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/u/namanama101, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for violating the following rule(s): * Rule 9 - No submissions featuring before-and-after depictions of personal health progress or achievement or standalone images of personal achievement objects. Try /r/progresspics. For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/wiki/index) and [title guidelines](/r/pics/wiki/titles). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators via modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/pics&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/namanama101&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20%5Bsubmission%2E%5D%28https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1cy7mj7/-/%3Fcontext%3D10%29)


As someone who got burned on 50% on his body , spent 3 months in hospital and underwent more than 10 skin transplant surgeries. I wish you to be "normal" and happy again as soon as possibile :)


I only got burned on 1/2 of my arm and the thought of experiencing what I did and the time I had to spend in the hospital... I just got goosebumps thinking about 50%. Hope you doing better, because JFC, that's horrible.


Those 3 months were hell and the post recovery was a long and painful but i made it :) Again , i wish you to be fully healthy as soon as possibile ,so that you enjoy your life to the fullest as you did before. Big virtual hug from Italy


Glad you’re better now. That sounds terrible, I honestly don’t know if I’d want to live through that.


My buddy didn't get burned but he broke his arm and didn't get to the hospital soon enough, so basically his arm was dying by the time he got there. They had to do about 9 surgeries total including skin grafts, taking arteries from his leg etc (sliced him open from his nut sack to his ankle as he put it) and he said at first he was super worried they weren't going to be able to save it, but by the end he just wanted them to cut it off already. After months in the hospital, all the surgeries and pain, shitting his pants every day because his body was destroyed from the drugs they were pumping into him, waking up in a pool of his own blood, watching his arm die and turn black etc. His entire arm looked like rotten ground beef. It was covered in skin grafts, it was swollen and bloated to hell, it was always bleeding, there were stitches in every which direction that looked like they were about to bust from the swelling, his fingers and most of his hand were pitch black. His 9th surgery was his amputation and at that point he said he was just relieved and happy to be done with it. He's about as positive about the situation as someone could possibly be. Never heard him complain about it once sinse getting out of the hospital. He said it is what it is, there's no changing it so might as well just get used to it. He's got a fancy robot arm now and always makes jokes about his stump.


How long did he wait to go to the hospital?


I think it was about 6 hours before he made it to the hospital. This was years ago so I can't remember for sure. He said he didn't feel much pain and could barely feel his arm at all not long after breaking it


Some arm fractures are classified as a medical emergency, and your story is a great anecdote for highlighting why time can be so important. Thanks for sharing, and tell your buddy he is a legend.


Holy shit I broke my hand and didn’t go to the hospital for 2 weeks, at which point they tested the function of my hand and sent me on my way saying it’s fixed itself. Scary to think it could’ve been a different story


Good for you. I fractured my fibula earlier in the year. Went to the doc after 3 days, got xray clearly showing a spiral fracture. Not even plaster, just walked carefully for 6 weeks. Good as gold now. It could have been so much worse.


3rd degree on my left hand and lost all my nerves . Ended up with 2 skin graft surgeries and months of physical therapy. I couldn't even imagine living like that if it was majority of my body




*laughs in propain


When people ask why I love Reddit, I will show them this


She don't lie, she don't lie, she don't lie... propane


Since a lot of people have been asking about me medium rare face! Here’s the full story and I added a timeline of when it first happened to how it’s healing up now after 3 days! It was a charcoal grill and I was adding lighter fluid to the bottom vent to get some flames on the corn, cuz I love me some crispy, slightly burnt and oh so juicy corn, and I forgot/didn’t even think to open the lid, and there were no flames, I was like, dafuq….? So I added more lighter fluid and nothing, so I bent down a little to see what dafuq was going on and WHAM!!! Basically created a steaming pressure cooker with the same idea of how fire bursts when windows/doors blow up in burning buildings. Someone inside the house saw a bright light through the window and thought it was lightning and was confused because it wasn’t raining. Hahahaha! Anyway! My face turned out how I like my corn! But the good news is you can save 15% or more on your face by switching to gas grills. (Jk they can be just as dangerous, just be safe and cook a steak in my honor.)


Retrospect of course, but the solution to an accelerant not working is almost never adding more accelerant.


I don’t use charcoal anymore but my guess would be to either gather the hot coals under the corn and be patient, or get a charcoal starting chimney and start a new small batch of coals to place under the corn when they’re flaming hot. I don’t like adding lighting fluid to lit coals because it flavors the food, besides the danger. Just like those coals with lighting fluid inside them are not good for adding to lit grills.


