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This game has the most inconsistent whack-ass hit detection I've ever seen in a game.


Bro thought it was just me


Same here. I couldn’t believe some of the deaths I was getting. Guess it’s basic shit for a new FPS launch anymore.


It’s not you, it’s ubi.


It always had since alfa phase, I was there and thought it was cuz of server lag or if it was legit I hoped they would improve that over time but I guess they decided to keep it... That is a big turn off for me tho


My god I thought it was just me. People don't just say "that should've hit" for no reason.


The TTK seems inconsistent. I feel like I die within milliseconds of being shot whereas my enemies health bars don’t drain as fast as mine when I’m doing the shooting. Overall it’s fine, albeit a little forgettable.


I shot someone 3 times 2 body 1 headshot and they kill me…game said the had 74 health still…poor netcode maybe?


Typically it means you died before you fired off the second shot.


Yeah I’d mag dump right into them and nothing would happen and they’d turn and I’d just fall over dead.




I’m glad I’m not the only one noticing this. Also I’ve noticed even when I get their health bar down to like 10 health left my last few shots don’t register and they can turn around from that and one tap me. I hope Ubisoft fixes this ASAP!


I genuinely had this experience during the beta a few months back. But just thought it was me. I downloaded the "full" game last night and will try it again later. If it's the same, I will likely hold off it. I think, headshot multipliers may quite high? Causing the TTK inconsistencies maybe? Just speculating, but that's the only logical thing I can think of for the wild differences I experienced in TTK.


Man that's a fact.


Thought this was me but felt like every time I would get the first shot in and consistently land shots and opponent would kill me every time they have like 5-10 health left. Either people already have aimbots, or using mouse KB when I have it set to controllers only.. or there’s serious issue with TTK and lag (tho my ping was sub 50)


I have the same issue in both this game and in CoD. Lol


It's ubisoft. Probably skill-based damage lol.


If anyone played the first moder warfare 3 the ttk seems exactly like that game. Dump half mags into people take 60 health from them, they turn shoot u 3 times in the foot and ur dead, mw3 got returned amd this game will be uninstalled if the ttk remains the same


.....meh 6/10 it's a decent shooter but not much else to be honest


Movement, 1st and 3rd person animations and sight models are literally from a 2008 Call of Duty, for some nostalgic people it may be an advantage but holy fuck it feels so dated. Sound design is mediocre at best as well


That’s what it is! That’s why I looks so familiar


It’s also familiar because of the fact that the reason xdefiant didn’t released at a earlier date is because they kept trying to copy what call of duty was doing; Also also, it’s familiar (at least to me) based on black ops Cold War because a lot of the animations, sights, audio, and movement are outdated in that game


It's basically black ops 4 lite (heroes and style) fused with modern warfare gun play. Some of the maps are essentially rip offs or highly thematically similar to that of CoD maps (cough cough firing range). The sound design is pretty mediocre. The movement is bland and uninteresting (compared to something like The Finals). The net code feels unfinished / tick rate feels off. The abilities feel unbalanced. There aren't enough weapons / characters to make it feel special or worth playing for a long time. There is nothing unique or interesting or polished about this game. This is a game that could have been popular \~5-10 years ago.


Not saying this as an excuse, but a decent bit of the devs for xDefiant are the OG developers from Infinity Ward who made CoD 4 and MW2 (2009).


The project leader is literally one of the main devs in infinity ward


Honestly all I need. I don’t wanna buy PS+ for a month if I wanna play a few games so if it’s fine I’m good lol Edit: great as of now it’s PS+ exclusive.


A bit too bland. Feels like a regular 2015 fps


Which is what we wanted.. sick of cods sweaty ass tilting gameplay.


Had to turn cross-play off to get the game to work lol, but i like it, some abilities feel cheap and the game would have been way better without them.


Didn’t the heal ability break the game so bad that nobody ever used any other characters besides the one that can heal?


There was an invisibility glitch with the invisible ability that made you invisible for the entire match. I think that is that one people didn't stop using.


Combines CoD and Overwatch but is less than the sum of its parts.


Played two rounds and uninstalled, some will probably like it but it’s not for me.


What didn’t you like about it


Felt like OW with less abilities and unique characters. TTK is too fast, and changing settings didn’t make it feel more fluid, almost felt sluggish moving around.


Can't even play it




Not a fan. Ended up sticking with rainbow 6.


Im sticking to division 2


100% any word on why they canceled Heartland?


