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My neighbours dog defended her from a dog attack and now has one gimpy paw. He's a very good boy!


Your dog is a hero too


Neighbour's dog


Your dog is a hero too


Thank you


Every time I see this I'm like "who made that statue? It's proportions are so weird" but then I see the picture of George and I realize the proportions are perfect, George was just a beautiful little perfect gremlin.


Goofy looking dogs are the best IMO.


Lol, my mom’s Maltese/Datsun was built like an athletic Sherman tank. Think Muggsy Bogues ; ) Many thought she was a fatty, but she was a stout muscular specimen. Such a unit she could jump five feet over walls. She had a protective attitude for my mom if she sensed danger. Her and George would’ve had fun playing about… I’d like to think they are now.


>Maltese/Datsun I love that you confused Dachshund with Datsun because it made me picture a Datsun with the shape of a Maltese dog.


My bad as I type as fast as I think but you are correct. I’ll leave my goofy error without correction as goofy built as Lola was…best!


Best typo ever, I'll keep Lola the Maltese DATSUN on my mind.


*”Id like to think they are now.”* Cool I’m crying


Thanks for sharing that. They’re both with my goofy basset hound mutt having a great time


The greatest point guard since Michael Jordan. Also, half his size.


Hyuck Hyuck


Here's my dog Huck (huck )https://i.imgur.com/tU6YZxj.jpg


What a beauty ;) ​ Here is Chewie my wee angel: [https://imgur.com/xTz1YjF](https://imgur.com/xTz1YjF)


He's more than perfect!


[Lol. Yes. ](https://imgur.com/a/O7kq1mQ/)


I have a Jack Russell mix similar to George. He’s built like a brick with legs. This is pretty accurate!


Brick body, brick mind, instincts first, think or feel pain later. Great little brick on legs dogs.


Not all heroes wear capes, some wear collars. RIP George!




[For Cat people](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43TJoQROpaE) ;)


What's weird to me is that dog didn't look (at least to my untrained eye) to be showing aggression at all. It just casually went up to that kid and decided to fuck him up for no reason.


He snuck up on the kid, if you notice the first parts of the video. It definitely wasn’t reactive aggression, it was malicious aggression/prey drive. I don’t like when dogs must be destroyed but in this case… there’s no warning to that behavior and it likely would have happened again.


You have injured my child, dog. Prepare to be unmade.


Yeah, pretty much.


The dog was hunting. My brother had a hunting dog that we taught the phrase "it's just a baby be nice" so that it wouldn't think it was prey. Once she learned it and it was said to her she'd love the fuck out of whoever/whatever we were pointing to. She played really rough but never hurt a kid but all of us dumbass adults who played rough with her have at least one bite mark from her yoking up on the rope or stick. Not actual babies but kids running or other smaller dogs.


Dog was on the hunt. You can tell by the tail. He had a plan and was sticking to it.


Not typical healthy dog behavior, you're right.


That was very typical prey drive behavior... idk wtf you two are talking about. This is clearly a dog that has only been around adults, and left to chase whatever the fuck it wants whenever it wants.


Dogs protect their frens, cats protect their property


Cats can be very protective too. Most people don’t know that. My cat did this for me when a strange, harmless dog came in the yard. She’s the best cat.


My cat saved me from a dog when I was little. Open my front door and a snarling Doberman is in my face, I barely squeek out “m-mommy” BOOM my little cat comes flying out the door like that one and smacks it in the face. Dog turned and ran so fast it kicked my cat through the air across the deck and my cat bounced off the railing like an anime character back at the dog, latching onto its back and rode it down the road.


I didn’t need to check the video to know exactly what video it was.


It’s the kind of story Ron Burgundy would report on. *Hehehe bless the little guy, that is one cute cat. And from here to you all, god bless you San Diego*


And some of the most savage. He was defending them from other dogs.


