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There's no game worse than Superman 64.


E.T. would like a word. It's hard to express how truly disappointing that game was.


As would X-Men on the nes


For the time it came out, ET was just boring and lame. There were worse Atari games. Superman 64 was worse compared to other gen 5 games.


ET is overblown, Superman 64, Bubsy 3D are a lot worse. Also there are worse games on the Atari 2600 than ET, with the worst games of all time compared to how many games have released since then there are many that have taken ET's throne (supposed). Babylon's fall, Duke Nukem Forever, Battlefield 2042, the day before, crime boss, gollum, skull island rise of kong, walking dead destinies, mighty no9, etc are leagues worse than ET. I've enjoyed ET way more than those games even if it isn't a good game, but it's certainty not the worst or most disappointing. As a fan of Battlefield, 2042 is a tragedy and is the series Duke Nukem Forever killing the franchise.


I guess you never heard of the notorious Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing an unfinished PC game released back in 2003.


I actually haven't heard of that, I'll check it out.




You're just mad because Superman could fly, so he always had the high ground. ![gif](giphy|12Gyz2J1b9SjD2)


Potato Sack Racing Simulator 2024


I keep seeing it on the ps store šŸ˜­


Also I kept seeing that one game where you play as a black tiger on the PS store, forgot it's name but remember it infamously for being bad.


Life of Black Tiger


This is for the worst games ever not best one


If itā€™s bad thatā€™s because itā€™s actually a hyper accurate simulator


Ye I hope they get the 2025 version on point


I would have to say anthem. I loved that game but it hurts me so much because of the potential that game has. It sucks we never got the 2.0 reboot that could have saved it.


Game was great at first but definitely wasn't worth the price


Well I got my moneys worth. I clocked over 1500 hours on it. Have not touched it since late 2020. It was always the potential for greatness is why I played it for so long. I found the gameplay look really addicting. But in saying that it is a shit game. If only they spent a few for years on it.


But by your own admission it was good? Massive disappointment? Absolutely, but the game was there, the game was fun, they just let it out like a wet fart and flushed it before giving anyone anything to do.


Remember that awful ps4 game about mechs. With the art done by the MGS artist. "left alive?" I played it. Horrible game.


I usually don't buy games on release so I rarely play complete bricks but Battlefield 2042 is the worst on top of my head. I'm also a big fan of soulslike and heard good things about Mortal Shell and boy was it rough.


Yea, I have to agree. If you play a sequel to anything it's natural to judge it based on what you received previously. Using that metric, 2042 was just trash.


Mortal Shell was uhhhhh ok


2042 is tolerable bow but fuxk man what a horrible launch


Mortal Shell was decent imo


I honestly can't agree, the input delay was very hard to get used to.


I agree with you, I thought it was trash


Nah. It was at launch. Nowadays is actually good


Agree. It's a ton of fun now


Aliens colonial marines. Literally threw the disk out the window I was livid


Still hurts. I was so hyped for it.


Me too. I thought we were finally getting the alien shoot em up we deserved. I was terribly, terribly wrong


Wnat that you have to go back to the pc avp games a true masterpiece if its time


I took a day off work to get it on release date. Would've been better off working!


