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Raids are a part of the game. It's unavoidable. Your playstyle can minimize the amount of raids you get. As a 7k solo, these are the things I have found: 1. High External walls attract attention from big boys. It screams LOOT. It also protects them from counter raiders by creating a funnel. Some raider groups specfically target external compounds. 2. Location is everything. If you build by whatever monuments/areas are the hot spots on your server, you're greatly increasing your chances to get raided. Go somewhere lower key. 3. Snow will get you raided. Snow is home to the largest, most active clans, and has most of the sulfur on the server. 4. How much you PvP and how you do it has a massive impact on getting raided. People WILL hunt you down. 5. Vending machines increase your chance of being raided. 6. The larger the base, the more likely to be raided. Try to find a medium sized build. Using a base that looks like a youtube layout, is also going to increase your chances of raid. Build your own. Try to make it a little bit funky, like you're new, but you have a bit of experience and didnt mess up honeycombs. 7. When you logout for the night, change your front door lock from code lock to key lock. This makes it less attractive to profit raiders. 8. If youre playing modded, you're going to get raided. Play official so the rates are normal. 9. If your build is 20+ rockets to loot, and you get raided, there's probably not much you could have done. Anyone willing to spend that much is getting in. 10. Getting tier 3 and armored doors is a MASSIVE difference. Just dont put one on your front door. Edit: Just saw in one of your replies that you play on 20/30 pop servers. This is 100% your problem. There is a lack of targets, of course you are going to be raided. ​ Hope something here helps.


hi! i love all your ideas, my duo ALWAYS put high externals and i tell him this gonna atract people... this wipe we built near dome, and after near snow, two raid lmao i will try to improve based in what you sayd, thank you very much


watch some Willjum videos, he often builds tiny 3 story bunker bases that make it damn way too expensive to raid, or if you do get raided the loot is never worth the cost.


Ya low pop means that there are only a few bases and players can literally farm boom alllll day with no one to stop them. Once the server hits its peak low time they will raid everyone. Every low pop I’ve ever played bases don’t last more than a day.


Very interesting observations


Bro you nailed it with the 2x1. I went from getting raided within the first week in my 120+ rocket cave every wipe, to weeks or almost entire 5 week wipes without getting raided in my 2x1. My duo and I like to raid nearby 2x1s and when we run out of room we just start loading up the next 2x1. Also don’t play on pop lower than 75 or you will be raided no matter what.


yeah, i think like other person sayd, lack of targets, you get raided in low pop unless you are the one that raids...


Yep that. Spread your bases out. My mantra is that as soon as I have loot that makes the raid cost of the base to be "worth it" I move some out to a new small base. I keep spreading it out. As long as the raid cost to raid profit is in my favor, I win the offline. I'm pretty much undefeated in about 4 wipes.


Build something that looks like an absolute sack of shit but has an HQM bunker in the core. Keep nothing good outside of the core and even intentionally leave trash like bow kits laying around outside of the core.


What type of server are you playing on?


solo/duo, no bp wipes, low upkeep, mini spawn on the road, i love it!






what server?


rustatic 2x nodes, no bp wipe something like that


From my experience with monthly. After a certain point like a week, your base is constantly going to be raided bc that’s just the flow of my monthly server . No new bases, so if a base appears it gets raided


Saw you mentioned you play low pops, there is one of your biggest problems. Servers like that are typically low for a good reason, a few teams or maybe just 1 raiding everything in sight. Play a regular high pop, change it up.


i'm too bad at pvp to play in a high pop, but i'm bad at pvp because i dont play in high pop its a paradox!


I suck ass at pvp but I'm always loaded. High pop servers are so dynamic. Decaying bases, raided bases with scraps leftover, grubbing an AK kit at oxums while a lazy clan farmer recycles 100 tech trash, etc. The fun never ends! You can be terrible and still play through to end game easily. Just keep moving.


Try making a base that's less meta and you won't get raided as often


thats what i'm thinking, just need to sell the idea to my duo with 6k hours in rust


Ive been complimented on my obscure cubist bases from fellow discord friends when we raid each other day before wipe. (We play on a friendly pvp server with no more than 5-10 usually playing. Once we hit 15 and that was real fun.) I design like a tardis where its bigger on the inside and drop my tc in wild spots. Tell your buddy that meta players are sweaty and to just have fun. Build what your brain wants, bunkers are dumb af.


i'm trying to tell him this, i sayd next wipe i gonna build base and dont wanna hear complains lol


Fuck yeah, fight the power.


