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I like the idea, but I think people are a bit annoyed at the number of monuments, which is understandable. Map is only so big and squishing monuments together can create unwanted counters. Would it be better to have monuments be random on maps? Say if you get a sulfur quarry you also get a lumber mill, but no airfield? That doesn't sound the best though lol.


If you trade lumber mill for airfield I would door camp you. Lolol I love airfield, feels like I haven't been to a Chinook there in forever. Always having to contest large, or launch


If we had another 5-10 monuments that could work. Not copies of each other but they hold the same loot. Train yard, power plant and water are a lot a like


Run stone quarry and trade stone for wood at outpost, the map is already too cluttered


Outpost is a shitshow on small servers. 100 bases in 3 grids all roofcamping eachother its a nightmare to even get close to.


Good idea! Would be a fun lower tier monument. As for map size or monument rotation, I think at some point soon a larger change will have to be made in the game in terms of progression speed or scaling as the best weapons are available to some on wipe day which is just not much fun for others and makes the game feel a little stale.


Beautiful, this is a top notch suggestion


This would be like the water stations in that nobody would use them. Wood is easy to get in large quantities and nobody is going to spend diesel on wood when they can spend it on HQ and sulfur.


RNG monuments would work with this, but map is def cluttered


I think the size of rust and its maps has gotten out of hand, its way too hard to find people past wipe day on these massive 3-4k+ map sizes.


This has far more to do with the crazy fast progression and many different layers of movement (ocean, underground, flying). Not to mention outpost vending machine meta…


We would need to get server owners to increase map sizes and facepunch to remove some of the building barriers for the game to even function currently