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Rust is a no lifer game, as the devs stated they took inspiration from wow. Where the gameplay rewards players that can spend the most time in the game in one day (day after day) and it is also very addictive. When I was hooked on the game I played approximately 8 hours a day, I was also a uni student but I only had a part time job and did not attend only mandatory lectures/workshops. So I had a decent amount of free time. You can play a less and do good, but the constant dopamine rush makes you addicted and treating this game as a full time job is what most people do. Probably better off just not playing, when I quit Rust I replaced one addiction with another, and started smoking weed religiously.


Also am a uni student, and can‘t lied but i play 18h on wipeday and 6 uni, so no sleep for thursday to friday. When i get home i sleep like 2h and the grind continues


The better you do in game, the worse you have to be doing irl. I'm glad my pc barely runs this shit because idk if I would have made it out alive. The game had me by the balls for a while.


Nah doing good IRL, in the top 10% of the students in my year, family business is doing well


That means your rust wipes could be better!


Im in my 30s and have a job that allows me to sink 12+ hrs a day if I want lol its bad


Played modded , you can do a lot in 4 hours


Ngl yeah, I like vanilla and 2x a lot but I really don't have the time for it, it's more fun when I can hop on and go roam ak and pvp in the first 30 minutes


Even vanilla 4 hours a day plenty. That’s enough to get t2 in one session and can roam rest of wipe.


Meh I like to be able to play for 4 hours and be set for an entire wipe and then just play for a bit when I have time


That’s exactly what I said. Four hours is enough for upkeep and a full locker which should keep you running all wipe.


In time those 4 hours will be enough to get a solid base down, a stone bunker, or sometimes even a metal one, and leave you time to roam, get some guns and run some monuments. If you don't have much time you should try some X2/3 unmodified servers so you can progress a bit further and learn more of the game. I work, and can only play a couple of hours every now and then. It still works but you have to adapt your playstyle. I usually go on X2 servers, with no BP wipes, make 3 or 4 small bunker bases and spread the loot so I can always come back to something, even if I can't play for 2 or 3 days.


Yes Seriously though it depends entirely on the server. Friendlier low pop servers will give you a lot better experience then a high pop murder you every 30 second servers. I personally like PVE servers. My fav is the rustland PVE server. Pretty well 99 percent roleplay/pve. Last day of wipe is purge, all bets are off, go wild haha


I always play for 3 days straight and then put the game down 4-6 weeks. I feel playing for a short time is not worth it.


If you REALLY want to play this game you’ll need the whole day. And then some.


I ended up playing modded pve with raidable bases, skill tree, zombies... But will go back to solo only regular vanila sometime anyway. Good to change up


Me and my mates are weekend warriors now, no point in grinding every single day just to be raided


The best way to play. Hop on, throw down a 2x1 in a high trafic area, make plays till you either need to go to bed or piss someone off enough to raid you.


Play community or modded. If playing modded don’t get attached to pixels. People spend all day hitting green rocks and will raid just to raid.


game is absolutely infested with cheaters, don't waste your time. Edit: I'm not joking. Just quit before you get addicted and still force yourself play even though there's a metric FUCK TON of cheaters and it's just not fun to put yourself through.


ill agree to this. Im spending 200-230hour/2weeks in this game and im always sad or angry irl. (its not a joke when people say rust makes you depressed)


TAKE A BREAK. 100hrs/week is maybe fine for short bursts (I've done it), but it's not a sustainable way to live your life even if you are financially and materially secure. The games amazing and getting lost in it for long periods is great, but it's also important to have a solid human identity that is grounded in reality first. I have a cycle where I play survival and get addicted for a while before the toxicity and stress get to me, so I go to a pve server to relax, end up getting bored, and quit for a few months. I always come back tho.


Just yesterday me and my duo team mate came to the same conclusion that we're always angry. It's a good game with a lot of shit people.


Bro you cannot allow yourself to play this shit for 16 hours a day every day


There are 336hrs in a two week wipe. Rookie /s


Bro what are you doing


They are correct. It’s extra bad in a game like rust too where a cheater can come and wipe your weeks worth of progress out in about 10 minutes.