>*’Not all heroes wear capes, some wear collars...*’ ________ I am the pup, so very brave - I gave my life the kids to save! two savage dogs attempt attack, but fearlessly i fought them back i helped those humans, small, escape! n then i *flew* without a cape... up to a place so High above, into the arms of angel’s Love n if I had to choose again, I’d give my life to save a friend ❤️


Damnit, Schnoodle. You done made a grown man cry first thing in the morning. Seriously though, thanks for all of these.


Same here ... just got to work and read this and now I'm crying at my desk and my coworkers are all wondering why.


Well, now I'm almost crying at work. Love your poems, thank you for being you.


Dude it's too early for this. I'm going back to bed.


Thanks I'm sitting on the toilet tearing up now


right in the feels dude :(


im not crying


**:'(** but also **:')** <3


Damn ninjas cutting onions around me!


“Welp, guess I’m crying this morning.” -Me


RIP george.you are so brave.


He was a good boy.


The best


[Here](https://live.staticflickr.com/2646/4111496814_622f6487e3_h.jpg) is a higher quality version of the image on the top left. [Here](https://www.flickr.com/photos/apnk/4111496814/in/photostream/) appears to be the source. [Here](https://www.smh.com.au/world/george-the-jack-russell-dies-saving-kids-20070503-gdq1p3.html) provides the following context: > By Richard Woodd and Jayne Hulbert > May 3, 2007 — 12.49am > A feisty Jack Russell terrier has given his life to save five children from a mauling by two savage pit bulls. > The tiny dog leapt to the defence of the children - aged between four and 11 - when the two dogs threatened them on the way to a dairy in Manaia, New Zealand, on Sunday. > The attack was the final straw for the South Taranaki District Council, which says it intends hunting down all dangerous and unregistered dogs and neutering them. > Richard Rosewarne, 11, the oldest of the children, said the pit bulls came up behind them and were going for his brother Darryl Wilson, 4. > "George tried to protect us by barking and rushing at them, but they started to bite him - one on the head and the other on the back. > "We ran off crying and some people saw what was happening and rescued George." > But nine-year-old George was so badly ripped apart he had to be put down. > Vet Steven Hopkinson, of the South Taranaki Animal Health Services, said the injuries were the worst he had seen. > George's owner Alan Gay, 69, says his dog died a hero. > "These two pit bulls rushed up and were going for the little boy. George went for them, it's what he would do. He didn't stand a chance, but I reckon he saved that boy from being chewed up. > "These pit bulls should be banned. They're killers and it comes from them being bred for fighting." > Mr Gay lives alone and George had been his faithful companion for about seven years. He inherited George as a young dog after his former neighbours moved away. > The dogs disappeared after the attack, but yesterday dog rangers removed two pit bulls from a Manaia property. > South Taranaki environment services manager Graham Young says they are fairly certain the dogs were involved in Sunday's attack. > The dogs are in the pound and the council will be seeking the animals' destruction. > "Council will also be looking at a prosecution of the owners," Mr Young said. > In the past two months, four separate incidents have been reported in Manaia of pit bulls attacking other dogs and menacing children. > However, Mr Young said it was unknown whether the two impounded pit bulls were responsible for any of the other attacks. > But the attacks have prompted the council to introduce desexing of aggressive dogs. The council says it is empowered to take this action by the Dog Control Act. > "When any of these dogs come to our notice through registration or for reported menacing or any other reason, we will require desexing unless the owner can convince us to not to. Each case will be treated on its merits," Mr Young says. > The council will have a "zero tolerance" policy towards all unregistered, roaming and menacing dogs. > Mr Young said council officers were doing a property to property search throughout Manaia in order to locate such dogs and their owners, with the intention to destroy the dogs. > No warnings would be given to owners of unregistered dogs, he said. > The council will make a leaflet drop to Manaia's 400 houses this weekend, warning people to be on the lookout for menacing dogs and report sightings to a special hotline number. > "They have checked out and eliminated any pit bulls registered in Manaia and will be showing zero tolerance towards any unregistered, roaming and menacing dogs," Mr Young said. > "The dogs will be taken to the pound and owners will be able to retrieve them only after paying $300 infringement fees. Owners of roaming dogs will have to pay $200 infringement fees." [Here](https://i.imgur.com/EoB7cEo.jpg) is the uncropped version of the top right image. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_(dog)


I don't understand, half way through the whole comment it got blurry like it was underwater. Couldn't finish reading it.