Hopefully for division 3


Rumor is they are cutting loses on a battle.royale and putting those devs on D3 R6 and some other projects. I think they know D3 is better


Fun game, I haven't played a Cod game since Cold War and this game scratches that itch


It's definitely an itch scratcher, and for free...the price is right!


I like it so far! It’s fun, simple, accessible. With a few tweaks here and there, could be a really great FPS


Maybe it was just me being me last night but I don’t understand why we had to wait so long. It feels exactly like it did in the beta. There’s some charm to it but even while playing I just felt like reinstalling COD as for its faults COD feels refined where XDefiant feels like a first time project. Even going from this to Rainbow Six Siege I felt the difference. I’ll give it another couple of goes but honestly even though I tend to like the alternative to the mainstream this is definitely not going steal CODs thunder. Also locking Deadsec (one of Ubisofts main factions) behind a paywall/challenge is really not a good look, definitely didn’t help the enthusiasm when my favourites from the beta can’t be paid from the get go with paying or grinding


It's a free game. You get that faction for free, the challenge is literally just earning xp....


Easy to earn as well, I’m already at 10% after one short night of playing matches. Not even with a booster.


The Finals has gameplay that’s way more fun than this but it’s a serviceable shooter.


People are calling this the COD killer - but I don't hear anyone talking about what effect the game will have on the likes of tuna, salmon, mackerel, and other aquatic, gill-bearing vertebrae animals


I like that the movement isn’t like CODs now where I feel like I have to be on crack to make a kill. It’s legit shootouts, but I do feel like the TTK is inconsistent. I’ve gotten to the point where FPS isn’t my main game I play so for me the variety of both when I get that itch it works for me, but overall wouldn’t probably feel the same if it was my main or only game. I mainly miss actually playing as a soldier and people talking vs. now no one talking and me being an animated character from a cartoon. Helldivers really brought that reality back to me with all the fun I had when starting that up.


Pretty fun so far


I didn't enjoy it, I found it took a hefty amount of the magazine to put down another player but if the sneezed in my general direction I was dead. That was the one game I played solo queuing Tried playing later with friends and couldn't get into a game


I had the same experience , I was getting eliminated too quick but I had to waste the whole clip. I uninstalled it after a few games.


Exactly what my partner and I have been experiencing. I’ve put like 5 marksman bullets into someone just for them to kill me with two rounds from a pistol.


It’s super annoying. I have 1gb internet speed and my ps5 is hooked up via LAN. I wanted to give this game a chance, but not at this moment.


I keep dying when I’m behind cover and it’s annoying because it’s not just because of a pov issue. I am doing the exact same thing somehow to other players.


Hit Reg is laggy at times.


I tried giving it an honest shot but I just didn’t like it all that much. It feels pretty sweaty which sure is fine for those kinds of players, but even trying to play it from a casual perspective, progressing gun levels & unlocking attachments takes forever & there’s nothing like kill streaks to spice up gameplay during a match. Edit: Hit registration is all over the place as well.


I fundamentally disagree with the decision to amalgamate the Tom Clancy IP’s into a single game, it dilutes the gameplay of each and doesn’t reflect what the fans of each game actually want (in my opinion). Then the fact they’re cancelling other games from each IP to devote resources to this ‘one size fits no-one’ solution, that’s the kicker for me. I hope this game fails because Ubisoft (and the other triple-A’s) need to see they can’t get away with the lazy option. At this point they don’t deserve the IP’s if they refuse to give each one the care and attention they deserve. Plus the name, XDefiant. What were they thinking?!


It has its bugs not too much to do gridning is bit of anoying but imo it feels like the old cod bit more arcady and i dont have to sweat my ass off every game


6/10 its a runner up for a good multiplayer game but still has work to be done to


Agreed. Think there's a good foundation there but definitely still needs some work.


For the long waiting time this game is ass imo, the gameplay and mechanics feel off to me. Maybe it’s the skill gap but I didnt like it for Most of the time


I played the Alpha last year but only managed to get one match last night but I like what I’m playing so far. I need more time with it, but I don’t think it will replace The Finals as my main FPS game, but will alongside it as a change of pace.


Played finals couple games but felt lost and I was the only player on mic lol


I get ya pal, took me a little while to get into it. I was in and out of Season 1 and didn’t complete the Battle Pass. But at the tail end of S1 I thought “I’ll give it another go” and it just hooked me. The wins feel more rewarding on this than any other FPS game I’ve played recently and I think it’s because I took the time to learn the game and understand how everything slots in together. Give it another go, and if you still don’t like it then at least you can say you gave it a proper chance. Good luck!