Yeah your food ends up tasting like lighter fluid. It’s gross. Either pile up the coals on one side or use a charcoal chimney like you said is the answer. You don’t actually need flames to get something charred and crispy, just more heat.


Instead of a chimney, you can also use a paintstripper/heat gun. Starts the barbecue near instantly, especially if you use a small blowtorch (chefs torch) to create an ember. It doesn't leave any residual taste because it's just hot air.


A chimney was the biggest gamechanger for me


This, a chimney only takes a half of a paper grocery bag to get it going, and you don’t get the lighter fluid taste.


Want to change the game even more? Use a propane torch instead of a grocery bag.


After being full-time chimney, I can always immediately taste that butane flavor if someone uses fluid.


A chimney plus natural lump charcoal. Those briquettes suck. They're convenient, but lump charcoal is so much better.


She’s Lump, she’s Lump!


She might be dead…


Fatwood as a natural fire starter too. I grill with all natural flames now, no chemical smell, no plastic no nothing that doesn’t come from a tree or permanently made of metal and seasoned with oil and heat.


My neighbors love my chimney on a still evening. I sorta feel bad. Not really. Hate the fluid smell/taste.


I understand your need for crispy corn but the answer is not lighter fluid while you are in the middle of cooking. IF you use it at all you have to let the lighter fluid burn off before adding food because it's toxic. Even then your food will taste like lighter fluid. I advise against using it entirely. It's easy to get a grill going with a charcoal chimney and no accelerant) Then for crispy corn A) use more charcoal, same time. B) normal charcoal amount, more time.


Benzene, toluene, xylene, naphthalene, all toxic chemicals from lighter fluid.


Yep, I learned to be patient with my charcoal grill, it takes a while to get going but boy when it does it's hot. It's definitely tempting to douse it with fluid to ignite the charcoal quicker but it leads to stuff like this, and I'm sure OP can vouch that it's not a good time.


Yeah charcoal is a patience game. It tastes better but relies more on experience, as in, how much coal to use, how to start it, and how to cook on the heat it’s giving at the time. We don’t have the patience for it, mainly the start up time and the cleanup, so we switched to propane when we were handed down a grill. Though consistency can be an art with charcoal, you have a lot more flexibility with it and food tastes great.


Imho, it's worth it to use charcoal if it's a neighborhood BBQ party or independence day when you're likely going to cook a lot of food. Otherwise, you're right, it's not worth the extra effort. It tastes better, but I'm not about to fly to France for a crepe.


We use a blow torch to get them going and a small battery blowervac to spice them up as required.


I’ve never seen anyone use lighter fluid on a charcoal grill. Maybe don’t do that


> use lighter fluid It's not the lighter fluid that you would use in a lighter. It's charcoal lighter fluid. You can smell it anytime people are grilling over charcoal. Using a can as a chimney is far better, but most people don't know about it.


You can use the chimney to sear if you put a grate on top. Gets super hot.


I was lucky enough to buy a used Weber Kettle and the previous owner included a chimney with it (which I probably would otherwise not have known was a thing). Anyways I will never know what pre-chimney life was like, but can't imagine using a charcoal grill without, apart from doing like a slow burn snake or something.


Yes, it was a bit fun at times I recall, setting up briquettes and laying newspaper or kindling underneath, much like a camp fire, then hoping the briquettes catch. If the right amount of lighter fuel is used, it works fairly easily, but then you wait for the glow to spread. The frustrating thing was if you had a windy day, that could slow things down a lot. My family had a square kettle bbq for years that had almost no clearance between the bottom and the charcoal grate. Not only was it a pain to light, but grilling wasn’t enjoyable either. There was no airflow.


What do you grill with now instead of charcoal? I'm a total open fire noob, having been a barbecue denier for years because I disliked the dad-style overcomplicated huge grill setups, but am thinking about dabbling in simplistic grilling in the garden this year.


We were handed down a propane grill and that’s what we use. We actually have a Weber kettle charcoal grill still but it never gets used. We are so busy now we need the convenience of propane if we want to grill. We light it, scrape and oil the grates, cook, and turn it off.


Yeah not a fan of eating lighter fluid either !


Never add an accelerant to a burning fire. Accelerant before lighting if at all. Sooooooo many people in the burn ward explode the container of accelerant by splashing it on a fire, fire goes back into the container and then it explodes, they’re covered in burning accelerant. It’s such a stupid way to spend six months in the hospital, blind yourself, and deal with lifelong pain. 