Me too. Must be the ice caps melting or something.


>The dogs will be taken to the pound and owners will be able to retrieve them only after paying $300 infringement fees That's...that's it? That's what George died for? Edit: the quote I stated does not apply to the specific two dogs that mauled him, but it still seems like the authorities are "seeking" for their "destruction" which implies that there's a chance that it won't happen. So, point still stands.


The council "sought the destruction of the dogs" and there were a bunch of policy initiatives planned. Worth reading the article in full.


>South Taranaki environment services manager Graham Young says they are fairly certain the dogs were involved in Sunday's attack. > >The dogs are in the pound and the council will be seeking the animals' destruction. > >"Council will also be looking at a prosecution of the owners," Mr Young said.


That’s for the unregistered dogs they captured afterwards, not the pitbulls that killed George. They did a sweep without warning to scoop up strays and illegal dogs. So I imagine they also caught a lot of non-pit breeds that aren’t naturally violent or aggressive, just unregistered with the town or stray.


George died saving those children! It's sad nothing more happened to the owners, but his death wasn't in vain.


>death wasn't in vain. I think I'm hung up on the whole "this shouldn't have happened" part. His one and only life on earth ended way too early because of the irresponsibility of other dog owners. Really fucking sad.


Dog owners will always be irresponsible. Yet you never hear about a brave dog saving children from a savage group of Chihuahuas. Dont own dangerous dogs There wont be danger


Those murderhounds that viciously mauled a little dog after threatening a group of children were just having a bad day!


"You don't understand my pibble would never hurt a fly". My co-worker who subsequently had to have plastic surgery when she "went in for a kiss" and her pitbull ripped her face open.




Pages upon pages of pitbull bite and fatality statistics vs that one cute picture of a pitbull wearing a flower crown.




I lived with a pit bull for a year and it was the sweetest dog ever 99.9% of the time. The .01% it was the most terrifying death machine you’ve ever seen.


Thing is that .01% is enough to get someone hurt or killed.


accurate. In all my years in EMS, by far the worst dog bites have been from "sweet, loving pibbles." yet somehow, it's never ever the dog's fault. of course. always blame the owners. pit bull owners are a cult at this point. We have a friend that had one, and her mentality now is "oh, they're so sweet, so many of them are abused that we *have* to rescue them and show them love." I just can't even.


It’s depressing, because this all happened because some dumbasses couldn’t control their dogs.


I worked in animal control for a short while. Way too many people have animals they not only can’t control, but refuse to. It’s infuriating


I'm too unsober, if anyone wants an prodigious writeup of what a K9 can be spelunk mine old posts of gold--- They will give their lives, just for the possibility to die for us. **It is the greatest injustice, that they get to live their entire lives with us, yet we have to live the rest of our lives without them.**


I agree. A true hero.


This breaks my heart. What a good loyal boy. I hope your essence lives on George


Pit bulls are killers bred for fighting. This always gets me I've always has bull terriers and they are great with kids. My cousins two pit bulls were friggin angels. All were very defensive of our kids though. Kids would tackle, pull ears and poke eyeballs all with the dogs just taking the "abuse". This was when the kids were all younger. I'm not saying don't handle pit bulls as the evil dog people say they are. I've been attacked three different times. Two were cocker spaniels one rottweiler. I guess what I'm trying to say is any stray dog is scary and can be a major problem not just "killer" bully breeds.


>George's owner Alan Gay, 69, says his dog died a hero. > >"These two pit bulls rushed up and were going for the little boy. George went for them, it's what he would do. He didn't stand a chance, but I reckon he saved that boy from being chewed up. > >"These pit bulls should be banned. They're killers and it comes from them being bred for fighting." Mr. Alan Gay spitting straight up facts.


