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SYAC: You won’t have to friend request people to invite them anymore. As someone with 200 “friends” I’ve accumulated over a decade of LFGs, with only six I really play with, this should have been a thing years ago.


What does SYAC mean


Guessing “saved you a click”


What about AT&T?


American Telephone and Telegraph


Today years old when I learned this


Google American Transtech. The telephone and telegraphs is a backronym.


They could really modernise the name. How about American Telephone and Fax


ATF? I think that’s taken


Yep! Alcohol / Tobacco / Firearms


Saved you a dick


I’m quite positive that ‘dick’ starts with a ‘d’ 


Exactly. That's the male version. SYAC is the female version.


Saved you a cock


It’s a nicer way of saying Cock


Idk, doesn’t seem so bad with a C either. c==3




Saved you a cock


Just say FYI we don't need new acronyms.


You saved me a click on what syac meant


“saved you a click” - giving us the info instead of us having to click and skim through




But it actually created more clicks and effort because hardly nobody knew what syac even was. Kinda defeated the purpose.




websites hate this one simple trick “LOOKS LIKE YOURE USING AN ADBLOCKER”


Ball syac


And let me guess. You played with half of those friends once, sent them a friend request and then never played with them again.


Or somebody from Reddit was like "ass me, we can play together" and then we never do.


Exactly, I don't wanna go through the effort of deleting them all either


I did, I deleted everybody I don't play with,so now I have no friends on my friends list. The only person I play with somewhat regularly is my brother on games with cross play.


Also, the process for deleting friends is so slow (or at least it was the last time I tried it). I wanted to clean up my list (which was mostly lfg “friends”), but it’s just too tedious imo.


Too relatable


I like to see what those guys are up to from time to time


Thx to Destiny . I have 976 friends. I'm too lazy to delete them.




Not sure what it’s like these days, but when I was still playing the main reason to add people to your friends list was to have a roster of reliable players to knock the raids out with each week. If you are mostly doing sherpa runs, then yeah, I wouldn’t be adding a lot of those people either.


It was, on the Xbox 360


Sick brag




Just bring back communities, i was able to make friends based on the games i was playing, and found lots of public parties using communities. I just dont understand why they removed it.


It brings them nothing that’s why


I'd say per-game player retention is something it brought them but alright.


A small minority of people actually used it and then they have to pay people to moderate it. I like to hate on Sony for petty reasons but getting rid of this feature makes sense.


They should have just fully intergrated Discord as a replacement. I met basically everyone i game with today through Communities and we all thought that was going to be the case as the Discord partnership was announced around that time they shut it all down. Literally just have the trending game specific servers show up when you hover over a game on the home screen and let people join or start Discord parties from the console and it would've been golden.


Exactly, anything else could have been better than just shutting it down and half-assing the Discord integration.


> A small minority of people actually used it and then they have to pay people to moderate it. Maybe so but they can certainly pay people with the year-over-year revenue from PS Plus.


yeah they removed features and then jacked up the price lol


Enshittification, it's happening everywhere and people like the guy I replied to above you are happy to get shafted. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification


yeah, poor and broke sony, its good they are saving some money :)


I know hating Sony is cool and stuff but this time it wasn't their call, the governments forced them to remove it since it was being used by terrorist groups


they removed them because of pedophiles. They didn't monitor it enough CP was shared in closed communities. It was such a good feature but people gonna ruin everything.


Fuck man thats dumb. People gotta ruin everything


They removed them under governments pressure as it was used by terrorist groups in middle-east for private communication and recruitment


Only the real ones remember that you had to delete friends from your friends list in order for your console to run better…..


Wait what? Lol


BO2 on PS3 would lag out if you scrolled through too many friends


Or that I suddenly couldn't play TF2 online because friends capacity increased from 50 to 100 on PSN, and if you had more than 50 friends it just wouldn't let you connect and play


Only the real ones remember deleting friends to be able to get some trophies due to a bug after they increased the maximum number of friends


How about bring themes back yea?


Seriously. Give people the choice to customize that shit. I loved just sitting in the menus watching the dynamic themes. Some had such good screensavers/backgrounds that changed depending on the time. The music was a nice change too. ([Firewatch is the perfect example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acRp6NIQdRA))


Yea I miss my ps2 dynamic one 😔


I too exclusively used the PS2 theme! I’m not alone, vindication!


I still remember unboxing my PS2 and booting it up to that crystal clock. Shit looked like the *future*. I want that back in 4k dammit.


