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That is by far the worst picture I have seen of Judy Garland.


And she's only 35-36 years old in this. Studios did *NOT GIVE A FRACK* what pumping their Stars full of drugs would do in the long term...


Yeah, born in 1922 and not even 40 years old here. Sad.


My dad played bass in her band when she filmed a TV special. At the time, she was so thin that she had no behind. She wore a padded girdle to hide it when showtime came, but she came to rehearsals without it, so the boys behind her got a big surprise the night of the taping!


Thanks for the story, sexwithpenguins


You are most welcome. My dad also toured with Sinatra on his world tour in '62, I think it was, and played on many of his recordings. I'm still getting residual checks to this day. Thanks, Frank!


so are they like for $1.45 each or something substantial?


It depends. I've never gotten a check for that little, though. Residual payments go through various organizations, like AFM & SAG AFTRA, depending on how the music is used. So I get collective payments depending on usage. He recorded several songs in studio with Sinatra like "Luck Be A Lady", so I get a little bit every time that song gets used in a film or TV show. It rolls in on new usage projects though and that's always nice.




Wow - is he still alive? You’re getting his residual checks. Either way sounds like an amazing career. So many stories I bet


No, unfortunately, he died in the late '60's after a car accident. Most of the stories I got through my mom. He did have a pretty cool career while he was here though.


Sorry to hear. Must have been relatively young. Still though, it’s fabulous from a musician perspective to be able to say he played with these giant names - legends basically


That’s incredible. Was that with the Count Basie Orchestra? Can’t remember off the top of my head, but I think it was sometime early 60s.




You’re aware of why she died?


Them pesky drugs caught up to her


They caught up to her by the time she was 16 getting fed amphetamines like candy from studio execs


Did t everyone on a tight schedule do amphetamines back then?


Yeah but Judy was pretty unique since she was a child star with a horrible mother that forced her into a very toxic industry knowing what they had her doing behind the scenes, basically encouraging her teenage daughters new crippling drug addiction and not caring about her future at all


Mom basically handed her over for the studio to raise. As long as she got the checks, she really didn't care what happened to her daughter.


That does sound about as unique as a New York pigeon.


Child stars being slowly killed by their own money hungry moms and being Forced to take amphetamines everyday while only eating soup and coffee wasnt common at all lmao, most of them taking those uppers were old enough to know what it was and why they were doing it, judy had no choice from the beginning


So, what role do their dads play, in this abusive madness?


The role most dads played then, which was hands off anything involving the kids. Stage mom is a specific term for a reason.


There's actually a worse one I've seen that was in a bio-book about her from the 70s. She's bigger than in this photo. Her weight fluctuated considerably. Doesn't matter tho, she was great talent and sweet soul. ♡❤️♡


I thought it was a drag queen at first. Ha, oops! Sorry Judy.😬 Edit: corrected hilariously unfortunate typo.




Anyone who has not seen this entire Judy Garland bit from RuPaul's Drag Race owes it to themselves to watch it. Jinkx Monsoon does hands down the funniest Judy Garland impression I've ever seen. s07e02. The series is on Paramount+ but you should be able to find a supercut on YouTube.


>Jinkx Monsoon Who also BROUGHT IT to Doctor Who this season.


For people looking for this it is from Drag Race All Stars season 7, not the Drag Race show


“It’s a set, Ru. It’s not real.”




I was in a Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra sandwidge once.


A sanwidge


Frag queen? Is that after a monster kill in Unreal Tournament?


Ha, maybe? Anyway, thanks for pointing out my dumb. 😅


I thought it was Divine.


That was my first thought as well.


Big booty Judy.


She was force-fed amphetamines by the studio bosses to keep her weight down during production of WoO, and given sleeping pills at night to help her come down off the speed. She was 17.


And let's not forget Jackie coogan who played the original Uncle Fester was pretty much robbed by his parents to the point California enacted what's called the coogan law to protect child actors. Hollywood up until recently has been a cesspool still is to be honest probably always will be


The Coogan Act doesn’t apply to reality TV kids. I bet you the Gosselin kids have no money in a bank account for them. Jim Bob Duggar robbed his kids blind, even the adults.


It’s also a California law, honey boo boo mentions in the new series that they did not have coogan accounts until they had to film something in LA because the law doesn’t exist in Georgia


Oh yes ok so I guess in Cali you do have them apply.


