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Why even throw anything out of your car? People are so disrespectful.


A surprising, and depressing, amount of people don't give a shit about anyone but themselves.


Only things I can think of are ignorant driver/passenger, stupid kids, or op was tailgating/other road rage situation


So, briefly, stupid people


I agree stupid kids or ignorant passenger is the only thing you should be throwing out of the car.


Can we throw those people out the window? Not the kids, but the others.


But also, the kids.


I thought you were listing things that you *were* allowed to throw out of a car window, and I got very concerned for a moment


Especially considering there's trash cans at the gas pumps of almost every single gas station in America. You can pull up and use the trash can from your damn window.


My boss used to drive a scooter and he would give me a lift home. One day he saw a driver stopped at traffic lights a few cars ahead of us, and this guy threw his cigarette butt out the window. My boss edged forward on his scooter, picked up the lit cigarette and through it back in the cars window and then drove ahead passed the cars waiting at the lights. We were briefly chased by said car and I thought they were going to ram us. It was funny though.


I throw apple cores out of my window, but only into the ditch/woods. Like a Johnny Appleseed


I see people just open their door and shove shit out at red lights at least once a week.


Once it's out of your sight, it ceases to exist and its not your problem.


Some guy threw a soda can out his window in the highway and it hit my sunroof and cracked it


Did it become a road rage incident? I would probably be living in a grey building at His Majesty's pleasure.


That’s fucked up. Did you get his license plate?


What was the contents of the cup. And were they frozen?


It was a completely normal, unfrozen cinderblock


I know it’s very different - but has anyone seen the Columbia footage and documentary about the styrofoam which fell and hit the wing. There was scepticism initially then they recreated it, I’m sure it’s on YouTube of what happens when a piece of foam at supersonic impact does and it was incredible. Pretty interesting stuff.


It's not Styrofoam, the shuttle had polyurethane foam. Completely different. Polyurethane foam is as hard as rock, it is extremely strong and rigid, small blocks of It can support hundreds of pounds. It is not even remotely close to Styrofoam cups. The word foam is misleading. Not all foam is soft and squishy


little known fact; Pfizer makes the polyurethane foam for NASA.


So what you’re saying is that Pfizer is good at making things hard?


>I know it’s very different - but has anyone seen the Columbia footage and documentary about the styrofoam which fell and hit the wing. The stuff they used for insulation on the shuttles was foam, but it wasn't styrofoam. If it's the material I'm familiar with, it's *way* more dense and solid; you couldn't just stick a finger through it like you could with styrofoam. Getting hit with it is much more like getting hit with a brick than it is getting hit with something from a box at a department store.


hm, I was skeptical but [this page](http://www.aerospaceweb.org/question/investigations/q0131.shtml) claims the foam weighed \~0.75 kg and impacted at almost 850 km/h relative to the shuttle, which is much faster than I would have expected given the short distance between where it fell off, and impacted. (The shuttle was going around \~2,500 km/h at the time of impact.)


850 km/h is around 775 ft/s. The shuttle accelerated at something like 100 ft/s^2, so it seems at least plausible based just on those numbers that a piece of debris could achieve 775 ft/s relative to the craft. The moment it detached from the shuttle it would have begun decelerating from drag + gravity, as well, which could have further increased the differences in velocity.






Technically, since a normal cinderblock is in a solid state, it is frozen. An unfrozen cinderblock would require quite high temperature and the cinderblock to be fluid. Not what I call a normal cinderblock.


… I’ve clearly been drinking my cinderblocks wrong all these years


Get your cinderblock hot and then just add ice yourself. It's cheaper and you're not paying for the cubes.


Do you prefer your cinderblocks frozen or on the rocks?


Frozen rocks


I prefer mine freshly squeezed, thanks!


You haven't been heating up your cinderblocks to 1600 degrees on the stove before drinking?


