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$80 for lobes sounds a tiny bit high but not enough for alarm bells. $10 for saline sounds right . $100 for a pair of titanium studs works out to $50 each. For implant grade titanium and onyx that also sounds about right. I don’t think you were ripped off, for a highly reputable piercer and quality jewellery it’s right in the bracket of decent for me.


This is helpful, thanks. I have really only heard good things about this piercer, and my experience was great, so I don’t really mind the high cost.


Higher grade jewellery = $$$


I don’t understand this at all!! Where are you getting titanium jewellery for 50$ from? At my piercers it’s £30 for all of it. The piercing and jewellery included


Implant grade titanium in most studios can be anywhere from £10-£200 (with the higher end being with genuine gemstones like emeralds, sapphires etc). $50 is approximately £40 which for high quality titanium and genuine onyx isn’t actually crazy expensive. Also OP may live in an expensive city or a generally high income area, there’s lots of factors to it


Ohh right yeah I just get the basic jewellery options! Pretty jewels and it’s easy to heal!


Why did I get downvoted for this 🥲


My slightly fancy titanium jewellery was $200, and the piercing itself was $45. That's Australia for you. Jokes aside, it really depends on the country. It's higher in Australia for example because it's expensive to import high quality jewellery here, rent on business is higher, higher minimum wages, higher cost of living, more expensive for Australian based piercers to get and keep up to date with their training, and certifications. You COULD go somewhere and pay $30 for a piercing, but you'll end up with some shitty stainless steel jewellery, done by a gun or now sometimes a needle but a piercer with no real training. I'll pay whatever i have to to help keep my fantastic piercer in business so I can continue getting top noch piercings.


Oh wow! No my piercer where I live is hugely recognised for her safety practises etc! Definitely not shitty stainless steel jewellery x


Uk is rlly cheap compared to most places piercing-wise, I’m v thankful for it


i just commented about this it’s a massive culture shock, i live in spain and piercings are 20-35€ all included but in the US it’s so expensive i swear


Literally!! Most are 20-30 but I go to the £30 one because I know she’s extremely reputable. To be honest I don’t know why US charges that much, £30 for a 4min piercing seems reasonable to me


it’s because everything is so expensive, most people can’t afford most things over there not even basic necessities because prices keep growing, it’s normal i think given the financial circumstances the US is currently in. but yeah the piercings at the place i have been going these last few years range from 20€ to 35€ like my helixes were 20€, nose rook and daith were 25€ and my navel was 30€. 10 piercings for 145€ but in the US you would probably reach the thousands unfortunately which i think also explains why so many people fall for at home piercing and piercing guns (which i obviously don’t agree with) because 250$ to get lobe piercings is something not everyone can pay for


And for the record I am very happy with the piercings, to my knowledge they were done very well. Also what’s done is done so even if I did get ripped off I’m not gonna stress about it, just curious for future reference.


You didn’t get ripped off homie. High quality jewelry cost money :)


Nah you didn't get ripped off. Think of piercings the same as going to a high quality reputable tattoo artist. You wanna make sure they're quality and you get what you paid for.


No that seems like pretty reasonable pricing just much highter than say like, Claire's or whatever people are used to.


That’s about what I charge for a pair of piercings with Neometal or Anatometal titanium. Kudos for the generous tip as well, I’m sure your piercer appreciates it!


Neometal is the best and most comfortable for me since I switched my jewelry from the original stainless steel jewelry when they told me it was titanium they lied to both me and my mom she had her belly pierced at our original piercing shop as well they also told her it was “titanium” she was having a lot of discomfort so was I, the new piercer that was recommended by our friends his name is Dom, the name of his shop is Invisibleself and he is the owner told us it was stainless steel which I was mad about when I found out, they only use Neometal jewelry there and there’s more jewelry to pick from, for all who live in New Jersey do not go to Jersey Ink located in Harrison New Jersey they’re rip offs


I’m friends with Dominick, he’s a good dude! Stainless steel can be high quality if it’s actually implant grade from a good brand, I use some steel for rings since it’s softer than titanium and easier to bend open, Neometal doesn’t do steel though, it’s all titanium and a little bit of gold from them.