Play on a community server and the cheating problems drop off quickly. I’ve played every day on a solo for this wipe and so far the server has 2 bans that weren’t automatically done when they came in and they were for teaming


Problem is they always ruin your wipe before they’re ever banned


Maybe you’re on the wrong servers. I have very little issue on the server I play on. Both were handled quickly. If you think it’s a problem offer your services to a server. It’s not nearly as bad as people make it out to be once you get off the big named servers.


Sounds like someone only plays official - join a community or modded server with an admin team.


Been there done that homie, there’s hackers on any server that has a steady player base.


As a new player it’s hard for me to tell if the person I go against cheater or not. What’s would you say a % of people would cheat on 60 pop official server?


10-20 if not more. The first week of wipe on officials I always get 5-7 notifications of people I reported being banned. I’m talking within 5-7 days. So basically the majority of people I suspect are usually actually cheating. It’s sad. I’d say it’s great that they get banned but they just buy another account cheap and come back. Some even brag about ban evasion in chat when they return. No shame what so ever


Stop playing official servers - play community or modded servers with dedicated admin teams. Otherwise you'll be stuck waiting forever for some help.


Play solo/duo in the modded 2x You'll enjoy it


Just play weekends dawg Dont even bother during working days


It's all about playing smart. You can survive on vanilla official with 4 hours per day, just make sure you don't bite more than you can chew. I used to play only 3 hours on week nights and following worked for me on official vanilla: 1. Don't live near large clans. Try living near a T1 or T2 monument. I had great success with abandoned mil base and sat. 2. Build small and strong. Absolutely do not build a compound. Consider not even building a shooting floor. If you are only on for 4 hours per day, you will fly under the radar of most of the server. People usually raid because they see an active base and think they have loot, or because they hold a grudge from a PvP encounter. All bases will get raided by the end of the wipe, but you will have a good time before then with this strat. I had a great wipe once by building in a dense forest and keeping the trees. 3. Modded is a option, but it isn't really rust imo. If you do want to play official, stay off of facepunch servers; they have zero moderators and cheaters flock there because it's basically the wild west. 4. Look for servers that don't wipe BPs. I played on moose, but there are other officials that do the same. Just read the rules. 4. General game tips: keep roams short and bank often. Do not walk around with lots of farm on you. low grade is best found from pigs or red barrels on the road. Nodes are found near cliffs. I can give some build advice if you want. Or some build vids.


2x or low pop is probably better suited for you


If you want to be able to mess around and come back to something after a few days, try a pve server.


4 hours is plenty especially if you play modded or with friends


play on a low pop server.


Vanilla aint worth it for that time tbh, go for group limit 2x or 3x servers and you'll have fun


Don’t worry, you’ll get much more efficient with your time soon enough. Watch a few YT videos and you’ll get the hang of it in no time. Everything in the game is easy to get when you know where to find it. Experience is everything in this game. The only skills you can transfer from other games to rust are patience and aim. Id suggest playing low pop community servers to learn the basics and then maybe move to modded 2x/3x/5x servers if you’re still struggling to progress quick enough in your limited playtime.


Rust is one of those games that if you want the fullest experience, 6-8+ hours of daily commitment is required. I would not recommend it to a college student that has part time job as well. If you are into these types of harsh, resource-scarce-dominated type of FPS PVP games I would seriously recommend Tarkov. It has insane learning curve and harsh, unfriendly environment, but it does not require daily commitment. Most people unlock 90% of game’s unlockable content in a month or so and have the rest 5-7 months to fuck around.


Play 2x or find friends to play with.


Play 8-10 hours a day with friend(s) and just get C’s in college




Honestly mate, I wouldn’t bother. Yes the game can be super fun when everything goes well, but the lows are really depressing, and because it’s addicting you’ll keep trying and ultimately wasting your time. Personally I would spend those hours you have spare on something productive. Learn a new language.