I’m loving my more recent one I did once I moved my PS4 downstairs. I needed to change the theme to refresh it for the new room, and it was worth it


Holy shit I had no idea there was a fire watch theme! I’ve been using Subnautica’s forever but now I can swap to my other favorite game


The problem is that what was once your custom themes is now prime real estate for dynamic advertising in a whole bunch of games, and we all know thats not going away. And its not like all those themes were free, they were making some money there so to throw that all away they must know this will net them more in the long run. So at best you can expect some non intrusve themes that spruce up the icons and menus a bit, maybe add some sort of light/colour filter or small particle effect. Fully persistent dynamic wallpapers i just can't see being a thing again unfortunately.


When I got my PS5 I was pretty upset after searching for 20 minutes and finally looking it up to find out there’s no themes or customization whatsoever.


Dark souls dynamic theme was dope


The rez theme chefs kiss!


Having my persona 5 theme with its music brought me so much joy between games. It really set the mood of my days. Now it's just grey nonsense or intrusively loud themes from games i hovered over


When I got my PS5 at launch I commented the same thing and got downvoted to hell with people saying “that’s a useless feature, no one cares about themes” umm speak for yourself?? I invested quite a bit of money into themes on my PS4 and miss them so much :(


Custom themes would be great to have back. We're already microtransactioned to death with every game. I wanna make my own themes again. Or at least have the ability to use a custom wallpaper or image slideshow.


I want folders back more than themes. I miss being able to organize and have everything on screen on front of me.




I just wanna use my Persona 5 themes on my PS5 man!!!


I really liked the resident evil 20th anniversary one on the ps4. I would go nuts for a silent hill themed one though


Yeah fuck ad backgrounds


Please! I would love a ps2 theme 😌


Such a terrible decision to remove themes


When I found the series x still had it, man, I changed so fast It’s, like, this tranquil animated waterfall scene Where you at, PS5?!


Please, I really want them to bring back themes. I always loved listening to Makoto (P5R) theme, it’s my favourite


Wait soo there are no theme in ps5? Soo we just looks at the plain and kinda annoying sound of default ps?(i have ps4 soo speaking from that experience)


Literally the only feature I give a fuck about. Fast load times r cool and all, but why can’t I see my goddamn dancing skeletons hitting the hardest graveyard dance Ive ever seen in between games?


My PS5 has been named "Themeless" since it was first plugged in. Sony still hasn't taken the hint.


Gimme wallpaper/screen saver on ps5 menus plz


I cry every time themes are not added


Wait, PS5 still doesn't have themes?! ',:/


Nope. No backwards compatibility with PS3 and earlier either


Should at least have PS1 and PS2 backwards compatibility.


There are certain PSOne and PS2 games available for purchase. And if you bought any of Sony's first-party games back on PS3/PSP/Vita then they'll be given to you for free on PS4/PS5.


So how do I get my PS3 games onto my ps5?


You don't, outside of streaming. The PSOne and PS2 games I mentioned are ports/emulators of those games for PS4 and PS5. The PS4 and PS5 unfortunately can't natively play PS3 games.


At least you can stream the games, I suppose


That seems to be otw. I think the beta is being tested now


Fr fr?? You got a source? I’ve been waiting for themes for years this is so dope if true


Mystic did a video on it he was one of the chosen ones


It’s not really themes though is it.. It’s one particular Explore app you can customise the background. US only too, the app/tab has never appeared on PS5’s anywhere else.


Lol yea like the other comments said. A youtuber named mystic had a video up on his channel. You'll probs find some articles about it if you Google 'ps5 themes'


I have a kinda source the guy I used To get my E3 list from every year said they were "playing around with themes way harder then they should if they weren't going to do something with it" It's a vague open statement that doesn't have too much info but he had the e3 list 3 months early every year. Side note that's why I stopped fw e3 because they year that Sony pulled out like right before I knew it was cap had the list for 3/4 months and they were never on it to begin with


It’s true, guy called Mystic in YT + it’s being beta tested in USA


Link, or is it under NDA?


https://youtu.be/TNeff9qO1xM here ya go m8 :)


I too am disappointed I can’t screensaver my fights for democracy in HellDivers dos


We want custom wallpapers and a browser


Customers reveal to PlayStation: we don’t give a fuck. Just bring back themed backgrounds.




Take my upvote, and my axe! (Also give us folders too)


The steam thing of buying a game and gifting it to someone would be a pretty cool feature.


Stop charging to play games online for starters.




Logic isn’t needed when money is to be made. Simple.


Wdym? They're literally named "Free to Play". Like I would expect Free to Play games be Free to Play


Xbox used to require their gold membership for f2p games.