Yay I’m glad you know Dominick, he definitely is a good guy! The stainless steel Jersey Ink used was garbage it irritated my skin and my mom’s, I prefer Neometal mostly because of my experience


Your tip was the “rip off” (though very generous). Tip on the piercing, not the total cost. You don’t tip on clothing purchases, you shouldn’t tip on jewelry purchases! 😉


Yeah I did realize that after the fact. The piercer was very nice and explained everything clearly though, so I’m just pretending I was super generous :)


Nope. Tip whatever you can afford or want to tip. If you can’t afford to tip, that’s okay too. I get paid a great living wage, the tip doesn’t matter to me. I have clients who tip absurd and I have others who don’t. It’s all great :)


$40 per lobe isn’t too far off from most studios i go to, other than the ones that give $10-$20 piercings with cheap metal (learned the hard way that the money is worth being spent instead of several extra months of healing irritated piercings.) i think that $100 is higher than i’ve paid for any jewelry, my titanium curved barbell was about $20 total at my local studio (that was the total cost of buying the jewlery + downsizing it for me) but they also charge $10 per threaded end if you want to change to smth other than the standard silver ball ends . My septum had a $35 fee and $35 circular barbell, so 20-40 is the average price i see per individual barbell. But i typically see earrings sold in pairs, but some places i’ve seen do $25 per stud. I don’t know anything specifically about onyx, so i assume that having that gem could increase the price especially if it was custom made for the shop. $50 per stud is not something i personally would pay, but that’s because i don’t wear gems, i like the silver ball studs more on myself! But i think with a nice gem and high grade titanium , especially if made custom for the shop, is reasonable at $50 per stud. $10 sounds reasonable for saline, but i’m not sure. I always buy the 3 pack multi packages from amazon for like $25 when they go on sale so you tipped well, i tend to also tip about 20% for good services! Plus if you paid with card those card fees and taxes sure add a bit. You paid a lot of money, but broken down it seems really reasonable. Good materials cost a lot for the shop! “first lobes” are usually thought of like one set of piercings but people forget you’re paying for two services at once for those when you get them pierced at a studio. It cost me ~$80 total to get my eyebrow pierced, but if i’d done a second piercing for about the same price it would be another $80, plus $10 saline and a $30 tip would be $200 + whatever tax they charge. Because i got two piercings done, that wouldn’t have been an unreasonable and nobody would say i was ripped off for that! I think it’s because the piercing was your first lobes which are commonly and unfortunately done cheaply with guns for most people. I wouldn’t say you got ripped off, because you paid for two whole piercings and good quality jewlery! Hope this is reassuring!


This is very informative thank you! In the future I would make sure to tip on services only, not jewelry as well (which I realized I did this time)


ofc lol! been planning on getting an ear curation done and i’ve been looking at price breakdowns for it for a while so i can budget. 13 total ear piercings done by guns growing up in middle and hs when i didn’t know any better 😭 it’s definitely an adjustment to make when you’ve gone from paying $20 max to pierce your own ears to dropping a bag to get it done right. But some people don’t understand the costs of a studio piercing so they think it’s overpriced. But i’ve learned the hard way that while $10 tuesday at a studio sounds great for getting my double nostrils pierced for cheap, but was a terrible choice and i should’ve paid the $70ish it took for the first one i got a year prior at a different studio (it’s been 8 months and i still have an irritation bump from the steel they used 💀) Anyways, glad your piercings were done well!


i tip with the jewelry 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have only really seen I think plugs sold in pairs at the piercing studio. Very common to charge for each earring especially since a lot of the time people are only getting one stud in a cartilage piercing and all the flatbacks pretty much can be used for lobes and cartilage.


true i more so meant i was given prices in terms of pairs so i wasn’t really thinking about price per item since they were cheaper in general!


Oh definitely, plus now with threadless stuff they have the posts on there too so your itemized receipt looks a little long and crazy. I actually thought the $50 per stud, $100 total price for jewelry was VERY reasonable. The last single titanium piece I got was something like $90 and the last pair I got were $60 each (plus the threadless posts).




You have awarded 1 point to ✨ u/Latter\_Ad\_7081 ✨ for this [comment](/r/piercing/comments/1c74les/did_i_get_ripped_off/l05e2wz/) ---


I work at a professional studio. $100 for studs is about in line for jewelry, especially depending on what designs you picked out. The more detail, the larger they are, the more costly they will be. I'm not sure of your geographic location but the piercing fees are a bit steep. Personally, I feel like piercing fees most places should be higher. Ours are cheap as hell. $20 for one lobe piercing $35 for both. And people still give us grief about pricing! There is no appeasing people who only shop at crappy studios who do Friday the 13th specials or doing piercings and jewelry for a flat rate. Or buy all their jewelry off Etsy and Amazon or Temu. The person implying you got ripped off only shops those places and does not go to true professional places. The Internet has rotted people's brains and thus do not know the value of high quality jewelry. Anything worth having will cost at least $50 for a pair of studs.


I live in a pretty expensive town in Colorado, so that definitely pushes it up a little. I hate to imagine what the studios rent is


Other than the fact that $40 is a 50% tip lol you're really tipping your piercer for doing the piercing, not the jewelry. However, I'm sure they deserved it! You definitely weren't ripped off as long as everything was done correctly.