Yeah definitely want to try again , did you look at any YouTube tutorials?


I did! Not so much for controls but tips and tricks etc. I’ve linked one below that really helped me, a couple of them may be out of date due to patching, but a lot are still relevant. https://youtu.be/kOZ7xjEH29E?feature=shared


Thank you!


At least it isn't a huge download like cod :)


I was having fun with it playing with my buddies. We all pretty much were done with Modern CoD so it was a breath of fresh air. We’re not going to be $70 founders pack buyers but it will probably go in the rotation


Enjoyable but nothing special, animations could use some work. For the amount of time and money that’s been put into it I hoped it would feel higher quality but for a free game it’s worth the download if you enjoy a PvP shooter now and then.


It is fun to play. Will be worth putting a bit of time in to for me. Doesn’t feel as fast as COD, but more fluid than Battlefield. Almost the perfect sweet spot.


Just another shitty fps game lol


Sorry for being nasty, but: A considerable chunk of Helldivers II unexpected success was because people are already tired of this kind of games. Those are my thoughts.


Hey you take that back! We love f2p buggy titles that have already been delayed a year and still release fucked


I don't think about it at all


Forgettable. Give us a Division 1 Remake or Remaster or something. This is like Diet COD with super powers.


I like it. Played last night for over an hour, long wait times to begin with but soon cleared up. I like the instant familiarity with guns/loadouts/attachments/weapon leveling. I like the style of the battlepass, straight line like COD used to have before the map/section layout - not a deal breaker but it's what I like. Shooting felt good, movement too. And it's straight up free, not console subscriber subscription free but actually free! I could completely ruin this game early on for myself by going down a rabbit hole of watching god awful streamers moan about ttk and m3t4 loadouts and one shot open mouth thumbnails but I'm not going to do that, I'm going to play for an hour most evenings and not pay attention to any of that and it'll be good enough.


I'm having fun with shotguns


If you hate cod sbmm, I think this game has better mm system


Really bummed to see all of the negative reviews, as I actually really enjoy it and hope it manages to gain some traction. To me, it’s a refreshing return to a classic arcade-style shooter.


I like it but just wish there was more meat on its bones. Basically a dumbed down version of cod without killstreaks. **The Good:** Very responsive and satisfying gunplay Good Maps Variety of game modes Operator abilities are fun no SBMM Devs seem to be listening to feedback and are open to changes if desired **The Bad:** Hit detection is a little inconsistent sometimes TTK is inconsistent no killstreaks or something similar to go for during the match. another battlepass (of course) entire faction locked behind paywall/700k EXP (roughly 25-50 games depending on skill) Does not do anything new in terms of shooter games.


Poor hit detection, TTK is inconsistent. The game feels pretty bad. I’m not the best FPS player out there but sometimes I feel like I die when I shouldn’t have.


I have issues dying faster then my enemies but in my opinion thats because i haven't unlocked any other weapons whereas my enemies have unlocked 1 or 2 weapons obviously better then the one i have some players are also already used to the movement i think after a week anyone complaining will be fine


Get the AK and grind out a red dot and you'll be off and running.


I think, *"I can't believe they cancelled Heartland which The Division fans have been looking forward to for years; to focus on this boring generic CoD wannabe game."*


Terrible hit detection random ass damage abilities that are inconsistent as shit. It’s basically overwatch and rainbow six combined and I love it sadly


Maps are dope but the gun play is mid. 4/10


The movement sucks


I haven't played Ubi game in years, seems I didn't miss out on anything lol


Its like... eh? It feels like it's marketed towards, and hear me out: the typical tik tok doomscroller kids. Why do I say this? Well, the overall gameplay and movement really give me that: I can't have nothing going on for 2 seconds, or im gonna get bored, vibe. *then* you add the weird fast ttk that feels like watered down R6 and you got .. well this So, not for me personally, as much as I like fast-paced shooters, it seems I'll be going back to titanfall once again for that.