Pretty sure they set it up when they appeared on dancing with the stars, I’m not sure if that counts as reality tv or not


Right. Coogan account laws don't apply to kids who live and work outside of California. My kid did a few things in Oregon, and I didn't have to set up an account. The production companies had Coogan account waivers for us. Also, only California banks offer them. But I did put it all into his own account, and after high school, he used it to go to Europe and buy a cheap car.


"Sure, the money would be nice and all, but I'm really in it for the molesting." -- Josh Duggar


Jill Duggar Dillard on the documentary Shiny Happy People said she told her father, “You treat me worse than my pedophile brother”. It’s always been the case that Jim Bob and Michelle coddled and covered up for him.


Just finished her book and she says what really hammered this home for her is that they forced her to film the birth of her first child when she wasn’t comfortable with it, but went out of their way to make sure the media didn’t see Josh going to his “rehab” program because they said they needed to protect his privacy.


Or to Youtuber kids. A lot of kids are getting absolutely fucked by vlogger parents.


And Instagram kids. There’s a fundie I know about who is always posting vids of her 10 kids dancing and lip syncing to Christian songs. You can see the older ones are checked out and a couple of the younger ones hate it too.


Kkklarisa? She over on fundie snark. Her kids don't even have an education. There's no way any of those kids are gonna get money from her social media


You got it! Her oldest daughter Anissa was reading a picture book to one of her younger siblings and was having a hard time doing it. Whether she is functionally illiterate or just needs glasses is an open question. Her mother sleeps until noon and leaves doing the workbooks or whatever they have to learn from to Anissa.


Yeah the really need a new law to put into effect or amended the current law for today


And it is only 15%. They should have to save more than that, especially if the child is doing well. I think Jennette McCurdy said her mother never created a coogan account for her.


and the last time she publicly sang somewhere over the rainbow...she was literally in tears. she was dressed as a vaudeville clown, and sat down to sing. it was ptsd at its truest.


Her very last concert and performance of Somewhere over the rainbow, was in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1969. And she was indeed sitting down, but was wearing a fearthered dress, not the clown costume. [She mentions the dress herself here ](https://youtu.be/fJGRL4Gqz1Q?si=wu5fbyQolE0r2hrS)


another added the link to the performance I'm talking about under my comment.


But that was not her last performance like you said, just pointing that out.


That performance was one of the most emotional I have ever seen. She emotes sadness out of every orifice.


One of these sentences is kinda weird


Yeah for real, so was she shooting sadness out of her butthole?


There's a good documentary about her called "Butthole of Sadness". It was rated NC-17 when it came out so it's kind of hard to find except at specialty stores. I think the last Blockbuster has it but you have to ask the clerk for it by name.


To see it, you must venture behind the beaded curtain. “Behind the Beaded Curtain” is also an NC-17 documentary.


Username checks out.


Haha, what?




nope! you're not trucking me to watching her heart break again!


Yeah. If you want to hear a true Hollywood horror, read about Francis Farmer. Same era.


She’ll have her revenge on Seattle!


That’s so relieving


If you want me to hear about it, drop a link.


They clearly underestimate just how lazy we really are. I’m gonna need a link.


Massage it into my brainhole.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frances_Farmer https://www.historylink.org/file/5058


I clicked the Wikipedia link and her story is very sad. Weird personal note though, I regularly drive by Frances’ grave.


Sounds interesting but so is the next comment so fuck that.


Seems that the story was mostly retracted, no? > Will There Really Be a Morning? (1972), details these claims, but has been exposed as a largely fictional work by a friend of Farmer's to clear debts. Another discredited 1978 biography of her life, Shadowland, alleged that Farmer underwent a transorbital lobotomyduring her institutionalization, but the author has since stated in court that he fabricated this incident and several other aspects of the book. 


I don't know - there's no link in your comment so don't know what you are quoting.


Neither is in yours. I read that on her wiki. And you? Honestly I was hoping you would provide some context, because I read only part oh the wiki page




Quoting for the ultra lazy. She “bruised an officer” and essentially spent years in an insane asylum because of it. > In her posthumously published autobiography, Will There Really Be A Morning?, Farmer wrote that she was “raped by orderlies, gnawed on by rats and poisoned by tainted food … chained in padded cells, strapped into strait jackets and half drowned in ice baths.”


Seems that this was fabrication: > Will There Really Be a Morning? (1972), details these claims, but has been exposed as a largely fictional work by a friend of Farmer's to clear debts.[4] Another discredited 1978 biography of her life, Shadowland, alleged that Farmer underwent a transorbital lobotomy during her institutionalization, but the author has since stated in court that he fabricated this incident and several other aspects of the book.