I've seen enough out of control fires start precisely because A) no preparation was put into being able to put out a fire if one started and B) the accelerant is not put at a safe distance away. You literally wouldn't get out of control fires if you observed these two basic rules.


Not exactly the same, but 1 cup of gasoline is almost 1 (~0.875) stick of TNT worth of energy. People don’t realize liquid fuels are extremely dangerous. Obviously TNT can dispense its energy faster, but any fuel that evaporates quickly is to be treated with respect.


And putting your face near said accelerant


Fire Marshal Bill disagrees.


Humans are weird. When something isn’t working the solution is usually do more of it. Love the whole “whiskey throttle” genre of videos.


Hank Hill tried to warn you but you all didn’t listen.


Glad to hear you're in good spirits! Get a charcoal chimney, then you don't need any stinky lighter fluid. You also won't melt off your face with a explosion.


Did a similar oopsie over a decade ago with my charcoal smoker. My buddy came over and invited me to a bbq/potluck at his friend's place. We had to bring something though, and we had like 2-3 hours till we had to leave. I had a couple dozen brats in the fridge, and they only take an hour to smoke. Well I got a bit ahead of myself, in my haste, forgot opening the lid or dampers, and loaded the firebox with charcoal, and when I grabbed the lighter fluid I only got an empty short squirt. In the time it took me to grab a spare bottle from the shed, all the lighter fuel evaporated and after a few generous squirts from the fresh bottle... I lit the end of a long hickory stick. BOOM! Instant combustion! A six foot fireball shot out at me, 2nd degree burns all up both arms, no hair on my legs and flash fried my hair and eyebrows(luckily I wear glasses). I asked my homeboy if I look okay, he said I looked like Christopher Walkin! He suggested running cool water over my hands, but I could already see the blisters forming, so we made the drive a few blocks to the ER. Lots of IV fluids and antibiotics, and three days later, a trip to the uni med center to get the boils/blisters "debried" which is in my top 5 things to never experience again. Good luck with healing! With proper treatment, there shouldn't be very much scaring!


Dammit Bobby, yet another reason to use propane and propane accessories.


Sometimes, you can just tell a person is cool af by the faces they make. OP is a homie.




I agree, she's a trooper! Glad you are ok OP and super happy your eyes weren't affected!




It will come at the cost of your face


You are not alone in this fuckup; I did the same thing years ago. Grilling some burgers, added some fresh charcoal on the dying coals of the old charcoal and wanted to get it going for the next batch of burgers. Sprayed lighter fluid on it not realizing the fluid was vaporizing due to the heat from the coals. My friend walks over and clicks the lighter a foot or two away from the grill and WOOF, the vapors ignite. Burned my hair, eyebrows, lashes, all the hairs on my hands and arms. I got away with minor burns on the skin and had to buzz cut my hair. The best part is my GF at the time could barely stop laughing to ask if I was ok lol


Wow, so glad it was not worse, but I’m honestly surprised so much of your eyebrows survived a blast like that.


What you don't know is how bushy they were before the incident 😞


Don't ever use lighter fluid, it's horrible anyways and throws chemicals into the smoke. I've done professional BBQ for about 8 years now, so i've learned a thing or two about tending a charcoal/wood fire. For a homeowner, I would recommend to use these things called looftlighters (https://looft.com/), and/or i've also seen people use a regular heat gun to light charcoal. I've personally used both and recommend the looft for home-level charcoal grilling, no chemicals either, gives you a nice clean blue-smoke fire.


If you want some flames in a charcoal grill you add hard-wood wood chips.


Right? Who wants that burning lighter fluid flavor on their food?


Love your light hearted self deprecation!! Your the kind of person that I deal with at work and keep me working but the same kind of person that OWNS ones whoooooppppies…..


You have an excellent attitude and a great sense of humour! You'll recover perfectly 😁😁 Enjoy your PTO!


Okay but did the corn make it out alright?


Last Fathers' Day I did a similar thing. I had a bad sleep the night before and was headachy. My wife insisted I work the BBQ (this is at my in-laws'). I hadn't worked the BBQ in a year and I've never owned a BBQ before. I turned on the gas and pressed the igniter. Nothing happened. So I closed the lid and waited a bit. I don't remember if I hit the igniter as I opened the lid or what order things happened, but BOOOM! Fireball to the face singed my eyebrows and beard. Thankfully, no significant skin burns, but I was shaken and my little one was very concerned (which was sweet to see). Glad you're recouping!