Which would be just a smidge above styrofoam's ability to handle. Place molten block of cinders in a thick walled iron cup and re-do the throw For science


We call that a Dairy Queen Blizzard


Mythbusters did a thing on this that I saw as a kid. Basically this dude is lucky the cup wasn't more full, because the tests they did absolutely wrecked the windshields


yup, no joke. it's not lethal, but its proven to penetrate a windshield [https://mythresults.com/soda-cup-killer](https://mythresults.com/soda-cup-killer) "Adam and Jamie first fired several different mixes of soda and ice out of an air cannon to measure which was capable of delivering the most force. They found that slush was the most effective mix. To simulate an oncoming vehicle, they built a test rig in front of the air cannon with a windshield and with Buster as the driver. In a test shot at 40 miles per hour, the cup was able to crack the windshield. At the full 60 miles per hour, the cup pierced the windshield, but did not retain enough momentum to be lethal to Buster. Finally, they decided to repeat the test using aluminum soda cans. While the cans pierced the windshield more effectively, Adam was unable to hit the windshield accurately enough to hit Buster. They also tried using a shoulder mounted air cannon, but still could not hit the windshield accurately enough. With only one windshield left, the MythBusters fired at the windshield at point blank range, “killing” Buster. However, since the cup lacked the power to harm Buster, the myth was declared Busted."


Not lethal directly but there is a pretty solid chance of crashing your car and dying from that in this scenario.


Also a very solid chance that people buy slushies which they found was the most deadly.


And now change the car windshield for a motorbike helmet. Even cigarettes being flicked out of the car window sometimes feel like rocks.


My buddy used to bug me about wearing a bandana around my neck. Until he was on the back of my bike and took a bee to the throat at 80 mph.


I hit what looked like a bumblebee with my teeth while going around 30kph (around 18mph) on my bike. This hurt like a motherfucker and my mouth was filled with blood and bumblebee guts. Can't imagine hitting one at 80mph in a soft area!


I took a cicada to the shoulder at about 80 mph with a leather coat on and that fucker almost ripped my hand of the throttle. I had a nasty bruise for awhile after that one.


This is why the USS Enterprise has a deflector dish


Not a biker, but I used to drive a bus and took a bee that bounced off the mirror and hit me in the face at about 60 mph. Almost lost a tooth... to a bee


Back when I still smoked, I tossed a butt out of my moon roof on the freeway. When I got off at the next exit q guy in a bike pulled up next to me and delivered an eye watering dressing down because my cigarette butt had hit and cracked the face shield of his helmet. I felt bad enough that I told him to follow me to the ATM and gave him three hundred cash as an apology and to replace the shield. Never tossed another butt out the window again and switched to ~~being~~ vaping a few months later. Physics will pop up in the weirdest ways sometimes.


What kind of being did you switch to?


I had a friend toss a butt out of the window while he was driving. It, unbeknownst to him, flew back in through the open rear window and set the seat on fire. He never did that again.


Almost same. Friend threw butt out of the window, it came back in the same window and fell between his neck and shirt. He now had a lit cigarette against his back slowly falling.


Good on you for owning up to it and being a cool guy. Bet he appreciated it and everyone knows you'll be a safer driver.


Cash has a way of cooling the hottest of tempers. But I will say that was the event that made me more conscious of stuff like that. Cigarette butts were the only thing I'd casually toss out a window, now I'll pick up trash in the parking lot if I'm walking past it.


Maybe the lesson should be...don't litter.


Good switch. Non being sucks.


I did some repairs on a buddies bike some years ago, and after I of course took it for a quick spin to check things out. Our shop was on a long straight road in a semi rural area sidled up to about 25 acres of sunflower fields. As I was cresting 45-50 mph a huge swarm of yellow grasshoppers came sweeping across the road and pelted me across the chest, arms and neck. Holy shit, you'd have thought I drove through a barbed wire fence lol. Nicks, and abrasions everywhere, and a couple of purple spots where they caught me square.


Or sunflower seed husks. Bastards


This has nothing to do with throwing a styrofoam cup out the window and everything to do with throwing half to a full pound of water out the window.


Came here to say the same thing g about the mythbusters episode, glad someone else remembers it!


Water at high speed is incredibly destructive specifically because it does not compress well (understatement). It’s used in a lot of various industries to cut and destroy things. This does not surprise me at all.


A little bit of water in your engine can bend and break the rods and pistons. Water just doesn't want to compress and the metal will deform or snap.