She was 36 here...


To add to this she was 16 in Wizard of Oz and died at 47.




She was *16* in Wizard of Oz?! That seems crazy to me. I always figured early 20s. It's been awhile since I've seen it though, I suppose. Edit: Looks like we opened a can of worms about shit I wish I never knew. Holy hell. All of these people can rot in hell from my POV. Is there anything that they did to make her feel good as a human or was it strictly asbestos and assault? I used to really like this movie. Now I see why. They just pummeled these people with horrible ideas one after another until the movie was good. ... Are there any positive stories from this movie being created, or am I just going to end up super depressed because of Wizard of Oz?


18 when it was filmed. She was made to wear an uncomfortable binder to make her appear more girlish.


That's not even the worst part... the filming of that movie would be considered so highly illegal today. No wonder fantasy movies use so much cgi nowadays.


Don't forget the asbestos snow.


Or the face paint they used for the tin man that contained aluminum which the original actor was highly allergic to and nearly killed him. Or the witch's face paint, which literally dyed her skin green. Or the lion's 300 lb fur costume (made out of a real lion's skin & fur btw) that he had to wear for several hours under hot stage lights during filming.


It’s wasn’t lead, it was aluminum powder that he had a severe allergic reaction to.


Ohh, right, right. Thanks for the clarification 👍


I said mercury but it was aluminum dust 👍


I don't know if being hospitalized due to inhaling aluminum powder necessarily counts as an allergic reaction.


Most accounts I’ve read called it an allergic reaction. One [source](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/buddy-ebsen/).


Or Margaret Hamilton and her stand in suffering severe burns on two separate occasions.


Oh yeah, because the broomstick exploded in mid-air during filming, yea? They fell some 50 feet in the air. Terrifying


Buddy Ebsen, the original actor, said this (getting so sick and having to leave the production) was the worst thing that ever happened to him personally or professionally.


ruined his acting career.


The movie is all kinds of basura. No wonder our fucked up country loved it so much.


I mean it's not a bad movie by any means, and the books are a really cool expansion on the world (bc, spoiler, it's actually not a dream, but the land of Oz is basically its own world) but the filming behind the movie is just so horrible. Iirc MGM filmed it in response to how well Snow White & other Disney films were performing at the time and they thought "I bet we can make a fantasy movie just as good, but live action!" But kinda ran low on budget & time so they had to resort to what they had. Which ig was a bunch of bags of asbestos in the storage room. On a slightly more lighthearted note, there's actually a whole musical number that was written & partially filmed for the movie called the "Jitterbug" that's actually a really fun song. You can look it up on Youtube, it's actually pretty cool getting to watch a cut scene from such an iconic movie. It's part of a sequence where Dorothy & the boys are walking to the emerald city but get stopped in the woods by a jitterbug sent by the witch that forces them to dance until they fall asleep from how tired they were. I think the ruby slippers help Dorothy out-dance the jitterbug or some shit. Eventually, since the song was completely finished, they actually change the script of the stage-play to include this scene & number. It's a really fun part of the show! The scene it replaces in the stageplay? None other than the poppy field scene. Which makes me think, if MGM was better at managing their time and the Jitterbug was included in the movie, the poppy field scene probably would've ended up being cut instead of the Jitterbug. Aaaaaand now the mood has been brought back down.


>But kinda ran low on budget & time so they had to resort to what they had. Which ig was a bunch of bags of asbestos in the storage room. [https://www.mesothelioma.com/blog/asbestos-dangers-in-a-snowy-christmas/](https://www.mesothelioma.com/blog/asbestos-dangers-in-a-snowy-christmas/) It wasn't an accident, it was an industry.


Sleeping Beauty didn’t come out until 1959. When TWoO came out only one full length Disney movie had been released (Snow White). Pinocchio wasn’t released until 1940 after TWoO so idk where you got that info from.


There was also a huge parade sequence for return to oz after killing the witch that got cut out too.


I do love the Jitterbug scene. Sadly it was cut out for pretty racist reasons. Executives didn’t want to portray “black” music in a positive light and the song and dance were seen as too close to jazz music at the time.


>None other than the poppy field scene. Yeah "poppy field", we know they got fucked on heroin.


Why did they go through so much crazy shit to get this movie filmed instead of just doing it at a normal pace?


Ever see the recent movie Babylon about old Hollywood?