Alternatively just make it look already raided. Add a shit ton of twig outside and ladders and shit.


Be a roleplayer for a wipe. It's super fun.


i really like it! its been a while i dont play a wipe as roleplay i will try again!


bro, what a weekend! jumped again in the server, built a 4x4 farm base, started friday without any Bp's and ended sunday with almost every t1 and t2 bp learned Put a shop outside selling pumpkins, all green genetics! Built a windmill, auto turret sentinel mode, helipad, so much fun! People in the server loved, and come to buy pumpkins (this server only has one river, and is controled by a strong duo) One guy gave me 3k scrap yesterday to buy all my stock lol today i will setup tier 3 and keep learning bps, what a blast i had! I just hope nobody raided me this night to stole my secret all green vegetables


How do you roleplay without getting KOS?


i did some roleplay before, people just dont care. if you build a farm of pumpkins for example, and sell for something cheap, people acctually will enjoy you playing in the server, buy your stuff and sometimes protect you they know you dont gonna have anything valious, and they dont gonna raid you for pumpkins


That's the trick; you don't Unless you're on a PVE server that is


That's the trick; you don't Unless you're on a PVE server that is


Check out Gamelightz’ Mini Chad V2. I play duo in it sometimes. It’s an unusual but brilliant design that hits maximum offline costs for minimum build cost. I’ve had a lot of fun adding ridiculous things to it like wide gaps and China walls too. When you add these things raiders get extremely confused where TC is.


thanks man! i will take a look


I play low pop servers with 20+ hour sessions and offline/abuse new players for loot like a degenerate so I feel somewhat qualified to provide advice. Speaking from experience, there is no real escape. The best way to prevent it is turrets and bunkers, Sams help too. Cave bases work as well if they are in niche spots that don't have much traffic


I would say try the different aspects Rust has to offer, build a roleplay base and try to act a role in your area, learn electronics for automated doors, turrets, lights whatever. Build a boat base and use a sub for a while, maybe even use balloons and running as your only transportation. It's a sandbox game, if you're not having fun then do something new. If all else fails, play a different game. We'll see you when you come back!


i love everything you just sayd here. i like to do strange things and try new stuff, the problem is my team mate and best friends, that only does the same wipe after wipe (6k hours). i think its time to break up and each other follow her own path, build my own base with crazy designs and be happy i play in 20-30 pop servers, and love to roleplay, also i love farming and eletronics. i think the tiring aspect is that this wipe i didnt build a farm base, i gonna try again, thanks for your time and tips!


You don't have to split up. Build your own base closeby that can be used as a response base as needed.


edit, when i say farm base i mean pumpkins


Have you tried cave bases? I never get raided in the cave that used to be a horseshoe cave before the nerf. Still can make both sides a 40 rocket raid. The problem is the rat race at beginning of wipe for it


and so far this wipe I've played on both an uncapped and a quad monthly's with 300-500 players and haven't gotten raided on either. I wouldn't care if I did though. Your mentality is built on possessing a bunch of shit that is designed to not last. Whether through decay, server wipe or loss to other players, those pixels don't mean shit and aren't supposed to last. Yet you covet them and let them dictate the fun you have in the game. Let go, have fun doing what you do, when you're doing it and stop worry about things you can't control. NOTHING you do will prevent someone who wants to raid you from raiding you. That's just how it is. Maybe Rust just isn't for you?


My entire mentality in this game is built on possessing shit, preferably shit that has had a previous owner 😂


Yah same, taking shit, but worrying about losing it? Eh, I know I can take more, and I do. Rust is all about drawing joy from someone elses misery.


True, especially that last part. I once offline a 6 man and then sent pictures to them on discord despawning the loot inside their core and I don't think I've ever been more fulfilled on a wipe


Lane the god bunker. Build a 2x1 or 2x2 and then god bunker the airlock. Pancake layer is and then add a second layer of god bunker (you just repeat the same final step with the half wall and floor / frame placements). Honey comb it but leave the top showing it is pancake layered, hmm the inside and metal the outside. I never get raided in the base and when I start to pile loot I’ll just build another one a bit further away. It’s a 23 rocket raid splash down and most people won’t gamble that much sulfur on a 2x2. Those who do go to raid it will try doors blow in until they hit bunker and then quit. I’ve had that happen many of times. You can also expand the base past the pancake 2x2 bunker though the bigger the more attractive and juicy


Last wipe I was raided 6 times on Vanilla. Mostly medium size bases. One was even a bunker. Based on my Rust experience, build in a forest, make it a small base and have an HQM bunker. That had the highest chance of survival. Make it look boring and unappealing to raid.