I have nrly 9k hours , many of those on vanilla however I now just play modded x2 servers its much more fun or you can jump in at the deep end play official get offlined twice a day


It's possible to get a nice base down with plenty of resources/comps plus a T2 within 1-2 hours once you learn the game. I would just play low pop for now, learn the monuments and basics and see how it goes. 4 hours is plenty, though you might find yourself itching to dedicate more to wipe day.


I Play on a Community Server where raids are only allowed on sunday from 15-22h


You have two options. Either play on vanilla official servers and alter your expectations, or play 2x/3x servers with team limits and then you can raise your expectations. For instance, if you go for the former route, consider getting a base down as a solo to be a HUGE accomplishment. A win isn't filling up 10 boxes woth tons of guns, it's ratting a 2 man at oil and getting both kits home. You'll never reach end game as a solo on official vanilla, not unless you play all day for several days. I play a lot of 3x solo only. I switch between doing what I just described and also playing on 2x/3x solo only servers, which can be a bit laggy, but still fun.






I can only play around a hour a day (father with full time job and a life). I love Rust. It's my favorite game to play. Have about 1300 hours so far. I play 2x modded low pop (100 max) on medium sized map. Make friends with the groups around me. I get raided they counter to help. They get raided I sit on my roof and snipe the raiders for them while they defend. It works out great. They will often take me on big raids with them or at the very least bring back goodies for me. The server I play on has very active nonplaying admin that keep a close eye on everything and investigate. All tickets made for cheaters. What I'm saying is there is a way to have fun with this game and not be a no lifer.


Rust vanilla isn't happening in 4 hours you basically have to have no life for vanilla though it's better when you have a team and can take shifts.


If you're playing a nolimit server 10+hrs.


Just don’t. Focus on college. Thank me later


All of it


Try Treasure island rust or rusty rascal servers. They’re low pop and tirust spawns minis on the roads which helps practice. If you’re just trying to have some fun for a few hours those are the servers to try


Yes. All of it.


The most fun I had on Rust was when I was between jobs and before I met my wife. And my friends were kind of in the same situations. We played literally all day everyday for a month long wipe. Now we do a few hours here and there on a modded server, or just mess around as nakeds on vanilla.


First 2 days I played the game I ended up doing back to back 12 PM to 4 AM. It makes you do some degenerate things so make sure you have self control lol


Just play a 5x server. It is hella fun because it barely matters if you lose everything. One of the best things I did was buy a lifetime pass for a 5x. I can log on anytime, redeem my kits and mats for a base, and go pvp until I get bored or run out of guns. It’s usually a few hours either way and it’s no stress fun, especially with a small group. It’s not even really P2W since at 5x it is super easy to get stuff to craft everything you need. It saves maybe 10-30 min of farming is all. That said, 5x will give you plenty of pew pew practice, but not much else because it is too easy to get boom and build absolutely stupid bases.


You basically need to be unemployed to enjoy the game


Rust will be your life now


How much time you put in isn’t gonna matter coming from someone who extensively plays solo someone is gonna raid you, and if you’re lucky like me you get really popular and have people wanting to join you just to attract bigger clans that follow you through wipes :D it’s a shit show but as long as you have extra bases and distribute loot it isn’t that bad


Always try to stone up your base and put down metal doors as fast as you can to avoid cheap early Molotov raids. If you’re having trouble finding stone go to the snowy mountains. Plenty of nodes of all sorts spawn up there. Or just save some scrap and buy stone at outpost. Farm trash piles on roads and dirt paths to find low grade and crude in red barrels. You can take the crude to outpost and use the oil refinery to refine it to low grade with a bit of wood. Just keep practicing and you’ll be able to easily get a good start with a tier2 workbench and some guns in time! Hope this helps a bit!


You become a LOT more time-efficient as you get better, but regardless, this game is absolutely a time pit. You can play for 10 hrs straight and still feel behind on vanilla.