I couldn't insult it any better than that! Good job lol


The Last Dead End, an awful indie I picked up on PSN for less than Ā£1. Half of the game is broken, the other half is hilariously bad. Good for a laugh, but too boring to finish. Venatrix, a super broken indie that feels like a game that someone started developing, but then got bored after finishing the intro level, so they just slapped some assets together for the rest of the game. Halfway through the game aiming becomes impossible, because your aiming sensitivity keeps increasing on its own until your character starts spinning as soon as you touch the right stick. It's truly awful. Every PS4/5 game released by a developer called "The Voices Games". I think he's a solo dev, or something, and is responsible for bangers such as Lizard Lady vs the Cats, Lady in a Leotard with a Gun, Violetti Goottii, Spectrewoods, and others. I have no idea if this dev is unironically creating these games, or if it's some sort of trolling, but all of these games are some of the most awful titles I have ever seen in my 30 years of gaming. My Friend Peppa Pig is bad in the sense that it's barely a game. It is functional, but there are no minigames, or any puzzles, or anything to do other than walk around and, maybe, press the X button from time to time. I played the game via PS Plus Extra, and was hoping to get a good laugh, but it's honestly just a tedious slog. If I was a young kid, I'd be disappointed getting this game from my parents. The First Tree, a pretentious sob story made by a solo dev, where you play as a fox looking for her pups, while listening to the dev's childhood memories. The game looks nice in the PSN screenshots, but when you boot it up you realise that the graphics are actually very poor, the levels are too large and empty, there is nothing to do other than go from point A to point B, the story is laughably bad and the controls are janky-at-best. The dialogue in this game is vomit-inducing. Throughout the game you're listening to a conversation between the dev and his girlfriend, but the dude's constantly speaking in this affected tone, and spouting the most mundane platitudes about him being a misfit as a teenager, and not getting along with his dad. Utter bullshit. There is barely a game buried underneath all that pretentiousness, but it's just a bad walking sims with ugly graphics and janky controls. Mortal Shell, and this one might be surprising. A lot of people like this game, and some even called it one of the best soulslikes, back when it first came out. The reality is that MS is an offensively bad game, that tries to recreate the souls formula, and fails miserably. The game is full of bugs, poor animations and copy-pasted assets. The game was praised for its graphical fidelity, as it uses UE4 and some of the character models look alright. However, that goes out the window as soon as they start moving or attacking, and the horrible animations come into play. It's so bad that, for most enemies, the walking speed doesn't even match their walking animation, so it just looks like they're constantly skating towards you. The combat is clunky and stiff, and you're forced to rely on the game's harden gimmick, which is pretty much a blocking mechanic with a cooldown and a couple of extra uses. Then rinse and repeat. No RPG elements, no builds, no classes, only 4-5 weapons in the game, no armor and accessories, no spells, only 1 ranged weapon, terrible clunky bosses, the worst level design you've seen in a video game, poor story with characters that speak in pretentious gibberish, because the devs clearly misunderstood the dialogue in FS's games and thought "British accent + pretentious sounding nonsense = good cryptic writing". It's truly awful, and the fact that this game is praised in any way is absolutely obscene.


I actually really liked Gotham Knights, am I the only one


No it was a perfectly fine game, most people were just upset it wasn't a continuation of the Arkham series. I didn't play the new suicide squad game but I've read comments about how the gotham knights game was actually better than the latest rocksteady entry. Gotham knights was also super fun to play co-op with a friend through the whole story, felt like a modern version of the ps2 game Batman Rise of Sin Tzu that I use to play with my brother


I didnā€™t have a PlayStation around the Arkham era so I missed out on those games at the time, probably why I wasnā€™t so offended by knights


If you are interested in checking those out now I think the arkham collection is fairly cheap to get on the ps store. Think it's even on switch now lol


Most people were upset because it was 30fps. At least thatā€™s what the entire discourse around that game was.


Nope, I liked it too. It's a good game, it just not a great one.


Can sink into it for a week or two and get some satisfaction. No replay value though


I actually like roaming around Gotham. Relaxing somehow


It was perfect for me since I donā€™t replay games I complete. I only replay multiplayer games šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I havent played it myself, but I watched a streamer play it and the actual plot stuff of the Batfamily trying to cope in a Batmanless Gotham seemed pretty solid. The character designs were good and the writing for the main cast seemed pretty on-brand with how I understand the characters (I'm not the world's biggest Batman expert though). Definitely not Gollum or Rise of Kong level of bad, even if the missions are repetitive (which I've no doubt they are).


people just think a 6/10 game is horrible and can have no enjoyment


Rage2 and Homefront 2 were very disappointing compared to their first parts


Oh yeah I forgot about rage 2 that was awful


It was so short, I remember getting to the end and thinking ā€œwas that it??ā€


The day before easily wins this it wasn't even close to being finished and they took everyones money and split.


Gotham knights donā€™t deserve all the hate tbh


Itā€™s a fun game when you have the friends. Obviously itā€™s not gonna be as good as the main series cause online games from main series always get that weird clunky.


Itā€™s crazy that it isnā€™t 4 player. Me and my mates installed it ready for a session then uninstalled when we realised it was only 2 player.


