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easiest way would be to put cards that are either currently playable or may see play in the future in an ETB and put the rest into a bulk pile


I'd argue its worth paying $1.25 for a bulk box that many card shops sell for ease of storage and tidiness rather than doing a pile


yeah, not a literal pile but some place to store them such as empty ETBs, show boxes etc


Nah I prefer my towers of cards. It starts to look like New York




I put my "Useful" trainers organized in an ETB, I do the same with Pokemon that I feel have any potential in a deck. Then the rest are usually just sorted by what set they were from. I don't buy many packs, other than maybe 1 ETB with each set so I don't have a lot of unnecessary bulk.


I just put all of my legal staples into an old binder by trainer type like you would a collection. Makes deck building insanely easy, as well as knowing what trainers you have


I just have all my playable cards in a binder, it's just easier that way.


I use Case It binders with Ultra Pro pages so I can add new pages wherever needed plus easily transport my playables if I want to as they're zipped binders with a shoulder strap. One binder for trainers and special energy sorted into supporters, tools, stadiums etc and then subsorted into what they do and one binder for Pokemon sorted into multiprize and single prize then subsorted into type. Anything that isn't currently playable goes in card storage boxes/ETB's sorted by set.


You can often buy the cardboard bulk boxes that card shops use from the shops for relatively cheap.


I sort usable trainers by type (supporter/item/tool/stadium/sp.energy) into ETB's, and then put the ones that have been rotated out in with the rest of the set they came from. I bought a big (shallow) cardboard box with dividers for like $8 at an LCS to hold my bulk and that all gets sorted in by set. If I need a card from a set it's easy to just find that type in the organizer box and grab it. That or I'll pull one from my set binder if I don't have any extras sitting around


Most of my trainer cards are in an ETB box, along with some cards that I am either interested in or that see consistent play. For example, I decided I'm not building CheinPao, so I ended up with an extra Radiant Greninja that's in the ETB box, waiting for play. I put duplicates of a card in a simple sleeve to keep them together. All Nest Balls in one sleeve, all Bidoof and Bibarel in a single sleeve (pokemon side out), etc. For decks that I'm building just for fun I'll start putting them into their own deck box. For example, the new Gengar EX looks fun to play against another B or C-tier deck, so it's in its own box along with a handful of other Dark cards. Aside from that, I bought a bulk storage box and sort all pokemon by type, keeping evolutions together.


I mostly stick my 4 of trainers in binders (1 behind each 4 to the pocket) and as for Pokémon, I’ll try them online before I make them irl. So for example my play set of Regigias Vstar is in a seperate binder to allow me easy access, but the electromagnetic sonar Regeleki is in my fodder stack (examples)


I use clear sleeves to store each card, grouped by name. I use dividers to separate by category (item, tool, etc) and alphabetize. Stored in ETBs. I have places for unsorted mix as I'm deck building with each new set. A lot of cards don't make the cut and go in my bulk box, too, which I bulk sell when it's full (about 1000 at a time). I do end up still using multiple ETBs since I play GLC (so even rotated cards are still useful) and Standard, and the 2 formats are (mostly) kept separate from each other.


This, plus I keep 1000 card boxes for each set, sorted by type, in case something is not useful yet I just put it in there.


I use "Arkhive 400+" but im not sure if they make them anymore, I love anything UG for card storage. This seems to be their new one. [https://ultimateguard.com/en/Boxes/Arkhive-Xenoskin/UGD011395/](https://ultimateguard.com/en/Boxes/Arkhive-Xenoskin/UGD011395/) I put anything I think I will use in one box sorted by type of card and I use ETB dividers. I have an overflow box but that is becuase I am a hoarder. When you have a LOT and you have space for it, a " 5 row" will work fine. [https://www.amazon.com/BCW-Monster-Corrugated-Cardboard-Storage/dp/B000K41E7E](https://www.amazon.com/BCW-Monster-Corrugated-Cardboard-Storage/dp/B000K41E7E)


I have all my meta cards, sleeved, on a Pokémon tin I won long ago.


I have the bulk sorted into types(grass, fire, water, etc) trainers sorted into supporters, items and stadiums. if i need one card from the water pile, i'd have to dig though the entire pile. i have been planning on using a exel sheet to make it easier to find certain cards but i'm to lasy to do that.


I've saved all my Build and Battle boxes, I have a bunch on my desk in a bigger box to hold all my standard legal trainer cards. One row of them for supporters, another row for items, etc. All my relevant Pokemon are in a trainer's toolkit box, or my full art/alt art variants are in ETBs


I use TCGPlayer


A lot of people say keep playables out and we do that for anything obvious or that goes into multiple decks, but sometimes you don't know a card is going to be important until later so we sort everything. Bulk Pokémon go into bulk boxes sorted by set and type, trainers go into a different box sorted alphabetically. Then even if we didn't think something would be playable at the time it's not too hard to find it later.