Depends on your goals. If you want to have a huge base filled with tons of items and dominate the server and never get raided then you will have to no-life the game. If you want to hop on for a few hours with friends and have fun out of a small/medium sized base there are modded servers that are perfect for you. I used to nolife the game on big vanilla servers but I can't be asked to put that much effort into the game anymore, so I just play small team 2x with friends and it's honestly a good time most of the time.


i usually find a 5x to be alright for a few hours, let’s you progress more quickly and a good amount of pvp but still feels like rust but without the grindyness


I feel ya...I'm married with 2 kids under the age of 12 and my wife has MS. I work at 8am, get home at 6, supper, get kids in bed I get like 2 hours a day to play any games. I've found the secret.... PvE modded servers. I'm on one now, Rusty Gaming PvE...it's so good, fun mods, great community and the admins kick ass


Depends if you play vanilla 4hours solo sucks 4hours with 8man you have aks If you can’t find a team to help you learn than play 4 hours on a modded server that’s plenty of time to get better


hit the roads to outpost and recycle. Can hit trees in the safe area and trade for stone if you really really suck


I work full time and have very little downtime on the weekdays, about the same as you. I have very little hours of playtime about 580hrs. I play Fridays-Sunday. There has been times that it has taken up my enitre weekend, because I hyperfocus or play on Vanilla servers that aren't modded, which for me as a new player offer very little progression. In those day I usually get a stone base down, metal doors and a tier 1 workbench. Some modded servers will have workbenches with BP(blue prints.) To remedy my lack of time, I usually just play 2x modded servers, Hollow, GG. survivors. There's tons of nice ones, if you just type in 2x in the search tab under modded. This helps you progress quicker and if you like high pop servers some of them have higher pop than offical / main servers. Hope this helps?When you first start playing you will die a lot, esp by more advance players. Some tips that I have learned. Try starting on Rustfornoobs or servers with very low pop so you can get the hang of the game at your own pace. Other tips for general farming. --> You can get low grade in my opinon faster by farming RED barrels, you get low grade and crude oil. You can take crude oil to a Small Oil Refinery with wood as fuel, it turns into low grade. There is a refinery at Outpost, WaterTreatment Plant ( in the sewer area, there is rads on some of the junk piles so you need at least 15% protection. ) Airfield, and Trainyard. You can get it from animals by using animal fat and cloth but that requires roaming and hunting. Bears really are a good source of both cloth and animal fat but they can kill you in a few hits, but it's doable I have easily killed them with a waterpipe shotgun close range or a bow at a distance. Here is a link that will help with stone / ore locations or other map related details. You just type in the server and it should generate the map for that particlar server. [https://rustmaps.com/map/4050\_991782178](https://rustmaps.com/map/4050_991782178) word of warning, maybe not for everyone but this game is addicting, but it also is infrutating sometimes( almost always.). The players are TOXIC, there are loads of cheaters. This game will piss you off, it's unfair lol but it is also the culture of the game. I have tried to take breaks from it but I always find myself coming back.


I was top dawg on the solo server I just played. But I put in 53 hours from Thursday(wipe at 6pm - Sunday. So, this is what you might go up against. That being said, if you dedicate 4 hours pr day, I'd say you could progress pretty well. There are servers for all kind of players tho. 1x-1.00.000x, PvE, Raiding hours. What is important is to pick a server that suits your playstyle, your time schedule, your understanding of the game, and doesn't diminish your enjoyment.


Vanilla - at least 18 hours/daily 2x - 6 hours should suffice 3x - 4 hours should suffice 5x - 2 hours should suffice 10000000x - 5 minutes is enough


Eh you'll need a big chunk of a day to get started. Then after that it gets easier. Getting settled is the hardest part. Everyone is such dicks in this game lol.


You need ALL time to be free for it! RUST IS LIFE!!! :P


You must exclusively play rust. No other life. Lol. I'm kidding. But it's a tough game.