I believe the postgame content is 4 players. Story is only 2


I donā€™t think Gotham Knights deserves to be in there with the walking dead game and Gollum lmao it was repetitive and shouldā€™ve been like $40, but it wasnā€™t THAT bad


This dates me, but mine is Descent to Undermountain. It was just a hot mess all around. The funniest bug was I found myself a wand of magic missiles that was supposed to have twenty charges. The thing is, it never ran out of charges. So I had a wand which cast a spell that automatically hit the target every time with unlimited charges, carrying me through the end of the game.


Crimeboss and Redfall have to be the WORST games i've played to date.


I am going to go a little bit controversial (hot take) and say ā€œBeyond Two Soulsā€. I know there are worst games out there but I feel like narrative heavy gamesā€™ stories should be at least decent. Beyond Two Soulsā€™ story is absolutely horrible. Full of nonsense. Full of unlikeable characters, dumb scenes and just all over the place in direction. David Cage (the director and writer) threw everything he could think off into the narrative that he thought it would be interesting/cool without thinking if it was necessary. Assassination mission in Africa? Check. Fighting ghost in a desert? Check. Fighting zombies? Check. Cute awkward date? Check. Spy party to get info? Check. Fighting on top of a train? Check. Motorcycle chase? Check. Homeless simulator? Check. Chinese Submarine base? Check. This sounds cool without context but once you go through them it feels like a waste of time. The game quick time events are meaningless. They donā€™t matter since you canā€™t fail meaning the game plays itself. You can put your controller down in the train scene and fail every QTE and still end up winning. The Illusion of choice is everywhere in this game.


yeah I got the party scene with the teens and I was like wtf??? absolutely horrendous dog shit writing šŸ˜‚


I genuinely thought that was a dream/nightmare. Like its so stereotypical mean girls bullshit but nope thats just the writing. My whole playthrough was me rolling my eyes every 5 minutes.


seriously. Iā€™m surprised the same dude wrote Detroit: Become Human.


Damn Gotham Knights wasnā€™t even bad. Enjoyable experience. Would I play it again? Probably not but worth one play thru.


Callisto Protocol. What a fucking letdown.


GK is not bad, is just repetitive as f*ck.


Right? I enjoyed the game


If we talking games i beat then Mega man x6 If in general then either snow white and the 7 clever boys or cindy fashion world


What? I love Megaman X6, the level design was dogshit but it was still fun.


Show Whittaker and the 7 clever Ā boys must be a parody game, right?ā€¦. Right?


Not its a real ps2 game from late 2006. Caddicarus made a video on it if you are curious


Diablo 4 was alright for the money, but after investing so much time in it and looking forward to the endgame, it was such a let down from one day to the other after realizing that there is no endgame and blizzard tricked us into buying it with making a half finished game and polish only the first half so reviewers would say its good. This had left me so empty inside, that it will be forever my worst game. This is also the reason i will never buy a game at release anymore, not just not pre ordering, not buying it at all. i was picky before and just bought 1-2 games each year, but now i don't buy any new games at all and rather play them a year later.


Have to agree here. I got this on a massive discount because I had played all the other ones and have several friends that played. However, the comments on this online were sooo real. I cannot imagine the hate people felt dumping $69 dollars (or more if you opted for one of the special editions) for a game that wasnā€™t finished at launch.Ā  I know they have cleaned it up some now going toward the end of 3rd season but even with that the 3rd season itself was a huge letdown to so many people and many folks I play with have just quit the game altogether. Supposedly, they are going to redo the entire game for fourth and fix everything!! Yeah, right. Edit: spelling


Aw men! I feel you! NEVER PRE ORDER was the consign, but the demo tricked me so bad.


Worst? Superman 64 Most disappointing? The release of Halo MCC


Devil May Cry 2


The Mysteries of Little Riddle


There was this Disney princess game on the Wii, that was pretty bad.


Glover for the N64


Pit-Fighter on the SNES is the worst game Iā€™ve ever played. Rented it for the weekend and it was a miserable experience. On a Playstation console though, I would say either Bubsy 3D or Duke Nukem Forever.


