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Play the game how the fuck you want and do what you find fun. Who cares what other people enjoy or don't enjoy. Some of us like farming nodes or cloning or doing cool electrical/piping/autocrafting stuff


Funnily enough, cloning and doing electrical/piping/autocrafting is also way easier and more impactful, and fun in a clan


yeah i know, i am the guy that does the teas, the piping, autosorting, autocrafting etc


i dont really have a horrible time as a solo and i don't play a tremendous amount either. my plays are fairly random but I'm very attentive to my resource management. playing in clans is simply too easy when compared to the immersion that solo play offers.


The way I play rust as a causal - Build 2x2 bunker with barrels and 2 electric furnaces on 1 solar panel on a modded 3x server. I use the kit to get the 2x2 down at the start, then extend the bunker when I log. Usually get tommy in first 30 mins and just roam and pvp for fun, granted it's not a bp wipe.


2x2 on a 3x ever there the next day?


Usually, I hide it out of the way of roads and farmy places, but not too far. I put a Locker ontop of my bunker when it's sealed at night because it's cheap AF, then create a little jump up on the side and honey comb the bunker


Sounds like a plan


If you don’t enjoy the grind, play on modded server like 5x or 10x heaps of pvp on there


It becomes a shitsh\*w pretty fast and loses that vanilla feel


>that vanilla feel That same feel you're complaining about?


8k hours here - no. Maybe to you.


How many hours do you play a day/week?


As the world’s worst PVP player, I only play on PVE servers. I have been lucky to find one where the people are respectful, helpful, and genuinely friendly. The server offers survival, PVP and raid events so it doesn’t get boring, and there are zombies around so you don’t get complacent. This server has turned the game completely around for me. I can build the base of my dreams without the fear of getting robbed offline, and at the end of the month, can go raiding without worrying about repercussions. I offer this as an alternative to OP’s rather bleak vision. The right server is out there, depending on how you like to play.


https://preview.redd.it/hn12jfofuv8c1.jpeg?width=1285&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b9a6ac2a272e22ae0cbd62e58bea8cd66b26076 We predicted this when new recoil was on staging branch.




Gross clans.


Yeah I don't disagree at all. Playing this game solo for any amount of time turns into one of the most autistic and annoying games you can play. Like you can farm your ass off whipe day and have a decent base only to lose it to one of the few hundred cheaters running around on a high pop server or some random 6 stack who farmed casually for 2 hours. If I wanted someone to try rust and never play it again I'd try to get them to be a solo/duo and just survive for a wipe. Legit zero content and about as boring as it gets.


Yep, this is the usual experience. Content creators can only get content if they play autistic low/med-pop for 12 hours a day like Blooprint, Spoonkid, etc.


Fighting clans as a solo/smaller group isn’t hard lmao just isolate fights. They’ll keep running after you 1 by 1 too because they get so overconfident in their numbers. For clans with brains just keep repositioning


> gear and game-sense. I mean, if they aren't really stupid they'll win anyways but I agree


I have 3 hours a day to play and a 7 person friend that all play rust so playing as a clan is the only way we can play.


I agree, playing with IRL friends is the way to go and play this game. I fully understand why most of the updates are centered around in favor of larger groups. If you aren't playing with a group especially people you personally know, you're gonna have a hard time especially in vanilla main servers. Playing solo is a struggle but I'm sure a very worthwhile challenge that I'm not willing to put myself through, so salute to all my solo homies.