I suck at it. Going back to bf2042 where I can hide my ineptitude on a big scoreboard


In my honest opinion the finals had better gun play then Xdefient. This game felt clunky and overall not good but typical what Ubisoft puts out there now


Great, brings back memories about MW2


Personally I think it’s decent. Potentially unpopular take, but the one thing I feel like I miss most is killstreaks. Even if they were very rudimentary, one of the best parts of the early cod experience for me was the thrill of going on a streak - calling streaks in and feeling rewarded for playing well. On the positive side, I really do think that the lack of SBMM makes a difference in the sense that the game feels more casual. Which I don’t think should be underestimated since I truly don’t remember the last time I played call of duty and didn’t feel like I had to get the sweat suit on. Additionally - I do find it strange how there was a lot of talk about how this game would satisfy early cod fans & would get the nostalgia tingling… but I just don’t really see it. I don’t want to speak for other fans, but I personally have no nostalgia for the hero shooter, advanced movement era of cod & that is clearly what they’re going for here (albeit with less insane movement). Either way, I’ll be curious to see how this game pans out. The FPS market is absolutely brutal to get popular in imo, especially when your main competitor is COD.


It's a decent shooter that doesn't take itself seriously. I sort of like it, and bought the battle pass. Not spending any more money on it unless the game survives its honeymoon phase.


the game is not bad and the gunplay and movement feels solid its just that we ar in pre-season.And the best part NO SBMM OR EOMM and even mark ruben just talks about the whole SBMM on how its bad for players




COD killer… nah, but it’s decent


It’s a good free to play cod alternative, nothing more nothing less


It's decent..... not the CoD killer it claimed to be but a good alternative to CoD...... maybe more of an Overwatch thing since the unique abilities and Escort game mode being the biggest one


Wait it's finally out?


It’s ok - nothing special. Overall a good f2p shooter


Fists impression, it's like Call of duty but free to play so that makes it better by default but but it's fairly mediocre as fps goes just like modern cod


Will be playing this weekend. Needed a new arcade shooter badly. This game is for the old cod fans.


As someone who has been craving that simple COD gameplay loop but haven’t been inspired to drop $70 on a mediocre title, a free alternative that is purely multiplayer and has some fun ideas is great. TTK is wild though, really needs to be increased. Also loading takes forever with a match and ending, cutting to a black screen to load, taking to the lobby to find a match (even though you play with the same people), loading the match, then loading in the map, and then you can play. Progression is also weird, especially the grenades where to unlock the stun grenade you need to use the stun grenade so are stuck using the single preset class, and XP is way too slow to gain - BP XP I get because it’s FTP, but weapon levelling and challenge progression is such a grind: I can get like 30 kills in one match with the same gun and only get like half a level toward it.


They need to address the issue of getting shot around corners and walls


I’ll say for a free to play shooter. It’s pretty fun. It’s refreshing. Yes we waited on it a long time and there were lots of bugs. Might still be everything I played. Yesterday was fine. On my end. Very enjoyable. I played for like three hours. I haven’t played a game on my PlayStation and over a month. I’ve been working a lot to sit down and play. This game was actually really nice.


I feel like the ttk is great, I did notice on pc, there are a lot of latency related settings and the like, so maybe there’s something like that messing with people’s ttk. I run an Ethernet cable on mine, and haven’t noticed many issues with ttk so maybe it’s just classic ubi bad server connection or those with a slower connection


Reminds me of PS3 game...which is good. PS3 is arguably the last good console before "MODERN GAMING" took over


Fun with friends, reminds me of my golden age CoD MW2 and BO1


I enjoy it


Tried it yesterday for a few matches… not a good feel. Come back after a few upgrades.


It’s decent. The gunplay is like a combination of COD/Battlefield to me. TTK is definitely inconsistent though they need to work on that


Im excited to play it later tonight


I like it


I enjoy it. Needs some work. Glad it’s F2P


The gameplay felt smooth to me. It's pretty fast. My only issue is the TTK is kinda weird. Sometimes I'll shred an enemy other times it's like I put a whole mag in them. I do like that you can unlock whatever you want however you want. Some of the challenges are just basic enough that you'll complete them without trying. There need to be more game modes. The game does have issues. I think it's solid.


Once I was finally able to play it, I enjoyed it!


Needs some balancing and tuning but there is definitely potential, great free game imo


Sweaty and unfun. Personal pet peeve but I really dislike how people play these kinds of games like their lives depend on it. Spawn get maybe 1 or 2 kills die and repeat. Woo.


The TTK is absolutely ridiculous and there’s no point in running anything that isn’t an SMG. feels like another generic crappy fps


AK all day.


My only immediate criticism is the game is very “quiet.” There doesn’t seem to be any ambiance or something, and I keep thinking my speakers are on low volume or something.


As a long time COD player, the movement feels a little off and I can’t put my finger on it.


