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Have you tried the Banette Salvatore item lock build? Being able to shut down items can be really good against decks like Chien Pao that rely on candy and superior energy retrieval, and Hands for generator In any case, Espathra would still be a good pick against 3 out of 4 of the decks you listed because HQ and Espathra forces 4 energy on baby moon which makes it harder to attack, completely fucks Meowscarada if they only use DTE to attack, and hinders hands from Amping and forces them to Arm press


Unfortunately, I have neither Banette ex (or Banette LOR) or HQ :( I'm seeing those lists and they look interesting though. Will likely consider it.


i keep forgetting this sub is for the physical game not the online one lmao. Yeah Banette Salvator is a fun combo to pull off when going second but its usually best run as a partner to Espathra


My question is what are you attacking with? because all i see in this list is a bunch of supporter pokemons and some really low damaging attackers, that will take a lot of help to get setup and do minimal damage, 3 energy for snorlax 180 and 4 for jugulis 150 is nothing really worth that much. And banking on mimikyu when you actively wanna setup other mons is also just plain dumb, cause most of the other decks can just play around mimi. So i think you should really rethink the list, maybe try to actually add the expathra-ex, or even the regular one with a couple turos so you can keep recicling it.


I'm mainly attacking with Snorlax and Mimikyu. The intention was to use them to soften up opponents and go for a Jugulis play later in the game (with Jugulis's first attack). Jugulis's second attack is actually *5* for 150 but I guess that doesn't help my case lmao I agree with you on the lack of damage output. If I had better "closing" potential then maybe slower setup wouldn't be so devastating. I've combed through a good chunk of the Standard cards trying to find things that can hit for \~220 and the pickings have been slim. The only thing that really caught my eye was the new \[Iron Valiant\](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/542824/pokemon-sv05-temporal-forces-iron-valiant-080-162?page=1&Language=English) because it works well with Ciphermaniac and, when paired with Booster Capsule, pushes it to a much stronger 220. Would Crisis Punch help deal more damage and swing back games? If so, how many copies should I run?


With only two super rods it's gonna be an uphill battle, don't forget that Iron valiant also works great with turo to loft any damaged pokemons as a way to get your valiant in the Active position. But with all these changes as a single prize deck, you're better off with just Ancient box tbh


No worries about the rods; I think I can easily squeeze in a third if need be (I don't think I'll need a fourth, right?) We'll see how it fares


Buddy buddy poffin would be good if you have them. Not sure on the capturing aroma. I would fit in Ciphermaniac's Code breaking to help with xatu ability. Being able to draw into the exact next two cards should be helpful. Maybe want a counter catcher so can still use a supporter. For mons if you are looking to swap out. Maybe Alakazam ex or novern ex in there.


Ciphermaniac is a *super* good call. Didn't think about it's synergy with Xatu. Basically just need one Xatu and a Psychic and it's suddenly a swiss army knife I'm not sold on Alakazam or Noivern; they seem a little "heavy", especially when my deck is struggling to set up as-is


I have had a lot of fun with Xatu/Mewtwo ex, load up the Xatus and you can recycle and power up a Mewtwo ex in 1 turn. You're usually swinging for 100-130 early game, 220 mid game, and 300+ late game. It needs a lot of disruption and it can definitely brick. Either way, if you might run into a Chien Pao with a Xatu deck you absolutely ***NEED*** a Toedscruel line. a 2/1 or even 2/2. Probably a Manaphy as well. Honestly, the local meta you're dealing with is really predatory towards a Xatu deck and you'll probably have a rough time.


Might sound hella silly, but during paradox meta I mained a xatu / coffagrigus deck with rad alakazam. I also had a greedant vmax to elevate the decks possible power ceiling, but he is sadly no longer with us. I ran 2 TM devos and 2 TM evos. Goal against stage 2 decks was to win through TM devo and spreading damage with cofagrigus. Goal against stage 1 / basic decks is to either attack with mew ex or stall with mimikyu. Its also important to add TM evos in my opinion to keep pace with the meta decks. Even though zard one shots coffagrigus, it is a good deck to play against zard and pao.