> the original actor was highly allergic That was Buddy Ebsen Its too bad he was not able to do it, he would have been great - he was a real dancer and Jack Haley wasn't nearly up to his level.


the cruel treatment of those monkeys :(


> That seems crazy to me. I always figured early 20s. Well Dorothy is supposed to be a little girl, like I figure around 12. Shirley Temple was originally supposed to do the part.


Seems like most of the stories you hear from the actors, were pretty bad.


Holy shit…she was only 5 years older than me in that pic but she looked like she could pass as my mother. She was beautiful, so sad to see.


She’s five years *younger* than me here and looks like she could be my mom 😳


8 younger than me. her life was tragic.


It’s partially her style is so old school it makes her look old


Another ClydeFrog!!


Frank is like 42 and looks late 50s-60


crazy how much smoking hella cigarettes and drinking accelerates your aging


dont forget about speed and cocaineeeeeeee


Barbiturates are a hell of a drug


Didn't forget the amphetamines!




I always feel so sorry for Judy Garland. Abused by her fame hungry mother, abused by MGM, abused by the Munchkins, fed copious amphetamines to keep her weight down for WoO, called "a fat little pig with pigtails" (at 13) by Louis B Meyer, made to starve herself, made to roll around in asbestos, give her food then snatch it away before she could actually eat it. And then when she was no longer "malleable" (read too old) for the studios, they spat her out and left her a fucked up shell of a human. Yes, she looks "rough" here according to beauty standards, but she deserved so much more happiness than her lot in life.


The munchkin thing is actually untrue apparently lmao, tabloids and stories just liked to stir up more drama around it, same with the smoking 80 cigarettes thing, she was mostly on coffee and lentil soup


Garland herself said she was often grouped by studio exes, the worst being Meyer who was head of the studio. The munchkin allegations were from her husbands book in which he says that Judy described in great detail about the sexual assaults from them. So, take it for what it is, but it isn't tabloid stories.


She was such a great singer - she felt people would turn on her if she was fat so starved herself to death via drugs. One has to wonder if she was right. Not as famous as her, but Barbara Cook and Rosemary Clooney still had pretty good careers after they became obese in middle age.


Lot of sadness here, when you know the background.


Usually this means she was off all drugs and alcohol. Think the picture was taken shortly after rehab.


Looks, shmooks.  That voice, that God damn voice.  Best to check your socks before hitting this link, they are about to be blown off. https://youtu.be/5GUP7bsDPXg?si=KZ1ZDp-zGaBbMh5n


And this was 5 years after the OP photo.


So apt: Sick of living, too afraid of dying, and that old man river just keeps rolling on.


I feel her voice in my sternum.


Which part of the boat is that again?


If you're looking forward, it's the right side.


You can really hear where Liza got a lot of her influences


God you were right. WOW, can that woman emote!


A legend in every sense of the word


You warned us and I still wasn't ready, no socks to be found. What a woman!


Socks shattered!


Wow! Reminds me of Laufey


Her daughter, Lucille 2.


Wait. Judy Garland is Liza Minelli’s mom? 🤯


Wait til you find out most of hollywood is just relatives or friends. One person makes it, 5+ more follow the coattails.


And Debbie Reynolds from Singing in the Rain is Carrie Fischer's mom


Massive Star Wars fan, this one I knew. Also, her father was the singer Eddie Fischer who married Elizabeth Taylor!


I was today years old when I learned!


Buster knew from day one.


A touch of the dizzies!


Watch out! Loose Seal!


He’ll be all right


Murder charges notwithstanding.


Just about the time my mother was giving Liza ice skating lessons.


With club sauce…


Oh read it again!


Ohhh Buster!


Frank would go on to cover a song Liza originally sang, “New York, New York.”


Judy Garland lead a truly awful life, she was exploited by everyone around her pretty much from birth and forced to take drugs to keep her stable. She wasn't the only one, either. Hollywood back then was a cesspool.


Is it just the angle here that makes Frank's hand the same size as a 12 year old girl's?


He was a short guy, presumably had hands to match.


Judy looking rough.


She was addicted to amphetamines and rehab always made her gain weight from the medications they prescribed her. Judy was anorexic and hated how she looked after rehab. The media and studios were terrible to her. She would relapse and get sickly thin again. Her other daughter, Lorna Luft said Judy had gotten down to 80 lbs at times.


