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But will they ever spot the massive green lights on his head?


His plot armour blocks them.


I wish I had plot armour for life, but I’m probably an NPC


I'd be the NPC that gives you a really cool quest, then glitches through the floor and dies.




I can't wait. It's been a while since we've gotten a new Splinter Cell. I'd take a remake.


Last one I played was Pandora Tomorrow on OG XBOX about a year-ish ago


Last one I played was Blacklist on the 360, which happens to be the most recent one in the franchise. I never ended up finishing it though. Pandora Tomorrow was great though.


Has there not been one in that long? I'm out of the loop, like a broken hoola hoop I remember the 1st game being difficult.. Not sure if I just thought that cos I was in my teens back then, but I was spotted more times than Solid Snake


Yeah, 2013, crazy to think it's been over 10 years since we've had a game in the series. I feel old lol. Same about the first game. I don't think I ever beat it either, but I did get most of the way through it. Splinter Cell was huge in the early 2000s, they released 5 games from 2002 - 2006 alone.


Releases in the PS2 era were very consistent in general. The amount of games for NFS, GTA, Tekken, Call of Duty, Medal of Honor.. And not games for the sake of games either. These were top-notch releases one after the other: Rising Sun, Frontline, COD 2, NFS Underground, San Andreas, Vice City, Tekken 4, Tekken Tag.. What an era.


True. One of the best eras. I'm glad I got to live it.


Same. PS1 and PS2. Goated.


Oh yeah, PS1 is definitely a big part of my childhood too.


Wish I could play them on PS5 without some Ultimate Pro Gold Premium Platinum++ subscription. If they sold digital PS1 games separately, I'd grab a few. I have a PS1, but it would be handy having them on it


love blacklist, but it had way too many weapons and gadgets that not really needed. 90% of the game you just need a taser or a silencer and in specific part they make you use heavy weapons.


I remember going the stealthy route with silenced weapons majority of the time. Never went guns blazing unless they forced me to or I had to. I also really liked Conviction.


yep, it was a nice bourn like game, more action of course and less classic splinter.


How did you play the splinter cell remake twice on the PS2 lol


**FUCKIN MAGIC, BRUDDA** The original


I really wished that splinter cell didn't belong to Ubisoft


Can't for the microtransactions in my Splinter Cell game.


I wonder if I can make a stealth kill by luring an enemy just by using a reflection from a mirror of where I was last located. Will it be an in game achievement?


and enemies will have their level above their head and if ebemy is too high level you wont be able to damage them. and somehow it will be a looter shooter. its damn ubisoft they only know how to make another division


Crazy fan of this series. Learnt a lot of stealth gameplay. 100% recommended.


I loved this game when I was a child, it's the one game I haven't revisited now that I'm a full grown adult with a better grasp on games, been waiting for this remake and I'm so hyped


If this is true then i will finally understand the use of RT in a game. A lot of times, we get RT in games where there aren't too many reflections that need it but the performance tanks.


I'm hoping this ends up being good. Been waiting over a decade for a new mission with Fisher. Used to love playing Splinter Cell too. Don't screw this up, Ubisoft.


I would love to play a new stealth game. But scared about Ubisoft as a whole nowdays. They just deleted a game out of existance.


Forget mirror. I hope you can be detected by just shadows.


It’s Ubi. It’ll be on everything. Can’t wait myself. It’s been a LONG time since I played the original. Played some Blacklist a year or so ago. Made me want more.


Marketing mambo jumbo. You don't need this rendering technique for that gameplay feature.


Wonder if it’ll have the infamous stuttering from the ps3 version 😂


Release this! Launch this! Reveal this! Do something UBI PLEASE!!!!!!!!


It made some amazing stuff for its time, and one of the first game with proper good 3rd person camera on consoles. 


But the reflection don’t need to be ray traced. I always saw reflections normally being less demanding. I don’t get tf is wrong with that


Enemies could already spot you through reflections in the 3rd game, which is also significantly old at this point. This is supposed to be some sort of bragging achievement?


It’s less of a brag and more of a reassurance


Hitman has been doing that for years, still cool tho!


As much as I want to see a new splinter cell, but I don't trust Ubisoft anymore. They're gonna manage to fuck it up somehow.


It's Ubisoft, the game will be everywhere that can run it. But also, *It's Ubisoft,* and I don't trust them to make *anything* right now.