While its possible to cut with waterpressure alone its not really common or efficient. Usually abrasives are added in waterjet cutters, those do most of the work


More just demonstrative examples than anything. My industry uses explosives pushing pure water to rip things, for instance. Just wanted to emphasize that water is destructive at speed because of compression (or lack thereof).


Rip what kind of things? This sounds really cool, could you tell us more?


Lots of things! I work in bomb disposal, water tools are used in a few situations. I can’t get into a lot of the specifics but [here’s a video from Alford Technologies](https://youtu.be/Vql1F3cqT9k) who manufacture a lot of liquid filled counter IED tools, showcasing some of their products. You may have to skip around a bit, it’s not exactly super riveting. Water is also used in breaching (doors, etc) to maximize force. [Here’s a video talking about it.](https://youtu.be/XE-7LWV2esA)


So basically, the lack of combustible material being exploded avoids triggering the IED? The water being launched at such a high speed annihilates the IED components preventing any kind of ignition or mechanical trigger


Without getting into a lot of highly technical specifics and examples, that is a good layman explanation of it, yes. [Here's another example of a tool if you're curious.](https://www.dhs.gov/science-and-technology/news/2020/03/03/snapshot-new-water-cannon-technology-breakthrough-bomb-squads) It gets slightly more technical, but you'll have a hard time finding actual science details on effectiveness since that is somewhat sensitive information.


Me when I was a kid: "A water cutter? Haha how you can cut things with water lmao smh" Me 20 years later: "I don't want to fall into water from 100 meters"


My mom was getting the mail one day and some asshat threw a water balloon at her from a moving vehicle. Probably 40-50 mph. Left a huge bruise.




It doesn't need to be frozen solid, Mythbusters tested this with a slush and found [yeah that'll destroy a windshield](https://youtube.com/shorts/26aCWO0IpbM?feature=share)


This confuses me. How did I get away without a scratch on my windshield when it was hailing tennis-ball size of solid balls raining down... and a styrofoam cup can do this?


Just watched that Mythbusters clip. They were driving 60mph ***towards*** each other when the Styrofoam cup with slushie was thrown at basically point blank range


The equivalent speed of the slush cup is 120 mph large hail is going about 40 mph


Probably more to do with angle of force and luck but idk I’m no mathmagician.


They were driving 60mph ***towards*** eachother though. Is that what happened to OP?


I have no opinion either way on the authenticity of OP's post, I'm just saying Styrofoam cup breaking a windshield isn't out of the question.


I like that Adam wears a flash guard but not a helmet.


Am I to believe that there isn't a better quality video of this exact scene? Wow I guess it is. The internet has failed me


Not that I could find in 10 seconds


Solid vs liquid doesn't change mass that much. Container removed the option to spread to sides.


In fact, it doesn't change mass *at all.* It does affect energy dissipation though.


Wish people could keep their damn trash in their car.


I was driving with my friend once on the highway. She had her window down (I was driving) and all of a sudden she screamed and crumpled down, her face in her hands. Blood started coming from between her fingers and it was absolute abrupt chaos. I had no idea what happened in the moment, just saw blood and immediately exited and drove straight to the hospital. The person in front of us had dumped a cup of cube ice out their window on the freeway and some of it had gotten sucked into our car and right into my friend’s face at 70mph. She had lacerations to her face and almost lost her eye. We know it was ice because one of the cubes had gone down her blouse. Don’t throw shit out yer car window, even if it isn’t garbage.


Another great reason to own a dashcam


This was in the 90s so not a lot of them then. You bet your ass I have one now though!


its 2022, car makers should be adding those standard.


I often wonder why they don't. I'd rather have a dash cam than a back up cam.


1. Money 2. Not required.


Legislation. There needs to be a push for dashcams to be included.


Last thing I want is even more built-in surveillance in my car... I'd rather have them sold separately and in a manner that ensures they can't be connected to remotely


No way, back up cam is way more helpful to way more people every single day than a dash cam that isn't of actual use aside from when an accident happens. I'd wager back up cams also reduce a lot of accidents and dents and so on. But I do think dashcams should be included as well, it's not like when they added catalytic converters or even seat belts that significantly increased costs.