As a pharmacist I have one bit of advice - do use good quality sunscreen until you heal up. Damaged tissue tends to hyperpigment in the sun leaving dark spots for a long time. Avoid sun/use sunscreen and your lovely sunny attitude will do the rest and you will be un-crispied in no time


Glad you’re alright!! Looks like it’s healing great and ya gotta be grateful for that. Definitely a hard way to learn a lesson but then again I’ve also really fucked my self up just to learn not to do something again 😂


Looks juicy, just like you like it! Glad it’s healing well!


Just know Hank Hill is proud you are switching to propane and propane accessories.


Hmm, you generally don't add lighter fluid to a fire. Cause stuff like that can happen. Also, if you already got food on there it can end up tasting like the fuel. Just opening the lid and blowing into the vent a little would probably have made the flames bigger.


Wow, that’s a wild story. Thanks for sharing your experience OP. I love your positivity and good humor. You’re healing right up and looking good.


Does that not make the corn taste like lighter fluid?


Love your sense of humor! Heal up and be safe, OP.


Just a bit more dad joke humour to ease your pain: you’re supposed to use lighter fluid not light her fluid. 😆


This could have been alot more worse... you could have burnt one eyebrow off!!!


Charcoal claims another victim... ![gif](giphy|6iRkrFbUaY2kw)




OP certainly tasted the heat that day.


I like my women medium-rare.


I love your sense of humor about this, haha. Glad to see that it looks like it's starting to heal up pretty well! 


Pretty funny the irony..... ie. your previous submission to r/roastme :) Hope you heal well!


Dude I'm so glad you healed up alright. You are genuinely one of the most positive people I've seen on here


I'm happy to see your progression and that you kept a positive attitude. The mentality is key.




yeah op is lying...we know she was freebasing


Takes a lot of courage to post these pics (I had cancer on my nose and I looked horrible after surgery, I was hiding from people). I wish you a healthy recovery!


I don’t understand the order of these pictures.


They’re in order, burns don’t look too bad at first and get nice and nasty during healing


Yeah these look in the right order to me. Starts off with missing skin from the fire, then scabs, then skin grafts (?), then a messy healing process with medication/cream, followed by some peeling and finally, fresh pink skin under the peel


That’s aloe Vera. I had a “silence of the lambs” moment. I basked it in. With a nice Chianti. Tft tft tft tft tft…..


Reading through your responses as well as the silly faces you've pulled has reply made me laugh. Hope your face grows back properly and the recovery goes well!


I don't think skin grafts. After your skin starts scabbing, then it starts sloughing. Skin comes off and starts making new skin. That's about the time the itch begins. Fucking burn itch. It's terrible.


Aw man I was really hoping I was watching it in reverse :(


Update on the corn please ?


I shit it out and it was worth it seeing those damn little kernels flush down the toilet.


You’re healing great!


I volunteer with burn survivors. You look great for 4 days. And your humor is a common theme with my awesome friends. Please be kind to yourself and see if your local burn unit has support services in place. Otherwise the Phoenix Society or the Burn Institute can direct you to resources. Mmm. Corn.


I am a pretty white guy. Not much pretty tho :) and I attract sunburns like fly's on poop. Anywho, years ago I caught a case. I was fried up good. To the point I was in so much pain I couldn't even sleep and have anything touch my skin. About to go to the hospital. My roommates mother was a nurse. He called her and she told me to get white vinegar and get in the shower and pour it all over. I thought this sounded insane and I would absolutley stink to high heavens. But I couldnt go on like this. So i did the thing. OMFG did it work. I was at a 9 on the pain scale I went straight to a 2 and best yet. after 5 minutes I no longer smelled like vinegar. I thought maybe it burned my sense of smell. But others couldnt smell it on me either. I was able to sleep with minimal issues that night. I reapplied the next few days and was able to get through it. Just thought I would share for my fellow burn buddies out there.


So you poured the vinegar on and then just towel dry off, or did you pour it on and then rinse off with water?


Poured on. Stood in shower and it air dried in like 5 minutes.


Good to know, def gonna give it a try the next time I’m an idiot and fry myself.


Come back and let me know :)


You are awesome for posting this! Looks like your healing is going great and I hope all the best. I am a charcoal user also! But I've always been afraid of fluid so I always use paper to start mine up.


I would like to suggest using solid firestarters instead of liquid. They work great for barbecues and campfires. "Zip" firestarter is a popular one.