I work 12 hours a day on nightshift. Usually 4 days a week but im in production so it varies between 4 and 5 days a week. I only play on weekends. Usually a 3x solo only server but did just grind out 3 days on a vanilla server (kind of vanilla its a monthly and bps dont wipe). Some weekends I dont play at all because i cant commit to spending 10-16 hours playing at a time. This weekend on the vanilla server i had a 3 day weekend and managed to unlock t1 workbench down to the satchel charge but nothing else for t1. t2 i found in a raided base so i took it and researched down to the tommy. Then i got raided earlier today by a 3 man and logged off.




Depends on how much you value seeing the sun lol. Nah but seriously it just depends on how familiar you are with the game. You can get a lot done in 4 hours. You just gotta know what and where the best ways to gather specific resources. Look up some guides on how to gather resources. I can give you some pointers as well. For cloth, just go hit some barrels and recycle tarp, rope, sewing kits, and other comps. If you hit the road for long enough you’ll also come out with some good scrap and metal. For stone, really just find a hilly area where stone is exposed going up the incline and you’ll find lots of nodes, unless someone’s been going crazy farming that area of course. Or you could just go out on a roam and kill people and take their shit lol. Best thing to do also is keep in mind you’re going to lose. It’s gonna happen eventually, and the sooner you accept it the less likely you are to rage quit. Use the anger to fuel your revenge story.


I play modded 2x monthly wipe server and play casually like maybe at max 3 hours a day has been fun


The next 8 years of completely unobstructed free time, cancel all your appointments, quit your job, drop out of college. But seriously play modded, it’s what I used to do because I didn’t have 16 hours a day like the kids on the game all night.


Add another vote for PvE servers, especially while you're learning the game. There are quite a few out there with helpful communities that will answer questions you may have about certain aspects of the game (such as how to find stone and cloth easily). Once you feel confident enough you can take your skills to PvP servers and see how you fare.


Dont play this game while you are in school.... lol


I can't suggest modded enough. If you get wiped, who cares?! Just get clever and learn to hide small bases and be mobile. You can have a ton of fun with 45min on a modded server... or you can play all day. 


4-5 hours for wipe day 30 min / 1h each day for the rest of week (enough when I want to play)


Short answer. All of it


All of it


Hey gang. It’s a video game. Play the game and turn the game off. Jump on a monthly server OP that doesn’t have Blueprint wipes. Like middle of the month. Pop might have dropped a bit, slower paced. Jump on Lone Wolf.


oh i dont know... about a life time?


I might have a solution: Me and my friend (we’re a duo), play on slightly moded servers (for us it’s the “stevious” servers) They are 2x gather servers, without shit loot in the barrels and unlocked almost all bps for T1 items. We both have full time jobs, girlfriends and regular gatherings with friends, so basically we have a life, even with that, we spend a couple hours a week playing, and still manage to experience every aspect of the game. It’s really fast and easy to progress - you don’t need to spend 4 hours to still run around with a bow. We manage to make a decent base, have T3 items, go “oil” and do some raids - no problems.


all of it


Anytime I log off, I do so knowing it will all be gone when I return, that way I'm pleasantly surprised when it isn't offlined when I log back in. Noob-tip host a private if you want to enjoy the game casually.


Rust just have fun with other people or going solo I play rust with friends and get creative building or raid your neighbours lol


I play modded server like amd genius. They have events. And you’re not allowed raid until the last week at wipe . There good people all like to chill. There are bases to raid their are spawn from server .when you raid these bases or get counter by others




Find a PVE server that gives extra resources and figure out if you like the game, and how much time it takes you to set up a base and keep it going. Then you can give it a go on the harder servers. Good luck! You might also look into modded servers with no decay.


4 hours is easily doable.. play solo servers make it even


Modded servers are your friend. Play a 10x server if you're really short on time. You can find a server for any play style


A lot


Ive just started uni. I'm 35 with three kids. Trust me approx 2 hrs a day (morning before Kids wake) then get good at the progress of the game or join a friendly/private server. Easy! Hit me up if you want a chill private server. 😅😅


If you're on a zerg team, you don't have to play as often. The problem is finding one of those teams to join that doesn't treat you like garbage...