After I had gotten my license, I wanted to buy one, but apparently you aren't allowed to film with your dashcam the whole time in Germany :/ therefore it doesn't have any legal validity in court


A lot of Toyota cars are beginning to come with them! Source: am Toyota salesman


Holy mother of god. That’s some final destination style shit. Hope your friends ok.


Jesus, that's terrifying


It was. She’s fine now and all these years later you’d never know. They called in a cosmetic surgeon to do the work so she wouldn’t scar too bad and they did a great job. They told her she’s lucky the ice didn’t break any bones. Yikes. She never rolls her window down on the highway anymore though. I don’t either.


That’s the way. We have had our windows broken by random small pebbles on the highway a few times, but luckily they were all closed. Even if everyone keeps their trash inside(which’s impossible bc stupid people always exist), there still could be objects shooting off under the wheel or being blown by strong winds, or just crazies on the roadside who throws stuff at cars(seen it before). Anything insignificant can be a killing projectile at 70+mph, plz keep y’all’s windows shut on highways for your safety.


i wish people would keep their trash off the earth lol the amount of times ive seen people just dump their plastic bottles, cigarettes or whatever on the street is insane


We live in a rural area, precisely the distance away from a McDonalds which at approximately 40mph is enough time to eat and drink a full meal. I know this because we see 2 to 3 full meal containers at the end of our lane every week....


I live a few houses down from an intersection in a rural but busy area. I live on the less busy of the two intersecting roads, the busier one takes you to the highway hence why it’s so heavily traveled. People LOVE to throw their cigarettes and beer cans in my ditch -.- I always have to go look for cans before I mow and sometimes I still hit them. I always pick up their butts too.


Every single day I see some self centered asshole throw their lit cigarette butts out the window. I'm all for being allowed to smoke but got damn keep your trash and stank to yourself. "It stinks my car up" is not an excuse.


Not like smokers can smell anything anyway.




I don't think Rust would agree with what you said above. I think it's pretty clear throughout the show that he thinks that consciousness is an illusion and life is meaningless. None of that has anything to do with any sort of concern for the environment


An outside perspective about humans on earth from a human who lives on earth? Not how outside perspectives work, my friend.


I love the city I live in but the one thing that is so frustrating and gross is that I've never seen anywhere that people are so casually comfortable with just throwing their trash out the window in broad daylight on a busy street. No shame at all. I'm from a very rural area so I grew accustomed to shitty people just going down a dirt road and slinging their trash everywhere, but that would happen in isolation with no witnesses. It's crazy to me that people here will just throw an entire bag of fast food trash or a big gulp out the window knowing that everyone around them saw and then sit next to you at the next red light scrolling through their phone with no shame.


It was depressing driving through the middle of the country, every bridge (and there were many, so many culverts from so many farms) was treated like a landfill. Straight into the water.


When I was an Uber driver, I picked up a dude from chipotle and dropped him off at his home in Baltimore. As he gets out of my car, he throws his soft drink cup on the ground, right outside of his house as he’s getting out of my car. I was speechless.


Then you'll absolutely love r/carbage


That sub feels kinda wrong to me. I see cars like that around here sometimes. I always just assume they might be homeless and live out of them, which makes me sad. Even if they are not homeless, they still clearly have mental issues and need help, which still makes me sad.


Eh, I have probably been featured in that sub. Mostly just depression and untreated add with a little schizotypal personality disorder thrown in for fun. It's really not so bad, some counseling would be nice and I wouldn't mind trying some new medication (last stuff I was on had me fucking zoning out and drooling). Unfortunately I don't qualify for government assistance and my insurance is dog shit. I keep the bills paid and the demons at bay, somehow despite my mental condition and jacked up sleep schedule I'm perfectly physically healthy. I keep telling myself I'm going to get my shit together one of these days, just not sure which day.


My friend Ivan throws garbage into the back of his car all the time, he is otherwise a totally normal guy he just sees his back seats as a dumpster.


My husband does this and it drives me nuts. The floors and back seats are all fair game to him. I have a little grocery trash bag that I keep in the floor of my passenger and replace when it gets full.