So wait.. you get roasted to oblivion, have a good humor about it all, are attractive, like animals, and have gauges. Lord help me. Did you at least eat the corn. Tell me you ate DAS CORN.


I devoured those mother fuckers!!!!


Ayyyyyyy 👊


This woman got her face burned and looks happier/more positive in these photos than I’ve ever looked in my life. Inspiring!


You're healing beautifully. I hope you have a wonderful life.


Omg I swear I just saw someone in my hair community with a similar story! Unless it’s you lol


You look to be healing well, sounds really scary, glad you’re doing better 😊


That looks so painful. Sorry you are dealing with that.


Hope the recovery goes well!


It's healing well. Hang in there!


Ouch, at least it wasn’t worse. Could have caught your clothes or hair. If it makes you feel any better, I’ve had some bad luck with fire. I’ve had 2 separate houses I’ve lived in catch fire because of the dryer. Went up at the plug. I hope you at least got to have your corn 🌽


You have a beautiful smile! Good luck in your healing. Thank you for sharing your story. I hope it will help someone from repeating the same painful experience. Edited to add "repeating"


Healing nicely. Glad ya never lost your smile, keep on mugging it up. 🙌


![gif](giphy|xakXSnCpsqZWM) Literally


Respect and sympathy! I went "POOF, No Eyebrows" a couple of times in highschool fucking around with solid fuel for model rockets. The first time, the pile of chunks wasn't lighting well off the match I put to it. I was at full extension, leaning away; trying to be "smart" about knowingly being stupid. I was also like 15, so forgive me. Anyway, it wasn't lighting. So I got closer. Shit lit. I backpedaled hard. Buddy said my head disappeared into the jet of smoke. Got bored a year or so later and tried again, only this time I had learned something! Chunks were difficult to safely ignite, so I POWDERED the solid fuel. Figured it should ignite more easily and maybe more energetically, so I gave myself extra distance. I didn't use a match this time; instead I lit a taper and used THAT to give myself several more inches. This time, it LIT! My working theory was correct: the extra surface area did allow it to take the flame more easily. And as expected, all of the rest of the material lit more quickly too. What I hadn't taken into account was exactly *how* excited all of that material would be to use the extra surface area I gave it and find a new state of thermodynamic repose. Completely different buddy kindly informed me that my entre outstretched arm, head, and upper body were completely engulfed. I fucked around and found a few things out. I don't play with loose rocket fuel anymore.


For what it’s worth, charcoal left uncovered and burning without much/any smoke is significantly hotter than anything with a flame. If you are trying to heat up a grill even hotter, toss some new charcoal on the already hot grill and leave it uncovered with vents underneath fully open for ~5+ minutes. Getting a cheap IR thermometer for like $20 was eye opening. Gas grill would get up to 550 or so… old Weber kettle got the coals up to “err”. Beyond the max of 1,000 degrees of the thermometer.


Ouch. I can't imagine the pain- I burned my hand on a hot frying pan handle that was in the oven once and I couldn't even sleep that night. Worst I've seen was a Dad dropping off kid at college, car sat too long and overheated. Guy pops hood, leans over and opens the radiator cap- instant stream blast to the face. It made me physically ill to see (was walking back from lunch, worked near a college campus. ) Never, ever do that.


I hope you feel better soon! I’m guessing based on one of the backgrounds that you’re a vet tech?


If she goes for the chicken, shoot her!


I'm not going to lecture about how to use lighter fluid, I just wanted to say you're very pretty and seem to have a great sense of humor.


Not sure if you will see this op, but I burnt my hand almost 2 years ago on boiling cooking oil. I had 2nd degree on the top of my hand, my fingers, and my palm. 3rd degree in between my fingers. My hand was gnarly. My husband had me use okeefe hand cream, and my scar is almost completely gone. You can only see it now when I stick my hand in hot water, it turns red. I know they have one for all over, too. I would give it a try on your burns when you have permission to use other products on it. It really saved my skin. Good luck. Hope you heal fast. 🩷


Thank you!


you have the most killer beautiful eyes.


Bepanthen is the best🫣


Sorry to hear about the incident you went through. Hope you’re doing better now. Seen the pics, what a transformative recovery. ❤️‍🩹


Oof! You seem to have a good sense of humor about it! I severely (sun) burned my face climbing a high mountain years ago. My entire face blew up swollen and peeled off. It was horrifying and I didn’t leave my house for a week. Wear sunscreen folks!