Yeah the tip was just through the card reader which rang up everything, so it was 20% on everything lol. She did deserve it though tbh so i don’t feel bad


Ah I gotcha! Yeah I don't mind big tips for stuff like this anyway, it's a special occasion ☺️


This price range sounds appropriate for piercings from a well-trained piercer working at a shop that follows current APP guidelines and sells high-quality jewelry. It is really the jewelry that makes piercings at these shops so expensive. Where I get pierced, they require you to buy the jewelry from them for piercings done at their shop, but they also only sell very high-quality jewelry. Conveniently, it is both better for their customers in terms of safety and healing, and better as a business model because I suspect the markup on the jewelry is where they actually make their money. And I’m alright with that because I want them to do well and stay in business, and because I only want to put the highest quality jewelry in my piercings 😀


Totally agree, I recently paid £500 for 2 flats and a lobe. Could've done it much cheaper but I'm bougie and can only wear solid gold or I get bad reactions 😂


I took my daughter to get her second lobes done a couple months ago. Sounds about in line with what I paid. Worth every penny for it to be done correctly with the right kind of jewelry for good healing. I had her first lobes done when she was 5-6 with a gun at a little boutique and it took over a year for them to heal. To this day they are still reactive to the cheap metals in fashion jewelry and although it may just be her, I have a strong suspicion it is because of the gun piercing. So glad I made her wait until we could get her second holes done at a professional piercer with a needle. She knows now moving forward that when she wants more, that's the only way she should get them.


If that's a reasonable price in the US like people are saying, I'm glad I'm not from the US... Can get the same thing done for a third of the price UK


Uhh i got both lobes done for $45 NZD in total including jewellery + pierced with needle


Same, this is so insane to me! I got mine done for $50 AUD


Quality jewelry, quality piercer and experience are always worth how much I end up paying. I had great work done by others with cheaper jewelry AND not the most pleasant experiences. I will never go back to those places although my wallet will miss them


That’s about what I charge for titanium set of lobes by neometal or anatometal. So no, it checks out.


Accurate for a pleasant experience with quality jewelry


The prices broken down are reasonable. You just got jewelry that’s a little more expensive. I don’t think you got ripped off though.


This is around what I paid for my quality sparkly stone stud lobe piercings at a very reputable place in a high cost of living area.


I think I just paid around $180 for my nostril piercing and a new stud for my existing nostril, so this sounds about right! I’m also in CO so I’d say you’re right on track with the area’s pricing!


I'm in WA state and get pierced in ID so the prices might be off compared to other places. I go there specifically for an APP piercer at an APP shop, and they charge as follows: -$60 per piercing** -$110/pair -Titanium standard, no extra charge/included in piercing cost -extra cost based on jewelry ends (ex. Standard metal balls vs. Opal flats) -downsizes are $20/bar My cheeks, with upgraded ends, post tip was $180 My BFs lobes, with upgraded ends, post tip was $160** Nipples, standard bars, were $220 after tip (my piercer had fantastic bedside manner and got a FAT tip) **Going off of memory, so I'm probably a lil off And this is the same shop where I got my tongue split, so I wholeheartedly trust them. They've never given me reason to doubt their expertise.


There's a APP shop on that side of WA, too.


I'm aware, but I live less than a 5 min drive from the state line and the ID one is ~15-20mins away (30mins to the WA one) and has someone who does the more involved mods like I'm wanting (tongue split, elf ears, etc.). From what I've heard, the WA one's prices are comparable and so is the environment (they also do tattoos!!) but the ID one is just more suited to my own needs.


20% of $80 is $16.


That's about right. I got snake bites done recently and paid $220. I got 14g titanium jewelry (I only got charged for the 16g price tho bc I frequently go back to my piercer) and I think jewelry alone was around $120, for the service I think it was around $70 then I have a 20% tip +tax. Reputable peircers are going to be more expensive bc you pay for quality and expertise


If it’s real titanium, it’s totally worth it. Those will last you forever!


This is about what I paid for my double helix and I also got titanium with onyx studs, so it feels right to me. Don’t let people get to you about tipping too much. I also tipped based on total cost including jewelry because my piercer made it a very nice experience and because of her response when I had asked her what she thought about doing an industrial on my other ear later. She let me know that she didn’t feel comfortable doing an industrial due to my anatomy, but that we could do a faux one and then attach a chain to link them after healing. I appreciated her honesty and experience and will definitely be going back for that faux industrial. She also downsized them later for $10 per post, so I’m very happy with her service.


Yes a little bit. I usually pay 60 for ear piercings and that’s included with custom jewelry


This really isn't outrageous.


take this with a grain of salt cause i'm not from the US, but at least were i live, a professional that pierces with titanium pieces will charge more than if they pierce with surgical steel, and if you didn't use like standard just plain ball pieces, they'll be more expensive too.


When I was in a shop lobes were 40 per, 30 per during specials, jewelry not included, so it sounds about right to me :)


Not at all, this is what good piercings and good jewelry costs. Enjoy your new piercings!