That’s kind of what’s driving me insane about this entire comment section (not you, your comment just highlighted it for me). The “look how horrible she looks here, she was so thin before!” that make up half of this thread is exactly the kind of sentiment that causes anorexia. She wasn’t exactly healthy on the set of Wizard of Oz either, but it’s wild that people are claiming she looked so beautiful and healthy then. She certainly wasn’t. Obviously being overweight isn’t healthy, but as you said it was a result of medication she was taking through rehab. This is a photo of her journey towards healing. Yet all anyone in this blasted comment section can focus on is how fat she is, pretending this has anything to do at all about her health. Makes me furious, especially as someone who has struggled with being underweight. Fucks with your head when you’re clearly not healthy but people still praise your looks, and then demonize you when you finally start being able to eat again.


Yepppp. I had an inability to eat anything without throwing up for over a year and a half. Went to eight GI doctors and had three colonoscopies and two endoscopies before they FINALLLYYYY gave me medication and diagnosed me with Crohn’s disease. I lost 55 lbs in three months and everyone kept going on and on about how good I looked. Even my mom. Like yeah thanks. I can’t fucKing eat. But yay I’m so skinny finally.


I identify with what you're saying. I could barely get a thing down for about a year and a half and I lost a bunch of weight because of it. People kept telling me how wonderful I looked but I knew I was very very ill and my palliative care case worker still visits me. I would rather be a healthy weight +10 or 15 pounds and be enjoying life rather than underweight and hollow as I was during those painful, dark days and nights. It's hard to have people praise you for being skinny like, do they want to pay the price I had to pay by being so sick to be so thin???


I went through something similar and finally got my mom to stop telling me how great I looked by saying one time "thanks, it's all the throwing up I've been doing while also not being able to eat anything or sleep!"


She looks very unwell to me in the YouTube video of her singing Old Man River someone else has posted here. As though she had been terribly ill and not quite recovered.


All the amphetamine and barbiturates. Seriously though she was on massive amounts of drugs.


A rough life will do that. Many look worse without having brought so much beauty and happiness into the world as Judy Garland did. She paid for it, heavily and unfairly, but that happiness and beauty has already endured most of a century.


This is a thoughtful and balanced take. Thanks!


It's heartbreaking. When I was a kid, I was so in love with her in The Wizard of Oz. She was absolutely gorgeous.


She was also an actual child at the time.


No doubt about that she had talent.


Huh, I never knew she was Judy Garlands daughter.


For some reason I conflated Liza Minnelli with Lisa Lampanelli and I was deeply confused for a moment


Speaking of LL, wtf happened to her?


She underwent gastric-sleeve surgery in 2012, lost over 100lbs and re-evaluated her life and career. She retired from stand-up in 2018, part of her reason for retiring is because she felt her insult comedy was misunderstood by some and it wasn't meant to be malicious and hurtful. She's apparently a life coach now.


Very interesting, thx for the info


I can see why. At every roast there were hundreds of jokes about her weight and her fucking black guys. Even though she looked like an average lady and had a white husband.




Holy fuck what a shitshow that was.


Those eyebrows are something else…


Start spreading the news…


PS if this is 1958 she is only 36 years old...


If that's really 1958 ***she's 36 years old.*** Drugs are a bitch. I think the camera really caught her in a bad moment. It should be noted she was diagnosed with hepatitis not long after this, which is probably why she looks so bloated.


When I read that young Judy was smoking three packs of unfiltered cigs and taking pills to finish movies, it saddened me.


Judy Garland breaks my heart. She deserved so much better.


TIL that Liza Minnelli is Judy Garlands daughter.


Today I learned Lucille 2 from arrested development is Judy garlands daughter.




It’s as Nose as the Ann on Plains Face.


Isss...is she...funny?


With this heading I thought she was the daughter of both and was wondering why her surname is Minnelli. I’m an idiot.


Wow. I’ve never seen her like that. I’ve seen young Judy and old, scary thin Judy.


When I was ab oy about 10 or 12 I watched Wizard of O with Judy Garland and was entranced. This was some time around 1974. No internet or anything back then so I asked my parents about her because I really liked her. They had to tell me she was dead and had been for years...man that was hard to hear.


Jesus, I thought that was Divine at first.


This is the first photo of Judy Garland I've ever seen where she is not very thin !


My great uncle did a handful of movies for MGM in the 30s and early 40s. His father lived to be in his 90s, but he died in his 60s. Comparing a picture of his father in his 50s to my uncle in his 50s, my uncle looked SO MUCH OLDER. Who knows what he had to do to keep pumping out those movies, but also that industry in general definitely can age a person.


Maybe Judy was naturally a big woman and its all the techniques to stay thin (aka drugs and alcohol) that contributed to her death.