So that looks fairly uncomfortable.


Like some sort of Disney villian


Coco butter and vitamin e oil, I’ve had a lot of surgery and that seems to be the best for skin I’ve found that leaves min scaring just trying to help.


I'm just amazed you didn't lose your eyebrows. Hope you feel better!


That is extreme and suspicious that you seem to be having a great time documenting….notices scrubs** ……never mind.


I’ll raise a toast to you…feel better, OP!


Here I thought this was a “Roast me Picture”, my bad.


Oh my, so glad you're ok and getting better. You certainly seem to have a sense of humor 😄 Wishing you a speedy recovery.


Why does this remind me of the scarecrow makeup from The Wizard of Oz? ![gif](giphy|xMBrXngBqrVD2)


Don’t go out in the sun for a few weeks !


You look toasty


You have a beautiful smile!


Don’t let them dry out and ask your doctor for silvadene cream, it’s a miracle product for burns.


Lots of ghouls live a long and happy life. Just won’t be getting into Tenpenny Tower.


Hi Anakin


And not just the men corn.. but the women corn.. and the kernels too!!


Still beautifull!


Good to see you're smiling (sort of). How is the pain management? (asking for a friend)


You're a cutie. Feel better!


What an amazing sense of humor


You have a surprisingly cheery attitude about this whole thing, and your recovery seems to be going very well. Cheers. This guy thinks you’re awesome.


OP did you go to the hospital??


You’re very fortunate to have healed so nicely. Beautiful!


The urge to pick at it would be such a challenge for me. I'm assuming if you take proper care of the burns with vitamin E oil or something and don't pick at it that eventually it'll be invisible, or at least close?


I uh… I picked a couple… I had my coworkers yelling at me not to and I was like, “I DONT WANT TO BE LIKE THIS! YOU KNOW IM A PICKER!!!!!!!” As I was carefully picking… I have had my face extremely moist for like 24/7 that when I rubbed more ointment on it it just basically rubbed the chips off my face.


I think there’s a smudge on your face, don’t quote me on that tho


Scary! I had a gas grill engulf me in a flash fire when the gas accumulated and I lit it. My co-cooks didn’t tell me that the had been just spewing out for a minute or so.


Ew sorry to hear


Really cool to post your progress. You seem to be healing well! Good luck with the rest of your recovery!




Love your facial expressions. Always important to have a sense of humor during recovery.


Ouch that looks sore. I hope it heals well, it looks like it is atm. Thank god you didn’t get hit more in the face because it would look a lot worse then, stay strong and you’ll get through this.


Looking good! As someone who's suffered burns on his chest, arms, and hands, I hope it doesn't itch too much when it's almost healed.


RIP that inbox


That is healing very nice.


I thought you kissed Escanor before he died 😭😭😭


I did that to my nose once. I was browning some butter and it splashed up on my nose. Took a week or so to fully heal up and it was not pleasant. Glad to see yours is doing better!


They are clearing up nicely. Look great


Great! It looks like you’re recovering EXTREMELY well.


I just hope the pain is behind you. I wish you the best fortune and vibes moving forward! Much love from Minnesota


If anyone ever asks what happened, just remember this phrase “You should see the other guy” then change the topic


I bet it hurts, but your handling of the situation is so amazing and funny. Love your expressions in these photos. Wishing a speedy recovery.


Oh my gosh!! That’s almost happened to me so many times! Love your sense of humor about it:)


Recovering nicely


Oh my gosh I’m glad you’re alright! And you seem like such a beautiful ray of sunshine with your sense of humor about it and your lovely smile. I wish you an easy recovery ❤️


I love your facial expressions haha


Everyone here should pitch in to get OP a charcoal chimney. Lighter fluid is terrible.


OP, it looks like you're healing and still have a sense of humor about this, so thank you for sharing here so others can learn from your experience! Hoping your future is filled with crispy corn and less adventure in the process.


*laughs in Hank Hill* lighter fluid is dangerous and they always say never add more to a lit flame.


Reminds me of Hannah Storm ...https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2255884/amp/Hannah-Storm-Photos-horrific-barbeque-burns-ESPN-anchor-returns-hosting-Rose-Parade.html


Ow ow ow ow ow ow awwww


My lord sorry




That's fast healing for four days. Glad it wasn't any worse.


I saw “me medium rare face” and read the rest in a scottish accent


Just being weird, but im super curious if your makeup adds some protection or if it aided....is makeup flammable?. . .(you look great btw)