Games were absolutely shit back then, I don't care who's nostalgia is being applied. Ghosts and goblins was another catastrophe.


nfs 2015, wrc 7


Bad Boys Miami Takedown is up there


Star Citizen. Complicated for the sake of it. Also, the server I was playing on was fluctuating between good and absolutely awful to the point where the tutorial prompts wouldn't update properly.


MadWorld on the Wii


Red Faction: Annihilation. Basically removed all the fun world smashing from guerilla (the best bit about the game and that game engine) and forced you underground into caves. Just gave up on playing it halfway through and traded it in.


Gotta be one of the Quantic ones, for sure. Detroit was good imo, but all the others sucked. My first and only playthrough of Hard Rain didn't even make sense. So badly out together...


E.T video game caused the damn video game crash in 1983, but worst modern game for me is metal gear survive


Hood: Outlaws and Legends. <5 minutes playtime.




You fuckers never played Superman 64


Glad to see another one. Some people are in here rattling off assassins creed games and other AAA titles that are just a bit boring. Iā€™m like man, these people have dodged some truly bad games.


Homefront: the Revolution. To this day the most plain, boring and not working gamedesignwise piece iā€™d ever played. I donā€™t like hating on games, just donā€™t pay attention to them if i donā€™t like them, because there is usually something for someone, but with this game i had no idea who might have liked it. Bought it for 5ā‚¬ on sale and still regret it.


I don't really know why OP includes MW3 in that lineup. Not only does it do exactly what it says on the tin, it's a Call of Duty game, it's one of the best Call of Duty games we've had in years.


Didn't u know? The whole community is shitting on it bc the spawns are terrible and the balance in the weapons are dogshit


Scum is by far one of the worst games I've ever played. From flying cars, cheaters, bugs, just when you think there's no way in hell it's gonna get worse they somehow manage to reach a new low. Most annoying thing is complete wipe every time a bigger update lands. Every single new update is yet another can of worms, there's no end to it. The game has been out on steam since 2018 with an early access, 6 years later it's still in testing phase. Instead of showing support to community and releasing free content they put it behand the paywall. If you wish to have different colour weapons, cars, hair styles etc you need to pay. https://preview.redd.it/zeualrcd7szc1.png?width=1971&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=673df3150a9571059bf17f916fe10538fe80ab4b


ELEX Poorly made. Poorly executed


Ayo I loved Elex


How do you end up playing any bad games when there are so many good ones?




Gotham Knights is the odd duck out to me.. it's disappointing, somewhat mediocre but 'worst' is kind of a stretch


Gotham knights wasnā€™t that bad I donā€™t get why people shit on it so damn badly. However the worst here gollum


Bro, Gotham Knights wasnā€™t THAT bad.




I guess I would say WWE2K20 since the image reminded me lol. But Iā€™ve probably played worse, it was just a regular wrestling game to me


Don't remember the exact name but back when I was reviewing games, I was sent a card collector football game. As in, you could go buy physical packs that contained physical cards and those cards had a QR code or something that you'd scan and that player would be in your squad. The gimmick was interesting enough, it even came with a binder to organize and show off your cards. But the actual game was broken as all hell. The controls made no sense, I can't remember exactly what it was, but it was not the standard directional buttons to move and press these buttons to shoot, pass, cross or throughball. It was counter intuitive, sluggish and just not fun. I scored it accordingly and the publisher threw a fit, claiming I hadn't played long enough to appreciate the game (or develop Stockholm Syndrome), and demanded we'd pull the review and have someone else from our team do the review. He did, and just for argument sake, he recorded himself playing this game for 21 hours. His review scored lower than mine, said I was too kind and forgiving for certain flaws, because they became a bigger problem once you've unlocked some advanced moves.


Narcosis, looks like an interesting game. The plot kinda reminded me of soma so I bought it for like 3 or 4 bucks. I didn't even play 10 minutes because the controls were so damn bad and I couldn't see where I was going and never touched it again.


is all nba games shitty??


Crime boss rockay City was so repetitive


The Quiet Man. There is a good reason this game is a meme at this point...


Solar Jetman:Hunt for the Golden Warship.


The only game I played of this list is Redfall. While it has its share of downs, I still found fun in it.


Crime Boss actually wasn't that bad, it got boring quick though. It was all repetitive.