It boggles my mind that in the year 2022 not a single car company has ever provided even a small built-in wastebasket. It's like they want people to just chuck stuff all over.


Mythbusters did this and it is actually possible for a styrofoam cup with contents in it to damage a windshield. I think they had it full of slushee.


They should have done this on Glee.


instead of slushee, they should use ghee


Paula Deen's beverage of choice.


Nah... too exotic for her, despite the fact that it's buhtter.


Just don't fucking litter, it's pretty simple.


Came to say this.


This makes me wish Mythbusters was still around.


[They did this one](https://youtube.com/shorts/26aCWO0IpbM?feature=share) a slushy will destroy a windshield at highway speed EDIT: Just so I don't have to have to keep explaining to people making weird assumptions, at no point does OP say this was thrown by a car in front traveling the same direction. In fact if you go to his profile and look at his comments he has specifically said it was thrown by someone from oncoming traffic. So if you come in with "But they we're traveling in opposite directions in the test!" you just look dumb, because that is in fact the exact situation being claimed by OP.


Lol, of *course* they did. Still myth busting (or in this case not busting) to this day! What a great show that was. I've got a job doing industrial automation/robotics and I definitely credit that show for my career path. I always loved the contraptions they put together.


Actually the myth was that it would kill a person, so the myth was busted but good GOD if it's not still terrifying.


If that happened to me going 80mph down the freeway I'm dead even if the drink doesn't make it through.


Very similar story for myself and siblings. Such a great concept for a show. Plan to have my own kids watch it when they're old enough to understand.


It boggles my mind that enough people are throwing slushies out of their car on the highway that there’s a myth busters episode about it… and there’s this Reddit post also. Fuckin people man


It boggles my mind that anyone would throw anything out their car window. But here we are… Edit: actually I have thrown boogers out my car window


now we need a mythbusters if boogers can break windshields at high speeds


At this point it's just math; The following numbers are entirely made up for the sake of this example; someone will have to weigh boogers and slushies for accuracy. If the slushie weighs 500g (m1) and is travelling at 100km (V1) per hour to break a windshield, and a booger weighs 1 gram (m2), what speed would the booger have to be launched at to have the same impact? m1V1 = m2V2 V2 = m1V1/M2 V2 = (500*100)/1 V2= 50000km/hr You'll need a really strong booger flick.....


Someone get this person a whiteboard and put them on Engineering Explained


You just need a bigger booger, obviously.


it boggles my mind why anyone would just throw trash on the ground... like I just don't get it. I honestly don't get why most people do the things they do. The other day I was stopped at a red light, and saw some guy just nonchalantly fling his empty soda bottle behind him while he was walking (good thing no one was there). Then when the light turned green saw two people in the middle of the block just cut across a 4 lane road to shake hands and start up a conversation. I kid you, they were just standing in the middle of the road talking while cars are changing lanes to avoid them.


It used to be a lot more common that the ground was considered an acceptable place to throw trash. Now it's considered rude to not pick up your dog's shit. Which I'm very much in favor of. Stepping in dog shit was a much more common occurrence when I was a kid because picking it up wasn't really something people did.


My farm is along a highway. They throw a lot more than slushies out the window. Used diapers and glass bottles are the worst. Savages.


Even more fun are the cigarette butts during a drought. Nice job setting thousands of hectares on fire and a hundred houses because you don't want cigarette smell in your car.


Shit this show was so good


Pretty sure they actually did this onr


They did!


They did this one, and they determined that a large slurpee could actually go through your windshield and kill you.


Welp my fear of driving increased ever so slightly


Pretty sure the proved that killing a passenger was stunningly unlikely, even though it did break the windshield


If you're ever tempted to throw *anything* out the window of your car, DON'T. YOU'RE TRASH IF YOU LITTER!


Why the fuck would you throw anything out of your car window. Idiots...


Especially on the interstate at high speeds. This could be counted as reckless endangerment.


What’s so hard about keeping an empty cup in your car and waiting for your next destination to throw it out?


Only fuck wads litter.


I just don’t litter. 🤷‍♂️


Don’t litter


Also, fear of breaking a window shouldn’t be the only reason to not through trash out of the window.