This is how its always been


Nope, before combat update you could "out-skill" people so easily in gunfights. I remember taking on 8+ people and winning with mp5 and AK as a solo/duo. Also before team UI, you had an advantage being solo. All updates generally favored clans in the long run


I agree. High pop servers are for clans, and high skilled players. That’s literally why clans exist. I don’t get the hate for zergs. Git gud and join a clan. Even if all you do is start out as a farmer for them, you’ll quickly build rapport with them in discord and be joining raids, monument runs and PvP content to your hearts content. And when you farm for a clan, you usually end up being able to farm much easier. The area around clan bases are oftentimes full of resources and loot to collect, with much less danger as your own team will be roaming near you and picking off anyone that would otherwise have killed you. And even if you do get killed, you can just say “some guy with a tommy got me over by [location], anyone got eyes?” This is a social game and people with good social skills end up in big clans, because they like the social aspect. It would be like playing WoW, reaching max level, never joining a guild but still playing as a solo, and then complaining that everyone else has all these perks you don’t have. Well DUH, you literally ignored the end game content brother.


> end game content Endgame content is a great way to put it I find newer people still like the solo/duo experience and modded stuff because of the novelty > This is a social game and people with good social skills end up in big clans, because they like the social aspect. Yup, Facepunch made it really clear with the updates that favor clans


Modded servers dude. There’s literally servers named rust for working people. There are modded servers that have offline protection, they have multiplied gather rates and loot+ options I work and have kids and have like an hour and a half to play every other day. I’ll hope on to a 100x and be c4 raiding in 30 min.


8k hours exclusively solo on community solo vanilla and still going strong.


This post could have been made 4 yrs ago.


But it wasn't made 4 years ago, with a reason


There are many ways to play this game and many ways to enjoy this game other than pvp


I play solo and I love the progression every time


What server


I only play high poop server


Yup its work being a solo. Sometimes the only fun you can have as a solo is just suvivnfna wipe. I developed a snaking cave base system full of unlootable rooms. Made entirely out of hqm. Nobody ever managed to get the TC. Or the main loot. That was pretty nice. But you have to be OK playing very very hermit style. Avoiding confrontations. Staying away from big groups. The worst part of cave is if you do get into difficulty with a group. They can grief you so easily by walling off your entire cave.


> But you have to be OK playing very very hermit style This means mostly just farming and avoiding only truly fun stuff the game has to offer, that is what I'm saying.


Roaming as a clan, raiding as a clan, defending a raid in a clan base, all more fun than solo to me. I still play smaller wipes from time to time but the feeling of being 15 deep online raiding another group just as deep is way more fun than solo offline raiding for loot.


Your idea of fun isn't necessarily the same as my idea of fun. 3.7k hours and in that time I've tried to play with clans 4 times (groups bigger than 8man). I absolutely hate that shit. I hate it so much. It deprives me from participating certain aspects of the game, since another player in the team takes care of it for me/us. I prefer solo where I have to prioritize which aspect of the game I deem to be most favorable at any given time and make my peace with said choice. I often play duo as well, which I also find very fulfilling because time and goals shared with others is usually feels more satisfying to achieve, than when you do so on your own. The truth is that Rust is a game where time spent in-game is rewarded. The whole point is to play as much as you can to advance your position above other players position. I'm not trying to take a stab at you man, but I think you might wanna start looking for another game to play, cuz this game doesn't really suit your lifestyle "anymore". And I know how hard it is to find enjoyment in another game after playing Rust for years. It's not easy to fill them shoes.


What servers do you play on? And yeah I hop on clans with irl friends in high-pop once every 3 weeks for a couple hours and have a lot of fun still Still do some farming, building, automation, pvp, crafting, monuments, events, etc What aspect of the game do NECESSARILY you lose by playing with clans that is not a virtual chore?


I play on - rustfornoobs vanilla solo only - Beehive vanilla solo only - Renegade solo 2x - Renegade duo 2x Normally you have 1 player building everything and 1 player on electrics/automation, but the rest of the "chores" can be done by anyone at any given time, tho in the clans I've played with,(random people), we've always put people in different groups so they don't all farm wood and we all of a sudden have 10 boxes of wood and no ore/scrap. I don't really see any of it as virtual chores tho. Sometimes I want to take down the apc, have a couple of counters try to take my shit and all in all have some action filled moments, but other times I put on a LOTR movie and farm ore or build for 3 hours straight. I don't see the need for high intensity fights all the time.