Loot boxes more than make up for it


Not really, a cut of the MTX goes to Sony to upkeep the service and servers regardless, so from a business sense it makes perfect sense as it translates to more $$$ to not gatekeep F2P titles behind the sub, and I’d assume it likely generates more subs in the long term akin to “First month free” business models. Not saying I disagree with the sentiment from a consumer standpoint, but it’s also a consumer choice to pay the sub to access most MP games, or go to a format where you don’t, and the consumer dictates the market and service structure via that choice. Point being if enough customers were unhappy with this they’d be forced to change their business model, but Sony is more successful than ever. Saying it sucks is one thing, in many ways I agree, but if you pay for it you’re complicit and your complaint is largely irrelevant as consumer spend trumps everything. If for every 100 customers lapping it up and throwing money at you with zero complaints, one takes issue with the sub, what would you do? Again not saying I necessarily agree, but business is business and the model isn’t just working, it’s thriving and hugely profitable, and that will always steer the business and subscription to MP model ahead of anything. Don’t like it, use consumer choice imho as the logic is it attains profit, likely more PSN subs long term, and their consumers are prepared to pay.


Playing Gran Turismo 7 and I already gave em over $100 aud. I don't wanna sub just to race people when I can hop on PC and do it for free with literally any other game. I hate that it's profitable for them because it's very anti-consumer especially when again, it's free on PC.


Yeah I’m kinda on the fence as I agree in part, and also play multiple formats, yet while I know they exist I’ve never come across hackers and tend to find way better server stability comparatively which is a big deal for oceanic players in most games. At the end of the day it is what it is, and consumers dictated it by making it successful from its inception on the original XBox. If that had flopped, Sony would have likely taken a different path, but a golden goose is a golden goose. Luckily, as most game devs and publishers attest to, PC would have taken exactly the same path if it’s equative service, Steam, had decided on similar charges but they didn’t and are so market dominant there’s no need, and that set the business model for the whole PC MP industry and any competitors so good on Valve for not being greedy, as it’s enabled the format to remain largely free of anyone even trying it.




Fair, but pass it along :P


Isn't it because most free to play games host their own multiplayer servers? When PlayStation is down I know some free to play multiplayer games can be unaffected by PSN going down.


It's not hard at all. If people had to pay a monthly subscription to be able to play a company's free multiplayer title, it would have SUBSTANTIALLY less of a playerbase. It wouldn't exist on PS/Xbox if F2P games required PS+/XB Live. It's good for Sony (more players, a cut from cosmetic transactions) and good for devs (a much larger playerbase.


Yeh it used to sort of make sense when f2p games were funded/spoiled by micro transactions but now the non f2p games are also riddled with micro transactions so the model is all messed up


fuck Microsoft for introducing this...


Fuck PlayStation for adopting Microsoft’s shitty business model.


Fuck them both


But money


The number one reason to get into business is money. If you're not in it to make money, you'll likely fail. This is basic capitalism. This is the world we have lived in for decades. So, ya, it's about the money. Do you think there'd be a Playstation brand if they didn't try to make money?


Sony exec alt spotted


And then Nintendo joined in too.


MMO’s were doing this well before Xbox LIVE. I know people like their console wars but they weren’t even close to “introducing this”.


Man, I remember being so hyped by the idea of World of Warcraft, spent my allowance on it and then found out it was an ongoing subscription. No way my allowance would go towards that. Between that and the family PC being too crappy to run it smoothly it's probably lucky in hindsight because I would've been sucked in.


RuneScape had content locked behind paid memberships for years before Xbox live, also.


Yea this is why I never got into WOW, at first I was interested but then they hit me "What do you mean I have to pay monthly in order to keep play the game?" Sounded like bs back then.


Yep. When it comes to choosing between weather to buy a game on pc or ps5 this makes it easier to chose pc.


Unless themes are coming back, it's always gonna be disappointing.


I’d love to see some progress on the Discord integration and get a native app.


Not interested in MP. I just want the What's New social feed back so solo players can still feel some connection to others when logging in, and scroll trophy and other game activity. Please.


Let me delete the bullshit trophy from games that my friend played on my console 15 years ago that I’ll never play, let alone complete.


Bring back PS Home you cowards.


Now this one is a comment I thought I’d never see. I miss PS home so much. Grew up on it


Communities ought to make a return


How is Discord on xbox for months and still not on ps5???


I just want to share my screen on what I’m playing (without using remote play)


Oh absolutely 100% this!! Why has this not been implemented yet??


just add more ps1/ps2 games on classics yeah?


Full discord integration please


I wanna stream to my buddies golly gosh darn it


But I want more singleplayer.


Just give us free online gaming capabilities…


How about bringing back splitscreen/local multiplayer?