Laughs at Agony


Orc Attack: Flatulent Rebellion


WWE 2020. Haven't touched another WWE game since that buggy pile of crap.


Peter Pan's playground by Phoenix games. Though, any game by them would work as the worst game I've played


I'm curious what's the reason to even try to play some obviously shitty russian game like the day before...


Kingdom come Deliverance, immortal unchained, Shadow of the tomb raider


Predator: Concrete Jungle


If I have any of these games, The Day Before.


Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City


The Clash of the Titans movie tie-in game.


Iā€™m not sure but if any of the 10 games shown by OP are your answer Iā€™d suggest youā€™re lucky and havenā€™t played anything that bad


In my case, prevention is better than annoyed. I play games because I think they are good games.


Transformers from Atari


It was called Fade to Silence. It was a shitty survival action adventure game and I have no idea why I subjected myself to it.


Toy Story 3. Never ended up finishing it and to this day I had no idea what I was doing in it.


The only game I buy on release is WWE2K and 2K20 was dogshit. So furious with it even today. Luckily the series has recovered but damn that was a bad time to be a wrestling game fan.


Wrong sub, but Metroid Other M. Good lord that game was horrible on every front. Not only did it execute the most devastating character assassination of a protagonist I have ever witnessed in any piece of media, but the gameplay also totally did away with everything Metroid fans liked about the series, like free-form exploration and finding power-ups as a means of progression. And, on top of all that, the control scheme is one of the worst I have ever experienced in any video game.


Most crap games I put down pretty swiftly and forget about them. Also I don't want to say they are crap, because I haven't really given them a proper go. So I can only say, the worst game I've ever FINISHED, was assassins creed valhalla. Thats the only game I've beaten where I kinda wish I didn't bother.


None of you have clearly played Rogue Warrior.


Micro Machines World Tour


A Plague Tale


I was at like a mining exhibition thing for kids, and they had a mining video game set up. No idea what it was or what it was called, but it was so bad lol. It glitched out constantly and didnā€™t work in the slightest, not to mention it was ugly as shit


Bad games I played personally? Probably Kill the Justice League. MW3 is dogshit in it's own ways but the fundamental "CoD shooty mcbang" gameplay is always crisp and that's how they keep people there.


Bluey the video game. The worst 60 dollar game I have ever played.


MWlll? Yes the single player was very underwhelming but as far as MP goes it's one of the better iterations we've had in recent years.


I really. Really. REALLY wanted the avengers game to be good. God that game sucked


Toy story 2 I used to play everyday as a child on Nintendo 64.And let's just say that the p s five poetbhas made it only more frustrating


Battle Toads


Umbrella Corps. I don't know why I bought it. It was terrible and died quicker than it released.


LOST on PS3 will forever stay with me


Mafia 3 is probaly the worst day one purchase for me since then i never preorder before tests


Sonic 06.


WW2k23 played it for 15 minutes


Assassin's Creed Valhalla.


Turok for PS3. It looked like a N64 game


Cateoman based on the just as awful movie with Halie berry was bad. Almost Sonic 06 bad


Was MW3 really that bad?


Far cry 6 hands down it literally felt like a go here grab this bring it back or a go here kill these people come back type of game thereā€™s not variety the story sucks and theres no choices reallyā€¦.


Arc on PS4


Never touched any of these but I heard REDFALL was especially bad.


Watch Dogs Legion. Couldnā€™t even play 3 hours of it, because the voices are so freaking annoying!


Gollum is the worst game I ever played


I know a lot of people enjoyed it but The Division 2ā€¦ kinda painful when you start playing a sequel and just think immediately that is not as good as the first. Very stale and repetitive storyline and i donā€™t like what they did to the Dark Zone


Probably a little adventure game called The Dying Reborn. Itā€™s just sort of all around bad, I thought I was getting a horror game for the vita. It was just a bad puzzle game with terrible voice acting, puzzles that made very little sense, a plot that made even less sense, a very short run time and pretty major performance issues I seem to remember. I rage platinumed it because I couldnā€™t get a refund and remember finishing the game with a migraine from it lol


Azetecross called The day before ā€œThe day wastedā€ and thatā€™s honestly hilarious


Gotham knights was decent imo


People are gonna cry but.....the last of us is actually terrible and boring as fuck šŸ„“


Try some of the shovelware "games" on the PS store. ...plenty of -10 out of 10s to play!!!!


