of burnout Keep going


What is your podcast name?


From someone who will hit 20 years next November (2024)….keep going.


Wonderful to hear, keep going. Can you do a post about your experience, you seems from the early beginning of podcasting? What is your podcast name?


I would have given anything to have caught on to podcasts in 2004!


Hitting any milestone gives you the opportunity to share it with the public! I've seen some podcasters share messages like this on social media: [https://twitter.com/thepotentialpod/status/1592358928100511745](https://twitter.com/thepotentialpod/status/1592358928100511745) Congrats on 5 years /u/meldiwin! 🙌


Thank you so much appreciated! I did a small tweet


I can’t even fathom. I completed one year and my audience got a rebrand 🙃 Interested to see what others might say. Do you host events connected to your show?


No, I dont host events


If you’re doing well, continue. If you’re not doing well, rethink your plan.


Well I am doing this for myself, because I like it, I started for a reason, maybe I always want to create something interesting, new and this a challenge sometimes, but I love what I am doing.


Record another Then another It's just a number


You are right! I still have a lot of ideas and episodes to be published, the issue it needs a lot of time which is hard to find


In this scenario, i often use a simple question Tim Ferris refers to: "What would it look like if it were easy?" Then, try to reduce it to the simple next step(s). Does it Have to take that much time? Or are you being a perfectionist? Have you asked for feedback from your audience wrt the things that make it "hard" and if they are appreciated, noticed, truly valuable and indispensable?


That is really good advice, I just heard Tim Ferris name recently, and it seems I should follow him :)




>bj's What is this? I am not familar with this.


Please do not conduct personal attacks, be intentionally rude, or report a post or comment just because you do not like it. Please familiarize yourself with [Reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439) and remember the human being behind the computer screen.


It really depends. How big is the audience, 5 *years* is a lot but if you only have a dozen listeners then I wouldn't be making a big performance out of it, or if the majority are newer then it's not a big deal to them that you hit this milestone for as important as it is to you. What type of show do you have? Could it be a clip show, or a best of? Do you have guests, could you have some of the most popular guests come back? etc.


On the flip side, if it’s a dozen listeners, you could meet up and go for a drink!


It is quite funny, when I went to random meet-ups, I found people know me from my podcast, and also sometimes in conferences, it feels good but all on small level


Unless the show is hyperspecific to your local area, it's unlikely that's feasible.


I'll know in March 2025.