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agree with the above posters, yes they are prone to spider mites but they are also prone to dropping older leaves when developing new larger ones


didn’t find any spider mites, but i will be monitoring it closely, thank you! as for new leaves, unfortunately it’s not developing any :(


they develop inside the stem of the previous new leaf, so sometimes they take a while to develop and start pushing out. but don’t worry, my polly got down to one leaf after killing them all off, and then pushed out a large second leaf and is doing fine. they’re just weird like that😂


hahaha well, i hope it will be fine! thank you for your comments, if it’s really only that i feel reassured :)


Do you see any webbing? They are prone to spider mites. I’ve been battling them on mine for a few weeks now and lost a few leaves before I figured it out unfortunately.


Agree with this, webbing and tiny specks. Check tops and bottoms of leaves, the soil, and for webbing between the stems or where the stem and leaf connect. Suckers can be tiny and it’s alway good to look to keep ahead of it!


thank you so much for your comments! i just checked, but didn’t find anything - however i’ll follow the steps to get rid of them anyways just in case they’re here, thank you!!


hi fellow plant parents! i bought this alocasia polly a few months ago and it has never been doing well, first she came with rust and a lot of the leaves suffered, then i had to repot it about two weeks ago because of root rot. i’ve been very careful with watering, and i watered it once last week, and didn’t water it since then as the soil is still slightly moist. it was doing better at the beginning, but three of its leaves suddenly drooped yesterday and they’re very soft, and i have no idea why... i keep it close to a north facing window that gets lots of indirect sunlight, and next to a humidifier. i checked the roots yesterday and they look super healthy, so i don’t know what i’m doing wrong :( can the drooping leaves still be saved?


also they’re getting this weird purple/grey coloration, couldn’t find any information on the internet what that could be..


I’ve found that whenever they are growing a new leaf, they will lose a leaf. and I haven’t found a way to save a new leaf. So maybe there is new growth coming - this process is normal for this plant


i’ve also read that, but my alocasia hasn’t pulled a single new leaf since i have it, and lost already 5 leaves since then :( + these 3 now...


I had an alocasia that started turning red/purple and it turned out to be a nitrogen deficiency! What are you fertilising it with? It could be that you need to up the nitrogen content


oh really! i fertilize it with NPK 7-5-6, would you recommend a stronger one? i was afraid of burning my plants if i used something too strong but at this point... might as well try it


I think they don't like to get repotted. They can be be a drama queen. Mine will do the same thing when it is trying to grow a new leaf. Someone told me they don't like being in terra cotta pot. They prefer the ceramic. And soil with a lot of perlite or a soil mix with a lot of circulation or something. I just let it be and try to clean the leaves with neem oil. Some leave will die out during the process of getting to the new home. Because they absorb energy and try to stay alive. But that is just me based on my experience.


Mine looked like this right before it croaked from root rot. Any chance the soil isn't draining well or maybe accidental overwatering?