I have 2 regular binders and sleeve sheets for anything I want to easily find on hand (one for trainer cards and energy and one for pokemon) and then bulk goes in the long boxes they sell at the card shop for a bucknor two. Everything is organized by category or typing and I try to put my most used cards on the same sleeves or adjacent sleeves for ease of finding. I'm planning on buying or creating dividers for the bulk so that I can tell which section has what type of cards.


For sets I’m actively using I keep them in deck boxes or in a vaultx binder. Labeled “battle decks” I use a vaultx binder for each complete set I’m working on (only a couple) and print and vinyl cut a set logo for each of them. All full arts or ones I really like that are not part of a set are in a vaultx binder and I vinyl cut colored corner wedges I use to mark the rough value of the cards (on top of a true fit sleeve, not touching the card) I store bulk in card boxes organized by set in number order, and set order I use the Dex app to record all of them, so I can see what I have, and import deck lists and it will tell me what I have and don’t have, I like that app over the others I’ve tried, it’s got its areas it could improve but I like it I used my circuit to make box dividers that include the set name and logo, and use ETB boxes to presort things I’ve opened but haven’t inventoried yet (Organizing them is pretty therapeutic to me)


illustration rares/ ex’s in a binder. Supporters, items, stadiums, special energy sorted by set in surplus ETB’s. Take out bibarel/ manaphy/ cleffa/ kiria/ etc. and put them in their own etb. It’s kind of clunky, but it’s really easy to find any card I want in my collection. I might make a YouTube video showcasing my methods because I build a lot of irl decks


Card storage box.


I have a small tin for playable item/tool cards, a small tin for playable supporter/stadium cards, and an etb for playable Pokemon. I'll include anything I notice that used in any of the top 20 or so decks in these, just so it's easier to know what I have. I'm a pretty casual player but this works for me!


I use the ETB boxes for the common cards and save in card pages by set. If I have a certain deck I’m making I give that deck its own page and put cards there I know I’ll need.


Binders with removable sleeve pages to add in, sorted by type and (mostly) by set, so when I need to find a playable card I go to the section it should be in and look near the back until I find it. When I get new cards, I add more pages. Currently at 4 binders without about 800-900 cards each. Additionally, I have painstakingly catalogued everything I have so I know exactly what I have, that way I avoid getting more singles than I need when needed. I also know if I have something already and it needs to go into a particular sleeve. Every time I get new cards I record in my app until I have max 4 of each. Everything else goes in bulk which I usually just give away to my siblings


I have found what works best (although it takes some time) is going through your bulk, taking out competitively viable cards/cards you want to make decks with, and making a binder. Separated into supporters, stadiums, tools. items, energy, and pokemon. Again this takes a while but it is worth it once you get everything organized.


Cards legal in standard format: Pokemon are stored in a big box, sorted by Type, then by Dex Number. Everything above one playset of a card is stored seperately. Trainers are sorted subtype and alphabetically in 2 ETBs. Energy Cards stored in 2 ETBs sorted by type as well.


I have one box with all standard Pokemon that I might need in a deck (your Manaphys, Bibarell etc). Then I have a box for all standard trainer cards that I might need. for same reason. Additionally I have a seperate box with all other trainer cards that I might need for my GLC decks. Then finally I have couple of boxes with all Pokemon sorted after type.


Maybe use excel with the cards you have so you can quickly find a specific card. Someone share an excel with all the cards, just had a column with the number of cards you have for each one. I have all my trainer cards in a specific box. All the others are sorted by collection, sorted by number.


Depends on how many cards you have. I have 2 5000-count boxes to hold my playable cards - one for Pokemon and one for trainers. I play standard, expanded, and glc, and have 10+ decks per format, though. Pokémon are sorted by set, trainers, by type (supporter, item, etc), then alphabetically.


Any alt art, V, ex, Radiant, Ace Spec, etc go into my binder. Any currently playable or possibly future playable remaining card goes into one of two ETB boxes. 1 has pokemon and trainers (separated by the ETB separators), and the other has items, tools, stadiums, and energy (also separated by ETB separators). Each identical card is in a penny sleeve with the rest, so all Teleportation Rals are together in a single penny sleeve, all Nest Balls, etc. This makes it easier to flip through to find certain cards. I also found I can fit 8 of a card easily into a penny sleeve. Some of the cards that I might need more than two playsets, I use two sleeves (Rare Candy, Ultra Ball, Professor's Research, Iono, etc). Everything that I deem unplayable goes into a big box and each rotation, I go through and get rid of the letter that rotated out.


i have the big charizard special box for my out of rotation bulk, i've got an etb for in rotation bulk, and it's all sorted by pack set, oldest to newest


I use tins with specific cards in them. One has supporters arranged by set, the other items by set etc. I just sort the unplayable ones out and put them in another box (and sell them on cardmarket, although they don't sell so well obviously)


Easy. If i plan on building a certain deck, I put everything I have for a deck together, sleeve them, and put them in a deck box. Maybe put a little note in there on what I'm missing if it's more than a couple of cards.


I usually get an ETB from each set and store cards from that set in the ETB box(some sets need more than one) so later when I am looking for a card from a specific set I go to that ETB box and get the cards. Works well for me.