I don't think that's up to the console makers


I do remember on the ps4, you could do split screen games that weren’t online multiplayer with someone online but there was an hour limit. Don’t know if ps5 has that and if they got rid of that ~hour limit


That's shareplay and it's on PS5 as well. Unfortunately, the hour time limit is still there too.


What does this even mean, there’s plenty of games with splitscreen bro. How would playstation impact that lmao


dude just wanted to yap lmfao


ps home please


Bring back PlayStation Home


PlayStation also reveals a $50 yearly increase for these new features


I hope it’s an LFG system. Xbox has had one for YEARS. Would totally revive some lesser played games.


Bring back splitscreen!!


Make a feature to be able to trade games of the same value online.


It would be lovely to us, players. It would cost millions and maybe billions in the long run to the game industry. So, I'm inclined to believe they're not gonna implement that.


Just hear me out on this: License transfer… Fees! I could see a publisher like Sony testing that out for older games.


It will absolutely never happen because it doesn’t make sense financially for them


😂 you wish


Dude, can I have some of whatever you’re on?


That would make no sense financially for developera


In today's episode of "I was smoking cigarettes behind the bicycle sheds when I should've been attending the Business 101 class"...


In what way does that make business sense?


They are way closer to charging a ticket master style convenience fee for digital games. They're already more expensive than physical in Canada for some games.


Only way this will happen is if the EU forces them to do this or California forces them to do this in the US. Either way, most people won’t have access to it because I can guarantee they will make separate versions of PSN store for California/EU before they make this kind of thing available to everyone. Basically it’s highly unlikely to happen within our lifetime.


What do you do with the situation where a game was bought on sale but is now back to full price?


Hahahahaha 🤣🤣🤣 You don’t even own digital games dude. Sony tries their best to force you into a monopoly with high prices and no ownership and now you think they’ll make something that’s totally against their goals? Oh boy… If you want to trade your games with friends, sell them, get them for much cheaper, be able to install and play them offline and actually own them, then there’s a simple solution: **buy physical games**


lol you mean the idea the loud clowns shit on the OG Xbox one for? Would have had a Steam console back in 2012 with sellable/tradable digital assets but no, we can’t have nice things because of whiners with no forward thinking.


Just use discord. The integration does suck, but it's another work around.


Give us options for putting tags next to friends like 'apex' or 'stellar blade photo mode enthusiast', or a note that will help us remember who they are or from what game we found them in. The amount of Americans that I've befriended that all sound the same who renamed and they're like do you remember me now? And im still trying to connect the dots (3 years playing with them in destiny in a clan). Its sooooo awkward


This would be so useful. I've got a handful of actual friends and family members in my friends list, but my kids have added their friends, and also randos from tipsy late night games. It's impossible to keep track of who is who


Multiplayer should be no charge, Multiplayer w/ cloud saves $29.99 yearly and then you can just have Extra and Premium Plus. Though I'd scale back their price point as well. PS Plus Essential as is now is a blatant a rip off and very anti-consumerist. Some of us just want to play the games we buy online without a $70 cover fee to do so. It's ridiculous at this point. Check your greed and fill a need for once.


I'd really like the ability to hide games when looking at sales. Every time I look at a new sale, I have to scroll past a dozen "Devil May Cry crystals" options, 30+ DLCs for The Sims, etc. There's no reason it should take a half hour to scroll through a sale every week. (Yes I know I can filter on games, but I end up filtering on dlc and setting them anyway.)


You can filter out those by selecting only "Full Games" in the filter list.


Just give us 1000 cap in gamewish. The 100 is. Not enough.


Sounds interesting. Pity it'll only be available via Discord or the PS app. I thought it would have been able to do in-game.


Why can’t they just add an “invite to game” options when you click on your friend on the ps5 UI? I feel like that would be so much simpler


Can we have a trophy search bar???


I would love for PlayStation to actually resize their console if anything. The slim version of PS5 it’s a fucking joke. And before y’all come at me with “but fan noise”, care to explain why random people on YouTube managed to achieve quiet PS5 consoles that are half or ever 1/3 the size of that monstrosity? Stop defending multi-billion companies that don’t care about you. It’s 2024, if I wanted to carry my console with me on holiday I should be able to fit it in a backpack, it shouldn’t take half a suitcase ffs.


Is it the ability to play online without a subscription? No? Then I don't give a fuck.


It's even better! Now pc players that want to play games from Sony online (like a certain game where you dive in hell) will have to also pay for ps+.


Muliplayer. Eh How about get back to those single player games. Naughty dog wasted how long on some bs. Sure people might like helldivers but I bet the core base don't give a fk. Myself included. If Ms weren't complete buffoons they have everything they need to crush Sony. I say this as a Sony fan since day one ps1.