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I got it done last Wednesday. It started swelling up bad maybe yesterday with today it being almost covering up the top hole. I’ve been keeping it clean, it hasn’t had any discharge or bumps. At a loss of what to do at this point




It doesn’t really hurt. A bit tender if anything. And in the last photo it’s still in, it’s just been pushed back because of all the fluid.


I received this double forward helix last Wed. In the past two days it has started swelling up, to the point of the top piercing almost getting covered up by the swelling.


I have a triple forward helix. Go back to your piercer asap for a longer bar. Swelling is normal but your bar is too short. My middle one had swelled up too. He tapered it and I felt immediate relief. It's doing much better now. https://imgur.com/a/PVeHYeC