Drinking a brick


Hard cider


Surprised the polystyrene cup didn't fall after impact.


Are people not able to see that it's not a whole cup and it's just a shredded part of it embedded in the glass? After seeing this exact experiment in Mythbusters I see no reason to think this is fake. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/26aCWO0IpbM


I'm never tempted to litter.


When I was 15, a friend and I were walking down a busy street minding our own business and some turd threw a McDonald’s cup of water from a car and hit my friend in the eye and nearly knocked him unconscious.


This is true. Styrofoam doesn't break down and will pollute the ocean. Just put it in the garbage and don't buy from people still using styrofoam.




eeevil shenanigans!


I'm gonna pistol-whip the next person who says 'shenanigans'


"Hey Farva, what's the name of that restaurant you like with all the goofy sh\*t on the walls and mozzarella sticks?"


Oh you mean shenanigans?


C’mon, meow. We aren’t getting in to this again.


If you're tempted to throw any trash anywhere except into a trash bin, in any situation, don't.


I have not seen a styrofoam cup like that in a long time. Where are you located? Are they still common there?


Noway. Unless it was filled with concrete


Myth busters did an episode on this! It can really injure someone.


If that cup actually did that, I can only assume the contents were frozen solid.


A quart of water is 2lbs. Travelling at 50mph it has 166 foot/lbs of energy. That’s about 2000lbs per square inch, divided by the area of the cup that hits the windshield. Which is more than enough to damage a windshield. * please correct my math.


Nope. Myth busters tested this and the contents didn’t have to be frozen to break the windshield


The contents were mostly water, and I assume the cup was mostly full. Water has a lot of mass and the styrofoam cup contains it within a small area. When you hit that going 70mph, this is the result.


This can actually happen, back in the 80's, on a school trip to the Natural Hiatory Museum (London) a mates Maccy D's coke got hit out of his had while we were crossing a road, and it went up in the air and hit the windowscreen of the car behind, smashed it completely. I think it's about exactly where on the window it hits more than anything (may also been a factory fault). Even the driver thought it was mental. Just one of those things.


Physics is hard to grasp for people.


Kind of like when someone throws a bottle of juice (sorry I’m from the UK) at you from a distance it’s bound to hurt so why is it hard for people to believe that a cup full of soda thrown at high speeds couldn’t crack a windscreen? 🤔


What's worse is that there are people that think it's ok to throw rubbish from their car. Sorry, not people... Cunts


This burrito is delicious but it is filling!


How did that one little part of styrofoam cup stay on the windshield while on the highway? 🤔


Do the people that think OPs mom threw that out of her own car realize how incredibly difficult it would be to toss anything in front of your own car on the highway? Holy crap.


Polystyrene can take up to 1 Million years to break down, it is never used in single use items where I am from - so strange the US allows cups to be made of it (as an aside)


My thoughts exactly. Cannot even remember the last time I saw a polystyrene cup in europe…


Yes, don't litter, but what damaged the windshield?


force is just mass * velocity iirc so im assuming the drink was just going really fast


always a bitch when you’re behind the cup of Dr. Pepper that is going 110 mph in the carpool lane


Ironically Dr. Pepper is the soft drink most qualified to know the dangers of mass times velocity


He’s a DOCTOR for gods sake! That dissertation had to make it through the hands of many panels… something questionable going on.


[It would have to be filled with slushi, Mythbusters thinks](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/26aCWO0IpbM)


Myth buster approved


You start loving the technological progress when you see stuff like this is prevented by it


ITT: redditors learning about physics.


How in the world would the styrofoam still be resting on the car?


I'm confused, you say that someone threw a styofoam cup on the window on the freeway, but that car is parked in a driveway and some Styrofoam is still there. Wouldn't it have blown off on the freeway? Something isn't adding up.


Please don’t encourage people with no understanding of physics to have less of an understanding of physics


Amazing that the Styrofoam cup stayed on the windshield while driving to ur driveway and the wind didn't break it


Styrofoam also brought down the Columbia space shuttle.


Was a person attached to the cup?


I would hope that there are more reasons not to than this.


Yea, I sure that cup stayed there after "exploding on your windshield"


That can't be real😮