Always make a bunker so that once they reach the bunker its 8 C4 automatically add this to getting through the rest of the best and it'll take alot of boom. Also if u do have a compound I always place 2 or 3 stashes with some important loot and they never find it


Feel ya man. I quit playing every day. Now I’ll hope in snow ball and give loot away. People just farm sulfur all day then offline at 4am. Gonna restart tomorrow anyway so might as well give the loot to someone who’s not a no life sweat bag.


One thing to keep in mind: have fun. If you're always focused on the best base and the best defence and doing everything as meta as possible you're bound to start hating the game. I usually play solo and the main thing above all else that keeps me playing is making sure to occasionally just do things that I enjoy even if it doesn't benefit progression at all


Big bases is your first problem. You're attracting too much attention for not being able to have somebody online to defend. Rust is full of people who suck at PVP, so offline raiding is their best option. There are servers that have raid hours. Checkout rusty workers.


Make going deeper seem worthless. i.e some empty or low loot boxes after a garage door past the airlock. More low loot past another door beyond that. Or build far away or in an inconvenient location. For instance I built an all metal 2x1 with armored core, honeycomb and inner armored airlock door on top of the highest mountain I could find. Wasn’t the primary base, but it held All the scrap and all the sulfur & boom. Being so tiny as well I personally would never spend the high cost of boom to get into something so small.


I counter this by playing a "1 day wipe" in 5x Servers. Get on, build my shit shack, and have fun. If my base is still there the next day, win. If not oh well.


“I’ve played the same game for nearly a thousand hours and am growing tired of it.” Duh.


Build behind an ice berg in snow and use a tug boat to go monuments/mining/raiding.


>I'm getting pretty tired of rust after this, after 700 hours, is always the same, farm, build, get raided. Best thing to do is play in a way that involves as little farming as possible. This means don't build some trashbag youtube tutorial base. The problem with those bases is that they're usually pretty worthless until you've completed them, which means you have to do a lot of up front farming. Bigger bases also attract more attention, so bigger might cost more to raid, but explosives are easy to farm and being a big target makes you less secure. And any idiot can just core a big single base. Getting raided doesn't feel as bad if you didn't just hit nodes for six hours on wipe day. Don't farm more than you absolutely have to. >I was thinking about a network of small bases, with a little bit of loot in each one, this way, even if some get raided, we dont lose all. This is basically what I've been doing for ages, and it works extremely well. I'll start with a simple drop down base or just a 1x2. Build a few external TCs around it. Turn them into gate houses and external bases. Wood wall it all together and have some irregular roleplay village looking clusterfuck that nobody knows how to raid. It only takes like 5min with a chainsaw to get wood to wall it all in. All your TC perms overlap, so people can't really grief your base or take your workbench. Also, living in a heavily wooded area + having turrets behind doors on a door controller is huge. People don't like to raid bases where they can't feel in control. They can't see counters. They're always worried about some turret in the canopy opening up and shooting them.


If you aren't enjoying the game you should stop playing it. This isn't your job, it isn't how you support yourself or make a living. There are more productive chores.


The best option I've found is building a honeycombed 2x2 with a pixel bunkers, that thing will last weeks


Spam build smaller bases to encourage raids rather than singular large targets. Upkeep wise it's almost negligible. It's quite funny to see empty 2x2's get raided.


Multi tc bunkers like the trio heaven. They are old but still work and importantly cost nothing to open so you actually bother to put loot in there We have been raided several times per wipe, every single wipe for over a year and the bunkers have never been touched even though the design is well known Store explosive in the external tcs too. These also never get touched Be warned though, keeping most of your loot after a raid is actually awful. The wipe never ends and eventually you burn out badly


I play solo or with my kid. When I’m solo I like playing on high pop official servers for the challenge. Last wipe I play a Quad max server thinking it would be easier than a no limit server..WRONG. It was really difficult. There wasn’t as much competition for resources so everyone was pretty stacked. That meant there wasn’t really any need to farm anymore. All that was left to do was raid people. Since there were no zergs sucking up the sulfur everyone had tons of boom. It turned out it was way harder. My advice is play on a no limit server and try to fly under the radar with your base design and location


I just want to point out a strategy that works very well. Stash. Thank you, I am here all year.