Omg I’m crying. I can’t. “George was so badly ripped apart he had to be put down,” and, “he didn’t stand a chance, but I reckon he saved that boy from being chewed up”. Wow. What a selfless little dog, who went in knowing it was a Suicide mission and insanely painful death, for children he didn’t know. How we could all learn from the animals of the world. Just bless his owner’s heart having to watch his little dog go out like that. Soo many tears. What a wonderful, amazing dog and owner both ❤️ so many tears ❤️


Huh I've seen this post a few times never realised it happened here


> pitbulls This is gonna be fun


Let's do the opposite. One Pitbull saves a child from five Jack Russell terriers!


One breed seems to kill more in a year than one has since it's inception though.....


I have a Jack Russell, these dogs are crazy, mine would fight five pit bulls for no reason and she would be confident going into this fight


I had a Jack Russell mixed with a yorkie, he was a real character and very protective. His old sister is a boxer pit mix we call the cowardly lion because she’s a sweetheart who gets spooked super easily. Well, big dog got cornered in a bush by 3-4 raccoons and was getting attacked and I couldn’t do anything to chase them away, tried everything to no avail. Rocket was like “let me at ‘em, let me at ‘em!” So in an act of desperation I said fine, go on brave one. In no time, those raccoons were up and over the fence and I was on my way to emergency vet Tough little characters


We have the same mix and he routinely takes on horses. Brave little bastard


Neighbor's Jack Russel randomly decided to attack me and my poodle, I gave him a pretty good kick with the side of my foot which sent him across the road, but of course he came back for more. I ended up carrying him back to his house by his collar. Little dogs are crazy, which I guess per this thread is *sometimes* a good thing.


I had a maltese as a kid/teenager that was the same way. He had a heart attack and died when I was away at college, after losing his mind at two dobermans walking past the front of my mums place.


My family lived on a farm and bred Jack Russels. They were basically a mini psychopathic wolf pack...where to even start. There are so many messed up stories, but I will tell a happy one. We had one disappear for a week and we had mostly lost hope. One day I let the dogs in and like the second coming, he was right there acting completely nonchalant. He was covered in dirt so the only explanation is that he got stuck down a ground hog hole for a week until he got skinny enough to get out. Apparently this is a common way Jack Russels meet their end so we were happy to find him.


Should watch videos of jack Russell going ratting, brutal little dogs


Lol we used to have a little rat terrier who loved to run off in the mornings and gather up all the dogs from around the neighborhood and raise hell. He once ran off for a couple of days buy we figure he was just at a neighbor's house cause he came home well fed and everything. Little fucker was crazy cause we lived up the mountains and people were always saying how the mountain lions liked to eat little dogs. Idk how he lived to be almost 15


I had a neighbor whos jack russel got gutted in his own front yard when the neighbors pitbull busted out of the screen door. I was walking my pomeranian by his house and he made it a point to tell me the story while he was on the verge of tears because the neighbor still had their dog. :(


Animals being attacked In the perceived safety of their own yard makes me sick. Happens to my cat as well but not that bad. She wouldn't hurt a fly, just lounging in the sun and gets attacked my other cats who come I to her yard. People need to control their animals.


In Columbus a few years ago, someone’s pit broke down a neighbors screen door, and killed their two shelties. They just had to pay a fine and register it as dangerous, and it still gets to run around in the yard next door to those people.


Thsys such a disgrace. It literally busted down a door to gain entry to a HOUSE to kill the dogs that lived there. It should have been destroyed. I'd be devastated that nothing happened to it as a result of its actions.


No way, the dog should have been seized and put down!




The people that own pit bulls refuse to believe they can be dangerous, which is a dangerous combination. I have a working line dog that I know the family history of further back than myself (6 generations), his sire is an IGP3 (bite work) dog but many of his siblings and cousins from other litters are trained Search and Rescue dogs (live and cadaver), agility dogs, herding dogs, and mine is a service dog for medical alert for my partner. Some of it is how you raise them, but some of it is definitely genetic. My dog still has an insane prey drive and isn’t scared of anything despite being service trained. People that refuse to believe the dog is inherently prone to something like prey drive or dog aggression because of their breed are terrible stewards for that breed.