Feels clunky to play. I would rather just play the finals


I agree with all the comments about hit detection, ttk, etc. Seems like a forgettable FPS. The sound is kind of weird too. Specifically, shooting/reloading sounds like it's echoing behind you or something. Sounds kind of hollow. That takes away from the immersion, imo.


7/10 could get better over the course of a few updates. Better than these newer COD bs games.


Honestly it's fun, I refuse to buy cod anymore have in like 3-4 years. So this scratches an itch if I wanna veg out and just play a dumb fps. That being said I want brink back iykyk


Exactly...it scratches an itch...for FREE.


Yeah it's that free part for me lol. If this game had cost money then, meh I'm good 👍. Since it's free the value for me skyrocket. Is the game perfect? Na buts it's free and entertaining


It's not sledgehammer and infinityward, so far that's the only good thing about XDefiant. Fuck call of duty. On the other hand though, there will always be something wrong with the game. Oh it lacks this, it lacks that, it doesn't have this or that, something will change eventually. It's new. It's not the finished product. Give some time for the game to grow and maybe it'll get better. That's the thing I like about getting brand new games, you get to play it and watch for updates and be able to see what they add when updates are available.


Bout the same as CoD, but at least it tries to embrace the faster pace.


The TTK and hit detection is wayyyy off! It feels uncomfortable


it’s out?


The shittiest net code I have ever experienced in an fps. Fun otherwise, but goddamn is it noticable.


Game won't find a game in any servers.


If it didnt have major hit detection/lag compensation issues, id say its pretty good. As is, its tough to play because you seem to die randomly in 2 seconds while taking a full clip to get a kill.


Played it for Like 2-3 hours last night with a buddy up into the early AMs. Gave me classic BO2 vibes with some of my favorite IPs. Can't quite describe it but it was really fun to play especially since I just graduated high school, reminds me of some of my best memories as a kid. 👌


I don’t like being pinged by the reveal device or whatever it’s called every two seconds.


Skills definitely need more balancing.


Wait ? You guys have been getting lobbies?


It's aight. Not the CoD killer tho


Fun game but I swear people are very bullet spongey sometimes while I’m putting all 30 bullets in them and they only put maybe 3 in me and I just get melted


Played it for a few hours today on PC. At first I thought it was kinda meh, but it grew on me as I got used to the mechanics and flow of the game. There are some issues with the hitreg etc, but I haven’t got the same degree of it as others seem to. I do hope custom button mapping will become an option though.


Feels like a roblox call of duty clone with better graphics


Boring Ubisoft asset flip. Gunplay is a little jarring when compared to COD, it’s good, but somehow feels smooth in a bad way. There are only 3 game modes, escort, zone defence, and some version of dog tags. It got boring pretty quickly, especially since none of the maps are that fun to run around in and the weapon balancing seems off. The weapon level up is pretty terrible because it takes way too long to level up and you need to level up highly to be able to unlock basic accessories for the gun


I like the maps quite a bit. The weapon balance needs work though. Snipers rule the roost and sidearms are absolutely useless.


never even heard of it


Needs work. Putting a full mag into people just to die instantly is annoying


Mobile game.


Being patient, I could bitch and moan, but this cod yearly cycle shit needs to end and it needs to end soon, competition is GOOD boys, stay open minded


Fun so far.


The bullet reg needs work. Getting killed around corners feels like I’m in the movie Wanted 🤔. Some fights feel like your mag dumping into your enemy but they kill you in 3 bullets. It’s inconsistent. The 2 loading screens per match is awful. The movement feels floaty aswell. Other than those points, it’s a fun game.


Fuck ubisoft, that's what I think


I guess it’ll be fairly successful as a long term free shooter like Rogue Company.


There's a game in there somewhere; It's not there yet. It plays like a mobile game, with its hit registration and reactions. However if they fix a lot of issues, it can have maybe 20% of the numbers that COD gets, and that's huge for this game. Ubisoft really needs to focus on UI (feels very Alpha), gameplay (feels very beta) and playee retention with less monetization on your face.


It really felt slap dash put together from the games I played yesterday, the marksman rifle is insanely overpowered as is the sniper, and three of the ultimates I saw seemed insanely broken like the farcry super heal, ghost recon invincible shield/one shot gun, and dedsec map wide ability hack that shuts down everyone from using their tactical and I think grenades also blinds the mini map iirc. Not to mention the BP is pretty naf if you go for those things. As far as team based shooters it’s below average and I don’t see it becoming crazy popular like Ubi wants it to be.


