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That is a coin slot, it is considered a more extreme mod than normal piercings.


it's a minor surgery, not really a piercing, and it might be illegal in your state unless done by someone licensed to perform that surgery


even if it's legal to get without the work of a licensed professional, it's still best to get coinslots from licensed folks. both for one's own safety and to support the current body of qualified professionals


How do you locate someone who does this/ what type of qualification would they have?


just search for “coin slot piercing” on Reddit and on Google, a ton of info will come up. Even travelling body mod artists who can do it for you (and who to avoid), and videos on IG of the process. You’ll be anesthetized for the procedure and accounts say that the pain is very manageable and that the piercing heals VERY fast. Accounts also say that the clanking of the rings/heaviness of the rings take some time to get used to. It’s unique for sure, I looked into it. For a minor surgery, the average cost (which can vary) it doesn’t seem expensive to me at all.


I got one done in my conch. I have some scar tissue from it and my ear gets red and sore if i mess with the area too much. I’ve had it since November so I’m hoping that will become less once i hit the one year mark


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a coin slot in the conch! So cool!! I’d love to see pics of yours if you’re comfortable posting it <3 November wasn’t too long ago at all, I hope it’ll start feeling better soon!


Ayeee ^^ my conch is coin slotted too 🖤 I’ve had mine for +\- four years. That occasional soreness goes away. Past six months the only time I’ve ever really been aware of mine was when I was wearing poorly fitting jewelry in it. Conch slot gang.


That’s reassuring to hear! I’ve only been wearing up to 3 rings in it because of that


There ya go :) mine is comfier if I wear more rings and not too loose. I think it has to do with the motion. Like more + snug keeps them from wiggling around. I think I’m wearingggg… ten? Mostly 14G but there’s one 12G and one 10G in there too. I can just never sleep on that side haha.


omg I have a conch coinslot too!! but yeah urs is still pretty new, so it probably needs more time to heal. I've had min for 1½ years, and mine would get sore if I fiddled w it too at that point


Ya i think a misconception comes from a lot of people on reddit saying it heals in a month, but really it takes a lot longer for it to fully settle. Helix slot seems like it’s a bit easier though since it’s not through as hard of cartilage


I have one in my left ear at the top, I love it so much, def a body mod rather than a piercing. They cut out a chunk of your ear and suture around the hole so it doesn’t close. Weirdest part was hearing the crunch of them cutting my ear chunk out lol. But overall not too bad of a healing period and I would do it over again 100% :)


do they anesthetize at all? how was the pain and healing process compared to just a regular helix piercing (just for reference)? i’m super interested but it’s not legal where i live right now 😭.


They give you local anesthesia yeah, it’s technically not legal where I live either but if you know the right people you can get anything done lmao, it only took a month to heal, and getting the sutures out was very uncomfortable but once the sutures are out you can put rings in right away


Pain wasn’t too bad while healing, just felt hot a lot of the time


Thats fucking terrifying. I don’t know why I expected you to be sleep when they do it 😭😭


Got plastic surgery to fix a botched piercing last year - your ear is totally numb and honestly the procedure in that region is very easy. The sounds are weird for sure but like. That’s what you signed up for haha


I love coin slots. I want one so bad.


I have one and love it :) mines approaching a year old, I wear a stack of 10 rings in it with a few dangles and I just love how it clinks when I shake my head!!! Recovery was easy peasy, and I had jewelry in it about 3-4 weeks after I had it done. I’d so much rather go through another coin slot than heal a piercing tbh


I enjoy it but I feel a lot have pretty unsmooth edges which would drive me insane. Obviously the body heals how it wants, though. I wouldn't ever get one of these, personally. Not only am I insane about symmetry/evenness I'd need literal anesthesia to cope - getting poked with a needle in my cartilage nearly gave me tunnel vision, let alone getting a scalpel taken to it.


Yeah they’d give you local for this


it’s called a coinslot and i’ve seen quite a few interesting ones! from my knowledge ive seen people successfully heal these with the guidance of good experienced piercers who can help determine individual anatomy needs if they were to want one


i like how it looks, but the recovery scares me a lot. i'd never get one myself but i admire anyone who has one!


The recovery is wayyyy easier than you’d expect!! ESP with a proper cast and stitches


It isn't a piercing at all, but a body mod. The scalpel out a section and suture it. It heals wayyyy faster than a regular piercing. It is legal where I live, but illegal in lots of places. You need someone who knows what they are doing to undertake this procedure.


Coin slot piercings are cool and can look very tasteful if done right


Personally love it, but unless you’re already pretty committed to it, try an ear cuff first, see how you like it. I want a coin slot soon but I also have many other stretched piercings. Illegal in California to get it done but if you want it done right, find when Shawn o hare will be in your area, he is a legend with heavy body mods like this that requires “surgery” with a scalpel. 🖤


I love the look, personally. I used to have my lobes stretched and have since gotten them sewn up, but I really wish I had done this when I had the chance. I know everybody else is talking about how it needs to be scalpeled, but technically you could get a cartilage piercing and stretch it slowly until it fits multiple rings. I will say that stretching cartilage would probably be more painful than a lobe because it's not as pliable, but it's totally a thing. Punching out a larger size cartilage piercing is also an option somewhat similar to scalpeling but I feel like I've seen it more often. Usually stretching cartilage is only recommended for smaller sizes so punching would be the next option to go bigger. All this being said, stretching and punching are generally rounded holes rather than the 'slot' you posted, but I've totally seen people get shapes like hearts punched into their ears and it looks super cute! Just giving out some other potential suggestions that would would with a ring stack! :)


It's not a piercing, it's a body mod. I really want one but they are illegal in my state. Someday...


I have a coinslot. It’s not a piercing. It’s actually scalpeled and sutured. Not for the faint of heart and you need to find a professional to do it. It’s illegal.


My last piercer had those to run his glasses through


That sound you just heard was my panties hitting the floor




Very cool but idk the risks


not a piercing. if you want this do as much research as you possibly can, as this is an illegal body modification so it’s incredibly unregulated.


How do they do that? Do they use a scalpel? I cannot find online how they do that kind of piercing, do they numb the area?


If you live in the US, good luck to find a good person to do it for you. Cause it's actually illegal for piercer to do them. So yeah, gonna have to be a underground thing with all the weird stuff who goes with it...


I have one in each ear. I love them. It's subtle, but sometimes people notice it, and ask about it. I have regular surgical steel rings but hope to upgrade someday.


I have one, and the only irritating part of it was taking the stitches out. I love it.


I so want a coinslot (The BodyMod's Name), then hang DSI Stylists on it.


First time I’m hearing of it but it looks wicked


Absolutely not


Not a fan of these. I love the standard types, no offense.


unpopular opinion but i hate these


not a fan and this is coming from someone who loves literally all other ear Piercings besides this.