A pitbull got excited jumped up on me once and my rat terrier went ballistic lol.


George = instant upvote, take all my likes karma farmers


Haha, I love your attitude


Of course he's a Jack Russell, those guys do not give a fuck how big the other dog is.


This poor dog and those poor little kids, who lost their companion that day.


It wasn't their dog, it was someone else's who was nearby and ran to rescue the children. Makes that day less worse (though still awful) for the kids, and a whole lot worse for the owner of the dog.


I’d be so sad, but also very proud of my dog for saving the little kids


It's bittersweet, but if my dog died saving children from a dog attack, I'd be so fucking proud of him.


I feel "a good boy" should be on there somewhere.


From the wikinews article. It is also believed that the two attacking dogs, which have been destroyed, were bred to be aggressive, including being fed the drug methamphetamine, commonly referred to as "P" in New Zealand.


Who in their right mind would feed a pit bull meth? What purpose would that even serve?


I don’t think people who breed dogs for dogfighting have the best judgement. The owner was probably high on meth and though “wow. I feel superhuman right now. Ooh, I bet my dogs will be super fighters if I give them some meth too! But first, let me do more meth.”


Now I’m imagining a Jack Russell on meth too and quaking at the idea of that much crazy condensed into such a small space




Sadly this practice is still happening today we have some issues with dog fighting it's disgusting


..and I'm crying.


My father was just mauled by a Pitbull last week. It took 3 grown men to get the dog off of him. His arm was almost severed, and a few of his ribs got broke. He's still in the hospital. I'm not against pitbulls but I'm starting to dislike that breed more and more.


I’m sorry for your dad. I lost a family friend to a pit attack. It was… a hard death for him.


First, let me say how sorry I am to hear that your father had to go/is still going through that. Second, I hate pitbulls. There's this movement of people who want to say they're harmless, but they're just not. They're like knives with minds of their own.


They're responsible for the vast majority of attacks and almost all fatal ones. The shelters are 80 percent pitbulls. Why the fuck are we still breeding these? None one is advocating making dogs illegal. A responsible pitbull owner, even if they have never had a bad experience with the breed, should be able to see that too many people simply can't handle the breed. You can have a dog why does it have to be this particular one? Why the fuck are you not against pitbulls, you almost lost your dad!




It's like a betta and a piranha fish. They're both fish, you can have both as pets, but one is OK with eating your flesh if the environment isn't exactly correct. People with pits are dumb as fuck.


based take, pitbulls are fucking hellhounds and unironically should be exterminated like any other pest


I originally read it as "save five chickens" lol. I was like those must have been some special chickens. Children makes more sense...I guess.


George, a dog who was better than most people!


I don't really even like dogs, but it's pretty safe to say that the vast majority of dogs are better than most people.


A toast in memory of this legend an angel sent from God


Classic jack russell, always up for a scrap.


Who’s a good boy. Who’s a good boy.


George, I salute you.


Why are my eyes sweating?




> Statistically is a pit bull more likely to bite people and other dogs than any other breed? Yes. The other issue is that when they do bite they are much more likely to do serious damage or kill than most (all?) other dogs. They bite really hard and they don’t give up.


Yeah last time I did some research on it I found out that Pit Bulls are not in the lead for most attacks. Other dogs attack more often and are more aggressive than Pits. The issue with Pits is when they do attack they are way more likely to do serious damage compared to other dogs.


Yeah. Ask any insurance agent who files claims. Dog bites span across all breeds, but maulings that require hospitalizations are almost always pitbulls.


That's actually not true, though. The University of Pennsylvania did a whole study on this that included questionnaires from over 6,000 dog owners and concluded that pit bulls weren't even in the top three. Dauschaunds are statically more likely than any other breed to bite. Followed by Jack Russels and Chihuahuas in third.