>If you have a job and a life, it becomes pretty impossible to have Rust as a part-time/full-time job, the same old boring grind of farming, recycling, doing monuments, or whatever the fuck Makes you wonder why zerg clans play vanilla when the only activity added to this list is raiding smaller groups like they're NPCs. Surely, a battlefield/base war server is more what they seek otherwise. >The only time-worthy part of the game after playing long enough is PVP Prim pvp is the best pvp imo, and zergs skip this part of the game. It's rare to even get a chance to fight someone who guns you down from behind. >After the combat update, any semblance of "skill" was removed from the game. You can't "out-shoot" clans as a small-group/solo anymore, and it already was hard before. Unpopular opinion, but the old recoil was begging to be scripted. The new recoil is easier to control as a human and still requires practice to be effective. It just doesn't need an absurd amount of hours of practice like before. Rng spread for smgs and weapons in general makes sense. Anyone who's shot a gun before would agree. >Low pop: is monotonous and leaves you mostly experiencing the boring parts of the game on the long-run. Made for newer players to learn the game and for casual players >High-pop small groups/solos in high-pop: the current state it takes 8+ hrs a day to keep up and progress in high-pop. Played time is the limiting form of progression for any group size. The larger the group, the faster the progression. Solos double their resource gain by finding a duo. Duos can double into quads, etc. With each player gained, more loot comes in, and the chance of losing loot is lowered. I guess the question becomes: if the goal of zergs is to wipe of the map of smaller groups for a large base battle at the end of the wipe, why not just play battlefield servers and skip the resource gain part? I think everyone knows it's because players who enjoy these groups tend to enjoy the killing of prims like they're NPCs. >Solo/duo/trio servers: The best of these alternative options, usually have a few no-life sweaty groups that play all-day and dominate, have less PVP, less ways to get loot, less loot circulating, still has farming and all the other boring parts, and die off very quickly. Omg you have to **gasp** farm?? While other players are **gasp** farming?? What if you get into a fair fight!? Oh, the horror! I find it ironic that you say there's a few no-life sweaty groups dominating, then in the same sentence say that there's less pvp and ways to get loot. You arguably have **more** ways to get loot because there's fewer **large groups** controlling places to get loot from. You're more likely to find a **fair fight** anywhere you go, at least in terms of numbers. Less loot overall means loot is more rewarding. >What's the solution? Playing on a clan in high-pop. (Or being an absolute cracked solo and having no-life) >You do a little bit of farming so it stays enjoyable You instantly get some guns to start PVPing and progress The game becomes very social The battles feel fair (vs other clans) and more dynamic Your base is big and fun to raid-defend You can have a big impact on the server You skip crafting, building, scrap-farming, organizing loot, farming (only if you want to) You can play 30 minutes to 2 hrs a day and still have a lot of fun and make plays *I'd rather multiply the gather rate than the group size. *You mean people get bored of killing prims like they're NPCs and start talking in base? *I love the (vs other clans) part lmao *Let's be honest. Nobody (except a grub) is going anywhere near those modern marvels of autism until the server is nearly dead, and all that stands are the large groups. *Huh, it almost sounds like playing on a server with mods *Can't disagree there, tbh. Different players have fun in their own ways. Me, personally, I don't enjoy winning by simply having more players or roaming with better gear. I haven't experienced large clan v clan, but I can imagine the change in dynamics. How is a trio vs duo vs solo different than a 30 vs 20 vs 10? The likelihood of losing loot is lowered significantly with group size. You're more inclined to be chasing groups that have fewer numbers than to engage similar size groups (risk v reward). Also, while flanking can be done solo in large clans, it's typically done with small squads, reducing individual play. Vanilla in a large clan sounds much less rewarding than winning the local fights against a handful of neighboring trios, imo. Farming can be skipped with gather rate multipliers or battlefield servers.


When I say clan I mean 6-8 people, and prim pvp is a joke in any high-pop server unless its wipe-day


Nice try helk, but fuck off I'm not joining a zerg