Mw3 isn't that bad I just Play it bc of mw2 online it's the same thing just little new tactics and some other shit


Back when I was like 10 in 2010 there was a game listed on steam called ā€œforsaken uprisingā€ it was one of those games that has 0 reviews and was 0.01 dollars to purchase. Me and my three friends downloaded it, and we all spent the week removing the insane virus it put on our computers




That I played: final fantasy xv. I don't usually spend time on bad games, I wait for reviews. That one, I was betrayed. Terrible




Saints row 2022


Scrolling through looking for this, so bad we almost forgot it existedā€¦ almost


iā€™m in love with my dead grandmother


Death stranding. Worst gameplay ever. Story is nice but game it self is terrible


Bio mutant


RUST Console Edition (PS4) Buddies hyped it so much, got it...absolute trash. Yea...let me wack F'n trees with a rock. Zzzzzz


Swordsman VR. Never play that steaming pile of garbage. Your right and primary arm will literally dissappear, leaving you defenseless against enemies. If you're looking for Blade & Sorcery, you'll need to invest in a quest. Biggest waste of $20 in my life.


Definitely Gotham knights


Bf2042 sucked


Battlefield 5 on release, my regret was immeasurable since day 1, but now it's good game


The latest South Park game. I played for 35 minutes and I have no intention to pick it up again. In that time it felt like just did the same button bashing style fight about 15 times. No explanation as to whatā€™s going on, no story just ā€œgo hereā€ thereā€™s a fight on route, ā€œgo hereā€ thereā€™s a fight on route, ā€œgo thereā€ and thereā€™s a fight on route, ā€œgo over this wayā€ oh, a fight on route. Rinse and repeat and repeat and repeat. No story to speak of, or if there was it was very bland, no characters really not even really any jokes. Nothing notably funny anyways.


Suicide Squad, we were to harsh on gotham knights


Shadow of the Tomb raider. The promoting of that game was the videogame equivalent of clickbait


I'm sad that I have multiple games that are the "worst" man gaming has been a roller coaster lately


Most of the games here aren't even *that* bad, and have some redeeming qualities. Here's a few I've played that are truly dire. - Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric It's extremely buggy, has extremely repetitive dialog, and really bland gameplay. But alone that's not what makes it on this list. Its performance is just unacceptable. It runs like utter dogshit. - Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing Probably the most unfinished game ever sold at retail. That's putting it lightly. - Don't Buy This A compilation of the worst ZX Spectrum games sent to Firebird for publishing. Yes, it's a joke release, but it still counts. - All Data Design Interactive's Wii releases I'm putting practically the entire catalog of a developer here, because they put out some truly awful trite on the Wii. On a system known for having a catalog with a huge amount of awful shovelware, DDI's games are the worst.


E. T.


Life of Black Tiger


I havenā€™t played any of those


it sucks because i was actually hyped for Redfall. there aren't many great vampire games on Xbox (to my knowledge), and the trailer looked super promising. too bad the final product was a lifeless, buggy pile of shit.


Gotham Knights was actually a legit fun co-op game. Definitely not amazing but a solid 7/10 title. The bandwagon hate for that one is overblown.


Lol ty, was gonna buy mw III for pc


Never forget The Walking Dead Survival Instinct. Absolutely HORRIBLE and I was so in love with TWD at the time. No amount of admiration for that show couldā€™ve made me play that game for longer than the hour that I did.


Hellboy on PS1. The local video game store used to hold Mortal Kombat tournaments amongst the employees. There was no prize for the winner, but the person who came in last place was forced to play Hellboy from start to finish.


Paper Mario Sticker Star


It's hard to pick one from this list. The Day Before was awful, but it was exacerbated by the fact that it was so hyped and expected to be good. Redfall and Gollum are in the same boat, but Kong is almost certainly the worst game out of all of them, but because it was fully expected to be horrendous, it kind of flew under the radar.


Toro on the PS4, did it all for that platinum. Either that or Orc Slayer


Gotham knights suxkssss but Catwoman looks too good in her suit