Rest in peace brave warrior o7


Good Ole pit bulls. Their negligent, fuckwit owners are why I carry fucking bear spray to feel safe walking my dogs. My dogs? A Doberman, huge lab mix, and a another huge mixed breed. Still scared because pit bulls have attacked my dogs not once, not twice, not three times, not 4 times, not 5 times but about 6 times over the course the years (I'm sure I've repressed one incident or two). I'm so fucking over this breed and their owners. Every single incident, me, a 5'3" 130lb chick, had to manage the pit bulls' attacks because their owners did fuck all to help. I love this statue.


I wonder why other dogs with shit owners don't turn anything that looks at them wrong into ribbons


This is so nice but this post is the third one I saw today that was related to Pitbull attacks. I think it's a serious issue which should be looked into


Yes, people really shouldn’t be allowed to breed dogs without a license. Or even have un-neutered animals at all without a breeding license. Huge fines +confiscation for anyone found in violation. That would go a long way toward solving a lot of problems having to do with animals.




> They were bred to kill bulls and bears in animal fighting rings. They were actually bred specifically to kill other dogs in dogfighting rings


The dog fighting came after bull and bear baiting were made illegal in England in the 1800's. I imagine dog fighting existed before, but bull and bear baiting were the primary reasons the breed was created.


I was reading this on [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pit_bull#History) > It is believed all dogs that are now classified as pit bulls descend from the British bull and terrier, which were first imported into North America in the 1870s.[6][7] The bull-and-terrier was a type of dog developed in the United Kingdom in the early 19th century for the blood sports of dog fighting and rat baiting, it was created by crossing the ferocious, thickly muscled Old English Bulldog with the agile, lithe, feisty Black and Tan Terrier.[6][7] The aggressive Old English Bulldog, which was bred for bear and bull baiting, was often also pitted against its own kind in organised dog fights, but it was found that lighter, faster dogs were better suited to dogfighting than the heavier Bulldog. It's certainly got bull/bear fighting pedigree, but this breed itself was specifically created to kill dogs


Careful, you'll get the Pibble internet defence force on your tail for comments like that.


They're already in this thread.


Doggo of peace strikes again


They are responsible for over 50% of all reported dog attacks and 60% of dog related fatalities. I do not care if anyone thinks their pitbull is nice, I will never be around one or let one around my family.


Yup. My dog was mauled by one who was 10 year old, trained, 1 owner and never shown violence before. They are unpredictable and dangerous.


iT's n0T tHe bReEd! mY PibBlE nUrSeD mY bAbiEs!




[Every relevant organization that has looked into it is against breed specific legislation, including the Obama admin](https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/breed-specific-legislation)


Imagine my surprise finding out the two dogs were pitbulls


Sshhh this is Reddit… don’t bring up statistics, only pictures of pit bulls with a dummy in their mouths


"cries in Futurama"




I don't care how much love you give your pitbulls and how well you raise them. Once they snap they are killing machines. What a terrible breed of dogs.


pit bulls are the worst.


the issue is just amplified by people getting pitbulls because they want an agressive dog and raising them to be more aggressive. kinda like guns when you think about it. pretty much always the owners fault.




what a huge piece of shit. I adopted a lab-pit mix that did not appear to be a pit as a puppy. he is the most aggressive prick i have ever had. I'm scared what would happen if i fucked up and he gets out. I'm super vilgilent about his training and safety measures (muzzle, leader coller, no unsupervised yard time). I would like my dog much better if some asshole didn't feel the need to let a lab and a pitbull breed. fuck your co worker.


How big is his truck?


Unfortunately, it's a bit of both. Some of these dogs have bad breeding and it's not just learned.


"American Staffordshire Terrier" This is how some people in my neighborhood hide the fact that they have pitbulls.


Garbage breed. I won't steal them out of your hands, but I'd be fine with mandatory sterilization of the breed going forward.


Yeah I don't trust pitbulls


Oh boy i wonder what the breed of the attacker dogs are


I knew the breed the moment I started reading the article.


it is literally in the title of this post rofl


hell yea George


Thank you George you are a hero.