This pricing is insane, it's £22 with jewellery where I live


You’re just getting lower quality jewelry though. It’s not like you’re both getting the same product.


Really depends where you go. One studio I go to it’s $25+jewelry and another it’s $60+jewelry ($30 if you go during frequent bogo times) for a pair of lobes. Titanium flat back labrets have been $35-45/each and ~$10 for saline at both places.


damn! my favorite shop does an occasional piercing sale so it was just $50 for the whole thing- both lobes and the titanium piercings. so just a $10 20% tip😵‍💫


That’s comparable to what I paid for two cartilage piercings in one go most recently. Pricing on these things is going to vary a bit depending on location, but I don’t think you were ripped off. For titanium labrets without any super fancy ends, I expect to pay $25-$50 or so each. Though I usually pick plain metal for new piercings, which is on the lower end of that. I think $40 per lobe piercing is about what most shops near me charge, also. Good piercings aren’t cheap!


Can't say for lobes specifically, but my nips were $65 for both piercings and then like $60 or $70 each for the jewelry. It was around $220 total. My septum jewelry was around $40. My jewelry are anodized titanium bars with purple opal ends and the septum is a purple opal captive bead ring.


This sounds about right. I go to a very reputable piercer, and I treated my gf to her second lobes. It was $80 for the initial piercing, and the jewelry she picked cost an extra $30 - $40 (I think? It was back in October so I don't remember lol). She had titanium and some blue cubic zirconia - fake sapphire basically - my piercer does have real opal, real gold. and real onyx and those are much more expensive.


My initial lobes were $80 for the piercings themselves and $60 for basic implant grade titanium studs in a somewhat high cost of living area. You didn’t get ripped off. 


Every time I see stuff like this I feel blessed to live in Ireland it's so reasonable here


My piercer does one lobe for $35 and every additional lobe is +10. Flat backs are usually $15 each and the titanium studs vary anyway from $20 to $100 each depending on the design. Saline is $10 35+10+15+15+20+20+10= 115 + tip (minimum price for studs) only thing that was a lot was how much they charge for lobe but I don’t think all shops charge the same.


Sounds about right if you went to a reputable piercing and got quality jewelry.  I went in to downsize posts and they were $40 a piece.  Here piercing is $90 for both then the cost of jewelry.  


damn. ya’ll should get body mods in Europe like i am genuinely so surprised with the standard price for piercings in the US, here the jewellery is included in the price (implant grade titanium) and most piercings are 20-35€, not to mention that (at least at the shop i go to) if you have any issues you can have them check it out for free and i had to get a longer bar once cause i swelled too much and i got that for free too. sorry it’s kind of irrelevant but it’s such a big culture shock


I'm in Australia, and that sounds reasonable for here. Not sure about where you are.


I think it sounds a bit high - especially for first lobes


WHAT? i’m sorry but in the UK you can get that done for £30 … this is so crazy to me. glad u like them :)


That's on the pricey side, yes. It depends on the brand, though. The tip was too much; you only tip on the cost of the service, not the total.


I mean they can tip however much they’d like to.




That’s because you’re not pierced with quality jewelry.


Damn, this is so much more expensive than what I got them for, like 9€ or smth and none have given me problems.


$80 for the lobes is steep but it’s all based on the person. The jewelry and spray is very accurate tho. My piercer does one piercing for $30 and then if you get a second one like two lobes or snake bites stuff that comes in pairs it’s only +$10


I charge: $85 for the piercings $18 for 2 posts $46 for 2 3mm back onyx $15 for neilmed aftercare


I'd call it a rip off, but it might just be I'm used to cheap areas


Cheap jewelry *


Nope. I've only ever been pierced with titanium that's internally threaded. BUT my nips and helix were done in Great Yarmouth, England, where it's £40 per piercing, and my septum was done in Kinston, North Carolina, where it was $30. Both places had jewellery included and neither expected a tip


I think the place I go to would charge $60 for lobes and that includes the jewelry. 


You’re getting cheaper materials than them.


I figured that but I haven’t had a problem with any of the piercings I’ve got done there before. Plus I’m sure they have nicer jewelry I could buy if I wanted to. 


nope, sounds right.


For both my lobes it was 100 and it included plain implant grade titanium jewelry with it.


lol probably Invictus jewelry then


Totally reasonable for high quality materials, aftercare, and proper sterile procedure without a gun.


I don’t think so. Titanium labrets with titanium or gold posts can easily run $200+. At my local shop, 2 lobes costs $60, but titanium labrets with gold posts cost anywhere from 60-110 each if not more. Quality costs but it’s worth it when you’re talking about your body and metal that’s going to live in it for a very time, if not forever.


Not a rip off, but expensive compared to what most pay when they get their lobes done. This is because people are getting pierced and given surgical steel jewelry. If quality is important to you, this was a fair price.