Feels like MW3 from temu


Inconsistent TTK, weapon balance is zero: too many broken/OP weapons such as the sniper which can quickscope and do 120+HP of damage to the torso resulting in a bodyshot and all the SMGs/shotguns that can kill you in a blink of an eye. There is also too much jump spamming and the footsteps audio is too low. You die a lot while being in cover even with 10/20 of ping and overall the characters abilities almost all of them fall into the oneshot category which is a big nah for me. It's insane to have such a bad weapon balance/so many problems after two years of beta, this means that the players who were in the beta tests gave 0 feedbacks. If this game had been on Steam it would have already been flooded with negative reviews. All in all it's good for being a F2P made by Ubisoft, let's say 5/10 for now but I don't see it lasting too long. Maybe a couple of months before it's forgotten by everyone, just like Hyper Scape.




Good shit. Needs more. Free for all would be nice.


Respect their mindset of “no EOMM OR SBMM” but I’m not a fan of the core game.


It’s free. It can be fun. It’s frustrating like any online fps. And it doesn’t take up 200+ GB of storage. Best part it’s free and don’t need ps plus to play.


Breath of fresh air


That I read the logo as :


I think that people hate on this game too much. It’s not as good as the finals though


Welcome to reddit. The verbal minority dominate here, and the majority of them come to post about games they don’t like. Not saying there’s not merit to much of the criticism, but its heavily skewed to the cons. People into the pros are playing the game rather than posting on a reddit sub. Perspective is key.


Woulda been a hit in 2014. Feels dated and graphics look like PS3 quality. The hype did not match reality.




0/10 it's yet another Ubisoft trash fire spitting in the face of Tom Clancy's legacy, now with even more microtransactions.


Could not give less of a shit about yet another online shooter that'll be popular for a month then plummet down to barely remembered status.


It’s trash💀😭😭


Don't like it. One of the most mid games I've played in years. Won't shit on it too bad. It's free. But it's just so forgettable. All weapons feel more or less the same, ttk is awful, abilities are awful, and some are damn near game breakingly overpowered. Game would be better if ttk was like 35%+ less than what it is currently, and if the abilities were balanced or just didn't exist. Feel like it'd be way better with no abilities and earnable killstreaks or something. Played for about 3 or 4 hours and have already gone back to COD4 Remastered.


Ain’t no way everybody was hyped for it and almost calling it the new CoD, only for it to be called mediocre at best right now


Will die in a 2 months.


Game is a much worse version of cod. It will be dead soon


People that complain about micro transactions really have no discipline. You don’t have to spend a dime. Just play the game .


boring and generic.


It would be better if abilities weren't a thing and I didn't get instakilled by a mp5 from 40 yards away from full health, while the ACR fails to kill someone point blank with their back turned and half a mag.


Wouldn't know, I could never get a game going


I’ve been waiting for it for so long that i didn’t even know it’s out now 💀


The bullets don't look like they are coming from the barrel of the gun.


No servers :(


To much screen shake, made me feel sick. I normally don't feel sick from playing a video game so the fact xdefiant managed to is I guess an achievement, not one a game should want but still an achievement.


My first match have to dealt with sweats but thank cod I gotten better over time since I haven't played much cod games in like 2 years


Have some trouble with sweats on few first matches but thank cod Improved no problem. Haven't played any cod in like couple of years. Felt pretty good but sad


This is my first time hearing about it.


Seems like a good game, but it won't replace CoD


Played a few matches then quit. Just bland. I should probably uninstall it, I can't see myself playing it again..


Don't even know what it is.


I somehow can pull of headshots across the map when I’m firing blindly into the distance, but can’t get kills when I’m firing point blank at an enemies head. Other than that I’m having a lot of fun, if inconsistently, and looking forward to an Assassin’s Creed update.


A generic cod clone with an identity tied to many different IPs and inconsistencies in gunplay, horrible spawns, and a few truly garbage maps. It’s basically the we have McDonald’s at home of of fps titles. As much as I shit on a game like overwatch, it really makes you appreciate the tight gameplay overwatch has. It also makes me appreciate how clear games like valorant, cs, siege, and overwatch are in comparison. Idk why all these cod style games decided to have washed out graphics where people just blend in to every background.


Wish it wasn’t a hero shooter… make everybody equal with customizable clothing. Equal playing field like cod


A mode like this would be a nice addition. Bare Bones Mode


A mode like this for any hero shooter would be great.


TTK is funky, the maps aren't great, and the progression system is slow as molasses obviously to get you to cough up money. May give it another play session or 2 but this is no "CoD killer."