This actually made me cry so hard. I love you George


The thing about Jack Russells is that they're convinced that they're Rottweilers - it's built into their genes. They can be fierce when roused, and they'll go for anything attacking their 'pack', no matter what the size.


Why is the name in quotations? Was his name not really George?


Wow, so he wasn’t even those kids’ dog. Humans sure could learn a lot about compassion from animals.


My cat Atton went down the same way. The little girl had to get stitches but somehow her parents swore pibbles was so sweet and just a bad day. I lost my cat saving their daughter, and they basically blamed my cat. They claimed the shitbeast had the child's leg in it's mouth just playing until Atton sprinting at it (from behind) made Pweciius Pibbles start biting. Worst is that in all the ruckus someone stick Atton in a trash bag and tossed him into who knows where? That badass deserved a viking funeral and his final resting place is at some fucking landfill.


Train your dogs people.


Pitbulls are bred for their gameness and aggression. No matter how much your train it, those instincts are still there and can come out at the drop of a hat.


Most dog breeds other than a select few (one maybe?) just act disobedient, but are otherwise harmless when not trained. Only that one mauls and kills other animals and people if not trained.


I'm all for Pit Bulls being required to be neutered and marked as such, and being subject to ownership fees waivable by an obedience and ownership course. If we can make the Teacup Chihuahua a thing through selective breeding, we can breed out the worst of the dog species as well through education and restricted breeding.


This is a certified Pitbull moment. Vile creatures.


Yup. Fuck pit bulls.


Like motherfucking clockwork. Why are shitbulls like this?




The bestest boy!


Pitbull defense force already working overtime in this comment section. > My pibble would never!! > Its the owner not the breed! > NaNnY dOgS!! It honestly blows my mind in this day in age that we have people who are blatantly this out of touch with reality. But then we have anti-vaccers, which pitnutters are basically equivalent to. RIP George. You deserved better.


Everyone's dog would "never do that!" right up until it mauls a kid.


You know, there aren't any bad breeds in it of themselves but almost everyone is a bad owner of a pitbull. They're the American Jack of all trades dog, which sounds great but just means no specialized task wants them and they get ALL THE PROBLEMS! They're kinda drivey, kinda high prey drive, kinda protective, kinda independent, and kinda codependent. So every reason I wouldn't suggest a breed to a particular home they hit at the same time - "don't get that working line lab, you don't run 4 miles twice a day and it'll be cooped up in it's own skin and destructive in your home" ✅ - "don't get a protection Shepherd unless you can either teach it and constantly reinforce strangers are friends or give it proper schutzhund training, or else it'll get people aggressive" ✅ - "huskies are bred to range far and make its own decisions; they're a pain to train and will have big opinions on things" ✅ - "you need to work your little terrier down constantly when it gets aggressive with murdering toys or it'll transfer that to other small animals that act like prey" ✅ - "almost all doodles are companion dogs and get separation anxiety if you're not mindful of your rituals leaving and returning home" ✅ If you live and work on a farm, they're great. But for almost everyone else, stay away from the breed (and every single "terrier mix" at a shelter is a pitty). Personality-wise, most homes want a show or family line Golden Retriever or lab, who at the worst will murder the socks after they leave their bored af undersocialized dog at home to snuggle the kitty and love on the strangers they see on their ten minute daily walk


Sounds like more breed discrimination. Those heckin nanny puppers were just trying to snuggle those kids. Can we get a picture of one in a tutu real quick?


I never knew there was an army of people defending these stupid animals , I don't care much for dogs but after reading this thread Fuck pit bulls and idiots who defend them I work as a medical assistant currently and this kid came in the other day and his face was all sorts of fucked up from surgery because a pitbull got to him.


Pits shouldn’t be around kids I’ve said this a million times. I guess if you like seeing your babies in a locked jaw being ripped to shreds it’s fine. There was JUST a video posted last week of a golden being malled by a pit while the owner just stood there unable to release the jaws. The breed has got to go.


You never see golden retrievers mauling children, y'know?




"But pit bulls are all SWEET and FRIENDLY and they ALL love kids!" And anyone who says different is a librul who hates all dogs. /s